Projection methods for stochastic differential equations with conserved quantities 6 1 0 Weien Zhou∗, Liying Zhang†, Jialin Hong‡, Songhe Song§ 2 n a J Abstract 6 Inthispaper, weconsiderthenumericalmethodspreservingsingleor 1 multiple conserved quantities, and these methods are able to reach high order of strong convergence simultaneously based on some kinds of pro- ] A jection methods. The mean-square convergence orders of these methods N under certain conditions are given, which can reach order 1.5 or even 2 according to the supporting methods embedded in the projection step. . h Finally, three numerical experiments are taken into account to show the t superiority of the projection methods. a m Keywords: Stochasticdifferentialequations,Conservedquan- [ tities, Projection methods, Mean-square convergence 1 v 1 Introduction 7 5 1 Astheprocessofmodelinginscienceandengineeringbecomesmuchmorerealis- 4 tic, stochastic differential equations (SDEs) have to be taken into consideration 0 to characterize the stochastic effects. Since most SDEs cannot be solved explic- . 1 itly, there have been large numbers of works in developing effective and reliable 0 numerical methods for SDEs (see e.g. [2, 12, 16] and references therein). 6 It is a significant issue whether or not some geometric features of SDEs are 1 : preserved in performing reliable numerical methods, especially for long time v simulations, which is as important as the deterministic case [7]. In this aspect, i X a range of numerical methods have been proposed to preserve different proper- r ties of SDEs with special forms (e.g. [9, 15, 18]). Among these properties is the a conserved quantity which is intrinsic and essential for some stochastic systems. ∗CollegeofScience,NationalUniversityofDefenseTechnology,Changsha410073,China. ([email protected]). †School of Mathematical Science, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing 100083,China. ([email protected]). ‡InstituteofComputationalMathematicsandScientific/EngineeringComputing,Chinese AcademyofSciences,Beijing,100190,China. ([email protected]). §State Key Laboratory of High Performance Computing, National University of Defense Technology,Changsha410073,China. ([email protected]). 1 As a matter of fact, it is crucial to construct numerical methods which can pre- serve the conserved quantity if the original systems possess. [18] proposes an energy conservative stochastic difference scheme for one-dimensional stochastic canonical Hamiltonian system and gives the corresponding local errors. In [11], a discrete gradient method is constructed to preserve single conserved quantity, which is of mean-square order 1. [3] generalizes the average vector field (AVF) method to stochastic Poisson systems, and also construct first mean-square order method with single conserved quantity. Then [5] proposes a novel conser- vative method for more general SDEs and analyzes the strong and weak order. In [10], the authors obtain some conditions for a series of stochastic Runge- Kutta (SRK) methods preserving quadratic conserved quantity. [13] presents Lie group integrators for SDEs with non-commutative vector fields whose solu- tion evolves on a smooth finite-dimensional manifold which can be formed by a conserved quantity. To the best of our knowledge, the existing numerical methods cannot pre- serve general multiple conserved quantities (not limited to quadratic ones) of SDEs. Therefore, we mainly focus on constructing numerical methods preserv- ingthesingleormultipleconservedquantities. Anotherkeypointistoimprove the accuracy of the methods with the conservative property. Based on the two requirements above, we consider the projection methods combined with sup- portingmethodsthatarecommonandconvenienttosolveSDEs,suchasEuler, Milstein and high order Itˆo-Taylor methods. Then we obtain that the pro- posed methods share the similar convergence order to the supporting methods that we embed in the projection steps. Therefore, the projection methods are able to preserve the conserved quantities of SDEs exactly and reach high order of strong convergence simultaneously. The approaches of projection here are available to any dimensional system greater than one and are not restricted to even-dimensional systems such as stochastic Hamiltonian systems. Therestofthepaperisorganizedasfollows. Sect. 2givessomepreliminaries about SDEs with conserved quantities and some necessary notations. In Sect. 3, we outline the basic ideas of projection methods and derive the convergence order in the mean-square sense for stochastic systems with single conserved quantity. InSect. 4,westudythecorrespondingprojectionmethodsinthecase of systems possessing multiple conserved quantities. Finally, in Sect. 5, three typical numerical experiments show that our proposed numerical methods are of appropriate convergence order, and have advantages in preserving conserved quantities, which verify the theoretical analysis in previous sections. Throughout the paper, we will use the following basic notations: ()(cid:62): The transpose operator for a vector or matrix. • · ()−1: The inverse operator for a invertible square matrix. • · : The trace norm for vector or matrix defined by x = Tr(x(cid:62)x). • |·| | | Ck(Rd1,Rd2): The set of k times continuously differentia(cid:112)l functions f : • Rbd1 Rd2 with uniformly bounded derivatives up to order k. → 2 2 Preliminary Consider the initial value problem for the general d-dimensional autonomous SDE in the sense of Stratonovich: m dX(t)=f X(t) dt+ g X(t) dW (t), t [0,T], r r ◦ ∈ (1) r=1 X(0)=X(cid:0), (cid:1) (cid:88) (cid:0) (cid:1) 0 where X(t) is a d-dimensional column vector, Wr(t),r = 1,...,m, are m in- dependent one-dimensional standard Wiener processes defined on a complete filtered probability space (Ω, ,P, ) fulfilling the usual conditions, f t t≥0 and g are Rd-valued functionsFsatis{fFyin}g the conditions under which (1) has a r unique solution (see for example [12]). X is -measurable random variable 0 0 with EX 2 < . F 0 | | ∞ Definition2.1. AdifferentiablescalarfunctionI(x)iscalledaconservedquan- tity (also called an invariant or a first integral) of SDE (1) if I(x)(cid:62)f(x)=0, I(x)(cid:62)g (x)=0, r =1,...,m, (2) r ∇ ∇ where I()=( ∂I ,..., ∂I )(cid:62) is the gradient of I(). ∇ · ∂x1 ∂xd · If X(t) is the exact solution of (1) with the conserved quantity I(x), then we have m (cid:62) (cid:62) dI X(t) = I X(t) f X(t) dt+ I X(t) g X(t) dW (t)=0, r r ∇ ∇ ◦ r=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:88) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (3) whichisobtainedbyItˆo’sformulainStratonovichsensetogetherwith(2). This simply implies that I X(t) = I X holds along the exact solution of (1) 0 almost surely. If the initial value X is taken to be deterministic, then I X(t) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0)0 (cid:1) is a deterministic quantity independent of time. From this point of view, the (cid:0) (cid:1) definition above gives a stochastic version of the conserved quantity that is similar to the case of deterministic system. Therefore, we naturally hope that the numerical solutions preserve this property in sample path way as well. Here are some examples of stochastic systems with conserved quantity. One is the stochastic canonical Hamiltonian system (d=2n) [18] m dX(t)=J−1 H X(t) dt+ c dW (t) , (4) r ∇ (cid:32) ◦ (cid:33) r=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:88) where J = 0 In is a standard 2n-dimensional symplectic matrix with n n identity matr−iIxnI0, and c R is a constant parameter. It is an example of×(1) n (cid:0) (cid:1) ∈ possessing an conserved quantity H(x) which is the Hamiltonian function of (4). A more general stochastic system given by m dX(t)=J−1 H X(t) dt+ J−1 H X(t) dW (t) (5) r r ∇ ∇ ◦ r=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:88) (cid:0) (cid:1) 3 also has a conserved quantity I(x), if I,H =0 and I,H =0,r =1,...,m, r { } { } with Poisson bracket I ,I := I(cid:62)J−1 I (see [1, 14] for details). For { 1 2} ∇ 1 ∇ 2 stochastic Hamiltonian systems, if we denote X = (P,Q) and X = (p,q), the 0 transformation(p,q) (P,Q)preservessymplecticstructuredP dQ=dp dq. (cid:55)→ ∧ ∧ Many efforts have been made to develop symplectic methods for such systems [15, 19]. However, in general, these methods do not preserve the Hamiltonian H(x) exactly. Another example is the stochastic Poisson system dX(t)=B X(t) I X(t) (dt+c dW(t)). (6) ∇ ◦ HereB(x)isad dsmooths(cid:0)kew-s(cid:1)ymm(cid:0)etric(cid:1)matrix-valuedfunctionsothatI(x) × is a conserved quantity of (6). [5] mainly studies the energy-preserving scheme for(6),whichturnsouttobemean-squareorder1(forageneralmultiplenoises case see [3] for details). In the next two sections, we will investigate the projection methods for system (1) with single and multiple conserved quantities in details, and derive their convergence order in mean-square sense. 3 Single conserved quantity First we consider the SDE with only one (or only one is known) conserved quantity. Assuming that SDE (1) possesses a conserved quantity I : Rd R, (cid:55)→ then owing to equation (3), we have X(t) := x Rd I(x)=I(X ) , t [0,T], a.s. ∈MX0 ∈ | 0 ∈ (cid:110) (cid:111) ThismeansthatX(t)willbeconfinedtotheinvariantsubmanifold almost MX0 surely, which is a direct geometric property for systems possessing a conserved quantity. In addition, SDE (1) with a conserved quantity I(x) can be rewritten to another form as well by the following theorem. Theorem 3.1. SDE (1) has the equivalent skew-gradient (SG) form m dX(t)=S X(t) I X(t) dt+ T X(t) I X(t) dW (t), (7) r r ∇ ∇ ◦ r=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:88) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) whereS(x)andT (x)areskew-symmetricmatricessuchthatS(x) I(x)=f(x) r ∇ and T (x) I(x)=g (x), r =1,...,m. r r ∇ Theproofofthistheoremisconstructiveandcanbefoundin[3]. Ingeneral, S(x)andT (x)arenotunique. Forinstance,if I(X(t))=0,onesimplechoice r ∇ (cid:54) is the default formula: f(x) I(x)(cid:62) I(x)f(x)(cid:62) S(x)= ∇ −∇ , I(x)2 |∇ | (8) g (x) I(x)(cid:62) I(x)g (x)(cid:62) r r T (x)= ∇ −∇ , r =1,...,m. r I(x)2 |∇ | 4 Based on the particular SG formula (7) of (1), we are able to replace the gradient in (7) with the discrete gradient, which leads to the discrete gradient method (see [11] for details). It is beneficial to approximate the solution to SDE (1) and preserve the general conserved quantity I(x) simultaneously. On the other hand, another kind of approaches to achieve this goal are the pro- jection methods, which we will apply to preserve the conserved quantity in the stochastic case. The basic idea of projection methods is to combine an arbitrary one-step approximationX startingatxtogetherwithaprojectionP ontotheinvariant t,x submanifold ineverystep. Thustheproceduresofthemethodsateachstep x M are: (cid:98) 1. Compute the one-step approximation X . t,x 2. Compute λ R, for X¯ =X +Φλ s.t. I(X¯ )=I(x). ∈ t,x t,x (cid:98) t,x Here the vector Φ Rd defines the direction of the projection, and λ is a scalar chosen such t∈hat the new a(cid:98)pproximation X¯ belongs to the invariant t,x submanifold properly. The general idea of the procedures is shown in Fig. x M 1. X X 1 2 b b X 3 b X0 X¯1 MX0 X¯ X¯ 3 2 Figure 1: Basic idea of the projection methods. In fact the projection direction Φ is not unique here, and the standard or- thogonal projection chooses I(X¯ ) as Φ(x,X¯ ) [7, Chap. IV]. In order to t,x t,x ∇ reduce computational cost we just use I(X ) or I(x) to replace I(X¯ ). t,x t,x Sowecombinetherelationshipandget∇X¯ aboveb∇ysolvinganon-lin∇earequa- t,x tion with respect to λ. In fact, we find that(cid:98)λ approaches 0 at each step, so we just set λ =0 in Newton iteration to solve it. 0 Since we are mainly interested in the geometric features of the numerical solutions in path-wise way, the mean-square convergence is considered here. Throughout the paper, equidistant time step-size h will be used in time dis- cretization 0 = t ,...,t = T . In the sequel, let X be the numerical ap- 0 N k { } proximation of SDE (1) at time t , k =0,...,N. k Definition 3.2. A numerical method X is said to have mean-square order p, k if EX X(t )2 21 =O(hp), k =0,...,N. (9) k k | − | (cid:0) (cid:1) 5 1 Next, we consider the mean-square convergence of the projection method with a particular supporting one-step method X. Suppose that the supporting one-step method X is of mean-square order p, then we will prove that the projection method X¯ with it has the same m(cid:98)ean-square order under certain conditions. Here w(cid:98)e will make use of the following theorems proposed in [16]. Theorem 3.3. [16] Suppose that the one-step approximation X¯ (t+h) has t,x order of accuracy p+1 for the mean deviation and order of accuracy p+ 1 for 2 the mean-square deviation; more precisely, for any 0 t T h, x Rd the ≤ ≤ − ∈ following inequalities hold: E(X (t+h) X¯ (t+h)) K(1+ x2)1/2hp+1, (10) t,x t,x | − |≤ | | EXt,x(t+h) X¯t,x(t+h)2 1/2 K(1+ x2)1/2hp+12, (11) | − | ≤ | | Also let (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 p . (12) ≥ 2 Then for any N and k =0,1,...N the following inequality holds: (EX (t ) X¯ (t )2)1/2 =O(hp), (13) | t0,X0 k − t0,X0 k | i.e. the mean-square order of accuracy of the method constructed using the one- step approximating X¯ is p. t,x Theorem 3.4. [16] Let the one-step approximation X¯ satisfy the conditions t,x of Theorem 3.3. Suppose that another approximation X is such that t,x E(Xt,x X¯t,x) =O(hp+1), (cid:98) (14) | − | (EXt(cid:98),x X¯t,x 2)1/2 =O(hp+12) (15) | − | withthesamepforX¯ inTheorem3.3. Thenthemethodbasedontheone-step t,x (cid:98) approximation X has the same mean-square order of accuracy as the method t,x based on X¯ , i.e. its mean-square order is equal to p as well. t,x (cid:98) Usually the increments ∆W (h) := W (t +h) W (t ), r = 1,...,m, in r r n r n − common methods are represented by √hξ , and ξ are independent N(0,1)- r r distributed random variables. Because of the unbounded property of the stan- dard Gaussian random variable, the independent Gaussian random variables ∆W used here should be truncated as ∆W (h):=√hζr r r h ξr, (cid:99)ξr Ah | |≤ ζr = A , ξr >A h h h Ah, ξr < Ah − − withA := 2k ln(h),andk isanpositiveinteger(see[14]fordetails). Sothe h | | following inequality holds (cid:112) E(ξr ζr)2 hk. − h ≤ 6 From now on, we assume the increments in the supporting method X are re- placed by the truncated forms ∆W(h) with proper integer k. The truncated methods will remain the same mean-square order due to Theorem 3.4.(cid:98) Based on above preparation w(cid:99)orks, we present our first main result in this section: Theorem 3.5. Assume that a supporting method X applying to (1) satisfies (10) and (11) with p, and the matrix functions S,T C2(Rd,Rd×d), r = r ∈ b 1,...,m, in the equivalent SG form (7). Moreover,(cid:98)assume that I satisfies ∇ global Lipschitz condition and has uniformly bounded derivatives up to order 2, I has a positive lower bound and I 2 −1 has bounded derivative near the|∇inv|ariant submanifold. Then the proj|e∇cti|on method X¯ with the supporting (cid:0) (cid:1) method X has mean-square order p as well. Proof. For simplicity of exposition, we assume that m = 1 and the supporting (cid:98) method X only has the Wiener increment ∆W(h). To lighten the notations, we use a generic positive constant C here and throughout this paper, which is independe(cid:98)nt of h but may be different from lin(cid:99)e to line. Firstly, we rewrite the one-step projection method in the form X¯ =X +λ I(X ), (16) t,x t,x t,x ∇ where X¯t,x and Xt,x start at x in(cid:98)time t. In o(cid:98)rder to simplify notations, the subscripts of them are omitted hereafter. Define a funct(cid:98)ion F λ,h,∆W(h) :=I X¯ I(x), then we have − (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) F 0,0,∆(cid:99)W(0) =I(x) I(x)=0, − ∂F (cid:0) (cid:1) =(cid:99)I(x)(cid:62) I(x)= I(x)2 =0. ∂λ ∇ ∇ |∇ | (cid:54) (cid:12)λ=0,h=0 (cid:12) Thus,bytheimplicit(cid:12)functiontheorem,thereexistasufficientsmallh >0anda (cid:12) 0 uniquefunctionλ(h,∆W(h)),suchthatλ(0,∆W(0))=0andF λ,h,∆W(h) = 0, for h (0,h ]. 0 ∈ (cid:0) (cid:1) Expanding F with(cid:99)respect to λ at 0, we ob(cid:99)tain (cid:99) ∂F 1 ∂2F 0=F 0,h,∆W(h) + λ+ λ2 ∂λ 2 ∂λ2 (cid:12)λ=0 (cid:12)λ=λ1 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:12) 1 (cid:12) =I(X) I((cid:99)x)+ I(X)(cid:62)(cid:12)(cid:12) I(X)λ+ I(cid:12)(cid:12)(X)(cid:62) 2I(θ) I(X)λ2, − ∇ ∇ 2∇ ∇ ∇ where λ [0(cid:98),λ], θ =X+ I((cid:98)X)λ , an(cid:98)d 2I() de(cid:98)notes the Hessia(cid:98)n matrix of 1 1 ∈ ∇ ∇ · I(). · Since I(X)(cid:62) I(X(cid:98))= I(X(cid:98))2 =0 by assumption, we have ∇ ∇ | | (cid:54) −1 λ(cid:98)= I(cid:98)(X)(cid:62) I(cid:98)(X) I(X) I(x) − ∇ ∇ − (17) (cid:16)1 (cid:17) −(cid:16)1 (cid:17) I(cid:98)(X)(cid:62) I(cid:98)(X) I(cid:98)(X)(cid:62) 2I(θ) I(X)λ2. − 2 ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:98) (cid:98) (cid:98) (cid:98) 7 In addition, suppose that X := X (t+h) is the solution of the SDE with t,x initial value x, we thus have I(X)=I(x), and I(X) I(x) − =I(X) I(X) (cid:98) − = I(X)(cid:62)(X X)+(X X)(cid:62) 2I(θ )(X X) 1 ∇ (cid:98) − − ∇ − = I(x)(cid:62)(X X)+(X X)(cid:62) 2I(θ )(X X)+(X x)(cid:62) 2I(θ )(X X) 1 2 ∇ (cid:98)− (cid:98)− ∇ (cid:98)− − ∇ − (18) where θ is o(cid:98)n the segm(cid:98)ent connecting X(cid:98)and X, and θ is on the s(cid:98)egment 1 2 connecting x and X. Substituting I(X) I(x) into (17) and using t(cid:98)he boundedness assumptions − in the theorem, we get (cid:98) λ2 C X X 2+C λ4 | | ≤ | − | | | 1 (19) C X X 2+ λ2. (cid:98) ≤ | − | 2| | The second inequality in (19) is due(cid:98)to the fact that λ 0 as h 0. So when → → h is sufficiently small, C λ4 1 λ2 holds. Then | | ≤ 2| | Eλ2 CEX X 2 =O(h2p+1), (20) | | ≤ | − | because we assume that X satisfies (11) in Theorem 3.3 with p. Furthermore, (cid:98) to get the desired result, we must estimate E(λ). We continue to expand λ | | (cid:98) −1 λ= I(x)(cid:62) I(x) I(X) I(x) R , (21) 1 − ∇ ∇ − − (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) with (cid:98) R = I(θ )(cid:62) I(θ ) −1 (cid:48)(X X) I(X) I(x) 1 3 3 ∇ ∇ − − +(cid:16)(cid:0)1 I(X)(cid:62) I(X(cid:1) ) (cid:17)−1(cid:98)I(X)(cid:62)(cid:16) 2I(cid:98)(θ) I(X(cid:17))λ2, 2 ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ (cid:16) (cid:17) where θ is on the segment(cid:98)connecti(cid:98)ng x and X(cid:98). Therefore, (cid:98) 3 E(λ) ( I(x)(cid:62) I(x))−1 E(I(X) I(x)) + E(R ). (22) | |≤| ∇ ∇ |·| (cid:98) − | | 1 | Note that, since E(X X)=O(hp+1), E(X X)2 =O(h2p+1) and E(X − (cid:98)− − x)2 =O(h), this yelds (cid:98) (cid:98) E I(X) I(x) = I(x)(cid:62)E(X X)+E (X X)(cid:62) 2I(θ )(X X) 1 − ∇ − − ∇ − (cid:0) (cid:98) (cid:1) +E (X x(cid:98))(cid:62) 2I(θ2)(cid:16)(X(cid:98) X) (cid:98) (cid:17) − ∇ − (cid:16) (cid:17) 1/2 1/2 CE(X X)+CE(X (cid:98)X)2+C E(X x)2 E(X X)2 ≤ − − − − =O(hp+1) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:98) (cid:98) (cid:98) (23) 8 and E(R ) C E(X X)2 1/2 E I(X) I(x) 2 1/2+CE(λ2)=O(h2p+1) (24) 1 ≤ − − (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:17) by the Cauchy-S(cid:98)chwartz inequality.(cid:98) Substituting (23) and (24) into (22), we deduce that E(λ) =O(hp+1). (25) | | Now we can compare X¯ and X by the use of (20) and (22). Since X¯ X = I(X(cid:98))λ= I(x)λ+ 2I(θ4)(X x)λ, − ∇ ∇ ∇ − where θ4 is on the se(cid:98)gment co(cid:98)nnecting X and x, we hav(cid:98)e EX¯ X 2 2 I(x)2Eλ2+2 2I(θ )E(X x)λ2 (cid:98) 4 | − | ≤ |∇ | | | |∇ | | − | CEλ2+CEX x2Eλ2 (cid:98) ≤ | | | − | | | (cid:98) =O(h2p+1) (cid:98) and E(X¯ X) I(x) E(λ) +E 2I(θ )(X x)λ 4 | − |≤|∇ |·| | |∇ − | C E(λ) +C(EX x2)21(Eλ2)12 (cid:98) ≤ | | | − | | (cid:98)| =O(hp+1). (cid:98) That is to say, E(X¯ X) = O(hp+1) and (EX¯ X 2)12 = O(hp+12). Fi- nally, we attain|that t−he pr|ojection method X¯ |has−mea|n-square order p just as the supporting method(cid:98)X by applying Theorem 3.4.(cid:98)The proof is therefore completed. (cid:98) Remark 3.6. We can also obtain the same result by choosing I(x) instead of ∇ I(X) as the projection direction. ∇ Here we consider some common one-step supporting methods which can be (cid:98) applied to the projection methods: 1. The Euler-Maruyama method of mean-square order 0.5 [12] m m 1 ∂g r X =x+h f(x)+ g (x) + g (x)∆W (h), (26) r r r 2 ∂x (cid:32) (cid:33) r=1 r=1 (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:98) (cid:99) which is gained by converting (1) into the equivalent Itˆo sense first. 2. The Milstein method of mean-square order 1 with commutative noises (Λ g =Λ g ) [16] i r r i m m−1 m m 1 2 X =x+hf(x)+ g (x)∆W + Λa g (x)∆W (h)∆W (h)+ Λ g (x) ∆W (h) , r r i r i r r r r 2 r=1 i=1 r=i+1 r=1 (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:98) (cid:99) (cid:99) (cid:99) (27) (cid:99) 9 (cid:48) where the operator Λ g (x):= g (x) g (x). i r r i 3. The mid-point method o(cid:16)f mean(cid:17)-square order 1 with commutative noises [10, 14] m x+X x+X X =x+f( )h+ g ( )∆W (h). (28) r r 2 2 r=1 (cid:98) (cid:88) (cid:98) Theyallcanb(cid:98)eeasilyappliedasthesupportingmeth(cid:99)odssincetheyarejust in need of simulating the Wiener increments ∆W (r =1,...,m) at each step. r Notice that the mid-point method (28) is implicit, and is a symplectic methodforstochasticHamiltoniansystemswhic(cid:99)hautomaticallypreservesquadratic conversed quantity[10]. Now applying the mid-point method (28) as the sup- porting method in the projection method, and using the property of a kind of discrete gradient ¯I(x,X¯): ∇ ¯I(x,X¯)(cid:62) (X¯ x)=I(X¯) I(x), (29) ∇ · − − we can obtain that m X¯ =x+hS¯¯I(x,X¯)+ ∆W (h)T¯ ¯I(x,X¯), (30) r r ∇ ∇ r=1 (cid:88) (cid:99) where S¯ and T¯ are both d d skew-symmetric matrices defined by r × f(x+X(cid:98)) I(X)(cid:62) I(X)f(x+X(cid:98))(cid:62) S¯= 2 ∇ −∇ 2 , I(X)(cid:62)¯I(x,X¯) ∇ (cid:98) ∇ (cid:98) (31) g (x+X(cid:98)) I(X)(cid:62) I(X)g (x+X(cid:98))(cid:62) T¯ = r 2 ∇ (cid:98) −∇ r 2 , r =1,...,m. r I(X)(cid:62)¯I(x,X¯) ∇ (cid:98) ∇ (cid:98) From this point of view, we can regard method (30) as another form of the (cid:98) discretegradientmethodwhichisanextensioninthecaseofstochasticsystems [20]. 4 Multiple conserved quantities Inthissection,weconsiderprojectionmethodsforsystem(1)withmultiplecon- served quantities. Below is the definition of the system with multiple conserved quantities. Definition 4.1. System(1)possesseslindependentconservedquantitiesIi(x), i=1,...,l, if Ii(x) (cid:62)f(x)=0 and Ii(x) (cid:62)g (x)=0, r =1,...,m; i=1,...,l. r ∇ ∇ (32) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) 10