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Enhancing the Capacity of Khartoum State in the Delivery of Pro-Poor Vocational Training Services: Vocational/Skills Training Services and Capacity Building in Youth Entrepreneurship Development (YED) for Job Creation and Poverty Alleviation in Khartoum State Project Number: 9 ACP SU 1-12: EE/SUD/O7/004 Funded by the Delegation of the European Union to the Sudan END-OF-PROJECT REPORT March 2011 UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION The designations employed and the presentation of information in this Final Report do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system of degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” or “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or Sudan in the development process. Firm names or commercial products mentioned in this Report do not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. This document has not been formally edited. 2222 Table of Contents Abbreviations Acknowledgements Executive Summary SECTION 1 A. Project Details B. Project Context and Background C. Project Objectives D. Project Partners E. Organizational and Preparatory Activities F. Implementation Strategy SECTION 2: PRODUCTION OF RESULTS Component 1 Result 1 A. Equipment Procurement B. Readiness of the VTC Buildings and Installation of Equipment C. Human resource development base of the VTCs D. VTEC Administrative, Operational and Financial Systems Result 2 A. Preparatory Courses B. Technical Curricula C. Delivery Support for the Curricula Result 3 A. Creation of the Khartoum State Vocational Training and Administration Unit (KSVTA) B. Creation of the Council for Vocational Training and Technical Education Component 2 Result 1 1.Awareness Raising and Training Needs Assessment (TNA) Workshops 2.Partner NGOs/CBOs 3.Technical Capacity Building Activities 3.1. TOT: Entrepreneurship Development 3.2. TOT: Pre-Vocational Training Course 3.3. TOT: Entrepreneurship Development – REFLECT Approach 3.4. TOT: For Marquob artisan producers ( related to market positioning) 3.5. TOT: Slaughtering/ skins and hides improvement 3.6. TOT: Metal Craft Bending Equipment 3.7. TOT: Product Design and Development: A .Reviewing, Analysing, Upgrading and Redesigning of Prototypes (1 week) B. Recycling 3.8. Organizational Capacity Building and Training Facility Support to NGOs/ CBOs 4.Building a Sustainable Linkage and Synergy between Partner NGOs/CBOs and the Khartoum State VTECs Result 2 1. Institutional sustainability of partner NGOs/CBOs to continue providing training services established 2. Training Programmes and Interventions Implemented for the Direct Beneficiaries 2.1. EDP Pilot Training TOT 2.2. EDP Training conducted by the partner NGOs/CBOs 3. Pre-Vocational Training Programme 3.1. Pre-Voc Pilot Training 3.2. Pre-Voc Training Conducted by Partner NGOs/CBOs 4. EDP-REFLECT Training Programmes (Literacy Circles) 5. Technical skills training programmes in the IDP areas 5.1. Henna Tattoo Training 5.2. Construction Plastering 5.3. Construction Painting 5.4. Metal Craft Training conducted by the NGOs/CBOs 5.5. Slaughtering/Skinning and Hides and Skins Preservation 5.6. Technical Skills Training: Leather Products 5.7. Training by NGOs/CBOs for beginners in Leather craft 6. Technical skills training conducted by the Khartoum State VTECs (Component 1) for NGOs/ CBOs 6.1. Technical Skills Training - Plumbing, Tiling, and Laying Electrical Wiring 6.2. Technical Skills Training – Radiator Maintenance Service; Greasing and Oil Change, Brake Maintenance and Services; Battery Maintenance Services; A/C coolant Drain and Refilling; Tyre Services and Repair 7. Other Activities by NGOs/ CBOs 7.1. Community Mobilization and Information Drive on Vocational Training 7.2. Preparatory activities for a business development network: Study Visit to the Master Crafts Programme in Uganda 7.3. Linkages with Micro Finance Institutions SECTION 3: Impact Indicators, sustainability and recommendations Impact Indicator/ Assessment Sustainability Overall Recommendations ANNEX Annex A: INCEPTION MISSION TEAM Annex B: UNIDO Project Personnel/ Project Management Unit Staff Annex C: Experts and Trainers other than Castle College and ILS/English Staff Annex D: Press Release on the Project Inauguration Annex E: Poster Screenshots End of Project Report EE/SUD/07/004 4 Abbreviations CBO Community-based Organization CBT Competency-based Training CTA Chief Technical Adviser EC European Commission EDP Entrepreneurship Development Programme EU European Union HVAC/R Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration IDP Internally Displaced Person ITB Invitation to Bid KSVTA Khartoum State Vocational Training Administration Unit MIC Ministry of International Cooperation NCTTE National Council for Technical and Technological Education NGO Non-Government Organization PMU Project Management Unit SCVTA Supreme Council for Vocational Training and Apprenticeship UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization VTC Vocational Training Center VTEC Vocational Training and Entrepreneurship Center End of Project Report EE/SUD/07/004 5 Acknowledgements UNIDO and the Project Management Unit (PMU) extend their gratitude to the European Commission to the Sudan, Federal Ministry of International Cooperation (MIC, EDF Unit) and the Khartoum State for the support given to the project and for showing full ownership of the project: The PMU acknowledges and thanks the officials and the staff of the Khartoum State who have made it possible for the project to achieve its objectives: (cid:1) H.E. Dr. Abdulahim Abdulmutaafi, former Governor of Khartoum State (cid:1) H.E. Dr. Abdul Ell Rahman El Khider, Governor of Khartoum State (cid:1) Ms. Ishraga Sayd Mahmoud Salih, High Commissioner Human resources Development (cid:1) Mr. Osama Faisal El Sayed, Director External Relations (cid:1) Ms. Huda Osman – Director, Ministry of Finance (cid:1) Mr. El Sir Ali – Director General, KSVTA Unit (cid:1) Mr. Mansour Ahmed Elimam Mansour, VTEC Director, Khartoum 1 (cid:1) Mr. Abdelrahim Mohamed Ahmed, VTEC Director, Kerary (cid:1) Mr. Hassan Adam Hassan, VTEC Director, Hag Yousif (cid:1) Mr. Hysman Hassan Abdel Galil, VTEC Director Halfait (cid:1) Mr. Ahmed Abdalla Osman, VTEC Director, Khartoum South The introduction of the Competency Based Training (CBT)curricula in vocational training would not have been possible without the support of the Federal Ministry of Labour issuing the Ministerial Decree and the leadership provided by the National Council for Vocational Training and Technological Education and the support from the Supreme Council for Vocational Training and Apprenticeship and the private sector organizations. The work in the IDP and poor areas of Khartoum was made possible with the commitment and cooperation given by the partners: international and national NGOs and the community-based organizations (CBOs). To all those who participated and supported the project at all stages, UNIDO would like to thank you for your support. End of Project Report EE/SUD/07/004 6 Introduction This final project implementation report prepared by UNIDO is providing to both the donor agency, the Delegation of the European Union to the Sudan and the Khartoum State Government, as the project counterpart, a full scope and range of the entire implementation process and operational strategy pursued during the lifetime of the project, i.e. June 2007 to October 2010. This report has been compiled on the basis of planned project objectives, outputs, activities, results and indicators, developed at the project planning stage. This report has been compiled with the intention to present and provide in a most detailed manner, with relevant photo material, crucial information and insights as to the steps taken in project implementation at various stages in time. The report should capture the institutional memory available from the PMU and project partners, relevant to programmes related to Entrepreneurship Development (EDP) integrated into Vocational Technical and Entrepreneurship Centers (VTECs). It should be considered a comprehensive record of the process of VTECs development. The rationale of having taken this approach in report preparation is to enable other national agencies and entities, which are planning to set up similar programmes for them to learn from this experience. Therefore, this report can be considered as a knowledge management tool for development agencies. Section 1 of the report provides an overview of the entire project, organizational preparatory activities and implementation strategy details. Section 2 maps out the results in detail and provides analyses for component 1 and 2 separately. Section 3 summarizes and reviews the achievements, impacts, sustainability and recommendations at several levels per component and beneficiary groups. This section provides a synthesized assessment of information elaborated in both Component 1 and 2. End of Project Report EE/SUD/07/004 7 Section 1 Project Overview and Background Project No. 9 ACTP SU 1-12 and EE/SUD/O7/004 Project Title: Enhancing the Capacity of Khartoum State in the Delivery of Pro- Poor Vocational Training Services: Vocational/Skills Training Services and Capacity Building in Youth Entrepreneurship Development (YED) for Job Creation and Poverty Alleviation in Khartoum State Reported by: Jovita Culaton Viray, Chief Technical Adviser and Ms. Inez Wijngaarde, UNIDO Project Manager, PTC/AGR UNIDO HQ, Vienna, Austria Tel. +43 1 26026 3810 Email: [email protected] A. Project Details Project Sites: Kerary, Halfait, Hag Yousif, Khartoum South, El Fateh, Omdurman, Umbadda, Mayo all in Khartoum State, Sudan Implementing Partner: Office of the Governor, Khartoum State, Sudan and Counterpart Agency Executing Agency: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Donor Agency: Delegation of the European Commission to the Sudan, Khartoum Total eligible costs, including contingency and agency support cost: €10,999,904 Total eligible costs, excluding contingency and agency support cost: €10,195,780 Total contributions made by the Khartoum State: Approximately US$ 23,195,000 Dates Project Agreement and Addendums signed: 31 March 2007 (Original) 10 September 2008 (Addendum 1) 27 June 2010 (Addendum 2) Actual Starting Date: June 2007, the month when project funds have been received on account. The Ministry of International Cooperation (Contracting Authority), the Delegation End of Project Report EE/SUD/07/004 8 of the European Union to the Sudan and UNIDO signed the Project Agreement on 31 March 2007. UNIDO received the first installment on June 2007. Project Duration: March 2007 – 31 October 2010 (43 months). The original Project Document and Agreement of 2007 provided for an implementation period with an expected duration of 24 months. The Contracting Authority and EC approved on 10 September 2008 an upward budget revision for additional funding of €1 million and extension of the project up to June 2010 (39 months) and further approved on 27 June 2010 a no-cost extension up to 31 October 2010 (43 months). Fund Disbursements First Pre-Financing (June 2007) € 5,185,328.00 Second Pre-Financing (Nov 2008) € 3,513,405.00 Third Pre-Financing (September 2009) € 1,180,280.00 Fourth Financing advanced by UNIDO € 822,941.37 (Jan 2010) This End-of-Project Report covers the full status of the project outputs vis-à-vis the project objectives, activities carried out to achieve outputs, project constraints, lessons learned, assessment on the impact and sustainability of the project, and recommendations. The final financial report and the Statement of Account will be presented by UNIDO in a separate document. B. Project Context and Background Khartoum State has seen rapid urbanisation since the 1970s, largely as the result of a mass rural-to-urban migration, caused by the combined impact of civil war, desertification and drought. An estimated two million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), almost 28% of the State’s population, currently reside within the State. Many of them have already been integrated into the local economy, hence the distinction between the IDPs and economic migrants have become blurred. While the population of the official IDP camps is between 300,000 and 400,000 IDPs1, the remaining 1.5 to 1.7 million IDPs are living in the squatter areas in and around the city. The general situation in these camps and squatter areas is exhibited in insecurity and poverty. One of the root causes of persistent poverty and unrest consists in already high and further growing unemployment and underemployment rates, particularly among the young population. The Khartoum State had committed to address this challenge by improving urban poor livelihoods through vocational training support, youth entrepreneurship development and income generating activities. At the time of project inception, the Khartoum State had envisioned to build 7 new vocational training centres (VTCs) and had started building the first four VTCs. The State also recognized the need to formulate and implement an urban 1In 1991 four main official IDP camps were assigned to southern IDPs : Wad el Bashir, Omdurman es Salam, Jebel Awlia and Mayo. End of Project Report EE/SUD/07/004 9 planning policy for infrastructural development that takes into consideration the most vulnerable population of the Khartoum State. It approached the EC Delegation to the Sudan for support, which agreed to provide funding. Under the coordination of the Ministry of International Cooperation, the Khartoum State and the EC signed in November 2006 a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlining the major principles that shall be respected and translated into action by the project. In line with the MOU, the Khartoum State also committed to implement the “Roadmap for Relocations”. In line with the MOU, the EC funded “Poverty Reduction in Khartoum State” Programme was to constitute two projects: Project 1 – Enhancing the Capacity of Khartoum State in the Delivery of Pro-Poor Vocational Training Services and Project 2 – Enhancing the Capacity of Khartoum State in the Formulation and Implementation of Pro-Poor Urban Planning Policies. UNIDO was to implement Project 1 and UN-Habitat, Project 2. On 31 March 2007, the Ministry of International Cooperation (Contracting Authority), EC (donor) and UNIDO (Executing Agency) signed the Project Agreement to implement Project 1 for 24 months with funding support of €9,999,904. The project’s overall objective was to contribute to improving the livelihood of the urban poor (unemployed youth and IDPs) in Khartoum State. It aimed to provide market oriented skills and entrepreneurship training to the young urban poor; upgrade the skills of existing micro and small enterprises for greater productivity and competitiveness; and upgrade the technical skills of those in the labour market for greater employability and possibilities of self-employment. The project sought to lay the foundation for an innovative long-term solution to urban poverty and unemployment in Khartoum State by establishing a solid and complementary link between entrepreneurship and vocational training in combating urban poverty. It sought to build the technical capacity of the Khartoum State and various agencies to be able to provide pro-poor vocational training services, and human resourcess development solutions. To achieve these goals, the project had two components: Component 1 Capacity building in vocational training centres in Khartoum State Component 2 Support to vocational training activities and income generating activities to promote entrepreneurship in the IDP areas C. Project Objectives Development Objective of the Project: To significantly contribute to improving the livelihood of urban poor (unemployed youth and IDPs) in Khartoum State Immediate Objectives of the Project: Component 1 Equipment and training levels in selected VTCs in Khartoum State are matching labour market needs and productive sector demands, while training facilities are accessible to main target groups (unemployed, youth women and IDPs). End of Project Report EE/SUD/07/004 10

UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Technical Skills Training – Radiator Maintenance Service; Greasing and Oil .. Personal Computer Operations (Advance to include computer-based . The PMU purchased two project vehicles locally in accordance with UNIDO local.
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