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Progress in Temperate Fruit Breeding: Proceedings of the Eucarpia Fruit Breeding Section Meeting held at Wädenswil/Einsiedeln, Switzerland from August 30 to September 3, 1993 PDF

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Preview Progress in Temperate Fruit Breeding: Proceedings of the Eucarpia Fruit Breeding Section Meeting held at Wädenswil/Einsiedeln, Switzerland from August 30 to September 3, 1993

PROGRESS IN TEMPERATE FRUIT BREEDING Developments in Plant Breeding VOLUME 1 Progress in Temperate Fruit Breeding Proceedings of the Eucarpia Fruit Breeding Section Meeting held at WiidenswillEinsiedeln, Switzerlandfrom August 30 to September 3, 1993 Edited by HANNA SCHMIDT Bundesanstalt fUr ZUchtungsforschung, Ahrensburg, Germany and MARKUS KELLERHALS Swiss Federal Research Station, Wadenswi/, Switzerland Chapters indicated with an asterisk in the table of contents were first published in Euphytica, Volume 77: 1-2, 1994 Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Progress 1n temperate fru It ilr'eed lr'g edlted bV Hanna Sehmldt and Markus Kellerhals, p. em. -- (Developments II, plan' breeding, v. 11 Proeeed1ngs of an Eucarp'd Fr'"lt Seellorl conference he id at Wa e den S W 1 1 / E ins 1 e del n. S w 1 t z e r' 1( 11-1 d . Inc I udes 1n dex, 1. Fru 1t--Breed lng-··Cor,gr'esses. i. F'ru 1 t-Genet les-·-Congresses. 3, Fru1t--B10teehnology--Congr esses. 4. Frult--Mleropropagat1on- -Congresses. I, Sehm 1 dl. Hanna. J I. I<e II 8r'ha Is. Markus, III. Euearpla. Frult Seetlo!] IV. Sel"e". SB359.35.P76 1994 634' .0423--dc20 94-21241 ISBN 978-94-010-4209-3 ISBN 978-94-011-0467-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-011-0467-8 Printed on acidjree paper All Rights Reserved © 1994 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1994 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1994 No part of the material protected by the copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. Contents List of participants XI Welcome XIX Opening address xxi Acknowledgements xxiii Chapter 1: Breeding for stable disease and pest resistance H. Schmidt, Progress in combining mildew resistance from Malus robusta and Malus zumi with fruit ~~ 3 * 1. Krilger, Observations on different mildew sources used in apple breeding at Ahrensburg 7 * 1. Janse, 1.1. Verhaegh and A.P.M. den Nijs, Early selection for partial resistan ce to powdery mildew, Podosphaera leucotricha (Ell. et Ev.) Salm. in apple progenies 13 * I. Batlle and F.H. AIson, Isoenzyme aided selection in the transfer of mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha) resistance from Malus hupehensis to the cultivated apple 17 J. Blazek and F. Paprstein, Breeding apples for scab tolerance at Holovousy 21 M Tóth, Zs.D. Rozsnyay and D.x. Quang, Apple breeding for disease resistance in Hungary 27 M. Virscek-Marn, F. Stampar, J Smole and A. Solar, Susceptibility of some applecultivars to scab (Venturia 31 inaequalis (Cooke) Aderh.) in Slovenia v.I. Rati, F. Acatrinei and L. Rati, The behaviour of some apple varieties in the Eastern Subcarpathian 35 area C. Fischer, Breeding apple cultivars with multiple resistance 43 * H. Bessho, S. Tsuchiya and 1. Soejima, Screening methods of apple trees for resistance to Valsa cancer 49 J. Apostol and K. Véghelyi, Results oftestcrossing in order to get disease resistant sour cherry varieties 53 * T. Pascal, A. Levigneron, J. Kervella and C. Nguyen-The, Evaluation of two screening methods for resistance of apricot, plum and peach to Monilinia laxa 57 D.W. Simpson, 1.A. Bell and D.C. Harris, Breeding for resistance to fungaI diseases in strawberry 63 * P. Scheewe, Identification of pathogenic races of Phytophthorafragariae Hickman in Germany 67 G. Spiegler and H. Thoss, Breeding for resistance to Phytophthora root rot in red raspberries 73 Chapter 2: Durability of scab resistance in apple - problems and possible solutions L. Parisi, Y. Lespinasse, J. Guillaumes and 1. Krilger, A new race of Venturia inaequalis virulent to apples with resistance due to the Vf gene 79 C. Fischer, A. Bondarenko and E. Artamonova, Results on the stability of scab resistance in apple breeding 81 M. Chevalier and Y. Lespinasse, Histological and cytological studies of the interaction between apple selections carrying the resistance Vm and compatible Venturia inaequalis strains 87 VI *M. Kellerhals and B. Furrer, Approaches for breeding apples with durable disease resistance 93 C. Gessler and P. Blaise, Differential resistance in apple against scab and its use in breeding and in orchard planting strategies to control the disease 99 Y. Lespinasse, Apple scab resistance and durability. New races and strategies for the future 105 Chapter 3: Breeding methods and genetics S. Sansavini and M. Ventura, The apple breeding program at the University of Bologna 109 M. Kellerhals and M. Meyer, Aims of the apple breeding programme at Wiidenswil 117 Z.Y. Tesovié, M.M. Stanisavljevié and MJ. Sreékovié, Four decades of apple breeding at the Fruit Research Institute at Cacak 123 Y. Djouvinov, Apple and pear breeding in Bulgaria 127 F. Paprstein, 1. Blazek and 1. Vondrácek, Results of mutation breeding of apples at RBIP Holovousy 131 Z.A. Kozlovskaya, Fruit varieties from Belarus 135 M. Fischer, The Pillnitz apple rootstock breeding programme results 141 Y. Zayats, Stone-fruit selection in Transcarpathia. Short communication 147 R.L. Sharma and K. Kumar, Temperate fruit crop improvement in India 149 A. Karnatz, Fruit quality in selfed and open pollinated progenies of two apple cultivars 157 C. Fischer, Shortening of the juvenile peri od in apple breeding 163 * R. Theiler-Hedtrich, Inheritance of tree and fruit characters in progenies from crosses of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cultivars 165 Y.I. Rati, F. Acatrinei and D. Brinza, New plum varieties with adaptation to the Eastern Subcarpathian Region 173 Y. Akça and S.M. Sen, Selecting apricots with good fruit quality and resistance to late spring frosts in Gilriln 177 Y. Akça and S.M Sen, Studies on selection of walnut (Juglans regia L.) in Gilriln 179 * S. Khanizadeh, Breeding strawberries for Eastern Central Canada 183 A. Bauer, Progress in breeding decaploid fragaria x vescana hybrids 189 Y. Hanke, Selection in seedling populations and clonal progenies of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) 193 M. Stanisavljevié and Z. TeSovic', Breeding black currants, and characteristics of promising hybrids 199 S. Soják, 1. Ivanichka and 1. Cvopa, Polyploid and mutation breeding in Camus mas and Ribes 203 A. Eri§, A. Soylu, E. Barut and Z. Dalkilic, A research on the selection of comeI 207 R. Nestby, Heritability estimates in raspberry breeding 211 Z.-1. Li, Sharp shifts exist in phase change of woody plants 217 Chapter 4: Breeding for specific aims * K.R. Tobutt, Combining apetalous parthenocarpy with columnar growth habit in apple 221 1. Keulemans, R. Eyssen and G. CoIda, Improvement of seed set and seed germination in apple 225 I.S. Rudenko and 1.1. Rudenko, Genotypic variation in apple x quince progenies 229 VII A.G. White and H.1. Selby, Segregation for fruit characters in some crosses of European and Asian pears 235 * S.H. Hjeltnes, Methods for evaluating fruit characters and incorporation in a final index in the Norwegian pear breeding programme 239 H.S. Aldwinckle and H.L. Gustavson, Eradication of Erwinia amylovora (fire blight) from apple propagating wood by hot water treatment 243 R Socias i Company and A.J. Felipe, Flower quaiity and fruit quality in almond: Conflicting objectives? 245 S. Khanizadeh, J. Fortin, MJ. Lareau and DJ. Buszard, Sensory evaluation of six straw berry cuItivars 249 after machine harvest Chapter 5: Molecular markers * H. Nybom, DNA fingerprinting. A useful tool in fruit breeding 257 *GJ. King, Progress in mapping agronomic genes in apple (The European Apple Genome Mapping Project) 263 *N.F. Weeden, M. Hemmat, D.M. Lawson, M. Lodhi, RL. Bell, A.G. Manganaris, B.1. Reisch, S.K. Brown and G.-N. Ye, Development and application of molecular marker linkage maps in woody fruit crops 269 * S.E. Gardiner, J.M. Zhu, H.C.M. Whitehead and C. Madie, The New Zealand apple genome mapping project. A progress report 275 * H. Yang and J. Kriiger, Identification of a RAPO marker linked to the VI gene for sc ab resistance in apples 281 * H. Yang and H. Schmidt, Selection of a mutant from adventitious shoots formed in X ray treated cherry leaves and differentiation of standard and mutant with RAPDs 287 * L. Gianfranceschi, 1.M. McDermott, N. Seglias, B. Koller, M. Kellerhals and C. Gessler, Towards a marker assisted breeding for resistance against apple scab 291 F. Dunemann, Molecular cIassification of Malus with RAPO markers 295 F. Stampar, J. Smole, B. lavornik, A. Solar and M. Virscek-Marn, Inheritance of leaf isozymes in apple (Malus domestica Borkh. and Malusfloribunda Van Houtte) 301 * P. Arús, R Messeguer, M. Viruel, K. Tobutt, E. Dirlewanger, F. Santi, R. Quarta and E. Ritter, The European Prunus mapping project 305 * E. Dirlewanger and C. Bodo, Molecular genetic mapping of peach 309 *A. Solar, J. Smole, F. Stampar and M. Virscek-Marn, Characterization of isozyme variation in walnut (Juglans regia L.) 313 *J.A. Bell and D.W. Simpson, The use of isoenzyme polymorphisms as an aid for cultivar identification in strawberry 321 Chapter 6: in vitro methods and biotechnology * DJ. James, AJ. Pas sey and S.A. Baker, Stable gene expression in transgenic apple tree tissues and segregation of transgenes in the progeny - preliminary evidence 329 *J.L. Norelli, H.S. Aldwinckle, L. Destéfano-Beltrán and J.M. laynes, Transgenic 'Malling 26' apple expressing the attacin E gene has increased resistance to Erwinia amylovora 333 J. Thimmapuram and S.S. Korban, Isolation of apple genomic cIones containing putative 6-1 ,3-glucanase gene(s) 339 VIII A. Trifonova, D. Savova and K.Ivanova, Agrabacterium-mediated transformation of the apple cultivar Granny Smith 343 * A. da Câmara Machado, H. Katinger and M. Laimer da Câmara Machado, Coat protein- mediated protection against plum pox virus in herbaceous model plants and transformation of apricot and plum 349 R.E. Durham and S.S. Korban, Effects of explant size, pretreatment, and Iight intensity on shoot regeneration from in vitra-grown apple lea ves 355 G. Bassi and F. Cossio, Simplified protocol for in vitra shoot regeneration from leaves of Prunus domestica L. (cv. 'Susina di Dro') 361 V. Hanke, Plant regeneration from tissue cultures of Malus species: The importance of the genotype 365 *J. Keulemans and K. de Witte, Plant regeneration from cotyledons and embryonic axes in apple: Sites of reaction and effect of pre-culture in the light 371 L.G. Kolova and N.A. Stoyanov, In vitra induction of adventitious shoot and embryo formation in somatic tissues of apple (Malus pumila Mill.) zygotic embryos and stem segments 377 H. Schmidt and A. Ketzel, Raising sweet cherry seedlings by using in vitra techniques 381 S. Zilkah, E. Faingersh, A. Rotbaum and A. Stein, Rapid introduction of early season sweet cherry cultivars through in vitra micropropagation and virus elimination 385 V. Ognjanov, Dinka Vujanié-Varga and Ksenija Macet, Tissue culture approaches to peach improvement 389 V. Isac, A.N. Popescu and M. Coman, Studies on plant regeneration from tissue-derived callus in Fragaria x ananassa Duch. 395 M. HOfer, In vitra androgenesis in apple: Induction, regeneration and ploidy leveI 399 * K. De Witte and J. Keulemans, Restrictions of the efficiency of haploid pi ant production in apple cultivar Idared, through parthenogenesis in situ 403 L. Kolova, J. Janse and R. Voorrips, Isolation culture of apple microspores: Some preliminary results 409 O.S. Zhukov, N.!. Savelyev and OJa. Oleynikova, Prospects for application of anther culture in selection offruit plants 411 R. Vallania, M.L. Miaja, G. Vergano, R. Botta, G. Me, R. Zanetti and!. Gribaudo, Somatic embryogenesis in grapevine Vitis vinifera L. 415 Chapter 7: Genetic resources M. Fischer and R. Bi.ittner, The Dresden-Pillnitz fruit tree genebank and its use. Short communi- cation 423 * M. Lateur and C. Populer, Screening fruit tree genetic resources in Belgium for disease resistance and other desirable characters 425 D. Vujanic-Varga, V. Ognjanov, J. Balaz, K. Macet and M. Krstic, Genetic resources in apple, pear and vineyard peach populations in former Yugoslavia 433 V. Balan and A. Ivascu, Genetic resources 10 aprícot and peach trees in Romania 439 R.L. Sharma and K. Kumar, Genetic diversity and scope of walnut improvement in India 447 * D.W. Simpson, C.Q. Winterbottom, J .A. Bell and M.L. Maltoni, Resistance to a single UK isolate of Colletotrichum acutatum 10 strawberry germplasm from Northern Europe 451 IX M.S. Coman, A.N. Popescu, LN. Popescu and S.N. Chiriac, Strawberry genetic resources in Romania 455 1. Chat, Screening Actinidia species germplasm for frost to\erance 459 * Y. Yao and P.M.A. Tigerstedt, Genetic diversity in Hippophae L. and its use in plant breeding 463 Author index 469 List of participants Acatrinei, Florin Statuinea de Cercetare si Productie Pomicola, BACAU, Calea Romanului 237,5000 Bacau, Romania Akça, Yasar 100 Yil Universitesi, Ziraat Fakultesi, Bahçe Bitskleri Bijliimu, 65080, Van kileri, Turkey AIdwinckIe, Herb ComeU University, New York State Agric. Exp. Stn., Geneva, New York 14456, USA AIston, Frank H. Horticulture Res. 1nternational, East Malling, West Malling, ME19 6BJ Kent, UK ApostoI, Janos Enterprisefor Research and Extension in Fruitgrowing and Ornamentais, P. O. Box 108, H-Budapest 1775, Hungary Arús, Pere 1RTA Cabrils (Barcelona), Spain BaIan, Viorica Statiunea de Cercetare si Productie Pomicola, Bulevardul10n Ionescu de la Brad Nr. 4 Sect. 1, Bucuresti/Romania Barut, Erdogan Uludag University, Fac. of Agriculture, Dept. of Horticulture, 16036 Hurriyet, Bursa, Turkey Bauer, Annelise Hechlstrasse 11, D-83254 Breitbrunn, Germany Bell, Judith Horticulture Research International, East Malling, West Mal/ing, Kent, ME19 6BJ, UK Bessho, Hideo Morioka Branch, Fruit Tree Res. Stn., Shimokuriyagawa, Morioka, 020-01, Japan BIazek, Jan Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology, 50751 Holovousy, Czech Republic Buchter, HeIga Anna Hauptstr. 140, D-67127 Roedersheim, Germany Chat, Joelle INRA, Station de Recherches Fruitieres, BP 81, F-33883 Villenave d'Ornon Cedex, France Chevalier, Michel Dept. de Biologie I. U. T, BP 2018, 4 Bd Lavoisier F-49016 Angers Cedex, France

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