PROGRESS IN RENEWABLE ENERGIES OFFSHORE RREENNEEWW1166__BBooookk..iinnddbb ii 99//2222//22001166 1100::3399::3311 AAMM PROCEEDINGS OF RENEW 2016, 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RENEWABLE ENERGIES OFFSHORE, LISBON, PORTUGAL, 24–26 OCTOBER 2016 Progress in Renewable Energies Offshore Editor C. Guedes Soares Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering (CENTEC), Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal RREENNEEWW1166__BBooookk..iinnddbb iiiiii 99//2222//22001166 1100::3399::3311 AAMM CRC Press/Balkema is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK Typeset by V Publishing Solutions Pvt Ltd., Chennai, India Printed and bound in Great Britain by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YY All rights reserved. No part of this publication or the information contained herein may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written prior permission from the publisher. Although all care is taken to ensure integrity and the quality of this publication and the information herein, no responsibility is assumed by the publishers nor the author for any damage to the property or persons as a result of operation or use of this publication and/or the information contained herein. Published by: CRC Press/Balkema P.O. Box 11320, 2301 EH Leiden, The Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] – ISBN: 978-1-138-62627-0 (Hbk + CD-ROM) ISBN: 978-1-315-22925-6 (eBook PDF) RREENNEEWW1166__BBooookk..iinnddbb iivv 99//2222//22001166 1100::3399::3311 AAMM Progress in Renewable Energies Offshore – Guedes Soares (Ed.) © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-62627-0 Table of contents Preface xi Organisation xiii Resource assessment – waves A hindcast study on wave energy variability and trends in Le Croisic, France 3 M. Gonçalves, P. Martinho & C. Guedes Soares On the peak period distributions conditioned on significant wave heights in Aguçadoura, Portugal 11 G. Muraleedharan, C. Lucas, D. Martins & C. Guedes Soares Assessing the wave energy potential in the Mediterranean Sea using WAVEWATCH III 21 D. Pelli, L. Cappietti & H. Oumeraci Assessing the utility and effectiveness of the IEC standards for wave energy resource characterisation 27 V. Ramos, R. Carballo & J.V. Ringwood Wave energy potential assessment along the west coast of Fuerteventura 37 G. Rodriguez, G. Clarindo & C. Guedes Soares Wave energy resource assessment from a 12-year hindcast, for Pembrokshire, Wales 45 A.R. Bento, P. Martinho & C. Guedes Soares Trends in the available wave power at the Portuguese pilot zone 53 D. Silva, P. Martinho & C. Guedes Soares Development of a numerical modelling tool for combined near field and far field wave transformations using a coupling of potential flow solvers 61 T. Verbrugghe, P. Troch, A. Kortenhaus, V. Stratigaki & A.P. Engsig-Karup Resource assessment – tidal Evaluation of the Aguçadoura pilot area as an ocean current turbine site with ROMS modeled ocean current data 71 T.C. Costa, L.T. Pereira, M. Marta-Almeida & C. Guedes Soares Assessing the importance of including waves in simulations of tidal stream turbine impacts 79 I. Fairley & H. Karunarathna Exploring the utility and effectiveness of tidal stream energy resource assessment and characterisation standards: A case study 89 V. Ramos, R. Carballo & J.V. Ringwood Tidal energy resource characterisation in the Dover Strait by using VHF radar and ADCP measurements 99 M. Thiébaut & A. Sentchev Resource assessment – wind Assessing climate change effect in offshore wind power in the North of Portugal 111 M. Bernardino & C. Guedes Soares v RREENNEEWW1166__BBooookk..iinnddbb vv 99//2222//22001166 1100::3399::3311 AAMM Regional frequency analysis of wind speed on the coast of Portugal 119 R.M. Campos & C. Guedes Soares A methodology for the power performance assessment of floating offshore wind turbines 129 A. Couto, P.A.P. Justino, J. Silva & A. Estanqueiro Application of reanalysis data for offshore wind power potential assessment off the west coast of India 139 G. Nagababu, N.K. Naidu, S.S. Kachhwaha & V. Savsani Environmental monitoring Development of an autonomous offshore monitoring system 147 D.B.S. Lopes & H. Sarmento Evaluation of offshore wind power potential of India by combining satellite and moored buoy data 153 N.K. Naidu, G. Nagababu, S.S. Kachhwaha & V. Savsani High resolution monitoring for marine renewable energy 159 L. Ren & M. Hartnett Additional attenuation detection and correction of radar wave within the interior region of offshore wind farm 163 L. Xie, S.W. Wang, X.P. Yan, F. Ma & S. Haugen Wave energy devices Energy capture optimization for an adaptive wave energy converter 171 J.J. Barradas-Berglind, H. Meijer, M. van Rooij, S. Clemente-Pin˜ol, B. Galván-García, W.A. Prins, A.I. Vakis & B. Jayawardhana Biomimetic marine energy devices in waves and sheared currents 179 K.A. Belibassakis, E.S. Filippas & Th.P. Gerostathis Systems engineering applied to the development of a wave energy farm 189 D. Bull, J. Roberts, R. Malins, A. Babarit, J. Weber, K. Dykes, R. Costello, B. Kennedy, K. Neilson & C. Bittencourt Numerical simulation of a single Floating Point Absorber Wave Energy Converter using OpenFOAM® 197 B. Devolder, P. Rauwoens & P. Troch Revenue optimization for the Ocean Grazer wave energy converter through storage utilization 207 H.T. Dijkstra, J.J. Barradas-Berglind, H. Meijer, M. van Rooij, W.A. Prins, A.I. Vakis & B. Jayawardhana Numerical and experimental studies of water impact on conical point absorber buoys 215 H. Li, H.-Z. He, S.-H. Yang, J. Zhang, J. Liang & W. Sheng Study of the influence of design parameters on the structural behavior of a point absorber wave energy converter using a finite element approach 227 C. Malça, R. Felismina & P. Beirão Design optimization of a multifunctional wave energy device 235 G. Palma, S.M. Formentin, B. Zanuttigh, P. Contestabile & D. Vicinanza Wave energy generation with thermo-chemical storage: Getting a uniform injection into the grid 241 M.C. Rodríguez-Hidalgo, A. Lópéz, A. de Bonis, P.A. Rodríguez-Aumente & A. Lecuona Wave Dragon—‘Coldward and Stormward’ 249 I. Russell, E. Friis-Madsen & H.-C. Soerensen Wave energy converters: Fix- or self-referenced? 255 W. Sheng & T. Lewis Modelling of the 3-float WEC M4 with nonlinear PTO options and longer bow beam 263 P.K. Stansby, E. Carpintero Moreno & T. Stallard vi RREENNEEWW1166__BBooookk..iinnddbb vvii 99//2222//22001166 1100::3399::3311 AAMM Performance of the three-float wave energy converter M4 in regular and random waves 269 L. Sun, J. Zang, P.K. Stansby & E. Carpintero Moreno The modelling of a flap type wave energy converter in a time-dependent mild-slope equation model 277 N. Tomey-Bozo, J. Murphy, T. Lewis, P. Troch, A. Babarit & G. Thomas Hydrodynamic analysis and optimization of a wave activated device 285 S. Xu, J.M. Rodrigues & C. Guedes Soares Wave energy devices – OWC Performance of oscillating water column wave energy converters integrated in breakwaters 295 V. Anvesh, D. Karmakar & C. Guedes Soares The first worldwide application at full-scale of the REWEC3 device in the Port of Civitavecchia: Initial energetic performances 303 F. Arena, A. Romolo, G. Malara, V. Fiamma & V. Laface Parametric study of blade shape to enhance performance of a turbine used in OWC 313 K. Ezhilsabareesh & A. Samad Turbine choice and optimization for a shoreline OWC wave energy plant 319 A.F.O. Falcão, J.C.C. Henriques & L.M.C. Gato A CFD analysis of the wave field in front of a U-OWC breakwater 327 P. Filianoti & L. Gurnari Mathematical modeling of a non-axisymmetric floating OWC 335 P.A.P. Justino Site-specific optimization of an OWC wave energy converter in a Mediterranean area 343 I. Simonetti, I. Crema, L. Cappietti, H. El Safti & H. Oumeraci Integration of breakthrough concepts into the OWC spar buoy 351 B. Teillant, Y. Debruyne, A. Sarmento, R. Gomes, L.M.C. Gato, M. Fontana, M. Philippe & A. Combourieu Wave energy devices – arrays A 3D-BEM coupled-mode method for WEC arrays in variable bathymetry 365 K.A. Belibassakis, Th.P. Gerostathis & G.A. Athanassoulis Time domain analysis of array interaction and different heading angles for wave energy converter arrays 375 F. Kara A critical discussion about optimisation approaches for ocean energy array design 383 V. Nava, M.B.R. Topper, P. Ruiz-Minguela, A. de Andrés & H. Jeffrey Influence of a parabolic reflector wall on the sea state in an array of point absorber wave energy converters 393 R.J. van der Wiel, J. Kramer, P.P.D. van der Ven, M.J.A. Borsboom & M.P.C. de Jong Wave energy devices – control Control and instrumentation topologies for an integrated wave energy array 405 C.J. Kenny, D. Findlay, I. Lazakis, J. Shek & P.R. Thies Improving seabed cable plough performance for offshore renewable energy 413 S. Robinson, M.J. Brown, A.J. Brennan, M. Cortis, C.E. Augarde & W.M. Coombs Tuning a linear quadratic regulator for point absorber wave energy converters 421 D. Valério, P. Beirão, G. Vissio, G. Bracco & G. Mattiazzo ISWEC control tuning: Lessons learned 427 G. Vissio, G. Bracco, E. Giorcelli, G. Mattiazzo, D. Valério & P. Beirão vii RREENNEEWW1166__BBooookk..iinnddbb vviiii 99//2222//22001166 1100::3399::3311 AAMM Wave energy devices – PTO Optimization of an oil-hydraulic Power Take-Off system based on an adaptable mechanism interface 435 M. Calvário, J.F. Gaspar, A. Sinha & C. Guedes Soares Best practices for the use of electrical test infrastructures to validate control strategies: A case study in wave energy conversion 445 F.X. Faÿ, E. Robles, J.C.H. Henriques & M. Marcos Practical performances of MPC for wave energy converters 453 F. Ferri, A. Tetu & J. Hals Concept of reciprocating oil-hydraulic cylinders for increased wave power harvesting 463 J.F. Gaspar, A. Sinha, M. Calvário & C. Guedes Soares Ocean energy devices Performance assessment for high temperature OTEC plant 475 H.S. Lee, S.T. Lim, J.H. Moon & H.J. Kim The performance comparison of the OTEC cycles with an ejector 481 J.H. Moon, H.S. Lee, H.J. Kim & J.I. Yoon Conceptual design of a floating plant of fresh water production by using the ocean thermal energy as power source 487 L.R. Núñez Rivas, J.A. Somolinos Sanchez, L. Blay Muñoz & M.P. Portilla Analytical and numerical investigation of a sea water desalination plant with integration of renewable marine energy (Jorf Lasfar OCP Morocco) 495 D. Saifaoui, M. Rouway, M. Nachtane & M. Tarfaoui Tidal energy devices Operation modelling of tidal energy lagoon proposals within the Bristol channel and Severn Estuary 503 A. Angeloudis & R.A. Falconer Assessing the performance of tidal turbines arrays using an analytical method: Application to the Alderney Race (France) 513 O.A. Lo Brutto, J. Thiébot, S.S. Guillou, H. Gualous & V.T. Nguyen Load alleviation technology for extending life in tidal turbines 521 A.M. Young, J.R. Farman & R.J. Miller Experimental investigation of the turbulent flow behind a horizontal axis tidal current turbine 531 C. Del Frate, F. Di Felice, F. Alves Pereira, G.P. Romano, D. Dhomé & J.C. Allo Design and operation of a 1MW four turbine tidal fence 545 F. Heathcote, C.R. Vogel & R.H.J. Willden Parametric analysis of a tidal current turbine using CFD techniques 553 T. Karthikeyan, K. Ezhilsabareesh, A. Samad, N. Venkatesan & E.J. Avital Predictions of the dynamic performance of horizontal axis marine current turbines under the effect of different impact scenarios 559 M. Nachtane, M. Tarfaoui, A. El Moumen, M. Ait Mohamed & D. Saifaoui PD control with buoyancy compensation for automatic emersion maneuvers of first generation TEC 565 J.A. Somolinos Sanchez, M.P. Portilla, M. Espín, L.R. Núñez Rivas, A. Lópéz & E. Segura Assessing the turbulence in a tidal estuary and the effect of turbulence on marine current turbine performance 573 M. Thiébaut, A. Sentchev, F.G. Schmitt & T. Le Kien viii RREENNEEWW1166__BBooookk..iinnddbb vviiiiii 99//2222//22001166 1100::3399::3311 AAMM Numerical modeling with porous media for current field around HAMT array 581 Y. Watanabe, T. Ikoma, K. Masuda & H. Eto Computational analysis of blockage designed tidal turbine rotors 587 A. Wimshurst & R.H.J. Willden Wind energy devices Pre-Design of a TLP steel-concrete composite substructure for a 6 MW wind turbine as a way to essential cost-reduction 601 F. Adam, U. Ritschel, E. Plumridge & J. Großmann Open-sea 1:30 scale tests on a spar-type offshore wind turbine in parked conditions: Progress and future work 609 C. Ruzzo, V. Fiamma, G. Failla, F. Arena, M. Collu & V. Nava Aero-elastic analysis and classical flutter of a multi-megawatt slender bladed horizontal-axis wind turbine 617 M.A. Sayed, T. Lutz, E. Krämer & F. Borisade Supervisory system for the automation of model building and simulations with the wind turbine code FAST 627 E. Uzunoglu & C. Guedes Soares Performance of barge-type floaters for floating wind turbine 637 K.G. Vijay, D. Karmakar, E. Uzunoglu & C. Guedes Soares Design and automation of a pile test facility for offshore foundations and first experimental results 647 E. Weichhold, F. Dahlhaus, F. Adam, T. Meier & J. Großmann Modular jacket offshore wind turbine support structure for the Northern Portuguese coastal zone 655 B. Yeter, Y. Garbatov & C. Guedes Soares Multiuse solutions Experimental and numerical design of a combined wind-wave concept 667 A. Iturrioz, J. Sarmiento, V. Ayllón, J.A. Armesto, A. Jurado, R. Guanche, C. Vidal & I.J. Losada Energy yield for co-located offshore wind and tidal stream turbines 675 D.R. Lande-Sudall, T. Stallard & P.K. Stansby Design of a TLP floating structure concept for combined wind and wave energy exploitation 683 T.P. Mazarakos, D.N. Konispoliatis & S.A. Mavrakos Mooring systems Mooring cable simulations with snap load capturing for wave energy applications 695 J. Palm, C. Eskilsson & L. Bergdahl Experimental testing of moorings for large floating wave energy converters 703 J.B. Thomsen, F. Ferri & J.P. Kofoed The influence of biofouling on power capture and the fatigue life of mooring lines and power cables used in wave energy converters 711 S.-H. Yang, J.W. Ringsberg & E. Johnson The dynamic effects of marine growth on a tension moored floating wind turbine 723 C. Wright, J. Murphy & V. Pakrashi Risk and reliability Evaluating a novel approach to reliability decision support for offshore wind turbine installation 733 T. Gintautas & J.D. Sørensen ix RREENNEEWW1166__BBooookk..iinnddbb iixx 99//2222//22001166 1100::3399::3311 AAMM