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PROGRESS IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume 10 Advisory Board L. BREWER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA E. 0. BRIMM LINDE AIR PRODUCTS COMPANY, TONAWANDA, NEW YORK ANTON B. BURG UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA J. F. GALL PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA H. B. JONASSEN TULANE UNIVERSITY, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA J. KLEINBERG UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, LAWRENCE, KANSAS RONALD S. NYHOLM UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON, ENGLAND P. L. ROBINSON HARWELL, ENGLAND E. G. ROCHOW HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS L. G. SILLEN ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN E. J. W. VERWEY PHILLIPS RESEARCH LABORATORIES, EINDHOVEN, HOLLAND C. W. WAGNER MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE, GOTTINGEN, GERMANY G. WILKINSON IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, LONDON, ENGLAND PR- 0 G R ESS I N IN 0 RGANI C C H E M I S T R Y EDITED BY F. ALBERT COTTON DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY, MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUME 10 INTERSCIENCE P U B L I S H E R S 1968 a division of JOHN WILEY & SONS New York * London . Sydney * Toronto . Copyright 8 1968 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means, nor trans- mitted, nor translated into a machine language without the written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 59-13035 SBN 470 17669 Printed in The United States of America Contents Covalence and the Orbital Reduction Factor, k, in Magnetochemistry BY M. GERLOCAHN D J. R. MILLERD, epartment of Chemistry, The University of Manchester, Manchester, England . . 1 Metal 172-Dithiolenea nd Related Complexes BY J. A. MCCLEVERTYU,n iversity of Shefield, Shefield, England 49 Complexes of Simple Carboxylic Acids BY C. OLDHAM,C hemistry Department, University of Lancaster, . England 223 Absorption Spectra of Crystals Containing Transition Metal Ions BY N. S. HUSHA ND R. J. M. HOBBS,D epartment of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, England . 259 Author Index . 487 . Subject Index 507 Cumulative Index, Volumes 1-10 . . 521 Progress in Inorganic Chemistry; Volume 10 Edited by F. Albert Cotton Copyright © 1968 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Covalence and the Orbital Reduction Factor. k. Magnetochemistry in BY M . GERLOCH*A ND J . R . MILLER? Department of Chemistry. The University of Manchester. Manchester. England . I Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I1. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 A . Wavefunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 B . Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 111 . k in Octahedral Complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . A Pure Metal Orbitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 B . Molecular Orbitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 C . The Matrix Element <zx\L,\ yz> . . . . . . . . . . . 13 D . Properties of k in Octahedral Complexes . . . . . . . . 15 IV . k in Tetrahedral Complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 A . Ligand Orbital Mixing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 B . Ligand Field Potentials in the Octahedron . . . . . . . . 20 C. Ligand Field Potential in the Tetrahedron . . . . . . . . 22 D . The Crystal Field Wavefunctions in the Tetrahedron . . . . . 24 E . Matrix Elements of L, for d-p Hybrid Orbitals . . . . . . 27 . F A Pictorial View of the Orbital Reduction by Configurational Mixing 28 G . Isomorphism of the d,- and p-Orbital Sets . . . . . . . . 29 H . Quantitative Aspects of the Orbital Reduction for d-p Hybrids . . 31 I . A More Complete Model for the Tetrahedron . . . . . . . 32 V. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 A . Spin-Orbit Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 VI. Appendix I . The Secular Determinant . . . . . . . . . . 38 VII . Appendix I1 . Matrix Elements of the Type (ligandl L, Iligand’) in Oh . 40 A . The Function i(t3/&)(pZ) for the Second Principal Quantum Shell . 41 VIII . Appendix 111 . Matrix Elements of the Type (ligandl Jligand) in Td . 44 Lz References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 * Present address: Department of Chemistry. University College. London . t Present address: Department of Chemistry. University of Essex. Colchester . 1 2 M. GERLOCH AND J. R. MILLER INTRODUCTION The successful application of quantum mechanics to atomic spectros- copy in the 1920’s led inevitably to studies directed to the understanding of similar phenomena in molecules and crystal lattices. It was Bethe (1) who, in 1929, wrote a now classic paper in which the framework of crystal field theory was set out. In this approach, the energy of an ion is taken to be modified by a potential field set up by its neighbors that are assumed to be described by point charges, or simple dipoles. For idealized systems involving high symmetry, Bethe made full use of group theory to establish the nature of crystal field terms arising from a given configuration. His work was put to good use by Van Vleck (2) in the field of magnetism. Van Vleck and also Penney and Schlapp (3) developed the theory of the mag- netic susceptibilities of transition metal ions including some particularly fruitful studies of the lanthanides. Meanwhile Pauling (4), who had been studying the bonding in tran- sition metal complexes, had established his “magnetic criterion for bond type” from which a measurement of the magnetic moment of a complex might lead to a knowledge of the stereochemistry of the ions in it. A sub- sequent aim of magnetochemistry was to establish something of the character of bonds in complexes. About the same time as the appearance of Pauling’s magnetic criterion, Van Vleck (5) showed how the change from a spin-free to a spin-paired situation in iron(II1) complexes could be achieved by a smooth increase in the strength of the crystal field set up by the coordinating groups. He did not say, as was asserted by Pauling, that FC!(CN)~~io-n s involved more ionic bonds than FeFC3-,b ut merely that the low spin of the cyanide could be explained on the basis of a higher crystal field strength. Detailed calculations of the magnetic anisotropy of potassium ferricyanide by Howard (6) in 1934 based on Van Vleck’s model were in fair, and now famous agreement with experiment. The success of the crystal field approach, particularly in the case of the lanthanide ions, prompted many more studies of the magnetic sus- ceptibilities and anisotropies of complex ions throughout the transition series. It was apparent that the descriptions of the lanthanide energy levels as those of the free ion perturbed only by spin-orbit coupling effects, or of the first-row transition elements perturbed only by a cubic field potential, were essentially correct. But the finer details of magnetic susceptibilities could not be accounted for so simply. The inclusion of spin-orbit coupling effects into strong-field configurations throughout the transition block by Kotani (7) made a considerable advance toward explaining the often large differences between magnetic moments of the Ist-, 2nd-, and 3rd-row COVALENCE AND ORBITAL REDUCTION FACTOR, k 3 elements for a given configuration and their behavior with temperature. Despite these improvements in magnetochemical theory, there remained significant and sometimes large deviations from experiment, most par- ticularly in complexes having a formal orbital triplet ground state. Such ions make an important orbital contribution to the total moment by virtue of their orbital degeneracy-a degeneracy which, in the first row at least, is lifted only a little by the effects of spin-orbit coupling. Experimentally, these ions usually possess somewhat lower moments than expected, sug- gesting some additional quenching of the orbital contribution. A mecha- nism is not hard to find, for it was originally invoked by Howard in his calculations on potassium ferricyanide : namely, that distortions from perfect cubic symmetry will reduce the orbital degeneracy of some of the electronic states and cause the magnetic moments to tend to spin-only values. Figgis (8) has examined in detail the magnetic properties of ions with formal cubic field orbital triplet ground states, perturbed simultaneously by the effects of an axial ligand field distortion and spin-orbit coupling. The energy level scheme involved in such calculations is summarized in Figure 1. The splitting A of the cubic triplet state by the low-symmetry field components was not calculated from a knowledge, often unavailable anyway, of the geometric molecular distortion, although its idealized relationship with the cubic field parameters Dq has been discussed recently (9): rather, it was taken as an independent parameter of the system to be x cubic spin-orbit spin-orbit axial cubic + field coupling axial field field field Fig. 1. Perturbation of a 2Tz,,te,r m by spin-orbit coupling and an axial crystal field. Numbers in parentheses are total degeneracies. 4 M. GERLOCH AND J. R. MILLER adjusted by comparison with experiment. The same is true of A, the spin- orbit coupling coefficient, which cannot be assumed to have the same value as in the free ion. It proves convenient algebraically to express these variables as v (equal to A/A) and A instead of A and A. The magnetic moment computation begins with a calculation of the wave functions and energy levels which result from the combined effects of the axial crystal field and spin-orbit coupling acting on the pure metal d wavefunctions of the cubic field triplet. The energy separations between the three Kramers doublets which result lie commonly in the range 50-5000 cm The per- ~ l. turbations induced by the magnetic field-the Zeeman effect-are of the order of 1 cm-l. Accordingly, the Zeeman perturbation calculation is performed sequentially rather than simultaneously; this is a time-saving procedure which involves trivial loss of accuracy. The final calculation (10) of the magnetic susceptibility or moment at any temperature involves a Boltzmann distribution of molecules among the Zeeman levels as expressed in the well-known Van Vleck equation. Figgis has performed these calcula- tions for the cubic field terms 2T2,3 T1,4 T1,a nd 5T2.F or the doublet and quintet terms, the moments may be expressed in terms of the two param- eters 21 and X and are usually plotted as a family of curves, one for each value of v, of magnetic moment versus kT/X (/is the BoItzmann factor and T is the temperature). Some results for the 2T2t erm, of octahedral tita- nium(II1) or tetrahedral copper(I1) ions, for example, are shown in Figure 2a. These calculations clearly show the sensitivity of the effective moment to the degree of distortion and how the removal of orbital degeneracy with increasing u leads to moments closer to the spin-only value. This theoretical approach allowed much closer agreement between calculated and observed moments than before, especially for complexes of the first-row transition metals where ligand field perturbations are most significant. Improvement was less marked, and less necessary, in the third row where spin-orbit coupling is relatively much more important. Up to this point, magnetochemistry involved no more than a continuous refine- ment of the crystal field model as first put forward by Bethe: up to this point, no explicit account had been taken of the undoubted covalence of the bonds in these complexes. Some implicit recognition of the molecular nature of the bonds was inherent in the parameterization of the quantities Dq, A, and A, of course, but in essence the theory was still a crystal field one and it had worked very well. The inadequacy of the crystal field approach was first demonstrated by Owen (11) and Stevens (12) in 1954. Their work grew out of the diffi- culty of explaining the low ESR g values for NiC164- and IrC1,'- ions. In these highly symmetrical ions, the mechanism for quenching some of the COVALENCE AND ORBITAL REDUCTION FACTOR, k 5 I I I I 8). ef. r \"I ee s ( 1 e r u g Fi n el i d o m 2 T ' (wa) e h t m o r f s nt e m o m c eti n g a m e v \-, ecti Eff 2. g. Fi

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