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Programming in MATLAB PDF

433 Pages·2014·26.903 MB·English
by  PatelRam N
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® Programming in MATLAB A Problem-Solving Approach A01_PROGRAMMING IN MATLAB_4811_FM.indd 1 1/24/2014 4:47:44 PM A01_PROGRAMMING IN MATLAB_4811_FM.indd 2 1/24/2014 4:47:44 PM Programming in MATLAB® A Problem-Solving Approach Ram N. Patel Professor Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus (SSGI) Bhilai, India Ankush Mittal Director (Research) Graphic Era University Dehradun, India Delhi • Chennai A01_PROGRAMMING IN MATLAB_4811_FM.indd 3 1/24/2014 4:47:44 PM Copyright © 2014 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. Licensees of Pearson Education in South Asia No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the publisher’s prior written consent This eBook may or may not include all assets that were part of the print version. The publisher reserves the right to remove any material in this eBook at any time. ISBN 978-93-325-2481-1 eISBN 978-93-325-3738-5 Head Office: A-8(A), Sector 62, Knowledge Boulevard, 7th Floor, NOIDA 201 309, India Registered Office:11 Local Shopping Centre, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi 110 017, India PROGRAMMING IN MATLAB_Copyright Page.indd 1 6/23/2014 5:57:55 PM Contents Preface xiii Acknowledgments xvii About the Authors xix 1. IntroductIon to MAtLAB® desktop 1 1.1 IntroductIon 1 1.2 GettInG stArted 1 1.3 MAtLAB desktop 2 1.3.1 Command Window 2 1.3.2 Command History Window 3 1.3.3 Current Directory Browser 4 1.3.4 Workspace and Array Editor 4 1.3.5 Help Browser 5 1.3.6 Edit/Debug Window 6 1.3.7 Path Browser 6 1.4 GettInG HeLp froM coMMAnd WIndoW 9 1.5 GenerAL syntAx 10 1.6 WrItInG sIMpLe expressIons 11 1.7 screen dIspLAy controL 15 1.8 MAtLAB deMonstrAtIons 16 1.9 HoW to QuIt MAtLAB 16 Programming Tips and Pitfalls 16 Summary 17 Exercises 17 2. MAtrIx operAtIons And AppLIcAtIons 19 2.1 IntroductIon 19 2.2 dAtA types In MATLAB 19 2.3 MAtLAB ArrAy 21 2.4 creAtInG Vectors And MAtrIces 23 2.4.1 Creating Sub-matrices of a Given Matrix 25 2.4.2 Changing the Elements of a Matrix 27 2.4.3 Creating Special Matrices 28 2.4.4 Concatenation 30 A01_PROGRAMMING IN MATLAB_4811_FM.indd 5 1/24/2014 4:47:44 PM vi Ñ Contents 2.5 operAtors 33 2.5.1 Matrix Operators 33 2.5.2 Matrix Multiplication and Inversion 36 2.5.3 Array Operators 38 2.5.4 Relational Operators 45 2.5.5 Logical Operators 47 2.6 propertIes of A MAtrIx 48 2.7 repLIcAtInG dAtA to forM A MAtrIx 49 Programming Tips and Pitfalls 50 Summary 51 Exercises 51 3. MAtLAB® GrApHIcs And pLottInG 56 3.1 IntroductIon 56 3.2 2-dIMensIonAL pLots 56 3.3 pLot AestHetIcs 60 3.3.1 Changing the Axes 60 3.3.2 Adding Text 61 3.4 MuLtIpLe pLots 64 3.4.1 Multiple Plots on a Window 66 3.4.2 Some Important Functions on Multiple Plots 68 3.5 suBpLottInG 68 3.6 soMe otHer usefuL 2-d pLots 73 3.7 AdVAnced concepts on pLot AnnotAtIon And LABeLInG 76 3.7.1 Using Handle Graphics 76 3.7.2 An Easier Way to Plot Editing 85 3.8 3-d GrApHIcs 89 3.9 functIon pLotters 98 Programming Tips and Pitfalls 101 Summary 101 Exercises 102 4. controL structures, Loops, And fILe HAndLInG 105 4.1 IntroductIon 105 4.2 condItIonAL stAteMents 105 4.3 Loops 109 4.4 nested Loops 112 4.5 BreAkInG controL structures (BreAk And contInue) 113 A01_PROGRAMMING IN MATLAB_4811_FM.indd 6 1/24/2014 4:47:45 PM Contents É vii 4.6 fILe types In MAtLAB 114 4.7 recordInG A MAtLAB sessIon 114 4.8 sAVInG And retrIeVInG WorkspAce VArIABLes And spreAdsHeet dAtA 116 4.9 HAndLInG externAL fILes 117 4.9.1 Opening a File 118 4.9.2 Writing to a File 118 4.9.3 Reading from a File 118 4.9.4 Closing a File 119 4.10 fILe HAndLInG (specIfIc forMAts) 121 4.11 MAtLAB IMport WIzArd 121 Programming Tips and Pitfalls 125 Summary 125 Exercises 126 5. scrIpts And functIons 128 5.1 IntroductIon 128 5.2 MAkInG sIMpLe scrIpt And functIon fILes 129 5.3 Input And output ArGuMents In functIons 134 5.3.1 Arguments of Different Types 135 5.3.2 Variable Number of Arguments 137 5.4 types of functIons 142 5.4.1 Function Functions, Feval, and Inline 143 5.4.2 Subfunctions 149 5.4.3 Private Functions 150 5.4.4 Function Name Resolution 150 5.5 GLoBAL And persIstent VArIABLes 150 5.6 poLynoMIAL functIons 153 5.7 recursIVe functIons 155 5.8 coMMon errors In usInG functIons 160 Programming Tips and Pitfalls 162 Summary 162 Exercises 163 6. nuMerIcAL MetHods, cALcuLus, And stAtIstIcs 166 6.1 IntroductIon 166 6.2 nuMerIcAL InteGrAtIon 166 6.2.1 Double and Triple Integrals 168 6.3 nuMerIcAL dIfferentIAtIon 168 6.4 InterpoLAtIon 170 6.4.1 Multidimensional Interpolation 171 A01_PROGRAMMING IN MATLAB_4811_FM.indd 7 1/24/2014 4:47:45 PM viii Ñ Contents 6.5 curVe fIttInG 173 6.6 nuMerIcAL optIMIzAtIon 176 6.7 LIneAr eQuAtIons 178 6.7.1 Gauss Elimination 179 6.7.2 Ill-conditioned Problems 183 6.7.3 Pivoting to Handle Ill-conditioned Problems 186 6.8 soLutIon of nonLIneAr ALGeBrAIc eQuAtIons 188 6.8.1 Gauss-Seidel (GS) Method 188 6.8.2 GS Solution for a System of Equations 190 6.8.3 Newton-Raphson (NR) Method 190 6.8.4 NR Solution for a System of Equations 192 6.9 nuMerIcAL soLutIon of ordInAry dIfferentIAL eQuAtIons 193 6.9.1 Euler’s Method for Solution of Differential Equations 193 6.9.2 Euler’s Modified Method 194 6.9.3 Runge-Kutta Method (Order-2) 197 6.9.4 Runge-Kutta Method (Order-4) 197 6.10 soLutIon of dIfferentIAL eQuAtIons tHrouGH ode functIons 199 Programming Tips and Pitfalls 201 Summary 202 Exercises 202 7. usInG MeMory effIcIentLy 205 7.1 IntroductIon 205 7.2 MAtLAB MeMory storAGe 206 7.3 out of MeMory errors 210 7.4 codInG tIps for MeMory usAGe 210 7.4.1 Preallocation of Arrays 211 7.4.2 Breaking Down the Problem 213 7.4.3 Use Temporary Variables Wisely 214 7.4.4 Using Less Bytes Per Data Member 216 7.4.5 Writing Functions Carefully 218 7.4.6 Using Global Variables 219 7.5 systeM-reLAted tIps for MeMory usAGe 220 Programming Tips and Pitfalls 221 Summary 221 Exercises 221 8. usInG tHe MAtLAB® deBuGGer And profILer 224 8.1 IntroductIon 224 8.2 types of errors 225 A01_PROGRAMMING IN MATLAB_4811_FM.indd 8 1/24/2014 4:47:45 PM Contents É ix 8.3 usInG tHe deBuGGer 225 8.4 deVeLopInG BuG-free proGrAMs 234 8.5 coMMon BuGs 240 8.5.1 Bug Prevention 240 8.5.2 Bug Detection 241 8.5.3 Common Run-time Errors 242 8.6 usInG MATLAB profILer 243 8.6.1 Program Profiling 243 8.6.2 Using the Profiler and M-Lint for Enhancing Performance 247 8.6.3 When to Use the Profiler 251 Programming Tips and Pitfalls 252 Summary 252 Exercises 253 9. effIcIent codInG usInG VectorIzAtIon tecHnIQue 259 9.1 IntroductIon 259 9.2 Vector concepts 260 9.2.1 MATLAB Indexing 260 9.2.2 Utility Functions 263 9.3 Loop conVersIon 268 9.4 MAtLAB AcceLerAtIon 270 9.5 soLVInG proBLeMs WItH VectorIzAtIon 273 Programming Tips and Pitfalls 281 Summary 282 Exercises 282 10. precIsIon And errors 285 10.1 IntroductIon 285 10.2 MAtLAB InfInIty And zero 287 10.3 round-off errors 288 10.4 propAGAted errors 289 10.5 GettInG Around tHe errors 291 Programming Tips and Pitfalls 295 Summary 296 Exercises 296 11. AdVAnced concepts In MAtLAB® 298 11.1 IntroductIon 298 A01_PROGRAMMING IN MATLAB_4811_FM.indd 9 1/24/2014 4:47:45 PM

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