Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical CCeenntteerr ffoorr BBuussiinneessss Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University TTrraaiinniinnggss Engineering of Belgrade „„„IIInnnttteeerrrnnnaaatttiiiooonnnaaalll CCCooonnnfffeeerrreeennnccceee ooofff EEExxxpppeeerrriiimmmeeennntttaaalll aaannnddd NNNuuummmeeerrriiicccaaalll IIInnnvvveeessstttiiigggaaatttiiiooonnnsss aaannnddd NNNeeewww TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggiiieeesss“““ Sponsored by: MMMIIINNNIIISSSTTTRRRYYY OOOFFF EEEDDDUUUCCCAAATTTIIIOOONNN,,, SSSCCCIIIEEENNNCCCEEE AAANNNDDD TTTEEECCCHHHNNNIIICCCAAALLL DDDEEEVVVEEELLLOOOPPPMMMEEENNNTTT OOFF TTHHEE RREEPPUUBBLLIICC OOFF SSEERRBBIIAA PPrrooggrraammmmee and TTThhheee BBBooooookkk ooofff AAAbbbssstttrrraaaccctttsss 04-06 July 2018 Zlatibor, Serbia „International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies“ CNN TECH 2018 04-06 July 2018 Hotel Mona, Miladina Pecinara 26, Zlatibor, Serbia Programme and The Book of Abstracts Organised by: Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade Center for Business Trainings Sponsored by: Ministry of Education, Science and Technical development of the Republic of Serbia Title: International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2018 PROGRAMME AND THE BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Publisher: Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kraljice Marije 16, 11120 Belgrade 35 tel: (+381 11) 3302-346, fax 3370364 e-mail: [email protected] web site:, Editors: Dr Nenad Mitrovic, Assistant Professor Dr Milos Milosevic, Senior Scientific Researcher Dr Goran Mladenovic, Assistant Professor Technical editor Dr Goran Mladenovic, Assistant Professor Cover page: Dr Goran Mladenovic, Assistant Professor Printed in: Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kraljice Marije 16 11120 Belgrade 35 tel: (+381 11) 3302-346 Circulation: 70 copies. The end of printing: July 2018. ISBN: 978-86-7083-979-3 Copyright© 2018 International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2018 “International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies” CNN TECH 2018 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Miloš Milošević, Serbia (chairman) Valentin Birdeanu, Romania Nenad Mitrović, Serbia (co-chairman) Danilo Nikolić, Montenegro Aleksandar Sedmak, Serbia Goran Mladenović, Serbia Hloch Sergej, Slovakia Bajić Darko, Montenegro Dražan Kozak, Croatia Tasko Maneski, Srbija Nenad Gubeljak Slovenia Luis Reis, Portugal Monka Peter, Slovakia Žarko Mišković, Serbia Snežana Kirin, Serbia Tozan Hakan, Turkey Samardžić Ivan, Croatia Nikola Momčilović, Serbia Martina Balać, Serbia Traussnigg Udo, Austria Mládková Ludmila, Czech Republic Zoran Janjus, Bosnia and Herzegovina Johanyák Zsolt Csaba, Hungary Gordana Bakić, Serbia Igor Svetel, Serbia Katarina Čolić, Serbia Aleksandra Mitrović, Serbia Jovan Tanasković, Serbia ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Nenad Mitrović (chairman) Miloš Milošević (co-chairman) Aleksandar Sedmak Martina Balać Igor Svetel Goran Mladenović Aleksandra Mitrović Aleksandra Dragicević Žarko Mišković Katarina Čolić Milan Travica ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The organizing committee of the 2nd International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2018 wishes to sincerely thank all the institutions and individuals who by means of personal engagement and constructive action helped organizing this conference. We particularly wish to thank our sponsor, The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological development, Government of the Republic of Serbia. PREFACE Dear Friends and Colleagues, Welcome to CNN Tech 2018 Conference and the fabulous mountain of Zlatibor! With 40 papers (17 by international authors) and contributions by authors from 11 different countries, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies CNN Tech 2018 successfully sets the high level for the future conferences. Participation of a large number of domestic and international authors, as well as the diversity of topics, justifies our efforts to organize this conference and contribute to exchange of knowledge, research results and experience of industry experts, research institutions and faculties which all share a common interest in the field in experimental and numerical investigations. This year CNN Tech 2018 focuses on the following topics: − Mechanical Engineering, − Materials Science, − Chemical and Process Engineering, − Experimental Techniques, − Numerical Methods, − New Technologies. Apart from a plenty of interesting lectures, the participants will have a chance to lighten up and communicate in friendly and relaxed settings. Organizing committee of CNN Tech 2018 would like to express gratitude to Ministry of Education, Science and Technological development for financial support of the Conference. On behalf of the Innovation center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Center for Business Trainings, we wish this to be splendid CNN Tech conference filled with many memorable moments. PROGRAMME AND ORGANIZING COMMITTEE CONTENTS PROGRAMME ................................................................................................................................. i ABSTRACTS .................................................................................................................................. 1 Mechanical Engineering ............................................................................................................... 2 Emina S Dzindo J-INTEGRAL IN ELASTO-PLASTIC FRACTURE ................................................................... 3 Natasa A. Kablar HEAT AND ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION FROM BIOMASS................................................. 4 Jasmina Lozanovic Sajic,Maja Djurovic-Petrovic, Sasa Petrovic AUTOMATIC DETECTION OF CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) IN THE GARAGES OF RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS ................................................................... 5 Jovan D. Tanaskovic, Martina M. Balac STATIC STRENGTH ANALYSES OF THE STEEL STRUCTURE OF BIOMASS RESERVOIR UNDER HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE ............................................................... 6 Stefan G. Culafic NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF STRENGTH OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS IN HYDRO - POWER PLANTS ........................................................................... 7 Mirko Dobrnjac, Milos Markovic THE SOLAR MEASUREMENT STATION FOR EXAMINATION OF THE THERMAL RECEIVER FOR SOLAR ENERGY ......................................................................................... 8 Milan Travica, Nenad Mitrovic, Aleksandar Petrovic COMPARISON BETWEEN DIFFERENT CALCULATION PROCEDURES OF LOADS CAUSED BY TEMPERATURE DILATATION IN PIPELINES ................................................. 9 Snezana Kirin INNOVATION MANAGEMENT- LEAN ENTERPRISE .......................................................... 10 Darko Jocic, Velimir Cirovic, Dragan Aleksendric IDENTIFICATION AND RECOGNITION OF VEHICLE ENVIRONMENT USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS...................................................................................... 11 Boris Kosic, Misa Stojicevic, Zorana Jeli, Branislav Pokonstantinovic, Aleksandra Dragicevic DESIGN STUDY OF THE DIFERENT METAMATERIAL SHAPES ....................................... 12 Aleksandra Dragicevic, Boris Kosic, Zorana Jeli THE NEW METHOD FOR REMOVING HIGHLY CORRELATED VARIABLES FROM DATASETS ........................................................................................................................... 13 Materials Science ........................................................................................................................ 14 Ivan Tanasic, Ljiljana Tihacek Sojic ANALYSING SAMPLES AND SPECIMENS IN DENTAL BIOMECHANICS ....................... 15 Aleksandra D. Mitrovic, AleksandraLj.Dragicevic, Dejana P. Popovic, Manuel Conte, Dragomir M. Stamenkovic TGA AND DTA ANALYSIS OF SOFT CONTACT LENSES BASED ON POLY (HYDROXYETHYL METHACRYLATE) AND FULLERENES ............................................ 16 Reljic M. Mirjana, Stojiljkovic T. Stanisa, Stepanovic M. Jovan, Lazic B. Branislava, Milena S. Stojiljkovic EXPLORATION OF THE CHANGES OF PROPERTIES OF WATER VAPOUR RESISTANCE OF Co/PES FABRICS DURING MAINTENANCE ......................................... 17 Aleksandra Mitrovic, Nenad Mitrovic, Dejana Popovic, Milos Milosevic, Vladimir Miljkovic EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF TEXTILE DEFORMATION USING 3D DIGITAL IMAGE CORRELATION METHOD .................................................................................................... 18 T. Jovanovic, Dj. Koruga, A. Mitrovic, D. Stamenkovic, M. Tomic, J. Sakota-Rosic and M. Cvetkovic IR SPECTROSCOPYOF THE HIGHER FULLERENE C84-D2:22 FOR ITS QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION ..................................................... 19 Chemical and Process Engineering .......................................................................................... 20 Ivan M. Buzurovic, Dragutin Lj. Debeljkovic, Darko M. Radojevic, Goran V. Simeunovic ASYMPTOTIC STABILITY OF SINGULAR TIME DELAY SYSTEMS: LYAPUNOV’S APPROACH BASED ON JENSEN’S AND COPPEL’S INEQUALITY ................................. 21 Ivan M. Buzurovic, Dragutin Lj. Debeljkovic, Aleksandra M. Jovanovic, Goran V. Simeunovic LYAPUNOV STABILITY OF DISCRETE DESCRIPTOR DELAYED SYSTEMS: APPROACH BASED ON CONVOLUTION AND JENSEN’S INEQUALITY .......................... 22 Milena S. Stojiljkovic, StanisaT. Stojiljkovic, Bratislav Z. Todorovic, Mirjana M. Reljic PHASE CHANGE BIODEGRADABLE MATERIALS BASED ON ORGANICALLY MODIFIED CLAY, PARAFFIN AND WASTE FATTY ACID (MONG) .................................... 23 Sanja Dobrnjac, Mirko Dobrnjac, Jelena Penavin Skundric, Ljubica Vasiljevic, Stevan Blagojevic, Zvjezdana Sandic POSSIBILITY FOR REMOVING PRODUCTS OF THERMAL DEGRADATION OF EDIBLE OIL BY NATURAL ALUMINOSILICATES ............................................................... 24 Nenad Mitrovic APPLICATION OF 3D DIGITAL IMAGE CORRELATION METHOD IN PROCESS ENGINEERING ...................................................................................................................... 25 Nebojsa Manic, Bojan Jankovic, Dragoslava Stojiljkovic, Vladimir Jovanovic, Martina Balac TGA-DSC-MS ANALYSIS OF PYROLYSIS PROCESS OF VARIOUS BIOMASSES WITH ISOCONVERSIONAL (MODEL-FREE) KINETICS ...................................................... 26 Marta Trninic, Dusan Todorovic, Aleksandar Jovovic, Dragoslava Stojiljkovic, Øyvind Skreiberg, Liang Wang, Nebojsa Manic MATHEMATICAL MODELLING AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF A SMALL- SCALE COMBINED HEAT AND POWER SYSTEM BASED ON BIOMASS WASTE DOWNDRAFT GASIFICATION ............................................................................................. 27 Experimental Techniques ........................................................................................................... 28 Vuk Adžic, Mustafa Makhzoum, Aleksandar Milivojevic and Miroljub Adžic RESEARCH OF LEAN PREMIXED COMBUSTOR BY CHEMILUMINESCENCE TOMOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................................... 29 Aleksandra Mitrovic, Nenad Mitrovic, Dejana Popovic, Milos Milosevic, Dusan Antonovic BIOMECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF RESIN BASED CEMENTMAXCEM ELITE ................... 30 Jovan D. Tanaskovic, Aleksandra D. Mitrovic, Francis J. Franklin, Dragan D. Milkovic IMPACT OF DENSITY OF POLYURETHANE FOAM ON ABSORPTION POWER OF ENERGY ABSORBER .......................................................................................................... 31 Martina Balac STRUCTURAL OPTIMIZATION OF PRESSURE VESSELS USING FEA ............................ 32 Vera Cerovic, Dragan Milkovic, Aleksandar Grbovic, Sasa Radulovic, Jovan Tanaskovic EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENTS OF THE STRESSES IN THE LOWER LINK OF THE THREE-POINT HITCH MECHANISM ............................................................................ 33 Martina Balac, Aleksandar Grbovic MULTIPARAMETER STRUCTURAL OPTIMIZATION OF PRESSURE VESSEL WITH TWO NOZZLES ..................................................................................................................... 34 Milos Milosevic, Srdan Postic, Nenad Mitrovic, Aleksa Milovanovic, Milan Travica, Sergej Hloch, Zorana Golubovic STRAIN MEASUREMENT SETUP OF COMPRESSIVELY LOADED MANDIBLE MODEL WITH TEETH AND COMPENSATIONS .................................................................. 35 Numerical Methods ..................................................................................................................... 36 Maksimovic S. Katarina, Vasovic V. Ivana, Maksimovic S. Mirko, Dragi Stamenkovic DETERMINATION OF FRACTURE MECHANICS PARAMETERS OF STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS UNDER THERMOMECHANICAL LOADS .................................................. 37 Nikola Mirkov, Nenad Vidanovic, Gordana Kastratovic AN OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE LIBRARY FOR COMPUTATIONAL CONTINUUM MECHANICS ......................................................................................................................... 38 Zarko Miskovic, Radivoje Mitrovic, Milan Tasic, Marko Tasic and Ján Danko APPLICATION OF FINITE ELEMENT METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF AXIAL LOAD ON CONVEYOR WING ROLLERS............................................................................. 39 Miodrag Milcic, Tomaz Vuherer, Igor Radisavljevic, Dragan Milcic EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR OF AL 2024 ALLOY WELDED BY FRICTION STIR WELDING ................................................................ 40 Natasa A. Kablar COMPUTATIONAL STUDY OF WNT SIGNALING PATHWAY IN ALZHEIMER DISEASE ............................................................................................................................... 41 Katarina Colic, Aleksandar Grbovic, Aleksandar Sedmak, Kaled Legweel, Uros Tatic NUMERICAL METHODS IN ASESSMENT OF HIP IMPLANT DESIGN AND INTEGRITY ... 42 New Technologies ...................................................................................................................... 43 Ivana Vlajic Naumovska, Zeljko Despotovic, Borko Cupic USAGE OF DC-DC CONVERTERS ...................................................................................... 44 Natasa A. Kablar WIRELESS ROBOT ARM CONTROL BASED ON ARDUINO MICROCONTROLLER ......... 45 Aleksa Milovanovic, Milos Milosevic, Goran Mladenovic, Blaz Likozar, Katarina Colic, Nenad Mitrovic ACCURACY OF POLYMER ELECTROLYTE MEMBRANE (PEM) FUEL CELL REFORMER PROTOTYPES USING FDM AND SLA 3D PRINTING TECHNOLOGY IN COMPARISON WITH DIGITAL CAD MODEL ....................................................................... 46 Goran M. Mladenovic, Marko J. Milovanovic, Ljubodrag M. Tanovic, Tim J. Jones, Milos D. Pjevic MANUFACTURING AND GEOMETRY MEASUREMENT OF PARTS WITH FREE FORM SURFACES ........................................................................................................................... 47