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Program Programme PDF

136 Pages·2017·3.45 MB·Croatian
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Univerzitet u Beogradu - Farmaceutski fakultet University of Belgrade-Faculty of Pharmacy VII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem Zajedno stvaramo budućnost farmacije VII Serbian Congress of Pharmacy with international participation Creating the Future of Pharmacy Together Program Programme 10-14. oktobar 2018. Crowne Plaza Hotel, Beograd Pokrovitelj Ministarstvo zdravlja October 10-14, 2018 Republike Srbije Under the auspices of the Ministry of Health Crowne Plaza Hotel, Belgrade Republic of Serbia O F N I Sadržaj/ Y Contents A AD DS E EN R SD E W Pozdravna reč/Welcome Address ...........................4 Odbori/Committees .................................................6 KY AA Sponzori/Sponsors ...................................................7 TD RS VR TU Pregled programa/Program at a glance ................9 EH ČT Detaljan program/Detailed programme ............19 Posteri/Posters ......................................................73 Društveni program/Social programme ............121 KY A A TD ERI Izlagači/Exhibitors ..............................................123 PF Y AA TD OR BU UT SA S IS RR EE TT SS OO PP O F N I 3 I N F O Drage koleginice i kolege, dragi prijatelji, W E Zadovoljstvo nam je i čast da vam poželimo dobrodošlicu na VII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije DS NR sa međunarodnim učešćem koji organizuje Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije u saradnji E ESD sa Farmaceutskim fakultetom Univerziteta u Beogradu, pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva DA A zdravlja Republike Srbije. Kongres farmaceuta Srbije se održava svake četvrte godine i pred- Y stavlja najveći i najznačajniji naučni i stručni skup farmaceuta našeg regiona. Tema Kongresa „Zajedno stvaramo budućnost farmacije“ odražava entuzijazam i želju Na- učnog i Organizacionog odbora da kroz savremene teme i inovativne sadržaje iz različitih TČ oblasti farmaceutske nauke i prakse, zajedno kreiramo budućnost farmacije i spremni do- HE UT čekamo izazove koji nam predstoje. U tome će nam pomoći eminentni profesori, istraživači RV SR i eksperti različitih oblasti farmaceutskih nauka koji će nam svoje znanje i iskustvo preneti DT AA kroz plenarna predavanja, predavanja po pozivu i usmena saopštenja, tematske simpoziju- YK me, kao i poster prezentacije. Kongres farmaceuta Srbije pruža odličnu mogućnost farma- ceutskim kompanijama da, u okviru izložbene postavke i satelitskih simpozijuma, naučnoj i stručnoj javnosti predstave svoje najnovije proizvode, aktuelna istraživanja i razvoj. Hvala svim predavačima, izlagačima i učesnicima na mogućnosti da čujemo i podelimo sa njima najnovija dostignuća iz oblasti farmacije. FP RE IDT Pred nama su i brojna društvena događanja koja će pružiti priliku za druženje, susrete sa ko- A A YK legama, prijateljima i poslovnim partnerima, razmenu ideja i iskustava i uspostavljanje novih kontakata i saradnje. Svim učesnicima VII Kongresa farmaceuta Srbije želimo toplu dobrodošlicu! S AS TU UB RO DT AA Y PP OO SS TT EE RR SI Prof. dr Jelena Parojčić Prof. dr Vesna Matović predsednik predsednik I Naučnog odbora Saveza farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije N F O 4 O F N I Dear colleagues and friends, Y A It is our pleasure and honour to welcome you at the VII Serbian Congress of Pharmacy with AD international participation which is organized by the Pharmaceutical Association of Serbia in DS E EN collaboration with the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade and under the auspices of R SD the Ministry of Health, Republic of Serbia. The Serbian Congress of Pharmacy is held every four E W years, and represents the biggest and the most important scientific and professional meeting of pharmacists in our region. The Congress theme “Creating the future of pharmacy together” reflects the enthusiasm and wish of the Scientific and Organizing Committee to give the insight into the contemporary KY AA topics and innovative contents from different fields of pharmaceutical science and practice TD RS with the aim to create the vision for the future of pharmacy and to prepare us for the upcom- VR TU ing challenges. It will be accomplished through contribution of eminent professors, research- EH ČT ers and experts in different fields of pharmaceutical sciences, who will present their knowl- edge and experience through plenary lectures, invited lectures, oral presentations, thematic symposia and a number of poster presentations. Serbian Congress of Pharmacy also repre- sents an excellent opportunity for pharmaceutical companies to present their latest products, as well as the ongoing research and development through satellite symposia and exhibitions. We would like to thank to all the speakers, exhibitors and participants for sharing the latest KY A A advancements in pharmacy. TD ERI PF The Congress will also provide a venue for the rich social programme, networking with col- leagues, friends and business partners, exchange of ideas and experiences, establishment of new contacts and future collaboration. We wish the warm welcome to all the participants of the VII Serbian Congress of Pharmacy! Y AA TD OR BU UT SA S IS RR EE TT SS OO PP Prof. dr Jelena Parojčić Prof. dr Vesna Matović President of the President of the Scientific Committee Pharmaceutical Association of Serbia O F N I 5 I N F O Odbori/ W Committees E DS NR E ED S DA A Y Naučni odbor/ Organizacioni odbor/ Scientific Committee Organizing Committee TČ Predsednik/president Predsednik/president HE UT Jelena Parojčić Vesna Matović RV SR DT AA Članovi/members Članovi/members YK Danica Agbaba Saša Dugan Milica Atanacković Krstonošić Nebojša Jorgovanović Erem Bilensoy Mira Marković Branka Brzaković Slavica Milutinović Silva Dobrić Dušan Mladenović FP Svetlana Ibrić Borivoje Nikolić RE IDT Vladimir Jakovljević Milena Novaković A A YK Vesna Spasojević Kalimanovska Neda Pantić Nada Kovačević Ninoslav Stojanović Tereza Kowalska Gordana Simić Gordana Leposavić Dubravka Urošev Vesna Matović Vladimir Vučićević Branislava Miljković S AS Miroslav Savić TU UB Svetlana Stojkov Sekretar Kongresa/Congress Secretary RO DT Slađana Šobajić Bojan Čalija AA Y Ljiljana Tasić Radmila Veličković Radovanović Andreas Zimmer Izvršni organizator/Executive Organizer SMART TRAVEL PCO PP OO SS TT EE RR SI I N F O 6 O F N I Sponzori/ Sponsors AY AD DS E EN R SD E W Generalni sponzor Ostali sponzori PHOENIX PHARMA VEGA A&D PHARMA Zlatni sponzori SALVEO KY AA AMICUS SRB INNVENTA PHARM TD RS KRKA-FARMA BGB ITALIANA VR TU ACTAVIS NELT Co EH ČT ROCHE INSTITUT ZA PROUČAVANJE LEKOVITOG BILJA DR JOSIF PANČIĆ Srebrni sponzori ALKALOID HEMOFARM GALENIKA BOSNALIJEK VICHY laboratories SERVIER BUSSINES HOUSE KY A A PFIZER SRB BERLIN-CHEMIE MENARINI TD ERI JGL GSK CHC PF ADOC PHARMANOVA ESENSA NOVOS BONIFAR A-Lek BEIERSDORF Y SALVUS INTERNATIONAL AA TD ZUA LILLY DROGERIE OR BU GALENIKA PHARMACIA UT SA S IS RR EE TT SS OO PP O F N I 7 O F N I Y A AD Pregled programa DS E EN R SD E W Programme at a glance KY AA TD RS VR TU EH ČT KY A A TD ERI PF Y AA TD OR BU UT SA S IS RR EE TT SS OO PP O F N I 9 I N F O W Agean mpozijum 4 P zna o kvalitetu skih supstanci: nja i novi izazovi EDNESDAYSREDA Baltic Pretkongresni si Šta je potrebno da Qaktivnih farmaceutregulatorna očekiva THURSDAČETVRTA Adriatic Pretkongresni simpozijum 3 Farmakogenetika i genska terapija FRIDYPETK Mediterranean Pretkongresni simpozijum 2 Medicinska sredstva u Srbiji-aktuelna situacija i perspektive Koktel dobrodošlice AA A YK T E TE c LIN fi AO Paci E I KVTRICI PSATURDAYPSUBOTA Atlantic Pretkongresni simpozijum 1 mentacija smernica za razvoj bolničke farmacije Svečano otvaranje Plenarno predavanjeAVO STARENJE I PRODUŽETAK DUŽINŽIVOTA: ULOGA FARMAKOLOŠKE I NUINTERVENCIJEJanko Nikolić - Žugić University of Arizona (USA) OSTOST mple ZDR ERER I SI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6: 9: 0: 2: 1 1 2 2 0- 0- 0- 0- ALA 11:0 18:0 19:0 20:0 S a0. d1 re0. 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The Congress will also provide a venue for the rich social programme, M edicinska sredstva u Srbiji- aktuelna situacija i perspektive. Pretkong Prim Dr sc. med Olivera Ilić-Stojanović , Naučni saradnik Medicinskog fakulteta . COULD WE LEARN FROM THE APOTHECARIES' OATHS FROM THE
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