C S F Community Systems Foundation CSF Programmes Summary of Selected Projects 1987-2003 Presented by KS Oswalt October 2003 C S F Community Systems Foundation 1987-1992 Selected projects supported by two source of funds USAID – ICDS Project India Library of Congress - IODA India, Wash DC and other field offices 1 C S F Community Systems Foundation ICDS MIS 1987-1992 USAID ~$650k Indian Integrated Child Development Services MIS ICDS Progress Reporting System software system v1.0 -v4.0 C S F Community Systems Foundation IODA 1987-1993 Library of Congress ~$450k Integrated Order, Distribution and Accounting System IODA v1 to v2.2 (1990) with system 2 C S F Community Systems Foundation 1993-2003 Projects supported by two major source of funds USAID United Nations UNFPA UNICEF UNDP C S F Community Systems Foundation MIS for RH Services 1994-2003 USAID –CEDPA $2,023k MIS - Innovations in Family Planning Services SIFPSAPrivate SectorMIS, SIFPSA PublicSectorMIS, SIFPSA Training MIS, SIFPSA District Action Plan MIS, SIFPSA Program MIS 3 C S F Community Systems Foundation Strengthening ICDS MIS 1996 USAID –ISTI (Impact) $103k ICDS Progress Reporting System multimedia presentations C S F Community Systems Foundation RH Service Data Analysis 1997-1998 USAID –AVSC (IFPS) $12k Data analysis reports on RH service delivery at: RCH/TFA Orientation at Block/District Level Internship (Pre-Service) Training Departments of Medical Institutions in UP Dean's Office Obstetrics & GynaecologyDepartment Community Medicine (PSM) Department CTU Workshop Rapid Assessment SN District Name of the Block #nDxsite name type 1AGRA 1PPC LL Memorial District Women's HospitalPPC/DWH 2AGRA KHERAGARH 2CHC-Kheragarh CHC 34AAGGRRAA AFNATWEAHLAKBHAEDRA-KHAND 43CCHHCC--AFnawleahlakbhaedra CCHHCC 5AGRA BAH 5CHC & Sub. Div. PPC Bah SDPHC/CHC 6AGRA PINHAT 6PHC-Pinahat PHC 7AGRA JAINTPURKALA 7PHC-Jetpurkala PHC 8AGRA BAROLI AHIR 8PHC-Baroli Ahir PHC 9AGRA SHAMSABAD 9PHC-Shamsabad PHC 10AGRA JAGNER 10PHC-Jagner PHC 11AGRA ETMADPUR 11PHC-Etmadpur PHC 12AGRA FATEHPUR-SIKRI 12PHC Fatehpur-Sikri PHC 13AGRA AKOLA 13PHC-Akola PHC 14AGRA SANYA 14PHC-Saiyan PHC 15AGRA BICHPURI 15PHC-Bichpuri PHC 16AGRA ACHHNERA 16PHC-Achhnera PHC 17AGRA ANWALKHERA-KHAND 17PHC-Khandauli PHC 18AGRA ACHHNERA 18WH & Sub. Div. PPC Achhnera SDPPC/WH 19ALIGARH 1PPC Aligarh District Women's Hospital PPC/DWH 4 C S F Community Systems Foundation Demographic Calculator 1995 USAID –AED $15k PopCalc C S F Community Systems Foundation IFPS Liaison Office Site 2001 USAID –CEDPA (IFPS Project) IFPS Liaison Office Network Website 5 C S F Community Systems Foundation B M I S 2001-2003 USAID -CEDPA Benchmark Monitoring System FIFTH SET OF BENCHMARKS Valuation by project elements (with commitment details) CBNMoo.mmitted with PIL # 44 BM AttributioQn- I(Iin $ 000s) 190Tetanus Toxoid Immunization Campaign reaching out to all pregnant women in the state of U.P. between April 2000 and June 2002. 119923IDmisptrroicvte dA catcicones Ps ltaon as npdr euptialirzeadt itohnr ooufg qhu paalirttyi cRipeaptroordyu pcrtoivcees csh, ialdp phreoavlethd (aRndC Hfu)n sdeerdv,i cweist ht hSrIoFuPghS Ath eF iRelCdH O Cffaicme pess tianb tlhiseh feodl lionw Ainggra 2 9by I FSPepSt edmisbtreicr t3s1 b, y2 M00a1rch 2002 952.000 194Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR) increased from 29.1% to 30.1% by April 30, 2002* 46.240 119956QImuparloitvye dre pacrcoedussc ttiov ae nhde aqlutha lsiteyr voifc eRse pprroovdiudcetdiv teo Cphreilgdn aHnet awltoh m(RenC Hby) Aseprrviilc e3s0 ,p 2ro0v0i2d*ed through private nursing homes, urban health centers and mobile health camps 2250..540000 220034DCiosntrtricatc eApcttiivoen P Prleavnasl epnrceep aRraetde t ihnrcorueaghs epda frrtoicmip 2at6o.1ry % p rtooc 2es6s.,9 a%p pbryo vAepd rialn 3d0 f, u2n0d0e2d,* with SIFPSA Field Office established in Barielly by September 31, 2001 24.140 205Quality reproductive health services provided to pregnant women by April 30, 2002* 15.300 220163IDmisptrroicvte dA catcicones Ps laannds pqrueapliatrye od ft hRreopurgohd upcartitvicei pchatioldr yh eparlothc e(sRs,C aHpp) sroervvedic easn din f tuhned dedis,t rwicitth b SyI AFPprSiAl 3 F0i,e 2ld0 0O2ffice established in Saharanpur by September 31, 2001 11.900 221145CQuonaltiratyc erepptirvoed uPcrteivvael henecaelt hR saetrev (iCcePsR p)r oinvcidreeads teod pfrroemgn 1a8n.t5 w %o mtoe n1 9b.y2 A%p rbiyl 3A0p, r2il0 3002,* 2002* 2137..800000 221263IDmisptrroicvte dA catcicones Ps laannds pqrueapliatrye od ft hRreopurgohd upcartitvicei pheaatoltrhy sperrovcicesess , ian pFpirroovzeadb aadn dd ifsutnridcet dt,h rwoiuthg hS InFewPS sAtr aFtieeglidc O inffteicrev eensttiaobnlsis bhye dA ipnr iSl a3h0a,r 2a0n0p2ur by September 31, 2001 13.600 224Contraceptive Prevalence Rate increased from 30.6% to 31.3 % by April 30, 2002* 34.000 222256QImuparliotvye dre pquraodluitcyt iovfe R heeparlothd uscertvivicee hse parlothv isdeerdv itcoe ps rbeyg nAapnrit l w3o0m, e20n0 b2y April 30, 2002* 2270..240000 223336AT rsatdriattieognya la nBdir tahc tAiotnte npldaann it (nT pBlaAce) stoki limls purpogvrea dheead lfthor o pf raodvoilseiosnce onft sR bCyH M saerrcvhic 2es0 0in2 Agra, Sitapur (excluding pilot project blocks) and Meerut districts by June 200 57.800 223480TOrraald iPtiioll nsaal leBsi rethxp Aatntdenedd ainn tr (uTraBlA U)P s (k2il0ls0 )upgraded for provision of RCH services in Shahjahanpur, Sultanpur and Moradabad districts by August 2002 88.400 241Condom sales expanded in rural UP (2001) 1,377.680 C S F Community Systems Foundation White Ribbon Alliance Site 2001 USAID -CEDPA White Ribbon Alliance Website - India 6 C S F Community Systems Foundation Analysis of Health Systems 2001 USAID -CEDPA Analysis of Health Systems Strengthening for India Wide Variations in IMR Across States 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Kerala Maharashtra Tamil Nadu West Bengal Punjab Karnataka Gujarat Andhra Pradesh Bihar Haryana INDIA Assam Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh Orissa Madhya Pradesh C S F Community Systems Foundation Health MIS 2001-2002 USAID –CEDPA (IFPS Project) HMIS formats and system for data collection and feedback 7 C S F Community Systems Foundation Jharkhand Health Systems 2003 USAID -CEDPA HMIS formats and system for data collection and feedback C S F Community Systems Foundation MCH/FP MIS Syria 1993-1996 UNFPA ~$563k Integrated Order, Distribution and Accounting System MCH/FP MIS v1.0 to v4.0 linked to mapping system 8 C S F Community Systems Foundation Dracunculiasis Eradication 1992-1993 UNICEF Mapping for eradication programme in 18 countries ChildWatchI and II 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 UNICEF GeoTECH1992 C S F Community Systems Foundation Doc Systems Analysis 1997 UNICEF NYHQ $10k Report on Options for Field Documentation Systems UNICEF Information Update on Vitamin A Deficiency for Progress of Nations.. Interoffice Memo from Richard Jolly to All Reps and Asst. Reps, December 7, 1994. 1994. Keywords: Micronutrients; Vitamin_A; VAD; Data. Global. LOCATION:LIB-52 1994 Record 1 of 18 30/11/98 WHO; UNICEF Indicators for assessing vitamin A deficiency and their application in monitoring and evaluating intervention programmes.WHO, Geneva. Report of a Joint WHO/UNICEF consultation, Geneva, Switzerland, 9-11 November 1992. 1994. 55 p. Keywords: Vitamin_A; VAD; Assessment; Indicators; Monitoring; Evaluation; Interventions. . LOCATION:LIB-1524 1994 Record 2 of 18 30/11/98 9 C S F Community Systems Foundation India Nutrition Database/GIS 1994-1997 UNICEF $232k UNICEF India Nutrition Database and Mapping System C S F Community Systems Foundation ChildInfo 1998-2003 UNICEF $3,884k ChildInfo Database System v1 to v3.5 and its adaptations: TSED Tanzania, DevInfo China, BenInfoBenin, MASEDA Malawi, ESDEM Mozambique, CensusInfoIndia 2001, AGEI Africa Girl’s Education Initiative, EFA Education for All, AfricaInfofor African Union, DevInfo Algeria, DevInfo Bhutan, DevInfo Botswana, DevInfo Burundi, CamInfo Cambodia, DevInfo Cameroon, Child Equity in Brazil, MOSAICO (Chile, Argentina Paraguay), DevInfo Cote d’Ivoire, DevInfo El Salvador, DevInfo Eritrea, DevInfo Honduras, KenInfoKenya, JamSTATSJamaica, DevInfo Madagascar, MauritInfoMauritania, DevInfo Nambia, OSID Oman, DevInfo Panama, DevInfo Rwanda, ShishuInfoIndia, DevInfo Sierra Leone, DevInfo Tchad, UgandaInfo, ZamSEDZambia, DevInfo Zimbabwe, DevInfo Vietnam 10