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Preview Profile of Shri M. Hamid Ansari, Vice-President of India

Established 1914 Volume XVI, Number 293 11th Waxing of Tabodwe 1370 ME Thursday, 5 February, 2009 Profile of Shri M. Hamid Ansari, Four political objectives * Stability of the State, community peace and Vice-President of India tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Consti- tution NAY PYI TAW, 5 * Building of a new modern developed nation in Feb—Born in 1937 at accord with the new State Constitution Kolkata, Shri M. Hamid Ansari obtained a Mas- Four economic objectives ters degree in Political Science from Aligarh * Development of agriculture as the base and all- Muslim University. He round development of other sectors of the joined the Indian For- economy as well eign Service in 1961. In * Proper evolution of the market-oriented eco- a career span of over nomic system three and a half dec- * Development of the economy inviting partici- ades, he served as Am- pation in terms of technical know-how and bassador of India to investments from sources inside the country UAE, Afghanistan, Iran and abroad and Saudi Arabia, as * The initiative to shape the national economy High Commissioner to must be kept in the hands of the State and the Australia and Perma- nent Representative of national peoples India to the United Na- Four social objectives Vice-President Shri M. Hamid tions in New York. Vice-President's wife Ansari of India. (See page 8) Smt. Ansari. * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and Chin State to become tea land preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit NAY PYI TAW, 4 Feb—Lt-Gen Khin Zaw of the He presented clothes and medicines to local * Uplift of health, fitness and education stand- Ministry of Defence, together with Chairman of Chin people, and inspected Ulon tea farm of the Myanma State Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Hone Agriculture Service, and called for growing tea on a ards of the entire nation Ngaing, made an inspection tour of Haka-Gangaw wider scale. Road Project in Haka Township, Chin State, on 2 Lt-Gen Khin Zaw inspected Aukchin Maunghnan Lt-Gen Khin Zaw of Ministry of Defence February. tea factory and the 15th Mile mythun farm of U Ram Ma inspects Kyawboke farm (Haka) in Ulon tea At the briefing hall in Bonzone Village, those in Kyon in Bwelontalan. He will hold a meeting with charge of Special Group (Road) (12) reported on work departmental officials and local people in Haka to farm of the Myanma Agriculture Service. progress. Lt-Gen Khin Zaw emphasized the impor- coordinate work for regional development.—MNA MNA tance of meeting the standard in tarring the road. He presented clothes and gifts to Bonzone, Lay- owun and Lonekywe villages that had played an active role in regional development tasks. The deputy superintending engineer of Special Group (Road) (12) conducted Lt-Gen Khin Zaw along the road sections. He inspected the 12th Mile mythun farm of U Kyaw Lwin. He had a meeting with departmental officials, townselders, social organizations and local people in Haka. The chairman of Haka Township PDC reported on development tasks, and the chairman of Chin State PDC, on sector-wise development of Chin State. In his speech, Lt-Gen Khin Zaw said that the government has designated 24 special zones and is implementing the five rural development programmes for equitable development of all parts of the nation; that Chin State has been enjoying smooth transport due to the four all-weather roads; that local people are to equip themselves with nationalistic fervour and Union Spirit; and that Chin State needs to meet the targeted acreage of tea farms to translate into reality the guid- ance of the Head of State. He called for extensive breeding of mythuns to 100,000 heads in five years. 5-2-09 NL 1 7/30/18, 7:52 PM 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 5 February, 2009 People’s Desire PERSPECTIVES * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views Thursday, 5 February, 2009 * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation More railroad networks * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy consolidate solidarity The government has been building bridges, Technical training school MYANMAR GAZETTE motor roads and railroads for ensuring smooth and secure transport in the whole country. (Thagara) takes shape NAY PYI TAW, 4 Feb — The State Peace and Rail transportation plays an important part Development Council has confirmed the appointment in transport sector. After 1988, the Ministry of NAY PYI TAW, 4 Feb—Minister for Industry-2 of the following heads of service organizations on Rail Transportation built 1,210.51 miles of Vice-Admiral Soe Thein called for timely completion expiry of the one-year probationary period. railroads, 49 bridges which are 180 feet and of the technical training school (Thagara) project during Name Appointment above, 4,552 rail-cum-bridges and 325 stations his visit to the project on 1 February. (a) U Tin Soe Director-General including yards. The project is being implemented by Korea Planning and Regarding Myanma Railways, the Head of International Cooperation Agency. During the visit, Administrative State gave guidance on construction of national the minister inspected construction of the main building, Department rail networks. Therefore, the government is lecture halls, practical rooms, workshops and offices. Ministry of Foreign implementing railroad special projects in states The minister also inspected preparations for Affairs and divisions. installation of machines and machinery at the training (b) U Min Lwin Director-General Railroads will be built from Sittway, school. He also urged officials concerned to grow Consular and Legal Ponnagyun, Kyauktaw, MraukU and Minbya shady trees and to build sports ground and fulfilled the Affairs Department to An in order to connect Rakhine State and the requirements.—MNA Ministry of Foreign Affairs west bank of Ayeyawady River. The railroads Myanmar Forestry School The State Peace and Development Council has will lead to those on the west bank of Ayeyawady appointed the following persons as heads of service River via An. rd (PyinOoLwin) holds 103 organizations shown against each on probation from Dawei-Myeik Railroad Construction the date they assume charge of their duties. Project is being undertaken with the aim of graduation parade Name Appointment linking northern and southern parts of the (a) Dr Cho Win Maw Managing Director country. On completion of the project, trains NAY PYI TAW, 4 Feb—The 103rd graduation General Manager Myanma Foodstuff can run from Myitkyina to Myeik. parade of Myanmar Forestry School (PyinOoLwin) of Myanma Industries Pyawbwe-Natmauk-Magway Railroad Forest Department was held at the parade ground of Foodstuff Industries Ministry of Industry-1 Construction Project will link eastern parts the survey school in PyinOoLwin on 2 February Ministry of and western parts of central Yoma. The people morning. Industry-1 can travel from Nay Pyi Taw to Taunggyi in Minister for Forestry Brig-Gen Thein Aung (b) U Kyee Soe Director-General Shan State (South) through the newly-built presented awards to the outstanding trainees and Deputy Director- Hydropower Planning Pyawbwe-Phayangazu railroad. They can go delivered an address. General Department At the hall of Myanmar Forestry School from Taunggyi to Saikkhaung, Namhsan and Hydropower Ministry of Electric (PyinOoLwin), the minister made a speech at the Mongnai. Planning Power No. 1 certificate presentation ceremony. Officials gave prizes With the development of rail Department to outstanding trainees. Director-General U Soe Win Ministry of Electric transportation sector, social, economic and Hlaing accepted cash donation from wellwishers. Power No. 1 transport services will improve and this Later, the principal of the school presented (c) U Khin Win Director-General consolidates solidarity of the national races completion certificates to the trainees.—MNA Deputy Director- Dry Zones Greening and the Union spirit. General Department Minister Brig-Gen Thein Aung delivers Dry Zones Greening Ministry of Forestry address at 103rd graduation parade of Department Myanmar Forestry School (PyinOoLwin). Ministry of Forestry.—MNA FORESTRY Chargé d’ Affaires Mr Indika Premadasa Health Deputy Minister meets medical students cordially greets Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board U Kyaw Thu YANGON, 3 Feb—Deputy Minister for Health Afterwards, the deputy minister met with Dr Paing Soe, on 2 February, met Medical medical students and house surgeons who are learning and wife, who attend ceremony to mark 61st Superintendent Dr Daw Nu Nu Thar, rector, professors, clinical medicine at Yangon West People’s Hospital Anniversary Independence Day of Democratic specialists and medical students and house surgeons at and gave instructions on facts that should be studied Republic of Sri Lanka which falls on 4 Yangon General Hospital. The deputy minister gave and followed. The deputy minister fulfilled the needs. February. —MNA instructions on learning clinical medicine. MNA 5-2-09 NL 2 7/30/18, 7:52 PM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 5 February, 2009 3 Kyrgyzstan to close US base Iran stresses Iraqis can administer own in its airport affairs without foreign interference TEHERAN, 4 Feb— Iran 7.5 million Iraqis, about boxes indicated that the MOSCOW, 4 Feb — Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev said here on Tues- stressed here Tuesday that 51 percent of eligible vot- new Iraq can easily ad- day that his country will shut the United “the Iraqi people have ers, took part in the elec- minister its own affairs States military base in its capital airport, proved that they can ad- tions to choose the gov- without the involvement local media reported. minister their own affairs erning councils in 14 of of foreign forces,” he Russia and Kyrgyzstan, however, without the involvement the 18 provinces in Iraq. added. will continue cooperation with the of foreign forces.” For- “The Iraqi people through The Iranian official ex- United States on the anti-terrorist opera- eign Ministry spokesman active participation in the tended the country’s con- tion in Afghanistan after the closure of Hassan Qashqavi made country’s elections voted gratulations to the Iraqi Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev the US airbase in the Central Asian state, the remarks in comments for stability, security, na- government and its Muslim (R) talks to his Kyrgyz counterpart RIA Novosti cited Russian President on the governorate elec- tional unity as well as re- nation on the successful Kurmanbek Bakiyev during a signing Dmitry Medvedev as saying. tions last weekend which construction,” Qashqavi nationwide elections, de- ceremony in Moscow on 3 Feb, 2009. “We could join our efforts to promote was said to be held in a hailed. scribing the move as “sign stability in the region, our countries will INTERNET peaceful atmosphere. “Massive turnout of the of the people’s firm deter- help the operations underway in the re- The two countries also inked a deal On Saturday, around Iraqi people at ballot mination in administering gion. We are ready for coordinated ac- to write off a Kyrgyz debt to Russia and their own affairs which will Afghan intelligence breaks tion,” Medvedev said, adding that the an agreement on 150 million US dollars lead to democracy and the decision to close the Manas base was up of financial aid for Kyrgyzstan, RIA and up Kabul bombing cell country’s national sover- to Kyrgyzstan. Interfax reported. —Internet eignty.” —Internet KABUL, 4 Feb—The Afghan intelligence service has broken up a cell of suicide bombers allegedly respon- Kurdish soldiers sible for six attacks in Kabul that killed 20 civilians, a escort suspected spokesman for the agency said on Tuesday. insurgents at a Agents arrested 17 people who were involved in the Peshmerga military suicide attacks in the capital over the last two years, said Sayed Ansari, the spokesman for the National Di- camp in Kirkuk, 250 rectorate of Security. Three others are still on the run km (155 miles) north and believed to be in neighbouring Pakistan, he said. of Baghdad, on 3 Feb, The breakthrough came following an attack outside 2009. Three suspected a US military base in Kabul on 17 Jan, when a suicide bomber killed four Afghan civilians and a US soldier, insurgents were Ansari said. arrested by the Militants use suicide bombings against Afghan and Peshmerga soldiers foreign troops, but the number of such attacks have de- during a raid at their creased in 2008 compared to a year before. The major- ity of the victims in such attacks have been civilian. hideout on Tuesday. Internet INTERNET Seven Polish soldiers stand trial for Some attacks by female suicide bombers in Iraq Afghan civilian deaths Residents sitting on a WARSAW, 4 Feb—A military court in Warsaw started sidewalk watch as US BAGHDAD, 4 Feb—A look at some of bomber strikes outside a government the trial of seven Polish soldiers accused of killing the deadliest attacks by female suicide complex in Baqouba. At least 15 people Afghan civilians in the village of Nangar Khel on 16 soldiers of Bravo bombers in Iraq since the 2003 US-led are killed and more than 40 are wounded. Aug, 2007. The soldiers are accused of causing the invasion: • 1 May, 2008: An Iraqi female sui- Company, 1-18 Infan- death of 11 Afghan civilians, including women and • 4 Jan, 2009: A woman hiding cide bomber imitating pregnancy deto- children, by shelling their village with mortar fire, try Battalion patrol in among Iranian pilgrims in Baghdad’s nates the first bomb in a double suicide Polish news agency PAP reported on Tuesday. Shiite neighborhood of Kazimiyah kills attack that kills at least 36 people dur- Mosul, about 390 km Prosecutor Jakub Mytych read out an indictment that more than three dozen people and ing a wedding procession in Balad Ruz. accused the two officers, three enlisted men and two (240 miles) north of wounds at least 72 outside a mosque. At least 65 people are wounded. warrant officers serving with NATO forces of violating • 8 Oct, 2008: A suicide bomber blows • 17 March, 2008: A female suicide Baghdad, on 2 Feb, laws that protect civilians in times of war, including the herself up near government bomber attacks a group of Shiite wor- Hague and the Geneva conventions.—Internet 2009.—INTERNET offices in Baqouba, northeast of the capi- shippers near a mosque in Karbala, kill- tal, killing 11 people and wounding 19. ing at least 49 people and wounding 73. • 15 Sept, 2008: A woman blows her- • 1 Feb, 2008: Two women strapped self up among a group of police offic- with remote-control explosives — and ers in Balad Ruz, 45 miles northeast of possibly used as unwitting suicide Baghdad, killing at least 22 people and bombers — attack pet markets in Bagh- wounding 33. dad. At least 100 people are killed and • 14 Aug, 2008: A female suicide more than 100 are wounded. bomber strikes Shiite pilgrims in • 7 Dec, 2007: A female suicide Iskandariyah, 20 miles south of the bomber attacks offices of a Sunni group capital, killing at least 18 people and battling al-Qaida in Iraq, killing at least wounding 75. 15 people and wounding 35 in • 28 July, 2008: Female suicide Muqdadiyah in Diyala Province. bombers attack a Shiite pilgrimage in • 11 April, 2007: A woman wearing Baghdad and a Kurdish protest rally in an explosives vest beneath her robe northern Iraq, killing at least 57 people blows herself up among 200 Iraqi po- and wounding nearly 300. lice recruits, killing 16 and wounding • 22 June, 2008: A female suicide 33 in Muqdadiyah.—Internet 5-2-09 NL 3 7/30/18, 7:52 PM 4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 5 February, 2009 Japan to send two destroyers for anti-piracy mission TOKYO, 4 Feb —Japan woman for the Defence made more 100 attacks on will dispatch two de- Ministry said on condition ships last year and took stroyers to waters off So- of anonymity, citing de- away millions of dollars malia for a mission pro- partment policy. Each ship in ransom. tecting its commercial has a helicopter aboard. Somali waters are now vessels against pirates, Japan previously has patrolled by more than a joining a growing num- said it will join the fight dozen warships from ber of countries patrolling against piracy, but the de- countries including Brit- those waters, an official tails confirmed by the min- ain, France, Germany, said on Wednesday. istry official on Wednes- Iran, the United States and The government will day were the first mention China. also send a fact-finding of how many ships would South Korea has also In this undated photo released by Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force and mission to the region be sent. ordered warships sent to distributed by Kyodo News, the JMSDF destroyer Sazanami is shown. Japan ahead of the deployment Somalia is located the region to protect its said on 4 Feb, 2009 it will dispatch two destroyers, the 4,650-ton Sazanami of the 4,650-ton Saza- along the Gulf of Aden, vessels and crews from and the 4,550-ton Samidare, to waters off Somalia for a mission protecting its nami and the 4,550-ton one of the world’s busiest pirates. commercial vessels against pirates.—INTERNET Samidare, a spokes- waterways, where pirates Internet Australian floods wash crocodiles Saudi Arabia into streets to cut one-third SYDNEY, 4 Feb—Floods ravaging northern Australia of flights have washed crocodiles onto the streets, where one linking was hit by a car, authorities said in a warning to resi- dents on Wednesday. Bangladesh More than 60 percent of the vast northeastern state DHAKA, 4 Feb— Saudi of Queensland has been declared a disaster area, and Arabian Airlines moves to flooding after two recent cyclones has affected almost cut one-third of its passen- 3,000 homes, they said. ger flights between the The army has been called in to help with rescue country’s major cities and and recovery efforts, while three reports of large croco- Bangladesh’s capital diles washed up from flooded rivers have come in from Dhaka in April, leading homes in the Gulf of Carpentaria region. English daily The Finan- “I’m not sure if it’s the same crocodile moving cial Express reported on around — on the three sides of Normanton there’s been This Herbert River Israeli-Palestinian peace remains dismal as Wednesday. a large croc seen right up close to the water’s edge,” Express photo, on 3 The leading Arab car- said mayor Joyce Zahner. “Hopefully he’ll stay in the Hamas-Fatah reunion unlikely Feb, shows the flooded rier has drawn a plan to water and the kids will stay on the land,” Zahner told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Ingham area between JERUSALEM, 4 Feb— Despite the recent debilitating cut back its flights to eight Cairns and townsville confrontation with Israeli army in Gaza Strip, Hamas from 12 as the passengers’ A crocodile measuring 1.6 metres (5.3 feet) long was is no more likely to seek reconciliation with its secu- traffic slid on the back of run over by a car on a street in the nearby city of in north Queensland. lar counterpart Fatah, leaving the Palestinian nation a freeze on manpower re- Townsville on Tuesday, wildlife rangers said.—Internet INTERNET divided and any chance for Israeli-Palestinian peace cruitment from Bangla- Russian helicopter gunship crash kills three negotiations unsettled. desh, the newspaper Hamas boldly rejected Palestinian National Author- quoted travel traders as MOSCOW, 4 Feb — A crew members were been caused by a techni- ity (PNA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ suggestion for saying. Russian Mi-24 helicopter killed when the helicop- cal failure, Interfax re- national reconciliation under the umbrella of the Pal- A Dhaka-based airline gunship crashed in the ter crashed at the Puga- ported, citing a source in estine Liberation Organization (PLO) on Monday, and official told the newspa- southern region of chyov airfield. the investigation commis- accused Abbas of siding with Israel during its 22-day- per that the carrier would Saratov, killing all three The helicopter has sion. long Cast Lead Operation in Gaza, which came to a implement the plan from crew members on Tues- burned and the crew are A final determination close on 18 Jan, killing about 1,400 Palestinians. April this year. day, according to media dead,” Drik was quoted as will be made after a de- Internet Internet reports. saying. tailed examination of the The Itar-Tass news He said the crash black boxes that recorded agency, citing Air Force caused no casualties or the helicopter’s flight fig- spokesman Vladimir damage on the ground. ures, Drik said. Drik, reported that the The crash may have Internet Ford US sales plunge 40% CHICAGO, 4 Feb— fourth straight monthly Ford struggles to con- Ford Motor Co said on decline of more than 30 tinue operations without Tuesday that its US sales percent. federal assistance, which were 40 percent lower in But the second largest may reduce Ford Family’s January than a year ago, auto manufacturer in the control. fleet sales 65 percent US said that the January Ford burned 5.5 billion lower, and retail sales to sales for itself and the dollars in cash last quar- individuals 27 percent overall industry were in ter, and finished the year lower. line with company expec- with cash reserves of 13.4 Analysts believed that tations, and that retail de- billion dollars, the com- A sign advertising a car dealership is seen in Los Angeles on 3 Feb, 2009. US Ford’s sales figures may mand appears to be stabi- pany said last week in a auto sales plunged to a 27-year low in January, a steeper-than-expected drop kick off the industry’s lizing. statement.—Internet that took the slumping US market below China’s for the first time.—INTERNET 5-2-09 NL 4 7/30/18, 7:53 PM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 5 February, 2009 5 China bans tainted US peanut paste foods BEIJING, 4 Feb—China Quality Supervision, In- by the US Food and Drug has banned food imports spection and Quarantine Administration (FDA) re- from 11 United States- (AQSIQ). portedly found PCA’s based companies whose All companies selling plant “not compliant with products have been tainted PCA’s peanut butter or current good manufactur- with peanut butter or paste peanut paste products con- ing practices required by that contain salmonella taminated with Salmonella the FDA”. bacteria, Wednesday’s Typhimurium while being The investigation also China Daily reported. processed at a Georgia found problems in clean- The blacklisted 11 food plant, were recently re- ing procedures, and the manufacturers include the called by United States. company failed to imple- China’s first Antarctic Peanut Corporation of The Salmonella Typh- ment steps to mitigate sal- All items from Xinhua News Agency America (PCA), consid- imurium bacteria can monella contamination in inland research ered the source of the con- cause diarrhea, nausea, the facility as well. Some station, the Kunlun DPRK top leader calls for tamination, and also the vomiting, stomach cramps 400 food products contain- Station, officially breakfast cereal maker and fever. The symptoms ing PCA butter have been began operation on 2 boosting agriculture Kellogg, according to the appear within 12 to 72 recalled across the United General Administration of hours. An inspection led States. —Xinhua Feb, 2009.—XINHUA PYONGYANG, 4 Feb—Kim Jong Il, the top leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), A villager makes a called on the people to make efforts to boost agricul- lantern in Yangzhao tural production, the official KCNA news agency said village, Jishan county, Tuesday. north China’s Shanxi Improving the agriculture industry is one of the Province, on 3 Feb, most important tasks in building a great, prosperous 2009. Various lanterns and powerful nation, Kim said while visiting a farm are geared up for the in South Hamgyong Province, the KCNA said with- impending Chinese out giving the date. Lantern Festival, which Kim called on the rural people to cultivate seeds falls on 9 Feb. suitable to the domestic land and to rely on science and mechanization so as to greatly increase output XINHUA per unit area. —Xinhua Iraqi security forces capture woman responsible for recruiting suicide bombers BAGHDAD, 4 Feb— General Qassim Atta told Atta also showed re- Russia, Belarus to build Missing UAE ship Iraqi security forces cap- reporters in Baghdad. porters a video tape of tured a woman said to be Atta said that Jassim, Jassim confessing during common air defence system feared seized by responsible for recruiting who was captured on 21 interrogation. She dressed pirates off Somalia 80 female suicide bomb- Jan, confessed that she is a traditional black Abaya MOSCOW, 4 Feb—Russia and Belarus signed an ers, a senior officer said affiliated to the Ansar al- and talked about how she agreement on Tuesday to establish a common air de- NAIROBI, 4 Feb—A on Tuesday. “Our security Sunna, an militant group recruit women and pre- fence system, local media reported. Comoros-registered cargo forces have arrested close to al-Qaida network. pare them for the attacks. The document was signed following talks in the ship is missing off Soma- Samira Ahmed Jassim, “The woman confessed Jassim sends the Kremlin between Russian President Dmitry Medvedev lia with 14 Indian crew 51, also known as Um al- responsibility for 28 sui- women to a farm where and his Belarussian counterpart Alexander aboard and a Kenyan mari- Mumeneen, or the moth- cide attacks in different terrorists provide the sui- Lukashenko. The creation of the joint air defence sys- time official said on Tues- ers of believers, who con- areas in Baghdad and cide bombers with bombs tem should go together with the development of mili- day he feared it had been fessed her responsibility Diyala,” Atta said, with- and then she take them to tary relations between Moscow and Minsk, seized by pirates. for recruiting 80 as sui- out saying where the the targeted places, ac- Lukashenko was quoted by Itar-Tass as saying. Andrew Mwangura, cide bombers,” Major woman was arrested. cording to Atta.—Xinhua Moscow will also consider granting an additional East Africa’s Coordinator loan of several billion rubles to Minsk and boost en- of Seafarers Assistance ergy cooperation with the close ally, said Russian presi- Programme (SAP), said the dential aide Sergei Prikhodko. —Xinhua MV Jaikur II, owned by Al Oil prices rebound as OPEC Rashid Shipping Dubai went missing while sailing signals further output cuts on Somali waters from Kenya. “The vessel left NEW YORK, 4 Feb—Oil prices rebounded Tuesday Mombasa a week ago with as Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) signaled it might cut more production to boost 14 Indians headed for prices. Somalia but it’s missing on The OPEC warned on Tuesday it could cut outputs Somali waters. We fear the again on March 15’s meeting. The cartel has agreed to pirates might have seized cut its output by 4.2 million barrels per day since last it,” Mwangura told Xinhua year. Oil prices were also boosted by the equities mar- by telephone. If confirmed, kets, after better-than-expected US pending home sales the MV Jaikur II would be data boosted sentiment about the economy. the fourth vessel being held Light, sweet crude for March delivery rose 70 cents by pirates this year in one Women drink cocktails at an ice bar during a photo opportunity in the Alpha to settle at 40.78 US dollars a barrel on the New York of the world’s most danger- Resort-Tomamu’s ice village in Shimukappu town, Japan’s northern island of Mercantile Exchange.—Xinhua ous waterways.—Xinhua Hokkaido, on 3 Feb, 2009. —XINHUA 5-2-09 NL 5 7/30/18, 7:53 PM 6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 5 February, 2009 Hamas prepared for 1-year truce with open borders Colombian guerrillas release captive politician CAIRO, 4 Feb —Hamas United Arab Emirates in militant rulers of Gaza to VILLAVICENCIO, 4 Feb into the jungles of south- another handover is officials said on Tuesday a show of unity in support accept a deal. But the com- — Colombia’s FARC ern Colombia to pick up planned for later this they are ready to commit for Egypt’s efforts to plicated details of an ac- guerrillas on Tuesday ex-governor Alan Jara and week, fuelling speculation to a cease-fire with Israel forge a long-term truce cord appeared unresolved freed a former governor ferry him to the town of that the weakened rebels for at least a year in ex- and against Iran, Hamas’ with border security ar- held hostage for more Villavicencio where his want to recover political change for a full opening most important ally. rangements a key obstacle. than seven years, the fifth weeping wife and son capital after a year of mili- of Gaza’s borders, as the Egypt is trying to me- “There is an agreement captive released this week hugged the smiling poli- tary setbacks. group began a new round diate a durable cease-fire in principle about a calm by Latin America’s oldest tician as he stepped onto Thin but in good spir- of truce talks with Egyp- in place of the temporary for one year,” said Ahmed surviving left-wing insur- the tarmac. its, Jara said a rebel chief tian mediators. and increasingly wobbly Abdel-Hadi, a Lebanon- gency. The FARC freed three gave him two minutes to At the same time, for- truce that ended the Gaza based Hamas official. A Red Cross team captive police officers and pack before marching him eign ministers of pro-US war last month. Internet swooped by helicopter a soldier on Sunday and seven weeks to the Arab nations, including It has set a Thursday Couples to get damages for switched babies handover. After years in Saudi Arabia, met in the deadline for the Islamic chains, suffering jungle BRNO, 4 Feb — A showed his partner was News coverage from diseases and dodging army Iran satellite move sparks fears Czech hospital has been not the girl’s mother.The late 2007 when the story bombs, fellow hostages LONDON, 4 Feb — Western powers have expressed ordered to pay damages to compensation is being was reported set off a cheered him as he left. serious concerns after Iran launched its first domesti- the families of two girls split among the parents wave of DNA testing “Every one of those cally-made satellite into orbit.Iran says the satellite, who were switched at and daughters according among new parents in the 2,760 nights in captivity carried on a Safir-2 rocket, is meant for research and birth and spent 10 months to an assessment of who Czech Republic. The case was suffering,” Jara told telecommunications purposes and insists its intentions with the wrong parents. suffered the most psycho- also started a debate about reporters after his release. are peaceful. A court in Brno set the logical damage. The fa- how psychological “That humidity rots eve- But the US, UK and France have voiced concerns damages at a total of ther whose actions trauma should be assessed rything, and those out that the technology used could lead to ballistic missile $150,000, Radio Prague brought the switch to light when victims seek finan- there in the jungle are rot- development.The move comes a day before officials said. gets the least. cial damages. —Internet ting. We have to get them from six world powers meet to discuss a row over The hospital had of- out.”— Internet fered the couples $13,000 Iran’s nuclear activities. each, leading to the litiga- A customer checking Iran is subject to United Nations sanctions because tion. out Motorola phones at some Western powers think it is trying to build a nu- The girls were born in a store. Motorola clear bomb.Tehran denies that claim and says its nu- Trebic Hospital in reported a huge fourth- clear ambitions are limited to the production of en- Moravia. Months later, quarter loss on Tuesday ergy. one of the fathers secretly and said it was sus- The group of six — comprising the US, Russia, had his ostensible daugh- pending its dividend China, UK, France and Germany — has offered Iran a ter’s DNA tested and dis- and looking for a new package of incentives if it suspends uranium enrich- covered he was not the chief financial officer. ment and enters into talks on its nuclear programme. Internet father. Subsequent testing INTERNET Fire station burns after Scrap workers New navigation system authorised find $128,000 in cooking mishap The Russian-made Global safe Satellite Navigation System A blaze broke out at a fire station in Workers at a steel (GLONASS) will soon start Japan this week after a firefighter left a plant near Berlin operating. The bill “Regarding cooking stove burning as crew members found 100,000 euros Navigation Activity” was left the station to respond to emergency ($128,500) in a safe approved on Friday by the calls. Most of the duty staffers were out on that a bank had sent State Duma in the final a call when their colleague, alone at the to be scrapped — but reading. station and cooking dinner for the crew, they did the decent The bill creates the legal regulated by Russian was himself called out. thing and gave it platform for co-operation of navigation systems. In his haste to respond to the call, he back. all users of the Russian The installation of forgot to turn the stove off, said Seiji Hori, An employee at navigation system in different navigation systems on the a Nagoya City Fire Department official. Germany’s Post- spheres of economy and Defence Ministry’s equip- Ten fire trucks from other stations put out bank had failed to regulates the use of ment will cost around 9.5 the fire, Hori added. “We are an institute take out the cash GLONASS for Russian billion roubles ($US 270 that should be in a position to educate before sending the defence and security purposes. million). About 46,000 people about fire, so we are extremely safe to the scrap- The document specifies the complete sets of the sorry that such an incident happened,” Sculptor Antony Gormley is seen yard. Spokesman powers of the President, the navigating equipment and Hori said, adding that they would consider with his sculpture Filter which has Ralf Palm blamed state and regional governments, about 600 control stations are ordering-in for dinner from now on. recently been acquired by “the carelessness companies and individuals in planned to be allocated to of an employee the navigation sphere. The new other state structures. The Manchester Art Gallery with an when a branch office navigation equipment will be cost of installation is 800,000 pound (US$112,600) grant moved in installed on transport, military estimated at 3.5 billion from independent art charity The December.” machines and arms samples, roubles ($US 100 million). Art Fund , Manchester, England. The sculpture is being shown in A female wild boar and her youngs public for the first time in the UK feeding in the wild. A webcam set making Manchester Art Gallery one up in an Estonian forest has of five regional galleries in the proven an unexpected hit among country to have an Antony Gormley A person rides a bicycle. Travelling to Internet surfers who want to catch on permanent display. work by bike is both good for your health a glimpse of wild boars feeding and can boost a company’s profits, the N A and frolicking in the snow, EWS LBUM Dutch Transport Ministry said on organizers said. Monday. 5-2-09 NL 6 7/30/18, 7:53 PM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 5 February, 2009 7 Setse beach attracting attention of more tourists Article: Maung Maung Htwe (MNA); Photos: Hla Moe (MNA) On the tour of Mon State, we also dropped in preparedness measures against natural disasters; and beautiful recreation centre in a bid to upgrade the Setse beach in Thanbyuzayat. to launch other activities to beautify the beach. beach resort to a grand tourist destination. Our country is also known as Golden Land of As part of the drive to attract more attention of the Thanks to the ongoing projects being Myanmar due to a good number of beach resorts with visitors, festivities including festivals such as hot air implemented under the long view, Setse beach is natural beauty. Of them, Ngapali, Chaungtha, balloon festival, sand pagoda building festival and expected to catch up with other famous beach resorts Ngwehsaung, Maungmagan and Setse establish a sports activities are held season-wise. soon. reputation among tourists at home and abroad. Moreover, a straight Setse-Kyaikkhami road is The Union of Myanmar is a multicultural land, Being journalists, we have been to such beaches under construction along the beach in order to add to where over 100 national races have been living in as Ngapali, Chaungtha and Ngwehsaung several times. The beach resorts in our country have their specific characters; some are serene and some are picturesque. Setse beach resort can be compared to a charming damsel. Setse beach is 10 miles west of Thanbyuzayat, 50 miles from Mawlamyine and 237 miles from Yangon. The sandy beach stretches out two miles from east to west. Despite being part of Mottama Gulf, Setse beach has never seen any attacks of large sea animals. It has 21 department-owned guest houses. Now, plans are well under way to grace Setse beach in order that its standard will be on a par with that of its counterparts that tourists can visit for relaxation. The process consists of 10 programmes: to spruce Some tourists enjoying themselves in Setse beach resort. up and make the beach pleasant and green; to arrange the lodging houses and buildings in a well-organized the interest and develop the region. When the project unity and in harmony from time immemorial and way; to nurture the trees in the compounds and on is over, tourists may take a car trip to enjoy natural which is blessed with various forms of natural both sides of the main road along the beach; to beauty and pleasant splashes of the waves along the resources in abundance such as gold, silver, precious upgrade shops, restaurants and photo studios; to beach. stones along with fertile soil. Therefore, it is no supply adequate safe water; to keep public lavatories Apart from the ongoing projects, a long-term plan wonder Myanmar is called Golden Land. clean and tidy; to supply sufficient power supply; to will come into force to transform Kyetthon Island, Translation: MS ensure smooth transport along the beach; to take seven miles from Setse beach, into a pleasant and Kyemon: 2-2-2009 Several projects are ongoing to spruce up Setse beach. engineers' efforts to coax the oil from Talks on boosting Improving oil extraction with new mapping technology the vast rocky subsurface into wells business performance SCIENCEDAILY, 4 Feb — Picture where it can be pumped out for storage this: an accurate map of a large or transport. on 8 Feb underground oil reservoir that can guide Researchers in MIT's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering The top image shows the oil YANGON, 4 Feb—Organized by saturation map in a benchmark have developed technology that can Myanmar Computer Entrepreneurs reservoir model with known generate such a map, which has the Association, an educative talks on “How properties (referred to as the true potential to significantly increase the adoption of technology can boost model). The bottom image shows a amount of oil extracted from reservoirs. business performance” will be held at nearly identical reconstruction of that The new technology uses the digital Myanmar Info-tech on 8 February. same reservoir map using the image compression technique of JPEG Mr Colin Glass, Chief Executive McLaughlin/Jafarpour solution to create realistic-looking, Officer, Spring Board4 Asia, will give approach, which took isolated data comprehensive maps of underground the talks. Members of the association from 23 wells and simulated a 36- oil reservoirs using measurements from and those wishing to attend the talks month recovery effort. Black dots scattered oil wells. These maps would may contact Myanmar Info-tech in Hline represent the wells, remaining oil is be the first to provide enough detail Township, Ph 652238 not later than 5 indicated in red, and blue shows the about an oil reservoir to guide oil water that remains underground February. recovery in the field in real time. following water pumping. MNA Internet 5-2-09 NL 7 7/30/18, 7:53 PM 8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 5 February, 2009 Commander inspects Zaungtu diversion Profile of Shri M. Hamid Ansari, … weir and hydropower plant (from page 1) at the Academy for Third second Round Table Shri Ansari has World Studies, Jamia Conference of the NAY PYI TAW, 4 Feb— station, superintending summer paddy farmland extensively written Milla Islamia in New Prime Minister on Chairman of Bago engineer reported to the of farmer U Shwe Aye in several academic and Delhi. Jammu & Kashmir. Division Peace and commander on generating Nyaunglebin Township. newspaper articles on Shri Ansari has been Before his election Development Council and distribution of electric He attended the opening issues of foreign policy, Member of the National as the Vice-President of Commander of Southern power and the commander ceremony of Ahle especially West Asia. Security Advisory India on 10 August, Command Brig-Gen Hla left the necessary village’s bridge in Shri Ansari has Board, Chairman of the 2007, Shri Ansari has Min, on 25 January, instructions. The commemoration of the served as Vice- Advisory Committee for been Chairman of the inspected distribution of commander inspected 62nd Anniversary Union Chancellor of the Oil Diplomacy and Co- Fifth Statutory National water at Zaungtu diversion main dam and water Day and inspected Aligarh Muslim chairman of the India- Commission for weir near Bawnatgyi intake. extension of Nyaung- University during UK Round Table. He Minorities during the village, Bago Division. At On 26 January, the bintha-Kanyaindaing road 2000-2002. He has was also the Chairman period March 2006 to Zaungtu hydropower commander inspected in Pyu Township.—MNA been a Visiting of the Working Group July 2007. Villages in Shan State (East) enjoy Professor, Centre for on Confidence Building The Vice-President West Asian and African Measures across seg- and Smt. Ansari have cumulative development Studies, Jawaharlal ments of society in the two sons and a Nehru University and State established by the daughter. —MNA NAY PYI TAW, 4 Feb— seasonal crops of U Sai to the needs for Upgrading of road inspected Chairman of Shan State Yee Kao of Tonhsi Village construction of Wanhsan- (East) Peace and in Kengtung Township, Wanhin-Naungshan inter- in Maha Aungmyay Township Development Council and the post-primary village road and education Commander of Triangle school of Kattaik Village. and health care of the NAY PYI TAW, 4 Feb Ngwe inspected address at work Region Command Brig- The commander village-tract. He also —Chairman of Mandalay resurfacing of road in Maha coordination meeting to Gen Kyaw Phyo on 27 viewed the shops of the inspected Yanlaw Village Division Peace and Aungmyay Township, exceed the targets of plans January inspected village and the Basic Education Middle Development Council Mandalay on 30 January. at the meeting hall of the plantations of potato, development affairs School. Commander of Central Next, the office of Mandalay summer paddy and committee, and attended MNA Command Maj-Gen Tin commander delivered an Division PDC.—MNA 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 Minister Maj-Gen Htay Oo inspects construction of Khabaung dam. A&I 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 Hole-in-One at Phan-khar-myay Golf Khabaung Dam irrigation systems to Course in Magway benefit 100,000 acres of farmlands YANGON, 4 Feb —U Tun Tun Swe Win scored hole-in-one at the hole No. playing together with U Naing Win 11 at Phan-khar-myay Golf Course in NAY PYI TAW, 4 Feb— Bago Division, yesterday. some 100,000 acres of Aung, U Myo Myint Tun and U Sein Magway on 28 January.—MNA Minister for Agriculture The director of farmlands in Toungoo and and Irrigation Maj-Gen Construction (5) reported Ottwin townships through Public Notice Htay Oo inspected supply of water from the Khabaung Diversion 1. The following medicines smuggled into Myanmar across the border are construction of the main canals. The minister called Weir. So far, the facilities unregistered ones, with no quality guarantee. right canal of Khabaung for completion of the have irrigated more than Dam being undertaken by projects on schedule. 7000 acres of summer Sr. Medicine Company Country Construction (5) of the Now, irrigation paddy. The remaining No. Irrigation Department and systems of Khabaung systems are due to be irrigated summer paddy Dam are under constructed in the dry 1. Dexamethasone Tablet New Life Pharma Co Ltd Thailand fields in Ottwin Township, construction to benefit season. — MNA (Dexamethasone 0.5 mg) 2. Periactin Tablet M & H Manufacturing Co Ltd Thailand Shwegyin Hydropower project (Cyproheptadine HC1 4 mg) 3. Stugin Tablet Bangkok Lab & Thailand completed over 73 percent (Cinnarizine 25 mg) Cosmetic Co Ltd 4. Tramacap Capsule New Life Pharma Co Ltd Thailand (Tramadol HC1 50mg) NAY PYI TAW, 4 Feb— Bago Division, being Afterwards, the minister 5. Dicotil Tablet Picco Pharma Co Ltd Thailand Minister for Electric implemented by No.4 inspected earthwork, (Loperamide HC1 2 mg) Power No.1 Col Zaw Min, Construction of Hydro- installation of pipe line and on 3 February, arrived at power Implementation laying concert. So far, the 2. The people are, therefore, reminded to consume domestically-registered Shwegyin Hydropower Department. At the works of Shwegyin medicines only, not such unregistered ones. project, near KyaukNaga briefing hall, the minister Hydropower project have 3. Pharmaceutical companies and drug stores are hereby prohibited from village about six miles fulfilled the need after been completed by 73.5 importing, distributing and selling unregistered medicines, fake medicines, and north-east of Shwegyin in hearing the reports. percent.—MNA substandard medicines, or they will face action to be taken in accordance with the existing law. Tobacco kills Ministry of Health 5-2-09 NL 8 7/30/18, 7:53 PM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 5 February, 2009 9 Donations for all-round renovation of historic Pagoda NAY PYI TAW, 4 Feb all-round renovation of ministers, members of the — The third cash donation Historic Yan Aung Myin committee, officials, guest ceremony for all-round Shwe Lat Hla Pagoda and wellwishers. renovation of Historic Yan Commander of Nay Pyi A total of 97 Aung Myin Shwe Lat Hla Taw Command Maj-Gen wellwishers donated K Pagoda was held at the in Wai Lwin, Minister for 261,103,220 including K Nay Pyi Taw Lewe Progress of Border Areas 21,733,150 donated by 36 pagoda on 2 February. and National Races and wellwishers who were It was attended by Development Affairs Col unable to attend the Patron of committee for Thein Nyunt, the deputy ceremony. —MNA Commander meets department personnel in Namhsan Township Commander Maj-Gen Khin Zaw Oo, Ministers Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein and Brig-Gen Thein Zaw inspect library in Nyaungzin NAY PYI TAW, 4 Feb of main power station At the meeting hall of — Chairman of Shan State (branch). No (2) Military Hospital in model village.—MNA Peace and Development Next, the commander Aungban, the commander Development of Dawei, Launglon, Council Commander of oversaw road works at mile attended the ceremony to Eastern Command Brig- post No (206) on Namhsan- hand over Topcon Manual Thayetchaung townships under inspection Gen Ya Pyae met with Kunhing road. Operation Microscope departmental personnel, On 26 January, the donated by International YANGON, 4 Feb— and mobile commu- Auto-exchange, the site townselders and local commander delivered an Beverages Trading Co Ltd Chairman of Taninthayi nications and future tasks for new exchange and the people at the hall of address at the opening and inspected operation Division Peace and presented by officials at library in Thayetchaung Namhsan Township on 21 ceremony to provide free theater and intensive care Development Council Auto-exchange and Township. January. medical treatment to clef unit of the hospital. Commander of Coastal Microwave Station in In Dawei, they heard After hearing reports palate and cleft lips patients Next, the commander Region Command Maj- Dawei. reports on progress in on supply of electricity at at Sao San Tun Hospital looked into construction of Gen Khin Zaw Oo, They inspected the construction of Dawei- Kengtawng hydropower and comforted patients. low-cost housing complex Minister for Livestock and site for construction of Myeik railroad by station presented by Next, the commander near Thamongkham village Fisheries Brig-Gen Launglon Auto-Exchange officials. In the evening, officials, the commander and party looked into on Kalaw-Taunggyi Maung Maung Thein and and visited Maungmagan Minister Brig-Gen Maung gave necessary instructions maintenance of motorway and attended to Minister for Commu- Beach. Next, they viewed Maung Thein met and looked into distribution Nyaungshwe-Shwenyaung the needs. nications, Posts and the site for construction of departmental personnel of electricity at control room road section. MNA Telegraphs Brig-Gen the bridge in Yebyu. under the ministry at Thein Zaw on 1 February On 2 February, they Dawei District Fisheries heard reports on trunk call inspected Thayetchaung Department.—MNA Ways sought for development of National Herbal Garden NAY PYI TAW, 4 Feb— for Health Dr Paing Soe in sustainable progress of the The Work Committee for his speech said that the garden. Upgrading Nay Pyi Taw Ministry of Progress of Deputy Minister for National Herbal Garden held Border Areas and National Progress of Border Areas a meeting at the garden here Races and Development and National Races and this morning. Affairs, the Ministry of Development Affairs Col Deputy Minister Dr Paing Soe makes speech at the meeting of the Work Chairman of the Forestry, the Ministry of Tin Ngwe delivered an Committe for Upgrading Nay Pyi Taw National Herbal Garden.—MNA committee Deputy Minister Health and the Ministry of address. Director-General of Agriculture and Irrigation the Traditional Medicine Opening of MDA Conference, FDI-MDA joint meeting held are pursuing a common goal Department Dr Tin Nyunt of upgrading the garden in gave an account of ongoing YANGON, 4 Feb — The with an opening address medical equipment booth. committee Prof. Dr Pwint compliance with the work for progress of the opening of the 29th by Acting Director- Next, a respect-paying Phu delivered addresses. guidance of the Head of garden. Members of the Conference of Myanmar General Dr Win Myint of ceremony followed. Next, officials read out State. All are to work hard work committee made Dental Association was Health Department. Then the chairman of annual reports and paper together for its development suggestions about work held in conjunction with The acting director- the association, FDI reading session followed. as it is a pride of the nation, progress done department- the 10th joint meeting of general and Chairman of Representative Dr. W. The session and joint he said, calling for wise.—MNA FDI-MDA at Traders MDA Prof. Dr Thein Htut Keung Leung and meeting is held up to 6 Hotel here this morning opened the medicine and chairman of reception February. — MNA All this needs to be known * Do not be frightened whenever intimidated * Do not be bolstered whenever flattered * Do not be softened whenever Acting Director-General Dr Win Myint makes speech at the ceremony to open the 29th appeased Conference of Myanmar Dental Association and the 10th joint meeting of FDI-MDA.—MNA 5-2-09 NL 9 7/30/18, 7:53 PM 10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 5 February, 2009 Coastal and overseas shippings contributing to development of transport sector Article & Photos: Soe Maung (MFSL) (from page 16) Singapore-Yangon Development Council, transportation of export the State, the MFSL is with the market-oriented Indeed, the Myanma container transport route. a jetty that measures 220 and import goods by undertaking the local and economic system. Five Star Line is an At present, the metres by 19.5 metres, the conventional vessel. foreign transport services ******* international level organization extended its passenger lounge, the In implementing Four for development of the Translation: TTA shipping line and it has container transport warehouse and the Economic Objectives of transport sector in line Kyemon: 31-1-2009 had (the International service along the container yard were built Standard Organization) Yangon-Pot Kilan- on 33.257 acres of land ISO 9001:2000 and the Singapore-Yangon near Bago River in certificate of route. Moreover, the plan Thakayta Township. International Safety is under way to extend For the coastal Management. the container transport transport services, sales In line with the route in the ASEAN of tickets for coastal motto of the Ministry of region. routes, berthing of the Transport: “To uplift the As the MFSL has passenger ships, loading economy through more opportunities to and unloading of transport service”, undertake the commodities of vessels of MFSL are transportation of export departments concerned transporting heavy and import commodities and private entrepreneurs machinery, machines, of the country, from coastal liners are machine spare parts, raw arrangements are being being carried out. materials, locomotives made to buy new vessels The coastal liners and carriages from the for its fleet. under the MFSL are respective ports to To implement the aim transporting over 50,000 Myanmar through the for ensuring easy and passengers and over free on board (FOB) smooth transportation of 100,000 tons of system. Myanmar coastal regions commodities yearly. Beginning 1994, and speedy flow of The MFSL is the MFSL has been commodities laid down by rendering services for the MV Bago of Myanma Five Star Line loaded with containers. running the Yangon- the State Peace and entrepreneurs in the Holographic Universe In order to test the theory of holographic CARDIFF, 4 Feb — plain mysterious noise in noise, the frequency of Cardiff University re- the detector data that has GEO600´s maximum searchers, who are part of not been explained so far. sensitivity will be shifted a British-German team The British-German towards ever higher fre- searching the depths of team behind the GEO600, quencies. The frequency space to study gravita- which includes scientists of maximum sensitivity tional waves, may have from the School of Phys- is the tone that the detec- stumbled on one of the ics and Astronomy's tor can hear best. It is most important discover- Gravitational Physics normally adjusted to of- ies in physics, according Group, will now carry out fer the best chance for to an American physicist. new experiments in the hearing exploding stars Centre for Particle coming months to yield or merging black holes. Astrophysics in Illinois is more evidence about Even if it turns out convinced that he has Craig Hogan's assump- that the mysterious noise Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Htay cuts ribbon to open earth road found proof in the data of tions. If proved correct, it is the same at high fre- linking Wanetyon Village and Htaukkyantkwin Village in Nattalin the gravitational wave de- could help in the quest to quencies as at the lower Township.—MNA tector GEO600 of a holo- bring together quantum ones, this will not consti- Bridge, rural road inaugurated graphic Universe – and mechanics and Einstein's tute proof for Hogan's hy- that his ideas could ex- theory of gravity. pothesis. It would, how- ever, provide a strong mo- in two townships tivation for further study. The sensitivity of NAY PYI TAW, 4 Feb— Htay attended the people at Basic Education GEO600 will then be sig- Shwepyae Ngweshan ceremony and met local Primary School in nificantly improved by Bridge crossing Po Tha people and presented cash Wanetyon Village and using 'squeezed vacuum' Aung Creek linking for maintenance of the presented cash for and by the installation of a Zeetaw Village in Nattalin bridge. maintenance of the road. mode filter in a new Township and Magyeebin The deputy minister The deputy minister vacuum chamber. The Village in Paungde attended the opening also met with local people technology of 'squeezed Township was opend at ceremony of earth road at BEPS in Panntinlay vacuum' was particularly Zeetaw Village in Nattalin linking Wanetyon Village Village of Zigon refined in Hannover and Township on 1 February. and Htaukkyantkwin Township and presented would be used in a gravi- Deputy Minister for Village in Nattalin cash donation for the tational wave detector for View through one of the tubes of GEO600. Energy Brig-Gen Than Township. He met local school.—MNA the first time.—Internet 5-2-09 NL 10 7/30/18, 7:53 PM

expiry of the one-year probationary period. Name. Appointment. (a) U Tin Republic of Sri Lanka which falls on 4. February. —MNA .. Japan this week after a firefighter left a cooking stove .. hand over Topcon Manual. Operation
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