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Preview Professional Pattern Grading for Women's, Men's, and Children's Apparel

Please use this insertion to con€ct the lollowina tvTographicavlrintinge rror PROFESSIONAI- PATTERN GR,ADTNG: Pase15-Line18.( 3)M oveIN l/8" (0.3o ) Drawtheshoulder Pase2 3- Line1 6- (3)MovelN1/8( 0.3c i) Dnwthearnscve Page2 6 Line3 6 (6)M oyea F 1/8" (0 3 cn). Drawt hes ides ean Pas€ 53 Line3 5- a.d bac&e des ol tle sleev€ 1/16"( 0 2 cm)a put Page5 9 Line34- (5)MoverOr/N1/8("0 3 cm)mdIN1/8"(03 cm) Pase9 1- O,r md ft shouldb er ders.d ont ned irectimala @ws Paee9 3 O/ dd L should!e reversd otrt hed irectimala @ws Pase1 00'M@eI (1)s houltde conecteads f ollNs: UP DOWN OUT IN Pace1 12 Mde # (?)s holldh ec onecteda sf ollows: DOWN UP IN OUT 5/8"( 1,6c m) DOWN UP IN OUT lage 138 Mde t (4),li ne3 , shouldi@ d: bladeu €a, seeN ote qder (4) on pase8 6) PleaF acceptn y since.ea pologi4 lor any inconvenienced ese €rors @v haveu used tou. Y@ ma' be assred rhat they will be cdr€ted belore tle next printins ROFESSIONAL PATTERN GRADING for Women's, Men's and Children's Apparel by JAoKH ANDFoRDE, D.D . Copyright 1930 Plycon press Printed in lhe United states of A,aelica A11 rights reserved. No part of ehis book na! be leDrodu.ea.w cny neare ditnour r\e of the Publisher- 340 The vil1age, No. 105 Redondo 3each, catifornia 902 7? Lirraly of congless cataloq card Nuber: 79_9L230 rsBN:0-916434-34-6 DEDICATION This bool is dedi.ated to all those who share my philosphyt hat clothing is trult one oI oui recessities,a long witn lood and sh€lteri but that lood, regardlesso f the thought and care that <oesi nto tts preladtion, is ephemeraal nd only the menory ol it .enainsr that shelterr epresents trn exDensivea nd genefllly long terD investmentt hat is not easily changedt o suit our shiiting loods. On the other hand, clothins on be as disposablea s we {ish, qlickly .hanged accordins :o our needsa nd rvithin a wide range oi prices ald the pleasue and satisJactionth at con€s lron Tearin g a velldesigne d, wel l.co nstru.ted md wel.fitt ed gament ol appropriaten aterialc an out :ire the mostm gnificent neal snhout repr*enting the e{penseo r peftance oJh o!si.A. JACKll Amrom, DD.D . CONTENTS SECTIONI _ WOMEN'S1VEAR ErplanationolWomenswearGrad. ins Difleren.ebse tweesni zes .. I G.ade.. . .. ... ...... ....., ...5 f1/2 Crade.. .. ..... .. .. .. 10 .13 2 Grade . Chadfo ra l grades. .... ....... 1 Grade.. . .. ... .. .. 18 ..2r 1.1/2G rade.. .. .... .... 2 Grade.. . .. ..24 Cha forallgrade.s. .... ..... ..28 l crade. ..... .. .. ..... ... ..31 1.1/2G .ade. .. . ..... .... '35 2 Grade.. .... .. 39 Chartfor3llgrad.e.s.. .... ... Chat for all grades . . . . , . . . . .. 48 Naistbandsf or ScDarateS hirt or Pants . .50 1'G.adeandll/ 2'Gradc ...... 2"Grad.. .... .. .. .. ..57 Chanf o. al grades .. . . .62 I"Gnde ... ....... ... I 1/2 Grade. .. .. .. 2 Grade.. .... Chartirallgrades . . ... 76 CiartJorallgrades . ... 73 ' Crdae .. 1.1/2"c radea nd2 ,,c rade .. 82 Cha|tl or allgradesC onvexnecktine ... .. 8,1 Chartt ora I srades Concaveneckline ... .35 Noresi o. SectionI SECTJONI I DESJGNV ARIA'IIONS Prince ss. Cjrartlora llg mdes Midrifi Chartf or allg rades BackY oke . Chart tor a srades .. 9,1 sha\rlCotlarC harcto r a srade Blouse torso , Chart for all gRdes , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 KinonoS leeve. S TrapB odi.e. Chartt or alls lades. . 100 Bodice Chartf .r altg Rdes r02 SleeveC hartto.altgrad.e..s ..... .. ... 104 Sl.eveandYokeCutInOne.Chartto.ailsmdes ... r06 SixC o.eS lirt . Cha fora lls ndes . . . . . . , . . . .. 108 SkirtwithCut-inFocket_Chartforallsiades ...... 110 Circle Skirt . Chart lor a srades I12 sNinWear BodySriL-Cna.rlorallsrades ....... 114 SECT]ON]II MENSWEAR .E'T Dific rencesb etweens i zes t22 I 'o' c n,rB od. 123 Charto.2,,grade 130 Back Shi.t Body and yoke . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 132 Chlrrlo.2,,srade 138 Collar. .. .. .. 140 S|eev.e. .... ,...... 141 LonsandS hortSteeveC. harrtor2,,srade 146 FrontBodJ,-Chartlor.!,Crade ... ..... .. 143 BaclShntBody_ChrtJor4,,crade ...,..... t50 LonsandShortSteeve.Charttor4,,snde .... 152 Colta.4 ,,gmde.. .... ...... ... .. .. .. Babis 3 nonurst browh 36n oftns B.diceF,r ontandBack ..,.,..,,..... 210 Sleeve. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . , . . , , 212 Skirt,FrontandBacl< ..... -......... 213 KinonoS leevSea .quSe,h dtd lonsDresGs,o M . ..... -........... 214 Pdts, Fmntd d Bacl<. . - . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . - . . . . - . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . 218 BodicFer, ontandBack,...,,,-,.,. ,..,,,.....,,.....,.......... 224 Sleoe . . . . . , , . . . . . , , . . , . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . , , , , . . , , , , . . , . . , , 222 Sknt, Fronta ndB ack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Pats,l rontandBac.,k. .... .......... -- ....,,,,..,,,..,,,,,.., 224 Bodice,F ront and Eact .224 Sleev.e. ....... ..... .230 Skirt, Frcnt and Back 232 Pan|s,F ront and Back Bodice,FrontandBack. 238 Sleev.e. . ...... .... ua Skirt,FronLandBack.. 242 Pants,FrontandBack.. 244 Shnt,FrontandBa.k.. 24a Sleeve............... 25A Panrs,FrontandBack.. 252 l l 3.( 1.. 5.t IId chit INTRODUCTION Gradingn ay bes inrplyd eiineda st hci .creasingo r de..€asingofaDattema ccordrgt oa set oi corespondinbgo dyn reasuFmencT hc sctrct.f DroJcssionsanld ing is to uderstandx ,''r thcb odyr cqutresth esec hanges Artioughn ost manufa.Lurelrosl loe th. diJfer.nccisn sizesa ss eLJ orthi n publicaLionbsv the NATIONAL BUREAU OF S:f/\NDARDSn, ant havel ound that slighi variatio.sJ ronl Lhosem casuremetns aE .eqd ie d lo r thcn Fadicular tyt c ol garnenr and thejr tvpc ot cus toner' The merhodss hdNni n this booka re fundanentaml d orcc masteredn ravb c varieda t the $ader sdiscretiono.Lhme nufacnr.crs ndeds Thc a.ceDtedn elhod ol gradhs a pattrfr i. to moYeth e Pieceb einAg nded,i ra.ing each prcgressiyset eDa ndt henblendinsth c ncw lincst ogeth.r,u sinsL heo riginaDl attempi.cea sa gnidelo r theblendingofthDe eNli ncs Mechani.alequipnensru, cha st hc Dari. C.adonrctcorr thet lingedG radi.AR uie.nadeb t Clut$c Produciionsa rew idelyu scdi . thcgarmenitn dustvtospeedu Ft hep rocesosJ g rading Thesea idsa ren otautomaLaic. d thes mdcrn ststill Ln.w andn nde6Lanldrh eret hc Fttern Die.eis to bc .hansedF. or rhes rudenot l smdins,t heo nlve quipmenntc cessa!i-s a flrlerm ark ;d in 1/L6thso f,n incn( ori. ccntinetersil the metri. reasu'ene.c areb einsused)e, ithera righrangletiangleo r anL squa.ea ndn sharph ardl eadp eocil. Det;ileddncclionsarre{i rcni or lTadingb dsi.p atternp ieccsT. heses houLbde D Bcti.edu ntil dreya re thorcughlyln destood beJok attenrptinglo gradcD .tcrns {iih nrorcd etaileds tvlc lin;s Keepi n nrinda hvaysth at accu.a.yis nuch nore inportantt hans peed the speedN ill comele ithD F.tice.B es ue io thoroughlcyh ectt heo .igin aI patt ernsb eJorest artingto grade: 1. Eachpieceshouldbecheckcdasainstthep,.eorDiecesit*illbese\rntoinLhe.onpleted and punchn rarks.R enembcr,t hese( ill be the onlt s des the to $ide thcnri n plrting Lhes ameni ios.thero n.€ it is cut i.on the 3. Checks $m allosa.cesloraccuracy. ,1. A.e the grain lincs clearly indicated? - Is thes tylen unbcr,t hen lnber ol piecesre qrnedt o be. ut iron eachD at oJt hel attern andl hesizeoltheo rigi.alp 3Lier..learlyin dicated? lfthe sraderl ailsb checkt hco ginalp atterna ndt heres houldb ea nve noE in it, all ol the srccdedinpga tteflNw ilLh avet he samcm istrkes- q hi.h canb e vcrv costlvt o thec omtanv, citheri n p.oductiono r in loss{ ,f busincsdsu er o po.r fiL For theses aher easonse,a chn cwlv aradeds ecti,,nolthep atteros houldbetc stcda sai.stt hepreeiouslsyr adedp ie.et hati t wiUbc se$nt o inthec ohpletedg arment The.eh asb eenn u.h dhcussionrc centlya boutdtowingouto urp resenrta ngeo f sizesa 'rd replncingthcbw ithsomcn c{sizesb^edon thcmeiicsysten If, andthen, Lhiss houldo ccur, thes anep rin.ipleslorchaogirigpaa tLcrfn. .n on. sizet oanoiherwillremaidn1 es ane. StandardizariooIn m ens sizesin Anc.ica dcrelopedig ht alter theC iil $Iar, about1 365, Jron thc neasurementosJ the sol.liersl' ho hadb eeni ndlcredi nto the UnionA rmv These measurenrentsbecaFma.el o l thc rccordso l theu .s. Bdrea!o fstaDdardasn dL hes lasel ias set lor rhed evclopmenotl .eadyn iadem cn\\car. The neasnr ementsa reu pd ated aboute rervl en rcarst o rcflecti hen eededch anscrsn s iTes 'lvomcns andc hildrensm easrrcmcntsicrca ddedto rhes tatis ticsp reparedb y theB urea! oi Standardsa nd are alsou pdate.la bolr eYervt en -rcars. Chil.lre.s clothinsi s sizedb y ase. unlike orens clotbjnsw hich is sizedb v chestc ir cumlerencoer Nomens lloLhingwhichha sa ne ntirclyd ifierenst vsremd rath ase volvedlr omt he needlo lit a vanetyo I sizesa nda ses.

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