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Preview Production of Massive Color-Octet Vector Bosons at Next-to-Leading Order

MSU-HEP-111130 Production of Massive Color-Octet Vector Bosons at Next-to-Leading Order R. Sekhar Chivukula,∗ Arsham Farzinnia,† and Elizabeth H. Simmons‡ Department of Physics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA Roshan Foadi§ Service de Physique Th´eorique, Universit´e Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium and Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) Universit´e catholique de Louvain, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (Dated: December 13, 2011) WereportthefirstcompletecalculationofQCDcorrectionstotheproductionofamassivecolor- octet vector boson. Our next-to-leading-order (NLO) calculation includes both virtual corrections as well as corrections arising from the emission of gluons and light quarks, and we demonstrate the reduction in factorization-scale dependence relative to the leading-order approximation used in 2 previoushadroncolliderstudies. WeshowthattheQCDNLOcorrectionstocoloronproductionare 1 aslargeas30%,andthattheresidualfactorizationscale-dependenceisreducedtooforder2%. We 0 alsocalculatetheK-factorandthep spectrumforcoloronproduction,sincethesearevaluablefor T 2 comparisonwithexperiment. Ourresultsapplydirectlytotheproductionofthemassivecolor-octet n vector bosons in axigluon, topcolor, and coloron models, and approximately to the production of a KK gluons in extra-dimensional models or color-octet technivector mesons in technicolor models. J 1 2 ] h p - p e h [ 3 v 1 6 2 7 . 1 1 1 1 : v i X r a ∗ [email protected][email protected][email protected] § [email protected] 2 I. INTRODUCTION Massive color-octet vector bosons are predicted in a variety of models, including axigluon models [1, 2], topcolor models[3–6],technicolormodelswithcoloredtechnifermions[7],flavor-universal[8,9]andchiral[10]coloronmodels, andextra-dimensionalmodelswithKKgluons[11,12]. Thesestateshavealsorecentlybeenconsideredasapotential source [13, 14] of the top-quark forward-backward asymmetry observed by the CDF collaboration [15, 16].1 Recent searches for resonances in the dijet mass spectrum at the LHC imply that the lower bound on such a boson is now 2-3 TeV [20–23].2 If there are color-octet vector bosons associated with the electroweak symmetry breaking sector, as suggested by several of the models discussed above, their presence should be uncovered by the LHC in the future. In this paper, we report the first complete calculation3 of QCD corrections to the production of a massive color- octet vector boson. We will refer to these massive color-octet vector states generically as “colorons.” We treat the coloronasanasymptoticstateinourcalculations,employingthenarrowwidthapproximation. Ournext-to-leading- order (NLO) calculation includes both virtual corrections as well as corrections arising from the emission of gluons and light quarks, and we demonstrate the reduction in factorization-scale dependence relative to the leading-order (LO) approximation used in previous hadron collider studies. The QCD NLO calculation of coloron production reported here differs substantially from the classic computation oftheQCDNLOcorrectionstoDrell-Yanproduction[26],becausethefinalstateiscolored. Inparticular,Drell-Yan production involves the coupling of the light quarks to a conserved (or, in the case of W- or Z-mediated processes, conserved up to quark masses) current. Hence, in computing the NLO corrections to Drell-Yan processes, the currentconservationWardidentityinsuresacancellationbetweentheUVdivergencesarisingfromvirtualquarkwave functionandvertexcorrections. ThesecancellationsdonotoccurinthecalculationoftheNLOcorrectionstocoloron production, because of vertex corrections involving the 3-point non-Abelian colored-boson vertices. As we describe in Section IV, we use the “pinch technique” [27] to divide the problematic non-Abelian vertex corrections into two pieces–a“pinched”piecewhoseUVdivergencecontributestotherenormalizationofthecoloronwavefunction(and, ultimately,arenormalizationofthecoloroncoupling)andan“unpinched”partwhoseUVdivergence(whencombined with an Abelian vertex correction) cancels against the UV divergences in quark wavefunction renormalization. As we show, once the UV divergences are properly accounted for, the IR divergences cancel in the usual way: the IR divergencesarisingfromrealquarkorgluonemissioncancelagainsttheIRdivergencesinthevirtualcorrections,and the IR divergences arising from collinear quarks or gluons in the initial state are absorbed in the properly defined parton distribution functions (PDFs). We compute the gauge-, quark-, and self-couplings of the coloron from a theory with an extended SU(3) 1c × SU(3) SU(3) gauge structure, where SU(3) is identified with QCD. The calculation yields the minimal 2c c c → coupling of gluons to colorons, and allows for the most general couplings of quarks to colorons. The cancellation of UVdivergencesdescribedabove, however, occursonlywhenthe3-coloroncouplinghasthestrengththatarisesfrom thedimension-fourgauge-kineticenergytermsoftheextendedSU(3) SU(3) gaugestructure. Ourcomputation 1c 2c × appliesdirectlytoanytheorywiththisstructure,i.e. tomassivecolor-octetvectorbosonsinaxigluon,topcolor,and coloron models. In general, the triple coupling of KK gluons in extra-dimensional models, or of colored technivector mesonsintechnicolormodels,willnotfollowthispattern. Howeverourresultsapplyapproximatelytothesecasesas well, to the extent that the SU(3) SU(3) model is a good low-energy effective theory for the extra dimensional 1c 2c × model(a“two-site”approximationinthelanguageofdeconstruction[28,29])orforthetechnicolortheory(ahidden local symmetry approximation for the effective technivector meson sector [30, 31]).4 This paper is structured as follows. In Sec. II we introduce the formalism of a minimal vector coloron theory, deriving all the Feynman rules, and setting the stage for the subsequent calculations. In Sec. III we review the leading order computations of the amplitude and cross section for coloron production due to qq¯pair annihilation. Sec. IV describes in detail the one loop virtual corrections to the qq¯ pair annihilation process, elaborating on the contributions from the quark self-energy, coloron-coloron and gluon-coloron mixed vacuum polarization amplitudes, and the vertex corrections. We employ the pinch technique [27], described above, in order to consistently treat the UV divergences, and obtain a gauge-invariant, mutually-independent set of counterterms. The one loop cross section is constructed, and the IR singularities of the virtual correction properly extracted. In Sec. V we consider the real emission processes, consisting of real (soft and collinear) gluon and (collinear) quark emission. In Sec. VI we put all the pieces together, exhibiting the explicit cancellation of the IR divergences among the real and virtual 1 Note, however, that the observation of a top-quark forward-backward asymmetry is not confirmed by results of the D0 collaboration [17, 18]. Furthermore, if the observed top-quark forward-backward asymmetry is confirmed, explaining this using color-octet vector bosonsisproblematicgiventhetightconstraintsonflavor-changingneutral-currents[19]. 2 At least for the fermion charge assignments considered, and in the case where the resonance is narrow compared to the djiet mass resolutionofthedetector 3 Asthisworkwasbeingcompleted,acomputationoftheNLOvirtualcorrectionsoftop-quarkpairproductionviaaheavycolor-octet vectorbosonhasbeenreportedin[24]. Thatworkiscomplementarytooursinthatitdoesnotemploythenarrowwidthapproximation forthecolor-octetboson,butneitherdoesitincluderealgluonorquarkemission. Afterthisworkwassubmittedforpublication,real emissionhasalsobeenconsideredbythoseauthors[25]. 4 Arbitary three- and four-point coloron self-couplings can be incorporated in the SU(3)1c×SU(3)2c by adding O(p4) terms in the of effectivechiralLagrangianofEq. (1),anddeviationsinthesecouplingsarethereforeofO(M2/Λ2)whereΛisthecutoffoftheeffective C coloron theory. The 3- and 4-point self-couplings, however, are neither relevant to the leading-order qq¯nor to the IR divergent NLO coloronproductioncontributions,andthereforenumericallyinsignificant. 3 corrections, and demonstrate the renormalization of the quark and gluon PDFs. We give a finite expression for the NLO-corrected production cross section. Finally, in Sec. VII we plot the cross section, demonstrate that the QCD NLO corrections are as large as 30%, and show that the residual factorization-scale dependence is at the 2% level. We also calculate the K-factor and the p spectrum for coloron production, since these are valuable for comparison T with experiment. An appendix contains all the Feynman rules of the theory. II. A MINIMAL THEORY FOR SPIN-ONE COLORONS In this section, we introduce colorons5 as the massive color-octet bosons arising when an extended SU(3) 1c × SU(3) gaugesymmetryisspontaneouslybrokenbyanon-linearsigmamodelfieldtoitsdiagonalsubgroup,SU(3) , 2c c whichweidentifywithQCD.Thesymmetrybreakingresultsinalow-energyspectrumthatincludesbothamassless spin-one color octet of gauge bosons, the gluons, and a massive spin-one color octet of gauge bosons, the colorons. In detail, we replace the QCD Lagrangian with 1 1 f2 = G Gµν G Gµν + TrD ΣDµΣ†+ + + . (1) Lcolor −4 1µν 1 − 4 2µν 2 4 µ Lgauge−fixing Lghost Lquark Here Σ is the nonlinear sigma field breaking SU(3) SU(3) to SU(3) , 1c 2c c × 2iπata Σ=exp , a=1,...,8 , (2) f (cid:18) (cid:19) where πa are the Nambu-Goldstone bosons “eaten” by the coloron, f is the corresponding “decay-constant”, and ta are the Gell-Mann matrices, normalized as Tr tatb = δab/2. The Σ field transforms as the bi-fundamental of SU(3) SU(3) , 1c 2c × Σ u Σu† , u =exp(iαata) , (3) → 1 2 i i where the αa are the parameters of the SU(3) transformations. This leads to the covariant derivative i ic D Σ=∂ Σ ig Ga taΣ+ig ΣGa ta , (4) µ µ − s1 1µ s2 2µ where g is the gauge coupling of the SU(3) gauge group. Up to a total divergence, the quadratic terms in the si ic Lagrangian are (2) = 1Ga gµν∂2 ∂µ∂ν Ga + f2 g Ga g Ga 2+ 1(∂ πa)2 f g Ga g Ga ∂µπa Lcolor 2 iµ − iν 8 s1 1µ− s2 2µ 2 µ − 2 s1 1µ− s2 2µ + (2) (cid:0) + (2) (cid:1)+ (2) ,(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (5) Lgauge−fixing Lghost Lquark where a sum over i=1,2 in the gauge kinetic terms is implied. The gauge-Goldstone mixing term can be removed, up to a total divergence, by choosing the gauge-fixing La- grangian to be 1 = ( a)2 , (6) Lgauge−fixing −2 Fi where the gauge-fixing functions are 1 g f 1 g f a ∂µGa +ξ s1 πa , a ∂µGa ξ s2 πa . (7) F1 ≡ √ξ 1µ 2 F2 ≡ √ξ 2µ− 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) The Faddeev-Popov ghost Lagrangian is obtained by taking the functional determinant of δ a/δαb. This leads to Fi j g2 f2 =c¯a ∂µ δ δab∂ g fabcδ Gc ξ si (δ δ )(δ δ )δab+ (π) cb , (8) Lghost i − ij µ− si ij iµ − 4 i1− i2 1j − 2j O j where fabc are the SU((cid:104)3) stru(cid:0)cture constants, and a su(cid:1)m over i,j = 1,2 is implied. Notice that w(cid:105)e have included only the inhomogeneous terms in the transformation of the “eaten” Goldstone boson, whence the unspecified (π) O 5 Colorons can in principle be introduced as matter fields in the adjoint of SU(3)c. This approach, however, would lead to an early violation of tree-level unitarity, as the scattering amplitude of longitudinally polarized massive spin-one bosons can grow, by power counting,likeE4,whereE isthecenter-of-mass(CM)energy. Theonlywaytoavoidthisisto“promote”thecolorontothestatusof gauge field of a spontaneously broken gauge theory: then the special relation between trilinear and quartic gauge couplings will lead toanexactcancellationofthetermsgrowinglikeE4,ashappensinthestandardelectroweaktheory. 4 terms in the ghost Lagrangian, which are unnecessary for our computation. Up to a total divergence, the quadratic Lagrangian now reads 1 1 g2 f2 1 ξ (2) = Ga δ gµν∂2 δij 1 ∂µ∂ν + si (δ δ )(δ δ ) Ga πa ∂2+ g2 +g2 f2 πa Lcolor 2 iµ(cid:34) ij − (cid:18) − ξ(cid:19) 4 i1− i2 1j − 2j (cid:35) jν − 2 (cid:34) 4 s1 s2 (cid:35) (cid:0) (cid:1) g2 f2 c¯a δ ∂2+ξ si (δ δ )(δ δ ) ca+ (2) . (9) − i(cid:34) ij 4 i1− i2 1j − 2j (cid:35) j Lquark Aside from a factor of the gauge-fixing parameter ξ, the gauge and ghost fields share the same mass matrix, as expected. This is diagonalized by Ga Ga ca ca 1µ =R µ , 1 =R G , (10) Ga Ca ca ca (cid:18) 2µ (cid:19) (cid:18) µ (cid:19) (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) (cid:18) C (cid:19) where R≡ csoinsθθcc −cosisnθθcc , sinθc ≡ g2gs+1 g2 . (11) (cid:18) (cid:19) s1 s2 In Eq. (10) Ga is the gluon field and Ca is the coloron field, whereas(cid:112)ca and ca are the corresponding ghost fields. µ µ G C Inserting these expressions in Eq. (9) gives, for the coloron mass, g2 +g2 f g f M = s1 s2 s , (12) C 2 ≡ sin2θ (cid:112) c where g is the SU(3) coupling, s c 1 1 1 = + . (13) g2 g2 g2 s s1 s2 The gluon ghost is massless, whereas both the coloron ghost and the eaten Goldstone boson have mass √ξM . The C interaction vertices and the corresponding Feynman rules can be found in Appendix A. WewillleavethequarkchargeassignmentsunderSU(3) SU(3) arbitrary, forgreatergenerality. Inthemass 1c 2c × eigenstate basis we write =q¯ii ∂/ ig G/ata iC/ata(g P +g P ) q , (14) quark s L L R R i L − − where P and P are the helicity projection(cid:2) operators, (cid:3) L R 1 γ 1+γ 5 5 P − , P , (15) L R ≡ 2 ≡ 2 andiisaflavorindex6. Thecouplingtothegluonisdictatedbychargeuniversality,whereastheg andg couplings L R to the coloron depend on the original charge assignments of the quarks. For example, if both left-handed and right- handed quarks are only charged under SU(3) , then g = g = g tanθ , while the axigluon [1, 2] corresponds 1c L R s c − to g = g = g (i.e. θ = π/4). In general, g and g can each take on the values g tanθ or g cotθ in any L R s c L R s c s c − − specific model,7 g ,g g tanθ ,g cotθ . (16) L R s c s c ∈{− } III. LO COLORON PRODUCTION The dominant channel for coloron production at a hadron collider is given by the tree-level diagram of Fig. 1, in which a qq¯ pair annihilates into a coloron. The tree-level diagram with gluon-gluon fusion into a coloron does not exist in the Lagrangian of Eq. (1): in general there are no dimension-four terms with two gauge bosons of an unbrokensymmetryandaspin-onefieldchargedunderthesamesymmetry. Weusethenarrowwidthapproximation 6 Hereweworkinthebrokenelectroweakphase,andonlyemployfermionmasseigenstates. 7 It is possible to generalize this setup to non-universal charge assignments: in this case flavor-diagonal chiral couplings to the coloron woulddependonagenerationindex. Flavor-changingcouplingsarestronglyconstrained[19]. 5 a,⌫ →r p p¯ → FIG. 1. Tree-level contribution to coloron production. The coloron field, Ca, is represented by the zigzag line. ν for the coloron, take the quarks to be on-shell, and set their masses to zero: this is certainly a good approximation, as current experimental bounds [20, 22, 23] constrain the coloron mass to be in the TeV range. The leading order (LO) amplitude corresponding to the diagram of Fig. 1 is i (0) =g v¯r(p¯) iγµ(r P +r P )ta us(p) εaλ∗(r) , (17) Mqq¯→C s L L R R µ where the superscripts r and s denote quark spin projections, λ is the coloron polarization, and g g L R r , r , r ,r tanθ ,cotθ . (18) L R L R c c ≡ g ≡ g ∈{− } s s In d = 2(2 (cid:15)) dimensions the squared amplitude averaged over initial spins and colors, and summed over final − polarization states, is 2 2 1 1 C (r)(1 (cid:15)) (0) 2 (0) 2 = 2 − g2 r2 +r2 sˆ, (19) |Mqq¯→C| ≡ dim(r) 2 |Mqq¯→C| 2 dim(r) s L R (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) spin&color (cid:88) (cid:0) (cid:1) where dim(r)=3 and C (r)=4/3 are respectively the dimension and Casimir of the fundamental representation of 2 SU(3), and sˆ (p+p¯)2 = 2p p¯is the partonic center-of-mass CM energy. This gives the LO cross section [2] for ≡ · qq¯ C, → π α A(r2 +r2) σˆ(0) = (0) 2 δ(1 χ)= s L R δ(1 χ) , (20) qq¯→C sˆ2 |Mqq¯→C| − sˆ − where α g2/4π, s ≡ s 2π2C (r)(1 (cid:15)) 2 A − , (21) ≡ dim(r) and M2 χ C . (22) ≡ sˆ The full LO cross section for pp C is given by the convolution of the LO partonic cross section σˆ(0) with the → qq¯→C parton distribution functions (PDFs) for the quarks within the protons, and a sum over all quark flavors, σLO = dx dx f (x )f (x )+f (x )f (x ) σˆ(0) , (23) 1 2 q 1 q¯ 2 q¯ 1 q 2 qq¯→C (cid:90) (cid:90) (cid:88)q (cid:104) (cid:105) where f (x) is the PDF of parton q, and x the momentum fraction of the corresponding parton. Taking the collision q axis to be the 3-axis, the four-momenta of the partons are: √s √s p= (x ,0,0,x ) , p¯= (x ,0,0, x ) , (24) 1 1 2 2 2 2 − where s is the CM energy of the colliding hadrons. This gives M2 sˆ=x x s , χ= C . (25) 1 2 s x x 1 2 6 1PI 1PI amputated amputated 1PI 1PI 1PI 1PI (a) (b) FIG. 2. Structure of qq¯→C amplitude, to all orders in perturbation theory. Direct coloron production is illustrated on the left,whileproductionviamixingwiththegluonisshownontheright. Thegluonfieldis,asusual,representedbythecoiling line; the coloron field is represented by the zigzag line. p p p p FIG. 3. Quark self-energy diagrams at one loop. Particle notation as defined in Fig. 2. IV. NLO COLORON PRODUCTION: VIRTUAL CORRECTIONS In this section we compute the next-to-leading order (NLO) virtual QCD corrections to the qq¯ C amplitude. → These include one-loop wave-function and vertex corrections, which we choose to compute in ’t Hooft-Feynman gauge, ξ =1. The non-Abelian vertex corrections are computed by employing the pinch technique: this allows us to obtain QED-like Ward identities, and absorb all UV infinities in the renormalization of the gauge field propagators. After inclusion of the counterterms, the virtual corrections are UV-finite, yet IR infinite. In Sec. V we show that the IR divergences cancel once the real corrections, corresponding to the emission of soft and collinear gluons and quarks, are included in the calculation of the inclusive production cross section. Our loop integrals are computed in dimensional regularization, with d = 2(2 (cid:15)) dimensions. We first regulate the IR divergences by giving the gluon − a small mass (m 0+): in this way all infinities are in the UV, and regularization requires (cid:15)>0. After all of the g → UV infinities are removed, by cancellation and inclusion of the counterterms, we let the gluon mass approach zero. This will make the virtual corrections IR divergent, with the infinities being regulated by taking (cid:15)<0. Since the quark couplings to the coloron are chiral, in general, we need a prescription for treating γ in d = 4. 5 (cid:54) Here we take γ to always anticommute with γµ. Choosing an alternative prescription, such as ’t Hooft-Veltman in 5 which γ anticommutes with γµ for µ = 0,1,2,3 and commutes for other values of µ, would lead to a cross section 5 for qq¯ C which differs from ours by only a finite renormalization of the coupling(s). → The general structure of the qq¯ C amplitude, illustrated in Fig. 2, is → Π (sˆ) i =g v¯r(p¯) i Z1/2Γaµ +Γaµ GC Z us(p) εaλ∗(r) , (26) Mqq¯→C s C qqC qqG sˆ q µ (cid:20) (cid:21) where Γaµ (Γaµ ) is the one-particle-irreducible (1PI) quark-quark-coloron (quark-quark-gluon) vertex and Π is qqC qqG GC thecoefficientofgµν inthegluon-coloronvacuumpolarizationmixingamplitude(VPA).ThefactorsZ andZ are, q C respectively, the residues of the full quark and coloron propagators at the mass pole; they are obtained from the quark self-energy amplitude, Σ(p/), and the coefficient of gµν in the coloron-coloron VPA, ΠCC(q2), as follows: 1 1 Z = , Z = , (27) q 1 Σ(cid:48)(0) C 1 Π(cid:48) (M2 ) − − CC Cphys 7 FIG. 4. One-loop Abelian vertex correction to the qq¯→C amplitude. Particle notation is as defined in Fig. 2. where the prime denotes a derivative with respect to the argument, and M is the coloron’s physical mass. To Cphys lowest order, Z = 1, Z = 1, Π = 0, and iΓaµ = γµ(r P +r P )ta; inserting these in Eq. (26) recovers the q C GC qqC L L R R tree-level amplitude of Eq. (17). A. Quark Self-Energy The NLO quark self-energy correction to the qq¯ C amplitude is found, from Eqs. (26) and (27), to be → iQ=v¯r(p¯) iγν(g P +g P )ta δZ us(p) εaλ∗(r) , (28) L L R R q ν where δZ =Σ(cid:48)(0) . (29) q At one loop, the Σ(p/) amplitude is given by the diagrams of Fig. 3. These lead to the expression g2C (r)2(1 (cid:15))Γ((cid:15)) 1 4πµ2 (cid:15) 4πµ2 (cid:15) Σ(p/)=−p/ s 2 16π2− dx (1−x) ∆ + ∆ (rL2PL+rR2PR) , (30) (cid:90)0 (cid:20)(cid:18) Gq (cid:19) (cid:18) Cq (cid:19) (cid:21) where Γ((cid:15)) is the Euler Gamma-function evaluated at infinitesimal (cid:15), and ∆ =(1 x)m2 x(1 x)p2 iη , ∆ =(1 x)M2 x(1 x)p2 iη . (31) Gq − g− − − Cq − C − − − The parameter µ is the mass scale introduced by the loop integral in d dimensions, and η is the positive infinites- imal parameter giving the appropriate prescription for computing the integral in momentum space. As previously anticipated, we have introduced a small gluon mass, m , in order to regulate the IR divergences and isolate the UV g infinities: with mg =0, Σ(p/) and Σ(cid:48)(p/) contain only UV divergences. Inserting Eq. (30) in Eq. (29) gives (cid:54) g2C (r)2(1 (cid:15))Γ((cid:15)) 1 4πµ2 (cid:15) 4πµ2 (cid:15) δZ = s 2 − dx (1 x) + (r2P +r2P ) .(32) q − 16π2 − (1 x)m2 iη (1 x)M2 iη L L R R (cid:90)0 (cid:20)(cid:18) − g− (cid:19) (cid:18) − C − (cid:19) (cid:21) The amplitude of Eq. (28) becomes α 1 1−x 4πµ2 (cid:15) 4πµ2 (cid:15) iQ= s 2C (r)(1 (cid:15))Γ((cid:15)) dx dy i (0) + i (cid:48)(0) (,33) − 4π 2 − (1 x)m2 iη Mqq¯→C (1 x)M2 iη Mqq¯→C (cid:90)0 (cid:90)0 (cid:20)(cid:18) − g− (cid:19) (cid:18) − C − (cid:19) (cid:21) where (0) is given by Eq. (17), and Mqq¯→C i (cid:48)(0) =g v¯r(p¯) iγν r3P +r3P ta us(p) εaλ∗(r) . (34) Mqq¯→C s L L R R ν Forlaterconveniencewehavetradedthe1 xfactor,i(cid:0)nEq.(32),for(cid:1)anintegraloverdy: thiswillallowustodirectly − add the self-energy correction to the vertex correction and explicitly show the cancellation of the UV divergences. B. Abelian Vertex Corrections The one-loop Abelian vertex correction to the qq¯ C amplitude is given by the diagrams of Fig. 4. These lead → to the amplitude α 1 1−x (1 (cid:15))2 sˆ 4πµ2 (cid:15) iV = s [2C (r) C (G)]Γ(1+(cid:15)) dx dy − (xy(cid:15) (1 x)(1 y)) i (0) Abelian 4π 2 − 2 (cid:90)0 (cid:90)0 (cid:40)(cid:34) (cid:15) − − − − ∆Gqq(cid:35)(cid:18)∆Gqq(cid:19) Mqq¯→C (1 (cid:15))2 sˆ 4πµ2 (cid:15) + − (xy(cid:15) (1 x)(1 y)) i (cid:48)(0) , (35) (cid:34) (cid:15) − − − − ∆Cqq(cid:35)(cid:18)∆Cqq(cid:19) Mqq¯→C(cid:41) 8 µ →r =p+p¯ ⌫ ⇢ p¯ p k → FIG. 5. One-loop non-Abelian vertex correction to the qq¯→ C amplitude. Particle notation is as defined in Fig. 2. Each three-gauge-boson vertex in these diagrams is a full non-Abelian vertex Γµνρ in Eq. (37). where C (G)=3 is the Casimir of the adjoint representation, and 2 ∆ =(1 x y)m2 xysˆ iη , Gqq − − g− − ∆ =(1 x y)M2 xysˆ iη . (36) Cqq − − C − − Once again, we have included a small gluon mass m in order to regulate the IR divergences. g C. Non-Abelian Vertex Corrections a la Pinch-Technique: Unpinched Diagrams Thenon-AbelianvertexcorrectionsaregivenbythediagramsofFig.5. WhenaddedtotheoverallAbelianvertex correction,Eq.(35),thesegivetheone-looptotalvertexcorrectiontoqq¯ C. UnlikeinQED,theUVdivergencesin → thevertexcorrectiondonotcanceltheUVdivergencesarisingfromtheself-energyamplitudes. Thereasonforthisis thattheQEDWardidentity∂µj =0isnowreplacedbyitsnon-AbeliancounterpartDµja =0,whichdoesnotimply µ µ the equality of vertex and quark-wavefunction renormalization constants. It is possible, though, to recover QED-like Ward identities for the currents ja by employing the pinch technique. This consists of breaking up the gauge-boson µ internal momenta of a Feynman diagram into “pinching” and “non-pinching” pieces. The pinching momenta are those which cancel some internal propagators, leading to a simpler diagram with the external-momentum structure ofapropagator. Thenon-pinchingmomentawillinsteadgiveoverallamplitudessatisfyingQED-likeWardidentities. Aformalproofofthesestatements,foranarbitrarynon-Abeliangaugetheory,canbefoundinthereviewofRef.[27] (and references therein). In our vertex computation the pinch technique works as follows. The non-Abelian vertex structure in each of the diagrams in Fig. 5 is Γµνρ(k,p,p¯)=gµν( 2p p¯+k)ρ+gνρ(p p¯ 2k)µ+gρµ(k+p+2p¯)ν . (37) − − − − We can break this into two parts, Γµνρ(k,p,p¯)=Γµνρ(k,p,p¯)+Γµνρ(k,p,p¯) , (38) F P where Γµνρ(k,p,p¯)= 2gµν(p+p¯)ρ+2gρµ(p+p¯)ν +gνρ(p p¯ 2k)µ , (39) F − − − Γµνρ(k,p,p¯)=gµν(p¯+k)ρ+gρµ(k p)ν . (40) P − Unlike Γµνρ(k,p,p¯), the Γµνρ(k,p,p¯) vertex satisfies a QED-like Ward identity for the gC C and CC C F → → amplitudes, (p+p¯) Γµνρ(k,p,p¯)=gνρ (p k)2 (p¯+k)2 . (41) µ F − − (cid:104) (cid:105) Asshownbelow, whenΓµνρ(k,p,p¯)isused tocomputetheintegral inmomentumspace (insteadofΓµνρ(k,p,p¯)), its F UV divergences, added to the UV divergences of the Abelian vertex corrections, exactly cancel the UV divergences of the quark self-energy amplitudes. As mentioned above, this occurs because a QED-like Ward identity for qq¯ C → holds, as one can prove by using the QED-like Ward identity for the gC C and CC C amplitudes given in Eq.(41). ThethreediagramswhichcorrespondtousingΓµνρ(k,p,p¯)instead→ofΓµνρ(k,p,p¯)→aresymbolicallydenoted F with a black disk over the non-Abelian vertex, and are shown in Fig. 6. These lead to the following contribution to the qq¯ C amplitude: → 9 FIG. 6. Non-Abelian un-pinched vertex-correction diagrams for the qq¯→ C amplitude at one loop. Particle notation is as defined in Fig. 2. The black disk indicates that each three-point gauge boson vertex in these diagrams has been replaced by the non-pinched portion Γµνρ, as described in Eqs. (38) and (39). F α 1 1−x 1 (cid:15) sˆ 4πµ2 (cid:15) s iV = C (G)Γ(1+(cid:15)) dx dy − (x+y) non−Abelian 2 4π (cid:90)0 (cid:90)0 (cid:40)(cid:34)(cid:18) (cid:15) − ∆GCq(cid:19)(cid:18)∆GCq(cid:19) 1 (cid:15) sˆ 4πµ2 (cid:15) 1 (cid:15) sˆ 4πµ2 (cid:15) + − (x+y) − (x+y) i (0) (cid:18) (cid:15) − ∆CGq(cid:19)(cid:18)∆CGq(cid:19) −(cid:18) (cid:15) − ∆CCq(cid:19)(cid:18)∆CCq(cid:19) (cid:35) Mqq¯→C 1 (cid:15) sˆ 4πµ2 (cid:15) + − (x+y) i (cid:48)(0) , (42) (cid:18) (cid:15) − ∆CCq(cid:19)(cid:18)∆CCq(cid:19) Mqq¯→C(cid:41) where ∆ =xm2+yM2 xysˆ iη , GCq g C − − ∆ =xM2 +ym2 xysˆ iη , CGq C g− − ∆ =(x+y)M2 xysˆ iη . (43) CCq C − − InordertoobtainEq.(42)wehaveusedtheequationsofmotionfortheexternalspinors,togetherwiththerelations 2cot2θ r = 1+r2 , 2cot2θ r = 1+r2 , (44) L − L R − R which are true for any charge assignment of the quarks. As anticipated, iQ+iV +iV is free of UV Abelian non−Abelian divergences, as manifestly shown by adding together Eqs. (33), (35) and (42). This part of the amplitude is however IR divergent in the limit of zero gluon mass. Setting m =0 and (cid:15)<0 gives g α 2 3+2i iπ iQ+iV +iV = s C (r) +C (G) i (0) +finite . (45) Abelian non−Abelian 4π(cid:34) 2 (cid:18)−(cid:15)2 − (cid:15) (cid:19) 2 (cid:15) (cid:35) Mqq¯→C Of course we still need to include the contribution from Γµνρ(k,p,p¯) (of Eq. (40)) in the full non-Abelian vertex P correction. This contains the pinching momenta: the action of p and p¯ on the external spinors gives zero, and the remaining piece cancels the internal fermion propagator in the diagram. Thus the internal fermion line in each diagram is “pinched” away, leaving an effective diagram with a 4-point coupling between fermions and gauge bosons as shown in Fig. 7. The UV divergences of the pinched diagrams have the same group- and momentum-structure as those of the VPAs, and can be absorbed in the counterterms for the gauge field propagators. In order to see this clearly, we will now consider the form of the “true” propagator corrections to the qq¯ C amplitude in the following → subsection. D. Form of the Vacuum Polarization Amplitudes The NLO corrections to the qq¯ C amplitude due to the VPAs are found, from Eqs. (26) and (27), to have the → form δZ Π (sˆ) iP =i (0) C +i (cid:48)(cid:48)(0) GC , (46) Mqq¯→C 2 Mqq¯→C sˆ where δZ =Π(cid:48) (M2) , (47) C CC C 10 and i (cid:48)(cid:48)(0) =g v¯r(p¯) iγµta us(p) εaλ∗(r) . (48) Mqq¯→C s µ In order to obtain the second term of Eq. (46), we have replaced Γaµ with its LO component iγµta. Notice also qqG that at this order we can swap M2 for M2. Cphys C At one loop Π (q2) is given by the diagrams of Figs. 8 and 10, in which the gluon ghost is represented by CC dotted lines, the coloron ghost by a sequence of filled circles, and the eaten Goldstone bosons are represented by dashed lines. There are poles at d = 2 proportional to both q2 and M2. The latter correspond to quadratic C divergences (renormalizing the coloron mass scale f), whereas the former can only be logarithmic by dimensional analysis (renormalizing the coloron field).8 The momentum dependent part of the full coloron-coloron VPA is not transverse, as the coefficients of the q2 and qµqν terms are different. However we have explicitly verified that the infinite part is transverse: this is necessary, because the corresponding Lagrangian counterterms are transverse. For small values of (cid:15) we obtain α −1 1 µ2 (cid:15) s Π (q2)gµν +qµqν terms=C (G) dx 2 1+4x(1 x) E+2(1 2x)2 gµνq2 qµqν CC 2 (cid:16)4π(cid:17) (cid:90)0 (cid:40)(cid:34)(cid:18)∆GC(cid:19) (cid:16) − (cid:17) − (cid:35)(cid:0) − (cid:1) µ2 (cid:15) µ2 (cid:15) + 1 x(4 3x) E x(1 x) gµνq2+ 2x E+3 5x gµνM2 (cid:34)(cid:18)∆GC(cid:19) (cid:16) − − (cid:17) − − (cid:35) (cid:34)(cid:18)∆GC(cid:19) − (cid:35) C(cid:41) 1 µ2 (cid:15) +4cot2(2θ )C (G) dx 1+4x(1 x) E+(1 2x)2 gµνq2 qµqν c 2 (cid:90)0 (cid:40)(cid:34)(cid:18)∆CC(cid:19) (cid:16) − (cid:17) − (cid:35)(cid:0) − (cid:1) µ2 (cid:15) x(1 x) x(1 x) µ2 (cid:15) (1 2x)2 µ2 (cid:15) 5 1 + − E − gµνq2+ − E qµqν + E+ gµνM2 (cid:34)−(cid:18)∆CC(cid:19) 4 − 4 (cid:35) (cid:18)∆CC(cid:19) 8 (cid:34)(cid:18)∆CC(cid:19) 4 4(cid:35) C(cid:41) 1 µ2 (cid:15) +(r2 +r2)N dx 2x(1 x) E gµνq2 qµqν , (49) L R f ∆ − − − (cid:90)0 (cid:18) qq(cid:19) (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:0) (cid:1) where our results depend only on the coefficient of gµν, the quantity N is the number of quark flavors in the loop f (see Fig. 10), 1 E γ+log4π , (50) ≡ (cid:15) − and γ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. The ∆ functions in Eq. (49) are ∆ x m2+(1 x)M2 x(1 x)q2 iη , GC ≡ g − C − − − ∆ M2 x(1 x)q2 iη , CC ≡ C − − − ∆ x(1 x)q2 iη . (51) qq ≡− − − Notice that the coloron-coloron VPA of Eq. (49) is not IR divergent in the limit m 0, since there are no g → contributions with only massless (gluon) states. However what enters in Eq. (46) is the derivative of Π (see Eq. CC (47)), which is IR divergent in the limit m 0. g → FIG.7. Non-Abelianpinchedvertex-correctiondiagramsfortheqq¯→C amplitudeatoneloop. Particlenotationisasdefined in Fig. 2. 8 Thissituationparallelstherenormalizationoftheelectroweakchirallagrangian[32,33].

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