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Production of K+ and of K- Mesons in Heavy-Ion Collisions from 0.6 to 2.0 AGeV Incident Energy PDF

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Preview Production of K+ and of K- Mesons in Heavy-Ion Collisions from 0.6 to 2.0 AGeV Incident Energy

version of February 8, 2008 Production of K+ and of K− Mesons in Heavy-Ion Collisions from 0.6 to 2.0 A GeV Incident Energy A. F¨orsterb,∗, F. Uhligb,a, I. B¨ottcherd, D. Brilla, M. De¸bowskie,f, F. Dohrmannf, E. Grossef,g, P. Koczon´a, B. Kohlmeyerd, S. Langb,a, F. Lauea,+, M. Manga, M. Menzeld, C. Mu¨ntzb,a,c, L. Naumannf, H. Oeschlerb, M. P loskon´a,c, W. Scheinastf, A. Schmahb,a, T. J. Schuckc,∗, E. Schwaba, P. Sengera, Y. Shinc, J. Speera,†, H. Stro¨belec, C. Sturmb,a,c, G. Sur´owkaa,e, A. Wagnerf,b, W. Walu´se (KaoS Collaboration) a Gesellschaft fu¨r Schwerionenforschung, D-64220 Darmstadt, Germany b Technische Universit¨at Darmstadt, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany c Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universit¨at, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany d Phillips-Universit¨at, D-35037 Marburg, Germany 7 0 e Uniwersytet Jagiellon´ski, PL-30059 Krak´ow, Poland 0 f Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, D-01314 Dresden, Germany 2 g Technische Universit¨at Dresden, D-01062 Dresden, Germany n ∗ Present address: Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Kernphysik, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany a + Present address: Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA J † deceased 8 This paper summarizes the yields and the emission patterns of K+ and of K− mesons measured 1 in inclusive C+C, Ni+Ni and Au+Aucollisions at incident energies from 0.6 A GeV to 2.0 A GeV v using the Kaon Spectrometer KaoS at GSI. For Ni+Ni collisions at 1.5 and at 1.93 A GeV as well 4 asforAu+Auat 1.5A GeVdetailed resultsof themultiplicities, oftheinverseslopeparameters of 1 theenergydistributionsandoftheanisotropiesintheangularemissionpatternsasafunctionofthe 0 collisioncentralityarepresented. Whencomparingtransport-modelcalculationstothemeasuredK+ 1 production yields an agreement is only obtained for a soft nuclear equation of state (compression 0 7 modulus KN ≈ 200 MeV). The production of K− mesons at energies around 1 to 2 A GeV is 0 dominated by the strangeness-exchange reaction K−N⇀↽πY (Y=Λ,Σ) which leads to a coupling / betweentheK− andtheK+ yields. However,bothparticlespeciesshowdistinctdifferencesintheir x emission patternssuggesting different freeze-out conditions for K+ and for K− mesons. e - l PACSnumbers: 25.75.Dw c u n I. INTRODUCTION reactions at these incident energies is the accumulation : v ofthe necessaryenergybymultiple collisionsofparticles i inside the reaction zone. Higher densities increase the X Relativistic heavy-ion collisions at incident energies number of these collisions and especially second genera- r rangingfrom0.6to2.0AGeVprovideauniqueopportu- a tion collisionslike ∆N with sufficiently high relative mo- nitytostudythebehaviorofnuclearmatterathighden- mentumtocreateaK+ occurmostfrequentlyduringthe sities. These studies are important challenges for testing high-density phase of the reaction. The density reached thepresentunderstandingofnuclearmatter. Inaddition, in the reaction zone depends on the stiffness of nuclear theyareofrelevanceforastrophysics,asthemodellingof matter. Because of their specific production mechanism neutronstarsorofsupernovaedependsontheproperties and because of their rather long mean free path (≈5 fm of nuclear matter under these extreme conditions [1]. at normal nuclear density) K+ mesons are ideal probes In central Au+Au collisions at the incident energies toexplorethe high-densityphaseofaheavy-ionreaction under investigation densities of 2 – 3 times normal nu- andtostudythestiffnessofthenuclearequationofstate clear matter density can be reached[2, 3, 4]. A sensitive (EoS) [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. probetotesttheseconditionsistheproductionofstrange In contrast, the behavior of K− mesons in a dense nu- mesons at or below the production thresholds of these clear medium is expected to be very different from the particles in free NN collisions. The rest mass of charged one of the K+ mesons due to two distinct properties: kaonsis0.454GeV.FortheK+ productionthethreshold (i) The interaction with nuclear matter: The K+ are in NN collisions is 1.58 GeV (in the laboratory system) hardly absorbed in nuclear matter due to strangeness asdefinedbytheassociateproductionNN→K+ΛNand conservation. It is very unlikely that a rare K+ (con- it is 2.5 GeV for the K− production via pair creation taining an s¯ quark) encounters an equally rare hyperon NN→NNK−K+. Y (Λ, Σ) containing an s quark. The K− on the con- ThekeymechanismfortheK+productioninheavy-ion trary, can easily be absorbed on a nucleon converting it 2 into a hyperon and a pion. Consequently, the mean free II. THE EXPERIMENT path of the K− is significantly shorter than the one of the K+. The strangeness-exchangereaction K−N⇀↽πY A. The Setup has a large cross section and is therefore responsible for the appearance and disappearance of K− mesons. This The experiments wereperformed with the KaonSpec- channel has been suggested to be the dominant produc- trometer(KaoS)atthe heavy-ionacceleratorSIS(Schw- tion mechanism in nucleus-nucleus collisions [5] and this erionensynchrotron) at the GSI (Gesellschaft fu¨r Schw- has been demonstrated in [10, 11, 12]. erionenforschung) in Darmstadt, Germany. A detailed (ii) The influence ofKNpotentials: Accordingtovari- description is presented in [32]. Here we just briefly re- oustheoreticalapproachestheKNinteractionisgoverned view the main features. by the superposition of a scalar and a vector potential Thesetupofthequadrupole-dipolespectrometerKaoS [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. While the scalar potential acts isshowninFig.1. Positivelyandnegativelychargedpar- attractivelyonbothkaonspecies,thevectorpotentialre- ticles are measured separately using different magnetic pelsK+andattractsK−. ForK+thesetwocontributions field polarities. The magnetic spectrometer has an ac- almost cancel leading to a small repulsive K+N interac- ceptance in solid angle of Ω ≈ 30 msr and covers a mo- tion. For the K− the addition of both attractive interac- mentum bite of p /p ≈ 2. The short distance of 5 max min tions results ina stronglyattractivepotential. Attempts - 6.5 m from the target to the focal plane minimizes the toobservetheseeffectsintherespectiveproductioncross numberofkaondecaysinflight. The lossofkaonsbyde- sections are under discussion [12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]. cay and due to the geometrical acceptance is accounted These potentials are predicted to have a sizeable effect for by corrections which are determined by Monte-Carlo onthe azimuthalemissionpatternsofK+ andofK− (el- simulations using the code GEANT [33]. Particle iden- liptic flow)[25,26]whichhasbeen observedatthe Kaon tification is based on momentum and on time-of-flight Spectrometer [27, 28]. (TOF) measurements. The trigger system is as well This paper intends to give a comprehensive overview basedonthetime-of-flightinformationtoseparatepions, on the cross sections and on the emission patterns of kaonsandprotons. Fortheseparationofhighmomentum the K+ and of the K− production in mass-symmetric protons from kaons a threshold Cherenkov detector [34] heavy-ion reactions in the incident energy range from is used in addition. The trigger system suppresses pions 0.6 to 2 A GeV. It summarizes new as well as previ- and protons by factors of 102 and of 103, respectively. ously published [7, 10, 19, 20, 29] results on inclusive In total there are three time measurements using seg- collisions of Au+Au, Ni+Ni and C+C collisions. Fur- mentedplastic scintillatorarrays: The TOFStartdetec- thermore, new results focussing on the centrality depen- torbetweenthequadrupoleandthedipole(16modules), dence of Ni+Ni collisions at 1.5 and at 1.93 A GeV and the TOF Stop detector in the focal plane of the spec- of Au+Au collisions at 1.5 A GeV are presented. Re- trometer (30 modules), and the Large-Angle Hodoscope sultsonthekaonproductioninthemass-asymmetriccol- (LAH)aroundthetargetpointcoveringpolarlaboratory lisionsystemsC+AuandAu+C havebeenpublishedre- angles of 12◦ ≤ θ ≤ 48◦ (84 modules). The latter lab cently[30]. Theresultsonthe azimuthaldistributionsof allows for a second time-of-flight measurement for back- kaons[27,28]aswellasofpionsandofprotons[31]have ground rejection and for the determination of the col- beenpublishedandfurtherpublicationsonthistopicare lision centrality using the number of measured charged in preparation as well as a review on pion production. particles. Thispaperisstructuredinthefollowingway: First,in The trajectory reconstruction is based on three large- SectionII,adescriptionoftheexperimentalsetupandof area Multi-Wire Proportional Counters (MWPC 1 - thedataanalysisisgiven. InSectionIIIAwesummarize 3) [35], one between the quadrupole and the dipole and the results on cross sections, energy distributions, and two behind the dipole magnet, each of them measuring polarangledistributionsforinclusivecollisions,i.e.with- two spatial coordinates. The efficiencies for kaon detec- out any selectionin the collisioncentrality. Section IIIB tion are larger than 95% for each of these detectors. presents a detailed study of the centrality dependence of The beam intensity is monitoredusing twoscintillator the K+ and of the K− production. In Section IVA the telescopespositionedatbackwardangles(θ =±110◦), lab measured yields of K+ and of K− mesons are discussed measuring the flux of charged particles produced in the showing that their production is correlated. Despite this target which is proportional to the beam intensity. The correlationoftheproductionyieldstheemissionpatterns absolute normalization is obtained in separate measure- ofK+ andofK− mesonsdiffersignificantly. SectionIVB mentsatlowbeamintensitiesusingaplasticscintillation discusses these differences with respect to the influences detector directly in the beam line. The beam intensities of the KN-potentials and with respect to different emis- have been chosen such, that the efficiency of the data siontimesofthetwokaonspecies. SectionIVCcompares acquisition system (DAQ) due to dead time was always the production yields of K+ mesons in different collision above 50%. systemstorecenttransportmodelcalculationstoextract The spectrometeris mountedonaplatformwhichcan information on the stiffness of the nuclear equation of be rotated around the target point on an air cushion in state. a polar angel range from θ =0◦ to 130◦. The angular lab 3 ] c E = 1.0 AGeV / beam V 70o e 1 54o G [ 84o 44o t p 0.5 1 m 0 E = 1.5 AGeV FIG. 1: Top view of the Kaon Spectrometer KaoS with its beam various detector components. 60o 1 48o target thickness[mm] interact. prob. 72o 40o C 3.0 2.7% 32o Ni 0.8 2.1% 0.5 Au (0.6,1.0,1.135 A GeV) 1.0 3.6% Au(0.8,1.5 A GeV) 0.5 1.8% 0 TABLE I: Thicknesses and interaction probabilities for the E = 1.93 AGeV targets used in thevarious experiments. beam 1 50o orauntgtehcisovpearpeedrawteeawcihllpaolwsiatyiosnqiuso∆teθltahbe=m±ea4n◦.vaTluhero.uTghhe- 60o 40o 32o momentumcoverageismaximizedbymeasuringdifferent magnetic field settings (|Bdipole| = 0.6, 0.9, and 1.4 T). 0.5 Theresultingcoverageforkaonsinrapiditynormalizedto the beam rapidity y/y and in transversemomentum beam p is sketched in Fig. 2 for three different beam energies t (1.0,1.5,and1.93AGeV).Theshadedareascorrespond 0 to different angular settings θ of the spectrometer in 0 0.5 1 lab the laboratory as denoted in the figure and to various y/y beam magnetic field settings. In this paper we report on measurements of the colli- sion systems C+C (0.8, 1.0,1.2, 1.5, 1.8,and 2.0 A GeV FIG.2: (Coloronline)ExamplesforthecoverageoftheKaon beam energy), Ni+Ni (1.1, 1.5, and 1.93 A GeV), and Spectrometer in transverse momentum pt and in normalized Au+Au (0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.135, and 1.5 A GeV). The tar- rapidity y/ybeam for several laboratory angles θlab (as indi- gets as well as their respective thicknesses and interac- cated) and for various magnetic field settings at 1.0 A GeV, tionprobabilitiesaregiveninTableI. Due tothe energy at 1.5 A GeV,and at 1.93 A GeV incident energy. lossintheAutargetstheaverageeffectivebeamenergies Eeff for kaon production in these cases are 0.56, 0.78, beam ing)andfinallyre-injectionintotheSISandacceleration 0.96,1.1,and1.48AGeV.Fortheothertargetmaterials up to 1.5 A GeV. the energylossisnegligible. Throughoutthe textwe use thevaluesofthenominalbeamenergiesE . However, beam in all figures displaying data as a function of the beam energy the data points are plotted at Eeff . B. Data Analysis beam In the case of the 1.5 A GeV Au beam an exceptional operationoftheGSIacceleratorfacilitywasrequired: ac- 1. Track Reconstruction celeration of 197Au63+ ions with the synchrotron SIS up toanenergyof0.3AGeV,thenextractionandfullstrip- For the reconstruction of particle tracks in the spec- ping,followedbyinjectionintotheExperimentalStorage trometer,reconstructionfunctionscorrelatingthespatial Ring (ESR) where the beam was cooled (electron cool- coordinates measured by different detectors are used to 4 combine the information of different detectors to track cisanudseiddattoes.calFcuolrateexathmepxle-,cooonredinreactoenisntrtuhcetioMnWfuPnCctbioen- yield10 7 ND pi+laNb=i,0 1.2.16A7-G0.e5V0,7 q Glaeb=V4/c0o 6 p tweenthequadrupoleandthedipole(x1)asafunctionof 10 p + the x-coordinates of the two MWPCs behind the dipole 5 (x ,x ). By comparing a measured position in one de- 10 w/o 2 3 TOF- tector with the calculated position based on the hits in Trigger 4 other detectors using the reconstruction functions, track 10 K+ candidatesarecreated. This is done forthe spatialcoor- 3 dinates in the MWPCs as well as for the assignment of 10 the modules of the TOF detectors. with TOF-Trigger 2 10 The reconstruction functions are determined by Monte-Carlosimulations using a complete descriptionof 10 with TOF-Trigger theexperimentalsetupwithinGEANT.Singletracksare and Cuts followed through the spectrometer and the correlation 1 fuupncttoiosnesveanrtehdoertderemr ianneddwbyithfitutipngtopothlyrneeomxi-acloofurndcintiaotness 10 7 ND pi+N=i,0 1.4.9030A-0G.7e6V0, Gq leaVb=/c40o and up to three y-coordinates to all these simulated 6 lab tracks. 10 p + p After the reconstruction a resulting track candidate 5 10 consistsofx-andy-coordinatesinallthethreeMWPCs, the module numbers, the time and the energy-lossinfor- 4 mation of the TOF Start and of the TOF Stop detector 10 K+ as well as the time and the multiplicity information of 3 10 the Large Angle Hodoscope. To determine the efficiency of the tracking procedure 10 2 GEANTisused. Thistimenotonlysingletracksaregen- erated but combinations of one or severaltracks and ad- 10 ditional backgroundhits in the different detectors as ob- served in the experiment. The resulting efficiencies vary 1 with the laboratory angle, the magnetic field strength, 10 6 Ni+Ni, 1.93AGeV, q lab=40o and the size of the collision system because of varying D p =0.400-0.760 GeV/c lab track and background multiplicities. The resulting effi- 5 p - 10 ciencies of the tracking procedure are always largerthan 90%. 4 For each track candidate constructed in the preceding 10 steps, the momentum p and the length of the flight lab 3 path ∆l between the TOF Start and the TOF Stop de- 10 tector modules are obtained from a lookup table gener- K- ated with GEANT. From these quantities together with 10 2 the measured time difference ∆t between the two TOF detectors, the squared mass over charge ratio (m/Z)2 is 10 calculated using m 2 p ·c 2 ∆t·c 2 1 lab 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 = −1 . (1) (cid:16)Z(cid:17) (cid:16) Z (cid:17) "(cid:18) ∆l (cid:19) # (m/Z)2 [(GeV/c2)2] Since the particles under investigation have Z = 1 we simply use ’mass’ in the following. FIG. 3: (Color online) Distributions of the squares of the masses assigned to the reconstructed tracks in three differ- ent cases: Ni+Ni collisions at 1.1 A GeV (upper panel), at 2. Background Reduction and Cross Section Calculation 1.93 A GeV (middle panel), both using the field polarity for positivelychargedparticles,andat1.93AGeVfornegatively Figure 3 shows mass distributions for Ni+Ni collisions chargedparticles(lowerpanel). Differentlyshadedareasshow at θlab = 40◦. The distribution in the upper panel has the impact of the TOF trigger and of the application of the been measured at a beam energy of 1.1 A GeV and at selection criteria duringthedata analysis. Details see text. particle momenta p =0.267 − 0.507 GeV/c using the lab magnetic fieldsetting for positivelychargedparticles. In 5 thiscaseoflowbeamenergyandoflowparticlemomenta theregionofthekaonmassisdominatedbybackground. d 1000 p =0.40-0.75 GeV/c p =0.40-0.45 GeV/c The distribution labelled “w/o TOF-Trigger” was mea- el lab 100 lab i sured using trigger conditions that forced every particle y passing through the spectrometer to be recorded. The distributionlabelled“withTOF-Trigger”showstheclear 500 50 reduction of pions and protons being recorded when us- ing the time-of-flight trigger,but still no clear K+ signal canbeseen. Thesituationisdifferentathigherbeamen- 0 0 ergiesorathigherparticlemomentawherethekaonsare 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.6 clearly visible already in the distributions “with TOF- Trigger”ascanbe seenin the twolowerpanelsofFig.3. p =0.55-0.60 GeV/c p =0.70-0.75 GeV/c They show mass distributions for Ni+Ni at 1.93 A GeV 200 lab lab 50 for positively charged particles in the middle panel and for negatively charged particles in the lower panel. In the lattercase,the triggercondition“w/oTOF-Trigger” was not measured. 100 25 To reduce the remaining background effectively with- outloosingtoomanykaonstwotypesofselectioncriteria 0 0 are applied: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.6 (i) The so-called “geometrical cuts”: These selection m/Z [GeV/c2] criteria are based on the comparison between measured positions in one of the MWPCs and those extrapolated fromhits in the other twousing the reconstructionfunc- FIG.4: (Coloronline)MassdistributionsforNi+Nicollisions tions described in the previous section. These selection at 1.1 A GeV at θlab =40◦ for different particle momenta as criteriaareadjustedusingmeasurementsduringthesame indicated. The solid lines depict the results of a combined experiment which are nearly free of background(highest fit to the background and to the peak at the kaon mass, the dashed lines show thebackground part only. beam energy and/or largest laboratory angle). This can be done since the particle trajectories inside the spec- trometer only depend on the magnetic field andthe geo- mass distributions for Ni+Ni collisions at 1.1 A GeV at metrical setup but not on quantities like θ or E . lab beam θ = 40◦ as an example with a significant background lab (ii) The so-called “velocity cut”: For each track can- contamination. The fits are performed separately for didate the particle velocity between the TOF Start de- each bin in particle momentum (in most cases having a tector and the TOF Stop detector is calculated as well widthof0.05GeV/c),theupperleftgraphshowsthedis- as the velocity between the Large-Angle Hodoscope and tributionintegratedoverthefullmomentumrangeofthis theTOFStopdetector. Thecomparisonofthesetwove- particularmagneticfieldsetting forillustrationpurposes locitiesisapowerfultooltosuppressbackgroundcreated only. The solidlinesdepictthe resultofthe combinedfit by fake track candidates. The “velocity cut” is adjusted tothebackgroundandtothepeakatthe kaonmass,the using the measurements nearly free of background as in dashed lines show the background part only. the case of the “geometrical cuts”. The cross sections are calculated from the number of Dependingontheinitialsignal-to-backgroundratiothe kaons N(p ,Ω ) as lab lab strengthofthesecutsisvariedbetween5σ and2σ. After theapplicationoftheselectioncriteriathefinalsignal-to- d2σ Mtarget = N(p ,Ω )· · backgroundratiovariesbetween0.7and120. Theimpact dp dΩ lab lab ρ ·d ·N lab lab target target A of the cuts on the mass distributions is as well shown in 1 1 1 Fig.3(labelled“withTOFTriggerandCuts”). Inmany · · · (2) N f (p ,Ω ) ǫ(p ) casestheremainingbackgroundisrathersmallascanbe proj acc lab lab lab clearlyseeninthetwolowermassdistributionsmeasured withM beingthemolarmass,ρ beingtheden- target target at1.93AGeV.Eveninthe caseoflow beamenergyand sityandd beingthethicknessofthetargetmaterial. target low particle momenta a clear K+ signal can be observed N denotes Avogadro’s constant and N the number A proj after applying the selection criteria (upper panel, please of projectiles impinging on the target. note the logarithmic scale). The correction for the geometrical acceptance of the In order to subtract the remaining background in the spectrometerandfortheparticledecayf (p ,Ω )is acc lab lab mass distributions, a combined fit using a Gaussian and calculated using a GEANT simulation. The simulated a polynomial function to the mass distribution is per- data sets are analyzed with the same analysis procedure formed within a window around the kaon mass. The astheexperimentaldata. Thecorrectionisdeducedfrom polynomial part is used to estimate the background be- the ratio of particles found after the analysis to those low the kaon peak and is subtracted. Figure 4 shows initially simulated. 6 r ] rigge 1 -1V c) t Ge -3 e (10 n/ r a 0.5 b [ ) Wd p 0 /(d10 -4 Bdipole=0.6 T Bdipole=0.9 T Bdipole=1.4 T cut 2sd 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1 p [GeV/c] e lab FIG.6: (Color online)Differentialcross section asafunction 0.5 of p for K+ in Ni+Ni collisions at 1.1 A GeV at θ = lab lab 40◦. Thedifferentsymbolsdenotedatameasuredatdifferent magnetic field settings. B =0.6 T B =0.9 T B =1.4 T dipole dipole dipole 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 results to efficiencies calculated from real data in cases p [GeV/c] lab where this is possible. The resulting efficiencies range from75%to100%. FortheexampleNi+Niat1.1AGeV FIG. 5: (Color online) Trigger efficiencies ǫtrigger(plab) for they are depicted in the lower panel of Fig. 5. Ni+Niat1.1AGeVforthethreemagneticfieldsettingsmea- Figure 6 shows the resulting differential cross sections sured (upper panel), and efficiencies of the applied selection for K+ mesons in Ni+Ni collisions at 1.1 A GeV at criteria ǫcut(plab) (lower panel) for the same data set. θlab = 40◦ according to Eq. (2) as a function of plab. This momentum distribution consists of data measured at three different magnetic field settings (|B |=0.6, dipole Thetotalefficiencyǫ(p )iscalculatedbymultiplying 0.9,and1.4T)whichareanalyzedseparatelybutoverlap lab the detector, the DAQ, and the tracking efficiencies de- very well. scribedbeforeaswellasthetriggerefficiencyǫ (p ) trigger lab and the efficiency of the application of the selection cri- teria ǫ (p ). III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS cut lab To determine the efficiency of the trigger system (which is based on particle velocities) pions and pro- A. Inclusive Reactions tons measured at magnetic fields scaled by the mass ra- tios mpion/mkaon or mproton/mkaon are used which then In this section the inclusive cross sections for the pro- have the same velocities as kaons measured at the nom- duction of K+ and of K− mesons in C+C, in Ni+Ni and inal fields. These pions and protons are called “TOF- in Au+Au collisions are presented as a function of their simulatedkaons”in the following. Using anopentrigger laboratorymomentump aswellasoftheirenergyE lab c.m. conditionthat forces everyeventfor which a particle en- andtheiremissionangleθ inthecenter-of-momentum c.m. ters the spectrometer to be recorded (“w/o TOF”) and frame. Inclusive means that no centrality selection has keepingtrackofthedecisionstheTOFtriggerwouldhave been applied to the data, neither in the analysis nor im- taken, the efficiency of the TOF trigger can be deter- plicitly by the experimental setup or the trigger. Let us mined. The resulting trigger efficiencies are larger than recallthatthetriggerisgeneratedbyatime-of-flightsig- 90% but they depend on the particle momentum. The nalinthespectrometerandthatthemultiplicitydetector upper panel of Fig. 5 shows ǫtrigger(plab) for Ni+Ni at is not part of the trigger system. The determination of 1.1AGeVforthethreemagneticfieldsettingsmeasured the functional dependencies of the production cross sec- (|Bdipole|=0.6, 0.9, and 1.4 T). tionsonEc.m. andonθc.m. allowsforanextrapolationto Theefficiencyoftheappliedselectioncriteriaasafunc- phasespaceareasnotcoveredbytheexperimentandfora tionofp isdeterminedusingthebackground-freemea- determinationofintegratedproductionyields. Allresults lab surements as described above. In some data sets the of this section are summarized in Table II. Throughout statistics of these settings was not sufficient. In these thefiguresofthispaperweuseaconsistentcolorcodefor cases the efficiencies of the “geometrical cuts” were de- aneasydistinctionofthecollisionsystemswhileofcourse terminedusingGEANTsimulations,theefficiencyofthe keepingfull descriptionsforblack-and-whiteprintedver- “velocitycut”wasdeterminedusingthe“TOF-simulated sions: Results ofAu+Au collisions appearin red, Ni+Ni kaons”. Thismethodhasbeenvalidatedbycomparingits in blue, and C+C in green. 7 Someofthedatasetspresentedinthissectionarepub- ] ) lished here for the first time, some have already been -1c -1 K+ published previously [7, 19, 20, 29]. As slightly different V 10 procedures have been used in these publications to ex- e G trapolateandtointegratethedata,wehaverecalculated ( -2 /10 the total production cross sections using one consistent n r procedure for all data sets. Earlier measurements with ba -3 Au+Au, 1.5AGeV large errors are not taken into account [36, 37, 38]. [) 10 K- Wd -3 p 10 1. Energy Distributions d ( / -4 2s 10 Figure 7 shows the inclusive production cross sections d q =32o q =48o q =72o for K+ (upper panels) and for K− (lower panels) as a -5 q lab=40o q lab=60o lab 10 lab lab function of their momentum p in the laboratory sys- lab 0 0.5 1 tem for three different collision systems. The upper part p [GeV/c] of the figure depicts data taken in Au+Au collisions at lab a beam energy of 1.5 A GeV, the middle part those for Ni+Ni at 1.93 A GeV and the lower part those for C+C at 1.8 A GeV. To obtain a wide coverage of the phase ] -1 sspetatcineg(sseoef Fthige.s2p)ecmtreoamsuerteemr iennttsheatlasbeovrearatolrpyoθlar ahnagvlee -1c)10 K+ lab V been performed. The lines in Fig. 7 are the results of e simultaneous fits to all angular settings measured for a G10 -2 ( givensystemassumingaMaxwell-Boltzmannshapedde- n/ r pendenceoftheinvariantproductioncrosssectiononthe ba -3 Ni+Ni, 1.93AGeV cpeenntdeern-ocfe-monomtheentcuomsineenoefrtghyeEpco.lma.reamndissaioqnuaandgrlaetiicntdhee- [) 10 -3 K- c.m. system θ . This procedure will be discussed in Wd10 c.m. p detail later. d The necessity for using a non-isotropic distribution in /( -4 10 θ is depicted in Fig. 8. Here the invariant cross sec- 2s c.m. d etinoenrsgyσininv =thEe cdd.3pmσ3.asryessthemownEas a−fumnctci2onfoorfAthue+kAinuetaict 10 -5 qq llaabb==3420oo qq llaabb==5600oo c.m. 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 A GeV. Full symbols denote K+, open symbols K−. p [GeV/c] The data measured at a small angle in the laboratory lab system(K+: θlab =32◦,K−: θlab =40◦)aredepictedby ]) circles, those measured at a large angle (K+: θlab =72◦, -1c10 -3 K+ K−: θlab = 60◦) are represented by squares. The lines V are Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions Ge -4 d3σ Ec.m. n/(10 Edp3 ∼ Ec.m.exp(cid:18)− T (cid:19) (3) bar -5 C+C, 1.8AGeV [ 10 fitted to the data with T being the inverse slope param- ) eter. For an isotropic emission in the c.m. system all Wd -5 K- spectra of a given particle type are expected to fall on p 10 d top of each other regardless of the laboratory angle at ( / -6 which they have been measured. For K+ mesons this 2s 10 d is clearly not the case pointing towards an anisotropic q =32o q =48o emission. 10 -7 q llaabb=40o q llaabb=60o Since the distributions have been measured at fixed 0 0.5 1 values of θ in the laboratory, data points at different p [GeV/c] lab lab particle energies correspond to different emission angles θ inthec.m.system. Therefore,thisanisotropymight c.m. FIG.7: (Color online) Inclusiveproduction cross sections for affect the determination of the inverse slope parameter K+andforK−asafunctionofthelaboratorymomentump lab T of the energy spectra if data measured at a fixed θlab for inclusivereactions of Au+Auat 1.5 A GeV (upperpart), would be transformed into the c.m. system and then fit- of Ni+Niat 1.93 A GeV (middle) and of C+C at 1.8 A GeV ted. (lower part). The lines represent a simultaneous fit to all laboratory anglesusingthedistributionaccordingtoEq.(5). 8 ] ] -3c) Au+Au , Ebeam=1.5AGeV -3c) 1 Au+Au K+ 11..50 AGeV 2V 1 2V 10 -1 00..86 e K+, q =32o e -2 G lab G 10 n/(10 -1 K+, q lab=72o n/( 10 -3 ar bar 10 -4 b [ -5 3[ 10 -2 3p 10 /dp K-, q lab=40o 3s/d 10 -1 Ni+Ni 111...9513 AGeV 3sE d10 -3 K-, q lab=60o E d 10 -2 -3 -4 10 10 0 0.2 0.4 -4 E -m c2 [GeV] 10 c.m. 0 10 -2 C+C 2.0 AGeV 1.8 -3 1.5 FIG. 8: (Color online) Invariant cross sections for K+ (full 10 1.2 − -4 1.0 symbols)andforK (opensymbols)ininclusiveAu+Aucol- 10 0.8 lisionsat1.5AGeV,bothatdifferentlaboratoryangles. The -5 10 linesrepresentfitsaccordingtoEq.(3). Theobservationthat -6 thedatameasuredatdifferentlaboratory angles donotcoin- 10 -7 cide indicates a non-isotropic polar-angle distribution. 10 0 0.2 0.4 E -m c2 [GeV] c.m. 0 Therefore, we created “midrapidity distributions” by selecting data points within θc.m. =90◦±10◦ from mea- 3]) Au+Au K- 1.5 AGeV surements at various laboratory angles. The results are -c -2 shown in Fig. 9, in the upper part for K+, in the lower 2 10 V partfor K−. The figure summarizes the energy distribu- e G tionsoftheK+ andoftheK− productionasmeasuredin /( 10 -3 n three different collision systems (Au+Au, Ni+Ni, C+C) r a atdifferentincidentenergies(0.6AGeVupto2AGeV). b -4 ThemeasurementsofK+ inAu+Auat1.135AGeVand 3[ 10 p of K− in C+C at 1.5 A GeV are not displayed in Fig. 9 d -2 Ni+Ni 1.93 AGeV since they do not cover midrapidity. The lines are fits / 10 1.5 3s to the data according to Eq. (3). The resulting inverse E d 10 -3 slope parameters T are given in Table II. midrap -4 10 2. Polar Angle Distributions -5 10 -4 C+C 2.0 AGeV To extract the angular emission pattern we assume 10 1.8 that the dependence of the invariant cross sections on the polarangleθ andonthe energyE canbe fac- -5 c.m. c.m. 10 torized. The energy dependence is determined at midra- pidity byfitting Maxwell-Boltzmanndistributionsto the -6 data as describedaboveandshowninFig. 9. As already 10 mentioned, each of the data points measured at a given 0 0.2 0.4 center-of-momentum energy Ec.m. and a laboratory an- E -m c2 [GeV] gle θ correspondsto a different emissionangle θ in c.m. 0 lab c.m. the center-of-momentum frame. FIG. 9: (Color online) Inclusive invariant cross sections at To disentangle the dependencies on the energy and on midrapidity as a function of the kinetic energy Ec.m.−m0c2 the polar emission angle we normalized each measured for K+ (upper part) and for K− (lower part) for the various data point σinv(Ec.m.,θc.m.) to the corresponding value collision systems and beam energies measured. The midra- σinv(Ec.m.,θc.m. = 90◦). The latter is determined us- pidity condition is a selection of θc.m. =90◦±10◦. ing the fits to “midrapidity distributions” according to 9 ditionally performed simultaneous fits to all momentum o0) distributionsmeasuredatdifferentlaboratoryanglesθlab (9 Au+Au K+ Au+Au K- for a given system using the combined function nv 2 i qs()/invc.m. 1 Edd3pσ3 = C(cid:2)1+as2fcos2(θc.m.)(cid:3)Ec.m.exp(cid:18)−ETcs.mf .(cid:19)(5) s a2=1.3±0.1 a2=0.7±0.3 with as2f, Tsf and the normalization C being the three 0 variable parameters. The results of this procedure are -0.5 0 0.5 -0.5 0 0.5 denoted by the super(sub)script ’sf’. For Au+Au at cos(q ) c.m. 1.5AGeV,Ni+Niat1.93AGeV,andC+Cat1.8AGeV the results of these fits are shownas solid lines in Fig. 7. ) o0 The parameters obtained for all collision systems at all (9nv 2 Ni+Ni K+ Ni+Ni K- beam energies are given in Table II. They agree very i well with the values obtained by the two-step procedure s)/c.m. denotedbyTmidrap andbyad2iv. Thecombinedfitsinad- q( 1 ditionprovidethe correlationsbetweenthe three param- v in etersandthusthefullerrormatrixwhichisnecessaryfor s a=0.9±0.1 a=0.7±0.1 calculating the errors of the integrated production cross 2 2 0 sections. In those cases for which only one angle has -0.5 0 0.5 -0.5 0 0.5 cos(q ) been measured we take an interval for the polar angle c.m. anisotropy asf, denoted by square brackets in Table II, 2 with values set according to the trend at neighboring FIG.10: (Coloronline)Polarangledistributionsforinclusive beam energies. This variationof asf yields additional er- Au+Au collisions at 1.5 A GeV (upper part) and Ni+Ni at 2 rorsonthe inverseslope parametersT aswellasonthe 1.93AGeV(lowerpart). Fullsymbolsdenotemeasureddata, sf opensymbolsarereflectedatθc.m. =90◦. Thelinesrepresent integratedcrosssectionsastaggedbythesuperscript’a2’ fitsaccording to Eq. (4). in Table II. Eq. (3). Assuming that the energy dependence of the 3. Total Production Cross Sections kaon production is fully described by these midrapidity fitstheresultsarethepolar-angleemissionpattern. They The results of the simultaneous fits have been used to areshowninFig.10asafunctionofcos(θ ),intheup- c.m. extrapolate the data to phase-space regions not covered per part for Au+Au at 1.5 A GeV and in the lower part bytheexperimentandtocalculatetotalproductioncross forNi+Niat1.93AGeV.Fullsymbolsaremeasureddata sections by integrating Eq. (5) over the full phase space. points, open symbols have been reflected at θ = 90◦ c.m. The extrapolation in E contributes with about 35% c.m. since for mass-symmetric systems the polar angle distri- to the total production cross sections. The resulting to- butions have to be symmetric around θc.m. = 90◦. Both tal production cross sections for K+ and for K− for all systemsshowaforward-backwardpreferenceintheemis- collision systems and for all beam energies are summa- sionpatternwhichismorepronouncedforK+ (lefthand rized in Table II. The error bars of the data points in side) than for K− (right hand side). the figures showing energy spectra and polar angle dis- Toquantifytheanisotropy,thedistributionshavebeen tributions contain the statistical uncertainties as well as fitted with a quadratic dependence on cos(θ ) c.m. point to point systematic errors due to the background subtraction. The overall systematic error of the abso- dσ dcos(θ ) ∼ 1 + ad2ivcos2(θc.m.) (4) lute normalizationis stated separately in Table II and is c.m. quadraticallyadded to the statistical errorsin allfigures asdepictedbythelinesinthefigure. Thisprocedurehas comparing cross section or multiplicities from different beenappliedtomostdatasets resultinginthe valuesfor collision systems. adiv as given in Table II. In the cases for which only In several cases only one polar angle has been mea- 2 one laboratory angle has been measured the coverage in sured. As already described for the inverse slope param- θ is rather small making the determination of adiv etersT inthe previoussection,foreachofthosecasesan c.m. 2 impossible. intervalfor a2 guided by the systematics givenby neigh- The super(sub)scripts ’div’ for the angular anisotropy boring beam energies has been used to determine an ad- and’midrap’fortheinverseslopeparametersareusedfor ditional error on the integrated cross section σ denoted thetwo-stepprocedurepresentedabove. Sincetheenergy by the superscript ’a2’ in Table II. dependenceofthekaonproductioniswelldescribedbya Part of the data has been published earlier with the Maxwell-Boltzmanndistributionandthepolarangledis- methods to extrapolate the measured data to the full tributionbyaquadraticdependenceoncos(θ )wead- phase space being slightly different in the various publi- c.m. 10 cations. In this paper, we consistently apply one single method to extrapolate and integrate the data. A / For C+C collisions σ and T for K+ and for K− were M K+ K- published[19]assumingtheangularanisotropyforallin- -4 Au+Au 10 Ni+Ni cident energies to contribute with 20% to the total cross C+C sectionindependentoftheincidentenergywhichisequiv- alent to a2 = 0.6. Now we determine a2 for each mea- -5 10 surement separately. The differences between the values for σ and T in Table II and those published in [19] are nevertheless smaller then the statistical errors. -6 Inthe caseofNi+Ni,crosssectionsforthe K+ andfor 10 the K− production at 1.93 A GeV have been published in [20] with the angular anisotropy being taken from a 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 two-step procedure rather than from a simultaneous fit. E [AGeV] Also in this case the differences between the results in beam Table II and the previously published values are smaller FIG. 11: (Color online) Multiplicities of K+ (full symbols) than the statistical errors. andofK− mesons(opensymbols)permassnumberAofthe For Au+Au σ, T and a have been published for 2 respective collision system as a function of the beam energy. K+ [7]. The results in Table II for 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 and The lines represent fitsto thedata according to Eq.(6). 1.135 A GeV differ less than the statistical errors from the published values. For K+ at 1.5 A GeV the results published in [7] are: σ =267±30 mb, T =100±5 MeV and a =1.06±0.3. They correspondto a low statistics 2 measurementusingathickertargetreducingtheeffective beamenergyforthe K+ productionto1.46AGeV.This B. Centrality Dependence difference in effective energy accounts for a difference of about 10% in cross section compared to the new high statistics experiment reported upon in this paper using The collision centrality was derived from the multi- a thinner target (with E = 1.48 A GeV). In addition eff plicity of charged particles measured in the Large-Angle in the experiment described in [7] the anisotropy in the Hodoscope (Mult ). Figure 12 shows the respective polar angle emission pattern was underestimated due to LAH multiplicity distributions for Au+Au at 1.5 A GeV (up- a reduced coverage in θ accounting for an additional lab per panel) and for Ni+Ni at 1.93 A GeV (lower panel) 5% difference in the cross section. measured with a multiplicity trigger. In order to study To calculate particle multiplicities M the integrated the centrality dependence of the K+ and of the K− pro- production cross sections σ (see Table II) need to be di- duction the data were grouped into five centrality bins vided by the total reaction cross section σ which can- r both for Ni+Ni at 1.5 and at 1.93 A GeV as well as not be determined easily as the particle-multiplicity dis- for Au+Au at 1.5 A GeV. These bins are also depicted tribution measured with a multiplicity trigger condition in Fig. 12. The distributions have been normalized to has a cutoff at low multiplicities (see also Sect. IIIB). the beam intensity, to the target thickness and to the Therefore, we determine the reaction cross sections us- efficiency of the DAQ system so that the area between ing Glauber calculations[39] resulting in σ (Au+Au)= r the respective bin boundaries represents the correspond- 6.8 barn, σ (Ni + Ni) = 3.1 barn, and σ (C + C) = r r ing fraction of the total reaction cross sections σ for 0.95barn. Figure11summarizesthemultiplicitiesofK+ r a given bin. Very peripheral collisions in the first cen- and of K− mesons as a function of the beam energy as trality bin might be missed by the multiplicity trigger, determinedininclusivereactions(Au+Au,Ni+Ni,C+C) however,kaonsfromsuchperipheraleventsaremeasured and normalized to the mass number A of the respective since they are triggered by the time-of-flight trigger in colliding nuclei. Both particle species exhibit strongly the spectrometer. The fraction of σ for this most pe- rising excitation functions as expected due to the prox- r ripheral bin is determined by taking the inclusive total imityofthethresholdsinbinaryNNcollisions(1.58GeV reaction cross section from a Glauber calculation [39] for K+, 2.5 GeV for K−). The solid lines reflect fits ac- andsubtracting the sumofthe experimentallymeasured cording to the formula [40] values of the four other centrality bins. For Au+Au, M E the five bins correspond to 0 − 5.4%, 5.4% − 18.1%, K thr = C T exp − , (6) max 18.1% − 31.1%, 31.1% − 52.3%, and 52.3% − 100% A T (cid:20) max(cid:21) of σ from central to peripheral collisions, for Ni+Ni to p r with T = T ·(E )η. The variable parameters in 0−4.4%,4.4%−15.0%,15.0%−26.5%,26.5%−45.9%, max 0 beam the fit are C, T and η. As well for K+ as for K− the and 45.9% − 100.0% of σ . The corresponding mean 0 r multiplicities per mass number A increase with system numbersofparticipatingnucleonsA haveaswellbeen part size from C+C to Au+Au at the same incident energy. calculated using Glauber calculations.

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