308 A. NATH et al.: Production of Antibacterial Peptides from Soybean Meal, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 55 (3) 308–324 (2017) ISSN 1330-9862 original scientifi c paper doi: 10.17113/ft b. Production of Hypoallergenic Antibacterial Peptides from Defatted Soybean Meal in Membrane Bioreactor: A Bioprocess Engineering Study with Comprehensive Product Characterization Arij it Nath1, Gábor Szécsi1, Barbara Csehi2, Zsuzsa Mednyánszky3, Gabriella Kiskó4, Éva Bányai5, Mihály Dernovics5 and András Koris1* 1Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Food Science, Szent István University, Ménesi st 44, HU-1118 Budapest, Hungary 2Department of Refrigeration and Livestock Product Technology, Faculty of Food Science, Szent István University, Ménesi st 43–45, HU-1118 Budapest, Hungary 3Department of Food Chemistry and Nutrition, Faculty of Food Science, Szent István University, Budapest, Somlói st 14–16, HU-1118 Budapest, Hungary 4Department of Food Microbiology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Food Science, Szent István University, Budapest, Somlói st 14–16, HU-1118 Budapest, Hungary 5Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Food Science, Szent István University, Budapest, Villányi st 29–33, HU-1118 Budapest, Hungary Received: October 28, 2016 Accepted: May 19, 2017 Summary Hypoallergenic antibacterial low-molecular-mass peptides were produced from defat- ted soybean meal in a membrane bioreactor. In the fi rst step, soybean meal proteins were digested with trypsin in the bioreactor, operated in batch mode. For the tryptic digestion of soybean meal protein, optimum initial soybean meal concentration of 75 g/L, tempera- ture of 40 °C and pH=9.0 were determined. Aft er enzymatic digestion, low-molecular-mass peptides were purifi ed with cross-fl ow fl at sheet membrane (pore size 100 μm) and then with tubular ceramic ultrafi ltration membrane (molecular mass cut-off 5 kDa). Eff ects of transmembrane pressure and the use of a static turbulence promoter to reduce the concen- tration polarization near the ultrafi ltration membrane surface were examined and their positive eff ects were proven. For the fi ltration with ultrafi ltration membrane, transmem- brane pressure of 3·105 Pa with 3-stage discontinuous diafi ltration was found optimal. The molecular mass distribution of purifi ed peptides using ultrafi ltration membrane was de- termined by a liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-fl ight mass spectrometry setup. More than 96 % of the peptides (calculated as relative frequency) from the ultrafi ltration membrane permeate had the molecular mass M≤1.7 kDa and the highest molecular mass was found to be 3.1 kDa. The decrease of allergenic property due to the tryptic digestion and membrane fi ltration was determined by an enzyme-linked im- munosorbent assay and it was found to exceed 99.9 %. It was also found that the peptides purifi ed in the ultrafi ltration membrane promoted the growth of Pediococcus acidilactici HA6111-2 and they possessed antibacterial activity against Bacillus cereus. Key words: soybean meal, enzymatic hydrolysis, peptide separation, low-molecular-mass antibacterial peptides ______________________________ *Corresponding author: Phone: +361 305 7112; Fax: +361 305 7323; E-mail: [email protected] ORCID IDs: 0000-0001-7109-3708 (Nath), 0000-0003-3160-2277 (Szécsi), 0000-0002-0100-0278 (Csehi), 0000-0002-1654-5596 (Mednyán- szky), 0000-0003-3344-5308 (Kiskó), 0000-0002-8617-9659 (Bányai), 0000-0002-7249-9328 (Dernovics), 0000-0002-2284-8139 (Koris) A. NATH et al.: Production of Antibacterial Peptides from Soybean Meal, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 55 (3) 308–324 (2017) 309 Introduction on size exclusion. Suspended solids were removed from the reaction broth by cross-fl ow fl at sheet nylon prefi ltra- Leguminous soybean (Glycine max) is considered the tion membrane (pore size 100 μm). LMM peptides were largest edible protein source around the world (1). Aft er purifi ed from the clarifi ed reaction broth by cross-fl ow fi l- wet milling of soybean seed, the main by-product soy- tration using tubular ceramic ultrafi ltration (UF) mem- bean meal is generated, which is an abundant by-product brane (molecular mass cut-off (MMCO) 5 kDa). To dimin- of vegetable oil processing industries (2). Soybean meal ish the concentration polarization near the prefi ltration contains 40–45 % (on mass basis) protein and its applica- membrane surface, constant transmembrane pressure tion is mostly limited to broiler and fi sh feed (3,4). It is (TMP) of 3·105 Pa was applied, whereas during LMM pep- well documented that functionality of plant proteins, in- tide purifi cation with UF membrane, diff erent TMPs and cluding soy proteins, depends on amino acid sequence, the use of a static turbulence promoter, a mechanical de- their composition and digestibility. Although trypsin in- vice promoting high shear on membrane surface, were con- hibitor activity is adequately reduced by the heat treat- sidered. To obtain more purifi ed LMM peptides, 4-stage ment during the production of soybean meal, the allergen- discontinuous diafi ltration with intermediate cleaning and ic eff ect of soybean meal proteins renders this by -product volume concentration factor (VCF) of 2 were used. an inadequate source of essential amino acids (5). To Molecular mass of LMM peptides (M<5 kDa) in UF avoid this problem, production of hypoallergenic low- permeate was determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate -molecular-mass (LMM) peptides (protein hydroly sate) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and liq- from defatt ed soybean meal is considered a reliable ap- uid chromatography-electrospray ionization quadrupole proach (6,7). time-of-fl ight mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS). Ef- In many cases, acid hydrolysis is used to reduce the fi ciency of the removal of allergenic proteins or peptide content of soybean allergens (8,9). For food-grade peptide sequences was quantifi ed by an enzyme-linked immuno- production, concentrated hydrochloric acid treatment is sorbent assay (ELISA) method and characterized with not acceptable because of the formation of toxic com- LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS-based bott om-up sequencing. The ef- pounds, such as 3-chloro-1,2-propane-diol and 1,3-dichlo- fects of purifi ed LMM peptides on Bacillus cereus and ro-2-propanol (10). Therefore, enzymatic digestion is pre- Pediococcus acidilactici HA6111-2 were also investigated ferred because it can be controlled by the selection of together with the quantifi cation of antioxidant capacity specifi c enzymes and reaction conditions. Moreover, en- that might be related to the promotion of bacterial growth. zymatic digestion upgrades several functional properties and it can reduce the allergenicity of protein-based prod- ucts (11,12). However, it must be noted that enzymatic Materials and Methods treatment alone cannot defi nitely reduce the allergenicity of soy proteins (13). Defatt ed soybean meal Conventionally, batch bioreactors have been used for Defatt ed soybean meal was kindly supplied by Pan- the hydrolysis of plant proteins, including soy protein non Vegetable Oil Production Ltd. (Foktő, Hungary). (14–19). Recently, some research groups have reported the application of membrane-integrated bioreactor for the Chemicals and reagents production of angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory Lyophilized trypsin from bovine pancreas (≥27.78 peptides (20), antioxidant peptides (21,22) and anti-adi- units per mg of solid at 25 °C), Tris-(hydroxymethyl)-ami- pogenic peptides (23–25) from soy protein. To implement nomethane (≥99.8 %), sodium acetate (anhydrous, ≥99 %), the membrane-integrated bioreactor on industrial scale lithium citrate (≥99.5 %), lithium chloride (≥99 %), lithium for the production of bioactive compounds from soybean, hydroxide (≥99 %), citric acid (≥99.5 %), sodium diphos- it is clear that more systematic and judicious investiga- phate (≥99 %), β-casein from bovine milk (≥98 %), trichlo- tions with technological viewpoints are required. Me- roacetic acid (≥99 %), thiodiglycol (≥99 %), ninhydrin (≥99 thodical experiments with bench scale setup are a prereq- %), hydrindantin (98 %), 2-methoxyethanol (99.8 %), bo- uisite to transfer the laboratory-developed technology to vine serum albumin (≥96 %) and 2,4,6-Tris(2-pyridyl)-s- industrial scale. In our investigation, hypoallergenic anti- -triazine (≥98 %) were obtained from the Sigma-Aldrich bacterial LMM peptides were produced from defatt ed group (Schnelldorf, Germany). Acetonitrile (HPLC gradi- soybean meal with an in-house developed membrane bio- ent grade) and formic acid (98–100 %) were purchased reactor, which is the fi rst such att empt to the best of our from VWR International (Radnor, PA, USA). Sulfuric acid knowledge. Several advantages of the membrane bioreac- (96 %) and sodium hydroxide, boric acid, potassium sul- tor are well documented, e.g. it is effi cient for the separa- fate, titanium dioxide and copper sulfate (all >98.5 %) tion of target product molecule and enzyme from the re- were purchased from Reanal (Budapest, Hungary). Ul- action broth and it also allows the reuse of the enzyme trasil P3-11 was procured from Ecolab-Hygiene Kft (Bu- (26). dapest, Hungary). Ferric chloride (99 %), ascorbic acid In the fi rst step of our experiments, defatt ed soybean (99.7 %), sodium carbonate (≥99.99 %), sodium dihydrogen meal was subjected to tryptic digestion in the bioreactor, phosphate (99 %), disodium hydrogen phosphate (≥99 %), operated in batch mode. Initial soybean meal concentra- dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (≥99 %), potassium di- tion (γ ), reaction temperature and pH were varied un- hydrogen phosphate (≥99.5 %), sodium chloride (≥99.5 %), sm0 der fi xed agitation speed to optimize the enzymatic reac- sodium potassium tartrate (99 %), soybean casein digestive tion. Aft er the tryptic digestion, LMM peptides were medium and agar powder were purchased from Merck purifi ed in a series of cross-fl ow fi ltration processes based (Darmstadt, Germany). Folin-Ciocalteu reagent was pur- 310 A. NATH et al.: Production of Antibacterial Peptides from Soybean Meal, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 55 (3) 308–324 (2017) chased from G-Biosciences (Maryland Heights, MO, USA). monitored by pressure gauges and fl ow control valves, An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit for fi tt ed at the two opposite ends of the membrane modules. the quantifi cation of soy allergens was purchased from Feed fl ow rates were controlled using hydraulic dia- Neogen (Veratox 8410; Neogen Corporation, Lansing, MI, phragm pumps (Hydra-Cell G03; Verder Hungary Kft ., USA). Milli-Q ultrapure deionized water (18.2 MΩ·cm; Budapest, Hungary) and the inlet and outlet fl ow valves. Merck-Millipore, Molsheim, France) was used through- A rotameter at the retentate end and a bypass valve were out the experiment. also used for controlling the fl ow rate in the UF mem- brane module. Stainless steel twisted tape static turbu- Experimental setup lence promoter was placed inside the ceramic membrane tube to create turbulence on the membrane surface. The In this study, an in-house built membrane bioreactor, promoter had an aspect ratio O =2, diameter d =6.5 mm, i.e. a bioreactor with a series of external membrane sepa- tp tp total length l =241 mm, pitch length l=13.2 mm, number ration units, was used for low-molecular-mass (LMM) pep- tp e of mixing elements N =36 and thickness δ =1.2 mm. tide production from defatt ed soybean meal. The schema- TP TP tic diagram of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. Methods In detail, a 2.5-litre jar bioreactor (working volume 1 Tryptic digestion of defatt ed soybean meal and L) was used for the enzymatic digestion of soybean meal membrane-based separation of LMM peptides proteins. The bioreactor was equipped with a single pitched fl at-blade turbine. Two probes were placed into Prior to the experiment, defatt ed soybean meal pow- the bioreactor for measuring pH and temperature during der with particle size of approx. 200 μm was prepared in the enzymatic reaction. The reactor had a water jacket a laboratory ball mill (MM 400; Retsch Technology, Haan, and it was fi tt ed with a thermostat. A cross-fl ow fl at-plate Germany). Tryptic digestion was carried out using free membrane module (length 220 mm, width 120 mm and (i.e. non-immobilized) trypsin in a bench-top bioreactor, height 60 mm), made of stainless steel (SS316), was at- operated in batch mode. Buff ered suspension of the soy- tached to the bioreactor externally. Three fl at-sheet nylon bean meal at appropriate concentration was prepared for prefi ltration membranes were placed inside the module. enzymatic reaction and then the substrate was preincu- The dimensions of a single prefi ltration membrane were: bated under fi xed operational temperature of 40 °C. Aft er length 200 mm, width 100 mm, thickness 150 μm, active preincubation, a fi xed concentration of enzyme (0.14 g/L) fi ltration area 1.4·10–2 m2 and pore size 100 μm. The per- was added into the reaction medium to initiate the enzy- meate end of the prefi ltration membrane unit was at- matic hydrolysis. The reaction was performed under tached to the temperature-controlled storage tank. Anoth- fi xed agitation speed of 175 rpm and programmed oper- er cross-fl ow single-channel tubular membrane module, ating conditions up to 4 h. To optimize the enzymatic di- made of stainless steel (SS316), was fi tt ed with the storage gestion, initial concentration of soybean meal (γsm0), reac- tank. Inside that membrane module, a tubular ceramic ul- tion temperature and pH were varied in the range of trafi lter (UF) membrane with the molecular mass cut-off 25–100 g/L, 25–60 °C and 6.0–11.0, respectively. The pH of (MMCO) of 5 kDa (Membralox® T1-70; Pall Corporation, the reaction medium was maintained at 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0– Crailsheim, Germany) was placed. The active layer and 11.0 with 50 mM of phosphate-citrate buff er, sodium support layer of the membrane were titanium oxide and phosphate buff er and Tris buff er, respectively. Isothermal aluminium oxide, respectively. The length, inner and out- conditions during enzymatic reaction were maintained er diameters were 250, 7 and 10 mm, respectively, and ac- with circulating water (warm/cold) through the jacket of tive fi ltration area was 5·10–3 m2. Transmembrane pres- the bioreactor. Aft er 4 h of enzymatic reaction, 800 mL of sures (TMPs) of both types of membrane modules were the reaction broth were pumped and pretreated with a Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup. TIC=temperature indicator controller, p and p are pressure gauges 1 2 A. NATH et al.: Production of Antibacterial Peptides from Soybean Meal, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 55 (3) 308–324 (2017) 311 cross-fl ow prefi ltration membrane separation process where k is turnover number (1/h) and γ is enzyme con- cat E with retentate recirculation. Suspended solids from the centration (g/L) (30). reactor were drained properly aft er each experiment. The The Arrhenius equation (Eq. 3) was considered to es- permeate of prefi ltration membrane was used for isola- timate the apparent activation energy (E) of enzymatic tion of LMM peptides (M<5 kDa) by a tubular cross-fl ow a reaction. Logarithm values of k vs. reciprocal of temper- UF membrane. In this case, LMM peptides were passed cat ature diff erence were used to estimate the E of enzymatic through the porous channel of the UF membrane as per- a reaction. In the proposed investigation, reference temper- meate, whereas trypsin (M=24 kDa) and residual high- ature T*=298 K was considered: -molecular-mass peptides (M>5 kDa) were rejected. To reduce the concentration polarization near the prefi ltra- E 1 1 k =kexp– a – /3/ tion membrane surface, constant operational TMP of 3·105 cat a R T T* Pa was used. On the other hand, to optimize the purifi ca- tion process of LMM peptides in UF membrane, diff erent where ka is the constant of activation energy (1/h), R is TMPs, ranging from 2–5·105 Pa, and a static turbulence ideal gas constant (kJ/(K·mol)) and T is reaction tempera- promoter were used. During fi ltration with UF mem- ture (K) (31). brane, constant retentate fl ow rate (Q ) of 100 L/h was R Estimation of thermodynamic constants of enzymatic maintained. In order to obtain more purifi ed LMM pep- reaction tides, four stages of discontinuous diafi ltration with inter- mediate cleaning and constant volume concentration fac- In order to estimate the free energy change of the ac- tor (VCF) of 2 were adopted during separation in UF tivation of enzymatic reaction (ΔG*), transition state theo- membrane. ry was considered (32). The Eyring’s absolute rate equa- tion was adopted for this purpose: Estimation of the degree of hydrolysis and kinetic k h constants of enzymatic hydrolysis of soybean meal G*=–RTl n cat /4/ protein KBT For each set of enzymatic hydrolyses, samples were where h is Planck’s constant (Js) and K is Boltzmann con- B withdrawn from the bioreactor through a capillary needle stant (J/K) (31). in 1-hour intervals throughout the whole hydrolysis peri- The activation enthalpy of enzymatic reaction (ΔH*) od. Samples were evacuated into sample tubes and were was estimated using the following equation (31): immediately placed in a water bath at 90 °C to inactivate the enzyme. Temperature of the sample was reduced to H*=E –RT /5/ a 25 °C in a water bath (Precision COL 19; Thermo Scien- The activation entropy of enzymatic reaction (ΔS*) tifi cTM, Waltham, MA, USA), and 5 mL of 200 g/L of was estimated according to the following equation (31): trichlorocacetic acid were added to the 5 mL of the sam- ple. The mixture was left to stand in the water bath at 25 H*–G* S*= /6/ °C for 30 min to allow precipitation. Subsequently, the T sample was centrifuged at 2800×g (Z206A; Hermle, We- The free energy changes of substrate-enzyme binding hingen, Germany) at 20 °C for 30 min. If the pH of the su- (∆G)were estimated according to the following equation pernatant was below 7.0, 1 mol/L of sodium hydroxide b (31): was used to neutralize it (pH=7.0). Protein concentrations in the sediment and supernatant were determined by the Gb=–2.303R TlogK0 /7/ m Kjeldahl method according to the ISO 20483:2013 (27) and where γ is standard concentration of 1 g/L (assumption the Lowry assay (28), respectively. Degree of hydrolysis 0 value). (DH) (in %) of soybean meal protein was calculated ac- cording to the following equation: The enzyme-substrate binding enthalpy (∆Hb) and enzyme-substrate binding entropy (∆S) were calculated b by regression analysis (31): DH= spi sp0 100 /1/ G H s0 – b= b+S /8/ T T b where γsp1 is the concentration of soluble protein at any time in 10 % of trichlorocacetic acid (g/L), γsp0 is the con- centration of soluble protein at initial time in 10 % of tri- Estimation of membrane permeate fl ux chlorocacetic acid (g/L) and γs0 is the initial protein con- Permeate volumes (V) during the UF membrane fi l- centration in substrate (g/L) (29). tration were collected at constant time (t) intervals. Per- To estimate the maximum reaction velocity (v ), in- meate fl ux (J) of the UF membrane fi ltration was calculat- max hibition constant (K) and the half-saturation constant ed according to the following equation: s (K ), nonlinear regression analysis was performed with V m initial enzymatic hydrolysis reaction rate (r) and corre- J= /9/ 0 tA sponding substrate concentration (γ): s where A is eff ective membrane surface area (m2) (33). v k r= max s cat E s Change of permeate fl ux (ΔJ) (in %) in each discon- 0 K + +s2 K + +s2 /2/ tinuous diafi ltration stage and TMiP was calculated by the m s Ks m s Ks following equation during the UF membrane fi ltration: 312 A. NATH et al.: Production of Antibacterial Peptides from Soybean Meal, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 55 (3) 308–324 (2017) J –J Total protein analysis J= 0 f 100 /10/ i J Total nitrogen as well as mass concentration of the 0 protein in initial defatt ed soybean meal (𝛾 ) were quanti- where J0 is initial permeate fl ux (L/(m2·h)) and Jf is fi nal per- fi ed by the Kjeldahl method (27) with a spemi-automatic meate fl ux (L/(m2·h)). Kjeldahl nitro gen analyzer equipped with a block diges- tion unit (Kjeldatherm®; Gerhardt, Königswinter, Germa- Specifi c energy consumption of the UF membrane ny). The 𝛾 in the supernatant of the reaction medium fi ltration sp treated with trifl uoroacetic acid and LMM peptides in Pressures at two opposite ends of the UF membrane membrane permeate were estimated by the Lowry assay module were recorded and from these, pressure drop method (28). Bovine serum albumin was used as a stand- (Δp) was calculated. Specifi c energy consumption (Es) of ard and colorimetric estimation was performed at the the UF membrane fi ltration was calculated by the follow- wavelength λ=393 nm with a UV-Vis spectrophotometer ing equation (34): (EvolutionTM 300; Thermo Scientifi cTM). Q P E = R m /11/ s JA Determination of tryptic activity 0 Activities of trypsin in the UF membrane permeate and retentate fractions were determined by a spectropho- Rejection of the enzyme by the membrane tometer (EvolutionTM 300; Thermo Scientifi cTM) using ca- The rejection of the enzyme by the UF membrane was sein as substrate. Enzyme assay was performed with 50 calculated according to the following equation: mM of potassium phosphate buff er, pH=7.5. During en- Activity of enzyme in retentate– zymatic assay the incubation temperature of 30 °C was Activity of enzyme in permeate considered. Colorimetric determination was performed at Rejection= /12/ the wavelength λ=660 nm. Activity of the enzyme was ex- Activity of enzyme in retentate pressed in U/mL (35). Estimation of water permeability through membrane Free amino acid analysis and membrane hydraulic resistance Concentrations of free amino acids (γ ) in the reac- FAA Before experiments, the membranes were compacted tion broth and UF membrane permeate were determined to prevent any possibility of changing the water permea- with an amino acid analyzer (AAA 400; INGOS s.r.o., bility (L ) through the membrane and membrane hydrau- Prague, Czech Republic), equipped with an Ionex Ostion p lic resistance (R ) during experimentation. Both types of LCP5020 ion-exchange column (200 mm×3.7 mm; Ionex m membranes were compacted under the pressure of 5.5·105 SG LLC, Davis, CA, USA). To quantify the free amino acid Pa with Milli-Q water (Merck-Millipore) until the water content, 2 mL of liquid samples (hydrolysis broth and the fl ux became steady. The L was estimated from the slope UF membrane permeate) were mixed with 10 mL of 10 % p of water fl uxes versus corresponding operational TMPs (by volume) trichloroacetic acid and incubated for 1 h. Af- (1–5·105 Pa). terwards, the samples were fi ltered through disposable J 0.45-μm polytetrafl uoroethylene (PTFE) membrane fi lters L /13/ p TMP (Acrodisc® syringe fi lters; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). Ninhydrin (20 g/L in 2-methoxyethanol) at the fl ow In a similar way, R was determined according to the m rate of 0.25 mL/min was used for derivatization purposes Darcy’s law for both types of membranes: in the amino acid analyzer. The instrument was equipped TMP with a UV/Vis detector operating in the range of wave- J /14/ R length λ=440–570 nm. The column temperature was set to m 55 °C, and lithium citrate buff er (pH=2.70–4.65) as mobile where μ is dynamic viscosity of water (33). phase in a stepwise gradient was used at the fl ow rate of 0.3 mL/min. The pH gradient was set as follows: 0–24 min Membrane cleaning at pH=3.05, 25–49 min at pH=3.50, 50–74 min at pH=4.15, As the pore size of prefi ltration membrane was con- 75–137 min at pH=4.65 and fi nally, 138–171 min at pH= siderably large, there was low possibility of protein or 2.70. peptide adsorption on the membrane surface. To clean off the polarization layer on the prefi ltration membrane sur- Molecular mass distribution of LMM soy peptides face, 10 g/L of sodium hydroxide solution was used at TMP of 5·105 Pa. Subsequently, water cleaning was done Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel elec tro- at the same operational TMP for 1 h. The UF membrane phoresis (SDS-PAGE) was performed to estimate the mo- was cleaned thoroughly for 30 min with 10 g/L of Ultrasil lecular mass of the UF membrane permeate peptides, P3-11 (Ecolab-Hygiene Kft ) and for 1 h with 10 g/L of cit- accord ing to the Laemmli method (36). A vertical gel elec- ric acid with intermediate water cleaning steps aft er indi- trophoresis cell (overall dimensions: width 0.14 m, length vidual operation steps. Flow rate of 200 L/h without any 0.22 m, height 0.19 m) together with a PowerPac™ high- TMP was used during the cleaning with Ultrasil and citric -current power supplier and a Gel-Doc EZ system (Bio- acid, while TMP of 5·105 Pa and a fl ow rate of 200 L/h were -Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) were used in the experiment. used during the cleaning with water. In each case, the wa- The concentrations of running gel and stacking gel were ter fl ux was found to regain its original value almost com- 150 and 60 g/L, respectively. Standard protein marker (re- pletely (i.e. value of water fl ux before experiment). combinant proteins, M=250-2 kDa; Precision Plus Pro- A. NATH et al.: Production of Antibacterial Peptides from Soybean Meal, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 55 (3) 308–324 (2017) 313 teinTM Dual Xtra, Bio-Rad) were used. Constant electrical species: H+, Na+ and K+, charge state: maximum charge of potential diff erence of 200 V was applied during the ex- 5, isotope model: peptides, peak spacing tolerance: m/z= periment. 0.0025, +7 ppm, compound fi lters: relative height ≥2.5 %, absolute height ≥5000 counts, compound ion threshold: Furthermore, to determine the molecular mass distri- two or more ions, retention time window: 0.3–14 min and bution and sequences of the peptides present in UF mem- m/z>200. Peak lists obtained from MS/MS spectra were brane permeate, LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS was used. Before LC- identifi ed using OMSSA (open mass spectrometry search -MS analysis, 3 mL of the UF membrane permeate were algorithm) v. 2.1.9 (37) and X!Tandem version Sledgeham- completed with 165 μL of acetonitrile (VWR Internation- mer (2013.09.01.1) (38). The search was conducted using al). The solution was vortexed, centrifuged for 10 min at SearchGUI v. 2.6.5 (39). Protein identifi cation was con- 4100×g at room temperature (Z206A; Hermle). Solid phase ducted against a concatenated target-decoy (40) version extraction (SPE) was performed with SPE tube (SampliQ of the Glycine max (393 reviewed entries) and Bos taurus (1 C18 Endcapped, 0.5 g, 3 mL; Agilent Technologies, Santa reviewed entry for bovine cationic trypsin) complement Clara, CA, USA). Prior to the sample loading, SPE tubes of the UniProtKB (41) (394 (target) sequences). The decoy were conditioned with 5 mL of acetonitrile and equilibrat- sequences were created by reversing the target sequences ed with 10 mL of 5:95 (by volume) acetonitrile/water solu- in SearchGUI. The identifi cation sett ings were as follows: tion. Aft er sample loading, tubes were washed with 5 mL trypsin with a maximum of two missed cleavages; 10 of 5:95 acetonitrile/water solution and eluted with 1 mL of ppm as MS1 and 0.02 Da as MS2 tolerances; variable modi- 80:20 (by volume) acetonitrile/water solution. The eluates fi cations: oxidation of M (+15.994915 Da), acetylation of were evaporated in a vacuum centrifuge (ScanSpeed Mo- protein N-term (+42.010565 Da), pyrroli done from E dulspin 32(40), ScanVac; LaboGene, Lynge, Denmark). The (–18.010565 Da) and pyrrolidone from Q (–17.026549 Da). residues were dissolved in 1 mL of 8:92 (by volume) ace- Peptides and proteins were inferred from the spectrum tonitrile/water solution containing 0.1 % (by volume) for- identifi cation results using PeptideShaker v. 1.8.0 (42). mic acid, fi ltered through 0.22-μm disposable PTFE fi lters Peptide spectrum matches (PSMs), peptides and proteins (VWR International) and injected in the LC-ESI-Q-TOF- were validated at a 1 % false discovery rate (FDR), esti- -MS system. mated using the decoy hit distribution. For the LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS experiments, a 6530 Accu- rate Mass LC–MS system (mass accuracy <2 ppm, mass ELISA method for the quantifi cation of soy allergens in resolution >10000; Agilent Technologies) was used. The powdered soybean meal and membrane permeate ESI-Q-TOF-MS instrument was operated with an Agilent In order to reach the analytical range of 2.5–25 mg of 6220 instrument with a dual ESI ion source in positive soy protein per kg of the ELISA kit, sample dilution (up to ionization mode. An Agilent 1200 high-performance liq- 2000-fold) of the soybean meal powder and sample con- uid chromatography (HPLC) system, equipped with a centrating (up to 6.25-fold) for the UF membrane perme- Zorbax XDB C18 column (2.1 mm×50 mm×3.5 μm; Agi- ate were carried out according to the manufacturer’s in- lent Technologies) was used. HPLC mobile phases con- structions. That is, for the dilution, 500 mg of sample were sisted of eluent A (0.1 % (by volume) formic acid in Milli- extracted with 1250 mL of extraction solution and the ob- -Q water; Merck-Millipore) and eluent B (acetonitrile with tained extract was further diluted with the extraction so- 0.1 % (by volume) formic acid). The fl ow rate was kept at lution to meet the analytical range. To acquire a concen- 0.35 mL/min and the following gradient was used: 0–1 trated solution, 5 mL of the UF membrane permeate were min 8 % B, 1–18 min up to 50 % B, 18–20 min up to 100 % mixed with 20 mL of extraction solution. Colorimetric de- B, 20–21 min 100 % B, 21–24 min down to 8 % B and 24–29 tection (A ) was performed with a microwell plate 630 nm min 8 % B. Experiments with ESI-Q-TOF-MS were carried reader (DIAReader ELx800G-PC; DIALAB GmbH, Wr. out at m/z=100–1700, while MS/MS experiments were ac- Neudorf, Austria). complished at m/z=50–1700 with automatically fi xed colli- sion energies for each peptide (slope 4 V/100 Da, off set 2 Microbiological assay V) and with the following parameter set: precursor ion Antibacterial activity of the LMM peptides from UF isolation in narrow MS/MS mode (m/z=1.3), detection fre- membrane permeate against Gram-positive Bacillus cereus quency 4 GHz, fragmentor voltage 150 V, curtain voltage (from the Culture Collection of the Department of Micro- 65 V, fl ow rate of drying gas 13 L/min, capillary voltage biology and Biotechnology [CCDMB], Szent István Uni- 800 V, nebulizer pressure 2.75·105 Pa and gas temperature versity, Budapest, Hungary) was investigated with the 300 °C. Prior to the experiments, the mass accuracy of the agar well method. A volume of 100 μL of 24-hour culture instrument was calibrated with ESI-L low concentration of B. cereus from liquid broth (6·106 colony-forming units tuning mix (Agilent Technologies). MassHunter B.02.01 (CFU)) was spread on the soybean casein digestive agar with SP3 and MassHunter Qualitative Analysis B.03.01 medium (Merck). Agar wells with the diameter of 5 mm with SP3 soft ware (Agilent Technologies) were used for were fi lled with 100 μL of the UF membrane permeate. data analysis. Zone of inhibition was measured aft er 48 h of incubation at 37 °C. Molecular feature extraction soft ware was adopted to determine the molecular mass distribution and sequences The possible synergistic eff ect of the LMM peptides of the peptides present in the UF membrane permeates. from UF membrane permeate on the growth of Pediococ- The initial set values of parameters for the Molecular Fea- cus acidilactici HA6111-2 (from CCDMB) was investigated. ture Extractor (part of MassHunter Qualitative Analysis Single microplate wells were fi lled with 135 μL of sterile soft ware) were as follows: target data type: small mole- soybean casein digestive medium (Merck), 135 μL of the cules (chromatographic), peak height: >10 000 counts, ion UF membrane permeate and 30 μL of 24-hour inoculum 314 A. NATH et al.: Production of Antibacterial Peptides from Soybean Meal, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 55 (3) 308–324 (2017) of P. acidilactici HA6111-2 (6·106 CFU). Positive and nega- tive controls were also considered to compare the results. Incubation temperature was set at 30 °C. Microbial growth was measured at the wavelength λ=595 nm by a micro- plate reader (Multiskan GO; Thermo Scientifi cTM). Data were recorded at 30-minute intervals for the total micro- bial growth period of 24 h. Antioxidant capacity Antioxidant capacity of LMM peptides from UF mem- brane permeate was quantifi ed with the ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) method using a UV-Vis spectro- photometer (EvolutionTM 300; Thermo Scientifi cTM). Ascor- bic acid was used as reference and the absorbance was measured at 593 nm (43). Statistical analysis All experiments were performed in triplicate and the mean value with standard deviation (S.D.) was calculat- ed. Statistical data analysis was conducted using a Micro- soft Excel spread sheet (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA) and Minitab statistical soft ware v. 16 (Minitab Inc., State College, PA, USA). Results and Discussion Enzymatic digestion Eff ect of initial concentration of soybean meal To optimize the enzymatic hydrolysis, diff erent ini- Fig. 2. Changes in: a) mass concentrations of soluble protein in tial concentrations of soybean meal (γ ), ranging from sm0 the reaction broth with time, and b) initial enzymatic hydroly- 25–100 g/L, were used. Taking into account the total con- sis reaction rate (r) of tryptic digestion, using diff erent initial 0 c((e4n1t.r0a±t0io.1n) %of, pbryo tmeians s()γ, pt)h ein s uthbes tdraetfea ttr aendg seo cyobveearne dm aepa-l mtuaress o cfo 4n0c °eCnt arantdio pnHs =o9f .s0oybean meal (γsm0) at reaction tempera- prox. 10–41 g of soybean meal protein per L. In Fig. 2a, soluble protein concentration (γ ) in the reaction broth sp LMM peptides. The γ reached 8.4 g/L aft er 4 h of tryptic was plott ed against time progress for diff erent γ . sp sm0 digestion of 75 g/L of soybean meal at 40 °C and pH=9. It is observed that γ increases with the increase of sp γsm0 up to 75 g/L. Low substrate concentration (γs) in reac- Eff ect of temperature tion medium increases the substrate solubility and reduc- Eff ects of temperature and pH on the enzymatic hy- es the intermolecular agglomeration of enzyme-substrate drolysis are shown in Fig. 3. The degree of hydrolysis complex, which facilitates the enzymatic hydrolysis as (DH) (in %) of soybean meal protein increases with the well as product synthesis. Contradictorily, when γsm0>75 increase of reaction temperature from 25 to 40 °C and at g/L, enzyme active sites are overloaded with the substrate temperature exceeding 40 °C, it decreases (Fig. 3a). molecules. A fraction of substrate binds with the active For a typical enzyme-catalyzed reaction, temperature enzyme-substrate complex and produces inactive enzyme- provides the activation energy, which increases the colli- -substrate complex, which reduces the initial reaction rate sion frequency between the enzyme and the substrate, as (r), and the synthesis of soluble protein and low-molecu- 0 well as positively infl uences the turnover number (k ). At lar-mass (LMM) peptides (30,31). In Fig. 2b, diff erent r cat 0 a particular temperature, substrate and enzyme come into are plott ed against corresponding γ . At limited γ (γ sm0 s sm0 proximity more frequently and the probability of enzyme ≤75 g/L), the relationship between r and γ is linear and 0 sm0 and substrate binding increases, which promotes the aft er that it has a decreasing trend. The reasons for this product formation. With further increase of temperature, observation have been described above. Accordingly, γsm0 enzyme is denatured due to the breakdown of its struc- =75 g/L is considered optimum for the enzymatic hydro- tural peptide bond or change of its structural confi gura- lysis. Aft er tryptic digestion of 75 g/L of soybean meal at tion (30,31). In other words, substrate solubility increases 40 °C and pH=9, the concentration of free amino acids with the increase of temperature, which facilitates the en- (γFAA) in reaction broth was 0.33 g/L. As trypsin is an en- zymatic hydrolysis. The r0 along with respective reaction dopeptidase and its activity is site-specifi c, the formation temperature is also shown in Fig. 3a. It is noted that r is 0 of free amino acids due to tryptic digestion was inherent- maximum at 45 °C and aft er that, it has a decreasing ly low compared to the formation of soluble protein and trend. The r and DH (in %) were calculated based on the 0 A. NATH et al.: Production of Antibacterial Peptides from Soybean Meal, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 55 (3) 308–324 (2017) 315 of the free energy (ΔG*) and enthalpy (ΔH*) of the activa- tion of enzymatic reaction were calculated according to transition state theory (32). Positive values of ΔG* signify that the free energy change used for the activation of en- zymatic reaction is not thermodynamically favoured. All ΔG* values (Table 1) are almost identical and their order of magnitude is expected for enzyme denaturation (46). Also, large positive values of ∆H* are characteristic for en- zyme denaturation (32,46–48). Negative values of activa- tion entropy of enzymatic reaction (ΔS*) are also reported in Table 1. They signify that the activation of enzymatic reaction is supported by entropy and the thermal deacti- vation did not entail any signifi cant changes in the sec- ondary and tertiary structure of the enzyme (49). Nega- tive values of ΔS* are probably due to the compaction of the enzyme molecule and such changes can occur from the formation charge of neighbourhood molecules of en- zyme or ordering of the solvent molecules (32,50). The pa- rameter ΔH* provides the information about the number of broken non-covalent enzyme bonds and ΔS* provides the information about the net enzyme/solvent disorder change associated with the native structure of the enzyme to a transition state of enzyme confi guration (50,51). However, it is very diffi cult to estimate the number of broken non-covalent bonds required to form the transi- tion state of the enzyme. Finally, the temperature of 40 °C is considered optimum for enzymatic hydrolysis. Fig. 3. Degree of hydrolysis (DH) and initial enzymatic hydro- lysis reaction rate (r) aft er 4 h of hydrolysis at: a) diff erent reac- 0 Eff ect of pH tion temperatures with initial concentration of soybean meal (γ ) of 75 g/L and reaction pH=9.0, and b) diff erent reaction The catalytic activity of enzymes depends on the pH pHsm v0a lues with initial concentration of soybean meal (γsm0) of 75 of the medium. The enzyme has ionic (functional) groups g/L and reaction temperature of 40 °C in its active site and due to variations of the pH of the me- dium, they are ionized in diff erent ways (51). In Fig. 3b, DH (in %) of soybean meal protein and r at correspond- formation of soluble protein aft er 1 and 4 h of hydrolysis, 0 ing reaction pH are presented. It is observed that with in- respectively. The enzyme was active in the initial hydroly- crease of reaction pH, the DH (in %) and r increase, with sis period (fi rst 1 h) and performed well at 45 °C, which is 0 their maximum at pH=9.0 and 40 °C. The catalytic site of why the r was high at that temperature. With time 0 trypsin is characterized by the catalytic triad Asp102, His57 progress, enzyme was deactivated and consequently, the and Ser195 (52). At pH=9, the reaction medium is prop- DH was reduced at 45 °C. Similar explanation was given erly balanced with anionic and cationic ions (groups), in several cases (44,45). The value of maximum reaction which provide the stable ionization of the enzyme, its velocity of enzymatic hydrolysis (v ) was increased al- max structural stability and formation of enzyme-substrate most 2.6-fold by increasing the temperature from 25 to complex (30,31). At pH>9.0, the DH of soybean meal pro- 40 °C. The values of kinetic constants and thermody- tein decreases. The deactivation process at high alkaline namic parameters of enzymatic hydrolysis are reported pH is possibly due to disulfi de exchange, which usually in Table 1. occurs at alkaline conditions. Similar explanation was The value of apparent activation energy of enzymatic given earlier during pectolytic reaction (53). Naidu and reaction (E) was determined to be 54.87 kJ/mol. The change Panda (50) reported that a decrease in enthalpy and en- a Table 1. Reaction kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of the enzymatic hydrolysis Temp erature k /K ∆G* ∆H* ∆S* ∆G ∆S ∆H cat m b b b oC L/(g·h) kJ/mol kJ/mol kJ/(mol·K) kJ/mol kJ/(mol·K) kJ/mol 25 0.68 87.04 52.39 –11.63·10–2 7.23 –0.153 52.87 30 1.34 87.62 52.35 –11.64·10–2 6.56 35 2.86 88.20 52.31 –11.65·10–2 5.63 40 5.33 88.78 52.27 –11.67·10–2 4.99 k =turnover number of the enzymatic hydrolysis reaction, K =half-saturation constant of the enzymatic hydrolysis reaction, ∆G*=free cat m energy change of the activation of the enzymatic reaction, ∆H*=activation enthalpy of the enzymatic reaction, ∆S*=activation entropy of the enzymatic reaction, ∆G=free energy changes of the substrate-enzyme binding, ∆S=enzyme-substrate binding entropy, b b ∆H=enzyme-substrate binding enthalpy b 316 A. NATH et al.: Production of Antibacterial Peptides from Soybean Meal, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 55 (3) 308–324 (2017) tropy values occurs when pH of the reaction increases or membrane surface, was more rapid in the 1st than in oth- decreases. According to them, enzyme folds during deac- er discontinuous diafi ltration stages. The J increased with tivation. At higher or lower pH values, the stable three- the increase of discontinuous diafi ltration stages because -dimensional structure of enzyme is compressed, result- the fi ltration was performed in discontinuous diafi ltra- ing in lower enzymatic activity and lower DH. According tion mode with VCF of 2 and intermediate cleaning aft er to the manufacturer (Sigma-Aldrich), the optimum pH every discontinuous diafi ltration stage. It was found that for the proteolytic activity of trypsin is between 7.0 and the application of the static turbulence promoter enhanc- 9.0. Also, signifi cantly high DH value (55–75 %) could be es the permeation in each discontinuous diafi ltration obtained during soy protein proteolysis in phosphate stage and it was almost similar in the 3rd and 4th discon- buff er due to the enzymatic and non-enzymatic deamida- tinuous diafi ltration stages. Furthermore, it was also not- tion of the glutamine in soy protein hydrolysate (54). In ed that the rate of J decline is low in fi ltration with UF this investigation, it was found that DH increased 1.5-fold membrane and static turbulence promoter. Static turbu- with changing the reaction pH=7 to pH=9. The down-reg- lence promoter increases the tangential velocity of fl uid ulated hydrolysis at pH=7.0 might be due to the presence across the membrane surface, which increases the turbu- of some residual trypsin inhibitors in soybean meal lence and vorticity of fl uid near the membrane surface. As (55,56), which act in the presence of phosphate buff er at a result, the concentration polarization near the mem- pH~7 (57,58). The optimum pH for the hydrolysis is con- brane surface is reduced and permeation fl ux through the sidered to be pH=9.0. membrane pores increases. Furthermore, static turbu- Taking into account the total protein concentration lence promoter provides the centrifugal force on the fl uid, (γ ) in the actual experiment (approx. 30.8 g of protein in which contributes to the driving force on the membrane p 75 g/L of soybean meal), DH (in %) of soybean meal pro- surface. Due to the driving force in the presence of the tein was found to be approx. 28 % aft er 4 h of enzymatic static turbulence promoter, membrane gel layer resistance hydrolysis at 40 °C and pH=9.0. Kong et al. (15) reported is reduced and J is increased. According to Figs. 4a and b, that DH was found to be 9 % when 50 g/L of isolated soy maximum J decline is in the fi rst stage of fi ltration. There- protein were treated with trypsin (enzyme/substrate=0.025) fore, the eff ect of TMP on permeation in the 1st discontin- for 3 h at 55 °C and pH=7.0. Xie et al. (16) reported that uous diafi ltration stage is shown in Fig. 4c, where the fi - DH was 22 % when 120 g/L of defatt ed soybean meal nal permeate fl ux (J)and reduction of permeate fl ux (ΔJ) f i were treated with a combination of Protamex and trypsi- (in %) in the 1st discontinuous diafi ltration stage are plot- nase (enzyme/substrate=0.01). Enzymatic hydrolysis was ted against corresponding operational TMP. It is observed performed at 56.78 °C and pH=6.10 for 10.72 h. In another that J increases with the increase of operational TMP f case, DH was found to be 10.5 % when 30 g/L of isolated (TMP=2–4·105 Pa), and aft er TMP=4·105 Pa, there is no sig- soy protein were hydrolyzed with trypsin (enzyme/sub- nifi cant change in the J. With the increase of operational f strate=0.025) at 37 °C and pH=7.5 for 4 h (20). As the DH TMP, more driving force is applied on the membrane sur- of proteinaceous substance depends on the type of en- face, which is the cause of low deposition of solute mole- zyme, the presence of peptide bonds in the substrate, hy- cules near the membrane surface and higher permeation. drolysis time, reaction temperature and pH, and the ana- At high operational TMPs (TMP=4·105 and 5·105 Pa), J lytical methods of estimating DH, the results are not reaches a constant value, designated as ‘limiting fl ux’ of directly comparable in all cases. membrane separation. This result might be the cause of: (i) saturation of concentration polarization layer near the Separation of LMM peptides by membrane technology membrane surface, as well as constant gel layer resistance (59), (ii) formation of a dynamic secondary membrane Ultrafi ltration (UF) membrane was used for fi ne-tuned near the membrane surface due to high solvent perme- separation of LMM peptides from prefi ltration membrane ation, and consequently thicker solute concentration on permeate. A great emphasis was placed on optimization the membrane surface and point of incipient solute pre- of the UF membrane separation. Aft er membrane com- cipitation (60), (iii) osmotic pressure of the working solu- paction, R and L values of 5-kDa MMCO membrane were determmined tpo be 3·1013 m–1 and 3.3·10–4 L/(m2·h·Pa), tion is approximately equal to the applied pressure (61), and (iv) hydrodynamic resistance by boundary layer at respectively. In all cases, more than 99 % correlation coef- high solute concentration on the membrane surface (62). fi cients were achieved. In a similar way, the ΔJ (in %) decreases with the increase In a typical pressure-driven size-exclusion fi ltration, of TMP and it becomesi similar at TMP=4·105 and 5·105 Pa. permeation is strongly infl uenced by the applied pressure In Fig. 4d, fi nal J and ΔJ (in %) in each discontinuous dia- on the membrane surface and diafi ltration stage. Perme- f i fi ltration stage during the UF membrane separation are ate fl ux (J) curves of 5-kDa UF membrane, without and plott ed against the corresponding discontinuous diafi ltra- with a static turbulence promoter under a constant TMP tion stage, with TMP=4·105 Pa. It is observed that the J in- (TMP=4·105 Pa) are shown in Figs. 4a and b, respectively. f creases with the increase of discontinuous diafi ltration It is observed that in the 1st discontinuous diafi ltra- stage. Consequently, the ΔJ (in %) decreases with increase i tion stage, J declines rapidly, then gradually and eventu- of the number of discontinuous diafi ltration stages and in ally becomes steady with time. Similar trends at other the 3rd and 4th discontinuous diafi ltration stages, they TMPs were observed (results not shown). As the concen- become almost equal. Due to the dilution of the feed sam- trations of unhydrolyzed proteins or peptides (M>5 kDa) ple in storage tank before each discontinuous diafi ltration in the storage tank were high, the concentration polariza- and intermediate cleaning of the membrane aft er each di- tion, created by unhydrolyzed proteins or peptides on afi ltration stage, J increases with the increase of the num- A. NATH et al.: Production of Antibacterial Peptides from Soybean Meal, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 55 (3) 308–324 (2017) 317 Fig. 4. Permeate fl ux (J) at transmembrane pressure (TMP) of 4·105 Pa with discontinuous diafi ltration: a) without and b) with a static turbulence promoter during ultrafi ltration (UF), c) fi nal permeate fl ux (J) and change of permeate fl ux (ΔJin%) at the 1st discontinu- f i ous diafi ltration stage at diff erent TMPs during UF, and d) fi nal permeate fl ux (J) and change of permeate fl ux (ΔJin %) at diff erent f i discontinuous diafi ltration stages at TMP=4·105 Pa during UF ber of discontinuous diafi ltration stages. The solute con- Kenics static mixer was a good choice for preparation centration in the storage tank was almost the same in the of oil-in-water microemulsions. Positive infl uence of the 3rd and 4th stages of the discontinuous diafi ltration, and static turbulence promoter on membrane emulsifi cation because of that similar values of ΔJ (in %) were obtained. was also reported by Piacentini et al. (68). Ceramic mem- i In all cases, it is observed that static turbulence promoter brane reactor with a static turbulence promoter was used has a positive infl uence on J. for municipal wastewater reclamation. Due to the incor- poration of the static turbulence promoter, J increased Several researchers have reported about positive in- from 70 to 175 L/(m2·h) and average reduction rate of the fl uence of the static turbulence promoter on membrane chemical oxygen demand (COD) was more than 95 % separation unit and fi ltration process. Krstić et al. (63) re- (69). ported that the J improved more than 300 % and the membrane cleaning effi ciency also improved due to the Reduction of specifi c energy consumption (E) with s incorporation of a static turbulence promoter, specifi cally high throughput of any equipment is one of the basic ap- with a Kenics static mixer during the microfi ltration of proaches to establishing the concept of ‘process intensifi - skimmed milk. Šereš et al. (64) made a comparison be- cation’. In Fig. 5a, the eff ect of the presence or absence of tween the fi ltration with a static turbulence promoter and static turbulence promoter in the UF membrane fi ltration without such a device during the removal of non-sucrose at diff erent TMPs on E is presented. The E values in the s s compounds from sugar syrup. The highest J was achieved UF membrane fi ltration with the static turbulence pro- at 80 °C, with Q=400 L/h and TMP=10·105 Pa without the moter are lower than in the fi ltration without this device. application of static turbulence promoter. During the fi l- The reason behind this observation is that the static tur- tration with static turbulence promoter, the highest J was bulence promoter provides the tangential velocity of fl uid achieved at TMP=6·105–10·105 Pa and Q<100 L/h. J in- across the membrane surface and the centrifugal force on creased approx. 65 and 30 % at 70 and 80 °C, respectively, the fl uid. At lower retentate fl ow rate (Q~100 L/h), the r when the static turbulence promoter was used. Moreover, combination of these two eff ects, concentration polariza- J improvements were reported when Kenics static mixer tion on membrane surface and membrane gel layer resist- was used in cross-fl ow microfi ltration of wheat starch ance are reduced, resulting in higher J with insignifi cant suspension (65) and baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevi- pressure drop at two opposite ends of the membrane (J siae) separation (66). Gaspar et al. (67) investigated the ef- >>∆p). The values of E in the UF membrane fi ltration with s fects of geometry of static turbulence promoter on oil-in- static turbulence promoter are almost unchanged at oper- -water microemulsion preparation. According to them, ational TMP=3–5·105 Pa.