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Production of gamma rays by pulsed laser beam Compton scattering off GeV-electrons using a non-planar four-mirror optical cavity PDF

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Preview Production of gamma rays by pulsed laser beam Compton scattering off GeV-electrons using a non-planar four-mirror optical cavity

PreprinttypesetinJINSTstyle-HYPERVERSION Production of gamma rays by pulsed laser beam Compton scattering off GeV-electrons using a non-planar four-mirror optical cavity 2 1 T. Akagie, S. Arakid, J. Bonisa, I. Chaikovskaa∗, R. Chichea, R. Cizerona, M. Cohena, 0 2 E. Cormierb, P. Cornebisea, N. Deleruea, R. Flaminioc, S. Funahashid, D. Jehannoa, n Y. Hondad, F. Labayea, M. Lacroixa, R. Mariea, C. Michelc, S. Miyoshie, S. Nagatae, a T. Omorid, Y. Peinauda, L. Pinardc, H. Shimizud, V. Soskova, T. Takahashie, J 4 R. Tanakae, T. Terunumad, J. Urakawad, A. Variolaa, F. Zomera. aLAL,CNRS-IN2P3,UniversitéParis-SudXI ] h CentreScientifiqued’Orsay,Bâtiment200,BP34,91898Orsaycedex,France p bCELIA,CNRS,UniversitédeBordeaux - c DomaineduHautCarré,43,RuePierreNoailles,33405Talence,France c a cLMA,CNRS-IN2P3,UniversitéClaudeBernardLyonI s. BâtimentVirgo7,AvenuePierredeCoubertin,69622Villeurbannecedex,France c dATF,HighEnergyAcceleratorResearchOrganization(KEK) i s 1-1Oho,Tsukuba,305-0801Ibaraki,Japan y eHiroshimaUniversity h p 1-3-2Kagamiyama,Higashi-Hiroshima739-8511,Japan [ E-mail: [email protected] 2 v 4 ABSTRACT: As part of the positron source R&D for future e+−e− colliders and Compton based 3 8 compact light sources, a high finesse non-planar four-mirror Fabry-Perot cavity has recently been 5 installed at the ATF (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan) [1]. The first measurements of the gamma ray flux . 1 producedwithasuchcavityusingapulsedlaserispresentedhere. Wedemonstratetheproduction 1 1 of a flux of 2.7 ± 0.2 gamma rays per bunch crossing (∼3×106 gammas per second) during the 1 commissioning. : v i X KEYWORDS: Positronsproduction;Comptonscattering;Fabry-Perotcavity;Gammarays;ATF. r a ∗Correspondingauthor. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Experimentalsetup 2 2.1 AcceleratorTestFacility 2 2.2 Fabry-Perotcavity 2 2.3 Calorimeter 3 3. Expectedgammarayflux 4 4. Measurements 5 4.1 Scanningprocedureandfirstdata 5 4.2 Exampleofdata 6 4.3 Dataanalysis 7 4.4 Calibration 10 5. Results 11 6. Conclusionandoutlook 15 1. Introduction HighEnergyphysics[2,3,4]aswellasappliedphysics[5,6,7,8]areshowingagreatinterestfor intensefluxofhighenergyX-raysandgammarays. ThesegammaoralternativelyX-rayscanbegeneratedbyComptonscattering[9]. Toachieve ahighfluxofhighenergyphotonsdespitethelowcrosssectionofComptonscatteringonerequires ahighaveragepowerlasersystembasedonaFabry-Perotcavity[10]togetherwithahighcurrent electronbeam[11]. Inthiscontext,atwo-mirrorFabry-Perotcavityhasalreadybeensuccessfully operatedattheAcceleratorTestFacility[12](ATF)ofKEK[13,14]. A solution to produce a high flux of circularly polarized gamma rays is to use a four-mirror Fabry-Perot cavity (FPC) where laser pulses can be stacked to reach a high average power at the interaction point (IP). A prototype of non-planar high finesse four-mirror Fabry-Perot cavity has beeninstalledattheKEKATFandisdescribedindetailsin[1]. Theopticalsystemhasbeencom- missionedduringsummer2010andelectron-photonComptoncollisionswereobservedonthefirst attempt in October 2010. In this paper we present measurements of the gamma ray flux recorded duringourcommissioning. Thedataanalyzedhereweretakenbeforethetragicearthquakewhich struckJapaninMarch2011. Recoveryandimprovementworkisbeingcarriedoutsincebutisnot coveredbythispaper. –1– Thispaperisorganisedasfollows. Section2describestheexperimentalsetupusedtoproduce and measure the gamma rays. Section 3 discusses the gamma ray flux expected with our current setup. Section 4 explains how the data were analyzed. Section 5 presents the gamma ray spectra measured. Finally,themainresultsandfurtherstepsarediscussedinsection6. 2. Experimentalsetup 2.1 AcceleratorTestFacility A detailed description of the ATF at KEK can be found in [12, 15, 16]. The 1.28 GeV damping ring (DR) has a revolution period of 462 ns and operates at the radio frequency (RF) of 357 MHz (165 RF buckets spaced by 2.8ns). Although a total of up to 3 trains of 10 bunches separated by 5.6nscanbeinjectedinthering,mostoperationsrunwithasinglebunchinthetrainorwithatrain of up to 10 bunches [17]. Our FPC is installed in one of the straight sections of the damping ring as shown on figure 1. After the collisions the gamma rays, propagating along the electron beam, areextractedthroughawindowbeforepassingthroughseveralcollimators. Theyaremeasuredby agammadetectorabout20mdownstreamtheIP. ATF2 beam line Detector ~20 m Gamma rays Electron beam 4-mirror Fabry-Perot cavity m 6 53.4 m 7. 2 Damping Ring Photo-cathode RF gun 1.3 GeV S-band LINAC Figure1: LayoutoftheAcceleratorTestFacilityatKEK.Theredstarindicatestheapproximatelo- cationofthe4-mirrorFabry-Perotcavitydescribedin[1]andusedforthemeasurementspresented in this paper. The red arrow indicates the direction of propagation of the gamma rays produced. Thegreyboxindicatesthegammaraydetector(adaptedfrom[14]). ThemainparametersoftheelectronbeamattheATFDRaregiveninthetable1. 2.2 Fabry-Perotcavity TheFPCiscomposedof2concavemirrorswitharadiusofcurvatureof0.5mandtwoflatmirrors with a non-planar tetrahedron geometry. The mirrors have a very high reflectivity (1 - 1060 ppm for one of them and 1 - 330 ppm for the others) leading to a cavity finesse of the order of 3000 –2– Table1: ATFDRparameters. Description Value Electronenergy,E 1.28GeV e Electronbunchpopulation,N ∼0.5×1010 e Electronbunchlength,σ /c=τ ∼20 ps z e Electronbeamsize,σ /σ ∼110/10 µm x y Revolutionperiod,T 462 ns 0 Emittance,γε 5×10−6 /3×10−8 m·rad x/y (correspondingtoapassivepowerenhancementofabout1000). Aroundtriptimeof5.6nsinthe FPCissettomatchhalftheRFfrequencyoftheATFDRat178.5MHz. A passively mode-locked oscillator is amplified in a microstructured active fiber and further injected in the FPC. An all-digital double feedback system is used to lock the cavity on the ATF clockandtoensurethatthelaserpulsesareproperlystackedwithinterferometricaccuracy. TheFPCismountedonanopticaltablewhichisitselfmountedonmoversthatallowtocontrol preciselytheverticalpositionoftheFPCwithrespecttothatofthelaserbeam. Table 2 summarises the main parameters of the system and more details on the experimental apparatuscanbefoundin[1]. Table2: Parametersofthelasersystemusedduringthedatatakingpresentedhere. Description Value Laserphotonenergy,E 1.2 eV(λ =1032nm) ph ph Laserspotsize,σ /σ 26/38 µm x y Laserrepetitionrate, f 178.5 MHz±4KHz L Finesse,F ∼3000 Laserpulselength,τ 68 ps L AveragepowerstoredinFPC,P ∼160 W L Crossingangle,φ 8 deg. AsthereisanoddnumberofRFbucketsintheDRcollisionsonagivenelectronbunchoccur onlyeveryotherturn,atafrequencyof1.08MHz. Dataacquisition Thedataacquisitionreliesonseveraloscilloscopestoacquireinformationfrom the FPC and from the calorimeter. The waveforms acquired are timestamped in a database and saved on disk for later analysis. Data from the accelerator such as beam position and charge are alsoacquiredandsavedinthedatabase. 2.3 Calorimeter To detect the gamma rays produced by the collisions between the laser photons and the electrons, weuseafastscintillationdetectormadeofbariumfluoride(BaF )coupledwithaPhotomultiplier 2 –3– Tube(PMT).TwopolishedrectangularcrystalsofBaF withdimensions100mm×70mm×70mm 2 are glued to each other and wrapped into an absorbing tape. The 200 mm depth of the BaF 2 calorimeterisnearly10radiationlengths,ensuringhighdetectionefficiency[18]. Bariumfluorideiscommonlyusedasithastwoemissionspectrapeaksat220nmand310nm with decay time constants of about 0.8 ns and 630 ns respectively. The decay time of the fast component of BaF allows to resolve two successive pulses of gamma rays generated from the 2 electronbunchesspacedby5.6ns. Toeliminatetheslowcomponentofthescintillationanoptical filterhasbeeninstalledinfrontofthePMT.AfastPMT(HamamatsuPhotonicsR3377)witharise timeof0.7nsisused. DataacquisitionisperformedusingaLeCroyWS454oscilloscope(1GS/s, 500MHzbandwidth). GEANT4simulations UsingGeant4[19]wesimulatedthedetectortostudythedevelopmentof electromagneticshowersinsidetheBaF calorimeter. 2 Thisallowstoperformrealisticsimulationsofhighenergygammaspassingthroughthecalorime- ter. Theinitialdistributionofthegammaraysisobtainedbyusingthebeam-beaminteractioncode CAIN2.40 [20]. Once a gamma ray hits the calorimeter, scintillation light is uniformly emitted along the path of the charged particles produced by the electromagnetic shower. The number of opticalphotonsgeneratedisproportionaltotheenergylossoftheinitialgammarays. Thescintil- lationlightthenpropagatesandfinallyreachesthePMTlocatedattheendofthescintillator. 3. Expectedgammarayflux UsingtheComptonscatteringphysicalpropertiesitispossibletoestimatetheexpectednumberof scatteredgammaraysintheexperiment. Neglectingthedivergenceoftheelectronandlaserbeam attheIP,theluminosityfortheComptoncollisionsisgivenbyequation3.1in[21]: cos(φ/2) 1 L =N N f , (3.1) e ph (cid:113) (cid:113) 2π σ2 +σ2 (σ2 +σ2)cos2(φ/2)+(σ2 +σ2 )sin2(φ/2) ye yph xph xe ze zph dN F = γ =σ ·L, (3.2) Compton dt where N , N are the number of the electrons in the bunch and number of the photons in the e ph laserpulserespectively, f istherepetitionfrequency,φ istheangleofthecollisions,σ andσ (cid:126)re (cid:126)rph indicaterespectivelytheRMSsizesoftheelectronbunchandthelaserpulse. Once,theluminosity oftheprocessisdefined,thefluxofgammaraysisgivenbyformula3.2,whereσ isthetotal Compton Comptonscatteringcrosssectionwhichisdeterminedbythemomentaoftheincidentelectronand laserphoton[22]. Formulas 3.1 and 3.2 show that the emitted rate is inversely proportional to the transverse electronandlaserbeamsizes. Theseformulasshowsalsothatacollisionanglereducesthegamma rayfluxespeciallyinthecaseoflongelectronbunchesandlaserpulses. The simulation code CAIN has been used to simulate the Compton scattering process. This codesimulatestheinteractionbetweenoneelectronbunchandonelaserpulsewheretheCompton cross section is calculated for all the possible polarization states [22] and takes into account the –4– beam geometry. Using the parameters listed in table 1 and 2 the energy spectrum and expected numberofthescatteredgammaraysperbunchcrossinghavebeenobtained. Asitwasmentionedbefore,intheexperimentthescatteredgammarayspassthroughseveral collimatorsbeforeenteringthedetector. Thiscarriesoutagammaenergyspectrumselectionowing totheenergy-anglecorrelationinComptonscattering. Figure2showsthesimulatedenergyspec- trumofthegammarayswheretheredcolorreferstothegammaraystransmittedbythecollimators andbluecolorreferstothegammaraysfilteredoutduetotheirenergy/angle. The average energy of the gamma rays produced is ∼15 MeV. However, due to the limited geometricalaperture,thegammaraysbelow15MeVdonotreachthedetector. Theaverageenergy of the gamma rays reaching the detector is therefore 24 MeV. Later, these results are used for the Geant4simulationandcalibrationofthecalorimeter. Gamma rays blocked by the collimators 300 Gamma rays reaching the detector 250 200 s e Entri150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Energy [MeV] Figure 2: Energy spectrum of the gamma rays. The energies of the gamma rays blocked by the collimators are shown as well as the energies of the gamma rays entering the detector. Only the gammarayswithenergiesabove15MeVareacceptedbythecollimators. 4. Measurements 4.1 Scanningprocedureandfirstdata TheFPCwascommissionedinOctober2010andComptoncollisionswererecordedonthefirstat- tempt(26October). Beforedatatakingweinvestigatedhowtheintensityofthesignalisaffectedby thepositionofthelaserbeamwaistwithrespecttotheelectronbeampositionandsynchronization betweenthelaserandelectronbeambydoingthepositionandthephasescans. The search for the collisions area between the electrons and the laser photons has several degrees of freedom and is not straightforward. The two most sensitive degrees of freedom are the vertical position of the FPC (dimension orthogonal to the plane of the beams) and the relative phasebetweenthelaserandtheelectrons(timedimension). Thesearchforcollisionsisperformed inseveralsteps: –5– • TheFPCfrequencyisoffsetbyatleast100HzwithrespecttotheATFfrequency. Bydoing this the relative phase between the electrons and the laser is automatically scanned at a rate ofatleast100Hz. • TheverticalpositionoftheFPCissweptslowly. • Whileperformingthisverticalscanwelookonthedataacquisitionoscilloscopefortheap- paritionofshortburstsintheoutputofthePMT(seefigure3). Thelengthandthefrequency of these bursts are related to the difference between the frequency of the cavity and the fre- quencyoftheATFclock. • Oncetheseburstshavebeenfoundtheverticalpositionofthelaserisadjustedtomaximize theirintensity. • AtthisstagethelaserfrequencycanbelockedontheATFfrequency. • The phase of the laser with respect to the electron beam must be adjusted to optimize the intensityofthesignalobservedonthePMToutput1. Figure3: Exampleofsignalobservedonouroscilloscopewhilescanningtheparametersspaceto findthecollision area. The yellowlineisthe signalfromthePMT.The durationofthewaveform is10msandtheverticalscaleis200mV(onthisdaythesignalwasamplified). Theburstscorrespondtothetimeatwhichthephaseofthelasermatchesthatoftheelectrons. ThedistancesbetweentheburstscorrespondstothedifferencebetweentheATFfrequencyandthe laser frequency. Each burst contains several peaks spaced by the duration of two DR revolution. The red line records the injection trigger (the trigger itself is off the screen). It was checked that the bursts on the yellow lines disappear when the cavity is moved vertically by a distance greater thanthebeamsize. 4.2 Exampleofdata During data taking we record the signal from the PMT as well as the 357 MHz ATF clock and the laser power transmitted by the FPC measured by a photodiode. To avoid the mistaking noise from the injection or extraction kickers a typical data acquisition starts at least 200 ms after the injectiontriggerisreceived. Atthistimeweexpectthebeamtobealmostfullydamped. Atypical signal waveform from the calorimeter can be observed on figure 4. A full waveform contains approximately200000samplesspacedby1ns. 1Ourexperienceshowsthatthevariationofthisphasefromdaytodayissmallhoweverwedoobservesmalldrifts whichrequireanewphasescanoneachrun. –6– −3 x 10 2 0 −2 V] −4 e [ −6 g a olt −8 V −10 −12 −14 0 1 2 Time [s] −4 x 10 Figure4: ThetypicalsignalshapeforthehighenergygammaraysproducedbyComptonscattering observed at the anode output of the PMT. Each spike on the picture corresponds to the gamma productionaftersuccessivebunchcrossingsover0.2ms. Datashowncorrespondtoasinglebunch storedintheATFDR. 4.3 Dataanalysis TherawdatarecordedcontaintheintensityofthePMToutputasafunctionoftime(seefigure4). DataanalysiswascarriedouttoextracttheintensityoftheComptonsignalandremoveunwanted backgrounds. AsthedatawereacquiredduringthedifferentATFrunswithdifferentfillingmodeoftheDR (1 train, 2 trains, 3 trains stored in the ATF DR) the correct number of Compton peaks and their timingmustbefound. The357MHzATFclockisusedtodefinethebeginningofa924nsperiods corresponding to the occurrence of the Compton signal (two ATF DR revolutions). All 924 ns periods belonging to one data file (usually 0.2 ms long) are superimposed on top of each other to find the number of the peaks per revolution and their time of arrival with respect to the beginning of the period. Such technique is used to enhance the signal over the background reducing at the sametimetheelectronicnoise. Thisresultsinamoreprecisewayfortheestimationofthenumber ofthepeaksandtheirtiming. Anexampleofstackingcanbeseenonfigure5a. Once the number of peaks and their positions within the period is found we define a gate aroundthepositionwheretheComptonsignalisexpected. Weusethisgatetocalculatetheheight and integral of the peak. The Compton peak height and its integral are our measure of the energy depositedbythegammaraysinthecalorimeter. Thelengthofthegateissetto12nsinordertoen- tirelycontainthesignalthusensuringacorrectevaluationoftheenergydeposited. Thedistribution ofsuchgatesaroundthepeakispresentedonfigure5b. ThebackgroundlevelanditsRMSarecalculatedwithineachperiodandaresubtractedfrom thecorrespondingpeakheightandpeakintegral. Thebackgroundlevelisdefinedasthemeanover thetimebasecorrespondingtoagivenperiodexcludingthegatecontainingthesignal. Theaverage background level and its RMS for our data sample is estimated to be around 7 µV and 0.2 mV respectively. Finally, the peak height and peak integral are calculated for every peak within the –7– x 10−3 0.1 2 0 0 g [V]−0.1 −2 stackin−0.2 age [V] −4 Voltage −−00..43 Volt −−86 −0.5 −10 −0.6 −12 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 5 10 15 Time [s] x 10−6 Time [ns] (a) (b) Figure 5: Stacking of all the 924 ns periods from the data file presented on figure 4 (figure 5a). This stacking is used to find the number of the peaks and their timing. Time profile of the signals foralltheperiodsfromthesamefileisshownonfigure5b. period(seefigure6a). Theshapeofthedetector’sresponsecreatesalinearrelationbetweenthetotalchargeandthe maximum charge measured. This can be seen as a correlation between the calculated peak height andpeakintegralasshownonfigure6b x 10−11 0 0 −0.002 s] V V]−0.004 k [ ht [ pea−2 Peak heig−−00..000086 gral of the e −0.01 Int−4 −0.012 0 50 100 150 200 −0.012 −0.01 −0.008 −0.006 −0.004 −0.002 0 Period number Peak height [V] (a) (b) Figure6: Figure6agivesanexampleofthepeakheightdistributionfromthedatafilepresentedon figure4. Peakheightvs. peakintegralforthesamedatafileisshownonfigure6b. Quality of the data. Different quality cuts are applied to restrict the analysis to a high purity sample. By putting limitations on them we can reject noise and obtain a set of good quality data (seefigure7). We want all the Compton peaks within one file to have the same phase with respect to the ATF clock. It22 is achieved, in this case, by requiring the Compton signal to arrive 6 ns after the –8– beginningofthegate(seefigure7a). Sometimes, the noise can dominate the signal (see figure 7b). Quite often, these signals can evenleadtoanintegralvaluewiththewrongsign. Thisisillustratedonfigure6bbythedotswith positive values of the integral of the peak. Such events have to be considered as picked up noise andmustberejected. Forthis,weintroduceavariable: 150 1x 10−3 5x 10−11Data kept after signal arrival time cut 0 Data rejected by cut on pulse shape 0 Entries10500 Voltage [V]−−−321 eak integral [V s] −−105 P −4 −15 00 2 4 6 8 10 12 −50 5 10 15 −0.03 −0.02 −0.01 0 Signal arrival time within a gate [ns] Time [ns] Peak height [V] (a) (b) (c) Figure7: Qualitycutillustration(figures7aand7b)showntogetherwiththeireffectonallthedata sample (figure 7c). Figure 7a: the distribution of the signal arrival time within the gate for all the signalsfoundinthedatafilepresentedonfigure4. Figure7bgivesanexampleofacorrectsignal (magenta line) as opposed to the noise signal (blue, red line). Figure 7c shows the data sample remainingafterthecutonthesignalarrivaltimeapplied(magentapoints)togetherwiththeevents whicharerejectedduetothecutontheshapeofthepulse(datapointstaggedinblack). 2I (t ) max 0 V = , (4.1) I(t −1)+I(t +1) 0 0 where I (t ) is the intensity of the signal taken at the time when it reaches maximum, I(t −1) max 0 0 andI(t +1)aretheintensitiesofthesignalinthetwonearestdatapoints. Byimposing1≤V ≤10 0 thenoiseisfilteredoutasV reacheseithernegativeorveryhighpositivevaluesfornoisesignal. On figure7bthemagentalinecorrespondstotherealComptonsignalforwhichourestimatorvariable V isabout1whiletheredandbluelinesareforthenoiseeventsandinthiscaseV equalsto-2and 17respectively. The effect of the cuts mentioned above is shown on figure 7c. Cut on the signal arrival time preserve good linear relation between the peak height and peak integral apart from a few high intensity data points for which our data acquisition system saturated. The cut on the shape of the pulsehelpstoremovenoise. However,somelowintensityeventsstillremainwhichcorrespondto thelowenergydepositedbythegammaraysinthecalorimeter. Approximately half of the data taken and presented in this study have been rejected after the differentqualitycutshavebeenapplied. Alltheresultscommentedbelowarebasedonhighquality datasample. Background While analysing the data we noticed that some data files contain peaks spaced by about462nscorrespondingtooneATFDRrevolutionperiod. Withtheexperimentalsetupweuse –9–

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