The American Journal of PATHOLOGY October 1970 * Volume 61, Number 1 Production of Arteriosclerosis by Homocysteinemia Kilmer S. McCully, MD and Bruce D. Ragsdale, MD ACCELERATED kRTERIosciLERosis was discovered to be asso- ciated with homocysteinemia in two individuals with different enzy- matic disorders of sulfur amino acid metabolism.1 Cells cultured from the skin of individuals with one of these disorders, cvstathionine syn- thetase deficiency, were found to produce an abnormal proteoglycan substance that is granular, aggregated and flocculent; addition of homo- cysteine to cultures ofnormal skin cells resulted in replacement of some of the normal fibrillar proteoglycans by the same granular substance.2 These findings suggested that homocysteinemia produced accelerated arteriosclerosis in the children with enzyme deficiency by altering the normal fibrillar structure of arterial wall proteoglycan molecules and that a similar process may occur in individuals without enzyme deficien- cies. In experiments designed to test this hypothesis, homocysteinemia was produced in rabbits, and the resulting vascular lesions, to be de- scribed in this report, were found to reproduce the essential features of vascular lesions found in individuals with homocysteinemia1.3 and those found in individuals with early arteriosclerosis. Mforeover, addition of cholesterol to the diet of the homocvsteinemic rabbits resulted in de- position of lipid in the aortic lesions, suggesting that lipid accumula- tion is a secondarv complication of the primanr vascular alteration. Supported by Grant 924 from the Greater Boston Chapter of the Massachusetts Heart Association and Grant CA-11119 from the US Public Health Service. From the Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, and the James Homer W'right Pathology Laboratories, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass. Acceptedforpublication June 18, 1970. Address for reprint requests: Dr. Kilmer S. McCullv, Department of Pathology, The Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass 02114. 2 McCULLY AND RAGSDALE American Journal of Pathology Since the only significant source of homocysteine in the human diet is the methionine content of protein, the demonstration that experimental homocysteinemia produces arteriosclerotic plaques suggests that diets containing high concentrations of methionine have the potential for producing arteriosclerosis in man. The molecular interactions respon- sible for the histopathologic features of the homocysteine-produced le- sions, the relationship of the homocysteine theory to other factors in human arteriosclerosis, and dietary recommendations for the preven- tion of human arteriosclerosis are discussed. Materials and Methods Production of Homocysteinemia Thirty milligrams of dl-homocysteine thiolactone (Calbiochem), 1 mg/ml in 5% dextrose-water, were administered subcutaneously with 1.0 ,uCi of carboxyl-14C 1-homocysteine thiolactone (Calbiochem) to a 3-kg New Zealand white rabbit. Serum samples taken at 7 hr and 12 hr were deproteinized with sulfosalicylic acid and chromatographed on a 60-cm sulfonated polystyrene resin column, Aminex A-6 (Bio-Rad), at 50 C, pH 3.25, pH 4.25 and pH 7.0.4 Aliquots of the fractions were counted in a Packard liquid scintillation counter using Bray's solution, and the concentration of dl-homocysteine thiolactone in serum was found to be 1.54 ,umole/ml at 7 hr, 0.74 ;pmole/ml at 12 hr and 0.00 ,umole/ml at 24 hr. Dietary Maintenance and HomocysteineAdministration Seven yearling (2.5-3.0 kg) and 17 weanling (1.0-1.5 kg) New Zealand white rabbits were studied. Four yearlings were fed rabbit chow (Agway) and injected subcutaneously with 10 mg/kg dl-homocysteine thiolactone, 1 mg/ml in 5% dextrose-water, every 12 hr for 20 days (Group I), and 3 control yearlings were injected with 5% dextrose-water on the same schedule (Group II). Three each of the weanlings were placed on various diets and injected sub- cutaneously with 25 mg/kg dl-homocysteine thiolactone, 1 mg/ml in 5% dextrose- water (D/W) every 24 hr for 35 days, according to the following schedule: Group Diet III 5% D/W, rabbit chow IV homocysteine thiolactone, rabbit chow V 5%D/W, rabbitchow + 2%cholesterol VI homocysteinethiolactone, rabbitchow + 2%cholesterol VII 5%D/W, pyridoxine-deficient diet (2animals only) VIII homocysteinethiolactone, pyridoxine-deficient diet The diets contained the following concentrations of methionine: rabbit chow (Agway), 0.29% and pyridoxine-deficient diet (Nutritional Biochem), 0.56%. Preparation ofTissues for Microscopy The animals were killed by air embolism; heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, aorta, and brain were examined, and samples of each were fixed in 10% formalin with 0.5% cetyl pyridinium chloride for light microscopy or buffered glutaraldehyde for elec- Vol. 61, No. 1 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS AND HOMOCYSTEINEMIA 3 October 1970 tron microscopy. The paraffin-embedded sections of aortas and the major organs were stained with H&E, Verhoeff-Van Gieson, toluidine blue and PAS. Frozen sec- tions of aorta were stained with Sudan, and selected samples of aorta were em- bedded in Epon and examinedbvelectron microscopy. Results The aortas of all 13 of the animals injected with homocvsteine were moderatelv thickened, compared to the controls. Focal elevated tan circular granular plaques were found in the arch of the aorta and adjacent to the ostia of major branches in 5 of 13 of the homocvsteine- injected animals. The aortas of all of the animals on cholesterol and homocvsteine (VI) thickened, and yellow-tan. Small were opaque, intimal lipid streaks were found in the aortas in only two animals, one each from Group IV (homocysteine) and Group VI (cholesterol and homocysteine). One of the yearling controls (II) had chronic numerous calcified and ossified plaques in the arch of the aorta. One of the wean- ling controls (III), of the animals cholesterol alone (V), and one on of the pyridoxine-deficient animals (VII) had earlv granular one plaques in the arch of the aorta. The distribution of plaques found bv microscopy in the aortas and arteries of other organs in the various groups is shown in Table 1. All the aortas of the homocysteine groups and the pyridoxine-deficient group were found to have early fibrous arteriosclerotic plaques, both in the arch and in the abdominal aorta. Fibrous plaques were also found in the arteries of the major organs of 12 of 13 animals injected with Table 1. Production ofArteriosclerotic Plaques by Homocysteinemia Aortic plaques Arterial plaques Group Conditions Fibrous Fibrolipid Chronic in majororgans I Homocysteine 4/4 0/4 0/4 4/4 11 Control 0/3 0/3 1/3 0/3 111 Control 1/3 0/3 0/3 1/3 IV Homocysteine 3/3 0/3 0/3 2/3 V 2% cholesterol 1/3 1/3 0/3 0/3 VI 2%cholesterol + 3/3 3/3 0/3 3/3 homocysteine VII Pyridoxine-deficient 2/2 0/2 0/2 1/2 VilI Pyridoxine-deficient 3/3 0/3 0/3 3/3 + homocysteine The number of animals in each group with arteriosclerotic plaques identified micro- scopically in sections oftheaorta and otherorgans is listed with thetotal numberin each group. Groups I and 11 wereyearlings (2.5-3.0 kg) injected twice daily with a total dose of 20 mg/kg/day homocysteine thiolactone for 20 days, and Groups III-VIII were weanlings (1.0-1.5 kg) injected dailywith 25 mg/kg/day homocysteine thiolactone for35 days. 4 McCULLY AND RAGSDALE American Journal of Pathology homocysteine and 1 of the 2 pyridoxine-deficient animals. The plaques were formed by focal fragmentation, splitting and destruction of the internal elastic membrane of peripheral arteries (Fig 1 and 2) and the inner elastic lamellae of the aorta (Fig 3) with associated hyperplasia of adjacent myointimal cells, some of which were in mitosis. Many of the hyperplastic myointimal cells had abundant vacuolated cytoplasm containing granular or fibrillar metachromatic substance (Fig 3 and 4). The wall of the aorta was thickened by small pools of metachromatic substance between elastic lamellae (Fig 4) and by increased numbers of fine metachromatic fibrils closely associated with elastic fibers throughout the wall of the aorta. The most marked splitting of elastic tissue and cellular hyperplasia were found in the intima of peripheral arteries and in the inner layers of the aortic intima and media. In- creased numbers of fine irregular collagen fibers were identified by Van Gieson staining and by electron microscopy within the inter- lamellar spaces and within the intimal plaques both in aorta and in the peripheral arteries. Fibrolipid plaques were found in the aortas of all the animals on cholesterol and homocysteine; in these aortas many small fat droplets were found deposited in the interlamellar space, within the cytoplasm of myointimal cells, and extracellularly oriented along elastic fibers, in a distribution very similar to that of the metachromatic substance (Fig 5). Fibrolipid plaques were found in the aorta of 1 of the 3 animals on cholesterol alone. A few fine fat droplets were found in the cytoplasm of the myointimal cells of the aortas of animals on homocysteine alone. Earlyfibrous plaques were found in only one aorta from the 6 animals in the control groups, and only 1 of the 9 animals in the control and cholesterol groups had scattered fibrous plaques in the arteries of the major organs. One aorta from the yearling control group (II) had chronic calcified plaques, but none of the other animals had similar lesions. Discussion and Conclusions The demonstration that homocysteinemia rapidly produces wide- spread arteriosclerotic plaques in rabbits confirms experimentally the previous conclusion that an elevated concentration of homocysteine or a derivative of homocysteine was the factor responsible for acclerated arteriosclerosis in the children with different enzymatic disorders of sulfur amino acid metabolism.' The experimental lesions reproduce the essential features of the vascular pathology associated with homocys- Vol. 61, No. 1 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS AND HOMOCYSTEINEMIA 5 October 1970 teinemia.1- Furthermore, the distribution of the experimental lesions, located in the arch and abdominal aorta, adjacent to ostia of major arterial branches and within coronarn branches and other arteries, as well as the histopathologic changes, are characteristic of the early- fibrous plaques encountered in human arteriosclerosis. Homoc,vsteine is produced by demethvlation of methionine, an es- sential amino acid derived from dietary proteins: no other source of homocvsteine has vet been identified. The dose of homoevsteine used in these experiments is comparable to the recommended daily intake of methionine for human adults. The activity of cvstathionine svnthe- tase, which catalyzes the conversion of homocvsteine and serine to cvstathionine, is dependent upon pvridoxal phosphate; pvridoxine de- ficiencv- in rabbits results in exeretion of homocv-stinej presumably by reducing the activity of cvstathionine svnthetase. The present finding of fibrous arteriosclerotic plaques in pyTidoxine-deficient rabbits con- firms the original observation in primates,6 and the findings in the homocvsteine-injected animals suggest that homocvsteinemia was the metabolic abnormality that produced the lesions in the experiments using primates. The presence of scattered fibrous plaques in several of the control animals may be explained by assuming that an increased amount of homocvsteine is formed from the relativelv high methionine content of the standard rabbit chow (0.29rf), compared to the amount of homocvsteine formed from the low methionine content of the strict vegetarian dietthat wvild rabbits normally consume. Animal proteins are relatively abundant in methionine compared to plant proteins, and many experimental atherogenic diets contain high concentrations of methionine as well as cholesterol and other lipids. The present experiments, demonstrating that homocvsteinemia pro- duces arteriosclerotic plaques in rabbits, suggest that consumption of foods rich in methionine can lead to arteriosclerosis in experimental animals and in normal human adults, presumably- by increased homo- cv-steine synthesis and the consequent production of abnormal sulfated proteoglvcans in arterial walls.2 This interpretation of the dietary origin of arteriosclerosis correlates very well with the data on consumption of methionine-rich foods by various socioeconomic groups wvith a high incidence of cardiovascular disease, and "significant atherosclerosis is rare in peoples whose diet over the life span is predominantl1 vege- tarian . . .n Dietary methionine restriction has been shown to result in a decreased concentration of homocvstine in the plasma and urine of children with cvstathionine svnthetase deficiencv,v but no infomia- tion is available on whether methionine restriction reduces the inci- 6 McCULLY AND RAGSDALE American Journal of Pathology dence or severity of arteriosclerosis, either in these homocystinuric childrenorinnormalhumanpopulations. In these relatively short-term experiments, cholesterol feeding re- sulted in lipid deposition in the fibrous plaques produced by homo- cysteine. Fine lipid droplets were found in the same distribution as the increased metachromatic substance produced by homocysteinemia, suggesting that hypercholesterolemia produced by dietary cholesterol increased the amount of binding of serum lipoprotein molecules to aortic sulfated proteoglyeans. From the results of these experiments, the variability in the correlation between hyperlipidemia and experi.- mental or clinical atherosclerosis may be explained by assuming varia- tion in the degree of vascular damage produced by homocysteine be- cause of differences in dietary methionine consumption or differences in the rates of methionine and homocysteine metabolism in the in- dividual. Thus, the susceptibility to lipid deposition may depend not only upon the plasma lipid concentration and the rate of plasma flow through the vessel wall but upon the degree of vascular damage pro- ducedby homocysteine. Since homocysteine leads to the production of abnormal proteo- glycans by cultured cells, probably by altering the sulfate content of the carbohydrate envelope of the molecule,2 the histopathology of the le- sions produced in the arteries in these experiments can be interpreted, in part at least, on a molecular level. The accumulation of sulfate-rich proteoglyeans, appearing as metachromatic substance in close asso- ciation with elastic fibers (Fig 3 and 4), presumably leads to frag- mentation and splitting of the elastic fiber structure by ionic binding between proteoglyean sulfate groups and the E-amino groups of the desmosine and isodesmosine moieties necessary for normal cross link- ing of elastin fibers.9 The accumulation of fine lipid droplets in close association with metachromatic substance of the aortic wall (Fig 5), probably comprising filtered serum lipoprotein molecules,10 presumably results from the ionic binding between proteoglycan sulfate groups and the quartenary ammonium group of lecithin and sphingomyelin, which are important constituents of serum lipoprotein. The formation of increased numbers of fine collagen fibrils in close association with metachromatic substance in the aortic wall suggests that the abnormal sulfated proteoglyean produced by homocysteine administration in- creased the deposition of collagen. Purified sulfated proteoglycan pre- parations have been observed to increase the rate of polymerization of purified tropocollagen in vitro.1" The calcification observed in hu- man lesions associated with homocysteinemia 1 or in chronic fibrous Vol. 61, No. 1 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS AND HOMOCYSTEINEMIA 7 October 1970 arteriosclerotic plaques may result in part from ionic binding betw"een calcium ion and the excess sulfate groups of proteoglvcan molecules. The observation of cellular hyperplasia in the fibrous plaques in these experiments may be related to a change in contact inhibition of mvointimal cells resulting from the production of abnormal sulfated proteoglvcan. Homocvsteinemia would be expected to affect the struc- ture of sulfated proteoglycans produced bv cells of other tissues than vessel wall, possiblv explaining increased platelet stickiness in homo- cvsteinemia 5.12,13 and the predisposition for vascular lesions to be- come complicated by thrombosis.3 The homocvsteine theorv of the pathogenesis of arteriosclerosis does not preclude the importance of other factors that influence the de- velopment of the disease.4 Mfanv of these phvsiologic, pathologic and biochemical factors mav be shown bv future work to be explained by their influence on homocvsteine metabolism and the consequent in- fluence upon the sulfated proteoglvcan molecules of vessel walls. Summary The association of accelerated arteriosclerosis with homocvsteinemia in individuals with different enzymatic disorders of sulfur amino acid metabolism and the production of abnormal sulfated proteoglvcans by cultured human skin cells exposed to homocysteine suggested that simi- lar vascular lesions would be found in animals with experimental homo- cvsteinemia. Rabbits were injected for 3-5 weeks with a physiologic dose of homocysteine thiolactone, and the resulting arteriosclerotic lesions were found to reproduce the essential features of the vascular lesions found in individuals with homocvsteinemia and in individuals with early arteriosclerosis. Addition of cholesterol to the diet of the homocysteinemic rabbits resulted in deposition of lipid in the aortic lesions, suggesting that lipid accumulation is a secondarv complication of the primary vascular alteration produced bv homocvsteinemia. The molecular interactions resulting in the elastic tissue damage, lipid dep- osition, myointimal cell hvperplasia, collagen deposition and calcifica- tion found in the homocysteine-produced lesions are related to the accumulation of sulfated proteoglvcan molecules within the arterial wall. Since the onlv significant source of homocvsteine in the human diet is the methionine content of protein, the findings explain the known correlation of human arteriosclerosis with the consumption of methionine-rich foods and suggest that dietary methionine restriction mav prevent human arteriosclerosis. 8 McCULLY AND RAGSDALE American Journal of Pathology References 1. McCully, KS: Vascular pathology of homocysteinemia: Implications for the pathogenesis of arteriosclerosis. Amer J Path 56:111-128, 1969 2. McCully KS: Importance of homocysteine-induced abnormalities of pro- teoglycan structure in arteriosclerosis. Amer J Path 59:181-193, 1970 3. Gibson JB, Carson NAJ, Neill DW: Pathological findings in homocystinuria. J Clin Path 17:427-437, 1964 4. Moore S, Spackman DH, Stein WH: Chromatography of amino acids on sulfonated polystyrene resins. Anal Chem 30:1185-1206, 1958 5. Barber GW, Spaeth GL: The successful treatment of homocystinuria with pyridoxine. J Pediat 75:463-478, 1969 6. Rinehart JF, Greenberg LD: Arteriosclerotic lesions in pyridoxine-deficient monkeys. AmerJ Path 25:481-491, 1949 7. Katz LN, Stamler J, Pick R: Nutrition and Atherosclerosis. Philadelphia, Leaand Febiger, 1958, p20 8. Perry TL, Hansen S, Love DL, Crawford LE, Tischler B: Treatment of homocystinuria with a low methionine diet, supplemental cystine, and a methyldonor. Lancet 1:474-478, 1968 9. Thomas J, Elsden DF, Partridge SM: Partial structure of two major degrada- tion products from the cross-linkages in elastin. Nature 200:651-652, 1963 10. Walton KW, Williamson N: Histological and immunofluorescent studies on the evolution of the human atheromatous plaque. J Atheroscler Res 8:599- 624, 1968 11. Mathews MB: The interaction of collagen and acid mucopolysaccharides: A model for connective tissue. Biochem J 96:710-716, 1965 12. McDonald L, Bray C, Field C, Love F, Davies B: Homocystinuria, throm- bosis and the blood-platelets. Lancet 1:745-746, 1964 13. Cusworth DC, Dent CE: Homocystinuria. Brit Med Bull 25:42-47, 1969 14. Sandler M, Bourne GH: Atherosclerosis and its Origins. New York, Aca- demic Press, 1963 Dr. J. B. Caulfield is gratefully acknowledged for examination of the aortas by elec- tron microscopy. The excellent technical assistance of R. Corrigan is also acknowledged. A preliminary summary of this work was presented at the meeting of the American Society for Experimental Pathology held in Atlantic City, NJ on April 14, 1970. :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =.e-. ~m' L~wS_AM Fg 1. Branch of coronary artery of homocysteine-treated yearling is narrowed by intimal plaque formed by fragmentation and splitting of internal elastic mem- brane with associated hyperplasia of myointimal cells. Verhoeff-Van Gieson. x 160. Fig 2. Small intimal plaque in medium-size artery of homocysteine-treated year- ling is formed by splitting of intemal elastic membrane and hyperplasia of myointimal cells. Verhoeff-Van Gieson. x 750. Fig 3. Fibrous intimal plaque in thoracic aorta of homocysteine-treated yearling contains fragmented elastic fibers and hyperplastic myointimal cells containing granular and fibrillar metachromatic substance in cytoplasm. Toluidine blue. X 750. Fig 4. Thoracic aorta of homocysteine-treated yearling is thickened by pools of granular and fibrillar metachromatic substance lying between elastic lamellae. Toluidine blue. x 750.