1462-C q65.qxd 1/11/07 10:06 AM Page 1 d e n;os pecl o” 4” 1/4 4-1/x 4- CK x ” A – 6-3/8” 3-3/16 BL E:E: ZZ SISI T D CE UH DS RONI PFI e d ci bi er Active Ingredient By Wt. H *Clethodim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.4% C Other Ingredients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.6% E Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.0% 2 Contains Petroleum Distillates ct *(pEr)o-p2-y[l1]--3[[-(h3y-cdhroloxryo--22--cpyrcolpoehneyxle)onx-1y-]iomnieno]propyl]-5-[2-(ethylthio) Sele CUo.Sn.t Paiants. N2.o0. l4b,s4.4 c0l,e5t6h6o; dRiEm-3 p2e,4r8 g9al. ns KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN utioet WARNING – AVISO 1462-CAgrisolpamphl1-11-07 SSesoxEi mpEul seiNqtoeEundXee T n at ooP u AeesGxtneptEdil ea FenOinndR edi t Ae ltatDoa DelyltIoeiTqu. I(u OIiefnN yt adAo,eLu tb aPduioRsl. Eq)n CuoeAt uUanT adIOlegrNusAiteaRnnY dp StahTreAa TlqaEubMee lEs, Nefi TnlSad M:ME:D:E: FORNAKINDAT 1462-C q65.qxd 1/11/07 10:06 AM Page 2 PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE): HAZARDS TO HUMANS & DOMESTIC ANIMALS Some materials that are chemical-resistant to this product are listed below. WARNING:Causes substantial but temporary eye irritation. Avoid contact If you want more options, follow the instructions for category G on an EPA with skin. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Harmful if swallowed chemical resistance category selection chart. or inhaled. Avoid breathing vapors or spray mist. Prolonged or frequently Applicators and other handlers must wear:long-sleeved shirt and long repeated skin contact may cause allergic reactions in some individuals. pants, chemical-resistant gloves such as Barrier Laminate or Viton ≥14 mils, shoes plus socks, and protective eyewear. FIRST AID Discard clothing and other absorbent materials that have been drenched If in eyes: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water or heavily contaminated with this product's concentrate. Do not reuse for 15-20 minutes. them.Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 min- no such instructions for washables exist, use detergent and hot water. utes, then continue rinsing eye. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. USER SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS If on skin Take off contaminated clothing. Users should: or clothing: Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 • Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or minutes. using the toilet. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment • Remove clothing immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then wash advice. thoroughly and put on clean clothing. If swallowed:Immediately call a poison control center or doctor. • Remove PPE immediately after handling this product. Wash the out- Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poi- side of gloves before removing. As soon as possible, wash thor- son control center or doctor. oughly and change into clean clothing. Do not give anyliquid to the person. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS person. Do not apply directly to water, to areas where surface water is present or If inhaled: Move person to fresh air. to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Do not apply where If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, runoff is likely to occur. Do not apply where weather conditions favor drift then give artificial respiration, preferably mouth-to- from areas treated. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equip- mouth, if possible. ment washwater or rinsate. Call a poison control center or doctor for further treat- The use of this product may pose a hazard to the federally designated ment advice. endangered species of Solano Grass and Wild Rice. Use of this product is prohibited in the following areas where the species are known to exist: HOT LINE NUMBER Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison Solano Grass:Solano County, California: the vernal lakes area bounded by control center or doctor, or going for treatment. You may also contact the Union Pacific Railroad and Hastings Road to the north, 1-800-892-0099for emergency medical treatment information. Highway 113 to the east, Highway 12 to the south, and Travis Air Force Base to the west. NOTE TO PHYSICIANS Ingestion of this product or subsequent vomiting can result in aspira- Wild Rice: Hays County, Texas. tion of light hydrocarbon liquid, which can cause pneumonitis. If PHYSICAL OR CHEMICAL HAZARDS ingested, probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of Do not use or store near heat or open flame. gastric lavage. 2 3 1462-C q65.qxd 1/11/07 10:06 AM Page 4 DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent DISCLAIMER, RISKS OF USING THIS PRODUCT, with its labeling. LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY READ ENTIRE LABEL AND PAMPHLET. USE STRICTLY IN ACCORDANCE IMPORTANT: Read the entire Label including this Disclaimer, Risks of WITH PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS AND DIRECTIONS, AND WITH Using this Product, Limited Warranty, and Limitation of Liability before APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. using this product. If the terms are not acceptable THEN DO NOT USE Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other per- THE PRODUCT; rather, return the unopened product within 15 days of sons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the purchase for a refund of the purchase price. area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or RISKS OF USING THIS PRODUCT Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation. The Buyer and User (referred to collectively herein as "Buyer") of this product should be aware that there are inherent unintended risks asso- AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS ciated with the use of this product which are impossible to eliminate. Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the These risks include, but are not limited to, injury to plants and crops to Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. This Standard contains which this product is applied, lack of control of the target pests or requirements for the protection of agricultural workers on farms, weeds, resistance of the target pest or weeds to this product, injury forests, nurseries, and greenhouses, and handlers of agricultural pes- caused by drift, and injury to rotational crops caused by carryover in the ticides. It contains requirements for training, decontamination, notifi- soil. Such risks of crop injury, non-performance, resistance or other cation, and emergency assistance. It also contains specific instruc- unintended consequences are unavoidable and may result because of tions and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this label about such factors as weather, soil conditions, disease, moisture conditions, personal protective equipment (PPE), and restricted-entry interval. The irrigation practices, condition of the crop at the time of application, requirements in this box only apply to uses of this product that are cov- presence of other materials either applied in the tank mix with this prod- ered by the Worker Protection Standard. uct or prior to application of this product, cultural practices or the man- Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during the ner of use or application, (or a combination of such factors) all of which restricted-entry interval (REI) of 24 hours. are factors beyond the control of Agriliance, LLC. The Buyer should be aware that these inherent unintended risks may reduce the harvested PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permitted under the yield of the crop in all or a portion of the treated acreage, or otherwise Worker Protection Standard and that involves contact with anything affect the crop such that additional care, treatment and expense are that has been treated, such as plants, soil, or water, is: coveralls, chem- required to take the crop to harvest. If the Buyer chooses not to accept ical-resistant gloves, such as Barrier Laminate or Viton ≥14 mils, shoes these risks, THEN THIS PRODUCT SHOULD NOT BE APPLIED. By apply- plus socks, and protective eyewear. ing this product Buyer acknowledges and accepts these inherent unin- tended risks AND AGREES THAT ALL SUCH RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH NON-AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS THE APPLICATION AND USE ARE ASSUMED BY THE BUYER. The requirements in this box apply to uses of this product that are NOT Agriliance, LLC shall not be responsible for losses or damages (includ- within the scope of the Worker Protection Standard for agricultural ing, but not limited to, loss of yield, increased expenses of farming the pesticides (40 CFR Part 170). The WPS applies when this product is crop or such incidental, consequential or special damages that may be used to produce agricultural plants on farms, forests, nurseries, or claimed) resulting from use of this product in any manner not set forth greenhouses. on the label. Buyer assumes all risks associated with the use of this Keep all unprotected persons out of operating areas, or vicinity where product in any manner or under conditions not specifically directed or there may be drift. Do not enter treated areas without protective cloth- approved on the label. ing until sprays have dried. (continued) 4 5 1462-C q65.qxd 1/11/07 10:06 AM Page 6 TANK MIXES (continued) LIMITED WARRANTY NOTICE: Tank mixing or use of this product with any other product Agriliance, LLC warrants only that this product conforms to the chem- which is not specifically and expressly authorized by the label shall ical description on the label and is reasonably fit for the purposes stat- be the exclusive risk of user, applicator and/or application advisor. ed in the label, under average use conditions, when used strictly in Read and follow the entire label of each product to be used in the tank accordance with the label and subject to the Risks of Using This mix with this product. Product as described above. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH ABOVE, AGRILIANCE, LLC MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER CHEMIGATION EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. No agent or representative of Agriliance, May be applied to Onions and Garlic by sprinkler irrigation systems. Do not LLC or Seller is authorized to make or create any other express or apply by chemigation to any other crop, or to this crop using any other type implied warranty. of irrigation system. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY GENERAL INFORMATION In no event shall Agriliance, LLC or Seller be liable for any incidental, FOR Soybeans, Cotton, Sugar Beets, Onions (dry bulbs), Garlic, consequential, indirect or special damages resulting from the use or USE ON:Shallots (dry bulbs), Alfalfa, Peanuts, Dry Beans, Sunflower, handling of this product. The limitation includes, but is not limited to, Canola, Flax, Mustard Seed, Potato, Sweet Potato, Yam (and loss of yield on all or any portion of the treated acreage, increased other Tuberous(1)and Corm(1)Vegetables), Tomatoes, Peppers care, treatment or other expenses required to take the crop to harvest, (bell and non-bell), Eggplants (and other Fruiting Vegetables), increased finance charges or altered finance ratings, emotional or Carrot, Radish, Garden Beet, Horseradish (and other Root mental distress and/or exemplary damages. THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY Vegetables(2)), Leaf Lettuce, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower OF THE BUYER, AND THE EXCLUSIVE MAXIMUM LIABILITY OF (and other Head and Stem Brassica Vegetables(3)), Mustard AGRILIANCE, LLC OR SELLER FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LOSSES, Greens (and other Leafy Brassica Greens(4)), Spinach, Celery, INJURIES OR DAMAGES (INCLUDING CLAIMS BASED ON BREACH Rhubarb (and other Leaf Petioles(5)), Cranberry, Strawberry, OF WARRANTY, CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY Squash (including Pumpkins), Cucumber, Melons (including OR OTHERWISE) RESULTING FROM THE USE OR HANDLING OF THIS Cantaloupes and Watermelons), Mint, Clover (grown in Idaho, PRODUCT SHALL BE THE RETURN OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THIS Oregon and Washington only), Non-Bearing Food Crops, Fallow PRODUCT OR, AT THE ELECTION OF AGRILIANCE, LLC OR SELLER, THE Land (and other non-producing agricultural areas), and Non- REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT. Crop or Non-Planted Areas. PROMPT NOTICE OF CLAIM (1)Other tuberous and corm vegetables approved for use with Select®2 EC Agriliance, LLC must be provided notice as soon as Buyer has reason Herbicide include: arracacha, arrowroot, Chinese artichoke, Jerusalem to believe it may have a claim, but in no event later than twenty-one artichoke, edible burdock, edible canna, bitter and sweet cassava, chayote days from date of planting, or twenty-one days from the date of appli- (root), chufa, dasheen (taro), ginger, leren, tanier, turmeric and bean yam. cation, whichever is latter, so that an immediate inspection of the (2)Other root vegetables approved for use with Select2 EC include: bur- affected property and growing crops can be made. dock, edible; celeriac; chervil, turnip-rooted; chicory; ginseng; parsley, If Buyer does not notify Agriliance, LLC of any claims, in such period, it turnip-rooted; parsnip; radish, oriental; rutabaga; salsify; salsify, black; shall be barred from obtaining any remedy. salsify, Spanish; skirret and turnip. (3)Other head and stem brassica vegetables approved include: Chinese NO AMENDMENTS broccoli; Brussels sprouts; Chinese (napa) cabbage; Chinese mustard; Agriliance, LLC and Seller offer this product, and Buyer accepts it, sub- cavalo broccolo; and kohlrabi. ject to the foregoing Disclaimer, Risks of Using This Product, Limited (4)Other leafy brassica greens approved for use with Select2 EC include: Warranty andLimitation of Liability, which may not be modified by any broccoli raab, cabbage, Chinese (bok choy); collards; kale, mustard oral or written agreement. greens; mustard spinach; rape greens and turnip greens. 6 7 1462-C q65.qxd 1/11/07 10:06 AM Page 8 (5)Other leaf petiole crops include: cardoon, Chinese celery, celtuce, Cultivation of treated grasses 7 days prior to or within 7 days after applica- Florence fennel, and swiss chard. tion of Select2 EC may reduce weed control. DO NOT APPLY Select2 EC if Select2 EC is not recommended for use on vegetable crops being grown for rainfall is expected within one hour, since control may be reduced. seed production unless specific use directions are provided. ADDITION OF ADJUVANT OR CROP OIL CONCENTRATE Select2 EC is a selective postemergence herbicide for control of annual CROP ADJUVANT RECOMMENDATIONS and perennial grasses. Select2 EC does not control sedges or broadleaf weeds. Soybeans, Alfalfa, Always use a crop oil concentrate* at 1.0 qt./A Dry Bean, Cotton, by ground or 1% v/v (but not less than 1 pt./A) Repeated use of Select2 EC (or similar postemergence grass herbicides Peanuts, Sugar Beet, in the finished spray volume by air. with the same mode of action) may lead to the selection of naturally occur- Sunflower, Potatoes ring biotypes that are resistant to these products in some grass species. 1 to 2 qts./A of liquid fertilizer (10-34-0, 28%N or If poor performance occurs and cannot be attributed to adverse weather or 32%N), or an equivalent amount (2.5 to 4.0 applications conditions, a resistant biotype may be present. This is most likely lbs./A) of spray grade ammonium sulfate (AMS) to occur in fields where other control strategies such as crop rotation, mechan- may be added to Select2 EC applications, in ical removal, and other classes of herbicides are not used from year to year. addition to the recommended rate of crop oil Do not allow Select2 EC to come in contact with desirable grass crops concentrate. The addition of AMShas shown such as corn, rice, sorghum, small grains, or turf, as these and other grass improved grass control for difficult to control crops will be injured or killed. species including: quackgrass, rhizome Johnsongrass, red rice, wild oats, volunteer Minor leaf spotting may occur on treated plants under certain environmen- cereals, and volunteer corn. tal conditions. New foliage is not affected. Onions (dry bulbs), Garlic, Always use a crop oil concentrate at 1% v/v in Control Symptoms Shallots (dry bulbs), the finished spray volume unless tank mix Treated grass weeds show a reduction in vigor and growth. Early chloro- Carrot, Radish, Garden instructions indicate otherwise. sis/necrosis of younger plant tissue is followed by a progressive collapse of Beet, Horseradish (and the remaining foliage. Symptoms will generally be observed in 7 to 14 days other Root Vegetables), Addition of fertilizer is not recommended for after application, depending on grass species treated and environmental Leaf Lettuce, Broccoli, these crops. conditions. Cabbage, Cauliflower APPLICATION INFORMATION (and other Head and Stem Brassica Vegetables), Mustard Greens (and Timing of Applications other Leafy Brassica Greens), Spinach, Celery, Rhubarb (and other Leaf Apply Select2 EC postemergence to actively growing grasses according to Petioles), Cranberry, Sweet Potatoes, Yams (and other Tuberous and Corm rate table recommendations. Applications made to grass plants stressed by Vegetables), Canola, Flax, Mustard Seed, Tomatoes, Peppers (bell and non- insufficient moisture, hot or cold temperatures, or to grass plants exceed- bell), Eggplants (and other Fruiting Vegetables), Strawberry, Squash ing recommended growth stages may result in unsatisfactory control. Do (including Pumpkins), Cucumber, Melons (including Cantaloupes and not apply under these conditions. Watermelons), Mint and Clover In arid regions where irrigation is used to supplement limited rainfall, Non-Bearing Food Crops Add a non-ionic surfactant containing at least Select2 EC should be applied as soon as possible after irrigation (within 7 80% active ingredient at the rate of 1 pt. per 50 days). In arid regions, a second application of Select2 EC will generally gals. (0.25% v/v). Use of crop oil concentrate is provide more effective control of perennial grass weeds than a single not recommended since it may injure flowers application. Make second application to actively growing grass 2 to 3 and foliage. weeks after emergence of new growth. (continued) 8 9 1462-C q65.qxd 1/11/07 10:06 AM Page 10 ADDITION OF ADJUVANT OR CROP OIL CONCENTRATE (continued) vegetation, while not allowing runoff of spray solution. For uses requiring crop oil concentrate, include crop oil concentrate at 1% (1.3 oz. per gal.) CROP ADJUVANT RECOMMENDATIONS by volume. For uses requiring non-ionic surfactant, include non-ionic sur- Fallow Land (and other Always use a crop oil concentrate containing at factant at 1/4% (0.33 oz. per gal.) by volume. non-producing agricul- least 15% emulsifier at 1% v/v (but not less than NOTE: If Select2 EC is applied as a spot treatment, care should be taken tural areas) 1 pt./A) in the finished spray volume. to not exceed the maximum rate allowed on a “per acre” basis or crop *Acceptable crop oil concentrates would be those that contain a minimum injury may occur. of 80% oils and 15% emulsifier. A crop oil concentrate must contain either CHEMIGATION - ONION (Dry Bulbs) AND GARLIC a petroleum or vegetable oil base and must meet all the following criteria: SPRINKLER IRRIGATION APPLICATION be non-phytotoxic, contain only EPA-exempt ingredients, provide good mixing quality and be successful in local experience. Highly refined veg- • Do not apply Select2 EC by chemigation in the states of Idaho, Montana, etable oils have proven more satisfactory that unrefined vegetable oils. Oregon and Washington. Ground Application Apply Select2 EC at the high rate recommended for annual grasses (16 fl. Use of sufficient spray volumes and pressure is essential to ensure com- oz. per acre) when the grass height is at the low end of the range (applica- plete coverage. Use a minimum of 5 gals. and a maximum of 40 gals. of tion to larger grasses may not provide adequate control). Add a crop oil con- spray solution per acre. Under the following conditions a minimum of 10 centrate containing at least 15% emulsifier at 1 quart per acre. gals. per acre is required: ultra narrow row cotton, narrow row soybeans, broadleaf herbicide tank mixes, perennial grasses, volunteer corn, drought Apply Select2 EC in 0.1 to 0.2 acre-inch of water either at the end of a reg- or stress conditions, heavy grass pressure or when grasses are at or near ular irrigation set or as a separate application not associated with a regu- maximum height. Failure to use a minimum of 10 gals. per acre under these lar irrigation using the least amount of water that provides proper distribu- conditions can result in poor coverage and reduced grass control requiring tion and coverage. Application of more than label recommended quantities repeat applications. Spray pressures should reflect a minimum of 30 psi and of irrigation water per acre may result in decreased product performance a maximum of 60 psi at the nozzle. Do not use flood nozzles. by removing the chemical from the zone of effectiveness. Use a metering device to inject the Select2 EC into the irrigation water at a constant flow. Applications to onions (dry bulbs), garlic, and shallots (dry bulbs) should be Constant agitation must be maintained in the chemical supply tank during made in a minimum of 20 gals. of spray solution per acre. the entire period of herbicide application. Inject the product with a positive displacement pump into the main line ahead of a right angle turn to ensure Air Application adequate mixing. Allow time for all lines to flush the herbicide through all Use a minimum of 3 gals. of spray solution per acre unless otherwise direct- nozzles before turning off irrigation water. To ensure the lines are flushed ed in this label. Increase spray volumes up to 10 gals. as grass or crop and free of remaining herbicide, a dye indicator may be injected into the foliage becomes dense. For onions (dry bulbs), garlic, or shallots (dry bulbs): lines to mark the end of the application period. When applying by air do not exceed 8 fl. oz./A in a single application. In California, air applications to onions, garlic or shallots should be made in It is not recommended that Select2 EC be applied through an irrigation sys- a minimum of 20 gals. of spray solution per acre. In states other than tem connected to a public water system. Public water system means a sys- California, air application to onions, garlic, or shallots should be made in tem for the provision to the public of piped water for human consumption if a minimum of 10 gals. of spray solution. such system has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves an NOTE: Crop injury may occur when Select2 EC is applied to onions, gar- average of at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year. lic, or shallots with aerial equipment. Use Precautions Spot Treatment 1. Apply this product only through sprinkler irrigation systems including When using hand sprayers or high volume sprayers utilizing hand guns, center pivot, lateral move, end tow, side (wheel) roll, travelers, big gun, mix 1/4% to 1/2% (0.33 oz. to 0.65 oz. per gal.) Select2 EC and treat to wet 10 11 1462-C q65.qxd 1/11/07 10:06 AM Page 12 solid set, or hand move. Do not apply this product through any other type Do not apply a postemergence broadleaf herbicide within one day following of irrigation system. application of Select2 EC or reduced grass control may result. 2. Crop injury, lack of effectiveness, or illegal pesticide residues in the crop Select2 EC is not recommended for use on vegetable crops being grown for may result from non-uniform distribution of treated water. seed production unless specific use directions are provided. 3. If you have any questions about calibration, you should contact State For canola, clover, flax, mustard seed and radish crops, do not apply more Extension Service specialists, equipment manufacturers or other than 16 fl. oz. of Select2 EC (0.25 lb. ai) per acre per season. For all other experts. crops, do not apply more than 32 fl. oz. of Select2 EC (0.50 lb. ai) per sea- 4. Do not connect an irrigation system (including greenhouse systems) son. Application on Long Island, New York, is restricted to no more than 16 used for pesticide application to a public water system unless the label- fl. oz. of Select2 EC (0.25 lb. ai) per acre per season. prescribed safety devices for public water supplies are in place. Do not apply more than 8 fl. oz./A of Select2 EC per applicationto the fol- 5. A person knowledgeable of the chemigation system and responsible lowing crops: garden beets, carrots, radish, (and other root vegetables), for its operation or under supervision of the responsible person, shall leaf lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower (and other head & stem bras- shut the system down and make necessary adjustments should the sica vegetables), celery, rhubarb (and other leaf petioles), cranberry, need arise. cucurbits, fruiting vegetables (except tomatoes), non-bearing food crops, 6. The system must contain a functional check valve, vacuum relief valve, flax and strawberry. Do not apply more than 6 fl. oz./A of Select2 EC per and low pressure drain appropriately located on the irrigation pipeline to application to canola, or mustard seed. Exceeding these recommenda- prevent water source contamination from backflow. tions may result in unacceptable crop injury. 7. The pesticide injection pipeline must contain a functional, automatic, Do not apply under conditions of stress. Applying Select2 EC under condi- quick-closing check valve to prevent the flow of fluid back toward the tions that do not promote active grass growth will reduce herbicide effec- injection pump. tiveness. These conditions include drought, excessive water, extremes in 8. The pesticide injection pipeline must also contain a functional, normally temperature, low humidity and grasses either partially controlled or stunt- closed solenoid-operated valve located on the intake side of the injec- ed from prior pesticide applications. Grasses under these kinds of stressful tion pump and connected to the system interlock to prevent fluid from conditions will not absorb and translocate Select2 EC effectively, and will being withdrawn from the supply tank when the irrigation system is be less susceptible to herbicide activity. either automatically or manually shut down. Optimal perennial grass control can be obtained if rhizomes or stolons are 9. The system must contain functional interlocking controls to automatically cut up by preplant tillage practices (discing, plowing, etc.) to stimulate max- shut off the pesticide injection pump when the water pump motor stops. imum emergence of grass shoots. Cultural practices, such as continuous 10.The irrigation line or water pump must include a functional pressure no-tillage in which the perennial grass rhizomes or stolons are not cut up, switch which will stop the water pump motor when the water pressure result in a very staggered, non-uniform weed emergence. Due to this non- decreases to the point where pesticide distribution is adversely affected. uniform weed emergence, no fewer than 2 Select2 EC applications per 11.Systems must use a metering pump, such as a positive displacement season per year are recommended at the appropriate weed-growth stage injection pump (e.g., diaphragm pump) effectively designed and con- rate under continuous no-till conditions. structed of materials that are compatible with pesticides and capable of Grass crops such as corn, rice, sorghum, small grains, or turf, etc. are high- being fitted with a system interlock. ly sensitive to Select2 EC. 12.Do not apply when wind speed favors drift beyond the area intended for While all the vegetable crops on this label have been tested and are toler- treatment. ant to Select2 EC, not all specialty varieties of these crops have been test- ed. It is advised that, before applying Select2 EC to specialty varieties of RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS vegetable crops on this label, crop tolerance be investigated first using a GENERAL small section of the field. It is possible that injury symptoms can occur. Do not apply if rain is expected within 1 hour of application as control may Symptoms may appear as leaf speckling or stunting. be unsatisfactory. Always read and follow the restrictions and limitations for all products 12 13 1462-C q65.qxd 1/11/07 10:06 AM Page 14 whether used alone or in a tank mix. The most restrictive labeling of any CROP SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS product used applies in tank mixtures, including all crop rotational and FOR SELECT2 EC other crop restrictions. Tank mixes of Select2 EC and broadleaf herbicides may result in reduced TMiminei mFruomm Use Crop Oil grass control. If grass regrowth occurs, an additional application of Select Application Rates Concentrate 2 EC may be necessary. to Harvest Per Rates Per AVOID SPRAY DRIFT Crops (1) (PHI) Acre Acre (2) Special Use Instructions Do not allow spray from ground or aerial equipment to drift onto adjacent Alfalfa 15 days 6-16 1 qt. by Do not plant rotational crops land or crops. When drift may be a problem, do everything possible to including: before fl. oz.(4) ground or until 30 days after application of reduce spray drift, including: Sainfoin grazing, 1% v/v (but Select2 EC(6). ••• DDDploooa nnnntooostt ta sssrppeprr raadayyoy w iiffi fnww wwiinniinndddds s, apserepxeeetr degesdum saietsry ec.1 ao0u rtM bioePncH mo mourse t g ebrxeec auetsesesr.di v Iufe n.s deenrs aitlilv ceo cnrdoitpios nosr. HBtoirrledyfs oCfoillo(o3v)t er fh(foecoareur rh dtvftaoeiinnyrsaggtgi,)n oegr ntbhoya tan lie r1(s5 ps).t./A) Ticqgmhuurapelatsr ctaosko,dv g redcredioatd insog srtnrri,aco roselh fs,si z AwpcoeMoimlcdnSie teor hsoJa aloti nssfho,c n srvlsh uodoodlinufwinf-ni-gn-: • Use extreme caution when conditions are favorable for drift (high tem- teer cereals, and volunteer corn. peratures, drought, low relative humidity), especially when sensitive Beans, Dry 30 days 6-16 1 qt. by Refer to appropriate Table for plants are located nearby. fl. oz. ground or reduced rate recommendations • Do not apply when a temperature inversion exists. If inversion conditions 1% v/v (but for the control of small annual are suspected, consult with local weather services before making an not less grasses. than 1 pt./A) application. by air(5). The addition of AMS has shown • Further reductions in drift can be obtained by: improved grass control for diffi- cult to control species including: 1.Using large droplet size sprays. Do not use nozzles that produce small quackgrass, rhizome Johnson- droplets. Orient nozzles downward and slightly backward as needed to grass, red rice, wild oats, volun- reduce drift for ground applications. teer cereals, and volunteer corn. 2.Orienting nozzles straight back with the windstream, using straight Beet, Garden 30 days 6-8 1% v/v in Do not apply more than 8 fl. oz./A stream orifices for aerial applications. fl. oz. the finished in a single application. Uorsifeic teh es ilzoew teos to bntuaminb ethre o mf ninoizmzluems p3r aGcPtAic avlo wluimthe t. hAep lpalrigceastito np ohsesiigbhlet svporluamy e. Fao mr irneipmeuamt aopfp ali c14a tdioanys i nmtearkvea ol.n and boom length should be set according to manufacturer's instruc- Carrot 30 days 6-8 1% v/v in Do not apply more than 8 fl. oz./A tions to minimize drift. fl. oz. the finished in a single application. 3.GInPcAre faosri nggro tuhned v aoplupmlicea otifo snpsr)a byy m uisxitnugre h (igfohre er xfalomwp lrea tae mnoinzizmleusm. U osfi n1g0 svporluamy e. Fao mr irneipmeuamt aopfp ali c14a tdioanys i nmtearkvea ol.n lower pressure with the appropriate nozzle to obtain higher volumes will also reduce drift. Canola 70 days 4fl-. 6o z. 1th%e vfi/nvi sinhed Dbeog nuont baoplptilnyg a. fCteror pc rionpju hrya smay 4.Applying as close to target plants as practical while maintaining a good spray occur when Select2 EC is spray pattern for adequate coverage. volume. applied during the bloom period. Do not apply under conditions involving possible drift to food, forage or Do not exceed 16 fl. oz./A in a other plantings that might be damaged or the crops thereof rendered unfit season. for sale, use or consumption. (continued) 14 15 1462-C q65.qxd 1/11/07 10:06 AM Page 16 CROP SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS FOR SELECT2 EC (continued) CROP SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS FOR SELECT2 EC (continued) Minimum Minimum Time From Use Crop Oil Time From Use Crop Oil Application Rates Concentrate Application Rates Concentrate to Harvest Per Rates Per to Harvest Per Rates Per Special Use Crops (1) (PHI) Acre Acre (2) Special Use Instructions Crops (1) (PHI) Acre Acre (2) Instructions Celery 30 days 6-8 1% v/v in Do not apply more than 8 fl. oz./A Cucurbits, 14 days 6-8 1% v/v in the Do not apply more including: fl. oz. the finished in a single application. including: fl. oz. finished spray than 8 fl. oz./A in a CCCFlaheocfrilerntedeuneloncensocereeynel svporluamy e. Fao mr irneipmeuamt aopfp ali c14a tdioanys i nmtearkvea ol.n CCGHMPauuhouncmensturekpakmymkliodnibneueelpworen Mss ((eaallolll))n volume. sFtminiioonturnegm srrlvee moap aflea .paakp te1l i a4co padnpta ailoyic nma.i-ni- Swiss chard Squash (all) Clover 15 days 6-16 1% v/v in For use on clover grown in the Watermelon before fl. oz. the finished states of Idaho, Oregon and Fallow Land (and N/A 6-16 1% v/v (but Do not plant any crop grazing, spray Washington only. other non-producing fl. oz. not less than 1 for 30 days after fh(ecaeurdtvteiinnsggti,)n ogr volume. Dseoa nsootn e.xceed 16 fl. oz./A in a aNgornic-Culrtoupra ol ra Nreoans-) pfviont.li/usAhm)e eidn u sthspiernagy acteplerpethldico fadotirimo un iss eu r nelegsiss- for forage Planted Areas a crop oil in that crop. or hay concentrate Cotton 60 days 6fl-. 1o6z . 1g1 %rqot u.v nb/vdy (obrut Dflievoee dns totortce gkar.taezde ftorreaagteed o fri ehladys toor cleeomansuttla s1iinf5ii%enrg. at ntbhoya tan lie r1(s5 ps).t./A) Ticqgmhuurapelatsr ctaosko,dv g redcredioatd insog srtnrri,aco roselh fs,si z AwpcoeMoimlcdnSie teor hsoJa aloti nssfho,c n srvlsh uodoodlinufwinf-ni-gn-: Flax 60 days 6fl-. 8o z. 1fvi%onlius vhm/eve di.n s tphreay ACwabplrpohoppoepllimny ei nSd ppj erudeilorureyirrco imttndog.2a b ytElh oCoeoc imcsu.r teer cereals, and volunteer corn. Do not exceed 16 fl. Cranberry 30 days 6-8 1% v/v in Do not apply more than 8 fl. oz./A oz. /A in a season. fl. oz. the finished in a single application. Fruiting Vegetable 20 days 6-8 1% v/v in the Do not apply more svporluamy e. D“Faho omor noirneokipt”m easuaptmatp g alyoep fb p aaelni tc1dw4a fetduieoallnny f s( rtci hunmoeittnea strkiveneatu .ole.nd) (iEGPPTneogeercxomgppcluupipaenndletpaodiirlntncls ogtTh (o:eamrlrl)yato), fl. oz. fvionliushmeed. spray tsFtminhiioontuarnegm nsrrl vee 8moap afflea l.p.aak po te1l zi a4/coA padnp ta iailnoyic nmaa.i-ni- (continued) 16 17 1462-C q65.qxd 1/11/07 10:06 AM Page 18 CROP SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS FOR SELECT2 EC (continued) CROP SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS FOR SELECT2 EC (continued) Minimum Minimum Time From Use Crop Oil Time From Use Crop Oil Application Rates Concentrate Application Rates Concentrate to Harvest Per Rates Per Special Use to Harvest Per Rates Per Crops (1) (PHI) Acre Acre (2) Instructions Crops (1) (PHI) Acre Acre (2) Special Use Instructions Head & Stem 30 days 6-8 1% v/v in the Do not apply more Mustard Seed 75 days 4-6 1% v/v in the Do not apply after crop has Brassica Vegetables, fl. oz. finished spray than 8 fl. oz./A in a fl. oz. finished spray begun bolting. Crop injury including: volume. single application. volume. may occur when Select2 BCCBaarroubucsbliscfaleoogllwsei esprrouts Fmao 1ar4k r eed paoeyn a iant tameprivnpailmicl.autmio nosf EbDaCl oos eoinsamo sat o ppenepx.rlciieoedde .dd u1r6in fgl. othze./A in Leafy Brassica 14 days 6-8 1% v/v in the Do not apply more Non-Bearing N/A 6-8 Use of crop oil Add a non-ionic surfactant Greens, fl. oz. finished spray than 8 fl. oz./A in a Food Crops fl. oz.(8) concentrate is containing at least 80% active including: volume. single application. not recom- ingredient at the rate of 1 pt. BCCKMCaoaruobllhlescabitncraaedorgssdleie ,RG (arBeaoebkn Cshoy) Fmao 1ar4k r eed paoeyn a iant tameprivnpailmicl.autmio nosf mmeSInreeassetny ra duSinnecpdjdtue ifo rcoseniilan isfallc. ogUewes i.te- tpStyiaeeouparng pr5.a e0ord fgm Sfaoalesrpl. e ls(ec0ys.rt2 uc52p%a E nw Cvni /otavht)p i.nbp eloicnae- Mustard Spinach Onions 45 days 6-16 1% v/v in the Minimum of 20 gals. per Rape Greens (Dry Bulbs fl. oz. finished spray acre spray volume by Turnip Greens Only) (7), (8) volume. ground in entire U.S. Leaf Lettuce 14 days 6-8 1% v/v in the Do not apply more Garlic Minimum of 20 gals. per fl. oz. fvionliushmeed. spray tshinagnl e8 aflp. polzi.c/Aat iionn a. S(Dhrayl lBoutslb s aCcarliefo srpnriaa(y9 )v.olume by air in For repeat applications Only) In states other than make on a minimum of California, air applications a 14 day interval. to onions, garlic or shallots Mint 21 days 6fl-. 1o6z .(4) 1g rqotu. nbdy or 1% Dthoa nn o1t6 a fpl. polyz. /mAo irne a smhuomul do fb 1e0 mgaaldse./ Ain. a mini- v/v (but not single application. (continued) lpets./sA t)h bayn a 1ir. Fmoark ree poena at ampinpilmicautmio nosf a 14 day interval. (continued) 18 19