a a A A a A A a http://nagafoods.com/product- TOMATO -Package of Practices ofSome Indigenous Fruits and in NAGALAND, Soonsored bv - World Bank Boom in Nagaland, Dr K.G.Karmakar, Managing Director and .D.Banerjee, Deputy, General Manager, NABARD, H.O, Mumbai /dacnet.nic.infarmer / new I dacl ABroClimaticzones.asp?SCod=14 Evaluation Report On Horticulture Development Programme in Wokha District (Nagaland), ByThe Directorate of Evaluation, Government of - Ref La Tree Tomato 7i5t12 About Ue A Welc.oe to Natr hdilet(rt8 Foods About Us What lsNltr! ABOUT US M/s Naga Indigerous Foods ir an initiativ e wohing iu cdlaboatioD witb Nega tribal villsge PRODI'CIS larmers, acr6athe State ofNagalald in Noth East lodia, right e tbe bdiler with MyaaDar. All cultiv ations u 8e agrnic m ethodr of iD diSenous t.ibrl Practices. IGTWORI( Th e obj ectiv e is to prov id€ sustain.blc E 8rk€ts fo tribrl v illage ftrpers who ctill practice GEOGNAPHY/ traditional m argitral farmittt on { dubsist€nce sclle' Selected products arc bdrtht ft@ the HISIORY v illage hrm ers after m aking prior agreem etrts witb tbe v illage autbcities and the {armers themselves. Thesc products are brqrtht to a ceDttal gcdorvE whete cleaDiES, *sndardizati@ cor cr us aud packagiat arc done eDd the! sdd to rvrihble DarLds. The 6rD itselfdoes sdre cultivdti.n @ itsowo. co raBns -*j iil*o , copydghr @ 2ou wrn|9llleet|!|c[ | DEotnlI I A A 1t1 urww.nagalbods.con/abant-us.hlrnl Ref - 1b Tree tomato o' 7El't2 Tree Tomato g. Tree Tomato/Tamarillo (CYphomandra Crassicaulis / HOIIE B€tacea) ABOT'T IT; TheTr€e Tot[ato, knowa locally as "si BiDy ano', literally TrecTmato, ha6 bee! a traditiosl food item of the NaSa pecple silee time immemorial. This PRODIJCIS tolnato is used like any other tomato in prepalation of food. ]€IWORK A lot of pe@le, bowever, prefer tohave it as part of tbei! "chutDey" or picklewhich usually accornpanied a Naga GIOGNAPHY/ meal. what isinterestiDg isthat thisveSetable fruit goes HISIORY very well as a conbinatidr with the Naga King Chilli. SoneNagas alsocall it (hwiidi, sitDiting that it ispart d oolfrAcr us the egg plant family ! whether this is true or Dot, of course, is a matter for 6cieotific study. what is interestiBg isthat som€ people from other parts ofthe cotl|t{ENn; worlil also seem to think it i5 not part of the tomatofamily. The fruit was known as "tree tomato' until 1967, ln that y€ar New Zealand, which had becone a co!!trt ercial producilg coultry ofthe ftuit, named it 'TaDarillo' froo tbe spali6b $'ad fc Torn ato 'amarillo" Dreaning y ellov anilthe lt{aori wad "tama' meaoint leadcr&iP. The Nerd Zerland Tr€e Tornato Promotio!s Council did this in sder todiferentiate it from the'gardeB tooato". But despite this, it i6 6till ktrowd as tle Tree T@ato in DGt Pads o{ the world. T}te fruit * belongs to the solanaceae family. It6 rciertiEc name is "cy phom anilra crassicaulis/Betacea'. The general belief is that this vegetable fruit oriSinat€d from the Andes of Pelu and surrounditrg couDtries of South Am€lica. Holvever, mGt Nagas are cmv inced that it started here ao@g the Nagas! Moreoi'er, accqditrg to scientists, North East tndia, aloDt witb Soutb EaEt Asia, foDsthe rtu 32 People l@ thb. Be the fr$ oriSiDal horne ofthe world's floaering plants. of your friends. What is interestidg is that even in Notth East Inilia, matry neighbours ofNaga people doncfi knou, about this fruit or hoi{ ii is eeten! At the same time, the Tree Tomato is said tohave been grown quite "early' in the Nilgiri hills and i! the hills of Aasam - NagalaDd was earlier knoli'n as Naga Hills District of AsEam - and said tobe found also in SiRim, Nepal and Bhutan. Malaysia is the other AsiaD country llamei as a couDtry which grew this ftuit at a! early 6tc8e. The Tree Tomrto is oval shaped and usually weiShs about r oo-15o gms. The cdolrs may differ froln red to or.nge/yelloo to purple, Ev en the insi& colours - when yqr cut them open - may differ. The taste too may range frorn sou! to sweet. Th€ T.merillotrer trov6to a height of 1o to r 8 ft. (rarely as mucb as 25 ft.). The lodgdalked, dangling fruit, borne singly or iD clusters of3 to 12, is I smooth egt*haped fruit, poiuted at both eods. Although Tamarill6 can tolerat€ a few degrees of fr6t, thry do best (and look tbeir be3t) ulder frct.ftee conditions" Tbe plant cannd. tolerate lonS p€riods ofdrought but it also needs g@d d.ainate alil needs protectior frdt stroD8 winds. It is Selerally colsidered as pest+ee' The fauit is rich ir vitamins A and C as w€ll as aD excellent s€nrrce of calcium, iron, potassium, pho6ph orous and m atDesium. Naturally, it helps iD controlling high blood pressure and to brin6 down cholesterol levels, Some people also believe that it helps to l6e weight. Reference6: eu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tam arillo www.nagafoods.co.n/f reg-Tomato.html 1n A tqtrz Trt!Tq|6 f\ www-trrd€wird!&!lt.co/trcq-t@rto www.crS.cg/pbc/fi/trnerillobtml rvwtr.sillimatrimd.at/G€o.r.Uco/Agriclhstc/ttcc-t@rtorryr /\ Trlht.jan, ArmlD,lbtacritlg Pbna : Wh @d Dipersa| Treudrtal by c. J€6€)', Bilb€o stllgh Mrieo&r Prl Siag! rad otto &dtr scicncc hbli.h.r& t98t. /\ Br& to lt.r|rc Prr. A opyrrrft Oro1rw,nrrlhe{rco lre | ,.\ /'t /\ n n ,.r 'r f't /\ f.\ ,-t /\ /\ f'\ .r '\ ,'\ n /l r.t wf.trgtron Gqnfirt -Jilts.ttd 2t2 ^ Ref-3 (Tree Tomato - Climatic Requirement) ; l,\ 12./,6113 UJdcdtr ToAGRISNET :: vq€ld€ (TlsTc|rtb - Clhdc R€qurensl) llomc '.\ tl /\ A :t|glldi lft{r 't qq ,'\ lltcy adq|Fll ltql!dcb.E &rbEE rEll!E4d!i @i $'rIr-rIlG|tEEd :rlllli' ttdlixEEnt Sa|| tl c&r.ll!t0. t!!dtF. E6 !ryt--tsfY.r-......". /'t R.b.r OJl qhda fa{aaar.ra ...tT!85|.... ..,'.- . gon.nl lnloonrahfi Iiitii i.biiti ita i n tu ibinn&oct9-o lkt oi!nl, n tbrhmon ltf , r .trt!m .orrh e t b tatEi rrgn6.w! wrro now hcc !.t hrFrt r!olo|*!w !hl. tlan.lb.Povu..ttr l o3t0nh0..- 2 r.3ht0o.0p o |bnpy tr lbrduocnv.ta rt o| y|rrtParena |t..h.ttu.l , !!h r.t|o[rrl . _!s!F.g|.t.*F.'H.!'b'',,d'?,'h't.|'.'!.,F':'' '.'''..', '.'.' ::- brandur lnd il.trr! 6ohgc. ftdlfu ...q.4g4*f{fqi-r}.*.r--.:..,., olfffi!s.t" trh€ ttc tocrto b r rh.low-roota.l .trtP. t{anca, I thou5 b€ Fotacad ftorn rhd' so c..trda !n r$G xhdb.tatt ahou5 ba alttbbhGd bcfort r3tltt{ahlne t'ta PLntatbn ao al tc'u opnaeo bd totng r.9+-.........,...-.. stfin Dbnt.. 90!-9+f...... Gdirr'I|l|!Fr!| Sn a irnfy tloallu o+! a\ Ulldltttl !drrt!!9"l .,.,... r.|bntartfrt gl ffit a ldb|lr qq.,.,............'.r.r.,d.!. $trt{_E-ttit|!9l t\ btdtild||mf ftdb drb* tr q!!rnc, i-aardr I Ldlrdott . f4l:g!!q!i l-rieUrt /\ lldd't ry!!!F!+- Il|lnitlE n li|l|laatl|t /\ Wt||trrf . rtgr+r!*l..... I&lldn SlEltrtd &rSrtEB' rEfE' llti|llffi ut(rorrit ua-mr grlhl@ 'tMl rcR ' . :flfly.t-rMt t3P l!!!t*?* ,.r tqa^tD to l{tP.{*l!t!.3qt- .\ s!b.hrd lldot_-q!f!T:l- ccq9opid,. rtryiqr,Y lt.|rr ld. h T.. brd ltaarl tEtRffi.r Ev.rt C!:nd.t 6rst Codd.d llt l|.a|but tvaadrwo (c) D+dtrs* d r{'btlf!. GoYt' oa sldcr Al l! t rl.€tt'd '\ t^\ a\ /^t ''l fi Cnl|{nt|Ef cgiGar€|ffi c..]ffi-Clll|dc-Rrq!irqrEt4( Ref-4 Tree Tomato