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ProCore® 648 Aerator PDF

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Preview ProCore® 648 Aerator

ToregisteryourproductordownloadanOperator'sManualorPartsCatalogatnocharge,gotowww.Toro.com. OriginalInstructions(EN) Model No. 09200—Serial No. 290000001 and Up ProCore 648 Aerator ® Form No. 3361-632 Rev C Bloomington,MN55420 2 All Rights Reserved 8111LyndaleAvenueSouth Printed in the USA. ©2008—TheToro®Company Contact us at www.Toro.com. 1. Locationofthemodelandserialnumbers Figure 1 1 provided. on the product. Write the numbers in the space illustrates the location of the model and serial numbers and serial numbers of your product ready. Figure 1 Dealer or Toro Customer Service and have the model additional information, contact an Authorized Service Whenever you need service, genuine Toro parts, or dealer, or to register your product. product and accessory information, help finding a You may contact Toro directly at www.Toro.com for the product properly and safely. and product damage. You are responsible for operating and maintain your product properly and to avoid injury Read this information carefully to learn how to operate worthy of special attention. Introduction information and Note emphasizes general information Important calls attention to special mechanical Thismanualuses2otherwordstohighlightinformation. may have similar laws. grass-covered land. Other states or federal areas the engine on any forest-covered, brush-covered, or 1. Safetyalertsymbol PublicResourceCodeSection4442touseoroperate Figure 2 spark arrester muffler. It is a violation of California Important: This engine is not equipped with a ICES-002. This spark ignition system complies with Canadian precautions. injury or death if you do not follow the recommended (Figure 2), which signals a hazard that may cause serious or other reproductive harm. safety messages identified by the safety alert symbol California to cause cancer, birth defects, This manual identifies potential hazards and has contains chemicals known to the State of The engine exhaust from this product Proposition 65 Warning SerialNo. CALIFORNIA ModelNo. Warning 3 ServicingtheAirCleaner....................................36 EngineMaintenance...............................................36 CheckingtheCoringHeadBearings....................36 Lubrication.............................................................36 JackingInstructions............................................35 PremaintenanceProcedures....................................35 DailyMaintenanceChecklist...............................34 RecommendedMaintenanceSchedule(s)................33 Maintenance...............................................................33 OperatingTips...................................................30 AeratorControlModule(ACM)..........................29 AddingAdditionalWeight..................................29 AdjustingtheWeightTransfer.............................28 UsingtheLineMarker........................................28 TransportingtheAerator....................................27 StrandedintheLoweredPosition....................27 MovingtheMachinewhentheCoringHeadis ResettingtheSystemControlCircuit...................27 Pushing/PullingtheAeratorbyHand.................26 SettingUpManualGroundFollowing.................25 SettingtheCoringDepth....................................25 ReplacingTines..................................................25 Tines..............................................................24 Installing Tine Holders, Turf Guards, and InstallingtheServiceLatches..............................23 Schematics.................................................................51 TheSafetyInterlockSystem................................23 Troubleshooting.........................................................49 StartingandStoppingtheEngine........................23 Storage.......................................................................48 CleaningtheEngineScreen................................22 CoringHeadTiming...........................................47 CheckingtheHydraulicFluid..............................21 AdjustingHoleSpacing......................................46 CheckingtheEngineOilLevel............................20 ReplacingtheTurfGuards..................................46 AddingFuel.......................................................19 AdjustingtheSideShields...................................46 Operation...................................................................19 CheckingtheFastenerTorque.............................46 Attachments/Accessories...................................18 AeratorMaintenance..............................................46 Specifications.....................................................18 HydraulicSystemTestPorts...............................45 Controls.............................................................15 ChangingtheHydraulicFluidandFilters.............44 ProductOverview......................................................15 CheckingtheHydraulicLines.............................44 Tines..............................................................15 HydraulicSystemMaintenance...............................44 6InstallingtheTineholders,TurfGuards,and ResettingtheGroundFollowingSystem..............44 5SecuringtheBeltCover(CEOnly)...................14 ControlsSystemMaintenance.................................44 4SecuringtheRearHood(CEOnly)...................13 InspectingtheBelts............................................43 3ActivatingandChargingtheBattery..................11 AdjustingthePumpBelt.....................................43 2InstallingtheHandle........................................11 BeltMaintenance....................................................43 1InstallingtheRearWheels................................10 AdjustingtheTractionDriveforNeutral.............42 Setup..........................................................................10 CheckingtheTirePressure.................................42 SafetyandInstructionalDecals.............................6 DriveSystemMaintenance.....................................42 VibrationLevel.....................................................5 Fuses..................................................................41 SoundPowerLevel...............................................5 ServicingtheBattery...........................................40 SoundPressureLevel...........................................5 ElectricalSystemMaintenance................................40 SafeOperatingPractices.......................................4 DrainingtheFuelTank.......................................40 Safety...........................................................................4 ReplacingtheFuelFilter.....................................39 Introduction.................................................................2 FuelSystemMaintenance.......................................39 ServicingtheSparkPlugs....................................38 Contents ChangingtheEngineOilandFilter.....................37 4 – Do not smoke. rollovers,whichmayresultinseriousinjuryordeath. or water. Wheels dropping over edges can cause – Allow the engine to cool before refueling. • Do not operate near drop-offs, ditches, steep banks, engine running. – Never remove the gas cap or add fuel with the Slope Operation – Use only an approved container. contact with any obstacle by you or the machine. fuels. They are flammable and vapors are explosive. area of operation. Plan your aeration path to avoid • Use extra care when handling gasoline and other • Always be aware of obstacles that may be in the which can be contacted by the aerator. trees, or other objects that may obscure vision. and remove all objects such as rocks, toys, and wire • Use care when approaching blind corners, shrubs, • Inspect the area where the equipment is to be used clothing,orjewelrymaygettangledinmovingparts. aerator into a trailer or truck. glasses, and hearing protection. Long hair, loose • Use extreme care when loading or unloading the • Wear appropriate clothing including hard hat, safety alcohol or drugs. attachments approved by the manufacturer. • Do not operate the aerator under the influence of safely perform the job. Only use accessories and and sidewalks. and attachments are needed to properly and • Slow down and use caution when crossing roads • Evaluate the terrain to determine what accessories directions. Preparation turns. Look behind and to the side before changing • Be alert, slow down, and use caution when making other people or property. away. accidents or injuries occurring to himself or herself, • Nevercarrypassengersandkeeppetsandbystanders • The owner/user can prevent and is responsible for • Keep hands and feet away from the tine area. the age of the operator. servicetheequipment. Localregulationsmayrestrict Make necessary repairs before resuming operation. • Never let children or untrained people operate or strikinganobjectorifanabnormalvibrationoccurs. owner is responsible for training the users. • Stop the equipment and inspect the tines after • All operators and mechanics should be trained. The for any reason. equipment, operator controls, and safety signs. off the engine before leaving the operator’s position • Become familiar with the safe operation of the disengage drives, engage the parking brake, and shut • Stop on level ground, raise the coring head, this material to them. readEnglishitistheowner’sresponsibilitytoexplain overspeed the engine. material. If the operator(s) or mechanic(s) can not • Do not change the engine governor setting or • Read the Operator’s Manual and other training functioning properly. Training guards securely in place. Be sure all interlocks are • Never operate without the shields, covers, or other B71.4—2004 standard. from the operator’s position. The following instructions are from the ANSI engagedbeforestartingengine. Starttheengineonly Safe Operating Practices • Be sure all drives are in neutral and parking brake is and hidden hazards. injury or death. • Only operate in good light, keeping away from holes comply with the instruction may result in personal • Never run an engine in an enclosed area. Danger—personal safety instruction. Failure to Operation alert symbol, which meansCaution,Warning, or instructions and always pay attention to the safety potential for injury, comply with these safety properly. or owner can result in injury. To reduce the properly. Do not operate unless they are functioning Improper use or maintenance by the operator switches, and shields are attached and functioning • Check that the operator presence controls, safety Safety – Never refuel or drain the aerator indoors. 5 Wear protective clothing and use insulated tools. connecting or disconnecting it from the battery. from spark and flames. Unplug the charger before • Chargebatteriesinanopenwellventilatedarea,away running. possible, do not make adjustments with the engine • Keep hands and feet away from moving parts. If Reconnect the positive first and the negative last. the negative terminal first and the positive last. wires before making any repairs. Disconnect • Disconnect the battery or remove the spark plug stored energy. • Carefully release pressure from components with components when required. • Use jack stands or safety latches to support untrained personnel to service it. • Park the aerator on level, hard ground. Never allow indoors. trailers. Do not store fuel near flames or drain • Shut off the fuel while storing or transporting on near flame. • Let the engine cool before storing and do not store machines per EN 1032 and EN 836. oil or fuel spillage. at the posterior based on measurements of identical mufflers, and engine to help prevent fires. Clean up This unit does not exceed a vibration level of 0.5 m/s • Clean grass and debris from the tines, drives, 2 and remove the key. per EN 1033 and EN 836. coring head, set the parking brake, stop the engine, the hands based on measurements of identical machines cleaning, or repairing. Disengage the tines, raise the Thisunitdoesnotexceedavibrationlevelof2.5m/s2at • Wait for all movement to stop before adjusting, Vibration Level Maintenance and Storage machines per ISO 3744. counterweights to improve stability. 105 dBA/1 pW, based on measurements of identical • Follow the recommendations for wheel weights or This machine has a guaranteed sound power level of: slowly off the slope. Sound Power Level Iftireslosetraction, disengagethetinesandproceed • Alwaysavoidsuddenstartingorstoppingonaslope. overturn the aerator. on measurementsof identicalmachinesper ISO 11201. change the operating angle, as rough terrain could sound pressure at the operator ear of: 84 dB(A), based • Watch for ditches, holes, rocks, dips, and rises that This machine has an equivalent continuous A-weighted obstacles. Sound Pressure Level etc. from the operating area. Tall grass can hide • Remove or mark obstacles such as rocks, tree limbs, unapproved attachments. • Reduce speed and use extreme caution on slopes. warranty may be voided if the machine is used with • Do not make sudden turns or rapid speed changes. • Use only Toro-approved attachments. The and loss of control. decals. conditions reduce traction and could cause sliding hardware tightened. Replace all worn or damaged • Donotoperateonslopeswhengrassiswet. Slippery • Keep all parts in good working condition and all 6 Manual. 1. Read the Operator’s 2. Coringdepth 106-8853 2. Locked 1. Parkingbrake 3. Unlocked 93-9363 6. Input 12. OKtolower 1. Liftpoint 2. Tie-downpoint 5. Solenoidvalvequick 11. Groundfollowing 4. Solenoidvalveraise 10. Aerate(4) 93-9084 3. Solenoidvalvelower 9. Transport(1) 2. Output 8. Headhigh 1. On/off 7. Headlow 106-8835 1. Storedenergyhazard—readtheOperator’sManual. 93–6696 potential danger. Replace any decal that is damaged or lost. Safety decals and instructions are easily visible to the operator and are located near any area of Safety and Instructional Decals 7 107-7555 movingparts. belt—stay away from thehotsurfaces 1. Entanglement hazard, 2. Warning—Do not touch 107-7547 Manual. discard. 5. Read the Operator’s 10. Contains lead; do not helpfast. withwaterandgetmedical 4. Weareyeprotection 9. Flusheyesimmediately 1. ReadtheOperator’sManual. burnhazard blindnessorsevereburns. 3. Caustic liquid/chemical 8. Battery acid can cause 106-8856 injuries causeblindnessandother smoking. explosive gases can 2. No fire, open flame, or 7. Wear eye protection; distancefromthebattery. 1. Explosionhazard 6. Keepbystandersasafe Someorallofthesesymbolsareonyourbattery Battery Symbols 2. Wrenchsize 4. Torque Manual. 1. Read the Operator’s 3. Boltsize 110-4664 8 switchtotestthesafetysystem. 3. Engine—run 6. ReadtheOperator’sManual;pressthe 9. Transportorholespacingselection Operator’sManual. spacerstoturngroundfollowingoff. Stoppositionandremoveit;readthe movetheswitchdownandinstallthe brake,andturntheignitionkeytothe switchuptoturngroundfollowingon; disengagethePTO,locktheparking 2. Engine—stop 5. ReadtheOperator’sManual;movethe 8. Tostoptheengine,presstheswitchto theOperator’sManual. keyandunlocktheparkingbrake;read 1. ReadtheOperator’sManual. 4. Engine—start 7. Tostarttheengine,turntheignition 106-8854 9 orperformingmaintenance. machine. thetineboltsto41N-m(30ft-lb). readtheinstructionsbeforeservicing bystandersasafedistancefromthe orperformingmaintenance—torque 2. Warning—removetheignitionkeyand 4. Crushinghazardofhandorfoot—keep 6. Readtheinstructionsbeforeservicing performingmaintenance. the instructions before servicing or whenthecoringheadisraised;read frommovingparts. body—engage the service latch 1. Warning—readtheOperator’sManual. 3. Entanglementhazard,belt—stayaway 5. Crushing hazard of hand and 107-7534 6. EngagethePTOandlowerthehead. greaterthan15degrees. slowlywhenturning,anddonotdrivethemachineonaslope 5. DisengagethePTOandraisethehead. 11. Tippinghazard—donotturnsharplywhiletravelingfast,drive 4. Movetheleverdowntodriveforward. 10. Entanglementhazard,shaft—donotcarrypassengers. 3. Movetheleveruptodriveinreverse. 9. Warning—stoptheenginebeforefueling. backwardswhileoperatingthemachine. machine. themachine,alwayslookdownandbehindyouwhenwalking shieldsinplace;keepbystandersasafedistancefromthe themachine,donotwalkandfacebackwardswhenoperating foot—stayawayfrommovingparts, keepallguardsand 2. Crushinghazard—Walkinaforwarddirectionwhileoperating 8. Entanglementhazard, belt; crushinghazardofhandor servicingorperformingmaintenance. 1. Warning—donotoperatethismachineunlessyouaretrained. 7. Warning—stoptheengineandreadtheinstructionsbefore 115-4716 10 information. Refer to the Operation section of this manual for more machine, start the engine and press the Reset button. Note: To raise the coring head after uncrating the from the normal operating position. Note: Determinetheleftandrightsidesofthemachine before delivery. Pre-delivery checklist 1 Ensure that all setup procedures have been completed Certificate of compliance 1 CE certification Parts Catalog 1 View and order parts. Operator training material 1 View before operating the machine. Engine Operator’s Manual 1 Read before operating the machine. Operator’s Manual 1 Flange nut 12 Install the turf guards. Turf guard clamp 4 Ignition key 2 Start the machine Description Qty. Use Media and Additional Parts 6 tines. No parts required – Installthetineholders,turfguards,and 5 Locknut (1/4 inch) 1 Securethebeltcover(CEonly). Bolt (1/4 x 1 inch) 1 Locknut (#10) 1 Bolt (#10 x 2 inch) 1 4 Nut (#10) 1 Securingtherearhood(CEonly). Pop rivet 3 Hood plate 1 3 Flange nut (5/16 inch) 2 Activateandchargethebattery. Bolt (1/4 x 1 inch) 2 Bolt (5/16 x 1/2 inch) 2 2 Cable guide 1 Install the handle. Locknut (1/2 inch) 3 1 Wheel assembly Install the rear wheels. Procedure Description Qty. Use Use the chart below to verify that all parts have been shipped. Loose Parts Setup

Warning. CALIFORNIA. Proposition 65 Warning. The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of. California to cause
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