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E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine International Scientific-Technical and Production Journal June–July / 2014 Nos. 6–7 Published since 2000 English translation of the monthly «Avtomaticheskaya Svarka» (Automatic Welding) journal published in Russian since 1948 Editor-in-Chief B.E.Paton EDITORIAL BOARD Yu.S. Borisov, B.V. Khitrovskaya (exec. secretary), V.F. Khorunov, V.V. Knysh, I.V. Krivtsun, S.I. Kuchuk-Yatsenko (vice-chief editor), Yu.N. Lankin, V.N. Lipodaev (vice-chief editor), L.M. Lobanov, A.A. Mazur, O.K. Nazarenko, I.K. Pokhodnya, V.D. Poznyakov, I.A. Ryabtsev, K.A. Yushchenko, A.T. Zelnichenko (exec. director) (Editorial Board Includes PWI Scientists) INTERNATIONAL EDITORIAL COUNCIL N.P. Alyoshin N.E. Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia V.G. Fartushny Welding Society of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine Guan Qiao Beijing Aeronautical Institute, China V.I. Lysak Volgograd State Technical University, Russia B.E. Paton PWI, Kiev, Ukraine Ya. Pilarczyk Weiding Institute, Gliwice, Poland U. Reisgen Welding and Joining Institute, Aachen, Germany O.I. Steklov Welding Society, Moscow, Russia G.A. Turichin St.-Petersburg State Polytechn. Univ., Russia M. Zinigrad College of Judea & Samaria, Ariel, Israel A.S. Zubchenko OKB «Gidropress», Podolsk, Russia Founders E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, International Association «Welding» Publisher International Association «Welding» Translators A.A. Fomin, O.S. Kurochko, I.N. Kutianova Editor N.A. Dmitrieva Electron galley D.I. Sereda, T.Yu. Snegiryova Address E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, International Association «Welding» 11, Bozhenko Str., 03680, Kyiv, Ukraine Tel.: (38044) 200 60 16, 200 82 77 Fax: (38044) 200 82 77, 200 81 45 E-mail: [email protected] www.patonpublishinghouse.com State Registration Certificate KV 4790 of 09.01.2001 ISSN 0957-798X Subscriptions $348, 12 issues per year, air postage and packaging included. Back issues available. All rights reserved. This publication and each of the articles contained herein are protected by copyright. Permission to reproduce material contained in this journal must be obtained in writing from the Publisher. © PWI, International Association «Welding», 2014 CONTENTS PROCESSES OF ARC WELDING. METALLURGY. MARKETS Steklov O.I., Antonov A.A. and Sevostianov S.P. Ensuring integrity of welded structures and constructions at their long-term service with application of renovation technologies ..................................................... 4 Yushchenko K.A., Savchenko V.S., Chervyakov N.O., Zvyagintseva A.V., Monko G.G. and Pestov V.A. Investigation of cracking susceptibility of austenitic material using PVR-test procedure ........................... 10 Paton B.E., Rimsky S.T. and Galinich V.I. Application of shielding gases in welding production (Review) ............................................................................................................................................... 14 Markashova L.I., Poznyakov V.D., Berdnikova E.N., Gajvoronsky A.A. and Alekseenko T.A. Effect of structural factors on mechanical properties and crack resistance of welded joints of metals, alloys and composite materials .............................................................................................................................. 22 Dmitrik V.V. and Bartash S.N. Peculiarities of degradation of metal of welded joints of steam pipelines of heat power plants ................................................................................................................................. 29 Paltsevich A.P., Sinyuk V.S. and Ignatenko A.V. Interaction of hydrogen with deformed metal .................. 31 Markashova L.I., Kushnaryova O.S. and Alekseenko I.I. Effect of scandium-containing wire on structure and properties of joints of aluminum-lithium alloys produced by argon-arc welding ................................. 35 Kononenko V.Ya. Underwater welding and cutting in CIS countries ......................................................... 40 Mazur A.A., Pustovojt S.V., Petruk V.S. and Brovchenko N.S. Market of welding consumables in Ukraine ............................................................................................................................................. 46 CONSUMABLES FOR MECHANIZED METHODS OF WELDING Shlepakov V.N. Physical-metallurgical and welding-technological properties of gas-shielded flux-cored wires for welding of structural steels ...................................................................................................... 53 Rosert R. Application of flux-cored wires for welding in industry ............................................................. 57 Golovko V.V., Stepanyuk S.N. and Ermolenko D.Yu. Role of welding flux in formation of weld metal during arc welding of high-strength low-alloy steels ............................................................................... 62 Zhudra A.P. Tungsten carbide based cladding materials ......................................................................... 66 Voronchuk A.P. Flux-cored strips for wear-resistant surfacing ................................................................ 72 Maksimov S.Yu., Machulyak V.V., Sheremeta A.V. and Goncharenko E.I. Investigation of influence of microalloying with titanium and boron of weld metal on its mechanical properties in underwater welding ................................................................................................................................................. 76 Ilyushenko V.M., Anoshin V.A., Majdanchuk T.B. and Lukianchenko E.P. Effectiveness of application of new consumables in welding and surfacing of copper and its alloys (Review) .......................................... 80 Livshits I.M. Evaluation of suitability of welding wire of Sv-10GN1MA type produced by ESAB for manufacturing NPP equipment .............................................................................................................. 84 Strelenko N.M., Zhdanov L.A. and Goncharov I.A. Flux for electric arc surfacing providing high-temperature removal of slag coating .............................................................................................. 87 Zalevsky A.V., Galinich V.I., Goncharov I.A., Osipov N.Ya., Netyaga V.I. and Kirichenko O.P. New capabilities of the oldest enterprise on production of welding fluxes ....................................................... 92 Kondratiev I.A. and Ryabtsev I.A. Flux-cored wires for surfacing of steel hot mill rolls .............................. 95 Kuskov Yu.M. Discrete filler materials for surfacing in current-conducting mould .................................... 97 Turyk E.V. Manufacturing defects in welding consumables influencing the quality of welded joints .......... 103 Solomka E.A., Lobanov A.I., Orlov L.N., Golyakevich A.A. and Khilko A.V. Restoration and strengthening surfacing of parts of die equipment ...................................................................................................... 107 Elagin V.P. Selection of shielding gas for mechanized arc welding of dissimilar steels ............................ 110 Yushchenko K.A. and Yarovitsyn A.V. Influence of active gas content and disperse filler continuity on the process of bead formation in microplasma powder surfacing of nickel superalloys ................................. 115 Royanov V.A. and Bobikov V.I. Application of pulse atomizing jet in electric arc metallizing ..................... 124 Pereplyotchikov E.F. Development of high-vanadium alloy for plasma-powder surfacing of knives for cutting of non-metallic materials ........................................................................................................... 128 Kostin A.M., Butenko A.Yu. and Kvasnitsky V.V. Materials for strengthening of gas turbine blades .......... 132 CONSUMABLES FOR MANUAL ARC WELDING Yushchenko K.A., Bulat A.V., Kakhovsky N.Yu., Samojlenko V.I., Maksimov S.Yu. and Grigorenko S.G. Investigation of composition and structure of weld metal of Kh20N9G2B type made in wet underwater welding ................................................................................................................................................ 135 Zakharov L.S., Gavrik A.R. and Lipodaev V.N. Electrodes for welding of dissimilar chromium martensitic and chromium-nickel austenitic steels ................................................................................................... 139 Yushchenko K.A., Kakhovsky Yu.N., Bulat A.V., Morozova R.I., Zvyagintseva A.V., Samojlenko V.I. and Olejnik Yu.V. Investigation of transition zone of low-carbon steel joint with high-alloyed Cr—Ni deposited metal ................................................................................................................................................... 143 Vlasov A.F., Makarenko N.A. and Kushchy A.M. Heating and melting of electrodes with exothermic mixture in coating ................................................................................................................................. 147 Levchenko O.G., Malakhov A.T. and Arlamov A.Yu. Ultraviolet radiation in manual arc welding using covered electrodes .............................................................................................................................. 151 Gubenya I.P., Yavdoshchin I.R., Stepanyuk S.N. and Demetskaya A.V. Towards the problem of dispersity and morphology of particles in welding aerosols ................................................................................... 155 Protsenko N.A. Status of normative base, certification and attestation of welding consumables in Ukraine ............................................................................................................................................ 159 TECHNOLOGIES, EQUIPMENT AND CONTROL IN CONSUMABLES PRODUCTION Marchenko A.E. Effect of charge grain composition on rheological characteristics on rheological characteristics of compounds for low-hydrogen electrodes ................................................................... 163 Majdanchuk T.B. and Skorina N.V. Improvement of adaptability to fabrication and welding properties of electrodes for tin bronze welding and surfacing .................................................................................... 172 Marchenko A.E. Thickness difference of electrode coatings caused by elastic turbulence of electrode compounds under condition of nonisothermal pressure flow .................................................................. 177 Palievskaya E.A. and Sidlin Z.A. State of raw material base of electrode production ............................... 190 Gnatenko M.F., Voroshilo V.S. and Suchok A.D. Directions of improvement of equipment and technology for electrode manufacture ................................................................................................... 194 ENSURING INTEGRITY OF WELDED STRUCTURES AND CONSTRUCTIONS AT THEIR LONG-TERM SERVICE WITH APPLICATION OF RENOVATION TECHNOLOGIES O.I. STEKLOV1, A.A. ANTONOV1 and S.P. SEVOSTIANOV2 1I.M. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas 65 Leninsky Ave., 119991, Moscow, RF. E-mail: [email protected] 2Company «Gazprom VNIIGAZ» PO 130, 115583, Moscow, RF. E-mail: [email protected] Main pipelines in the Russian Federation have been in operation for a long time. Rate of failures in them because of initiation of various corrosion and stress-corrosion defects has increased. Application of welding repair technologies allows considerably lowering the risk of pipeline integrity violation. However, appli- cation of welding technologies in repair of pipelines in long-term service requires allowing for additional factors, which are not encountered in work performance on new pipelines. This and additional weldability studies, as well as certain requirements to welding consumables and allowing for stressed state resulting from application of renovation welding technologies, are described in this paper. 9 Ref., 8 Figures. Keywords: main pipeline, repair technologies, wel- welding fabrication, alongside implementation of dability, corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, require- new projects, is maintaining the integrity of ments to welding consumables, residual stresses, ultra- welded structures after long-term service using sonic impact treatment renovation welding and related technologies in Most of welded structures and constructions, order to prevent technogeneous and ecological making up half of the country’s metal reserves catastrophies. Solution of this problem is consid- and built in the pre-restructuring period, are at ered in the case of main oil-and-gas pipelines. the stage of ageing and failure rate increase be- A characteristic regularity of failure rate in cause of damage accumulation, which is due to the case of analysis of technical condition of the degradation processes in metals, fatigue, creep entire system of main oil pipelines, conducted in and corrosion. 1990s [1], is shown in Figure 1. Specific failure Average age of oil-and-gas pipelines is more rate index λ (1/1000 km⋅year), depending on than 30 years and more than 70 % of tank fleet operation life τ of the main pipelines, is charac- have exhausted their specified service life. terized by three periods: Bridges, overpasses and other facilities are in a I – debugging, period of early failures at complicated state. A considerable part of housing decreasing rate, when defficiencies of design, and communal facilities require renovation. construction and welding-assembly operations Therefore, one of the important problems of are revealed; II – normal operation with failures, predomi- nantly of random nature; III – increase of failure rate, in connection with degradation processes in the metal, protec- tive coatings and corrosion. Such a situation is characteristic also for main gas pipelines, as well as other facilities of oil- and-gas complex [2]. In connection with the above-mentioned problems, an extremely urgent issue now is that of monitoring and assessment of the predicted life of constructions to determine the admissible terms of service, repair and reno- Figure 1. Dependence of specific failure rate index on service vation, prediction and assessment of technogene- life of main oil pipelines (for I—III see the text) ous and economic risk. The basis of monitoring is technical diagnostics «by the state». © O.I. STEKLOV, A.A. ANTONOV and S.P. SEVOSTIANOV, 2014 4 6-7/2014 Specialized monitoring systems are developed first preliminary (express), and then also final for various objects, allowing for the structure report on pipe defectiveness state. features and service conditions. Second problem in development of the above For gas-and-oil pipeline systems a complex situation in the object in service consists in that three-level monitoring system is promising [3], when obtaining information about the defects which includes: preventing normal (without pressure lowering) • geotechnical diagnostics based on aerospace pipeline operation, repair operations on defective monitoring data; section replacement cannot be performed because • in-pipe diagnostics; of impossibility of bringing heavy construction • ground-based instrumental diagnostics, pri- machinery to the site. In terms of location this marily, of potentially hazardous pipeline sec- is mainly true for pipelines in marsh, flood-plain tions, detected by the data of in-pipe and geotech- and water barrier crossing areas. Timewise, it nical diagnostics. coincides with spring—summer period and Such a comprehensive approach to evaluation autumn, up to marsh freezing and establishing of gas pipeline technical state allowed improving of winter passageways along the route. Thus, the effectiveness of planning diagnostic and re- starting from seasonal thawing of marshes pair operations, as well as reliability of the entire through the entire summer period of operation gas transportation system and somewhat lower- up to autumn—winter freezing of marshes and ing accident rate [4]. creating ice crossings the operators are limited Owing to improvement of methods of pipeline as to promptness of removing defects, preventing condition diagnostics and evaluation using in- pipeline normal service. pipe flaw detection, a large number of defects of The first problem can be partially solved by corrosion and corrosion-mechanical origin are de- eliminating defects before pipeline taking out of tected on pipeline outer surface. service for overhauling, through involving serv- The most critical kind of defects are stress ice resources and performance of emergency-re- corrosion cracks, i.e. stress corrosion cracking conditioning repair. Now the second problem is (SCC) defects or their clusters (in the form of associated with an unsurmountable obstacle – «crack field»), which have a predominantly lon- conditions, under which such inadmissible de- gitudinal orientation and are located both in base fects as SC cracks cannot be eliminated by widely metal and in the zone of shop longitudinal welds. accepted technologies. The more so, since in the This kind of defects are responsible for up to majority of normative documents such defects 70 % of emergency failures of main gas pipelines. are unrepairable, and are eliminated by the only Currently available normative documents method of cutting-out the defective section and specify the dimensions of admissible defects, de- mounting, welding-in of a new pipe. termining their rejection level. SC cracks, the Special repair technologies play a particular depth of which goes beyond negative tolerance role under these conditions for the operators. for pipe wall thickness, were qualified as inad- These technologies, without cutting-out the de- missible defects, which must be removed (cut- fective section and, hence, without involving a ting-out pipe defective section). Calculation of large complex of heavy construction machinery, safe pressure can be an alternative, at which the allow performance of repair, restoring pipeline defective pipeline can fulfill its function without operability. Figure 2 gives the classification of failure, but with productivity loss during product these technologies. Such technologies include ap- pumping. It should be noted that in such a situ- plication of reinforcing elements (sleeves) (Fi- ation the operators face several problems. gure 3) and repair welding (building-up) of all The first is to establish the actual technical kinds of defects, including such hazardous defects state before assigning the overhauling status to as SCC [5]. the object, with complete or partial replacement Application of technology of defect repair by of defective elements, sections, pipes, etc. At this welding (building-up) after obtaining informa- stage either the project or most of the kinds of tion about inadmissible hazardous defect, pre- resources for repair operations performance are venting normal operation, will allow operators still absent. This stage is characterized by that ensuring its elimination by repair operations, also the object still cannot be taken out of service for in difficult-of-access marshy areas. Another ad- overhauling, but operative data about its tech- vantage provided by such technologies is the abil- nical state have already been obtained. This pe- ity to restore the pipe without its replacement. riod, as a rule, is associated with completion of Application of repair welding (building-up) in-pipe examination of the pipeline and obtaining technologies for structures after long-term serv- 6-7/2014 5 Figure 2. Welding technologies for gas pipeline in-service repair Figure 3. Schematics of repair by welded sleeves of defects in pipes and welds of sections of main gas pipeline linear part: a, b – unsealed reinforcing sleeves; c—g – sealed reinforcing sleeves and sleeve assemblies; 1 – sealant; 2 – composite; 3 – temporary sleeve 6 6-7/2014 ice raises a number of key issues: evaluation of fied strength characteristics of the deposited met- material weldability after long-term service; sub- al and its «cathodicity» relative to base metal. stantiated selection of welding (filler) consu- Proceeding from design strength of the object mables; optimization of technological process and allowing for good weldability, it is rational of welding (building-up); substantiation of ap- to ensure strength characteristics from the con- plication of additional postweld related tech- dition of σw, σw ≤ σm, σm (where «w» and «m» t y t y nologies. indices are the welded joint and base metal, re- Summing up, the following can be noted. spectively). In long-term service of equipment, an essential To ensure resistance to electrochemical corro- lowering of weldability of metal being repaired sion, the following condition should be fulfilled: is possible, in connection with degradation proc- ϕw ≥ ϕm (where ϕw, ϕm are the electrode poten- esses in the metal as a result of strain ageing, tials of welded (built-up) and base metal, respec- saturation with active reagents from natural and technogeneous media, that requires analysis al- tively). lowing for the conditions and term of service. Technology of repair-reconditioning operations Particularly important is evaluation of material is determined, allowing for the above principles, weldability under service conditions at the im- in particular without hydrocarbons bleeding [6]. pact of hydrogen-evolving and hydrogen-produc- We will single out only the first group – ing media and for structures operating at elevated welding (building-up) of outer part-through de- temperatures under creep conditions. Unfortu- fects of pipes, including product-induced SCC nately, no systemic studies on this problem have defects, from the general classification of welding been performed so far. technologies in gas pipeline repair (see Figure 2). Selection of filler materials, allowing for the Criteria for application of this kind of repair are impact of active media, should ensure the speci- as follows: Figure 4. Sequence of technological operations of repair by welding (building-up) of part-thickness outer defects in pipe metal: a – appearance of pipe with defective section; b – transverse section of pipe along A—A line with defective area, respectively; c – transverse section of pipe along A—A line after mechanical cutting-out of defective layer; d – transverse section of pipe along B—B line after mechanical cutting-out of defective layer; e – pipe appearance after repair; f – transverse section of pipe along A—A line after repair; g – transverse section of pipe along B—B line after mechanical scraping of facing layer 6-7/2014 7 Figure 7. Characteristic diagram of residual stress distribu- tion in the circumferential direction after repair by build- ing-up: solid curves – longitudinal stresses; hatched – Figure 5. Dividing extended repair section into separate circumferential zones 1—4, and sequence of filling them with deposited metal σ ≤ σ — σ . using welding technologies res th work Allowing for safety factor σ ≈ 0.5σ , and • ensuring temperature-plastic stability of work y σ value is equal to approximately 0.76σ based molten and heated metal in the zone of heat th y on generalization of failure rate statistics [7]. source impact (arc, plasma), proceeding from the Admissible value of σ ≤ (0.2—0.3)σ . conditions of «not burning through» and preser- res y An important condition of this technology is vation of strength in the localized heat zone; welding with a controllable thermal cycle, with • admissible deformability of pipe body in heat input and current, minimum admissible in welding (building-up) zone under the impact of terms of process stability: inherent stress-strain state in thermodeforma- tional welding cycle, proceeding from the con- q/V → min, I → min. w dition of strength of a pipeline with geometry For example, in practice for manual arc weld- defects; ing with 2.6—3.2 mm consumable electrodes it • admissible level of inherent residual welding corresponds to I = 90—120 A. Schematics of stresses in building-up zone. w repair technologies are given in Figure 4. For gas pipeline admissible value of residual In welding-up of extended defects, in order welding stresses in building-up zone is deter- to reduce pipe body deformation, caused by ther- mined from the condition of prevention of SCC, modeformational cycle of welding, building-up arising at total working σ and residual σ work res zone should be divided into smaller sections with stresses exceeding threshold (critical) σ σ + th work reverse-successive direction of welding (build- + σ ≤ σ . Hence, res th ing-up) (Figure 5). A procedure and portable equipment have been developed in order to determine the level and distribution of σ in building-up zone. The res procedure is based on application of nondestruc- tive methods of express-diagnostics of stress- strain state (for instance, equipment based on Barkhausen noise method) at the first stage, al- lowing detection of the areas of examined section with maximum values of residual stresses. More Figure 6. Characteristic diagram of residual stress distribu- tion in the axial direction after repair building-up: 1 – Figure 8. Characteristic field of residual stresses after pipe longitudinal; 2 – circumferential stress deposition 8 6-7/2014 precise determination of residual stress value in 3. When selecting welding consumables, at- the detected areas is performed using the method tention should be given to ensuring the specified of drilling a blind hole with recording of dis- strength characteristics and cathodicity relative placement by speckle-interferometer, in keeping to base metal. with GOST R 52891—2007. Integrated applica- 4. Admissible residual stresses after perform- tion of several methods, fundamentally different ance of repair building-up should not exceed 20— by their operating principles, allows increasing 30 % of yield point. final result validity. Investigations revealed that 5. Residual stress fields, developing after re- residual stress fields after repair building-up have pair building-up performance, have a common a characteristic pattern of distribution in the ax- characteristic shape, irrespective of deposition se- ial and circumferential directions, independent quence or direction of beads. The highest value on building-up technology [8] (Figures 6 and 7). of tensile stresses develops in the base metal near Thus, after any repair building-up, a field of building-up zone along pipe axis. residual stresses, shown in Figure 8, develops in 6. Application of local methods of postweld the main pipe. impact on residual stress fields allows lowering In order to fulfill the specified conditions, stress-strain state level in the impact zone, in the recommendations on the technology of postweld built-up section and in base metal regions adja- treatment of building-up zone have been devel- cent to building-up zone. oped. A fundamental point is localized lowering of residual welding stresses in the zone of their 1. Chernyaev, V.D., Chernyaev, K.V., Berezin, V.L. et maximum values. Classical thermal methods of al. (1997) System reliability of main transport of hy- lowering the level of residual stresses are not drocarbons. Ed. by V.D. Chernyaev. Moscow: Nedra. 2. Varlamov, V.L., Kanajkin, V.A., Matvienko, A.F. et always applicable, that is related both to com- al. (2012) Monitoring of defects and prediction of plexity of organizing heating only in the local state of Russian main gas pipelines. Ekaterinburg: deposit area, and to ineffectiveness of such a UNPTs. 3. Steklov, O.I. (2006) Complex technical diagnostics method in terms of cost. of main gas-and-oil pipelines. Territoriya Neft i Gaz, In recommendations on postweld treatment, 4, 20—23; 5, 12—17; 6, 48—55. a considerable place is taken up by technologies 4. Varlamov, D.P., Dedeshko, V.N., Kanajkin, V.A. et al. (2012) Improvement of reliability of main gas of local impact on individual zones in the deposit pipelines by using repeated in-pipe flaw detection. area, having peak values of tensile residual The Paton Welding J., 3, 20—25. 5. Vyshemirsky, E.M., Shipilov, A.V., Bespalov, B.I. et stresses. Lowering of such peak values involves al. (2006) New welding and repair technologies in general redistribution of residual stress field, be- construction and repair of gas pipelines. Nauka i cause of their mutual balance. A promising ap- Tekhnika v Gaz. Promyshlennosti, 2, 27—34. 6. Steklov, O.I., Shafikov, R.R., Sevostianov, S.P. proach is lowering peak values, ensuring total (2009) Theoretical-experimental substantiation of favourable redistribution of residual stresses, by possibility of main pipeline repair using welding tech- the method of ultrasonic peening treatment [9]. nologies without interrupting of gas pumping. Sva- rochn. Proizvodstvo, 7, 12—17. 7. Steklov, O.I., Varlamov, V.P. (2012) Assessment of Conclusions threshold stress level of corrosion cracking in system of main pipelines. Truboprovod. Transport (Teoriya i 1. Application of special welding technologies Praktika), 3, 4—9. allows extension of active service life of main 8. Antonov, A.A., Steklov, O.I., Antonov, A.A. (Jr) et pipelines. al. (2010) Investigation of technological residual stresses in welded joints of main pipelines. Zagot. 2. When preparing for application of welding Proizvodstvo v Mashinostroenii, 3, 13—19. technologies in main pipelines after long-term 9. Antonov, A.A., Letunovsky, A.P. (2012) Reduction of residual welded stresses by ultrasonic peening service, it is necessary to perform additional method. Truboprovod. Transport (Teoriya i Prak- weldability studies. tika), 2, 21—26. 6-7/2014 9 INVESTIGATION OF СRACKING SUSCEPTIBILITY OF AUSTENITIC MATERIAL USING PVR-TEST PROCEDURE K.A. YUSHCHENKO, V.S. SAVCHENKO, N.O. CHERVYAKOV, A.V. ZVYAGINTSEVA, G.G. MONKO and V.A. PESTOV E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU 11 Bozhenko Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail: [email protected] Comparative investigation of hot cracking sensitivity of commercial welding wires has been performed. It is shown that an all-purpose method of weldability evaluation can be the machine method with controllable forced deformation during TIG welding (PVR-test method), which allows separating the conditions of initiation of solidification cracks and ductility dip cracks in the weld and HAZ metal, and provides comprehensive information about quantitative characteristics of cracking sensitivity. 6 Ref., 9 Figures. Keywords: weldability, hot cracks, crack resistance According to international standard ISO evaluation, high-alloyed steels, nickel alloys 17641-1:2004 hot cracks are violations of material integrity, formed at high temperature along grain Austenitic high-alloyed steels and their welded boundaries (dendrite boundaries), when defor- joints are rather sensitive to hot cracking. Their mation or strain rate exceed a certain level. In sensitivity is abruptly increased in fusion welding their turn, cracks are subdivided into solidifica- of stably austenitic steels and nickel alloys, tion, liquation and ductility dip cracks [1]. which preserve face-centered cubic lattice in the Causes for cracking are numerous, but usually entire temperature range. Considering the com- they initiate, when local ductility is insufficient plexity of thermodeformational processes, taking to counteract the developing welding deforma- place in fusion welding of the above materials tions. Exact mechanism of hot crack initiation and diversity of the kinds of initiating cracks, has not yet been clarified. evaluation of material sensitivity to cracking and Temperature interval of solidification crack their classification are an urgent problem. Valu- initiation (BTR) depends on the range of the able information about hot cracking sensitivity metal solid-liquid state at weld solidification. can only be obtained in the case, when practically Lower boundary of this range is determined by all the crack types are studied in one sample the value of solidus temperature T when solidi- during one experiment. S fication is over. Temperature range of ductility In this case external influence during sample dip (DTR) is determined by approximate ratio realization is the same for all the zones of the of (0.6—0.8)T (Figure 1). In this temperature studied sample, however, having different for- S mation mechanisms, different kinds of cracks de- velop non-simultaneously, thus determining the priorities at evaluation of crack resistance of the joint as a whole. Figure 1. Hot cracking in welded joints of high-alloyed Figure 2. Testing schematic at application of PVR-test steels and alloys: R – recrystallization [2] method [6] © K.A. YUSHCHENKO, V.S. SAVCHENKO, N.O. CHERVYAKOV, A.V. ZVYAGINTSEVA, G.G. MONKO and V.A. PESTOV, 2014 10 6-7/2014

metal: a – appearance of pipe with defective section; b – transverse section of pipe . forced deformation during TIG welding (PVR-test method), which allows mation mechanisms, different kinds of cracks de- .. tle fractures [8].
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