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Preview Process for the Production of alkall metal silicate-organic plastics

United States Patent [191 [11] 4,303,768 Blount [45] Dec. 1, 1981 [541 PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF [52] US. Cl. ............................... .. 525/479; 260/37 R; ALKALL METAL SILICATE-ORGANIC 260/37 N; 521/83; 521/100; 521/137; 521/154; PLASTICS 525/474; 528/44; 528/271; 528/22; 528/288; 528/425 Inventor: David H. Blount, 5450 Lea St., San [58] Field of Search ............... .. 528/425, 44, 271, 272, Diego, Calif. 92105 528/288, 392; 521/154, 100, 137, 83; 525/479, 474; 260/37 R, 37 N App]. No.: 233,151 [56] References Cited Filed: Feb. 10, 1981 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,170,697 9/1979 Blount ................................. .. 521/82 Related US. Application Data 4,200,697 4/1980 Blount 521/83 4,256,873 3/1981 Blount ............................... .. 528/425 Continuation-impart of Ser. No. 146,474, May 5, 1980, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 36,350, May Primary Examiner—-Morton Foelak 7, 1979, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. [57] ABSTRACT 889,932, Mar. 27, 1978, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 663,924, Mar. 4, 1976, which is a continua Polymerable organic compounds are emulsi?ed with . lion-in-part of Ser. No, 599,000, Jul. 7, 1975, Pat. No. aqueous alkali metal silicate solutions then polymerized 4,072,637, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. with a catalyst such as a peroxide type catalyst thereby 262,485, Jun. 14, 1972, abandoned, which is a continua producing an alkali metal silicate organic plastic which tion-in-part of Ser. No. 71,628, Sep. 11, 1970, aban may be used as an adhesive or as molding powder. doned. [51] Int. Cl.3 ............................................ .. C08L 13/00 14 Claims, No Drawings 4,303,768 -1 2 as putty, as a caulking compound, and in producing _ PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF ALKALL laminates. METAL SILICATE-ORGANIC PLASTICS It is accordingly, an object of my invention to pro vide novel inorganic-organic copolymers. A further CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED object is to provide novel copolymers which may be APPLICATIONS ‘used as an adhesive. A further object is to provide novel This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. pa copolymers that will react with polyisocyanates to pro tent application Ser. No. 146,474 ?led May 5, 1980, duce useful resinous and foam products. A further ob which is a continuation-in-part of my U.S. patent appli ject is to provide a process for preparing novel inorgan cation Ser. No. 036,350, ?led May 7, 1979, which is a ic-organic copolymers. Another object is to produce continuation-in-part of my U.S. patent application Ser. emulsions of inorganic-organic copolymers which may No. 889,932, ?led Mar. 27, 1978, which is a continua tion-in‘part of my earlier U.S. patent application Ser. be used to produce concrete reinforced and reacted No. 663,924, ?led Mar. 4, 1976, which is a continuation with inorganic-organic copolymers. in-part of my earlier U.S. patent application Ser. No. The inorganic-organic plastics may be produced by 599,000, ?led July 7, 1975, now U.S. Pat. No. 4,072,637, emulsifying and reacting the following components: which is a continuation-in-part of my earlier U.S. patent Component (a) an aqueous alkali metal silicate solution; application Ser. No. 262,485, ?led June 14, 1972, now Component (b) a polymerable unsaturated organic com abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of my earlier pound; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 71,628, ?led Sept. 11, 20 Component (c) a salt forming compound; 1970, now abandoned. Component ((1) an initiator. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Compound (a) This invention relates to a process for the production of alkali metal silicate organic plastics by emulsifying a 25 Any suitable alkali metal silicate may be used in this polymerable unsaturated organic compound with an invention. Suitable alkali metal silicates include sodium, aqueous alkali metal solution by mixing the polymerable potassium and lithium silicates. The alkali metal silicates organic compound with an aqueous solution of alkali are preferred to be in an aqueous solution. Concentra metal silicate then adding a salt-forming compound in tion of 10% to 70% of alkali metal silicates in an aque the amount of 1% to 10%, based on the alkali metal 30 ous solution or an alkali metal metasilicate pentahydrate silicate, preferably an organic acid, while agitating which has been melted to produce an aqueous solution. thereby producing a stable emulsion. A polymerizing The weight ratio of SiOgzNaO may vary greatly from catalyst such as a peroxide type catalyst is added to the 3.75:1 to 1:2. Sodium silicate is the preferred alkali metal emulsion thereby producing a poly(alkali metal silicate polymerable organic compound) copolymer. In most 35 silicate. ' products an excess amount of the aqueous alkali metal Component (b) silicate may be used. The inorganic-organic plastic pro duced by the process of this invention has greatly im Any suitable polymerable unsaturated organic com proved ?ame resistance properties. pound may be used in this invention. Suitable polymera , The polymerization of an alkali metal silicate with a 40 ble unsaturated organic compounds include but not polymerable unsaturated organic compound was illus limited to vinyl monomers, organic dienes, allyl com trated in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 71,628, ?led pounds, unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbon compounds Sept. 11, 1970, by David H. Blount. The alkali metal and mixtures thereof. silicate is oxidized by a peroxide initiator then polymer Suitable vinyl monomers include styrene, vinyl ace ized with a polymerable organic compound. I have 45 tate acrylates, vinyl chloride, vinylidine chloride, acry discovered that a stable emulsion of an aqueous alkali lonitrile, vinyl toluenes, N-vinyl carbazole, 'vinyl ‘metal silicate and a polymerable unsaturated organic pyrovidone, vinylidine cyanide, alkyl vinyl ketones, compound may be produced by adding 1% to 10% by aryl vinyl ketones, methacrylonitrile and mixtures weight, percentage based on weight of the aqueous thereof. alkali metal silicate solution, of a salt forming com pound, and mixing with the mixture of the aqueous Suitable organic dienes include isoprene, chloro alkali metal silicate and polymerable compound. This prene, butadiene and mixtures thereof. stable emulsion greatly enhances the reaction between Suitable allyl compounds include allyl alcohol, meth the alkali metal silicate and polymerable organic com allyl alcohol, phenallyl alcohol, 3-chloropropene, 3 pound. 55 bromopropene, methallyl chloride and mixtures The emulsions of inorganic-organic plastics may be thereof. used as an adhesive on wood, paper, cement, plastics, Suitable acrylate compounds include but are not lim ceramics, etc., as a coating agent on wood, cement, ited to methyl methacrylate, methyl acrylate, ethyl plastics, ceramics, etc., and may be dried or coagulated acrylate, propyl acrylate, butyl acrylate, pentadecyl with a salt forming compound to produce a molding acrylate, hexadecyl acrylate, benzyl acrylate, cyclo powder which may be molded by heat and pressure to hexyl acrylate, phenyl ethyl acrylate, ethyl methacry produce useful objects such as knobs, handles, gears, late, methyl-chloroacrylate, 2-ch1oroethyl acrylate, pipes, toys, etc. The emulsion of inorganic-organic plas l,l-dihydroper?uorobutyl acrylate, lauryl acrylate, tics may be further reacted with organic compounds cyclohexylcyclohexyl methacrylate, allyl methacrylate such as polyisocyanates, isocyanates, epoxide ‘com pounds, substituted organic compounds, water-binding and mixtures thereof. agents and many other compounds. The emulsion of Any suitable allyl halide compound having the gen inorganic-organic plastics may be used as a cavity ?ller, eral formula: 4,303,768 3 4 tert-butyl diphosphate peroxide, peracetic acid, cyclo hexyl hypoperoxide and mixtures thereof. Suitable al kali metal persulaftes include ammonium persulfate, potassium persulfate and sodium persulfate. Any suit able commonly known redox systems as known in the wherein R is a hydrogen or a C1 to C4 alkyl group and arts may be used. Other initiator systems may be used x represents a halogen atom may be used in this inven such as peroxides with metal compounds as activators tion. Furthermore, these compounds contain one ole such as ethyl ketone peroxide with cobalt naphthenate, ?nic group of which one unsaturated carbon contains at potassium persulfate with ferric sulfate or cupric sulfate least one hydrogen atom per molecule. l0 (0.001 to 0.002 parts by weight per part by weight of the Any suitable allyl-type alcohol having the general polymerable compound) and benzoyl peroxide with a structure formula: tertiary amine activator, such as N,N-dimethyl aniline. The polymerization may also be initiated by heat or photosensitizers such as benzoin, biacetyl, etc., alone or 15 with other initiators in certain reaction. ' Surface-active additives (emulsi?ers and foam stabi may be used in this invention. lizers) may also be used according to the invention. Suitable emulsi?ers are, e.g., the sodium salt of ricino Component (0) leic sulphonates or of fatty acids or salts of fatty acids 20 Any suitable salt forming compound may be used in with amines, e. g., oleic acid diethylamine or stearic acid this invention, such as aliphatic carboxylic acids, ali dimethanolamine. The commercially available soaps phatic acid anhydrides, aliphatic polycarboxylic acids, and detergents may be used. Other surface-active addi cycloaliphatic carboxylic acids, cycloaliphatic polycar tives are alkali metal or ammonium salts or sulphonic boxylic acids, aromatic carboxylic acid, aromatic poly acids, e.g., dodecylbenzene sulphonic acid or dinapht carboxylic acids, heterocyclic polycarboxylic acids, hyl methane disulphonic acids or fatty acids, e.g., rici aliphatic carboxylic acid anhydrides, aromatic carbox noleic acid, or of polymeric fatty acids. Surfactants such ylic acid anhydrides and mixtures thereof. The organic as sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate, potassium dioctyl acids may be substituted, e.g., with halogen atoms and sulfosuccinate and dioctyl calcium sulfosuccinate may may be unsaturated. Organic polycarboxylic acids are preferred. Adipic 30 also be used. I The foam stabilizers used are mainly water-soluble acid is the preferred polycarboxylic acid. It is preferred polyester siloxanes. These compounds generally have a to use the organic mono-carboxylic acids with polycar boxylic acids. polydimethylsiloxane group attached to a copolymer of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide. Foam stabilizers of Examples of suitable aliphatic acids are, but are not limited to, acetic acid, propionic acid, formic acid, bu this kind have been described, e.g., in US. Pat. No. tyric acid, valeric acid, caproic acid, undecanoic acid, 3,629,308. These additives are, preferably, used in quan lauric acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, acrylic acid, etc. tities of from 0% to 20%, based on the reaction mixture. An example of suitable aliphatic acid anhydrides is Further examples of surface-active additives, foam acetic anhydride, but examples are not limited to that. stabilizers, cell regulators, stabilizers, ?ame-retarding Examples of suitable aromatic acids are, but are not substances, plasticizers, dyes, ?llers and fungicidal and limited to, benzoic acid, para-aminobenzoic acid, sali bacteriocidal substances which are utilized for polyure cylic acid, methyl salicylates, etc. thane foams, but may also be used in this invention, may The polycarboxylic acid may be aliphatic, cycloali be found in Kunststoff-Handbuch, Volume VI; pub phatic, aromatic and/or heterocyclic and may be substi lished by Vieweg and Hochtlen, Carl-Hanser-Verlag, tuted, e. g., with halogen atoms and may be unsaturated; 45 Munich, 1966, e.g., on pages 103 to 113. The haloge examples include: succinic acid, adipic acid, sebacic nated paraf?ns and inorganic salts of phosphoric acid acid, suberic acid, azelaic acid, phthalic acid, phthalic are the preferred ?re-retardant agents. acid anhydride, isophthalic acid, tetrahydrophthalic acid anhydride, trimellitic acid, hexahydrophthalic acid SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION anhydride, tetrachlorophthalic acid anhydride, en 50 The process for the production of alkali metal silicate domethylene tetrahydrophthalic acid anhydride, glu . organic plastic products is simple. It is merely necessary taric acid anhydride, fumaric acid, maleic acid, maleic for the components to come together; for example, a acid anhydride, dimeric and trimeric fatty acid such as polymerable unsaturated compound, an aqueous alkali oleic acid, optionally mixed with monomeric fatty metal silicate, 1% to 10% by weight of a salt forming acids, dimethylterephthalate and bis-glycol terephthal 55 compound, percentage based on the weight of the alkali ates. metal silicate, and a suitable initiator. _ Suitable initiators include but are not limited to or The chemical reaction of this invention may take ganic and inorganic peroxides, alkali metal persulfates, place in any suitable physical condition. Ambient pres ammonium persulfate, redox systems, aliphatic azo compounds, organic and inorganic peroxide with or sure is usually satisfactory, but in certain conditions, an ganic and inorganic metal compounds. Suitable perox elevated or below ambient pressure may be useful. In cases where the polymerable unsaturated compound is a ide initiators include but are not limited to hydrogen peroxide and acyl or aryl peroxides such as p-menthane gas it is usually necessary to increase the pressure until hydroperoxide, ethyl ketone peroxide, benzoyl perox the gas is in a liquid state or decrease the temperature ide, acetyl benzyl peroxide, p-chlorobenzoyl peroxide, 65 until the gas is in a liquid state or use a combination of alkoxy benzoyl peroxide, lauroryl peroxide, dibutyryl elevated pressure and decreased temperature. The reac peroxide, dicaproyl peroxide, crotonyl peroxide, di tants may be mixed in any suitable manner at any suit tert-alkyl peroxide, methyl amyl ketone peroxide, di able temperature or pressure. 4,303,768 5 6 The preferred method to produce an emulsion of phosgenation products of condensates of anilines alkyl poly(alkali metal silicate-polymerable unsaturated or substituted on the nucleus such as tolidines, with alde ganic compound) copolymer is to thoroughly mix an hydes or ketones such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, aqueous alkali metal silicate solution in the amount of butyraldehyde, acetone and methyl ethyl ketone and 100 parts by weight, a polymerable unsaturated organic solutions of residual isocyanates in monomeric polyiso compound in the amount of 5 to 100 parts by weight, a cyanates of the type produced in the commercial pro salt forming compound in the amount of l to 10 parts by duction of tolylene diisocyanate, diphenyl methane weight and a catalytic amount of an initiator to form a diisocyanate or hexamethylene diisocyanate. stable emulsion then allow the mixture to react for l to Another group of suitable polyisocyanates are so 24 hours at any suitable temperature and pressure. called modi?ed polyisocyanates, i.e., polyisocyanates In an alternate method the aqueous alkali metal solu containing carbodiimide groups, allophanate groups, tion, salt forming compound initiator and optional isocyanurate groups, urea groups, amide groups, imide emulsi?ers, foam regulators and ?llers are thoroughly groups or biuret groups. Polyisocyanates suitable for mixed then the polymerable unsaturated organic com modi?cation in this way include aliphatic, cycloali pound is added at a suitable temperature and pressure phatic, araliphatic, aromatic and heterocyclic polyiso while agitating. The mixture is then allowed to react for cyanates of the type described, for example, by W. l to 24 hours thereby producing an emulsion of poly(al kali metal silicate-polymerable unsaturated organic Siefken in Justus Liebigs, Annalen der Chemie, 562, compound) copolymer. pages 75 to 136. Speci?c examples include: ethylene diisocyanate; 1,4-tetramethylene diisocyanate; 1,6-hex The copolymer produced by this invention may be amethylene diisocyanate; 1,12-dodecane diisocyanate; used as a coating agent, as impregnants, as adhesives for wood, paper, etc., may be molded into useful products cyclobutane-1,3-diisocyanate; cyclohexane-1,3- and such as rods, sheets, blocks, etc., may be further reacted 1,4-diisocyanates and mixtures of these isomers; 1 with polyisocyanates and used as a reinforcement for isocyanato-3,3,S-trimethyl cyclohexane (US. Pat. No. water binding compounds such as Portland cement. 3,401,190); 2,4- and 2,6-hexahydro tolylene diisocyanate Any suitable organic polyisocyanate may be used and mixtures of these isomers; hexahydro-l,3- and/or according to the invention, including aliphatic, cycloal 1,4-phenylene diisocyanate; perhydro-2,4'- and/ or -4,4' iphatic, araliphatic, aromatic, heterocyclic polyisocya diphenylmethane diisocyanate; 1,3- and 1,4-phenylene nates and mixtures thereof. Suitable polyisocyanates diisocyanate; 2,4- and 2,6-tolylene diisocyanate and which may be in the process of the invention are exem mixtures of these isomers; diphenyl methane-2,4’- and pli?ed by the organic diisocyanates which are com /or -4,4’-diisocyanate; naphthylene-1,5-diisocyanate; pounds of the general formula: triphenyl methane-4,4’,4”-triisocyanate; polyphenyl polymethylene-polyisocyanate of the type obtained by condensing aniline with formaldehyde, followed by phosgenation and described in British Pat. Nos. 874,430 wherein R is a divalent organic radical such as an alkyl 35 and 848,671; and perchlorinated aryl polyisocyanates of ene, aralkylene or arylene. Examples of such diisocya the type described in US. Pat. No. 3,277,138. nates are: p,p’-diphenylmethane diisocyanate Polyisocyanate of this type are modi?ed in well phenylene diisocyanate known manners either thermally and/or catalytically chlorophenylene diisocyanate by air, water, urethanes, alcohols, amides, amines, car tolylene diisocyanate boxylic acids or carboxylic acid anhydrides. Monofunc rn-xylylene diisocyanate tional low molecular weight alcohols (preferably hav benzidine diisocyanate ing 1 to 12 carbon atoms, such as methanol, ethanol, n naphthylene diisocyanate and isopropanol, butanol, hexanol, n-octyl alcohol and tetramethylene diisocyanate 45 dodecyl alcohol) may also be used as modifying agents, pentamethylene diisocyanate providing the urethane groups formed are converted hexamethylene diisocyanate into allophanate groups by further reactions with isocy decamethylene diisocyanate anate present and providing the functionality of the thiodipropyl diisocyanate resulting modi?ed polyisocyanate is not reduced to an Other polyisocyanates, polyisothiocyanates and their undesirable extent in this way. The modifying agent derivatives may be equally employed. Fatty diisocya should be used in small quantities of less than 10% by nates may be equally employed. Fatty diisocyanates of weight, based on the polyisocyanate. the following general formula are also suitable: It is generally preferred to use commercially readily available polyisocyanates, e.g. tolylene-2,4- and -2,6 NCO 55 diisocyanate and any mixtures of these isomers, (“TDI”), polyphenyl-polymethylene-isocyanates ob (CH2): tained by aniline-formaldehyde condensation, followed CH3(CH2)XCH(CH2)yNCO by phosgenation (“crude MDI”), and polyisocyanates which contain carbodiimide groups, urethane groups, where x+y totals 6 to 22 and z is 0 to 2, e.g., isocyana 60 allophanate groups, isocyanurate groups, urea groups, tostearyl isocyanate. _ imide groups or biuret groups (“modi?ed polyisocya‘v Other suitable polyisocyanates include triphenylme nate”). ~ mane-4,4’,4"-triisocyanate; polyphenyl-polymethylene Any suitable polyhydroxyl compound may be used polyisocyanate of the kind which may be obtained by according to the invention. It is preferred to use organic anilineformaldehyde condensation followed by phos polyhydroxyl compounds which contain from 2 to 8 genation; perchlorinated arylpolyisocyanates; phos hydroxyl groups, e.g., polyhydric alcohols, polyesters, genated products of arylaminealdehyde condensates; polyethers, polythioethers, polyacetals, polycarbonates phosgenated products of arylamineketone condensates; or polyester amides containing at least 2, generally from 4,303,768 7 8 2 to 8, but preferably from 2 to 4, hydroxyl groups, of Suitable polycarbonates with hydroxyl groups may the kind known for producing homogenous and cellular be of the kind, e.g., those which may be prepared by polyurethanes. reacting diols, e.g., propane-1,3-diol; butane-1,4-diol Suitable polyhydric alcohols include, i but are not and/or hexane-1,6-diol or diethylene glycol, triethylene limited to, ethylene glycol; propylene 1,2- and -l,3 glycol or tetraethylene glycol, with diarylcarbonates, glycol; butylene-l,4- and -2,3-glycol; hezane-l,6-diol; e. g., diphenylcarbonate or phosgene. octane 1,8-diol; neopentyl glycol; cyclohexanedime Suitable polythioethers are the condensation prod thanol-( l ,4-bis-hydroxymethylcyclohexane); Z-methyl ucts of thiodiglycol with itself and/or with other gly propane-1,3-diol; glycerol; trimethylol propane; hex cols, dicarboxylic acids, formaldehyde, aminocarboxy ane-1,2,6-triol; butane-1,2,4-triol; trimethylol ethane; lic acids or amino alcohols. pentaerythritol; quinitol; mannitol and sorbitol; methyl Suitable polyester amides and polyamides include, glycoside; diethylene glycol; triethylene glycol; tetra e.g., the predominantly linear condensates obtained ethylene glycol; polyethylene glycols; dipropylene gly from polyvalent saturated and unsaturated carboxylic col; dibutylene glycol and polybutylene glycols. acids or their anhydrides and polyvalent saturated and Suitable hydroxyl group-containing polyesters may unsaturated amino alcohols, diamine, polyamines and be, for example, reaction products of polyhydric alco mixtures thereof. Suitable polyhydroxyl compounds which already hols, preferably dihydric alcohols, with the optional addition of trihydric alcohols, and polybasic, preferably contain urethane, modi?ed or unmodi?ed natural poly dibasic carboxylic acids. The listed polyhydric alcohols ols, e. g., castor oil, carbohydrates and starches may be used in this invention. Additional products of alkylene may be reacted with polycarboxylic acid to produce polyester polymer containing hydroxyl groups. Instead oxides with phenolformaldehyde resins or with urea~ formaldehyde resins are also suitable for the purpose of of the free polycarboxylic acids, the corresponding polycarboxylic acid esters of lower alcohols or polycar the invention. ’ Other compounds which contain at least 2 hydrogen boxylic acid anhydrides or their mixtures may be used 25 atoms capable of reacting with isocyanates may be used for preparing the polyesters. The polycarboxylic acids in this invention in place of polyhydroxyl compound or may be aliphatic, cycloaliphatic, aromatic and/or heter with polyhydroxyl compounds such as compounds ocyclic and may be substituted, e.g., with halogen containing amino groups, thiol groups or carboxyl atoms, and may be unsaturated. Examples include: suc cinic acid, adipic acid, suberic acid, azelaic acid, sebacic groups. _ . Examples of these compounds which are to be used acid, phthalic acid, isophthalic acid, trimellitic acid, according to the invention have been described, e.g., in phthalic acid anhydride, tetrahydrophthalic acid anhy High Polymers, Volume XVI, “Polyurethane, Chemis dride, hexahydrophthalic acid anhydride, tetrachlor try and Technology”, published by Saunders-Frisch, ophthalic acid anhydride, hexahydrophthalic acid an Interscience Publishers, New York, London, Volume I, hydride, tetrachlorophthalic acid anhydride, en 35 1962, pages 32 to 42 and pages 44 to 54; and Volume II, domethylene tetrahydrophthalic acid anhydride, glu 1964, pages 5 to 6 and 198 to 199; and in Kunststoff taric acid anhydride, maleic acid, maleic acid anhy Handbuch, Volume VII, Vieweg-Hochtlen, Carl-Hans dride, fumaric acid, dimeric and trimeric fatty acids er-Verlag, Munich, 1966, on pages 45 to 71. such as oleic acid, optionally mixed with monomeric VJater-binding components which may be used, ac fatty acids, dimethylterephthalate and bis-glycol tere 40 cording to the invention include organic or inorganic phthalate. water-binding substances which have, ?rst, the ability Suitable polyethers with at least 2, generally from 2 to chemically combine, preferably irreversibly, with to 8, and preferably 2 to 4, hydroxyl groups may be used water and, second, the ability to reinforce the organic according to the invention and may be prepared, e.g., inorganic end products of the invention, hold the water by the polymerization of epoxides such as ethylene 45 chemically bound until water is released and extin oxide, propylene oxide, butylene oxide, tetrahydrofu guishes the fire. The term “water-binding component” ran, styrene oxide, trichlorobutylene oxide or epichlo is used herein to identify a material, preferably granular rohydrin, each with itself, e.g., in the presence of 3P3, or particulate, which is sufficiently anhydrous to be or by addition of these epoxides, optionally as mixtures capable of absorbing water to form a solid or gel such as or successively, to starting components which contain mortar or hydraulic cement. This compound may be a reactive hydrogen atoms such as alcohols or amines, mineral or chemical compound which is anhydrous, e.g., water, ethylene glycol, propylene~l,3- and -l,2 such as CaG and CaSO4, but may exist as a partial glycol, trimethylolpropane, 4,4’-dihydroxydiphenyl~ hydrate. Waterbinding components used are inorganic propane, aniline, ammonia, ethanolarnine or ethylenedi materials such as hydraulic cements, synthetic anhy amine. Sucrose polyethers such as those described, e.g., drite with silica or burnt lime with silica. in German Auslegeschriften, Nos. 1,176,358 and Suitable hydraulic cements are, in particular, 1,064,938, may also be used according to this invention. Portland cement, quick-setting cement, blast-furnace Polyethers modified with vinyl polymers such as those Portland cement, mild-burnt cement, sulphate-resistant which may be obtained by polymerizing styrene or cement, brick cement, natural cement, lime cement, acrylonitrile in the presence of polyethers, (US. Pat. gypsum cement, pozzolan cement and calcium sulphate Nos. 3,383,351; 3,304,273; 3,523,093 and 3,110,695) and cement. In general, any mixture of ?ne ground lime, polybutadienes which contain OH groups are also suit alumina and silica that will set to a hard product by able. admixture of water and which combines chemically Suitable polyacetals may be obtained from glycols, the other ingredients to form a hydrate may be e.g., diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, 4,4’-dihy' 65 used. The most preferred forms of water-binding agents droxydiphenyldimethylrnethane, hexandiol, and form to be used according to the invention are those materials aldehyde. Polyacetals suitable for the invention may which are normally known as cement. In other words, also be prepared by the polymerization of‘cyclic acetals. they are a normally powdered material with which 4,303,768 9 10 water normally forms a paste which hardens slowly and hexane or diethylether. Foaming can be increased by may be used to bind intermixed crushed rock or gravel adding compounds which decompose at temperatures and sand into rockhard concrete. There are so many above room temperature to liberate gases such as nitro different kinds of cement which can be used in the pro gen, for example, azo compounds such as azoisobutyric duction of the compositions of the invention and they acid nitrile. Other examples of blowing agents are. in are so well known that a detailed description of cement cluded, for example, in Kunststoff Handbuch, Volume will not be given here; however, one can find such a VII, published by Vieweg and Hochtlen, Carl-Hanser detailed description in Encyclopedia of Chemical Tech Verlag, Munich 1966, e.g., on pages 108 and 109, 445 to nology, Volume 4, Second Edition, Published by Kirk 453 and 507 to 510. Fine metal powders such as pow Othmer, pages 684 to 710, as well as in other well dered calcium, magnesium, aluminum or zinc may also known references in this ?eld. In particular, pages 685 be used as blowing agents when an alkali metal silicate to 697 of the aforementioned Volume 4, Second Edition is added to the water by the evolving hydrogen. of Kirk-Othmer’s Encyclopedia, containing a detailed The blowing agents may be used in quantities of from disclosure of the types of cement which may be used in up to 50% by weight and preferably in quantities of the production of the compositions of this invention, are 15 from 2 to 10% by weight, based on the reaction mix incorporated herein by reference. ture. The blowing agent is added simultaneously with The ratio of the essential components which lead to the components. the production of the polyurethane silicate foams and Inert gases, especially air, may be used as the blowing solid of the invention may vary, broadly speaking, agent. For example, one of the liquid components can within the following ranges as follows: 20 be prefoamed with air and then mixed with the other (a) 100 to 200 parts by weight of an emulsion of poly components. The components can also be mixed by (alkali metal-polymerable unsaturated compound) means of compressed air so that foam is directly formed, copolymer; subsequently hardening in molds. (b) 50 to 200 parts by weight of an organic poli Other’ substances such as the emulsi?ers, activators oisocyanate or polyisothiocyanate; 25 and foam stabilizers normally used in the production of (c) l to 150 parts by weight of a polyhydroxyl com polyurethane foams can also be added; however, they pound (polyol); are generally not necessary. Silanes, polysiloxanes, (d) l to 300 parts by weight of a water-binding com‘ polyether polysiloxanes or silyl-modi?ed isocyanates pound; may be used as foam stabilizers. Examples of foam stabi (e) up to 20% by weight, based on the reaction mix 30 lizers are disclosed in US. Pat. No. 3,201,372 at column ture, of an emulsifying agent; 3, line 46 to colume 4, line 5. (0 up to 50% by weight of a blowing agent, percent Activators (catalysts) may optionally be used in the age based on the reaction mixture; process according to the invention. The activators used (g) up to 20% by weight of a foam stabilizer, percent may be known, per se, e.g., tertiary amines such as age based on the reaction mixture; 35 triethylamine; tributylamine; triethylenediamine; N (h) up to 10% by weight of an initiator (catalyst) methyl-morpholine; N-ethyl-morpholine; N-cocomor percentage based on the reaction mixture; pholine; N,N,N‘,N’—tetramethylethylenediamine; 1,4 (i) up to 50% by weight of a ?ller, percentage based diaza-bicyclo-(2,2,2)-octane; N-methyl-N’-dime on the reaction mixture. thylaminoethyl piperazine; N,N-benzylamine; bis-(N,N The components may be reacted at any suitable tem 40 diethylaminoethyD-adipate; N,N-diethyl benzylamine; perature or pressure to produce polyurethane silicate pentamethyl diethylenetriamine; N,N-dimethyl cy products. The components are preferably mixed at clohexalamine; N,N,N’,N'-tetramethyl-1,3-butanedia room temperature and pressure, though any suitable mine; N,N-dimethyl-,B-phenylethylamine; 1,2-dimethyl temperature in range of —20“ C. to 80° C. may be em imidazole; 2-methyl imidazole; hexahydrotriazine de ployed. The chemical reaction is usually exothermic, 45 rivatives; triethanolamine; triisopropanolaimine; N and the temperature of the mixture is usually elevated methyl-diethanolamine; N-ethyl-diethanolamine; N,N above 30'’ C. dimethyl-ethanolamine; and tertiary amine reaction To increase the expanded volume of the foams pro products with alkylene oxides such as propylene oxide duced by the process according to the invention, ex and/or ethylene oxide. panding or blowing agents may be used. Any suitable 50 Silaamines with carbon-silicon bonds may also be blowing agent may be used, including, for example, used as catalysts, e.g., those described in German Pat. inert liquids boiling at temperatures of from —25° C. to No. 1,229,290, for example, 2,2,4-trimethyl-2-silamor 50° C. The blowing agents preferably have boiling pholine or l,3—diethylamineornethyl—tetamethyldisilox points of from — 15° C. to +40° C. Particularly suitable ane. blowing agents are alkanes, alkenes, halogen-substituted 55 Bases which contain nitrogen such as tetraalkyl am alkanes and alkenes or dialkyl ethers such as, for exam monium hydroxides, alkali metal hydroxides such as ple, saturated or unsaturated hydrocarbons with 4 to 5 sodium hydroxide, alkali metal phenolates such as so carbon atoms such as isobutylene, butane, pentane, pe dium phenolate or alkali metal alcoholates such as so troleum ether, halogenated saturated or unsaturated dium methylate may also be used as a catalyst. Hexahy hydrocarbons such as chloromethyl, methylene chlo# drotriazines are also suitable catalysts. . ride, fluorotrichloromethane, difluorodichloromethane, Organic metal compounds may also be used as cata tri?uorochloromethane, chloroethane, trichlorofluoro lysts according to the invention, especially organic tin methane, and C4-hydrocarbons such as butane, for ex compounds. The organic tin compounds used are pref ample, which have proved to be the most suitable. Any erably tin salts of carboxylic acids such as tin acetate, tin suitable highly volatile inorganic and/or organic sub 65 octoate, tin ethyl hexoate and tin laurate and the dialkyl stances may be used as a blowing agent, including those tin salts of carboxylic acid such as dibutyl tin diacetate, listed above. Additional suitable blowing agents are, for dibutyl tin dilaurate, dibutyl tin maleate or dioctyl tin example, acetone, ethyl acetate, methanol, ethanol, diacetate. 4,303,768 11 12 Other examples of activators which may be used nous materials and, accordingly, a few ?elds of applica according to the invention and details of the activators tion are outlined by way of the examples which follow: (catalysts) may be found in Kunststoff-Handbuch, Vol The reaction mixture, with or without a blowing ume VII, published by Vieweg and Hochtlen, Carl agent, can be coated for example, onto any given warm, Hanser-Verlag, Munich 1966, e.g., on pages 96 to 102. cold or even IR- or HF-irradiated substrates, or after The activator is generally used in a quantity of be passing through the mixer, can be sprayed with com tween about 0.001% and 10% by weight, based on the pressed air or even by the airless process onto these quantity of isocyanate, and is added simultaneously substrates on which it can foam and harden to give a with the other components. ?lling or insulating coat. This type of application may Particularly high quality products are obtained by the be used for plastering the exterior or interior of a build process according to the invention when the tempera ing or residence with polyurethane silicate concrete or ture is between 20° C. and about 100° C. When an alkali provide an insulating plaster which is relatively low in metal silicate is used with water as the curing agent, the cost, has good ?ame resistance, good insulating proper temperature is elevated by the heat produced by the ties and may be color coated or water~prioof coated. chemical reaction of NCO-groups and alkali silicate - 5 The foaming reaction mixture can also be molded, solutions. This results in the formation of materials cast or injection-molded in cold or heated molds and which, on the one hand, are hard as stone, but which, on allowed to harden in these molds, whether relief or the other hand, are highly elastic and, hence, highly solid or hollow molds, if desired by centrifugal casting resistant to impact and breakage. at room temperature of up to 200° C. or, if desired, If the quantity of heat which is liberated during the under pressure. In this respect, it is quite possible to use reaction between the components is not sufficient to strengthened elements, whether in the form of inor obtain optimum properties, mixing can readily be car ganic and/or organic or metallic wires, ?bers, webs, ried out at elevated temperatures, for example, at tem .foams, woven fabrics, skeletons, etc. This can be done, perature of from 30° C. to 100° C. In special cases, for example, by the ?ber-mat impregnating process or mixing can also be carried out under pressure at temper by processes in which reaction mixtures and strengthen atures above 100° C. up to about 150° C. in a closed ing ?bers are applied together to the mold; for example, container so that expansion occurs, accompanied by by means of a spray unit. The moldings obtainable in foam formation, as the material issues from the con this way can be used as structural elements, for example, tainer. in the form of optionally foamed sandwich elements Generally, production of the foams in accordance produced either directly or subsequently by lamination with the invention is carried out by simultaneously with metal, glass, plastics, etc., in which case the favor mixing the components in any suitable mixer, in a batch type or continuous mixer, and by allowing the resulting able ?ame behavior of the foams in their moist or dry form is of particular advantage; however, they can also mixture to foam and harden in molds or on suitable substrates, generally outside the mixture. Then after the 35 be used as hollow bodies, for example, as containers for mixture containing water-binding agent has expanded products that may have to be kept moist or cool, active and hardened in the mold,'water may be added to the substances, as decorative elements, as parts of furniture expanded foam by any suitable method, e.g., by spray and as cavity ?llings. They may be used in the ?eld of ing with water, by steaming, by soaking the foam in pattern and mold design, and also in the production of molds for casting metals. water, etc. The water is absorbed by the foam and re 40 acts with the unreacted water-binding agent to further In one preferred procedure, the components contain cure the excess water-binding agent in the cellular solid ing a hydraulic cement are mixed in a mixing chamber, product. The necessary reaction temperature, amount then pumped to a mold such as a concrete block mold, ing to between preferably about 0° C. and 200° C. and and the mixture expands and hardens. The foamed most preferably to between 20° C. and 130° C., can 45 block is removed from the mold. either be achieved by preheating one or more reaction The foams obtainable in this way can be used as insu lating materials, cavity ?llings, packaging materials, components before the mixing process or by heating the mixer itself or by heating the reaction mixture prepared building materials with outstanding resistance to sol after mixing. Combinations of these or other procedures vents and favorable ?ame behavior. The foams can also for adjusting the reaction temperature are, of course, 50 be used as lightweight walls, bricks, blocks, roof shin also suitable. In most cases, suf?cient heat is generated gles or in the form of sandwich elements, for example, during the reaction itself so that after the beginning of with metal, plastic or wood covering layers, in houses, the reaction or foaming, the reaction temperature can vehicles and aircraft construction. rise to levels of about 100° C. In is also possible to introduce into the foaming reac For any given recipe, the properties of the resulting 55 tion mixtures, providing they are still free-?owing, or foams, for example, their moist density, is governed to ganic and/or inorganic foamable or already foamed some extent by the parameters of the mixing process, particles such as expanded clay, expanded glass, wood, for example, the shape and rotational speed of the stir popcorn, cork, hollow beads of plastics like vinyl chlo rer, the shape of the mixing chamber, etc., and also by ride polymers, polyethylene, styrene polymers or foam the reaction temperature selected. The foams can have 60 particles thereof or even, for example, polysulphone, polyepoxide, polyurethane, ureaformaldehyde, phenol closed or open cells although, in most cases, they are largely made up of open cells. Densities may be quite formaldehyde, polyimide polymers. The reaction mix varied, but densities of 0.01 and 0.8 g/cc are preferred. tures may be allowed to foam through interstitial spaces In cases of high amounts of inorganic material, these in packed volumes of these particles so as to produce foams combine good ?ame resistance, insulating prop insulating materials which are distinguished by excel erties and low cost of the starting materials. lent ?ame behavior. Combination of expanded clay, The process according to the invention provides a glass or slate with the reaction mixture, according to the number of potential utilities as either porous or homoge invention, is especially preferred. 4,303,768 13 14 The foaming mixture containing hydraulic cement lates, wire ?bers, dumb-bells, crystallites, spirals, rods, may be sprayed in place of stucco on houses to provide beads, hollow beads, foam particles, webs, pieces of insulation. It may be used in construction engineering, woven fabric, knot fabrics, ribbons, pieces of ?lm, etc., road building, for erecting walls, igloos, seals for ?ling for example, of dolomite, sand, crushed rocks, chalk, joints, plastering, flooring, insulation, decoration and as alumina, asbestos, iron oxide, aluminum oxide and oxide a coating, screed and covering material. The foam can hydrates, zeolites, basalt wool or powder, glass ?bers, also be used as an adhesive, as mortar or as casting C-?bers, graphite, carbon black, Al-, Fe-, Cu-, Ag-pow compositions, optionally ?lled with inorganic or or der, molybdenum sulphite, steel wool, bronze or copper ganic ?llers. cloth, silicon powder, expanded clay particles, hollow Auxillaries which may, if desired, be used in, or sub glass beads,v glass powder, lava and pumice particles, sequently introduced into, the reaction mixture, such as wood chips, sawdust, cork, botton, straw, jute, sisal, emulsi?ers, surfactants, dispersants, odorants or hydro hemp, 'flax, rayon, popcorn, coke, particles of ?lled or phobizing substances, enable the property spectrum of un?lled, foamed or unfoamed, stretched or unstretched the foams in either their moist or their dry form to be organic polymers, including plastics and rubber waste. modi?ed as required. 15 Of the numbers of suitable organic polymers, the fol The cellular solid products obtained in accordance lowing, which can be present in the form of foam parti with the process of this invention may be molded. The cles, granulate, powder, hollow beads, beads, foamable molds may be made of materials including inorganic or unfoamed particles, ?bers, ribbons, woven fabrics, and/or organic foamed or unfoamed, materials such as webs, etc., are mentioned purely by way of example: metals, for example, iron, nickel, ?ne steel, lacquered or polystyrene, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyacrylo te?on-coated aluminum, porcelain, glass, wood, plastics nitrile, polybutadiene, polyisoprene, polytetra?uoroeth such as PVC, polyethylene, epoxide resins, ABS, poly ylene, aliphatic and aromatic polyesters, melamine-urea . carbonate, etc. The foams obtainable by the invention or phenol resins, polyacetal resins, polyepoxides, can be surface-treated or, where they are in the form of polyhydantoins, polyureas, polyethers, polyurethanes, substantially permeable structures such as open-cell polyimides, polyamides, polysulphones, polycarbon foams or porous materials, can even be treated by cen ates, and, of course, any copolymer as Well. Inorganic trifuging vacuum treatment. Similarly, the dry molded ?llers are preferred. products can also be after-treated by rinsing or impreg Generally, the composite materials according to the nating with aqueous or non-aqueous acid, neutral or invention can be ?lled with considerble quantities of basic liquids or gases such as inorganic or organic acids, ?llers without losing their valuable property specturm. ammonia, amines, organic or inorganic salt solutions, The amount of ?llers can exceed the amount of the lacquer solutions, solutions of polymerizable or already components. In special cases, the inorganic-organic polymerized monomers, dye solutions, galvanizing components of the present invention act as a binder for baths, solutions of catalysts or catalyst preliminary such ?llers. stages, odorants and the like. 35 A high-boiling aromatic ester plasticizer such as a The cellular solid products produced by the inven benzoate or phthalate ester, or polyester benzoate, e.g., tion can be subsequently lacquered, metallized, coated, dipropylene glycol benzoate, dodecyl phthalate or laminated, galvanized, subjected to vapor deposition, propylene glycol phthalate, may be added in certain bonded or ?ocked in their moist or dry form or in im applications to the polyisocyanate in an amount up to pregnated form. The cellular solid products can be 40 50% by weight, based on the polyisocyanate. further processed, for example, by sawing, milling, dril A resin extender may be added, in certain applica ling, planing, polishing and other machining techniques. tions, (in an amount up to 50% by weight) to the poly The cellular'solicl products may be modi?ed in their isocyanate such as coal tar, e.g., Allied Chemical 439 properties by thermal after-treatment, oxidation pro oil, a high-boiling coal tar distillate having a Brook?eld cesses, hot-pressing, sintering processes or surface melt viscosity at 160° F. of 14 to 33 c.p., mineral oil and ing or other consolidation processes. poly-alphamethyl styrene, e.g., Dow Resin 276-V2. The new cellular solid products are particularly suit Other types of polymer may also be added to the poly able for use as structural materials because they show isocyanate. tensile and compressive strength, are tough, rigid and, DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED at the same time, elastic. They show high permanent 50 EMBODIMENTS dimensional stability when hot, are substantially non inflammable, and have excellent heat-insulating and My invention will be illustrated in greater detail by sound-insulating properties. High quality, lightweight the speci?c examples which follow, it being understood structural panels and complicated moldings may be that these preferred embodiments are illustrative of, but made, optionally under pressure, from the products of 55 not limited to, procedures which may be used in the this invention. It is also possible, by adopting a suitable production of alkali metal silicate organic plastic prod procedure, to produce molding with an impervious ucts. Parts and percentages are by weight unless other outer skin. When a technique of foaming in the mold wise indicated. under pressure is employed, molded parts with dense EXAMPLE 1 marginal zones and completely non-porous, smooth surfaces are obtained. Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate is melted to pro Fillers in the form of particulate or powdered materi duce an aqueous solution of sodium metasilicate, then als can be additionally incorporated into the mixtures of mixed with an equal amount by weight of styrene; then organic ‘polysiocyanates and poly(alkali metal silicate 5% by weight of adipic acid, percentage based on polymerable unsaturated organic compounds) copoly 65 weight of sodium metasilicate is added and thoroughly mers for a number of applications. mixed thereby producing a stable emulsion of styrene in Suitable ?llers include solid inorganic or organic the aqueous solution of sodium metasilicate. About substances, for example, in the form of powders, granu 0.1% by weight of benzoyl peroxide percentage based 4,303,768 15 16 on weight of reactant and about 0.05% cobalt naphthen late, phenyl ethyl acrylate, ethyl methacrylate, methyl ate is thoroughly mixed in the emulsion. The mixture is a-chloroacrylate, 2-chloroethyl acrylate, 1,1-dihy polymerized in l to 24 hours to produce an emulsion of droper?uorobutyl acrylate, lauryl acrylate, cyclohexyl poly(sodium silicate-styrene) copolymer. cyclohexyl methacrylate, methacrylate, allyl methacry The emulsion may be diluted with water or dilute late, ethylene methacrylate, n-butyl methacrylate. sodium hydroxide solution to obtain the desired viscos The emulsion may be used as an adhesive by applying ity, the desired color pigment added, then painted on to two pieces of boards then placing them together to new or cured concrete floor, stairs or blocks for a coat dry. . ing agent to improve water resistance and for decora EXAMPLE 6 tion. 10 About 50 parts by weight of an aqueous sodium sili EXAMPLE 2 cate solution containing about 10% NaZO and 20% About 30 parts by weight of an aqueous sodium sili SiOz by weight, 40 parts by weight of isoprene, 2 parts cate solution containing 14.7% NaZO and 29.4% SiOz by weight of adipic acid, 0.5 parts by weight of potas by weight, 20 parts by weight of styrenes, 0.5 parts by 15 sium persulfate and 0.01 part by weight of ferric sulfate weight of the sodium salt of ricinoleic sulphonates and are thoroughly mixed thereby producing a stable emul 1 part by weight of benzoic acid are thoroughly mixed sion. The mixture is reacted at a temperature and pres and emulsi?ed; then 0.1 part by weight of potassium sure to keep the temperature just below the boiling persulfate, 0.01 part by weight of ferric sulfate and 0.1 temperature of isoprene for l to 24 hours thereby pro part by weight of benzoyl peroxide is added to the 20 ducing a poly(sodium silicate-isoprene) copolymer emulsion and thoroughly mixed at ambient temperature emulsion. (24° C.) and pressure. The mixture is polymerized in l Other organic dienes may be used in place of isoprene to 24 hours thereby- producing a poly(sodium silicate such as chloroprene, butadiene and mixtures thereof. styrene) copolymer emulsion. The emulsion may be used in construction as a caulk 25 ing compound around windows and doors. EXAMPLE 3 Poly(sodium silicate-vinyl acetate) copolymer emul EXAMPLE 7 sion is produced by mixing and reacting the following About 50 parts by weight of an aqueous sodium sili components for 1 to 24 hours: cate solution containing 12.45% N320 and 32.1% SiOz (1) 30 parts by Weight of an aqueous sodium silicate 30 by weight, 30 parts by weight of vinyl pyrrolidone, 0.05 solution containing 19.7% Na2O and 31.5% SiOZ parts by weight of hydrogen peroxide (aqueous solution by weight; containing about 30% H202), 0.01 part by weight of (2) 15 parts by weight of vinyl acetate; cupric sulfate and 1 part by weight of acetic acid are (3) 0.2 parts by weight of p-menthane hyperperoxide, thoroughly mixed thereby producing an emulsion. The 0.02 parts by weight of cupric sulfate and 0.8 parts 35 mixture is polymerized in l to 24 hours thereby produc by weight of test-dodecyl mercaptan. ing a poly(sodium silicate-vinyl pyrrolidone) copoly The emulsion is diluted with a dilute aqueous sodium mer emulsion. hydroxide solution until the desired viscosity is ob tained then used as a binder by mixing with cellulose EXAMPLE 8 ?bers. The wet cellulose ?bers are placed on a small About 50 parts by weight of an aqueous potassium sheet-making machine thereby producing handsheets silicate solution containing about 10% K20 and 15% which are then ?xed at about 160° F. SiOz by weight, 30 parts by weight of allyl chloride, 2 parts by weight of adipic acid, 1 part by weight of cal EXAMPLE 4 cium salt of stearic acid, 005 parts by weight of potas About 30 parts by weight of an aqueous sodium sili sium persulfate and 2 parts by weight of adipic acid are cate solution containing 18% NazO and 36% SiOZ by thoroughly mixed at ambient temperature and pressure weight, 20 parts by weight of acrylonitrile, 1 part by thereby producing a stable emulsion. The mixture is weight of para aminobenzoic acid, 0.01 part by weight polymerized in 1 to 24 hours thereby producing a poly( of ferric sulfate are thoroughly mixed thereby produc potassium silicate-allyl chloride) copolymer emulsion. ing a stable emulsion. The mixture is reacted at ambient 50 The emulsion may be used as an adhesive for glueing temperature and pressure for 1 to 24 hours thereby paper together. producing a poly(sodium silicate-acrylonitrile) copoly Other allyl halide compounds may be used in place 01 mer emulsion. allyl chloride such as allyl bromide, metallyl chloride, metallyl bromide. EXAMPLE 5 55 About 50 parts by weight of an aqueous sodium sili EXAMPLE 9 cate solution containing about 10% N820 and 25% About 50 parts by weight of an aqueous sodium sili SiOZ by weight, 35 parts by weight of methyl methacry cate solution containing about 10% Na2O and 15% late, 2 parts by weight of phthalic anhydride, and 0.5 $102 by weight, 0.05 parts by weight of potassium per parts by weight of benzoyl peroxide are thoroughly 60 sulfate, 0.1 part by weight of calcium octanoate, 0.2 mixed thereby producing an emulsion. The mixture is parts by weight of lithium stearate and 2 parts by weight reacted at ambient temperature and pressure for 1 to 24 of adipic acid is added to a 2 quart capacity reactor hours thereby producing a poly(sodium silicate-methyl equipped with a stirrer and a pressure gauge. The closed methacrylate) copolymer emulsion. reaction was swept free of air with a nitrogen purge. Other acrylate compounds may} be used in place of 65 About 30 parts by weight of vinyl chloride monomer methyl methacylate such as methylacrylate, ethyl acry was slowly added to the reactor while agitating at about late, propylacrylate, butyl acrylate, pendecyl acrylate, 50° C. for about 12 hours therebyproducing a poly( hexodecyl acrylate, benzyl acrylate, cyclohexyl acry sodium silicate-vinyl chloride)pcopolymer emulsion. 4,303,768 17 18 mixed thereby producing a stable emulsion. The mix EXAMPLE 10 ture is polymerized in l to 24 hours to produce an emul~ About 50 parts by weight of an aqueous sodium sili sion of poly(sodium silicate-butadiene) copolymer. cate solution containing about 15% NaZO and 25% The emulsion may be applied to two wood (board) SiOg by weight, 2 parts by weight of adipic acid, 0.2 surfaces then the wood is placed together and the emul parts by weight of sodium stearate and 0.] part by sion acts as a strong adhesive when dried for 24 hours. weight of benzoyl peroxide are mixed then added to an autoclave and a temperature of about 50° C. is main EXAMPLE 14 tained at a pressure between 7.0 and 7.1 kg per cmz. .About 30 parts by weight of an aqueous sodium sili Vinyl chloride monomer is slowly added while agitat cate solution containing about 10% NazO and 15% ing over a period of 7 to 10 hours until the emulsion SiOg, 1 part by weight of adipic acid, 20 parts by weight contains about 30% vinyl chloride polymerized with of butadiene, 0.5 parts by weight of sodium salt of fatty the sodium silicate thereby producing an emulsion of acids, 0.05 to 0.1 parts by weight of ferric sulfate, 0.1 poly(sodium silicate-vinyl chloride) copolymer. parts by weight of hydrogen peroxide, 0.01 parts by The emulsion may be applied to paper and used as an weight of benzoxyl peroxide and 0.1 parts by weight of adhesion or used as a coating agent for wood. lauryl mercaptan are mixed in a closed system at ambi ent to 50° C. while agitating at about 0.40 to 6 psiq for EXAMPLE ll 30 to 120 minutes; then the mixture is heated to 70° to About 50 parts by weight of an aqueous sodium sili 100° C. at ambient pressure for 10 to 30 minutes. The cate solution containing about 14.7% NazO and 29.4% 20 reaction is complete within 24 hours thereby producing SiOz by weight, 2 parts byweight of para-aminobenzoic an emulsion of poly(sodium silicate-butadiene) copoly acid, 0.5 parts by weight of sodium lauryl sulphate, 0.05 mer. parts by weight acetyl peroxide, 0.05 parts by weight of The emulsion may be used as a caulking compound in benzoyl peroxide and 30 parts by weight of vinylidene construction. chloride are mixed thoroughly thereby forming a stable 25 emulsion. The mixture is polymerized in 1 to 24 hours EXAMPLE 15 thereby producing a poly(sodium silicate-vinylidene About 60 parts by weight of an aqueous sodium sili chloride copolymer emulsion). cate solution containing about 15% NazO and 20% Other vinyl monomers may be used in place of vinyli SK); by weight, 20 parts by weight of butadiene, 10 dene chloride such as divinyl benzenes, n-vinyl carba parts by weight of styrene, 10 parts by weight of acrylo zole, arylvinyl ketones, alkyl vinyl ketones, vinyl pyri nitrile, 2 parts by weight of adipic acid, 3 parts by dines, vinyl pyrrolidone, vinyl acetate, acrylonitrile, weight of potassium salt or fatty acids, 1 part by weight methacrylonitrile, styrene, methacrylate and mixtures of trisodium phosphate dodecahydrate, 0.2 parts by thereof. weight of diethylenetriamine, 0.2 parts by weight of 35 diethylenetriamine, 0.2 parts by weight of p-menthane EXAMPLE 12 hydroperoxide, 0.005 parts by weight of ferrous sulfate About 50 parts by weight of an aqueous sodium sili and 0.3 parts by weight of tert-dodecyl mercaptan are cate solution containing about 13% NaZO and 25% added to a closed system and are mixed thoroughly SiOZ by weight, 2 parts by weight of phthalic anhy under 45 to 65 psiq and at 5° C. to 50° C. in a closed dride, 20 parts by weight of acrylonitrile, 10 parts by 40 system, thereby producing a stable emulsion. The reac weight methallyl chloride, 0.5 parts by weight of potas tion is complete within 24 hours thereby producing an sium fatty acid soap, 0.05 parts by weight of potassium emulsion of poly(sodium silicate-butadiene-styrene persulfate, 0.05 parts by weight of benzoyl peroxide and acrylonitrile) copolymer. 0.01 parts by weight of cupric sulfate are thoroughly The emulsion may be dried, then powdered, then mixed thereby forming a stable emulsion. The mixture is 45 molded by heat and pressure into useful products such occasionally agitated at ambient temperature and pres as sheets, tubes, knobs, etc. sure and is polymerized in 1 to 24 hours thereby produc~ ing a poly(sodium silicate-methallyl chloride-acrylo EXAMPLE 16 nitrile) copolymer emulsion. About 50 parts by weight of an aqueous sodium sili Other vinyl monomers may be used in place of acry cate solution containing about 10% by weight of NaZO lonitrile such as methyl methacrylate, styrene divinyl and 20% by weight of SiOg, 10 parts by weight of iso benzenes, methacrylonitrile, n-vinyl carbozole, aryl prene, 10 parts by weight of allyl chloride, 10 parts by vinyl ketones, alkyl vinyl ketones, vinyl pyridines, vinyl weight of vinylidine chloride, 2 parts by weight of so pyrrolidone, vinyl acetate, ethylacrylate and the like. dium salt of fatty acids, 2 parts by weight of sodium salt Other allyl compound may be used in place of meth 55 of fatty acids, 2 parts by weight of adipic acid, 0.5 parts allyl chloride such as allyl chloride, allyl alcohol, allyl by weight of benzoyl peroxide and 0.01 N,N-dimethyl bromide and the like. aniline are thoroughly mixed thereby producing a stable emulsion at ambient temperature and pressure. The EXAMPLE 13 reaction is complete in l to 24 hours thereby producing About 50 parts by weight of an aqueous sodium sili an emulsion of poly(sodium silicate-allyl chloride-iso cate solution containing 10% by weight NazO, and 20% prene-vinylidine chloride) copolymer. by weight SiO;, 2 parts by weight of adipic acid, 1 part The emulsion may be painted in wood and used as an by weight sodium salt of fatty acids and a redox system adhesive or coating agent. containing 0.006 parts by weight of potassium persulfate and 0.01 parts by weight of dodecyl mercaptan are 65 EXAMPLE 17 mixed and cooled to about —5° C. .in a closed system; About 60 parts by weight of an aqueous sodium sili then 20 parts by weight of butadiene in a liquid state at cate solution containing about 15% by weight of NaZO about —5° C. added to the mixture and thoroughly and 25% by weight of Si02, 5 parts by weight of chlo

2 as putty, as a caulking compound, and in producing laminates. be used to produce concrete reinforced and reacted . water binding compounds such as Portland cement. Any suitable .. detailed description in Encyclopedia of Chemical Tech . for adjusting the reaction temperature are, of course,.
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