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Proceedings of the XI. Symposium Neuroradiologicum: Wiesbaden, June 4–10, 1978 PDF

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Preview Proceedings of the XI. Symposium Neuroradiologicum: Wiesbaden, June 4–10, 1978

Proceedings of the XI. Symposium Neuroradiologicum Proceedings of the XI. Symposium Neuroradiologicum Wiesbaden, June 4-10, 1978 Edited by Sigurd Wende Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1978 Prof. Dr. med. Sigurd Wende Abteilung flir Neuroradiologie U niversiHitsklinik Mainz LangenbeckstraBe 1 D-6500 Mainz, Federal Republic of Germany This book appears simultaneously with Volume 16 of the journal 'Neuroradiology' ISBN-13 :978-3-540-08782-3 e-ISBN-13:978-3-642-66959-0 DOL: 10.1007/978-3-642-66959-0 This work is subjected to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to the publisher, the amount of the fee to be determined by agreement with the publisher. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg 1978 The use of registered names, trademarks, etc., in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Printing by Offsetdruck Beltz, Hemsbach Bookbinding by Wilh. Osswald & Co., NeustadUWeinstraBe 212013180 - 543210 President's Address Meine Herren Past-Prasidenten, liebe Freunde und Kollegen, meine sehr geehrten Darnen und Herren! leh darf Sie herzlieh zum XI. Symposium Neuroradiolo Zuerst einmal die Computer-Tomographie. Die Com gieum begriiBen, das zum ersten Mal in Deutschland statt puter-Tomographie ist in standiger Weiterentwieklung. fmdet. Besonders freue ieh mieh tiber die groJl,e Anzahl Es wird uns nieht nur eine bessere Diagnostik zur Verfli der Teilnehmer aus 42 Nationen der ganzen Welt. leh gung stehen, die genaueste Angaben tiber Ort und Art moehte hier die einzelnen Lander aus Zeitgrlinden nieht der Erkrankung erlaubt, es wird dadureh aueh eine frli aufziihlen, moehte aber besonders den Kollegen der Lan here und bessere Therapie auf dem Gebiet der Neuroehir der danken, die heute zum ersten Mal zu uns kommen, urgie, der Neurologie und der Strahlentherapie einsetzen wie z. B. die Kollegen aus der UdSSR. konnen. Die groJl,e Zahl der Teilnehmer und aueh die groJl,e Ais zweiter bedeutungsvoller Punkt fUr die Neurora Zahl der eingegangenen Vortrage - es waren tiber 400 - diologie solI die Katheter-Teehnik in Diagnostik und beweist das Interesse fUr das Spezialgebiet der Neuro Therapie erwahnt werden. Hier wird besonders die The radiologie. Natlirlieh war es dem Programm-Komitee rapie der Angiome und Aneurysmen eerebraler und spi nieht moglieh, alle Vortrage anzunehmen, so daB ein Teil naler Lokalisation ein Hauptarbeitsgebiet der Neurora nur als "read by title" akzeptiert werden konnte. Samt diologen sein. Dies bedeutet, daB in Zukunft zum Wohle liehe Vortrage werden aber in den Proceedings des Sym des Patienten die Zahl der operativen Eingriffe bei der posium erseheinen. Es muBte sehlieJl,lieh gentigend Zeit artigen Erkrankungen eingesehrankt werden kann. Die fUr Diskussionen bleiben, da gerade diese Diskussionen Weiterentwieklung dieser wenig invasiven Methoden fUr ein Symposium so wertvoll maehen. Diagnostik und Therapie bedeutet einen Rtiekgang von Es wird manehmal die Frage gestellt: 1st die Neuro Morbiditat und Mortalitat. radiologie heute im Zeitalter der Computer-Tomographie Eine fortsehreitende Teehnik in Diagnostik und The noeh erforderlich, hat die Neuroradiologie tiberhaupt rapie bedingt aber aueh, daB in Zukunft mehr als je zu noeh eine Zukunft? vor ein Teamwork erforderlieh ist. Neurologen, Neuro· In der Neuroradiologie spielt die Teehnik eine immer ehirurgen und Radiotherapeuten, aber aueh Augenarzte groJl,ere Rolle. Man muJl, sie beherrsehen, und dies ist nur und Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzte, werden mit den Neurora dureh Spezialisten moglich, die sie gelemt und immer diologen noeh enger zusammenarbeiten mUssen. wieder getibt haben. Nur so lassen sieh optimale diagno Die Fortsehritte der neuroradiologisehen Diagnostik stisehe und therapeutisehe Ergebnisse erzielen, nur so und Therapie lassen aber aueh einen Anstieg der Kosten wird die Zahl eventueller Komplikationen auf ein Mini erwarten, wenn keine Zentralisierung optimal ausgestat mum vermindert. teter Neuroradiologiseher Institute erfolgt. Es kann zwar leh moehte hier auf unser Programm des Symposium aueh in kleineren Krankenhausem eine neuroradiolo eingehen. Wir haben bewuJl,t 4 Hauptthemen in den gisehe Notfall-Diagnostik betrieben werden, eine ausflihr Vordergrund gestellt: liehe und optimale neuroradiologisehe Diagnostik und Therapie wird aber in Zukunft nur noeh an den speziell Die Neuroradiologie in der Padiatrie, daflir eingeriehteten Instituten moglieh sein. die Neuroradiologie des Greisenalters, Meine Darnen und Herren, ieh moehte meine Einlei die neuroradiologisehe Therapie und tung darnit beenden. leh hoffe, daB unser Symposium den Vergleich der Computer-Tomographie mit anderen ein wissensehaftlieher Erfolg wird. leh hoffe aber aueh, neuroradiologisehen Untersuehungsmethoden. daB das Rahrnenprograrnm es ermoglicht, daB unsere Es sind dies Themen, die aktuell sind, deren Bedeu freundsehaftliehen Beziehungen untereinander noeh tung sieh hier besonders auf dem Symposium zeigen enger werden. wird und deren EinzeIheiten hier von Spezialisten vorge leh wlinsehe uns allen ein gutes Gelingen des XI. Sym tragen und von uns allen diskutiert werden sollen. posium Neuroradiologicum. Ftir die Bedeutung der Neuroradiologie moehte ieh 2 Punkte herausheben: Sigurd Wende Contents T. Greitz Development of Neuroradiology from Dandy to Hounsfield (not received) Pediatric Neuroradio[ogy D. C. Harwood-Nash M. Choux,G. Lena,C. Raybaud The Development of Paediatric Neuroradiology Supra-Sellar Arachnoidal Cysts (not received) C. R. Fitz, D. C. Harwood-Nash, S. Chuang, I. M. Resjo F. Probst, B. Liliequist Metrizamide Ventriculography and Computed Tomography Assessment of Pqsterior Fossa Tumors by means of Com in Infants and Children 6 puter Tomography (not received) G. Deak, E. Paraicz H. Arnold, D. Kiihne Correlative Evaluation of Different Contrast Techniques in Computerized Axial Tomography in the Differential Diag the Localization of Posterior Fossa Lesions in Children (not nosis of Infratentorial Cystic Anomalies (not received) received) R. A. Baker, R. D. Strand, P. D. Barnes E. Kazner, W. Meese, K. Kretzschmar Computed Tomography in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (not re The Role of Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of ceived) Brain Tumors in Infants and Children 10 J. R. Thompson, S. Schneider, S. Ashwal, A. N. Hasso, D. B. Hinshaw, Jr. Z. H. Rappaport, F. Epstein, J. P. Lin, I. I. Kricheff Computerized Axial Tomography as the Sole Preoperative Sedation Versus Anesthesia for CT Scanning: A Prospective Evaluation of Posterior Fossa Tumors in Children (not re Comparison in 300 Children (not received) ceived) T. Reisner, K. Zeiler, P. Dal Bianco Computertomographische Ergebnisse bei Kindem mit cere W. Ischebeck, A. Aulich, D. Karch, R. Liersch Cranial CT Findings in Cyanotic Children (not received) bralen Anfallen (Computerized Tomography in Infants with Seizures) 20 T. EI Gammal, M. Estrada, P. Dyken R. D. Snyder, J. Stovring Cranial CT (EMI 5005) Evaluation of Infants and Young The Follow-Up CT Scan in Childhood Meningitis 22 Children: Some New Observations (not received) C. Raybaud, C. Bamberger-Bozo, J. Laffont, M. Choux, L. T. Bilaniuk, R. A. Zimmerman, L. Brown, H. J. Yoo, J. Rougerie, J. Paliza, G. Salamon H. I. Goldberg Investigations of Nontumoral Hydrocephalus in Children 24 Computed Tomography in Meningitis 13 C. Bamberger-Bozo, J. Laffont, C. Raybaud, J. Rougerie, C. R. Fitz, D. C. Harwood-Nash, I. M. Resjo, S. Chuang G. Salamon, J. J. Santini The Clival-Perpendicular or Modified Water's View in Com- Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Congenital puted Tomography 15 Brain Malformations (not received) C. R. Fitz, D. C. Harwood-Nash, I. M. Resjo, S. Chuang A. Yokota, T. Oota, Y. Matsukado, T. Okudera CT Scanning in Infants and Children - Normal Standards Structures and Development of the Venous System in (not received) Congenital Malformations of the Brain 26 L. T. Bilaniuk, R. A. Zimmerman, L. Rorke L. C. Handler, M. G. E. Wright Computed Tomography of Pedriatric Brain Tumor: Differ Postmeningitic Hydrocephalus in Infancy (Ventriculogra- ential Diagnosis (not received) phy with Special Reference to Ventricular Septa) 31 S. R. Lin, M. M. Bryson, R. Gobien, C. R. Fitz, Y. Y. Lee A. Gega, S. Utsumi, K. Kyoi, Y. Hori Neuroradiologic Study of Hamartomas of the Tuber Cine- Neuroradiologic Evaluation of the Subdural Pathogenesis in reum and Hypothalamus 17 Infants with Small Heads 36 VII Contents R. A. Zimmerman, L. T. Bilaniuk, D. Bruce, L. Schut, C. R. Fitz, P. Fitzhardinge, D. C. Harwood-Nash, B. Uzzell, H. I. Goldberg I. M. Resjo, S. Chuang Interhemispheric Acute Subdural Hematoma: A Computed Neonatal Anoxia: Initial and Early Follow-Up Assessment Tomographic Manifestation of Child Abuse by Shaking 39 by CT Scanning (not received) U. Piepgras, G. Huber, H. Emde E. Boltshauser, H. Spiess, W. Isler Cerebrospinal Fluid Scintigraphy and Computer Assisted Computer Tomography in Neurodegenerative Disorders in Tomography in the Evaluation of Special Kinds of Hydro- Childhood 41 cephalus in Children 74 J. C. Allen, H. T. Thaler, M. D. F. Deck, D. A. Rottenberg Leukoencephalopathy Following High-Dose Intravenous S. Puljic, L. J. Newman, L. Heitlinger, M. Y. Chaudhary, Methotrexate Chemotherapy: Quantitative Assessment of E. Hiesiger, D. Kotsilimbas White Matter Attenuation Using Computed Tomography 44 Radiography of Hydrocephalus after Total Parenteral Nutrition 76 K. Hall, D. Gardner-Medwin D. W. Boldt, D. A. Simpson CT Scan Appearances in Leigh's Disease (Subacute Necro- Computed Tomography of Hydrocephalus in Childhood: tizing Encephalomyelopathy) 48 Initial Report of South Australian Experience (not re ceived) B. G. Ziedses des Plantes, P. Crezee Transfrontal Perforation of the Lamina Terminalis 51 R. Heinz, A. Ward, C. Kerber, Z. Deeb, B. Drayer, A. Rosenbaum, W. Bank P. Stoeter, K. Voigt The Distinction Between Obstructive and Atrophic Dilata Prenatal Neuroradiology: Comparative Radiological Inves- tion of Ventricles in Children: A Computer Analysis of 12 tigations of the Embryonal and Fetal Brain 54 CT Variables (not received) I. Pascual-Castroviejo W. W. Orrison, W. C. Robertson, J. F. Sackett Vascular Changes in Cerebellar Developmental Defects 58 Computerized Tomography in Chronic Subdural Hemato- mas (Effusions) of Infancy 79 S. Batnitzky, J. Muller Infantile and Juvenile Cerebral Aneurysms 61 D. C. Harwood-Nash, C. R. Fitz, S. Chuang, I. M. Resjo, P. Fitzhardinge H. I. Goldberg, M. O. Russell, R. A. Zimmerman, Intraventricular and Sub ependymal Hemorrhage in Prema L. T. Bilaniuk, R. Banka ture Infants (not received) Cerebrovascular and Blood Flow Response to Prolonged R. A. Baker, R. D. Strand Transfusion Therapy in Children with Sickle Cell Disease Unusual Vascular Lesions in Childhood (not received) (not received) I. Pascual-Castroviejo H. Arnold, D. Kiihne, H. Franke, I. Grosch Vascular and Nonvascular Intracranial Malformations Asso- Findings in Computerized Axial Tomography after Intra- ciated with External Capillary Hemangiomas 82 thecal Methotrexate and Radiation 65 D. C. Hemmy, E. A. Millar, V. Haughton E. R. Heinz, A. E. Rosenbaum, D. H. Reigel, B. Drayer, Gas Myelography in the Management of Spinal Cord Dis- Z. Deeb, W. O. Bank, C. Kerber orders in Children 85 The Tethered Spinal Cord (not received) R. L. GiImor, S. Batnitzky J. H. Scatliff, E. V. Staab, K. Killebrew, W. D. Bidgood Diastematomyelia - Rare and Unusual Features 87 Computerized Tomography in the Assessment of Spinal Dysrhaphism (not received) K. Martin, A. Krastel, J. Hamer, U. K. Banniza Symptomatology and Diagnosis of Diastematomyelia of D. C. Harwood-Nash, C. R. °Fitz, I. M. Resjo, S. Chuang Children 89 Congenital Spinal and Cord Lesions in Children and Com- K. Hall, V. L. McAllister puted Tomographic Metrizamide Myelography 69 Diastematomyelia: The Appearances of Plain Radiographs W. Entzian and Positive Contrast Myelography of 80 Operatively Early Pneumoencephalography in Dysrhaphic Newborn (not Proven Paediatric Cases (not received) received) A. L. Agnoli, R. SchOnmayr, M. Popovic, H. Popovic W. Lanksch, T. Grumme, R. S. Simon The Value of Neuroradiological Investigations in Intraspinal Aspect of Congenital Brain Lesions and Malformations in Malformations of the Lumbosacral Spine in Childhood 91 the CAT Scan (not received) R. C. Schmidt, H. Vogelsang, F. Grunwald H. Grau, M. von Gall, R. Emrich Myelographie bei Kindem und Jugendlichen mit Metriz Analysis of Cerebral Defective States Acquired in Early amid (Amipaque) (Myelography with Metrizamide in Chil- Life 71 dren) 93 VIII Contents Neuroradio[ogy of Vascular and Atrophic Lesions in the Geriatric Age J. M. Taveras H. T. Thaler, P. W. Ferber, D. A. Rottenberg Vascular and Atrophic Lesions of the Brain in the Geriatric A Statistical Method for Determining the Proportions of Age (not received) Gray Matter, White Matter, and CSF using Computed Tomography 133 J. H. Edwards, I. I. Kricheff, T. Riles, A. Imparato The Angiographically 'Normal' Carotid Bifurcation as a Site D. A. Rottenberg, K. S. Pentlow, M. D. F. Deck, J. C. Allen for Embolic Stroke (not received) Determination of Ventricular Volume following Metriz- amide CT Ventriculography 136 H. Einsiedel-Lechtape Secondary Emboli: A Frequent Sequela of Complete Extra- R. H. Ackerman, J. M. Taveras, D. S. Pryor cranial Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion 96 The Complementary Roles of Real-Time Imaging of the Carotid and Other Noninvasive Tests for Diagnosis of Carot C. W. Kerber, L. D. Cromwell, B. P. Drayer id Disease (not received) The Radiology of Cerebral Ischemia: Current Concepts and H. M. Keller, O. Schubiger, C. Krayenbiihl, B. Zumstein Safety (not received) Cerebrovascular Doppler Examination and Cerebral Angiog- M. Rosa, G. Michelozzi, P. Tortori Donati, S. Schiavoni, raphy - Alternative or Complementary? 140 M. Borzone W. Zwiebel, P. Turski, C. Strother, A. Crummy, J. Sackett, Magnification Angiography of the Small Vessels in Cere- P.Barrlga brovascular Disease in Advanced Age 101 Doppler Ultrasound Evaluation of Extracranial Cerebrovas- cular Disease 145 A. J. Fox, J. M. Allcock Angiography of the External Carotid to Internal Carotid O. Sato, M. Kobayashi, H. Kamitani, I. Kanazawa, Anastomosis 104 T. Kokunai, J. Sato Intracranial Aneurysms in Geriatric Patients: Angiographic A. N. Hasso, J. Moret, J. R. Thompson, D. B. Hinshaw Jr. Features and Angioautotomographic Analyses 147 Pre- and Postoperative Blood Flow Variation of Orbital Anastomosis Following STA-MCA Bypass Procedures (not K. Yamaguchi, K. Uemura received) An Angiographic Study of Brain Swelling in Cerebral In- farction 150 K. Ericson, M. Bergstrom Analysis of the Blood-Brain Barrier Damage in Brain In J. F. Bonneville, F. Vernier, J. B. Tuetey farctions by Computed Tomography (not received) Compared Value of Cranial Computed Tomography and Angiotomography (not received) N. Kobayashi, Y. Saito Infarction and Circulation in Cerebrum: Effect of Recanali K. Zeiler, P. Dal Bianco, T. Reisner, E. M. K1ausberger zation and/or Collateral Circulation on the Lesion and Prog- The Diagnosis of Cerebral Atrophy on the Basis of Cerebral nosis 108 Angiogram 152 E.-W. Radue, G. H. du Boulay, M. J. G. Harrison, M. Perovitch D.J. Thomas Comparative Study of Intracranial Aneurysms in Advanced Comparison of Angiographic and CT Findings between Pa Age 154 tients with Multi-Infarct Dementia and Those with Demen- tia Due to Primary Neuronal Degeneration 113 K. F. Lee, R. A. Chambers, C. Diamond, C. H. Park, N. L. Thompson, Jr., D. Schnapf, S. Pripstein Y. Kuru, H. Sumie, T. Kondo, S. Kurokawa Evaluation of Cerebral Infarction by Computed Tomog- Basiparallel Cut by Pneumoencephalotomography and Cere- raphy with Special Emphasis on Microinfarction 156 bellar Atrophy 116 S. Kwak, S. Inou, T. Nagashima, K. Sano C. F. Gonzalez, R. L. Lantieri, R. J. Nathan Classification of Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage by The CT Scan Appearance of the Brain in the Normal Means of Computed Tomography 159 Elderly Population: A Correlative Study 120 H. Hacker, H. Desch, H. Becker S. L. G. Rothman, S. Glanz Development of Pathological CT Findings After Local Brain Cerebellar Atrophy: The Differential Diagnosis by Comput- Ischemia (not received) erized Tomography 123 K. Kohlmeyer, C. Graser G. Dobben, G. Valvassori, M. Mafee Comparative Study of Computed Tomography (CT) and The Evaluation of Occipital Lobe Atrophy by Computer Carotid Angiography (CAG) in Stroke Patients 162 ized Tomography before Consideration of Vertebral Artery R. Wodarz, M. Nadjmi, M. Ratzka Reconstructive Surgery 127 Topographische Korrelation angiographischer und com K. S. Pentlow, D. A. Rottenberg, M. D. F. Deck putertomographischer Befunde bei zerebralen Gefaf,prozes Partial Volume Summation: A Simple Approach to Ventri- sen (Topographic Correlation of Angiographic and CT cular Volume Determination from CT 130 Findings in Cerebrovascular Disease) 164 IX Contents G. Ruggiero, F. S. Finizio, G. Nuzzo, L. Fagioli N. Tamaki, Y. Kanazawa, M. Asada, T. Kusunoki, CT and Arteriography in Cerebral Ischemia: A Preliminary S. Matsumoto Note 168 Comparison of Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics Studied by Computed Tomography (CT) and Radioisotope (RT) K. C. Rao, W. Robinson, T. B. Ducker Cisternography 193 Role of CCT in Management of Intracerebral Hematoma (not received) I. Moseley CT Scanning in the Management of Patients after Ventricu T. Kryst·Widigowska, P. Koztowki, J. Zajgner, S. Rudnicki lar Shunting (not received) Dynamic Radioisotope Study of the Internal Carotid Re- gion of the Neck in Cerebrovascular Disease 171 M. Takahashi, H. Arii, Y. Tamakawa Comparison of Metrizamide CT Cisternography with Radio A. Laporte, A. M. Renou, J. M. Mazeaux, P. Constant, nuclide Cisternography in Abnormal Cerebrospinal Fluid P. Henry, J. M. Caille, D. Ducassou Dynamics 199 Comparative Results of 99mTc-Pertechnetate Scintigraphy D. A. Rottenberg, M. D. F. Deck, J. C. ADen and Computerized Tomography after Contrast Injection in Metrizamide Washout as a Measure of CSF Bulk Flow 203 Cerebral Pathology 173 M. Asada, N. Tamaki, Y. Kanazawa, S. Matsumoto, L. R. Altemus, W. Leschey, R. C. Briggs M. Matsuo, S. Kimura, S. Fujii, Y. Kaneda Static and Dynamic Imaging of Communicating Hydro Computer Analysis of Periventricular Lucency on the CT cephalus Due to Deficient CSF Absorption in the Parasagit Scan 207 tal Region (not received) M. Gado, M. Raichle, R. Grubb, M. Ter-Pogossian W. D. Sager, G. Gen, G. Ladurner, P. W. Ascher A Clinical Comparison Between Emission and Transmission Calculation of Cerebral Tissue and Cerebrospinal Fluid Computerized Tomography (not received) Space Volumes from Computer Tomograms 176 I. I. Klicheff, R. T. Bergeron, J. Schimpt, C. Marshall, S. H. Lee, L. S. Altamarino, J. U. Toglia M. Gado Cerebellar Atrophy: Pneumoencephalography and Com- Uniformity, Linearity, and Reproducibility of CT Numbers puterized Tomography Correlation 179 Obtained by CT Scans of Skull-Size Objects (not received) J. F. PeUissier, R. Labrecque, G. Salamon N. E. Chase, M. Abele, C. Marshall, I. I. Kricheff, Lesions Cerebrales Seniles: £tude Anatomique (Lesions in R. T. Bergeron Senile Brain: An Anatomic Study) 181 Regional Scanning in Neuroradiology (not received) E. Schindler, B. Ludwig F. Yamada, S. Fukuda, H. Samejima, N. Yoshii, T. Kudo Beitrag zur Diagnose der Rindenatrophie: Auswertung von Significance of Pathognomonic Features of Normal-Pres- Computertomogrammen und Angiogrammen tiber 70 Jahre sure Hydrocephalus on Computerized Tomography 212 alter Patienten (Contribution to the Diagnosis of Cortical Atrophy: Evaluation of Computer Tomograms and Angio- Y. Inaba, H. Hiratsuka, M. Tsuyumu, Y. Suganuma, grams of Patients Over 70 Years Old) 183 K. Okada, K. Fujiwara, Y. Takasato Diagnostic Value of CT Cisternography with Intrathecal F. Brassow, K. Baumann Metrizamide Enhancement, Comparison with Isotope Volume of Brain Ventricles in Man Determined by Com- Cisternography 214 puter Tomography 187 C. B. Ostertag, F. Mundinger H. Hacker, H. Artmann Diagnosis of Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus Using CT with The Calculation of CSF Spaces in CT 190 CSF Enhancement 216 Dynamic Studies B. P. Drayer, S. K. Wolfson, M. Boehnke, M. Dujovny, K. Uemura, K. Goto, K. Ishii, Z. Ito, R. Hen, H. Kawakami A. E. Rosenbaum, E. E. Cook Sequential Changes of Regional Cerebral Circulation in Physiologic Changes in Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Cerebral Infarction 228. Defined by Xenon-Enhanced CT Scanning 220 K. Kohlmeyer, C. Graser Comparative Studies of Computed Tomography and E.-W. Radue, B. E. Kendall Measurements of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Stroke Xenon Enhancement in Tumours and Infarcts 224 Patients 233 S. K. HiJa1, F. Kelcz, P. Hartwell J.-M. Caille, P. Constant, A.-M. Renou, J. Billerey Regional Cerebral Perfusion Measured with Inhaled Stable Prognostic Value of rCBF Measurements and CT in Focal Xenon and CT (not received) Cerebral Ischemia 238 x Contents S. Cronqvist, B. Nilsson, N. Svendgaard, J. Risberg, J.-J. Merland, J. Chiras, J. P. Melki, J. L. Cassan D. H. Ingvar Etude Tomodensitometrique dans la Maladie de Wilson (CT Neurocirculatory Analysis of Potential EIAB Patients 242 Scan in Wilson's Disease) 269 D. Norman, W. Berninger, D. Boyd, V. Levin, T. H. Newton D. Baleriaux-Waha, M. Dupont, L. Jeanmart Dynamic Computed Tomography (not received) CT Scanning of the Spine: Indications and Limits (not re ceived) H. Hacker, H. Becker G. Coin, V. J. Keranen, M. Pennink, W. D. Ahmad Technic and Results of Angio CT (not received) Computerized Tomography of the Spine and its Contents 271 R. Heinz, B. Drayer, S. Wolfson, R. Cook, M. Dujovny J. F. Sackett The Measurement of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Using Cervical and Lumbar Routes for Metrizamide Cervical Fast CT Scanners (not received) Examination 273 S. Rudnicki, H. Nielubowiczowa, T. Kryst-Widigowska, I. O. Skalpe, O. Sortland S. Zurowski Cervical Myelography with Metrizamide (Amipaque): A Estimation of the Dynamic Carotid Flow in Patients with Comparison Between Conventional and Computer-Assisted Normal Radionuclide Cerebral Perfusion 244 Myelography with Special Reference to the Upper Cervical and Foramen Magnum Region 275 R. H. Ackerman, J. M. Taveras, A. D. Goulianos, L. Punto, I. Alitalo J. A. Correia, N. M. Alpert, J. W. Ryder, G. L. Brownell Adhesive Arachnoiditis Caused by Water-Soluble Myelo Imaging of Cerebral Circulation and Metabolism Using graphic Contrast Media, Meglumine Iocarrnate (Dimer-X), Positron-Emitting Radionuclides (not received) and Metrizamide (Amipaque): An Experimental Study on Pigs (not received) P. Lasjaunias, J. Moret, D. Doyon, J. Vignaud Exploration Arteriographique du Nerf Facial Intra-Petreux: O. P. Eldevik, K. O. Nakken, V. M. Haughton Embryologie et Aspect Radio-Anatomiques Normaux Effect of Dehydration on the Side Effects from Metriz (Arteriographic Exploration of the Intrapetrous Facial amide Myelography (not received) Nerve: Embryology and Normal Radiologic Anatomy) 246 R. Ethier, D. Melancon, G. Belanger, S. Taylor, G. Wollschlaeger, P. B. Wollschlaeger C. Thompson The Transcerebral Arteries: A Postmortem Arteriographic High Resolution CT of the Spinal Cord (not received) Study 249 A. Sicuro, S. Duca R. E. Gonsette Some Observations Concerning Angiographic and CT Find- Complement System Activation by Contrast Media in ings in Patients Presenting Partial Epilepsies 279 Neuroradiology 253 D. Kiihne, P. Gotze V. L. McAllister Correlations Between CT and Angiographic Findings of A Clinical Angiographic and Computerised Tomographic Isolated and Unilateral Occlusions of Posterior Cerebral Study in Subarachnoid Haemorrhage (not received) Artery (not received) D. H. Becker, J. Townsend, R. Kramer, T. H. Newton J. F. Seeger, T. O. Gabrielsen, S. L. Gianotta Angiographically Occult, Histologically Proven Vascular Carotid-Cavernous Sinus Fistulae and Venous Thromboses Malformations of the Brain (not received) (not received) K. F. Lee, W. Parke, S.-R. Lin, H. Y. Choi, N. J. Schatz M. Savoiardo, A. Passerini The Vasculature of the Diaphragma Sellae: A Postmortem CT, Angiography, and RN Scans in Intracranial Cavernous Injection Study 281 Hemangiomas 256 M. Nadjmi, M. Ratzka, M. Wodarz A. Moller, K. Ericson Giant Aneurysms in CT and Angiography 284 Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Isoattenuating Sub dural Hematomas by Computed Tomography (not received) F. Y. Tsai, J. E. Huprich, M. Stecker, H. D. Segall Computed Tomography in the Determination of Brain P. R. S. Kishore, M. H. Lipper, J. D. Miller, Death (not received) A. K. Girevendulis, D. P. Becker, F. S. Vines Post-Traumatic Hydrocephalus in Patients with Severe Head N. Yoshii, Y. Seiki, H. Samejima, K. Shibata, S. Awazu Injury 261 Occlusion of the Deep Cerebral Veins: Case Report 287 P. L. Tapias, E. Philip, A. Debaene, M. Dufour, J. Legre Y. Tanaka, M. Ogashiwa, K. Takeuchi Value of the CT in the Control and Evaluation of Sequelae The Moyamoya Phenomenon with Accompanying Intra- of Intracranial Post-Traumatic Injuries in 150 Cases (not re cranial Aneurysm 289 ceived) M. Kino, M. Takayama, C. Kanehira, S. Tada G. Ruggiero, L. Sabattini Angiographic Measurement of Posterior Fossa in the Postoperative CT Changes 266 Japanese 291 Contents XI I. Hayakawa, T. Watanabe, T. Tsuchida, A. Sasaki M. Dufour, P. L. Tapias, E. Philip, A. Debaene, J. Legre Perangiographic Rupture of Intracranial Aneurysms 293 Angiographic and CT Correlations in the Craniocerebral Trauma in Emergency. Concerning 100 Cases (not received) T. Maehara, A. Tasaka Cerebral Venous Angioma: Computerized Tomography O. Rienhoff, L. Stoppler, F. Grunwald, R. Schmidt, and Angiographic Diagnosis 296 U. Zeidler Interbeobachter-Ubereinstimmung in der CCT-Befundung: S. Kan, T. Matsubayashi Eine vergleichende Studie (Interobserver Variability in CT CT in Homonymous Hemianopia 299 Reporting: A Comparative Evaluation) 322 J. P. Braun, A. Tournade D. F. Reese, W. E. Karnes, H. L. Baker, Jr., O. W. Houser Some Pathological Aspects Involving the Cranial Veins and Statistical Analysis of Computerized Tomographic Scans in Dural Sinuses (not received) Two Types of Epilepsy (not received) P. B. Wollschlaeger, G. Wollschlaeger, K. L. Krabbenhoft, R. S. Pinto, 1. 1. Kricheff, A. Butler W. R. Darmody, R. M. Ho, L. M. Thomas Correlation of CT, Angiographic, and Neuropathologic Inflammation of the Neck 324 Changes in Giant Cerebral Aneurysms (not received) A. L. Agnoli, J. Zierski, E. Schirg A. Avelini, I. Kosulic Correlation Between Clinical and CT Findings in Children The Hypoglossal Artery: A Rare Carotid-Basilar Anastomo- and Adolescents with Enlarged Ventricular System Including ~ 3~ Measurements of Intracranial Pressure (not received) P. Lasjaunias, J. Moret, D. Doyon, J. Vignaud Collaterales Cs du Siphon Carotidien: Embryologie, Cor G. Gyldensted, L. Pederson relations Radio-Anatomiques, Radio-Anatomie Pathologique Computed Tomography in Hereditary Ataxias 327 (Cs Collaterals of the Internal Carotid Siphon: Embryology, Angiographic Anatomical Correlations, Pathological Radio- M. von Gall, H. Becker, H. Artmann, G. Lerch, N. Nemeth Anatomy) 304 Results of Computer Tomography on Chronic Alcoholics 329 J. Moret, P. Lasjaunias, J. Vignaud, D. Doyon M. Ratzka, F. Glotzner, M. Nadjmi, R. Wodarz Participation de I'Artere Meningee Moyenne Ii la Vascu CT-Ergebnisse bei Patienten mit Epilepsie. Eine prospektive larisation de la Fosse Posterieure (The Middle Meningeal Studie (CT Results in Epilepsy Patients. A Prospective Blood Supply to the Posterior Fossa) 306 Study) 332 J. Moret, P. Lasjaunias, D. Doyon, J. Vignaud S. EI Tatawy, K. Rieth, A. Gulati, D. O. Davis Etude Angiographique des Paralysies Faciales (Angiographic Edema Patterns by Computed Tomography of the Brain Study of Facial Paralyses) 308 (not received) H. Sumie, Y. Kuru, S. Kurokawa, T. Kondo N. Yoshii, H. Samejima, R. Sakiyama, T. Mizokami Ammon's Horn Sclerosis on Pneumoencephalotomography 335 Posttraumatic Epilepsy and CT Scan 311 K. Katada, T. Kanno, H. Sano, T. Shibata, T. Toda, S. Koga F. Y. Tsai, J. E. Huprich, H. D. Segall, J. S. Teal CT in Evaluation of the Circle of Willis 337 Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography in the Diag nosis of Isodense Subdural Hematoma (not received) L. Osele, N. Cabassa, W. Moresco, E. Moroder F. Y. Tsai, J. E. Huprich Cerebrale Computerszintigraphie (not received) Further Experience with Contrast-Enhanced CT in Head S.-R. Lin Trauma 314 The Effect of Dextran and Streptokinase on Cerebral C. A. Dolinskas, R. A. Zimmerman, L. T. Bilaniuk, Function and Blood Flow after Cardiac Arrest: An Experi- B. P. Uzzell mental Study on the Dog 340 Correlation of Long-Term Follow-Up Neurologic, Psycho logic, and Cranial Computed Tomographic Evaluations of N. E. Leeds, R. D. Zimmerman, E. J. Russell Head Trauma Patients 318 Cranial Computed Angiotomography: Value in Diagnosing Intracranial Lesions (not received) B. Liliequist, H. Fodstad Computer Tomography in Deep-Seated Intracerebral Post J. Zajgner, P. Koztowski traumatic Hematomas: Report of Six Cases (not received) A Nationwide System for Computer Recording of Neuro- radiologic Examinations 343 R. A. Zimmerman, L. T. Bilaniuk Computer Tomography of Traumatic Intracerebral Hemor F. K. Sondheimer, M. D. Jones rhagic Lesions: The Change in Density and Mass Effect with New Findings in Lumbar Arachnoiditis (not received) Time 320 C. G. Ullrich, E. F. Binet, M. G. Sanecki L. C. Handler, J. C. de Villiers Quantitative Measurement of the Lumbar Spinal Canal by Penetrating Stab Wounds of the Cranium (not received) Computed Tomography (not received)

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