CSNI Report 14 q scLEAR SAFETY ONION ees SPECIALIST MEETING ON THE ULTRASONIC INSPECTION OF REACTOR COMPONENTS: Jointly organised by the Risley Nuclear Power Development Laboratories of the United Kingdom Atomic Eneray Authority and OECD Nuclear Enargy Agency Daresbury 27~29 September 1976 PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE ON THE SAFETY OF NUCLEAR INSTALLATIONS OECD NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY 88, boulevard Suchet, 75018 Paris, France SRI Report 14 COMTTEE OF THE SAFETY oF MULE? THsTaLLanTos {GSI} PROCEEITGS CP THE SPACTALTSts ween OW THE OLoRASONTS THSPSVEION OF asAoTOR CoMPOUAITS Daresbury, 27-29 September 1976 Jointly oxganised by the UEASL, Rislay.muslear Powsr Deve: ‘and OND Yuclaar Eusrey Agency 38; Boulevard Suckat F-75016, Farts WOCTED KOWODON_ATONIG EWmOY AUTEORITT RISLSY, HARRDIGTON AS 627 IIR TION LIS? oF parses PAPERS PED APPEDI I oRaaNTsamron LISE OF PARTICIPA APPENDIX IT PROGRAM ‘APFEBDTK 112 SBSSTORAL HEPCRES SESSION 1 SESSION 2 SESSION 3 SESSIOF 4 SESSION 5 SESSION 6 SORCURIONS JUD RACOMENMANIONS OF THR MERITS copyright Ss held jeintly by TKAEA and GRD, ‘This necting waa held at the “erd Daresbury Hotel, Daresbury, Warrington, Uk ard wes vel avtendad by recognised exparts in sonic azaninatior tecoralogy from wary courtriss (eee Appeaiix I). programma inelided twa vieits ta major UK Laboratories involved in the Aevelopmant and aofetsnent of ulvragonie methods st vilob the delegates showed much intereat. Moet of she tine wae Hovaver devoted to the pragentation of 23 papers (see appendiz It) followed ty specific aut general dlscugsior rich wae characterised by iza frankness, informality and evidence of expert knowledge. Yor oaoh session thaze wae 2 technioal reporter waa prepared a nove of the important pointe mada “r diacuasion, anl these after review ty ihe respective chaivmen Zora appendix IIT Ghis report. The final seendon of the meet ing ino:uded a general die cussion wt vaich the commente aud recomendations given in appendix Tv were edoraed by thoss present et Lis ceotings ‘The pepars rave veer Teproduced directly from copes provided ey their - authors for thie purposes List op parses Paper Ta 4. Prog-sea Hepart on he work of the plate inepection steorre comnt tree. HO cigp A reviay of the Pooceotirge of the @th Vorla NDT conference, Cannas, septenber 19TEs BS Budgell Mighiiaht seport on the Third Periodis Inspsction Soaference, London 1975. 2 Wionole Inservica inepecticn of alder SWh Froavars vossal 0 Foeli ard Horne Inspection teshriques and omipment based on German requires on Ist, G Bgl, c Mellor, W Seiger and H quatenberg ja automatic ultzarenic ogsipsont for the Anse je prinery circuit cf a PUR, A Jeokson ‘he development of an ultrasonic testing eyetem for the spherically abaped gercorated areca af Light water reactor preeaure veaes WSaiger sul 5 mig] Tireasonte anepectiion of sustenitic welda in the primary cire of the Loviisa 1 rover paste ari gue, ‘he ultrasonic irepection of austenitic welds. AR kegs, WE Whittle Mzrasonic inepaction daveloyment at HED EK Day, $0 deck, f 2Michsels and NE Dizon Bffacts of oicrostructure oa ultrasonts exesinetion of stainless sreels 32'S Kippemer. ad K J Beicam Imervine inspection of DFR secondary “eat exchangers. BY Radgell Route wlzrassnic irspectian of ‘agwr ataaipips to pressure vessel weldne B leigh, $8 Barco and P Soulgher WOT asthods for a pressure tube sr inspection. Kg Cowbura Ustrasonic assessment of crack size in anu prassurs tubes. RI Cocte ‘Titrascmic inspaction im fabricavion of thickewalled resstor sompanants. B Warden Griteria for optimisation of ultrasonic ixepection aystens for dsfoct detection and defect evaluation, B tindry and E fustomberg Erte: Sbjective ID? specdficats P Baguio and aC Prat The influence of frsqueuy and reliabliity of dasarvies inspection on Tesotor preauure vasael disruptive fa!ture proesallinye @ dordax Ultrasonic time domain aoscurenonte of the depth of eracic-Like defects in ferritic ant auavanitic etecla. WG siic, BH iidireten, P Montgomery and GG Younond ‘Theoretical and experimented approach of recoratraction of defect siaee ard structures. 7 Schnite Possibilities ant linitations sf cltrasonie flaw sising by Linear acoustic Lolography ani scanning With focaaed Decne. ‘J uterer and if Wustenberg Precservios and inservies irspection of light water nederstad nuclear power plant preseureconteining componente, AR Wilting ani CE Lautaenhaieor Paper Wo 4 Frogreaa Report on the Work: of the Plate Inspection Steering Comuittoe wy EG Griep United Hingdon Atonte Enengy Authority Safety and Relisoility Directorete Septeunar 1976 ‘Wigahey Lane, Culohe®s Yarrington. WA} 47g