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Preview Proceedings of the seventh U.S. army symposium on gun dynamics

075 AD-A278 lADI ARCCB-SP-93034 PROCEEDINGS OF THE W SEVENTH U.S. ARMY SYMPOSIUM ON GUN DYNAMICS NEWPORT, RHODE ISLAND - 11-13 MAY 1993 Reproduced From Best Available copy , . .1 .1994" THOMAS E. SIMKINS, EDITOR US ARMY ARMAMENT RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND ENGINEERING CENTER CLOSE COMBAT ARMAMENTS CENTER BENET LABORATORIES WATERVLIET, N.Y. 12189-4050 APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED 94-11375 DISCLAIM I The findings in this report are not to bo construed. as an, official Department of the Army position unless so desi~giate by other authorized ducumýc nhetse of trade name(s) and/or manufacturer(sj does not constitute an official indorsement oT approval. DESTRUCTI ON NGTI CE For classified documents, follow the procedures in DoD 5200.22-M, Indutzriai Security Manual, Section 11-19 or DoD 5200.l-R, Information Security Program Regulation, Chapter IX. For mnclassified, limited documents, destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstviction of the document. For unclassified, unlimited documents, destroy when the report -s no longer needed. Do not return it to the or"iginator. REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form 4pprof.ed OMB No 0704-0188 Pu011C' ýPOo lq bUC@ Ih%,lci~on of 'ýtofmatlln %ý -t'r'~t~i 0 i4ýe~ra e 1 o~f aefr r,-e nouarin the' time for reý',. r'Ot .( f ~' V -' - 2 )fl gathernq and mna.. .ta^', the data ieeded, nd cnoioeruq and Pe~e m" g I~~~ )I ,nfto",, on j,.nd rn~merttIS ,c~r r)ýij- ' L*e''~ Oavsi cj1e-j1inqOh.f. a,y,,f oSrrunta lt 1;n0 -1 f4)Or11unaq'qto n,S i :4't4j~ '2S2o2n0$2 -4fo3r0 ?,. dw.iongI (9t, ro rths . Dosfuf,r,aeee r,'f Madnvaaq$eMmnnctfo'.t'r aHndC aiSyuqaUgdert,.t %P' "4Stýfeer-.~coer%x nAreedciciotorn.a tPrfr oo pCV(t0 704-, 8'iIi9.i" o~Q w 4' ,:O-'Q..0~T " 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave Oln) 2 EORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED- September 1993 Final__________________ 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5, FUNDING NUMBERS PROCEEDINGS OF ITIE SEVENT'H U.S. ARMY SYMPOSIUM ON GUN DYNAMICS N/A 6. AUTHOR(&) Thomas E. Simkins. Editor 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) ANý A)DDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGAINKA;T ION U.S. Army ARDEC REPORT NUMBER Bendt Laboratories. SMCAR-CCB-TL ARCCB-SP-93034 Watervlijet. NY 12189-4050 9. SPONSORING iMONITORWNG AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING, M"i- :CZN AGENCY REPORT NliV3t0 U.S. Army ARDEC Close Combat Armaments Center Picatiriny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Presented at the. Seventh U.S. Army Symposium on Gun Dynamics. Newport. Rhode Island, 11-13 May 1993. This symposium was sponsored by the U.S. Army Research Office, the U.S. Armny Armament Research. Development, and Engineering Center. and the U.S. Ajrmy Research Laboratory. 12Za. DISTRIBUJTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE Approved for public release. diistribution unlimited 13. ABSTRACT (Majeimumn 200 words) This publication represenits acompilatio~noftechaiical papers concerning analyses. design. measurement, and automation of gun dynamics. The authors represent a cross section of the scientific and technical comnmunity. including universities. industrial, and government research laboratories. 14.pSBJ~cT~Rr~Vibration. Dynarincs. Precision. ('(ontro~ls. TIarget Acqumis~on, AccuracyNU i.O 'dS 16, PRI(E COD[j 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 18 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20 LIMITATION OF ABSTRA( T 01r REPCRt OF THIS PAGE OF AtBSTRACT UNClA..iSlI-lLI) UNCI.ASSIfI1ID UN('LASSIFIFD Uý._________ 14N 7?() 01 2L0,5t00 -98 9Q, CONTENTS I I A CHRONOLOGY OF GUN DYNAMICS SYMPOSIUMS ii I | FOREuWORlD ATTENDEES SESSION I II Fluid Dynamics/Gun Accuracy I P 100 SESSION 11 Prolectilr Motion 101-204 SESSION HI Weapon Simulation/Tube Deformation I 205-297 SESSION IV Controls - 'heorv and Applications 298-400 SESSION V Vibrations and Mathematical Methols 401-539 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS Fr- 540-541 - 1 t I I I -A CHRONOLOGY OF GUN DYNAMICS SYMPOSIUMS- In-Bore Dynamics Symposium Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 8-9 July 1976. Thomas N. Tschirn, Chairman. First Conference of Dynamics of Precision Gun Weapons Rock Island, IL, 26-27 January 1977. Proceedings: R-TR-77-008, E.J. Haug, Editor. Second U.S. Army Symposium on Gun Dynamics The Institute on Man & Science, Rensselaerville, NY, 19-22 September 1978. Thomas E. Simkins, General Chairman. Proceedings: ARLCB-SP-78013. Third U.S. Army Symposium on Gun Dynamics The Institute on Man & Science, Rensselaerville, NY, 11-14 May 1982. Thomas E. Simkins, General Chairman. Proceedings: ARLCB-SP-82005. Fourth U.S. Army Symposium on Gun Dynamics Riviera Beach, FL, 7-9 May 1985. Thomas E. Simkins, General Chairman. Proceedings: ARLCB-SP-85009. Fifth U.S. Army Symposium on Gun Dynamics The Institute on Man & Science, Rensselaerville, NY, 23-25 September 1987. Thomas E. Simkins, General Chairman. Proceedings: ARCCB-SP-87023. Sixth U.S. Army Symposium on Gun Dynamics Tamiment, PA, 15-17 May 1990. Thomas E. Simkins, General Chairman. Proceedings: ARCCB- SP-90015. II I FOREWORD -thle Seventh Symposium- Enclosed herein are the Proceedings of the Seventh U.S. Army Symposium on Gun Dynamics held at Newport, Rhode Island, 11-13 May 1993. These Proceedings contain thirty-three papers by authors from the military, academia, and industry. Papers from the U.S., England, and Canada are included covering the topics of fluid dynamics, gun acciuracy, projectile motion, weapon simulation, tuLe deformation, controls theory and application, vibrations, and mathematical methods. "I While past symposiums have been sponsored! by a single laboratory or organization, this symposium was the collaborative effort of three U.S. Amy organizations: the U.S. Army Research Office, the U.S. Army Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center, and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory. The result was a wider scope of scientific and engineering topics providing for a greater cross- fertilization between academia and the military. )nce wore, I am grateful to everyone who submitted a paper for inclusion in these Proceedings. As in previous years, I am delighted by the number of scientific and technical people who have gathered to I share their knowledge and experience. Thomas E. Sinikins, Chairman Seventh U.S. Army Symposium on Gun Dynamics I I I I I I I I I ATTENDEES U.S. Army ARDEC U.S. Amiy Research Laboratory Ben~t Laboratorizs ATIN: AMSRI.-WT-PD, Dr. Bruce Bums A'TTN: SMCAR-CCB-RT. Peter D. Aalto Aberdeen Pioving Ground. MD 21005-5066 Watervliet, NY 12189-4050 U.S. Army Research Laboratory U.S. Army Research Office A'ITN: AMSRL-WT-PD, Larry Burton A'TTN: Gary L. Anderson Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5066 P.O. Box 12211 Research 'Triangle Park, NC 27709-2211 U.S. Army ARDEC Bcn6t LabNrato"ies U.S. Army ARDEC A1TN: SMCAR-CCB-RA. J.M. Coyle Ben~t Laboratories Watervliet, NY 12189-4050 ATIN: SMCAR-CCB-DS, Charles A. Andrade Watervliet, NY 12189-4050 U.S. Army ARDEC Close Combat Armaments Center Purdue University ATTN: SMCAR-CCL-LM, Francois Dahdouh School of Mechanical Engineering Bldg. #65N ATFN: Aqil K Bajaj Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000 West Lafayette, IN 47907-1288 Defence Research Agency Sandia National laboratories Dynamics and Control Section ATTN: G.A. Benedetti, 8741 ATT'N: Dilip K. Dholiwar Livermote, CA 94550 Chobham ILane Chertsey. Surrey KT16 OEE U.S. Army ARDEC England, U.K. Close Combat Armaments Center ATTN: SMCAR-CCL-E, Philip Benzkofer U.S. Military Academy Bldg. #65 Department of Civil & Mechanical Engineering Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000 AITN: LTC Robert E. Dillon, Jr. Mahan Hall U.S. Army Research Laboratory West Point,. NY 10996-1792 ATITN: AMSRL-WT-PD, Morris Bemian 28(X) Powder Mill Road U.S. Army Research Laboratory Adelphi, MD 20783 ATTN: AMSRI -WT-PD. Thomas F. Erline Aberdeen Proving Ground. MD 21f0)5-5066 U.S. A(cid:127)ry Research Laboratory ATIN: AMSRL-W V-PB, J. Bornstein U.S. Army ARDEC Aberdeen Proving Ground. MI) 21005-5066 Bcnct I tAoratorics ATIi' SM, AR-CCCB-SP. Richard Farrara Royal Military College of Science Water%:iet. NY 12189-4050 School of Mechanical, Materiai:;, & Civil Engineering UtS. Army ARDEC ATTN: Prof. 9.N. Bulman Ben6t Laboratories Shrivenham, Svindon, Wiltshire A'ITN: SMCAR-CCB-DR, 1). Finlayson SN6 8LA Watervliet, NY 12189-405(0 E~ngland. U.K. U.S. Army ARDEC 1U.S. Amiy Pe,.earch Laboratory Bentt Laboratories ATI'N: AMSRL-WT-P3B, Mark l1 Bundy A'I'IN: SM(,AR-CCB-i)I, Russell Fiscella Ahierdeen "1,uving (Ground. MD) 21005-5(cid:127)(6 Watervliet, NY 12189-4050 iv _____-________ _____ U.S. Army ARDEC FMC/NSD M433 Ben~t Lab oratories ATIN: Shan Lin 3 ATTN: SMCAR-CCB-DC. Ronald Gast 4800 E. River Road Wateivliet, NY 12189-4050 Minneapolis. MN 55421 University of Waterloo Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Department of Mechanical Vnginecring The Bradley Dept. of flectrical Engr. A'ITN: M.F. Golnaraghi ATTN: Douglas K. Lindner Waterloo. Ontario N2L 3G1 340 Whitt,more I-all Canada Blacksburg, VA 24061-0111 I U.S. Army ARDEC U.S. Army Research Laboratory Ben~t Laboratories ATIN: AMSRL-WT-PB, David Lyon AT-'N: SMCAR-CCB-DS. Richard Ilasenbein Aberdeen Proving Ground. MD 21005-5066 Watervliet. NY 12189-4050 U.S. Army ARDEC Virginia Polytechnit. Institute & State University Ben~t Laboratories College of Engineering AT-'N: SMCAR-CCB, F. Ileiser Engineering Science and Mechanics Department Watervliet. NY 12189-4050 AT-N: Ali H. Nayfeh Blacksburg. VA 24061-0219 U.S. Army Research Laboratory AITN: AMSRI,-WT.-PB, MAJ Bruce J. Hield University of Central Florida Aberdeen Proving Ground, MI) 2i005-5066 Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering ATTN: Zhihua Qu U.S. Army Research Laboratory Orlando, FL 32826 ATTN: AMSRL-WTI-P1), David A. Htopkins Aberdeen Proving Ground. MD 21005-5066 University of Missouri - Rolla L)epart-ient of E-ectrical Engineering Royal Military College of Science & Intelligent s~ystems Center School of Mechanical, Materials, & ATIXN Vittal S. Rao Civil Engineering Rolla, MO 65401 AIT'N: Vehicles Lab, James Hoyle Shrivenham, Swindon, Wiltshire State University of New York at Stony Brook SN6 81LA Mechanical Erngineering Department Fngland, U.K. AT'N: J. Rastegar Stony Brook, NY 1179)4-2300 U.S. Army ARDEC Ben(t Laboratories U.S. Army ARDEC A'rI'N: SMCAR-CCB-I)A, [.dward Ilyland Ben~t L.aboratories Watervliet, NY 12189-4050 A'ITN: SMCAR-CCB-I)R. Mario Rivera Watervlpt, NY 12189-4050 U.S. Army ARDEC Ben(cid:127)t Laboratories U.S. Anny Research Lajboratory ATIN: SMCAR-CC'B, Clarence W. Kitchcns ATI'N: AMSRi,-WT-PB. Douglas S. Savick Waterliet, NY 12189-4050 Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21(X05-50¢) polytechnic Institute U.S. Army Research latx)ratory l)epartment of Electrical Engineering ATIN: AMSRI.-WT-PB, I-. Schmidt & Computer Science Aberdeen Proving Ground, MI) 21(X)5-5(66 AITN: Farshad Khorrari 3U33 JBay Srtreoetoklyn. NY 1! 201 U I I U.S. Army ARDEC University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Ben~t Laboratories Coordinated Scienc, Laboratory A'ITN: SMCAR-CCB-RA. TEF. Simkins ATIFN: Petros Voulgaris Watervijet, NY 12189-4050 1308 West Main Urbana, II. 61821 U.S. Army ARDEC Ben~t Laboratories U.S. Army Research Laboratory AT'IN: SMCAR-CCB-DR, HIJ. Sneck ATTN: AMSRL-W'I'-PD, Stephen Wilkerson Watervliet, NY 12189-4050 Aberdeen Proving Grourd. MD 21005-5066 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Massachuset's Institute of Technology Department of Mechanical Intelligent Engircering Systems Laboratory & Industrial Engineering ATTN: J. Williams ATTN: Alexander Vakakis 77 Massachusetts Avenue 140 Mechanical Engineering Building Cambridge. MA 02139 1206 West Green Stree, Urbana, It. 61801 U.S. Army Research Office Mathematical & Computer Sciences Division U.S. Army ARDEC ATTN: Julian J. Wu Ben~t Laboratories P.O. Box 12211 ATTN: SMCAR-C(CB3-R, John Vasilakis Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2211 Waterliet, NY 12189-4050 V1 I SESSION 1: FLUID DYNAMICS/GUN ACCURACY EXPERIMENTAl. DETERMINATION OF BORE EVACUATOR HO1E FLOW COEFFICIENTS;, TUBE TO CANNISTER .............................................. I SI ILJ. Sneck PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION AND PUMPING FORCE OF DISCIHARGING BORE EVACUATOR HOLES ....................................................... 11 Mario Rivera and H.J. Sneck I VALIDATION OF PROJECTILE T'RAiNSIENT RESPONSE MODELS FOR TIlE STUI)Y OF PRESSURE OSCILLATIONS IN GUNS ................................ 29 IDavid A. ttopkins, ling bi, and Morris Berman I EXPERIMENTAL. MEASUREMENTS OF TIIE BI.AST PRESSUR' IPROFILE FOR 20-MM PERFORATED MUZZLE BRAKE I)ISI(NS ............................... 45 Douglas S. Savick INVESTIGATION OF SIlOCK IGNITION IN 'IlE INJECTOR PORTS OF: AN ANNULAR (BOR IEVACUATOR) RESERVOiR ...................................... 61 I Charles A. Andrade, Craig W. ('lauss, flenry '11N agamatsu, Leik N. Mvrabo, "andD onald (;..Mtesy,.t "IRACKING O1 MANI.UVI".RIN(; IAR(;I:IIS USING f ISlHMAIORS ..................... 81 I Pearos aOulgarla _ I I I II I

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