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Proceedings of the Second ISAAC Congress: Volume 1: This project has been executed with Grant No. 11–56 from the Commemorative Association for the Japan World Exposition (1970) PDF

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Preview Proceedings of the Second ISAAC Congress: Volume 1: This project has been executed with Grant No. 11–56 from the Commemorative Association for the Japan World Exposition (1970)

Proceedings of the Second ISAAC Congress International Society for Analysis, Applications and Computation Volume 7 Managing Editor Robert P. Gilbert University of Delaware, U.S.A. Advisory Board Heinrich Begebr Freie Universitat, Berlin, Germany Antonio Fasano University of Florence, Italy Chung-Chun Yang Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong The titles published in this series are listed at the end of this volume. Proceedings of the Second ISAAC Congress Volume 1 This project has been executed with Grant No. 11-56 from the Commemorative Association for the Japan World Exposition (1970) Edited by Heinrich G.W. Begehr Freie Universitiit, Berlin, Germany Robert P. Gilbert University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, U.S.A. and Joji Kajiwara Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS DORDRECHT I BOSTON I LONDON A CJ.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN-13:978-1-4613-7970-6 e-ISBN-13:978-1-4613-0269-8 DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4613-0269-8 Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA 02061, U.S.A. In all other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2000 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. Preface This book is the Proceedings of the Second ISAAC Congress. ISAAC is the acronym of the International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation. The president of ISAAC is Professor Robert P. Gilbert, the second named editor of this book, e-mail: [email protected]. The Congress is world-wide valued so highly that an application for a grant has been selected and this project has been executed with Grant No. 11-56 from *the Commemorative Association for the Japan World Exposition (1970). The finance of the publication of this book is exclusively the said Grant No. 11-56 from *. Thus, a pair of each one copy of two volumes of this book will be sent to all contributors, who registered at the Second ISAAC Congress in Fukuoka, free of charge by the Kluwer Academic Publishers. Analysis is understood here in the broad sense of the word, includ ing differential equations, integral equations, functional analysis, and function theory. It is the purpose of ISAAC to promote analysis, its applications, and its interaction with computation. With this objective, ISAAC organizes international Congresses for the presentation and dis cussion of research on analysis. ISAAC welcomes new members and those interested in joining ISAAC are encouraged to look at the web site http://www. math. udel.edu/ gilbert/isaac/index.html vi and http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/ rd/a g/isaac/newton/index.html. The First ISAAC Congress was held at the University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, U. S. A. during June 1997. The Second ISAAC Congress was held during August 1999 at Fukuoka Institute of Technol ogy, Fukuoka, Japan. As a novelty at the opening ceremony of the second congress ten ISAAC Awards were handed over to those younger mathematicians who were elected by an Award Committee. The awardees were Daniele Andreucci (Roma, Italy; pdes, free boundary problems), Dao-Qing Dai (Guangzhou, China; complex methods in pdes, wavelet analysis), Le Hai Khoi (Hanoi, Vietnam; several complex variables, pdes), P. Alexandrovich Krutitskii (Moscow, Russia; pdes, applications) , Pei-Ghu Hu (Jinan, China; complex analysis), Song-Ying Li (Irvine, Ca, USA; complex analysis of one and several variables), Stefano Marmi (Firence, Italy; dynamical systems, global analysis), Sergiy A. Plaksa (Kiev, Ukraine; complex analysis, hypercomplex analysis), Takashi Shioya (Fukuoka, Japan; differential geometry, global analysis), Dachun Yang (Beijing, China; harmonic analysis, pdes). The price was US $ 500 for those awardees who were attending the congress. The fund for these awards was raised by the local organizers Professor J. Kajiwara and Professor M. Nishihara, the representative and the secretary-general of the said Grant No. 11-56 from • respec tively, with which this project has been executed. The award committee consisted of H. Begehr, A. Bourgeat, A.K. Briining, A. Fasano, C.H. Fitzgerald, A. Jeffrey, J. Kajiwara, P. Tamrazov, C.C. Yang (Chair man). The ISAAC society will continue in encouraging young researchers in analysis, its applications and computation by awarding prizes for high quality research at its international congresses. vii The proceedings of the First ISAAC congress were published in 8 volumes. Only 4 of them have appeared in this series. The 8 volumes are Partial Differential and Integral Equations, eds. H.G.W. Begehr, R.P. Gilbert, G.-C. Wen, this series 2 (1999). Reproducing Kernels and their Applications, eds. S. Saitoh, R. Alpay, J.A. Ball, T. Ohsawa, this series 3 (1999). Recent Developments in Complex Analysis and Computer Algebra, eds. R.P. Gilbert, J. Kajiwara, Y.S. Xu, this series 4 (1999). Direct and Inverse Problems of Mathematical Physics, eds. R.P. Gilbert, J. Kajiwara, Y.S. Xu, this series 5 (2000). Inverse Problems, Tomography, and Image Processing. Proc. of ses sions from 1. into congress of ISAAC. Ed. A.G. Ramm. Plenum Press, New York, (1998). Spectral and Scattering Theory. Proc. of sessions from 1. into congress of ISAAC. Ed. A.G. Ramm. Plenum Press, New York, (1998). Dirac Operators in Analysis. Eds. J. Ryan, D. Stuppa. Pitman Re search Notes No. 394. Addison Wesley Longman, Harlow, (1998). Orthogonal Polynomials and Computer Algebra. Eds. R.A. Askey, W. Koepf, T.H. Koornwinder. Special issue of Journal of Symbolic Compu tation. J. Symb. Comput. 28, (6) (1999). Herein are the Proceedings of the Second Congress. From the Table of Contents it is evident that Complex Analysis remains the dominant research area of the attendees of the Congress. After that there is a concentration in Real Analysis, Numerical and Computational Mathe matics, and also Applied Mathematics. In the area of Complex Analysis there are many sub-areas such as Hardy Spaces, Riemann-Hilbert prob lems, hyperanalytic function theory, conformal mappings, Nevanlinna theory, meromorphic functions, complex dynamics, Riemann surfaces, entire functions, quasianalytic functions, and Bergman spaces, to name a few. There is, of course, some overlap of topics. For instance, in the area of differential equations which normally belongs to Real Analysis there is also the Function Theoretic school; moreover, we will find nu merous Applied papers. Also in the area of Numerical Analysis and Computation we will find papers on numerical conformal mappings. In Real Analysis we find papers on the central limit theorem, oscilla tory integrals, wavelets, Brownian intersection measures, Caratheodory convergence, iterative function systems, distribution theory, Minkowski viii inequalities, operator algebras, Fourier hyperfunctions, Stieltjes mo ments, Whitney jets, Fatou sets, fractional powers of operators, ultra distributions, etc. . In the Applications and Differential Equations we have Hamilto nian theory, the Fredholm determinant, wavelet analysis, Schwarzschild space-time, singular integral operators, eigenvalue problems, quadra ture formulae for hypersingular integrals, remote sensing, plasticity, sound synthesis, Navier Stokes equations, nonlinear parabolic equa tions, SchrOdinger equations, Sobolev spaces, wave propagation, gauge invariant equations. The subarea of FUnction Theoretic methods in differential equations was also represented with papers on Clifford analysis,Cauchy singular integrals, hyperanalytic boundary value problems, monogenic functions, oblique derivative problems, etc. The main responsibility of collecting and evaluating the contribu tions to these volumes was taken by the session organizers. They had organized the following sessions: Value Distribution Theory and Complex Dynamics (P.C. Hu, X.H. Hua, C.C. Yang), Nevanlinna Theory and Related Topics (S. Mori), Riemann Surfaces (Y. Imayoshi, H. Sato, H. Shiga), 8-Equations on Complex Manifolds (T. Ohsawa), FUnction Space Theory in Complex Ball and Related Topics (E.G. Kwon) , Infinite Dimeilsional Holomorphy (S. Dineen), Complex Dynamics of Higher Dimension (M. Suzuki), Complex and Funtional Analytic Methods in Partial Differential Equa- tions (H. Begehr), Integral Equations and Boundary Value Problems (G.-C. Wen), Analytic Extension Formulas and their Applications (S. Saitoh), Complex arid Numerical Analysis (J. Kajiwara), Analytic FUnctionals, Hyperfunctions, and Generalized FUnctions (M. Morimoto), Constructive Methods in Applied Problems (P. Krutitskii), Special Session (M. Reissig), Potential Theory (P. Tamrazov), FUnctional Analysis (A. Inoue), ix Spectral Theory of Differential Operators and Applications (B. Yain- berg, S. Molchanov), Function Spaces and Applications (Y. Burenkov, S. Samko), Ocean Acoustics (R.P. Gilbert, G. Makrakis), Inverse Problem in Acoustics (R.P. Gilbert, Y. Xu), Direct and Inverse Scattering in Extended Inhomogeneous Environ ments (L. Fishman), Computational Biology (K. Harimoto), Curve Theory and its Applications to Coding Theory (T. Kato). Contributions in the same session adjoin each other in order of re ception in this book . The main work of composing the material to these two volumes were achieved by the last named editor. It was also he who has managed to get financial support for printing these volumes. We are grateful to • the Commemorative Association for their Grant No. 11-56: The Mathematical Society of Japan consented to support the Second ISAAC Congress 7th April 1998. The Fukuoka Institute of Thchnology acknowledged to hold the congress at FIT and consented to support the congress 21st October 1998. Consequently, we could freely use confer ence rooms, lecture rooms equipped with airconditioners and school bus between FIT and Sasaguri, where participants from emerging countries, i. e. from present and former socialist countries, countries under the support of IMF and developing countries, stayed at the hotel said later. The moral support of MSJ and the substantial support of FIT made way for the local organizing committee to acquire the support of the said Grant No. 11-56 from. 17th June 1999. The Grant No. 11-56 from • the Commemorative Association supported partially air fares and fully the expenses necessary for the hotel at Sasaguri said later, of all participants from the emerging countries. The congress is also supported by Fukuoka Prefecture, Educational Committee of Fukuoka Prefecture, Convention Bureau of Fukuoka City and the Association for the Japan National Authorized Mathematics Certification. By the support of the Educational Committee of Fukuoka Prefecture, participants from the emerging countries got lodgings at the

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