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Proceedings of the 12th Automative Materials Conference: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 5, Issue 5/6 PDF

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Preview Proceedings of the 12th Automative Materials Conference: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 5, Issue 5/6

Proceedings of the 12th Automotive Materials Conference Lawrence H. Van Vlack Conference Director Joseph J. Gebhardt Program Chairman A Collection of Papers Presented at the 12th Automotive Materials Conference Sponsored by the Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering University of Michigan and Michigan Section The American Ceramic Society March 14-15, 1984 University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan ISSN 0196-6219 Published by The American Ceramic Society, Inc. 65 Ceramic Drive Columbus, Ohio 43214 @The American Ceramic Society, 1984 Executiue Director & Publisher Editor Arthur L. Friedberg William J. Smothers Director of Publications Circulation Manater Donald C. Snyder Gary W. Panek Committee on Publications: Richard A. Eppler, Chairman; John F. Mac- Dowell; Thomas D. McGee; Joseph L. Pentecost; Roy W. Rice; Brian R. Lawn, ex officio; William J. Smothers, ex officio; Arthur L. Friedberg, ex of- ficio . Editorial Aduisory Board: Brian R. Lawn, chairman; John W. Halloran, Cameron G. Harman, Jr.; You Song Kim; Ronald H. Lester; Thomas F. Root; Robert 0. Russell; Liselotte J. Schioler; David P. Stinton; Leslie J. Stru- ble; James M. Stubbs, Jr.; Danh C. Tran Editorial and Subscription Oflces: 65 Ceramic Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43214. Subscription $60 a year; single copies $12 (postage outside U.S. $2 additional). Published bimonthly. Printed in the United States of America. Allow six weeks for address changes. Missing copies will be replaced only if valid claims are received within six months from date of mailing. Replacements will not be allowed if the subscriber fails to notify the Society of a change of ad- dress. CESPDK VOI. 5, NO. 5-6, pp. 281-439,1984 I I The American Ceramic Society assumes no responsibility for the state- ments and opinions advanced by the contributors to its publications, or by the speakers at its programs. @Copyright, 1984, by the American Ceramic Society. Permission to photocopy for personal or internal use beyond the limits of Sections 107 and 108 of the U. S. Copyright Law is granted by the American Ceramic Society for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center, provided that the fee of $2.00 per copy of each article is paid directly to CCC, 21 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970. The fee for articles published before 1984 is also $2.00 per copy. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, or for creating new collective works. Requests for special permission and reprint requests should be addressed to the Technical Editor, the American Ceramic Society (0916-6219/84 $2.00). Preface The development of ceramics for internal combustion engines is an exciting challenge for the ceramist and the ceramic engineer. The incentive for the use of ceramic components in these engines is an increased operating temper- ature and the potential increase in fuel efficiency. These draw upon the in- trinsic thermal stability possessed by ceramics. However, this desirable at- tribute is tempered by the inherent notch sensitivity of ceramics. Unless the latter can be controlled, and an increased toughness realized, the benefits of the thermal stability will be elusive. Because the payoffs for ceramic components are significant, the research and development of toughened ceramics has drawn major attention. Of note is the fact that thermal stability comes from high bonding energies between the atoms. However, this same factor precludes deformation and the blunt- ing of the notched tips to relieve stress concentrations. Thus every microstructural irregularity within a ceramic component is a potential stress raiser. This places a premium on microstructural control with regard to both manufacturing and testing. The 12th Automotive Materials Conference, which was sponsored by the Michigan Section of the American Ceramic Society and the Department of Materials Engineering at The University of Michigan, addressed the problems that are cited above. The papers that follow describe the current activities and achievements. When compared with the state of the art, even five years ago, noteworthy progress is evident. The support of the following companies is gratefully acknowledged: AC Spark Plug Div., Ford Motor Co. General Motors Corp. General Motors Research Labs Aluminum Co. of America GTE Labs Battelle Columbus Labs Harshaw/Filtrol Bendix Corp. Mitsiu & Co. (U.S.A.) Inc. Carborundum Co. NGK-Locke Inc. Champion Spark Plug Co. Nilsen (U.S.A.) Inc. Coors Porcelain Co. Norton Co. Detroit Diesel Allison Div., SKF Industries Inc. General Motors Corp. Tam Ceramics Inc. Diamonite Products 3M Co. Lawrence H. Van Vlack The University of Michigan ... 111 Table of Contents ..................................... Why Ceramic Engines? 281 H. L. Stadler ................................. Ceramic Powder Processing 285 Eric A. Barringer and H. Kent Bowen ..................... Properties Testing and Materials Evaluation 298 George D. Quinn Cummins/ TACO M Advanced Adiabatic Engine ................. 31 2 R. Kamo and W. Bryzik .............................. Sintering Si,N, to High Density 339 C. Greskovich ............................................ HIPingofSiC 341 Thomas J. Whalen Ceramic Component Development for the AGTlOl Gas ........................................... TurbineEngine 350 W. Dave Carruthers and Jay R. Smith .................. Ceramic Components for Gas Turbine Engines. 369 P. W. Heitman ....................... Oxide Coatings from the Sol-Gel Process 379 Lisa C. Klein Silicon Nitride-Cordierite Composites for Diesel ....................................... Engine Applications 385 Arvid E. Pasto ................................... Designing with Ceramics 397 Paul Glance Toughening Mechanisms for Ceramics in .................................... Automotive Applications 408 K. T. Faber V Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings Lawrence H. Van Vlack, Joseph J. Gebhardt couyrightOThe American Ceramic Society, 1984 Why Ceramic Engines? H. L. STADLER Jet Propulsion Lab,* California Institute of Technology 4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena, CA 91 109 Oil is still a problem for the U.S. and its allies. Transportation uses 61 % of US.o il and its share is increasing, so more dicient technology should be concentrated there. Trucks’ share of oil use is increasing because they are already much more efficient than autos. The prima y truck opportunities are streamlining, more effi- cient engines. and shiftingf reight to railroads. More efficient engines are possible using ceramics to allow elimination of cooling systems and better use of waste exhaust heat. A 60% improvement seems possible if ceramics can be made tough enough and durable enough. The crowning reason for developing ceramic engines is, briefly, because oil is scarce and will become scarcer. How can this be true when gasoline prices are so low? One must look at what triggers oil price increases. The price of oil rises sharply when the demand level surpasses a production level sufficient to pay for the necessary obligations of the producing countries. At that point, it is advan- tageous for OPEC to hold down production and raise prices sharply, as happened in 1979. Looking at the trends in consumption and importation of oil, one finds that the importation by the U.S. dropped by early 1983 to one-half the rate of five years earlier, but it has been rising recently. For various reasons, mostly relating to the partial economic recovery we’re experiencing, 1 expect this importation rate rise to continue for several years. It will probably be accompanied by a similar rise in the oil imports of Europe and Japan. When we seem sufficiently dependent on the increased imports, we can expect OPEC to pull us up short. The majority of our oil is consumed in transportation. Also, the fraction is rising because of fuel switching to coal and natural gas in stationary heating and industry. (The small fraction of total oil used in producing electric power [5% in ’821 shows how fruitless the Administration’s emphasis on nuclear power, appli- cable only in this area, is.) Of the oil consumed in transportation the largest part is used by private automobiles, though this fraction has been dropping over the past few years as the average miles per gallon of all cars on the road rose from 13.7 in 1976 to about 17 today. The second largest transportation user is trucks, whose fraction has been growing and will probably continue. This is understandable from the fact that many of the techniques used to improve miles per gallon in private automobiles do no good in trucks. For example, a down-sized truck carries freight less efficiently than a large truck. The engines of trucks have for years been sized smaller and, hence, more efficiently than those of autos. A 36 288 kg (80000 lb) truck will probably have a 224 kW (300 hp) engine working hard, while an 1812 kg (4000 lb) car may have a 75-150 kW (100-200 hp) engine loafing ineffi- ciently almost all the time. Thus, the problem of reducing oil consumption by autos 28 1 is primarily economic or political. We could certainly make 32 m/m’ (75 mpg) or 42 m/m’ (100 mpg) cars and, if we replaced our fleet of 7 m/m’ (17 mpg) cars with them at the same number of miles travelled, reduce our oil use from about 0.2 Gm3 (l-!h billion barrels) per year to about .05 Gm3 (% billion barrels) per year by autos. Comparable reductions in truck consumption are a much greater technical problem. Several approaches to the economic/political problem of auto fuel con- sumption exist. One example is pass a law-e.g., The Corporate Average Fuel Economy or “CAFE’. Another is to let the price of gasoline rise (or tax it) to make efficient cars sell well. This latter approach may likely be used, and it is likely to require a very considerable price rise to justify use of very effective fuel saving devices in private cars. This is because fuel is a rather small part of car owning expense. This implies that fuel costs for trucks will become painfully high, as fuel becomes scarce, generating great demand for efficient designs. One possible development is that of much more effective rail movement of freight. The technical requirements for this-given cheaper ways of keeping track of shipments and managing them by computers as well as ways of reducing costs by use of coal -a re improving lately. However, there has not been a strong move of this sort yet, and it may have to wait for much higher oil costs. So the bottom line is that there is a coming demand and a very serious need for much more efficient trucks. How can the efficiency be raised economically? One possibility is streamlining. Trucks could improve their fuel economy a lot at 88 km/h (55 mph) (and a lot more at the higher speeds they usually travel at) by achieving a drag coefficient of, perhaps, 0.4 instead of the 0.9 to 1.2 common today. Various factors interfere with a move in this direction. One of these is that state truck size regulations limit linear dimensions, thus, causing box shapes to maximize carrying capacity. Still, a lot of improvement is possible at low cost by streamlining. Most other approaches that help auto fuel economy have already been utilized in heavy trucks. These include hard tires and many-speed trans- missions. In addition to these, there has been an engineering study of the use of exhaust heat for motive power. Turbocompounding has been shown by Cummins to reduce fuel use up to 10% and Rankine-cycle exhaust-heat use has been shown by Thermoelectron Corp. and Mack Truck Co. to reduce fuel use 12 or 13%. But the best improvement for trucks is ceramic engines. And some of them could also help larger cars. There are several varieties of ceramic engines under development at pres- ent. These include (1) gas turbines aimed at heavy and light trucks as well as at larger automobiles, (2) adiabatic (or uncooled) diesel engines aimed at heavy and light trucks and possibly autos and (3) Stirling engines. Each of these is dis- cussed briefly. Gas turbines were developed for automotive use by Chrysler in the fifties and sixties and by GM and a combination of Garrett and Ford since the mid-seventies. Automotive gas turbines operate in principle very much like jet engines for aircraft. The trick in getting fuel economy of a gas turbine to surpass that of a reciprocating engine is to raise its operating temperature to about 1370°C (2500°F). This requires the use of ceramics. One also needs very high speed turbine rotors which, of course, means high tensile strength. Si3N4a nd Sic are the materials likely to be used in the turbine rotors; magnesium-aluminum-silicate is the likely material for regenerators; and Si3N4i s likely to be used in the shroud. Adiabatic or uncooled diesels have been developed for the last few years primarily by Cummins, under U.S. Army Tank Command and later DOE spon- 282 sorship, but also recently by a number of other companies. There are two basic approaches. One is to line the combustion and exhaust sections of a metal engine with thermally insulating ceramics like ZrOz and AIN. This can be achieved with non-metallic coatings on metal parts or by solid ceramic liners. Insulating linings have been applied to Otto cycle engines as well as to diesels. The second approach is to make the entire engine out of ceramics, perhaps Sic or Si3N,, since these only have to be strong, not thermally insulating. An intriguing complement to the use of uncooled engines in heavy trucks is the use of exhaust heat for further efficiency improvement. Since no heat goes into the coolant, the exhaust of an uncooled diesel is substantially hotter than that of a watercooled one. Thus, the combination (of adiabatic diesel, turbocharging, turbocompounding and of a Rankine cycle auxiliary engine) is expected to achieve a BSFC of 136 gm/kw-h (0.22 lb/hp-h) vs perhaps 234 gm/kw-h (0.38 Ib/hp-h) for conventional diesel systems. The progression to this goal through succeeding steps is shown in Fig. 1. Various ceramic parts for Stirling engines have been considered both at Mechanical Technology, Inc. (MTI) and at General Electric Co. (GE).‘ There seems to be disagreement about the utility of ceramics in the heaterhead, but agreement that ceramic bearings and seals could be very beneficial. Use of insu- lating ceramic pieces to reduce heat leakage seems advantageous. Generally, Stirling engine use of ceramics is in a more exploratory phase than the devel- opments in diesels and gas turbines. An attempt has been made to explain how the use of ceramics in engines, by allowing them to operate hotter with less cooling, can make them more efficient. Ceramics have several other advantageous features for engine use, though these by themselves did not cause their utilization before the oil shortage. First, ceramics are lighter than metals. Used in a turbocharger rotor, this allows a faster response because of less inertia. Airborne or spacecraft engines will benefit from this weight saving. Second, ceramics are harder and more wear-resistant than most metals. This property recommends their use as engine parts which suffer abrasion. It has also raised the question of whether a ceramic engine can avoid the need for lubrication.’ Third, ceramics for engines are composed of common, non-strategic elements, so they should be inexpensive if their processing doesn’t cost too much. For all these reasons, then, ceramics are very desirable for engine parts, if they can be produced with high quality at high yield. We look to the later papers at this conference and to you ceramists in the audience to make this possible. *The research described in this paper was performed at the United States Department of Energy. Publication is supported by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. ‘W.C hin. D. Darooka, and S. Musikant, “A Ceramic Automotive Stirling Engine Conceptual Design”, 2 I st Automotive Technology Contractors’ Coordination Meeting, Dearborn, Mich., Novem- ber 14-17. 1983. SAE paper 830313. S. Timoney and G. Flynn. “A Low Friction, Unlubricated SIC Diesel Engine”. 283 Requirement ENERGY I I 466 0.36 i60Ol (0.341 Turbocharger, Ahucoolwr, W RADIATOR I TURBOCOMPOUND DIESEL I @ Plus L.R. 0.33 Power TurbGiunr@e ,, (0.31) and Tonional Isolator 0.30 RADIATOR I ADIABATIC DIESEL ENGINE I @ INSULATED PlUl PISTON Insulated CYLINDER Components 639 0.28 OIL COOLER @ ADVANCED MINIMUM FRICTION ENGINE I I INSULATE0 @ ;: PISTON CYLINDER Burinps CYLINDER & EXHAUS 715 0.25 OIL COOLER @ RANKINE BOTTOMING CYCLE I 1 -~ 01 L COOLER RAD 0.16 Fig. 1 Advanced diesel-base power plants. 284 Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings Lawrence H. Van Vlack, Joseph J. Gebhardt couyrightOThe American Ceramic Society, 1984 Ceramic Powder Processing ERICA . BARRINGEANRD H. KENTB OWEN Materials Processing Center M. I. T., Cambridge, MA 02139 Economic and scientific aspects of ceramics processing for structural (including engine) components are presented. Estimated manufacturing costs and market penetration are given, followed by a discussion of the presintering science research at M.X. T. The fundamental principles which guide this research, and selected results for potential structural materials are included. Introduction Ceramic materials, because of their excellent thermal, chemical and mechanical properties, have tremendous potential as high-temperature structural components. Particularly significant is the application of ceramics to the advanced gas-turbine and diesel-engine technologies. For example, the Garrett/Ford AGT 101 and Allison AGT 100 gas turbine and the Cummins-TACOM adiabatic diesel engine programs have successfully demonstrated the feasibility of ceramic engine compo- nents. Significant advances have been made in the fabrication and testing of many components in these engines, such as Si3N4a nd Sic turbine rotors, LAS turbine housing, and PSZ thermal-bamer coatings and monoliths (cylinder wall, piston cap, head). However, an overriding issue is the development of economically competitive processes for reliable and reproducible manufacturing of ceramic components. The key aspect of ceramic materials is the critical processing-microstructure- property relationships; the properties exhibited by a ceramic are controlled, to a large extent, by the fabrication process. The major problem with current tech- nologies is that the basic processes which occur during manufacturing are not sufficiently understood. In fact, most processes currently employed are based on empiricism, and as a result the processes cannot be adequately controlled. A solution to this problem lies in the application of a generic science-based under- standing to specific materials and fabrication processes to obtain reliable, cost- competitive technologies. This paper presents economic and scientific aspects of ceramics processing for structural (including engine) components. Estimated manufacturing costs and market penetration are given, followed by a discussion of the presintering science research at M. I. T. The fundamental principles which guide our research, and selected results for potential structural materials are included. Processing Economics Structural ceramic materials, because of their refractoriness, are formed by consolidating powders into shapes and then densifying at high temperatures (= 1500"-2000"C). Current manufacturing technologies are component-specific in that processes for particular components (shape, configuration, composition, prop- 285 erties, etc.) must be independently developed; often processes for new components and compositions must be “reinvented’. This is especially true for structural ceramics required for the various engine components which have different shapes and functions. Thus, the manufacturing of these components has been costly and the economics of scale not realized. The state-of-the-art in processing structural ceramics, for example injection- molded turbocharger rotors, is shown in Table I.3 The achievement of high den- sities and acceptable mechanical properties often requires the application of expensive post-sintering hot-isostatic pressing cycles (to remove 250 pm flaws). The resultant materials typically cost >$lOO/kg to manufacture. This cost level is acceptable for electronic ceramics; however, engine components not only have exacting property requirements, but they have more stringent cost requirements. Table I1 indicates the expected market penetration of ceramics, based on manu- facturing costs. The first components being introduced into production automobile engines (Table III) are Si3N4-basedg low plugs, swirl chambers, and turbocharger rotor^.^ Further developments in process technology (and cost) are required to expand implementation. Clearly, manufacturing costs must be reduced from cur- rent levels and reproducibility and reliability improved. The reasons for costly processing vary with each component, yet the costs for a typical structural ceramic generally fall into the categories shown in Table IV. Most ceramics are fabricated with very inexpensive raw materials (G$2.00/kg); however, structural ceramics are often formed using high-quality powders that cost $20-60/kg. Structural ceramics often require expensive finishing steps; in some cases (e.g., cutting tools) diamond machining can comprise as much as 75% of the total cost. Generally the most costly item, which can be as much as 75-80% of the total cost (e.g., turbocharger rotors), is due to non-reliable processing during one or more of the sequential steps (e.g., lack of net-shape densification which neces- sitates post-firing machining). This cost breakdown can be compared to that for existing advanced metals and plastics, in which raw materials comprise a major portion of the costs. Assuming these numbers are valid, incorporation of ceramics in engines, and other structural applications, requires that future processing technologies be more reliable and reproducible to reduce the costs of finishing (through near net-shape casting) and rejection. As a consequence, manufacturing costs may be reduced to the $20-40 kg range and the cost distribution will be similar to that for other advanced materials. In addition, because of the large spread in observed properties for current ceramics (for instance, a low Weibull modulus), design and engineering of systems utilizing ceramics has been difficult. Current process technologies produce compo- nents that unpredictably fail well below their intrinsic (ultimate) strengths due to the presence of micro- and macrostructural defects. These defects result from the lack of control of phase distribution, composition, and grain size. Thus, manu- facturers are forced to employ expensive component testing procedures (post- fabrication quality control) and engineers must design using inferior property levels. In short, current ceramic powder processing and component fabrication technologies are inadequate for the consistent microstructural control necessary for structural, especially automotive, ceramics. Science-Based Processing Many of the flaws in fabricated components are due to the inhomogeneous distribution of voids in the green microstructures, which are often caused by the 286

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