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Proceedings: Grand Lodge of AF & AM of Canada, 1885 PDF

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Preview Proceedings: Grand Lodge of AF & AM of Canada, 1885

HH11 EH5^ BROCK UNIVERSITY LIBRARY From the Masonic Library of J. Lawrence Runnalls St. Catharines August 1988 LIBRARY IMIVFRQITY >r.K I DigitizedbytheInternetArchive in2011withfundingfrom HeritageLodgeNo.730G.R.C.&GrandLodgeA.F.&A.M.ofCanadaintheProvinceofOntario http://www.archive.org/details/grandlodge1885onta [\: COMMUNICATION, RIDGETOWN, 5S84. 15 dent may occurto cause pain or suffering, or mar the peace, happiness and prosperity of the workmen. The grand honors were then given, after which short addressed were given by several clergymen, and a collection was taken up. The Grand Treasurer placed a donation on the stone from the officers of the Grand Lodge for the workmen. The procession then re-formed and marched back to the lodge room, where Grand Lodge was closed inform. AITI ST. GrandSecretary. . GRAND LODGE OF CANADA, PROCEEDINGS At an Especial Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Canada, heldat the City of Toronto, on Tuesday, the 30th day of June, A.I).. 1885, A. L. 5885. PRESENT : M. W. Bro Hugh Murray, Grand Master. R. " " HenryRobertson, DeputyGrand Master. a << it G. R. VanZant, ii Senior Warden. (( i ti J. Ross Robertson, as it Junior Warden. w. a CI Geo. Russell, as K Chaplain. R. M II E. Mitchell, u Treasurer. V. « C( C. W. Brown, as l( Registrar. R. u (( Mason, (( Secretary. J. J. V. it (< Wm. Roaf, as K Senior Deacon. a a Wilbur Grant, as (( Junior Deacon. it u W. H. Woodstock, as u Supt. ofWorks. 1. (< A, Jones,as 11 Dir. of Cer. J. R. (< (! Wm. Gibson, as Asst. a Secretary. (< u F. Pearson, as Asst. a Dir. ofC. J. V. « C( E. E. Looseley, a Sword Bearer. u El Geo Tait, as a Organist. (I !( Geo.Vair, as Asst. a Organist. .( (( Ira Bates, as a Pursuivant. it « W. H. Walkem, \ (1 1C John McCarter, U C( John Patton, it (1 Alex. Gibb, V as it Stewards. (( (< Felly u .( McP. Ross, | J. it (< A. Wills, J J. , u John Cook, as a Tyler. Together with Masters, Past Masters and brethren hailing from the Lodges inToronto and vicinity. : SPECIA1 COMMUNICATION, TORONTO, 5885. 17 TheGrand Lodge was opened in ample form in the Lodge Room of Orient Lodge, No. 339, at three o'clock, afternoon, by the Most Worshipful the Grand Master, who statedthatthe communication had been called for the purpose of assisting him in laying the comerstone of the new Hall, about to be erected for Orient Lodge, on the Kingston Road, in the East- ern part ofthe City ofToronto. The Brethren Mien marched in procession, headed by the Garrison ArtilleryBand,tothe site ofthe proposedbuilding,and the frontoftheprocession having reached the place, a halt was made, and the ranks opened, and faced inwards, when the Grand Master, supported by the Grand Officers, passed through to the Northeast corner, where a platform had been erected for theirconvenience. Prayer having been offered by the Acting Grand Chaplain, the Grand Secretary read the following scroll In the name and by the favor ofthe (Oloriouo -Architect of geatien auo £avtb, ON THIS 301H DAY I>FJUNE, A. D. 18S5, AND OF THE ERA OF FREEMASONRY. A. L. 5885, And in the forty-ninth year ofthereign ofour Gracious Sovereign Xlictoria, Queen ofGreat Britian andIreland, Empress of India and Dependencies in Asia, Europe and Africa, Dominion of Canada, Australia, &c, &c. The Most Honorable HENRY CHARLES KEITH PETTY-FITZ- MAURICE, G.C.M.G., &c.,LORD LANSDOWNE, Being Governor-General ofCanada, The Right Honorable Sir JOHN A. MACDONALD, G. C. B., Being Premier and Minister, The Honorable JOHN BEYERLEY ROBINSON, Being Lieutenant- Governor of Ontario, Alexander Manning, Esq., Mayor ofCity ofToronto, Bros. J. McP. Ross, Ira Bates, A. J. Jones, David Hunter, Jas. Hewitt, Henry Parry, F. H. Anderson, F. G. Inwood, and Thos. Waters, Building Committee, Messrs. F. Donovan, E. Bradshaw, W. B. Poulton, J. Ferguson and W, 1lee, Contractors, i.S GRAND LODGE <>l CANADA. Messrs. Kennedy, Gavillerand Holland, Architects, (Tliio Hovntv Stour of tljr JUaonnir IJall, Erected by W. B. Poulton, Esq., onbehalfofOrient Lodge, Was laid by M. W. Bro. Hugh Murray, Esq., Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of A. 1'. & A. Masons ofCanada, Assisted by the Grand Officers, Worshipful Bro. J. McP. Ross, W. M. of Orient Lodge, Pastmasters and Officersthereof, together with a large concourse ofvisiting Brethren, in accordance with the cere- monies and usages of the Order. Which may the G. A. O. T. U. everprotect and prosper. W. Bro. J. McP. Ross, on behalf of the Lodge, then pre- sented and read the following address : To Most WotshipfulBrother Hugh Murray\ Grand Master of the GrandLodge ofA. M. &* A. Masonsof Canada. — Most Worshipful Sir and Brother, We, the Offi- cers and Members of Orient Lodge, No. 339, A. F. & A. M., experience thegreatest pleasure in welcoming you to our midst on this, the most memorable occasion in the history of our Lodge. Werejoice, Most Worshipful Sirforseveral reasons: First, the laying ofa corner stone of such a building as is now to be erected, is ofgreat importance in the interests of our Lodge, marking a great stride in the progress of Freemasony whose principles are based on the corner stone of the great globe itself, and will last as long as time may exist, and secondly, from the honor we feel in having you, Most Worshipful Sir, to perform that interesting ceremony. That the G. A. O. T. U. may grant you and yours long life and prosperity, is the earnest prayer and sincere wisn ofthe brethren of Orient Lodge. On behalfofthe Officers and Members ofthe Lodge. JOHN McP. ROSS, W. M. DAVID HUNTER, W. S. JAMES HEWITT, W. J. SPECIAL COMMUNICATION, TORONTO, 58S5. 19 W. Bro. McP. Ross, on behalf oftheBuilding Committee J. then presented the M. W. the Grand Master with avery hand- somesilver trowel, which bore thefollowinginscription : Presented to M. W. Bro. Hugh Murray, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of A. !•'. and A. Masons of Canada, by Bro. J. H. Booth, on behalfofOrient Lodge, No. 339, G. R. C., on the occasion of laying the Corner Stoneof Orient Masonic Hall, Toronto, June 30th, A. L. 5S85. The Most Worshipful the Grand Master having graciously acknowledged and accepted the gift, the cement was spread and the upper stone lowered, with three halts, at which inter- vals the band played bars ofthe National Anthem. When it had been guided into its properplace, the principal Grand Officers applied the plumb-rule, level and square, and having reported that the stone was just, true and properly laid, the Grand Master struck the stone three times with the gavel and said "Well made, truly laid, true and trusty. May this : undertaking be conducted and completed by the craftsmen according to the grand plan, in peace, harmony and brotherly love." The stone was then strewn with corn, moistened with wine and anointed with oil, and as he performed these cere- monies the Grand Master said : " I strew corn upon the stone as an emblem ofplenty ; I pour wine upon it as an emblem ofcheerfulness, and I anoint itwithoil as anemblem ofcomfort and consolation. May corn, wine and oil, and all the necessaries oflife, abound among men, and may the blessings ofthe Supreme Architect ofthe Universe be upon this edifice and all connected with it." The contractors werethen entrusted with thetoolsandplans, with which to complete the building. An eloquent address was then, at the request of the M. W. the Grand Master, delivered by R. W. Bro. Edward Mitchell, Grand Treasurer. The procession then re-formed, and the brethren returned to the hall, and after the Grand Master had expressed his gratification at the successful nature of the day's proceedings, the Grand Lodge was closed in ampleform. CKAND I.ODGK OK CAN IDA. Subsequently the members of Grand Lodge and visiting brethren were hospitably entertained by themembers ofOrient Lodge. MSI. \ I GrandSecretary,

Lodge of. Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Canada, held at the .. vessel to be deposited in the cavity in the stonewere placed the Grand Master with a very beautiful and costly silver trowel, Canon I)u Moulin, and the Rev.
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