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Preview Procedures for the identification, evaluation, and reporting of potential waterpower and reservoir resources

wii BLM LIBRARY 88076907 Procedures For the Identification, Evaluation, and Reporting of Potential Waterpower and Reservoir Resources. BLM Library Denver Federal Center Bidg. 50, OC-521 P.O. Box 25047 Denver, CO 80225 National Applied Resource Sciences Center Waterpower and Reservoir Resources November 1999 a TABLE OF CONTENTS Pete ee SU rN CN A Seve ie attr AS Ex Guy dons we ce Owls eden cek EN VEGAAEE V ET BLOUSE AGESG TF T Se SF RN NENA i 0 a SSS EEE Siea NE Bg TERT AES Pag IR GR RR SD Ye a -pedtcu ie necmuical W Oring Piles(BWC)) ou. ...ssca-se- c.ee . Formal Orders of Withdrawal or Revocation(BWC) .......... AVE Eom NCGS VV Ga) eee Me eh ieee ae eee GG one Seale vag Cleats POMUSIT (Olds PWC rate: ce cwlee ee ecineG saa 5 DECILES ASTIL ECS CES We ieee? tiels Fins wis cine a estes oon tele O peatemiesrecers T OWwer Project FICS... 454.ss0ud v4e c0ase0s es oC AllteSil etm eCtIOIE UC eG ata in cw tales yey 24 a4 6 Belay Os ee vs Tip aE mLLUSte Ati A Chere hm, cop cha lah wid eek G vine woe 2 PE Tye Val (Carta ht rare, Meera heer tyc e, Ea, ws sea kaie te iy oy satel POPC UISEURS OTAW em aM UR cere ie Pa ale «fa cep eres alvon wT aa divas ce ec aw 4 oh Sse aler Gr, ca alN ee INUIT Oey he RIA ee2 G A cae ys Gas ee, Gere Ao sea:w ane os 6 Dy tet le aose ee ICR PINES iain sa, ca A Gk ay de ba leiavascsta & 4 via aa 4 Lette et eTOCs WON cee Patt nti ia Garena es ee wa se cao SECA GTTGPT U E URC TSNETUE S os, RIA TM an a aC ea SSE EATAREE La L oreal 95 o>, See eI RE a ee OE tae: Ni a eg 2) aR CATT nn 5 02 ERA eH I a ete eR poh EV a a ERMG EYER > os. a eg a a 21 Make an "audit" for Each Waterpower Withdrawal ..................00- 72 ViakeaclOWisMip oUlitasat TOM acy AUG. . 5 cnae aves cid eae see seen ne 23 Make a File Summary From Each Township Summary .................. Be Se Oa ne Wee een tie aly oe soy clei Sk etai n cs ors, celbln cee i ree Ree RUC Ld eg set oP eS ay og Wigley dn Gm te A wide abe eee 48 Bae ray ie eal SU Sallis ae so ie SS Soy ooo acess Bix ease swe ao Se Peete Ine Le Las Arete Oe SOLUS 24.0 5 on 0c gules las esc veka we dive Peete rine Lhe. Land PACT eave 10 CACIueSOUICE «und ci ca us case ewe cw eds iy AUG Wale DOWEL WILICLAWdi nieaee i Gans face ee oes ck nee ee ee 30 Review the Plotting of Withdrawals and Resources ...............------ 31 Determine the Subdivisions of Each Withdrawal Effected ............... 32 Assign.a. Resource Value.to Effected Withdrawals ..................4.- RONNMI AT CHa 2 ya ogee ina Shagae ety, ¥en Rage Se Wewiniie Wwithorawal Without Resource Values ..... 25.00.540ee5e. e e 35 Assign a Lack of Value to Appropriate Withdrawals .................... =>y * 2/21/02 * op mctennimeaneLand status Of Eifected. 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Results of the Hydrology Evaluation ...............2+-000 31 Oya e ne RIT) To rE, gas v5.4 9 Go5 0hf acgs Wide ein a Pes awa p48 ws see a wwe 32 L1Gee e mR ag ie nae re aise a's ps b's oe Saige 32 154 Determine a Reasonable Active Storage ............. 0.0 c cece cece eee 32 ee ceoe Cent OUmeOUlallON =>. i cmieiee Seah isi os) he as ek Asie ee 32 Ot sian deciowmia Potential Reservoir 4s en es cn eee eee cee of 2/21/02 aN

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