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Preview Procedure B-7-1 : determination of contaminant limits and attenuation zones

PROCEDURE B-7-1 (formerly referenced by 15-08) Determination of Contaminant Limits and Attenuation Zones Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 MINISTRY RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY 3.0 DEFINITION OF TERMS 3.1 e t ilSasopsiD 3.2 e nnooZitaune tttnAanimatnoC 3.3 y trep otrnPecajdA 4.0 CIRCUMSTANCES AND ENVIRONMENTS SUITABLE FOR A CONTAMINANT ATTENUATION ZONE 4.1 elbalia vrAet a fWsoecru oeStanretlA 4.2 d etim ieLn otZnanimatnoC 4.3 t nese rsPdil odSevloss i fDsolev ehLgiH 4.4 rotcer ilDanoig eeR h fttonemgd ueJ h nteilbati usSaerA 5.0 THE DETERMINATION OF LIMITS FOR PROPOSED DISPOSAL SITES 5.1 h caorp pcAisaB 5.2 t pecn oeC h ftnooitacilp peA h ftsoelpmaxE 5.3 s noitalucl aeC h ftsoelpmaxE 5.4 t nemsses seAtiS 6.0 THE DETERMINATION OF LIMITS FOR OPERATING DISPOSAL SITES 7.0 THE DETERMINATION OF LIMITS FOR DISPOSAL SITES REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR EXPANSION 1.0 Introduction e hytlevitatitna ugqninimret e) da: (odteilp pstaipecn oe cseulbanosa ee rh,ttnemuc osdi hntI tnecajd an ognignipm idn aseti slasopsi dn ignitanigir ostnanimatno csuoira vf osleve lelbatpecca .et ilsasop s di and,aen onzoitaunet ttananimat n foyaoctilibati ue shgtnisses s) abd (n;aseitreporp .0. 3noitce Sn idenife dyllacificep ser asmreT 2.0 Ministry Responsibility and Authority sfeocruo sreertawdnu o ernfhgootitavres n eohhc ttdiewgr ayshrictsi neihMT dencaniv oerhPt ,d nsei ho.tTdo ocgilb ue phr torfenn aemvitcef fnnseaiecruos eerse hfe tose uhfltoortn oecht d nlaasops iedts arw osftnemnoriv neem o fseo seu hetgaruocs i odhts iyw aymrtsin ieMht edbluo hsset ilsasops itda hsntioitis oyprtsin ie Mh.Tstnemnoriv nreeh tfeo ose uhetgaruocne sdoht elmasops iedlbatpec ctaa h,tdetim i ellbl itwcap mriie hetre hswtnemnoriv n nediecalp .stnemnoriv nrealucitr aepso hhtt iewlbitapm oedcbluo hssdoht eemse htta hd tndae sedubluohs : oyttiroht utanemegan aem hst ayhrtsin ieM hsteitivit claasops iedts arwoF (a) tnanimatn or coyftrepo rfe pose uhttimr edplu ohwci hlwavorp pfeAotacifit r eeauCssI n e ea tvorhaysanottuhmrme pgonripruob he ggoirteanh c.stinDem tn aoreiorttaunetta .ytrepo rspi h fteo seulbanosa elraitnet odp nganitsi xee h nttocef fleaivi r rteolbigilgen sih ty bdesua csleve ltnanimatno cn isesaercn iyn agnitimi ly bdehsilpmocc as isihT sticef fe ehrtehte hfnwooitse ue qh.T1 .n5oitc endSieifice pesso hoettgrahcsid ereh tf iedice ddluo whcih w,struo ceh ty bdehsilbats ee bdluo c,degnellah cf i,elbigilgen e h nttinereh n sisii h.Tsrall o fdsomr e ntdierusa e emnb a tcwi odh neagam asdi .slavorp pra i faeocnaus sei h sthac u,ssnoitaut irseh t noyirtsin ieM h ytdbe shucaorppa ) b( eghnt ims ou,ref tliassop sdieds o ,pr eoo atrlipass o rpf eso ani ewdthonteverP n eoitbtl et f osen issui hfstiesopr ulpasops iedts ar woeft ie shhttaen eebcafrus-bus .tseret nciilb uepht ,7- Benilediu Gn isnoitacifilau qdn asnoitatimi leh to ttcejbu ss iytirohtu atnemegana msihT tneme graentaaMwdn toEu ptEoe enOrleciMG bsnnaUoo nCif otoesaharteoRprocnI" ".seitivitcA 3.0 Definition of Terms ets agwnisses snsaiae reaer hrtedisn olcl iywrtsin ie Mh,ttnemuc osdi hfetosopr ue phrtoF .ytrep otrnpeca j edd,hnaet annoozitaune tttnaanimat ne,ohec ttliassop se:ihsdtlasop olrapsopsid .snoitc egSniwoll oef h ntdienif eed reasehT 3.1 The Disposal Site: e hodttetim it lost niu,bsedulc n"iet ilsasopsi dm"r ee thttnemuc osdi hfstoesopr ue phrtoF :gniwollof (a) )ntPtocEciA(Atce tloartPnemn o t rrrI i eaVfev"dPohn entEltuaisso pesti sdaaw" ;90 3noitaluge R. On idenife ds a"eti sgnillifdnal "adna )b( ret aoWirat ne Ohrted n"uskr oewgaw e sdsaae"nif e"dnoog anloitartlifx en"a , d;n)aAR WtsOce(AcruoseR (c) ds tna ePcaIfhEA IottI rVraeP d"nmuet slyassop seigda weecsafrus beugsr aal" .78 9 51y1l u,J78 /e3cit o nNdienifed r oyfrassec e sntia hdtn aglninioj dea hdt neats aewviec etra hstae rea hytfitne d oi stnioitnet neihT et ilsasops iedts arewot ilsasops ie dh,tllifd n faeaols ae c hn,tielpma xr eo.Fnoitare peot irseporp ,dn aglniredr oy bnd an,a)"ae rlali fe"h t,(detisop ee drsaets ahwci h n rwniaooe re ahstesirpmoc noitartlifx e n "faeos aec h nt.Imarga igdniynapmoc cea h ntnowo h ss,a)"ae rlaarehpire pe"ht( ",mets ylsasops iedgaw eescafrusb uesgra lra""onoogal etairporp pea h ntdienif e sdyigolonimret .senilediug :et ilsasops i oadytlp psatnemm ogcniwoll oefhT (a) ,snoitaredisn olcacinhc endtoes a.Bdellortn oycltcir tedsbluo hdsn ae lhfe toseurutuF lort nho cctu asnhwt o nehltabsiic tdneuunit ntronocenam rdeelbpu olhosrt nhoccus .) t,Pnc6EoA4it cee eSysr(asse creeng nsooinl ) b( r oeftairporp pea reaveil etb osne oydrtsin ieM hhtci hswtnemnoriv nee reare hstA ll i rwsotnemnoriv nhec u fseo seu hetsop proeht ilel iywrtsin ieM h,tlasops iedtsaw d neat ilsasops ied hrt onfgis eyd n nadietaroproc n eisbdraugef atsnegnir ttsa httsisni y asmdraugef aesse h.Tsna lypcnegnitn od cnganirotin oemtairporp peeabre httaht elbl ihwci hswtnanimatn oyc n fatonemtae rdt nnaoitcell oec hrt onfoisivo repdulcni e rlaasops iedts arw oeflbatius nsutnemnoriv ngeniyfitne dri osfeniledi u.Gdecudorp .7 -eBniledi uf0G o.n5oitc endSietneserp 3.2 The Contaminant Attenuation Zone feo s futonemriap mdietim iel hwtol l o ast"ien onzoitaunet ttananimatno cfae"osopr uephT snoitcirts eerrev ee shgtnisop mtiuoht iswdoht ermeh trsootnemes afseona eyymbtrepo reptis-ffo .et ilsasops ied h otytlp phaci hew sdun anlo laso p esefdiho idt .s tdtsIeuitoro p yep eanunbmosozitaune tttnaanim a,t enatoacirpor pepraehW tceps ehrt iows lda nsaeilred n tuhici hdwn a flaoe rea h otttceps ehrt ihwt odbenif e s dtidi neatis .se ithlici hthwatp ee dhott detaunet tyallarut aelnbl iswtnanimatn otca hdtednet n sti,iien onzoitaunet ttananimatn oe chntI eniledi u nGdiessucs i sdyatrepo rtpnecaj dea h fteo seulbanosa eer hhtt iewlbitapm osclev eolt tnanimat n,owco l,e 1bn.o5it cdneeiSific eapisret i erthc etroeetm d dnr 2nion.ao3it c,e7S-B e hfrtootare pe oh.Ten otza hfstoe seum orsiap my iaemn onzoitaunet ttananimatn oe chnstilevel ytrepo re phhtt itwnemeer gganihca eyerbn oszi hfe tose uhottthg ie rhntiat btos uemt ilsasopsid .d ns a ielohlt tt edinhetotretsi gdeelbru othnsemee r eg.harTenwo e rean onzoitaunet ttananimat n fonaocoitangis ee dhgtniruov asftnemnoriv nd ensaecnatsmucriC .0 .n4oitc endSiessucsid 3.3 The Adjacent Property noitaune tttnaanimat n eoerhc totliassop s eighdntired rdo nb ea"shlyittrep otrnpecaj deah"T tcef feelbigilg enana hetr o omenv alhl iywtrepo rtpnecaj d oasttnanimatn o fceograhcs i.Denoz :t aehrtu sl nlse ii.whyTtrep o t reaefpshloutbanos alearitn e ttrnooeps eenrhopt (a) rnooitallats n,inoitcurtsn oe chhtt iewrefret nt iolnl itwnanimatn oe chfetocnese repht ;stiudn oyctili t suhac u,secafrusb ues h ntyitilic alfau syu n fanooitare pdooog )b( erefret ndilu ohwci hewerg eoaddtetanimatn o ectb olnl ilwi oesht ;e ssu thitiw (c) s triiap mdilu ohwci hewer g odeatedtanimatn oet cbolnl irwetawdnuo reght .)2 .n3oitce S7 (-eBniledi undGiesserd ds,aae seulbanosaer 4.0 Circumstances and Environments Suitable for a Contaminant Attenuation Zone n radon a flnooitisiuq cea hgtnivlov neit ilsasops irad onfoitacilp p nataropp uys aymrtsin ieMhT :secnatsmucr igcniwoll oef hrted nyul neon onzoitaunet ttananimatn ora cotfnemesae 4.1 Alternate Sources of Water Available y noratoirep ur sasrfiet afewocru oestanret lneaare hdwetropp uey sbanmoitacilp pnaA e efh esotthurtop p yuyasrmtsi n eiehM rt.eeH nnoozitaune tttnaanima th n taodicewtaicossa noiti seeo h kpdtea nntnaoozitaune tttnaanim annto iniaotcaune tdntnoaaitu lrrioedftawdnuorg ,tnacifingis n rieolbigilg e endblu oywtrepo rtpnecaj d nasoe seulbanosa e nrtocef fee httaht dd t el oor eudtne. eno etenbwysasinuwaadcn u toearshgutaceb :swoll o sfeasi rdalu oeccnatsmucr iscihT (a) r hor otiee tirh hgw et,rtnepotainunfe ose bs setgerinranipuraeb- r eeortweathww e h, t tndiieniatn orcet ae w hfytotilibissec ce ahd tnyatitna u,qytila ue q hotttcepser ta hdtedivo r,pen onzoitaunet ttananimat n sotaaci nruoiref ne ihttpec cy aaymrtsiniM r;oti nruoirep ue s hfet ose uhhtt iewrefret nt iolnl iswiht ) b( m osrreofcr uroes teacwaf rmu osrrefh t,ieelbali a evrraea tsfaeowilp pdu oseorgehw ht ilwanigr aem rtai nrualucitr a napsieilpp ursetawdnuo reg hdt n,asmets ylsapicinum t a efh esotthurtop p yuyasrmtsi n ei,hMyttitn aruiq erhot/ dyntail aruiq etohcttepser n.oein toraz euttn naesawtandtina muaaotrngoc 4.2 Contaminant Zone Limited dn adenife dylrael c,llam sylbatpecc an ayln oereh wdetroppu se bya mnoitacilpp anA ti neucafrusb ussi hdt ndaedarg e edlbl itwi neucafrusb ufansooitr odpetcirts eyrllacigoloegordyh .e sruehg irah odferiuq e er obytlek itl osni nreht rsnodi NnnawL onriCat re feestohcurtop pyourtstsi n eiwhMot ldlla ueorwudec osriphT s,asnia ldpoo l nftinese r epyb a smhac uwso lrfetawdnuo r fgsoen odzenif eldl e rwooiratnO "lufes u n"rietawdnuo rdgle i oyyttili blaacisy hrpie hettips esden onzoitaunet ttananimatnoc .seititnauq 4.3 High Levels of Dissolved Solids Present ere h,wsis aebsac-yb-es a nacdo nsaecnatsmucr ilcaice prsed n,udetropp u esyb anmoitacilp pnaA detaicos sea rease hetreh ws(dil odsevloss ildat orto/d neasenagn a,mno r fisolev ehlg iyhllarutan 1 .n5oitc endSiesop msitim ie lh,ttlu s sde aanrraetawdnuo re ghnttinese re pr)assendr ahhtiw st. i I)d s3n2ealpma x,e2 .n5oitc endSiebircs esdnoitaut iese st (eet mbonnac oytrassecen :esuac esbis aebsac-yb-es a nacsosessa (a) devloss ildat od tneasenagn a,mno rfsionoitartnecn o,csret aewcafr unesis ae chetkilnu yllaruta ner asevitcejb Oreta Wgniknir Doiratn Oeh tf ossecx en iylnommo csdilos dyrelosefun i sterureoatrawdn ue ,osdsrenrghaettawdn uo oitrr nganetisneOrp ;seilpp ucsitsemod ) b( gnikn ioriDra t ednnheOitt astlse v e,ethhlattl adoeethta l t eeosrrnraetema reaspeht ylnomm ohct iywlpp urset amawo rdfevom e ernb ancoitid d nadi n,asevitcej brOetaW dn a;seuqinhce telbaliava (c) ecnivo reP h fteogatnecr eepgr analliasops iedts aewtanimi l oeltacitca rtp o sntii nsiruc cyollarut asndil odsevloss ildat odt neasenagn a,mno r fieocnese rep hetrehw .sevitcej brOet agWnikni roDirat neO h ftsosecxe 4.4 Areas Suitable in the Judgment of the Regional Director ts oe mh,trotcer ilDanoig ee R hfttonemgd ue j hn,tiere hdwetropp ueys banmoitacilp pnaA htsgiiuoh t,lea nnoozitaune tttnaanima tdes nlbaao uctonwemnori vtn ae efhesottuairporppa .l lsseeawsop rruep h rteoolfbatius 5.0 The Determination of Limits for Proposed Disposal Sites 5.1 Basic Approach deific eepss ohsh cat,uss eeslubanos arearlucit r raaopifret iertcairpor p ephha tteicwnadro cncIa fyortsin ieM h ftsoerudeco rdP nsaeniledi u -Gt-nemegan arMeta W:"1 -eBniledi ueG hnti ll iywtrepo rtpnecaj dea h ntsoretawdnuo reg h ftyotila u nqeigna h,ac"ygre ndE ntanemnorivnE :swoll o sfyal neolbatpec ceab neewt eebcnereff ied h ft%o 0 f5sosec x netinuo m na yadbedarg e edtbonn ayctilauQ" feos aec h nttipec xee seulbanosa edretangis eyd nra oafireti ryctila ueq hdt ndanuorgkcab ntinuo m nyadabedarg eetd botns uymtila ue qh,tret agwnikni rfedos ae c hn.tIret agwniknird sevitcej brOet agWnikni roDirat neO hdt ndanuorgkc anbeewt eebcnereff ied h ft%o 0 f5sosecxe d ndanuorgkc anbeewt eebcnereff ie d hf%t o 5fs2osec xnde insaretemar adpetal ehrtlaeh-n ornof deredisn osdcinuorgkc a.Bsretemar adpetaler-htla er hosfevitcej brOet agWnikni roDirat neOht ".noitanimat neodcam- n yaronmota irreptawdnu o eryfhgtotil a euoehqtbt froen we ohtta hntoitanimatn oftconuo me ahotttim irlep ptunenam r seaepsop mhicaorp psaihT s'yrtsi n ,eti s0hiMni.to2it che tSeicwnadro c.nceIatare leo ovtdtalhu oyhtsrep otrnpeca jedhat laivir tr oelbigilge nanah tero mo neva hlli wsleve ltnanimatno cn isesaercn ihcu stah ttnemgduj .ytrep otrnpeca j ed efhaesotlubanos alearitne tgronopits i extnhecoteffe ,larut ae nhonttev isngioitaredisn o,celbatpec cstaia hntoitadarg eftdonuo me ahgtnisses snaI laitne tdronepatawdnu oyefrthogitl atunqes ee,rhrptetawdnu oyefrthogitl adueqtanimatnocnu .secr u lomls oarreftawdnu o ernfhgootitanimatnoc 5.2 Examples of the Application of the Concept :wol edbedivo re prsanoitaut itsnereff ieder hotttpecn osci hfntooitacilp pe ahfstoelpmaxE o,nytila uneqigna hoscnwol lraetawdnuo rfeg oseulbanosa edretangis ee dhetre he-1Wl-pmaxE .elbatpec c saeignahc e hd tnraet agwnikni rsrdietawdnuo re ghfe toseulbanosa edretangis ee dhetr e eh-2lW-pmaxE fgonire w ,oaslevitcej brOet agWnikni roDirat ne Ohnta hrtett eybltnese rsypitila urqetawdnuorg deta taslumr oe fhhtt iewcnadroc cneailbatpec celabl iywtrepo rtpnecaj de a hnytotila urqetaw .evoba snoitartne c yntloatcner resurrcaetema ryatpil arueqtawdnu o e rereergn orlo o3mep-hm-WaxE srietawdnuo reg htt u,bsevitcej brOet agWnikni roDirat neO h ntdieifice psstim iel hnta hrtetaerg ret aewse hfstolev ee l hnetisaerc nriehtr uonfne h,tecru orset agwnikn i srea ad snsuiselehtenon ese hrted n.U)noitpec xeelbiss or po3 f.n4oitc eeSe se(lbatpec celabl iswretemar ayptilauq .1 .n5oitc ehSt iewcnadroc cndaiewol leya basmretemar arpeh tnsoiesaerc n,isecnatsmucric 5.3 Examples of the Calculations mo refgrahcs in datca hntoitanimatn oftconuo me ahetnimret eoddteriuq ee rrsanoitalucl aocwT tnanimat nloac t eoshtetsser dndoaitaluc ltasc r ei.hfyTtrep otrnpeca j edoha tten toliassop said elbissimr eep hstesserd ddanoc ees h.Tnoitanimatn o fcsoecru ols lmao rnfoitac otla h tttacapmi .et ilsasops irdalucitr aep hmto rtfcapmi e h nteilbatpec c eadblu otwa httnanimatn orcalucitr afa)pom Cn(oitartnecn omcumix aemhT gniwoll oe fhhtt iewcnadroc cndaietalucl asycitrepo rtpnecaj de ahhttaen erbetawdnuorg :pihsnoitaler )bC-rC ( b+mx=CC :swoll o sfdaenif eed rsamr eethT b C retawdnu o ertnhgnitanimat nroaclucit r eanfhpootitartnec ndoncuorgk c easshbiithT ontoitaredisn oscwol lsai h.T)1 .n5oitce Sy(tivit cnaam u yhdbetcef fnae esb a theirofeb .lev etlnanimatn o nceisaerc n fitonuo mea h otntev iegb Cr n,idluo htsa httnanimatn orcalucitr aep h ftnooitartnecn omcumix aem h stsiihT e h nttinese r epebniledi utgnemegan armet asw'ecnivo reP hhtt iewcnadrocca t ea) f odheeoetatsblmubanosa e etersnnh(ouetdn e epsue ilds ai.vhrTetawdnuorg tfnou ol ma natefoohoitttaredis nsow co .lt) lI7ea-nBiled ie uerGse(tawdnuorg .noitanimatnoc x e hydtberedisn ostcia hlte v oneatolitanimatn oe chstecud etra httnats n ssoaiichT srxiet agwnikni rrd o.Fret aew h fteo seu h nttocef feelbigilg eyanl neov a ohytrtsiniM . srrreoe hFtste rom de aret 5roteh 2aamtdr.plaleo 0eratfhraeatphll ea5re .hr0-onfon .) 1n.o5it c s e t5esSei.si(l0ubanosaer e h nttocef feelbaicerp p naeav ayh a mmnCa hrtetae rngoitanimatn o fcsoleveL e h fteosu ht iewt ilsasops ira donfoitacilp p nataropp uts olnl iywrtsin ieM hdt nyatrepo rtpnecajda .dedeec x ee obltev esli hetsu adclu ohwci hswegrahcs itdnanimatnoc ta hett ilsasops ied h ntginitanigi r)ow Ct(nanimatn orcalucitr afanpooitartnecn omcumix aemhT nedabecdee cemoexsCtbe u talocln i dtynstarep otrnpeca j edhhact adoeetrttim rneeabpc :pihsnoital egrniwoll oef hhtt iewcnadroc c nadietaluclac w C =m C -p C -oC :swoll o sfdaenif eed rsamr eethT p C e m eirthteattawdnu o ertnhgnitanimat nroaclucit r eanfhpootitartnec n eosshciithT em onsiatn oycdaer ly aarmet aswi h.T)dnuorgkc atbnese re ph.te. i,(tnemsses sfao enimret eoddtetcartb uetsbs usmlev etlnanimatn oecse h.T)1 .n5oitce Ss(tnanimatnoc .et ilsasops ie dhmto rdfettimr eenp batca httnemerc ntinanimatn oecht Co feoerg ehd g hiath iswecru orseh tmoo refsaerc ntinanimatn olcaitnet oe p hsstiihT edirol hlcaitnet o,pelpma xre o.F))b(1 .n4oitc e,S7 -eBniledi ueGe sy(tilibaborp doettcart bte usbesu t metio hxstnteonitcurts nroec dynauw hm goanirohfitanimatnoc . weCnimreted eh tn i)mC (leve ledirolh cdewoll amumixa meh t,elpmax en as allifdna lamor fedirolh cgnisU e)oh wtteCg(rahc seiddiro lmhucmi x ea dhmynttarep otrnpeca j edhhattae nreebtawdnuorg :swoll o sfdaetalucl aec rlalifdn allacitehtop ymaho ryftrepo rtpnecajda (a) n e seyabthrep otrnpeca j edhhattae nreebtawdnu o eerfehsgoltubanos aeehrT .seilpp ucsitsem or d o eofdbtenimreted )b( . rsCtneserp esri h.TL/ g0m 5 s2eidirol hrc oefvitcej brOet agWnikni roDirat neOhT (c) ev aodhtetamit sseeidirol hfncooitartnecn odcnuorgkc adbetanimatnoc nluarut aenhT . bsCtneserp esri h.TL/ g0nm1eeb (d) si h.TL/ g 0smt4inemsses se a hfetom ie t htetadirol hfncooitartnecn odcerusa eemhT stneserpe r.pC (e) red nyultnese r sptia hytawhg iyhbra emano refsaerc neidirol hlcanoitid ddaetcep xeehT .sotCneser ps dei. oerhL ettT/0bag2m mi ntsosiietcurtsnoc ) f( tnats neeohrctofer edrhnetatema rdaeptaler-htla e d hoee-t nrbaeodni s ensdoiicrolhC . )5sx.i(0 n,iytrepo rtpnecaj dea hhttaen eebdirol h fc)om Cn(oitartnecn odcewol lmaumix aemhT :pihsnoital ee rhhtt iewcnadrocca :erofere hs)tibC - mrb =+CCCx( 01 + 5 .)001-052( = 031 L/gm odtettimr eenp batca hett ilsasops ie dhmto r)fw Ce(dirol hfncooitartnecn omcumix aemhT :ero fpw eiC=m rhC-p esC-oshnCitoita l eehhr tteicwnadro c,ncyiatrep otrnpeca j edhhactaer 031 - 04 - 02 = 0L7/gm tnanimatn oe ch.te. it(nanimatn olcaciti re chet tboy nan moeidirol he chtta hdtet oednbluo htsI tneserp esru hdt n,a m,Ceul advewol lmaumix asm thicaorp pyaleso ltcs olml ihwci hrwetemarap tnanimatn o ncdie syulnomm o sc ti,irevew o.H)dengis e sdeit ies hhtci h owttim ielht ntonednep e sdtinanimatn olcaciti rec h.T"recar tsas"asenlufe ssu t fieosuac esbnoitagitsevni d ntanemnoriv nceigoloegord yeh hdt nsaets aew h ftsocitsiretcara hec hgtnidulc nsirotc alfareves .sis aebsac-yb-es a nacdoenimret esdi 5.4 Site Assessment y nhat iewcnadroc cnt aiudoeirr aedcbluo hest ilsasops iddesopo re phfttonemsses seahT elbanosa eeR hrt osfis alBacinhc eeTh T,"0 .n4oitc e,Snoitid d na.Iseniledi uygrtsin itMnenitrep st reasp oeohcttnere frearlucit rha tpdiewredis ndeolbcu o 7he-snBiled i"fu,oGhcaor pepsAU segrahcs itdnanimatn o fcsoetamit sgenik a nmniigr aymtef a fasnooisivo rep h otgtnitaler (Section 4.2). 6.0 Limits for Operating Disposal Sites :swoll o sfdaeldn a sheit ilsasops igdnitare pnoA (a) )1 .n5oitce Se(grahcs itdnanimatn orc osftim ielm aes htte edmluo hest igsnitare pnoA sa a desoporp .etis ) b( ey baemcudo rlpl iewt ie shtta httcap meitis-f fftoonuo me a h ostttanemegd uejhT fsonoitcide r n prosolev etlnanimatn o fcsotnemerusa eemtis-f floaut c nadoesab e hstecud esri h.Tstnemerusa eemtis- n nodoes aeb rhaci hswlev etlnanimatn oectis-ffo .)2 .n4oitc e,S7 -eBnilediu Gs(noitalucl a ncniigr aymtef aras osftnemeriuqer (c) dluo hest ies h,t1 .n5oitc e nSdieifice psstim iel hdteec xsenoitartnecn otcnanimatn ofcI edbluo hnsoitare peo h rt,oegam aldatnemnoriv neezimin i omrtenn a namdieso lecb neilpma xre o,fet ilsasops ied h ftnooitare peo hytfid o ometlbatpec c sa ti.Ideifidom deifice pes htte e omrted r no,ietahca eel h fttor agapnitcell o yclblifdn a faleos aecht nein otda httpec x,elasops iedts alw l,adedeec xee rsalev eelse h ft,irevew o.Hstimil edbluo h,sseitivit claaidem ehrt i rweoruso lrc onfa leplbanosa ehart inwoitcnujnoc etacid nait agdnirotin olmit n ru,ot enme eebv ashtim idleifice pes hltit nduetanimret ret adwetanimatn o fctonemecalp eer h ntsonoitanimret e.Dt e emlbl iswtim ielse httaht esac-yb-es a naceod a emtbs uemmu ltpnanimatn oec h fttonemeta bea hdt nsaeilppus fnooitulose R:"deltit n)e01- 5y1lremro f9( -eBniledi uhGt iewcnadroc c nasiisab ".smelb oercPnerefre tyntIil arueQtawdnuorG 7.0 Limits for Disposal Sites Requesting Approval for Expansion n as arenna mema seh tn ideldna he blli wnoisnapx egnitseuqe reti slasopsi daro flavorpp AnA ts ut.mie. ie(t idsesop o rreaopt i w sre aonlfavorppA tnanimatn or codfeifice psstim ie lhtteem .)1 .n5oitc eneSigrahcsid

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