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Procedure B-1-5 : deriving receiving-water based, point-source effluent requirements for Ontario waters PDF

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Preview Procedure B-1-5 : deriving receiving-water based, point-source effluent requirements for Ontario waters

PROCEDURE B-1-5 PIBS# 3302 GNIVIRED RETAW-GNIVIECER BASED, POINT-SOURCE TNEULFFE STNEMERIUQER SRE TOAIWRA TRNOOF Ministry of Environment and Energy July, 1994 B-1-5 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thep reparationo ft hisr eportr epresentst hee ffortso faw ider angeo fM inistryo ft he EnviErsnoteanarnmfgdefy n. t GlenRnu therforadn Ddo uSgp roytf h Set andardDse velopmenBtr ancahn Pde teDre nnis otfh Per ograDme velopmenBtr ancahr teh per incipaalu thors. Mucohtf h ien formation usedi nt hep reparationo ft hisd ocumentc amef rome arlierd ocuments,o nep reparedb y ARrMootify d -OntarRieog isaoeannc d o pnrde parMabeOnydcE oEm mittleeeba yd GleGnr osswei tDho uHgu berB,a rrByu rnsE,r iScm itahn Bdr iaWnh itehead. John Ralstono ft heP rogramD evelopmentB ranche ditedt her eportt or eflectt he1 994r evisions to . Water Management Thec ontributiont hate achi ndividualh asm adei ne itherd evelopingp ortionso ft hisr eport roerv iewitndhgoe c umeginrsta tefulalcyk nowledged. B-1-5 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Tableo fC ontents Introduction Chapte-1r Legal Framework and Policies 1.1 k rowemarF lageL 1.2 WaterM anagementP olicies Chapte-2r Implementation of the Water Management Policies 2.1 AreasW ithW aterQ ualityB etterT hant heO bjectives 2.2 AreaWsi tWha teQru alitNyo Mte etintgh Oeb jectives 2.3 HazardousS ubstances 2.4 MixinZgo nes 2.5 EfflueRnetq uirements Chapte-3r Derivation of Effluent Requirements 3.1 EfflueLnitm iatOnsbd j ectives 3.2 CertificatAoepfsp rovaaOnltd h Reerg ulatoIrnys truments 3.3 EffluenLto adingasn Cdo ncentrations 3.4 TypeoCsfo ntaminants 3.5 TreatmenTte chnology-BaseEdf fluenRte quirements Chapte4r - Deriving Receiving Water Based Effluent Requirements 4.1 Introduction B-1-5 4.2 ytilibacilppA 4.3 Responsibility iii 4.4 WaterQ uantityC onsiderations 4.5 WaterQ ualityC onsiderations 4.6 AssessmentsP riort oS tart-upo rE xpansion 4.7 SpecificatioonEf f fluenRte quirementBsa seodn ReceivingW aterC onditions 4.8 SpecifyinRge ceiving-WateBra seEdf fluenRte quirements iCne rtificateoAsfp proval Chapte-5r Effluent Requirements and Enforcement 5.1 s timiL tneulffE 5.2 EfflueOnbtj ectives 5.3 ControOlr ders 5.4 AssessmenAtfstP elraS ntta rt-up 5.5 Follow-Muopn itoring Chapte-G6r lossary Chapte-R7r eferences Appendices: - A TreatmenTte chnology-BasePdr ovinciaaln Fde deraRle gulations, Guidelinesa ndP oliciesR elatedt oI ndustrialW astewater - B TreatmenTte chnology-BasePdo licieRse latetdMo u nicipal Wastewater - C GuidelinfeHosar n dliRnegq uesftDoser v iatiofnrsMo OmE E SurfaWcaet Qeura liMtayn agemePnotl icy B-1-5 INTRODUCTION Thisr eportd escribest hep roceduresu sedb yt heO ntarioM inistryo fE nvironmenta nd Energ(yM OEEt)eo s tablisrhe ceiving-watebra seedf fluenrte quirementfso pro insto urce dischargest os urfacew aterbodies. Thep roceduresa reb asedo nt hep oliciesc ontainedi n Water Management - Policies, Guidelines and Provincial Water Quality Objectives (MOEE1.9 94). ThPer ovinciaWla teQru alitOyb jective(sP WQOp)l amaya jorro lietn h e developmeeonfftf luelnitm itSsp.e cifPiWcaQ lrOie s tiend . Water Management Whilper imareym phasiostf h idso cumenrte latetso settintgr eateedf fluendti scharge limitfsr opmo insto urceospf o llutiosnu cahis n dustrieasn sde wagter eatmenptl antsi,it s recognizedt hato thern on-pointo rd iffuses ourceso fp ollution- urban,r urala nd atmosphericc,a cno ntributseu bstantialltywo a teqru alitdye gradatioann uds iem pairment. Proceduresf orm anagingn on-points ourceso fp ollutiona ren ota ddressedi nt hisr eport. Thei mplementationp roceduresd escribedi nt hisr eports upport and Water Management providgee neradli rectioonwan i drea ngoepf r ocedurefso dre termininegf fluent requirementfso Cre rtificateosAf p provaolor t helre gadlo cuments. Thtee xitns o atl l inclusive,a ndi ti ss tronglys uggestedt hatp roponentso rt heirc onsultants contactt he appropriatMeO EREe gionaSlu rfacWea teArs sessmenstt aftfdo e terminieaf d ditionasli te specific-conditionwso uladp pltyto h eef fluendti schargieqn u estion. B-1-5 Chapter 1 LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND POLICIES Ther elevantl egislativea uthorityf ort hec ontrolo fp oints ourced ischargesi nt heP rovince ofO ntarioi sf oundi nt he EnvironmentaPlr otectioAnc t a ndt he OntarioW aterR esources tcA . Dischargsep ecificationasr ceo ntaineidCn e rtificateosAf p provalC,o ntroOlr ders anodt heMrO ErEe quirementasnd di rection(sc ollectivelkyn owa"nsl egailn struments"). Tlheeg aapnlod l ifcrya mewofrCoker r tificatAoepfsp rovsiauslm mariztiehnde followisnegc tions. 1.1 LEGAL FRAMEWORK Thlee gislativaeu thorittyio s suCee rtificateosAf p provaflo irn dustriaaln mdu nicipal poinsto urcdei scharge(sc ollectivelkyn owanss e wagweo rksi)ts h e OntarioW ater ResourceAsc t , Sectio5n3 R,. S.1O9 90. Conditionpsl aceidtn h esCee rtificateosf Approvala ddressan umbero fi ssuesa ssociatedw itht heo perationa ndm aintenanceo fa sewagweo rks. Apsa rottf h esceo nditionse,f fluenrte quirementasr dee termineadn d incorporateidn ttoh Cee rtificatoeAf p provaall onwgi tahp propriatneo n-compliance criteria. Sectio2no8 tf h Oen tariWoa teRre sourceAsc (tR .S.O1.9 90s)t ates":U ndesre ction2s9 , 303,a2 n 3d3 t,h qeu alitoywf a tesrh alblde e emetdbo ie m paireidf n,o twithstandintgh at thqeu alitoytf h wea teirns o otmr a nyo bte comiem pairedt,h mea teriadli schargeodr causeodpr e rmittetdbo de i schargeodar n dye rivativoesf u cmha teriacla useosmr a y causien jurtyao n pye rsona,n imalb,i rodor t helri vintgh inagras e sulottf h ues oer consumptioonaf n pyl antf,i sohor t helri vinmga tteortr h inigtn h wea teorir tn h seo iiln contacwti tthh wea ter". Sectio3n0 (1g)o eostn so t ipulatteh at":E verpye rsotnh at dischargeoscr a useospr e rmittsh dei schargoeaf n mya teriaolaf n kyi nidn tooir an n y waterosor an n syh oroebr a ntkh ereoofir n tooir an n pyl acteh amta iym paitrh qeu ality offagenwun aoaicitfnleswe yto" art yf.tsh e eor f ThOen tariEon vironmentaPlr otectioAnc ptr ovidetsh lee gislativaeu thorittylo i mitth e dischargeo fc ontaminantst ot hen aturale nvironment. Section1 4(1)o ft heO ntario EnvironmentaPlr otectioAnc (tR .S.O1.9 90s)t ates":D espitaen oyt heprr ovisioontf h is Acto rt her egulations,n op ersons halld ischargeac ontaminanto rc auseo rp ermitt he dischargeo fac ontaminanti ntot hen aturale nvironmentt hatc auseso ri sl ikelyt oc ausea n adverseef fect". Secti(o11otn )fhs ea mAecd te fine'sa dverseef fectao'snom ero roef "(ai)m pairmenottfhq eu alitotyfhn ea turaeln vironmenftoa rnu yst eh actabm nea doef it(,bi )n jurodyra magtpeor opertotpyrol anoatrn imalli fe(,ch )a rommra terial B-1-5 discomforttao n pye rson(,d a)an d verseef fecottn h hee altohaf n pye rson(,e i)m pairment otfhs ea fetoayfnp ye rson(,fr )e nderinagnp yr opertopyrl anoatrn imalli fuen fiftou rs e bmya n(,gl )o soesfn joymenontfo rmaulsop efr opertya,n( dhi )n terferencwei tthh e normaclo nducotbf u siness". Discharger equirementsa lsot akei ntoa ccountt hep rovisionso ft heF ederalF isheriesA ct fowrh icthh Oen tariMoi nistroyNf a turaRle sourceists h aeg enitOn n tario. 1.2 WATER MANAGEMENT POLICIES Fotrh dee velopmenotef f fluenrte quirementst,h peu blication Water Management - Policies, Guidelines and Provincial Water Quality Objectives of the Ministry of (M OEE1.9 94i)ts h per imardyo cumenuts etdpo r ovide Environment and Energy, 1994 interpretatioontf h lee gislation. Surfacwea teqru alitmya nagemenitas d dresseudn dear serieosSf u rfacWea teMra nagemenPto licies antdh Per ovinciaWla teQru ality Objectives. 1.2.1 Provincial Water Quality Objectives ProvinciaWla teQru alitOyb jective(sP WQOa)r neu mericaaln nda rrativcer iteriwah ich servaecs h emicaaln pdh ysicaslu rrogateoshf e althpyo pulationosaf q uatibci ota. They represent saa tisfactory leveoqlfu alitfyos ru rfacwea ter(si .el.a kesr,i verasns dt reams). Thesec riterias houlda lsob ea ppliedt og roundwater wherei td ischargest ot hes urface. ThPeW QaOrs eela atet v eowlfa teqru alitwyh iciphsr otectivoaefl f lo rmoasfq uatilci fe anda lla spectso ft hea quaticl ifec yclesd uringi ndefinitee xposuret ot hew ater. Recreationalu seso fw atera rep rotectedb yP WQOb asedo np ublich ealtha nda esthetic considerations. TheP rovincialW aterQ ualityO bjectivesa rel istedi n Ontario's Provincial (MOEE1.9 94c) Thep roceduresu sedt os etP WQOa re Water Quality Objectives . describedi n (M OE1.9 92a). Ontario's Water Quality Objective Development Process, ProvinciaWla teQru alitOyb jectiveasr ien tendetdpo r ovidgeu idanciemn a kinwga ter qualitym anagementd ecisionss ucha st hed esignationo ft hes urfacew aterso ft he Provincew hichs houldn otb ef urtherd egraded. Theya reo ftenu seda st hes tartingp oint idne rivinwga steef fluenrte quirementisn cludeidCn e rtificateosAf p provaaln odt her instrumentiss suetdro e gulateef fluendti schargesT.h eayr ues etdao s sesasm bienwta ter qualitcyo nditionsi,n feurs iem pairments, assisitan s sessinsgp illasn mdo nitorintgh e effectivenesosrf e mediaalc tions. 1.2.2 Surface Water Quality Goal and Policies B-1-5 Thseu rfacwea teqru alitmya nagemengto aalnp do licieasrf eu lldye scribeidn Water :swollof sa era yeht ,yllatnemadnuF Management (1994). laoG To ensure that the surface waters of the Province are of a quality which is satisfactory for aquatic life and recreation. Twpoo licierse latdei rectltyto h per otectioonrr e storatioonsf a tisfactorwya teqru ality conditions: 1 Policy In areas which have water quality better than the Provincial Water Quality Objectives, water quality shall be maintained at or above the Objective. 2 Policy Water quality which presently does not meet the Provincial Water Quality Objectives shall not be further degraded and all practical measures shall be undertaken to upgrade the water quality to the Objectives. Twpoo licierse latdei rectltyto h mea nagemenotpf a rticularlhya zardoussu bstances whichi,rf e leasetdto h een vironmenetv einsn m alclo ncentrationsm,a pyo ssaee rious threattao q uatilci few,i ldlifaen hdu mans. 3 Policy Prevent the release, in any concentration, of hazardous substances that have been banned. 4 Policy Ensure that special measures are taken on a case by case basis to minimize the release of hazardous substances that have not been banned. Whent reatedp oint-sourcee ffluentsa red ischargedt oaw aterbody,t herem ayb ea na reao f ther eceiverc ontiguoust ot hed ischargep ointw herew aterq ualityd egradationa ndu se impairmentc ouldo ccur. Thisa reai sd escribeda st hem ixingz onea nda ddressedi n .5 yciloP B-1-5 5 Policy Mixing zones should be as small as possible and not interfere with beneficial uses. Mixing zones are not to be used as an alternative to reasonable and practical treatment. B-1-5 1.2.3 Other Water Management Policies TMhOpeEo El idcoyc ument a lsoc ontainsa Water Management (MOEE. 1994) numbeorpf o liciesg,u idelineasn idm plementatiopnr ocedurerse latetdto h e managemenotgf r oundwateqru alitayn tdh mea nagemenotsf u rfacaen gdr ound wateqru antity. Iitis m perativteuo n derstantdh ien ter-relationshipossf u rface angdr ounwda teqru alitmya nagemenatn tdh iem portanlti nkagebse tween wateqru alitayn wda teqru antitmya nagement. Managemendte cisionrse lated taon oyn oetf h esaes pectoswf a temra nagemencta hna vsee riouism plications ont heo thers. GroundwateQru ality Recognizingt hatg roundwateri sav aluabler esourcei nO ntariot hats upportsa varuisMotgeeOfhetsE eny,E e proalglfir ocoryu ndwaqtuearl miatnya gement :si To protect the quality of groundwater for the greatest number of beneficial uses Specifipco licieasn pdr ocedurefso trh per otectioongf r oundwateqru alitfyr opmo llution fromr egulateda ndu nregulateds ourcesa rec ontainedi n Incorporation of the Reasonable a nd Use Concept into the MOEE Groundwater Management ActivitiesGuidelines for the . Botha rec ontainedi nt he Resolution of Groundwater Quality Interference Problems aGs u idelinBe- a7n Bd- 9, MOEE Manual of Guidelines and Procedures (MOEE. 1994b) respectively. Surfacaen Gdr ounWda teQru antitMya nagement Thper otectioann cdo ntroolwf a teqru antitiykas e cyo mponenotOf n tario'wsa ter managemenstt rategy. Wateqru antitaynq du alitayrc el oselrye latedi,n asmucathsh e amount owfa tearv ailablaen idt psh ysicaclh aracteristicasr aein m portanats pecotwf a ter quality. Grounwda teqru antitmya nagemenites s sentiaflo trh aed derde asotnh agtr ound wateiorsf teainnm portancto mponenostft reamflow. Recognizitnmhgae an vnyad r iuesdwoe afst etrMh,Oe pE oEl ifctoymhr ae n agemeonft surfacaen gdr ounwda teqru antitiys : To ensure the fair sharing, conservation and sustainable development of the surface and ground waters of the province.

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