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Preview Problems in the Surgical Management of Acute Dissecting Aneurysm of the Aorta

Problems in the Surgical Management of Acute Dissecting Aneurysm of the Aorta * W. DEAN WARREN, M.D., JULIAN BECKWITH, M.D., WILLIAM H. MuLLER, JR., M.D. From The Departments of Surgery and Medicine, University of Virginia Medical School, Charlottesville, Virginia INTRODUCTION Review of Surgical Treatment of Dis- secting Aneurysm. Although the necessary DISSECTING ANEURYSM of the aorta has prerequisites for surgical approach to this been recognized as a distinct entity for vascular accident had been available for over 150 years.13 Prior to that time, there many years, it was not until 1935 that were glimpses into its true nature but Gurin, Bulmer and Derby7 reported the Maunoir, in 1802, was the first to publish first attempt at a definitive procedure. a clear description of the disease. As early Their patient was a 43-year-old man who as 1822 there was a report of a "cured" presented with excruciating pain in the case by Shekelton of Dublin, at which time epigastrium with extension downward to he described lucidly the distal opening the right thigh. The right leg was cold, through the intimal wall of the sac and had a weak femoral pulse, and had mark- pointed out the significance of the re- edly diminished sensory and motor func- opening from the aneurysm into the aorta. tion. A diagnosis of dissecting aneurysm This was amply confirmed by Henderson of the aorta with obstruction to the right of Edinburgh in 1843. In 1826 the famous iliac artery was made. Operation was de- French physician, Rene Laennec, first used cided upon to prevent gangrene of the af- the term "aneurysme dissequant" and this fected leg. The initial step was to explore name has been generally accepted since the femoral artery to confirm the diagnosis that time. ofobstruction. This was done, the abdomen It was about a half a century from was then entered, and the right iliac artery Maunoir's important publication until the was dissected out. The aneurysm was quite earliest report of a correct clinical diagnosis apparent and the iliac artery was opened made by Swaine et al. in 1855. This was a longitudinally through a portion of the case with three months survival and the vessel seemingly unaffected by the dis- diagnosis was confirmed at autopsy. It is section. The occlusion of the lumen was both interesting and pertinent to note here found to be due to elevation of the intimal that in the next 78 years (until Shennan's wall of the aneurysm opposite a large very comprehensive monograph in 1933) atheromatous mass. An incision was made there were only five additional cases in through the internal lamina of the sac with the world's literature with diagnosis during release of dark, unclotted blood. A clamp life. It is not surprising, therefore, that was inserted through the intimal incision little thought was devoted to the possibility and gentle dissection was done to free up of surgical therapy during that time. any of the adherent clot. Upon releasing the clamps, brisk bleeding occurred and * Presented before the American Surgical As- following closure, the vessel pulsated nor- sociation, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, April 12, 1956. mally for the first time. The arteriotomy 530 Volume 144 DISSECTING ANEURISM OF THE AORTA 531 Number 4 was closed with interrupted silk sutures of DeBakey, Cooley, and Creech.3 Whereas but the incision into the aneurysmal sac there had been three scattered case reports through the intimal layer was left open in prior to their initial publication, these the hope that complete rechanneling would authors presented a series of six well-docu- occur. Postoperatively, there were palpable mented cases. In this group were the first pedal pulses and there was no evidence of successful operative cases, with four of the circulatory disturbance in the leg. The six patients surviving. Their fundamental patient died on the sixth postoperative day operative principles included the creation with rising blood urea, cough, bloody of a distal internal opening as a re-entry purulent sputum, high fever, and with site and closure of the distal aneurysmal patchy pneumonitis demonstrated on the space. The actual operative procedures chest x-ray. Unfortunately, an autopsy performed were varied and among them could not be obtained. were included the local excision and closure Following this unsuccessful attempt at of a saccular dissection and the resection operative intervention, the next procedure of the descending thoracic aorta with re- was not reported until 1953. At that time placement by a homograph. The procedure Johns 8 reported a case of dissecting aneu- which probably has proved to be the most rysm of the abdominal aorta with perfora- useful consists of division of the descending tion causing a large retroperitoneal hema- thoracic aorta, creation of the re-entry site toma. Although the nature of the primary through the intimal lamina, closure of the lesion was not recognized at operation the distal aneurysmal opening and anastomosis bleeding was controlled by closure of the of the ends of the aorta. These authors also defect with a continuous silk suture. The stressed for the first time the importance of patient succumbed on the eighth postop- a trans-thoracic approach rather than the erative day of acute renal failure. abdominal. Recently, Shaw 12 has reported a case In a subsequent paper DeBakey4 re- with the finding of acute arterial obstruc- ported an additional four patients, making tion at the level of the iliac arteries. At a total of ten cases. In this group there operation the aneurysmal sac was found were seven survivors, a remarkable record. to be filled with fresh thrombus. This was Several of these patients had the so-called extruded manually and the obstruction chronic dissection with survival of a sev- was thought to be relieved. A segment of eral weeks or months. At least two of them, the internal lamina was then excised to however, were operated on during the first allow the blood in the aneurysmal space to month. The first case underwent surgical return to the true aortic lumen and the exploration on the second day of disease opening into the distal aneurysmal space with a sudden fatal ending on the eighth was closed with sutures. The patient sub- postoperative day from intrapericardial sequently had to be re-operated upon, rupture of the aneurysm. The other, op- however, because of arterial obstruction in erated on after a period of four weeks, had the right popliteal and posterior tibial ar- an uneventful recovery and is alive and teries from fresh thrombi. Following the well. Regarding the handling of these second operative procedure the leg re- acute cases, DeBakey et al.3 expressed the mained viable, but the patient died on the belief that operative intervention was in- seventh postoperative day of acute renal dicated at the earliest opportunity. failure. The chief stimulus for the growing in- REPORT OF CASES terest in the surgical management of dis- Case 1. A 49-year-old white man was ad- secting aneurysms has come from the work mitted August 19, 1955, one hour following onset 532 WARREN, BECKWITH AND MULLER AnnalsofSurgery October 1956 A. B. sutures intimal wall dissectin~ channel external wvall .-'l true lurmen '1- FIG. 1 B. Illustration of the method of anas- tomosis to maintain the distal re-entry site. The internal wall of the sac is trimmed back and not included in the suture line. This forms the open- ing through which the blood in the aneurysmal space flows back into the true aortic lumen. palpated but there were no pulses in either femoral region. An admitting diagnosis of acute dissecting aneurysm of the aorta with bilateral iliac obstruction was made. In view of the loss of circulation to the lower extremities, it was felt that surgical intervention was mandatory. An exploratory laparotomy was FIG. 1 A. Diagram of the completed operation. begun 3 hours following the onset of symptoms, revealing a dissecting aneurysm of the aorta ex- tending into the chest proximally and into the of excruciating substernal pain with radiation be- extemal iliac arteries distally. There was hemor- tween the scapulae. The pain subsequently ex- rhagic extravasation around the right iliac artery tended down into the low back and hips and but no perforation was identified. Attempts to re- was accompanied by extreme weakness and loss establish the circulation to the legs were carried of sensation in the legs. out from the aorta above and through bilateral The patient had been treated for severe hyper- femoral arteriotomies below. These procedures tension for 3 years, having suffered a cerebro- were unsuccessful and resection of the aortic vascular accident and an episode of cardiac fail- bifurcation and proximal iliac arteries was then ure. Six weeks prior to the present admission he carried out. An Orlon prosthesis was used to re- had been found to have a blood pressure of 210/ place the resected vessels and a routine anastomo- 145 mm. Hg, far advanced retinopathy, cardiac sis was performed following the excision of a hypertrophy and hepatomegaly. Laboratory studies window of intima from the proximal aorta to revealed a 3+ albuminuria, blood urea of 60 mg. provide a re-entry site for the aneurysmal channel per cent, and decreased PSP excretion. While in into the true lumen (Fig. 1, A and B). Following the hospital the patient developed a large hema- removal of the occlusive clamps the blood pres- toma medial to the right scapula, felt to be due to the rupture of an intercostal artery. His re- sure fell precipitously and was unobtainable for a sponse to several anti-hypertensive drugs was not short time. Response to transfusions and intra- good and he was discharged essentially unim- venous norephinephrine was rapid and a bilateral proved, continuing to show an elevated blood lumbar sympathectomy was then performed. urea (72 mgm. per cent). The postoperative course was characterized On admission the patient was cold and clammy by oliguria, a rising blood urea and an increase and complained bitterly of agonizing pain in the in restlessness and disorientation. The return of low back and legs. The blood pressure was 300+/ function to the legs was complete, accompanied 150 mm. Hg in each arm. The heart was ques- by excellent pedal pulses bilaterally. The urinary tionably enlarged and there were no murmurs. output increased from a total of 18 ml. on the The legs were paralyzed and exhibited marked first postoperative day to 360 ml. on the sixth hypesthesia. The abdominal aorta was easily postoperative day. However, the blood urea had Volume 144 DISSECTING ANEURISM OF THE AORTA 533 Number 4 FIG. 3. Photograph of the retrograde aortogram in Case 2, demonstrating the widened superior mediastinum and the double channel in the de- scending aorta. continuation of the dissection in the postopera- tive period. The Orlon prosthesis was patent throughout. The cause of death was designated as advanced arteriolar nephrosclerosis with renal failure and congestive heart failure. FIG. 2. Photograph of the opened aorta at autopsy. Note, (1) False aneurysm just below the Case 2. A 56-year-old colored woman was subelavian artery, (2) transverse tear of proximal admitted November 7, 1956, 3 hours following iarntteerimeasl, op(4een)ingo,rlo(n3)prmoisnthoersiisnvwoiltvhemesnutrroofunrdeinnagl the sudden onset of very severe pain in the lower thoracic and lumbar regions of the back. There fibrous sheath, and small thrombus at aortic suture line. had been no precordial, substernal, or epigastric pain. She had been given an intravenous dose of steadily risen to 250 mg. per cent and he died on a narcotic but the pain was unabated. The past the sixth postoperative day. history revealed only a persistent hypertension Postmortem examination disclosed that the treated by her physician for the past several dissecting aneurysm began at the descending years. limb of the arch of the aorta (Fig. 2). An addi- Physical examination revealed an obese woman tional finding of interest was a separate saccular in severe pain. Her blood pressure was 220/110 aneurysm in the transverse arch of the aorta mm. Hg. Examination of the chest was normal. which had apparently been associated with the The right femoral pulse was thought to be weaker large hematoma seen on previous admission. than that on the left. Urinalysis revealed a 2+ There was no renal infarction and the histologic albumin and 25 erytbrocytes per HPF, but other changes in the kidneys were those of extensive laboratory examinations, including a blood urea, arteriolar nephrosclerosis, withnoevidence ofacute were within normal limits. tubular degeneration (so-called lower nephron The patient was originally thought to have a nephrosis). There was marked cardiomegaly with renal calculus, but the finding of a normal intra- edema and congestion of the lungs. There was venous pyelogram and a consistently low blood no evidence of bleeding from the aneurysm or pressure in the right leg focussed attention on the 534 WARREN, BECKWITH AND MULLER Annals ofSurgery October 1956 FIG. 4. Photograph made in Case 2 showing the divided descending aorta. The external wall of the aneurysm is being elevated and the clamp FIG. 5. Photograph of Case 2 with the opening is in the true aortic lumen. into the distal aneurysinal space closed, and a segment of the proximal internal lamina being excised. aorta. The pain subsided steadily over a four- day period and a retrograde aortogram was per- maintained at a level of about 225 mm. Hg. Fol- formed on the eighth day (Fig. 3). This estab- lowing removal of the clamps there was a marked lished the diagnosis of a dissecting aneurysm in- hypotension requiring the use of intravenous volving both the thoracic and abdominal aorta. norepinephrine for a short period. However, the blood urea rose to 113 mg. per cent The postoperative course was uneventful and following this procedure and it was decided to the patient was discharged on the fourteenth post- postpone operation until the renal function re- operative day. She has continued to do well since turned toward normal. discharge except for a gradual return of the blood On the 28th of November a thoracotomy pressure toward the preoperative level. This is through the left 8th intercostal space was per- being controlled at the present time with anti- formed. The aneurysm was seen to involve all the hypertensive medications. visible intra-thoracic aorta; the pericardium was Case 3. On November 28, 1955, a 58-year-old not opened. The pericardial, pleural, and medi- white man was admitted to another hospital be- astinal spaces were free of hemorrhage. The de- cause of substernal pain radiating to the neck and scending aorta was then divided in its middle both shoulders. A tentative diagnosis of myocardial third revealing a well-formed aneurysmal channel infarction was made but the electrocardiographic changes were non-specific. He was placed on bed involving two-thirds of the circumference of the rest with some relief of the pain. On December vessel (Figs. 4 and 5). The opening into the 4, 1955, 7 hours prior to arrival at this hospital, distal dissection was closed with a continuous silk the patient was seized with excruciating pain in suture, a crescent of proximal intima was excised the chest, back, and upper abdomen radiating as a re-entry site and the ends of the aorta were into the legs. He collapsed, was unresponsive and anastomosed (Figs. 6 and 7). The blood pressure neither pulse nor blood pressure was obtainable. rose to over 300 mm. Hg during the aortic occlu- Cardiac stimulating drugs were administered sion, necessitating the use of an intravenous drip through the jugular vein and the patient slowly of trimethaphan camphorsulfonate (Arfonad()). improved. For 3 hours after regaining conscious- With this agent the blood pressure could be ness the patient was unable to move his legs and Volume 144 DISSECTING ANEURISM OF THE AORTA 535 Number 4 FIG. 6. Drawing made of the operation in Case 2 to portray the basic steps in the procedure. no femoral pulses were palpable. An electrocardio- However, it was easily controlled with mild pres- gram was taken which showed slight non-specific sure and a sheet of Orlon cloth was then wrapped changes, being similar to the one taken several around the ascending aorta and sutured in place. days earlier. The clinical signs of an acute cardiac Within a few minutes the bleeding stopped and tamponade appeared and the diagnosis of dis- further exploration of the thoracic aorta was secting aneurysm of the aorta with intrapericardial carried out. The ascending aorta was erythematous rupture was made. The patient was transported and appeared thickened and a dissecting aneurysm by ambulance to the University of Virginia Hos- was believed to be present in this area. Although pital. the descending aorta did not appear to be ab- On admission the patient was alert but ex- normal, an anterior thoracotomy was carried out tremely apprehensive. The blood pressure was for inspection of the intima. This was normal but 90/70 mm. Hg in each arm with equal femoral a window of intima was excised in the hope that pulses of fair quality. The veins of the neck and any extension of the dissection would re-enter the arms were distended but there was no peripheral true lumen at this point. During the occlusion of edema and the breath sounds were normal. The the aorta the blood pressure began to rise and heart appeared to be enlarged with very distant reached the level of 200 mm. Hg in spite of sounds of poor quality. The patient was taken intravenous Arfonad therapy. Just prior to removal directly to the operating room with a diagnosis of of the aortic clamps, rather brisk bleeding ap- intrapericardial rupture of a dissecting aneurysm. peared in the pericardial cavity with an estimated A thoracotomy was performed through the blood loss of 1,000 ml. in a few minutes. The left 5th interspace. The pericardium was found heart suddenly stopped and required massage for to be tense and filled with blood. Following re- about 10 minutes. At the end of this time effective lease of the cardiac tamponade the patient's gen- contractions returned and the bleeding was con- eral condition improved immediately with a rise trolled with pressure over the Orlon fabric. The in systolic blood pressure from 90 mm. Hg to 120 day following operation the electrocardiogram mm. Hg. The bleeding was not brisk and the showed evidence of a lateral myocardial infarc- point of bleeding could not be seen; it appeared tion and this was followed shortly by the onset to be coming from the opposite side of the aorta. of auricular flutter. The patient was digitalized 536 WARREN, BECKWITH AND MULLER AnnalsofSurgery October 1956 I N IMI FIG. 7. Drawing made to illustrate the result of such a procedure as performed in Case 2. Note the decompression of the proximal aneurysmal space and closure of the entrance into the distal space. and improved steadily through the ensuing 10 warding; there had been no further bleeding since days, at which time he was alert and feeling well. operation. The cause of death was considered to On the 12th postoperative day the patient sud- be cardiac failure following a large myocardial denly became dyspneic and slightly cyanotic, but infarction. denied any pain in the chest. During the next 3 Case 4. On December 12, 1955, a 52-year-old days the respiratory difficulty gradually became colored man was admitted from the Emergency worse, peripheral edema developed, and he died Room complaining of crushing substernal pain on the 15th postoperative day. radiating to the shoulders and back. A narcotic ad- Autopsy revealed a large myocardial infarc- ministered prior to his arrival here had failed to tion ofthe anterolateral aspect ofthe left ventricu- alleviate the pain. lar wall (Fig. 8). There was marked coronary On admission the patient was semicomatose sclerosis with a recent thrombus in the anterior and there was no obtainable blood pressure. descending branch of the left coronary artery. Intravenous norepinephrine was started immedi- A careful search revealed neither a dissecting ately with return of the systolic blood pressure to aneurysm northehistologic characteristics of cystic 78 mm. Hg and an improvement in the sensorium. medial necrosis of the aorta. A search for the site The heart sounds were muffled and there was a of the previous hemorrhage was likewise unre- cardiac arrhythmia. It was initially believed that Volume 144 DISSECTING ANEURISM OF THE AORTA 537 Number 4 FIG. 8. Photograph of the autopsy specimen in Case 3, with the arrows pointing to the thrombosed coronary artery and the myocardial infarction. an acute myocardial infarction was the most likely diagnosis, but that a dissecting aneurysm was a possibility. Following admission the intra- venous norepinephrine therapy had to be con- tinued for maintenance of blood pressure. About 6 hours following admission an electrocardiogram revealed changes suspicious of an anterior myo- cardial infarction. The patient developed marked dilatation of the neck veins with distant heart sounds and fluoroscopy revealed an enlarged heart with poor pulsation. The electrocardiogram at the 12-hour period showed regression of the previous abnormalities. A pericardial tap demonstrated dark blood under relatively low pressure and a diagnosis FIG. 9. Photograph of autopsy specimen in of ruptured dissecting aneurysm was made. Case 4 with the aorta incompletely opened. Note Twenty-one hours following admission a tho- tbhaendcoomfplOertleoncifracburmifceraernotiuanldptrhiemaarsycernudpitnugrea,ortthae, ractomy through the left 4th interspace was car- and the protrusion of the invaginated internal ried out. The ascending aorta was definitely en- lamina into the descending aorta. larged and there was about 200 ml. of blood in the pericardial cavity. The descending aorta ap- peared entirely normal, and a diagnosis of dissect- posterior myocardial ischemia on the electro- cardiogram. However, he remained comfortable ing aneurysm limited to the ascending aorta and arch of the aorta was made. A search was carried and alert until the morning of the third post- out for the point of perforation but this was un- operative day when he had a generalized con- successful. Insertion of a #26 needle tangentially vulsion and became comatose. Physical examina- einxttoretmheelywatlhlin.ofTthhee eannteiurerysinmtrraepevreiaclaerddiaitl taoorbtea traidoinalatputlhsisestitmoebreevemaalrekdedtlhye dleifmtinciasrhoetdi.d Tahned wsuatsurtehdenintworapprpopeedrwpiostihtioOnr.loNneafrabrtihce wehnidchofwtahse dfspieiemtdoeraoalfbopvuuatlrsieoosunsweerrehseouusecrqiutaaftloilvaleonwdmienoagfsuftraheiersqtcuhoanleivtupyla.stiioenIn.nt procedure, an electrocardiogram revealed the onset At that time it was believed there had been an of ventricular rhythm with a widened QRS com- extension of the dissecting process which had plex. The patient's condition remained critical caused acute cerebral ischemia. during the first 2 postoperative days, requiring At postmortem examination there was no intravenous norepinephrine and showing signs of evidence ofrecurrence of the external hemorrhage. 538 WARREN, BECKWITH AND MULLER AnnalOsctoofbeSrur1g9er5y6 FIG. 10. Photograph of the autopsy specimen in Case 4 with the aorta completely opened, show- ing the nature of the obstruction to the vessels of the arch, and the very thin, wrinkled external wall of the aneurysmal sac. The dissecting aneurysm was found to involve the entire circumference of the vessel and was limited to the ascending aorta and arch of the aorta. However, a most unusual complication had oc- curred with complete invagination of the internal lamina of the aneurysmal sac into the descending ............ C .!..:._. aorta (Fig. 9). This invagination seemingly hap- pened suddenly, partially obstructing the vessels of the arch of the aorta, and precipitating the FiG. 11. Photograph of the autopsy specimen convulsion, coma, and death (Fig. 10). The in Case 4 showing the invaginated internal lamina peripheral flow was maintained through the core from below. of the invagination as evidenced clinically by the good quality of the femoral pulses (Fig. 11). pulses were equal, full and regular with a blood Additional findings included a ligature around pressure of 160/80 in each arm. The only sig- a branch of the right coronary artery, but with- nificant laboratory finding was a blood urea of out a myocardial infarction. 57 mg. per cent. A roentgenogram of the chest Case 5. On January 17, 1956, a 62-year-old revealed a large left pleural effusion with slight white man was admitted with the diagnosis of displacement of the mediastinum to the right. On dissecting aneurysm of the aorta. He had been January 18th a left thoracotomy through the 4th hospitalized elsewhere 19 days previously with interspace was carried out. About 2000 ml. of excruciating pain in the interscapular area ac- bloodyfluid was present in the left chest but there companied by peripheral vascular collapse. He was no bleeding from the aneurysm at the time was found to have a hemiparesis, which proved of operation. The heart appeared to be somewhat to be transient, and a markedly clouded sensorium. enlarged but the pericardial space was free of Two days following admission here he developed hemorrhage. The aorta was widened and thick- recurrence of the severe pain and shortly there- ened throughout the entire visible area. The de- after was found to have a large hemothorax, scending aorta was divided between clamps, re- and 800 ml. of bloody fluid was removed from vealing a double lumen. In the aneurysmal space the left pleural space. The blood urea rose to 90 was a large thrombus with an 8 mm. channel in mg. per cent and the electrocardiogram showed the center (Fig. 12). As much thrombus was evidence of posterior myocardial ischemia. On removed as possible and the distal aneurysmal admission here the patient was in no acute dis- orifice was obliterated with a continuous silk comfort butwas stillmarkedlylethargic. Peripheral suture. A segment of the proximal internal lamina Volume 144 DISSIECTINO AN1EURISM OF T1: AORTA 530 Number 4 peutic standpoint, there are two principal reasons for considering the operative ap- proach. The first is the very high mortality which has accompanied the non-operative management of these cases in all reported series. This has been variously estimated at 75 to 90 per cent13 and when one con- siders the data of Mote and Carr,11 the true figure is probably nearer the latter value. In analyzing the from the San cases Francisco coroner's office, these investi- gators found dissecting aneurysms in 1.1 per cent of all non-violent deaths. It seems likely, therefore, with the relatively high proportion of dissecting aneurysms in these of rapid and unexplained death, that cases the true mortality is higher than is gen- ~METRIC Z erally reported. .. The second feature suggesting surgical intervention in this condition is found in the nature of the so-called healed dissec- tion. The great majority of these cases are FIG. 12. Photograph of the thrombus removed found to have ruptured back into the true fprroobmetphaessainnegutrhyrsomuaglhstphaececeinntraClascehan5neslh.owing a lumen of the aorta distally, forming a re- entry site for the aneurysmal channel.13 On was excised and a routine anastomosis carried out. the other hand, the usual of death Following the application of the aortic clamps, cause the blood pressure began to rise and intravenous in rapidly fatal cases is hemorrhage from Arfonad® was begun by continuous drip. With rupture of the aorta externally. From a this therapy the blood pressure rise was limited study of available material it seems to be tooftahmeacxliammpusmaomfi2l5d0hympmo.tenHsgi.onFodlelvoewlionpgedrewmhoivcahl somewhat of a chance occurrence as to was easily controlled with the vasopressor agent. which course a given patient will pursue. However, following division of the aorta the In the light of the above considerations, anesthesiologist had noted that the plane of it has seemed warranted to try planned anesthesia deepening. Although was no more internal decompression of the acute dissec- anesthetic agent was administered the patient showed no signs of response. At the conclusion of tions, fullyrealizing thata small percentage the procedure the thoracotomy tube was irrigated of the cases with spontaneous formation of but no evidence of recurrent bleeding was ob- a distal internal opening have had a subse- tained. About one hour later the patient became quent external rupture. steadily less responsive and respirations ceased, followed shortly by a fall in blood pressure and Many patients are not candidates for death. operation due to the rapidity of the process Permission for autopsy could not be obtained. with an early fatal termination. In evalu- It was believed the cause of death was cerebral ating the problem of the duration of the damage following extension of a dissection of one or both of the carotid arteries. disease, some authors 9 have felt that most of the patients survive for 48 hours DISCUSSION or more. However, others 11, 13 disagree In looking at the problem of acute dis- with this and it seems more likely that the secting aneurysm of the aorta from a thera- majority ofpatients die in thefirst 24 hours.

release of dark, unclotted blood. A clamp . dissecting aneurysm began at the descending lished the diagnosis of a dissecting aneurysm in-.
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