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Problems and Theorems in Analysis: Theory of Functions · Zeros · Polynomials Determinants · Number Theory · Geometry PDF

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Preview Problems and Theorems in Analysis: Theory of Functions · Zeros · Polynomials Determinants · Number Theory · Geometry

~~tJGER STUD}::" f=:t:>trl Of-.J G. Polya G. Szegö Problems and Theorems in Analysis Volume II Theory of Functions · Zeros · Polynomials Determinants · Nurober Theory · Geometry Translation by C. E. Billigheimer Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH George Polya · Gabor Szegö Department of Mathematics Stanford University Stanford, Califomia 94305 USA Claude Elias Billigheimer McMaster University Bamilton, Ontario. Canada and Maimonides College Toronto, Ontario, Canada Revised and enlarged Iranslaiion of Aufgaben und Lehrsätze aus der Analysis li, 4th edition, 1971; Beidelberger Taschenbücher, Bd. 74 AMS Subject Classifications (1970): 10-01, 15-01, 15Al5, 30-01, 30A06, 30A08 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Polya, George, 1887-. Problems and theorems in analysis Vol. 2 translated by C. E. Billigheimer. Rev. and enl. translation of Aufgaben und Lehrsätze aus der Analysis, 4th ed. 1970-. Contents: v. 1. Series, integral calculus, theory of functions. v. 2. Theory of functions, zeros, polynomials, determinants, number theory, geometry. 1. Mathematical analysis-Problems, exercises, etc. I. Szegö, Gabor, 1895- joint author. li. Title. QA301. P64413. 515'.076. 75-189312. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be translated or reproduced in any form without written permission from Springer-Verlag Berlin Beideiberg GmbH. © 1976 by Springer-Verlag Berlin Beidelberg Originally published by Springer-Verlag New York in 1976 9 8 7 6 5 4 ISBN 978-0-387-90291-3 ISBN 978-1-4757-6292-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4757-6292-1 Contents Part Four. Functions of One Complex Variable. Special Part Chapter 1. Maximum Term and Central Index, Maximum Modulus and Number of Zeros Problem Prob- Solu- Numbers lern tion Page Page § 1 (1-40) Analogy between 1-'(r) and M(r), v(r) and N (r) 3 167 §2 (41-47) Further Results on 1-'(r) and v(r) 7 171 §3 (48-66) Connection between 1-'(r), v(r), M(r) and N(r) 8 173 §4 (67-76) 1-'(r) and M(r) under Special Regularity Assump- tions 11 178 Chapter 2. Schlicht Mappings § 1 (77-83) Introductory Material 14 182 §2 (84-87) Uniqueness Theorems 15 183 §3 (88-96) Existence of the Mapping Function 15 183 §4 (97-120) The Inner and the Outer Radius. The Normed Mapping Function 16 186 §5 (121-135) Relations between the Mappings of Different Domains. 20 189 §6 (136-163) The Koebe Distortion Theorem and Related Topics 23 192 Chapter 3. Miscellaneous Problems § 1 (164-174.2) Various Propositions 27 198 § 2 (175-179) A Method of E. Landau 29 202 § 3 (180-187) Rectilinear Approach to an Essential Singularity 30 203 § 4 (188-194) Asymptotic Values of Entire Functions . . 31 205 § 5 (195-205) Further Applications of the Phragmen-Lindelöf Method . 32 207 § 6 (*206-*212) Supplementary Problems . 33 210 vi Contents Part Five. The Location of Zeros Chapter 1. Rolle's Theorem and Descartes' Rule of Signs Problem Prob- Solu· Numbers lem tion Page Page § 1 (1-21) Zeros of Functions, Changes of Sign of Sequences 36 212 §2 (22-27) Reversals of Sign of a Function 39 214 §3 (28-41) First Proof of Descartes' Rule of Signs 39 215 §4 (42-52) Applications of Descartes' Rule of Signs . 42 217 §5 (53-76) Applications of Rolle's Theorem . 43 220 §6 (77-86) Laguerre's Proof of Descartes' Rule of Signs 46 224 §7 (87-91) What is the Basis of Descartes' Rule of Signs? 50 226 §8 (92-100) Generalizations of Rolle's Theorem 51 228 Chapter 2. The Geometry of the Complex Plane and the Zeros of Polynomials § 1 (101-110) Center of Gravity of a System of Points with respect to a Point 53 230 §2 (111-127) Center of Gravity of a Polynomial with respect to a Point. A Theorem of Laguerre 54 231 §3 (128-156) Derivative ofa Polynomial with respect to a Point. A Theorem of Grace 57 234 Chapter 3. Miscellaneous Problems § 1 (157-182) Approximation of the Zeros of Transeendental Functions by the Zeros of Rational Functions . 62 239 §2 (183-189.3) Precise Determination of the Nurober of Zeros by Descartes' Rule of Signs 66 248 §3 (190-196.1) Additional Problems on the Zeros of Polynomials 69 250 Part Six. Polynomials and Trigonometrie Polynomials § 1 (1-7) Tchebychev Polynomials 71 252 §2 (8-15) General Problems on Trigonometrie Polynomials 72 253 §3 (16-28) Some Special Trigonometrie Polynomials 73 254 §4 (29-38) Some Problems on Fourier Series. 75 257 §5 (39-43) Real Non-negative Trigonometrie Polynomials . 77 258 §6 (44-49) Real Non-negative Polynomials 77 259 §7 (50-61) Maximum-Minimum Problems on Trigonometrie Polynomials . 78 261 §8 (62-66) Maximum-Minimum Problems on Polynomials . 80 264 §9 {67-76) The Lagrange Interpolation Formula. 82 266 § 10 (77-83) The Theorems of S. Bernstein and A. Markov . 84 268 §11 (84-102) Legendre Polynomials and Related Topics 85 269 § 12 (103-113) Further Maximum-Minimum Problems on Poly- . nomials 89 276 Contents vii Part Seven. Determinants and Quadratic Fonns Problem Prob Solu· Nurobers lem tion Page Page § 1 (1-16) Evaluation of Determinants. Solution of Linear Equations 92 279 §2 (17-34) Power Series Expansion of Rational Functions 96 283 §3 (35-43.2) Generation of Positive Quadratic Forms. 100 286 §4 (44-54.4) Miscellaneous Problems 104 289 §5 (55-72) Determinants of Systems of Functions 108 296 Part Eight. Number Theory Chapter 1. Arithmetical Functions § 1 (1-11) Problems on the Integral Parts of Numbers . 111 302 §2 (12-20) Counting Lattice Points 112 303 §3 (21-27.2) The Principle of lnclusion and Exclusion 113 305 §4 (28-37) Parts and Divisors 116 308 §5 (38-42) Arithmetical Functions, Power Series, Dirichlet Series . 118 310 §6 (43-64) Multiplicative Arithmetical Functions 120 ~11 §7 (65-78) Lambert Seriesand Related Topics 125 316 §8 (79-83) Further Problems on Counting Lattice Points 128 319 Chapter 2. Polynomials with Integral Coefficients and Integral-V alued Functions § 1 (84-93) Integral Coefficients and Integral-Valued Poly- nomials 129 319 § 2 (94-115) Integral-Valued Functions and their Prime Divisors 130 322 § 3 (116-129) Irreducibility of Polynomials 132 325 Chapter 3. Arithmetical Aspects of Power Series § 1 (130-137) Preparatory Problems on Binomial Coefficients . 134 330 § 2 (138-148) On Eisenstein's Theorem 134 332 § 3 (149-154) On the Proof of Eisenstein's Theorem 136 333 § 4 (155-164) Power Series with Integral Coefficients Associated with Rational Functions 137 335 § 5 (165-173) Function-Theoretic Aspects of Power Series with Integral Coefficients . 138 337 § 6 (174-187) Power Series with Integral Coefficients in the Sense of Hurwitz 140 338 § 7 (188-193) The Values at the Iotegers of Power Series that Converge about z=oo . 142 341 viii Contents Chapter 4. Some Problems on Algebraic Iotegers Problem Prob- Solu- Numbers lern tion Page Page § I (194-203) A1gebraic Integers. Fields . 143 343 § 2 (204-220) Greatest Common Divisor . 146 347 § 3 (221-227.2) Congruences . 147 350 § 4 (228-237) Arithmetical Aspects of Power Series . 149 351 Chapter 5. Miscellaneous Problems §I (237.1-244.4) Lattice Points in Two and Three Dimensions 150 353 § 2 (245-266) Miscellaneous Problems 152 356 Part Nine. Geometrie Problems § 1 (1-25) Some Geometrie Problems. 157 366 Appendix § 1 Additional Problems to Part One . 163 380 New Problems in English Edition 383 Author Index 384 Subject Index 387 Topics 390 Notation and Abbreviations Wehave attempted tobe as consistent as possible in regard to notation and abbreviations and to denote quantities of the same nature by the same symbol, at least within the same part. A par ticular notation may be specified for a few sections. Otherwise the meaning of every Ietter is explained anew in every problern except when we refer to a previous problem. A problernthat is closely related to the preceding one is introduced by the remark "continued"; if it is related to some other problern the relevant number is mentioned, e.g. "continuation of 136". We denote parts by roman numerals, chapters (where necessary) by arabic numerals. The problems are numbered in bold-face. Within the same part only the number of the problern is given; if, however, we refer to another part its number is also indicated. For example if we refer to problern (or solution) 123 of Part IV in a problern (or solution) of Part IV we write "123"; if we refer to it in a problern (or solution) of any other part we write "IV 123". Remarks in square brackets [ ] in a problern are hints, while in a solution (particularly at the beginning of the solution) they are citations or references to other problems that are used in various steps of the proof. All other remarks appear in ordinary parentheses. A reference to a problern number indicates in general that one should consult both problern and solution, unless the opposite is explicitly stated, e.g. "solution 75". Almost always references to the sources are given only in the solution. If a problern has already appeared in print, this fact is indicated in the citations. If the author but no bibliography is mentioned, the problern has been communicated to us as a new problem. Problems whose number is preceded by the symbol * (as in *206 of Part IV) or contains a decimal point (as in 174.1 of Part IV) are new, that is they are either not contained in the original German edition, or else are contained there but are essentially modified in the present English version. If the problern is the same as in the original edition but the solution has some essentially new feature, the sym bol * is used only in the solution. The abbreviations of the names of journals are taken from the index of Mathematical Reviews and, if not listed there, from the World List of Scientific Periodicals Published 190ü-1960, Peter Brown, British Museum, Washington, Butterworths, 1963. The most frequently quoted journals are: Abh. Akad. Wiss. St. Petersburg= Akademie der Wissenschaften, St. Petcrsburg Acta Math. =Acta Mathematica, Stockholm Acta Soc. Sc. Fennicae =Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae Amer. Math. Monthly = American Mathematician Monthly Arch. Math. Phys. =Archiv der Mathematik und Physik Atti Acad. Naz. Lincei Rend. = Atti dell' Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Rendiconti. Cl. Sei. Fis. Mat. Natur. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Roma Berlin. Ber. =Berliner Berichte C.R. Acad. Sei. (Paris) Ser. A-B=Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, Series A et B Giorn. Mat. Battaglini = Giornale di Matematiche di Battaglini Jber. deutsch. Math. Verein. =Jahresbericht der deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung J. Math. spec. =Journal de Mathematiques Specieles, Paris J. reine angew. Math. =Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Math. Ann. = Mathematische Annalen Math. es term ert = Matematikai es termeszettudomanyi ertesitö Math. Z. =Mathematische Zeitschrift Münchner Ber. =Münchner Berichte X Notation and Abbreviations Nachr. Akad. Wiss. Göttingen =Nachrichten der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften Göttingen Nouv. Annls Math. = Nouvelles Annales de mathematiques Nyt. Tidsskr. = Nyt tidsskrift for matematik Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. = Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. = Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. = Transactions of the American Mathematical Society The following textbooks are quoted repeatedly and are usually cited by the name of the author only or by a suitable abbreviation (e.g. Hurwitz-Courant; MPR.): G. H. Hardy and E. M. Wright: An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, 4th Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press 1960. E. Hecke: Vorlesungen über die Theorie der algebraischen Zahlen, Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft 1923. E. Rille: Analytic Function Theory, Vol. I: Boston - New Y ork - Chicago-Atlanta - Dallas - Palo Alto-Toronto-London: Ginn & Co. 1959; Vol. II: Waltham/Mass.-Toronto London: Blaisdell Publishing Co. 1962. A. Hurwitz - R. Courant: Vorlesungen über allgemeine Funktionentheorie und elliptische Funktionen, 4th Ed. Berlin-Göttingen-Heidelberg-New York: Springer 1964. K. Knopp: Theory and Applications of Infinite Series, 2nd Ed. London-Glasgow: Blackie & Son 1964. G. Kowalewski: Einführung in die Determinantentheorie, 4th Ed. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 1954. G. P61ya: How to Solve lt, 2nd Ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press 1971. Quotedas HSI. G. P61ya: Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning, Vols. 1 and 2, 2nd Ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press 1968. Quoted as MPR. G. P6lya: Mathematical Discovery, Vols. 1 and 2, Cor. Ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons 1968. Quotedas MD. G. Szegö: Orthogonal Polynomials, American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications Vol. XXIII, 3rd Ed. New York: American Mathematical Society 1967. E. C. Titchmarsh: The Theory of Functions, 2nd Ed. Oxford - London - Glasgow - New Y ork - Melbourne-Toronto: Oxford University Press 1939. E. T. Whittaker and G. N. Watson: A Course of Modern Analysis, 4th Ed. London: Cambridge University Press 1952. The following notation and abbreviations are used throughout the book: an-+a means "an tends to a as n-+oo." an~ bn (read "an is asymptotically equal to bn") means "bn #-0 for sufficiently !arge n and ~ -+1 as n-+oo". O(a.), with a. > 0, denotes a quantity that, divided by a., remains bounded, o(a.) a quantity that, divided by a., tends to 0 as n-+oo. Suchnotation is used analogously in Iimit processes other than for n-+oo. x-+a+O means "x converges to a from the right"; x-+a-0 means "x converges to a from the left". exp (x)=ex, where e is the base of naturallogarithms. Given n real numbers a1o a2, ... , a., max (a1o a2, ... , a.) denotes the largest (o r one of the largest) and min (a1o a2, ••. , a.) the smallest (or one of the smallest) of the numbers a1, a2, ... , a •. Max f(x) and min /(x) have an analogous meaning forareal function defined on an interval a, b, provided/(x) assumes a maximum or a minimum on a, b. Otherwise we retain the same notation for the least upper bound and the greatest lower bound, respectively. Analogous notation is used in the case of functions of a complex variable. sgn x denotes the signum (Kronecker) function: + 1 for x>O { sgn x= 0 for x=O -1 for x<O. Notation and Abbreviations xi [x] denotes the greatest integer that is not greater than x (x-1 < [x]~x). Square brackets are, however, also used instead of ordinary parentheses where there is no danger of confusion. (They arealso used in a very specialsense restricted to Part I, Chap. 1, § 5.) i is the conjugate to the complex number z. For the determinant with general term aA,•• A, ~<= 1, 2, ... , n, we use the abbreviated nota tion laA.I'l or laA.k • = 1,2, ... ,n or Iaht, ah2• ... , ahnl'l· A non-empty connected open set (containing only interior points) is called a region. The closure of a region (the union of the open set and of its boundary) is called a domain. As this terminology is not the one most frequently used, we shall sometimes emphasize it by speaking of an "open region" and a "closed domain". A continuous curve is defined as a single-valued continuous image of the interval 0 ~ t ~ 1, i.e. as the set of points z = x + iy, where x = cp(t), y = op(t), with cp(t) and op(t) both continuous functions on the interval 0 ~ t ~ 1. The curve is closed if cp(O) = cp(l), ,P(O) = ,P(1), and is without double points if cp(tt) = cp(t2), op(ft) = r/i(t2), ft < t2, imply ft = 0, t2 = l. A curve without double points is also called a simple curve. A simple, continuous curve that is not closed is often referred to as a simple arc. A simple closed continuous curve (a Jordan curve) in the plane determines two regions of which it forms the common boundary. The paths of integration of line integrals or complex integrals are assumed to be continuous and rectifiable. (a, b) denotes the open interval a<x<b, [a, b) the half-open interval a~x<b, (a, b] the half-open interval a<x~b. [a, b] the closed interval a~x~b. When we do not need to distin guish between these four cases we use the term "interval a, b". "Iff" is used occasionally as an abbreviation for "if and only if".

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