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Probing the Dark Energy with Quasar Clustering M. O. Calv˜ao, J. R. T. de Mello Neto, and I. Waga Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de F´ısica, CEP 21945-970 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil (February 1, 2008) We show, through Monte Carlo simulations, that the Alcock-Paczyn´ski test, as applied to quasar clustering, is a powerful tool to probe the cosmological density and equation of state parameters, Ωm0,Ωx0andw. Bytakingintoaccounttheeffectofpeculiarvelocitiesuponthecorrelationfunction weobtain,fortheTwo-DegreeFieldQSORedshiftSurvey(2QZ),thepredictedconfidencecontours for thecosmological constant (w=−1) andspatially flat (Ωm0+Ωx0 =1) cases. It turnsout that, forw=−1,thetestisespecially sensitivetothedifferenceΩm0−ΩΛ0,thusbeingidealtocombine 2 with CMB results. We also find out that, for the flat case, it is competitive with future supernova 0 and galaxy numbercount tests, besides being complementary to them. 0 2 PACS numbers: 98.80.Es, 95.35.+d, 98.62.Py n Introduction. Recent investigations of type Ia super- tendingthePWROMonteCarloexperimentsandobtain- a novae (SNe Ia) suggest that the expansion of the Uni- ing confidence regions in the (Ω ,Ω ) and (Ω ,w) J m0 Λ0 m0 verse is accelerating, driven by some kind of negative- planes. We compare the expected constraints from the 4 2 pressure dark energy [1,2]. Independent evidence for AP test, when applied to the 2QZ survey, with those the SNe Ia results is provided by observations of cosmic obtained by other methods. We include a general dark 2 microwave background (CMB) anisotropies in combina- energycomponentwithequationofstateP =wρ ,with x x v tion with constraints on the matter density parameter w constant. Our analysis can be generalized to dynami- 9 (Ω ) [3]. The exact nature, however, of this dark en- cal scalar field cosmologies as well as to any model with 2 m0 ergy is not well understood at present. Vacuum energy redshiftdependentequationofstate. Sincemostquasars 0 7 or a cosmological constant (Λ) is the simplest explana- have redshift z < 2 we expect the test to be useful in 0 tion, but attractive alternatives like a dynamical scalar the determinatio∼n of a possible redshift dependence of 1 field(quintessence)[4]havealsobeenexploredinthe lit- the equation of state. We explicitly take into account 0 erature. An important task nowadays in cosmology is the effect of large-scale coherent peculiar velocities. Our / h thus to find new methods that could directly quantify calculationsarebasedonthe measured2QZdistribution p the amount of dark energy present in the Universe as function and we consider best fit values for the ampli- - o well as determine its equation of state and time depen- tude (r0) and exponent (γ) of the correlation function r dence. New methods may constrain different regions of as obtained by Croom et al. [13]. In this work, we only t s the parameter space and are usually subject to differ- consider the 2QZ survey although the results can easily a ent systematic errors, and they are therefore crucial to be generalized to SDSS. : v cross-check (or complement) the SNe results. Alcock-Paczyn´ski test and quasar clustering. We as- i X The test we focus on here is the one suggested by Al- sume that the geometry is described by the standard cock and Paczyn´ski (hereafter AP) [5], which has at- Robertson-Walker metric. By a straightforward calcu- r a tracted a lot of attention during the last years [6–10]. lation for null geodesics, we obtain the radialcoordinate Inparticular,Popowskiet al. [11](hereafterPWRO)ex- R as a function of z: tended a calculation by Phillips [12] of the geometrical sinh(√Ω I(z))/(H √Ω ), Ω >0, k0 0 k0 k0 distortion of the QSO correlation function. They sug- a R=g(z):= I(z), Ω =0, 0 k0 gestedasimpleMonteCarloexperimenttoseewhatcon-  sin(√ Ω I(z))/(H √ Ω ), Ω <0, k0 0 k0 k0 straints should be expected from the 2dF QSO Redshift − −  (1) Survey (2QZ) andthe SloanDigital Sky Survey (SDSS). However,theydidnotestimatetheprobabilitydensityin where a is the present scale factor, I(z) := 0 the parameter space and, as a consequence, they could z [H /H(z′)]dz′, and the Hubble parameter is given z′=0 0 not notice that the test is in fact very sensitive to the Rby H(z)=H [Ω (1+z)3+Ω (1+z)3(1+w)+Ω (1+ 0 m0 x0 k0 difference Ωm0 ΩΛ0. Further, they did not take into z)2]1/2. − account the effect of peculiar velocities, although they Given two close point sources (e.g., quasars), with co- discussed its role arguing that it would not overwhelm ordinates(z,θ,φ)and(z+dz,θ+dθ,φ+dφ),directlyread the geometric signal. offacatalogue,thereal-spaceinfinitesimalcomovingdis- Our aim, in this Letter, is to show the feasibility of tance between them can be decomposed, in the distant redshift distortion (geometric + peculiar velocity) mea- observerapproximationweadopt,intocontributionspar- surements to constrain cosmological parameters, by ex- allelandperpendiculartothelineofsight,r :=g(z)dα, ⊥ 1 r := dz/H(z), such that r2 = r2 +r2. Here, dα is the (z+dz,s+ds,µ+dµ), || || ⊥ small angle between the lines of sight. 2 The gist of the AP test relies then on the fact that, dN = 2π 180NQF(z) [1+ξ (s,µ)]s2dzdsdµ. pairs L if we observe an intrinsically spherical system (r = −A(cid:18) πz (cid:19) || r ), it will appear distorted, in redshift space, accord- (3) ⊥ ing to the generic formula r /r = j(z)s /s , where ⊥ || ⊥ || the anisotropy or distortion function j(z) is defined by HereAisthearea(indeg2)ofthesurvey,NQ isthetotal j(z) := g(z)H(z)/z. Here we have assumed a Euclidean number of sources (quasars) in the survey, and F(z) is geometryforredshiftspace,thatis,s :=dz,s :=zdα, the normalized distribution function. || ⊥ and s2 =s2 +s2. Croomet al. [13], assuming an Einstein-de Sitter Uni- || ⊥ verse (Ω = 1,Ω = 0), showed that the quasar clus- Observations [13] suggest that, on scales 1 m Λ 40h−1 Mpc, the real space correlation funct∼ion fo−r tering amplitude r0 appears to vary very little over the entire redshift range of the 2QZ survey. They found quasars is reasonably well fitted by a power law, ξ(r) = (r/r )−γ, which leads, in redshift space, r0 4h−1 Mpc as their best fit, which remains nearly 0 ≃ constant in comoving coordinate. Therefore, we have to an anisotropic correlation function, ξ(s,µ) = [s/s0(z)]−γ µ2+j2(z)(1−µ2) −γ/2, where µ := s||/s sa0g|aEindSP(zW):R=OH, w(ze)|uEsdeStrh0e=fa(c4t/3th0a0t0)t(h1e+tzo)t3a/l2.nFuomllbowerinogf and s0(z):=(cid:2) r0H(z). (cid:3) correlated pairs, N , in the survey is model indepen- Peculiar velocities also induce distortions in the corre- pairs dent to scale s (z) to other cosmologies. It is straight- lation function which can be confused with those arising 0 forward to show that N s3(z)/j2(z), and we use from the cosmological geometric effect. It is important pairs ∝ 0 s (z)=(4/3000)(1+z)3/2[j(z)/j (z)]2/3 asafiducial to take them into account when comparing theory with 0 |EdS redshift-space correlation length for our simulations. observations. For the (z,s) range we will consider, the A particular model predicts a number of pairs A in influenceofsmall-scalevelocitydispersionsislikelytobe i each bin of a (z,s,µ) space. In a real (or simulated) sit- weak [11] and we neglect it in our analysis. The most uation the data consist of N pairs in i bins. PWRO relevant effect to be considered is due to large-scale co- i showed that for typical surveys, such as SDSS and 2QZ, herent flows [14]. The linear theory correlation function we are bound to be in the “sparse regime” or “Poisson is given by [15,8] limit”. Inthiscasewemaytreatbinsin(z,s,µ)spaceas 2β β2 4β 4β2 independent and the probability of detecting Ni pairs in ξL(s,µ)= 1+ + P0(µ)+ + bini,whenA areexpected,isP(N A )=e−AiANi/N ! (cid:20)(cid:18) 3 5 (cid:19) (cid:18) 3 7 (cid:19) i i| i i i Since the bins are independent, the likelihood of ob- γ 8β2 γ(γ+2) L P (µ)+ P (µ) ξ(r), (2) taining the data given the model is simply the prod- 2 4 ×γ 3 35 (5 γ)(3 γ) (cid:21) − − − uct, L = iP(Ni|Ai). For a typical 2QZ simulation, where the P (µ) are Legendre polynomials, and µ := we assumeQd: (i) the completed survey will comprise i N = 26000 quasars in a total area A = 750 deg2; (ii) r /r. As usual, β(z) := f(z)/b(z), f(z) := Q || the Einstein-de Sitter fiducial correlation function has dlnD/dln(1 + z) is the linear growth rate, and we − r = 4h−1 Mpc and γ = 1.6; (iii) the bias model is de- adopt the following dependence for the bias parameter, 0 b(z) = 1 + [D(z =0)/D(z)]m(b 1). If m = 1, we termined by b0 = 1.5 and m =1. The linear binning we 0 − chosecoveredtheranges: 0.4<z <2.6,2<s/s (z)<7, have Fry’s number-conserving bias model [16]. The case 0 and 0 < µ < 1, with 16 bins in z, 25 in s/s (z), and 5 m = 0 corresponds to a constant bias, and we also use 0 in µ, making up a total of 2000 bins. The maximiza- m 1.7inourcomputations,whichseemsto be morein ≃ tion of the likelihood was carried out with minuit [20] accordancewithanobservednonevolvingclustering[13]. and cross-checked with mathematica. The probability For models where the dark energy is a cosmologicalcon- density function was built via a Gaussian kernel density stant (w = 1), we use the Heath solution for the grow- ing mode [1−7], D(z) = 5Ω H(z) ∞(1+x)/H(x)3dx, estimate,fromtypically1000runsforeach“true”model. 2 m0 z Resultsand discussion. InFigure1,weshowthepre- and the following approximatioRn for the growth rate [18], f(z) Ω4/7(z) + 1 Ω (z)[1+Ω (z)/2]. dicted AP likelihood contours in the (Ωm0,ΩΛ0)-plane ≃ m 70 Λ m for the 2QZ survey (solid lines), in the case w = 1, in For flat models, Silveira and Waga [19] obtained − a universe with arbitrary spatial curvature. The scat- an exact solution for the growing mode, D(z) = tered points represent maximum likelihood best fit val- F 1 ,w−1,1 5 ;1−Ωm0(1+z)3w /(1+z), where 2 1h−3w 2 − 6w Ωm0 i ues for Ωm0 and ΩΛ0. The assumed “true” values are F [a,b,c;x]isthehypergeometricfunction. Thegrowth (Ω = 0.3,Ω = 0) and (0.28,0.72), for the top and 2 1 m0 Λ0 rate can also be expressed in terms of hypergeometric bottom panels, respectively. In the top panel the dis- functions. played curve corresponds to the predicted 2σ likelihood Following PWRO, we obtain, for the number of pairs contour. In the bottom panel the predicted 1σ contour expected in an infinitely small bin within (z,s,µ) and (dashedline)foroneyearofSNAPdata[21]isdisplayed, 2 together with the predicted 1σ AP contour. For the to its exact redshift dependence, we plot, in the bot- SNAP contour,itis assumedthatthe intercept is ex- tom panel of Figure 2, the 2σ contour line, assuming M actly known. To have some ground of comparison with as “true” values Ω = 0.3 and Ω = 0.7. For this m0 Λ0 current SNe Ia observations, in the same panel, we also panel, the “true” A values were generated assuming i plot (dotted lines) the Supernova Cosmology Project [2] b = 1.45 and m = 1.68. However, for the simula- 0 1σ contour (fit C). As expected, in both cases, the test tions, we considered a constant bias (m = 0), such that recoversnicely the “true” values. We stress out that the b := zmax F(z)b (z)dz =2.46. Weremarkthat 0,sim z=zmin true test is very sensitive to the difference Ωm0 ΩΛ0. From the contoRur is slightly enlarged and shifted in the direc- − the bottom panelwenote that the sensitivity to this dif- tion of the “ellipsis” major axis. However, the uncer- ference is comparable to that expected from SNAP, of tainty in Ω Ω is practically unaltered, confirming m0 Λ0 − the order 0.01. Comparatively, however, the test has the strength of the test [23]. We did the same analysis ± a larger uncertainty in the determination of Ω +Ω , assuming Ω = 1 and Ω = 0 and obtained similar m0 Λ0 m0 Λ0 of the order 0.21. The degeneracy in Ω +Ω may results. m0 Λ0 ± bebrokenifwecombinetheestimatedresultsfortheAP testwith, forinstance,thosefromCMB anisotropymea- 0.2 surements, whose contour lines are orthogonal to those exhibited in the panels [22]. 0.0 Λ0 Ω −0.2 0.2 0.1 −0.4 ΩΛ0 0.0 1.0 −0.1 −0.2 0.8 Λ0 Ω 0.6 0.9 0.8 0.4 ΩΛ0 0.7 −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Ω 0.6 FIG.2. Simulatedmodelsatfixme0dw=−1andcorrespond- 0.5 ing 2σ predicted AP confidence contour; in both panels, the “true” model is indicated by a solid dot. Top panel: The 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 “true” model, (0.3,0), takes into account the effect of pecu- Ω m0 liar velocities, but the simulated ones do not. Notice that the “true” model does not fall into the 2σ confidence region. FIG.1. Simulatedmodelsatfixedw=−1andcorrespond- Bottompanel: The“true”model,(0.3,0.7),usesaredshiftde- ingpredictedAPconfidencecontours(solidlines). Inthetop pendent bias function with b0 =1.45 and m=1.68, whereas panelweshowthepredicted2σlikelihoodcontourassuminga thesimulated ones use a constant bias equal to 2.46. “true” model (Ωm0 =0.3,ΩΛ0 =0). In thebottom panel the predicted1σcontour(dashedline)foroneyearofSNAPdata In Figure 3, we show the predicted AP likelihood con- [21] is displayed,together with thepredicted1σ APcontour. tours in the (Ω ,w)-plane for the 2QZ survey (solid For both tests we consider Ωm0 =0.28 and ΩΛ0 =0.72; also m0 lines) for flat models (Ω = 0). The “true” values are displayed is a 1σ confidence contour obtained by the Super- k0 (Ω =0.28,w= 1)and(Ω =0.3,w= 0.7)forthe novaCosmology Project (dotted lines; [2]). m0 m0 − − top and bottom panels, respectively. In the top panel, In order to estimate the consequences of neglecting we show, besides the AP contour, the predicted contour the effect of linear peculiar velocities, in the top panel foroneyearofSNAPdata(dashedline;[21]),bothat1σ of Figure 2, we included them in the calculation of the level. FortheSNAPcontour,theintercept isassumed M A values but neglected them in the computation of the to be exactly known. Notice that the contoursaresome- i maximumlikelihood;inthispanel,weassumeΩ =0.3 what complementary and are similar in strength. In the m0 andΩ =0as“true”values. Noticethatthepointwith bottom panel, we compare the predicted 95% confidence Λ0 the“true”Ω andΩ valuesisoutsidethe2σ contour. contourofthe AP test withthe same confidencecontour m0 Λ0 It is clear, therefore,the necessity of taking this effect in for the number count test as expected from the DEEP consideration when analyzing real data. redshift survey (dashed line; [24]). Again the contours To illustrate that the AP test is in fact more sen- are complementary, but the uncertainties on Ωm0 and w sitive to the mean amplitude of the bias rather than for the AP test are quite smaller. 3 sitive to the mean amplitude of the bias rather than to −0.75 its exact redshift dependence. A more extensive report of this work and further investigations will be published elsewhere. w −0.85 We would like to thank J. Silk for calling attention to the potential of the AP test and T. Kodama for sug- −0.95 gestions regarding numerical issues. We also thank the Brazilian researchagencies CNPq, FAPERJ and FUJB. −0.60 w −0.70 −0.80 [1] A. G. Riess et al., AJ, 116, 1009 (1999). [2] S. Perlmutter et al., ApJ, 517, 565 (1999). 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.32 0.36 0.40 Ω [3] P. deBernardis et al., Nature, 404, 955 (2000); A. Balbi FIG.3. Simulatedflatmodelsamn0dcorrespondingpredicted et al., ApJ, 545, L1 (2000); C. Pryke et al., astro- AP confidence contours (solid lines). The top panel is from ph/0104490; N. A. Bahcall, J. P. Ostriker, S. Perlmut- a “true” model (Ωm0 = 0.28, w = −1), and displays the ter, and P. J. Steinhardt, Science, 284, 1481 (1999); M. predicted confidencecontoursfor theAPtest and theSNAP S. Turner, Physica Scripta, T85, 210 (2000). mission (dashed line; [21]), both at 1σ level. The bottom [4] B. Ratra, and P. J. E. Peebles, Phys. Rev. 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In fact, observations [13] seem to support [18] O. Lahav, P. B. Lijle, J. R. Primack, and M. J. Rees, these assumptions, but further investigations are neces- MNRAS,251, 136 (1991). sary. Further,inthesimulations,forFigure1andFigure [19] V.Silveira,andI.Waga, Phys.Rev.D,50, 4890(1994). 3, we have assumed that the parameters r0, γ, b0 and [20] F. James, MINUIT Reference Manual Version 94.1, m are known exactly, that is, they are the same as the CERN Program Library Long Writeup D506, CERN “true”inputones. Marginalizationovertheseparameters (1994) . isexpectedtoincreasethesizeofthecontours. However, [21] M.Goliath,R.Amanullah,P.Astier,A.Goobar, andR. preliminaryresultswheretheerrorsinr andγ aretaken Pain, Astron. Astrophys.,380, 6 (2001) . 0 [22] W. Hu, D. J. Eisenstein, M. Tegmark, and M. White, into account (supposed Gaussian), show that the confi- Phys. Rev.D, 59, 023512 (1999). dence contours are not appreciably altered. At present, [23] K. Yamamoto, and H.Nishioka, ApJ,549, L15 (2001). the quasar clustering bias is not completely well under- [24] J. F. Newman, and M. Davis, ApJ, 534, L11 (2000). stood. Theoretical as well as observational progress in itsdeterminationwillcertainlyimprovetherealcapacity of the test. However, confirming previous investigations [23], we have found that the test is, in fact, more sen- 4

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