Pis’ma v ZhETF Probing structural relaxation in complex fluids by critical fluctuations A.F.Kostko∗+, M.A.Anisimov∗ 1), and J.V.Sengers∗ 4 ∗InstituteforPhysicalScienceandTechnologyandDepartmentofChemicalEngineering,UniversityofMaryland,CollegePark,MD 0 20742, USA 0 2 +DepartmentofPhysics,St.PetersburgStateUniversityofRefrigerationandFoodEngineering,9LomonosovStr.,St.Petersburg, 191002, Russia n a SubmittedFebruary2,2008 J 1 1 Complex fluids, such as polymer solutions and blends, colloids and gels, are of growing interest in funda- mental and applied soft-condensed-matter science. A common feature of all such systems is the presence of ] a mesoscopic structural length scale intermediate between atomic and macroscopic scales. This mesoscopic t f structure of complex fluids is often fragile and sensitive to external perturbations. Complex fluids are fre- o quently viscoelastic (showing a combination of viscous and elastic behaviour) with their dynamic response s . depending on the time and length scales. Recently, non-invasivemethods to infer the rheological response of t a complex fluids have gained popularity through the technique of microrheology, where the diffusion of probe m spheres in a viscoelastic fluid is monitored with the aid of light scattering or microscopy. Here we propose - analternativetotraditional microrheology thatdoesnot requiredopingof probeparticles inthefluid(which d can sometimes drastically alter the molecular environment). Instead, our proposed method makes use of n the phenomenon of ”avoided crossing” between modes associated with the structural relaxation and critical o fluctuationsthat are spontaneously generated in the system. c [ 1PACS:61.41.+e, 83.80.Rs, 83.85.Ei v 6 A liquid mixture in the vicinity of a criticalpoint of is a universal dynamic scaling exponent. The function 6 1mixing exhibits large concentration fluctuations. The K(q,ξ)isauniversal(Kawasaki)functionwithK(qξ → 1dynamics of such critical concentration fluctuations in 0) = 1; the function Ω(ξ/ξ ) = 2/πarctan(ξ/ξ ) is an D D 0molecular liquids is well understood: the fluctuations approximated dynamic crossover function, where ξ is D 4 decay exponentially with a diffusive relaxation time [1] a cutoff length for the critical fluctuations [5, 6], 0 t/ 1 However,newphenomenaemergeinacomplexfluid a τ = , (1) m q D(q,ξ)q2 whereξD isamesoscopiclengththatmaycompetewith the correlation length ξ of the concentration fluctua- -where q is the wave number of the critical fluctuations, d tions. The presence of two mesoscale lengths in near- ξ is the spatial correlation length of the fluctuations n criticalcomplexfluids causesthe appearanceoftwody- oand D is the mesoscopic (q-dependent) diffusion coef- namic modes: one will be a diffusive decay of the crit- cficient. D vanishes at the critical point in the limit of v:zero wave number approximately as ξ−1 ∼ε0.63, where ical concentration fluctuations and another one will be a structural relaxation mode, which often reveals itself iε=(T −T )/T,the reduced distance between the tem- X c as viscoelastic relaxation. The decay time of the dif- perature T and the critical temperature T . In molec- r c fusive mode can be tuned over a broad range of time aular fluids, the q-dependent diffusion coefficient is well scales by varying the reduced temperature ε , so that described by the mode-coupling theory of critical dy- it may intersect the structural relaxation time, which namics [2, 3]. is insensitive to the proximity to the critical point. As a consequence it becomes possible to probe structural zη relaxationincomplexfluidsbydynamiclightscattering k T K(q,ξ) qξ 2 2 ξ D(q,ξ)= B 1+ Ω , of critical fluctuations. This method is an alternative 6πξη q2 2 ξ app " (cid:18) (cid:19) # (cid:18) D(cid:19) to the traditional microrheology [7, 8, 9] that requires (2) doping of probe particles in the fluid. wherek isBoltzmann’sconstantandwheretheappar- B As an illustration of this principle, we have per- entviscosityη isexpectedtobeequaltothesolution app viscosity η measured by macrorheology; z ≃ 0.065 [4] formed accurate light-scattering measurements of solu- η tions ofnearly monodisperse polystyrene(with molecu- 1)e-mail: [email protected] lar weights M ranging from 104 to 107) in cyclohexane 1 2 A.F.Kostko+∗, M.A.Anisimov∗ 2), and J.V.Sengers∗ [10,11]. Themajorresultofourstudyisthatthecritical WesubmitthattheBrochard-DeGennestheorycan dynamics in polymer solutions appears to be very dif- be applied to any system with dynamic coupling be- ferent from that in molecular fluids. Even for a modest tween conserved and non-conserved order parameters. polystyrene molecular weight of 195,900, with the dy- Phenomenologically,itfollowsfromthistheorythatthe namic correlationfunction obeying a single-exponential time-dependentintensitycorrelationfunctionisthesum decay, the apparent viscosity η extracted from dy- of two exponentials: app namic light scattering (DLS) (on the basis of Eq. (2) with the correlationlength ξ determined by static light 2 scattering [10]) is vastly different from both the macro- g2(t)=1+ f+exp − t +f−exp − t (3) scopic viscosity of the solution and the viscosity of the (cid:26) (cid:20) τ+(cid:21) (cid:20) τ−(cid:21)(cid:27) solvent (Fig.1). But in terms of this apparent (”meso- scopic”)viscosity,themesoscopicdiffusioncoefficientat with two decay times (slow τ− and fast τ+) and with corresponding amplitudes (f±) given by: various angles can be well described by Eq. (2) (lines through the symbols, Fig.2). The pertinent question is: what is the physical meaning of this ”mesoscopic” 2 viscositydeterminedwithDLS?Disagreementsbetween 1+q2ξ2 + τve ± 1+q2ξ2 + τve −4τve 1 ve τq ve τq τq the predictions of the mode-coupling theory for molec- τ± = r(cid:16)2τve (cid:17) , ular fluids and the DLS data in near-critical polymer (4) solutions have also been noted by others [12, 13], but have not yet been explained. τve − 1+q2ξ2 f± = τ± ττv+(cid:0)e − ττv−e ve(cid:1) . (5) We have observed an even more dramatic change in dynamics in high molecular-weight (M = 106 and In Eq. (4) τ is the q-independent viscoelastic re- ve higher) polymer solutions, where the dynamic corre- laxationtime, τ istheq-dependentdiffusionrelaxation q lation function turns out to deviate from a single- time, and ξ the mesoscopic viscoelastic length [23]. ve exponential decay and where two dynamic modes are Theabovetheoryindeedgraspstheessentialfeaturesof clearly present. Far from the criticalpoint, a fast mode our data (Figs. 3 and 4), if we use ξ and τ as ad- ve ve dominates,while closeto the criticalpointa slow mode justableparameters. Inaddition,toobtainτ =1/Dq2, q dominates. Between these extremes, the data can be weneedtousetheapparentmesoscopicviscosityη in app approximated by a sum of two exponentials, indicat- Eq. (2). The predictions for the two uncoupled modes ing contributions from both modes. The presence of (pure diffusion and pure viscoelastic relaxation) are in- two dynamic modes near the critical temperature ap- dicated by the dashed curves in Fig.3. While the dif- pears to be a universal feature in macromolecular sys- fusion relaxation time changes rapidly when the criti- tems and has been observed also by Ritzl et al. [14] for calpointis approached,the viscoelasticrelaxationtime an M = 1 million polystyrene solution in cyclohexane exhibits a regular dependence on temperature. While and more recently by Tanaka et al. [15] for an M = 4 the original uncoupled modes would cross each other million polystyrenesolutionin diethyl malonate. These at a certain temperature, the coupling produces two modes are effective dynamic modes, neither of which is effective modes that ”avoid crossing” each other very purely viscoelastic (dictated by polymer chain dynam- much similar to the well known avoidedcrossing of two ics) or purely diffusive (associated with the decay of coupled energies [24]. Therefore, the microrheological critical fluctuations). Instead, the two observed modes characteristicscanbededucedfromscatteringdataina emerge from a coupling of diffusive and viscoelastic near-criticalfluid,sinceonecanvarythediffusionrelax- modes,whichbelongtotwodifferentdynamicuniversal- ation time over many orders, thus probing the relevant ity classes, pertaining to conserved and non-conserved viscoelastic times over the same range. order parameters [16]. The challenge is to quantita- While ξ (as expected [23, 25]) appears to be pro- ve tively understand this coupled dynamic crossover be- portionaltotheviscosity,itwasnotclearaprioriwhich haviour. A starting point in explaining the dynamics viscosity is the appropriate quantity, the mesoscopic is the Brochard-De Gennes theory [17, 18, 19], which η or the macroscopic η at zero shear rate. Our app predicts a coupling of diffusion and chain relaxation study has shown that ξ is proportional to the ap- ve in polymer solutions that has been subsequently de- parent (”mesoscopic”) viscosity measured by DLS. A tected experimentally in non-critical polymer solutions further notable point is the shift in Fig.3 between the [20, 21, 22]. calculated diffusion mode (long-dashed curve) and the Probing structural relaxation in complex fluids by critical fluctuations 3 observed slow mode (τ−, solid curve). The data sug- nitude, and thereby probe viscoelastic relaxation as an gest that τ− is slowed down at nanoscales by a factor intrinsic fluid property. Moreover, instances have been q2ξ2 with respect to the diffusion mode. For exam- reported where microrheological measurements are in- ve ple, at M = 11.4 million and a scattering angle of 30◦, consistentwithmacroscopicrheology[33]. ”Criticalmi- where length scales of about q−1 = 137 nm are probed crorheology” experiments may clarify the nature and and where ξ reaches 200 nm, the slow mode is shifted extent of these discrepancies. By selecting appropriate ve from 0.4 s to 1.5 s. We may attribute this anomalous solvents for bringing systems into a near-critical state slowing down of the fluctuations to ”diffusion trapped one should be able to probe structural relaxation of a by viscoelasticity at the nanoscale” and we expect this variety of macromolecular species in solutions. effecttobeubiquitousinviscoelasticsystems. 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The dotted curverepresentsthe viscosityofthe solvent (cyclohexane) and the dashed curve represents the macroscopic viscosity of the same solution [12]. Figure 2. Mesoscopic diffusion coefficient of a solu- tion of polystyrene (M = 195,900)in cyclohexane as a functionofε=(T−T )/T measuredatthreescattering c angles. Thesymbolsrepresentexperimentaldata,while the curves represent the critical contribution predicted by mode-coupling theory with the mesoscopic viscosity shown in Fig.1. Figure 3. Dynamic modes in a solution of polystyrene (M = 11.4 million) in cyclohexane for ◦ q, corresponding to a scattering angle of 30 . Open symbols represent the experimental relaxation times of the two observed modes. The solid curves represent the relaxation times of the effective ”slow” and ”fast” 10 ) s a P o m 30 ( 90o p o p 150 a h 1 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 10 10 10 10 10 e -10 10 o 30 o 90 o -11 150 10 ) s / 2 m ( D -12 10 -13 10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 10 10 10 10 10 e 5 10 4 10 3 s) 10 m ( 2 t 10 10 1 -1 10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 10 10 10 10 10 e 1.0 0.8 f - f- 0.6 , f+ 0.4 f 0.2 + 0.0 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 10 10 10 10 10 e