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Probing Nuclear PDF and Gluon Saturation At The LHC with Forward Direct Photons 7 1 0 2 Mauro R. Cosentino∗, for the ALICE FoCal Collaboration n CentrodeCienciasNaturaiseHumanas,UniversidadeFederaldoABC a CEP09210-580,SantoAndre,SP,Brazil J E-mail: mcosenti@cern.ch 0 3 Inrelativisticnuclearcollisionssomeoftheimportantaspectstobeaddressedaretheeffectsof ] x thenuclearPDFandthegluonsaturation. IntheLHCthebestwaytoaddressthesequestionsis e - bymeansofpAcollisionsandinparticularthroughthemeasurementofdirectphotonproduction l c intheforwarddirection. Inordertoachievethismeasurementanewforwardcalorimeter(FoCal) u n isproposedasanupgradetotheALICEexperiment. Theproposeddetectorwillcovertherange [ 3.5 < η < 5, probing the gluon distributions at x∼10−5 and Q∼ p > 4 GeV. We will discuss T 1 performancestudiesanddemonstratethatextremelyhigh-granularitycalorimetryisrequiredfor v suchmeasurement. WewillalsopresentafewresultsfromR&Dforthisproject. 7 7 6 8 0 . 1 0 7 1 : v i X r a The26thInternationalNuclearPhysicsConference 11-16September,2016 Adelaide,Australia ∗Speaker. (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives4.0InternationalLicense(CCBY-NC-ND4.0). http://pos.sissa.it/ ProbingnPDFandGluonSaturationwithForwardDirectPhotons MauroR.Cosentino 1. Motivation The inner structure of hadrons, known as Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) for protons and neutrons and as nPDFs for nuclei, is of fundamental importance in the understanding of the physics results coming from high energy hadron colliders, such as the LHC. Since the PDFs are initial state configurations, they can impact many of final observables like cross sections [1] or azimuthalangularcorrelations[2]. Inadditiontotheabove,nPDFsareofgreatinterestthemselves,giventhefactthattheDGLAP equations, that describe their evolution, predict a divergence of the gluon densities for decreasing valuesoflongitudinalmomentumfractionx,violating,forexample,unitarity. Fig. 1(left),presents the PDFs for the proton as obtained from Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) from ZEUS data [3], showingthegluondensitytendencytodiverge. Thegluondensity-schematicallypresentedinthe rightpanelofFig. 1-increasesfordecreasingxandincreasingmomentumtransfer,Q2,uptothe point where non-linearity effects are expected to become important and a saturation of gluons is expectedtolimitthegluondistribution. GluonsaturationisdescribedbymodelssuchastheColor Glass Condensate (CGC) [4], which describe quantitatively the initial states of highly energetic protonsandnuclei. Figure 1: Evolution of PDFs. Left: proton PDF for various fits. (Gluon and sea-quark distributions - xg andxS-arescaleddownbyafactorof20[3]). Right: thegluonsaturationdiagramaccordingtoevolution equations. Asaturationscaleforthepartondistributionofgluonscanbeestimatedby α (cid:18)A(cid:19)1/3 Q2(x)≈ S xG(x,Q2)∝ (1.1) s πR2 x showing that for a given value of x, the heavier the nucleus1, the larger is Q2, making this a more s accessible measurement. In addition to this, the minimum accessible value of x can be estimated asafunctionoftherapidityyandthecollisionenergyby2 2p x ≈ √ T e−y (1.2) min s NN 1TheAdependencecomesfromG∝AandR∝A1/3 2FromanapproximationofaLOcalculationofa2→2process. 1 ProbingnPDFandGluonSaturationwithForwardDirectPhotons MauroR.Cosentino Hence, equations 1.1 and 1.2 show that saturation can be more easily probed in collisions of protons on heavy nuclei targets with measurements taken in the forward region. The higher collisionenergyoftheLHCprovidesaccesstoxaslowasx∼10−5 at(cid:104)y(cid:105)≈4. Theuseofprotons asprojectileshasthepurposeofavoidingthefinalstateeffectspresentinA−Acollisions. 1.1 SaturationI:IndicationsfromRHIC AttheRelativisticHeavyIonCollider(RHIC),measurementsaimedtoprobegluonsaturation areperformedind-Aucollisions. AtRHIC,twoofthemoststrikingresultsthatsupporttheCGC model are the ones presented in Fig. 2. On the left the inclusive hadron p spectra scaled by the T equivalentnumberofproton-protoncollisionsgivenbythevariable d2N/(dηdp )| T dAu R = (1.3) dAu (cid:104)N (dAu)(cid:105)d2N/(dηdp )| coll T pp shows a much stronger suppression in the forward region ((cid:104)η(cid:105)=4) than in more central rapidity values,withtheoverallpictureshowingapatternofincreasingsuppressionwithrapidity. Figure2: RHICd+Auresults. Left: R η dependency,showinganincreasingsuppressionpattern. Right: dAu Comparisonoftwohadronazimuthalcorrelationsinp+pandd+Au,whereasignificantsuppressionofthe awaysideisobserved.[5] The other important result is the one on the right of Fig. 2, where the azimuthal angular distribution, with respect to a trigger particle, of neutral pions measured in the forward region is compared between the two colliding systems - pp and d-Au. There is a strong suppression of the awayside(∆φ ≈π)inthed-Aucollisionswithsmallimpactparameter,whenthedeuteronhitsthe Au nucleus where the nucleon - and hence parton - density is higher. Both results are consistent with CGC predictions - that predicts that the recoil parton is in a coherent state with many others - but other hadronic final state interactions, such as hadronic absorption, inital state energy loss and/ormultiplescatteringseffectcannotberuledout. 1.2 SaturationII:IndicationsfromLHC At the LHC the scenario is similar to the one at RHIC in the sense that there are several results presenting modification in p–Pb collisions with respect to the same observables in pp that maybethemanifestationofinitialstateeffects,butthathavemanyotherpossiblehadroniceffects contributing to them. Fig. 3 presents some of the ALICE experiment p–Pb results where the 2 ProbingnPDFandGluonSaturationwithForwardDirectPhotons MauroR.Cosentino comparison to pp is avoided by the creation of an observable based on the Forward-to-Backward RatioorR ,whichissimplytheyieldmeasuredinforward(protongoing)dividedbytheyieldin FB thebackward(leadgoing)direction,withinthecommonrapiditycoverageofboth. + ) µµ→ 1.5 ALIC2E.9 p6 <P|by |s<N3N.=553.02 TeV RFB 2.22 p Pb sNN = 5.02 TeV,2 µ.9±6←< |cy,b d|e<c3a.5ys4 (RφFB 1 111...468 ALICE Preliminary cms 1.2 1 0.5 0.8 data 0.6 HIJING 0.4 NLO (MNR) with EPS09 shadowing DPMJET 0.2 systematic uncertainty on normalization 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 p (GeV/c) p (GeV/c) T ALI−PREL−80458 T Figure3: ALICER resultsinp–PbintheLHC.Left: R forφ mesonsshowingastrongsuppression. FB FB Right: R forµ ←c,b,presentingaslightsuppressionatlow p .[6] FB T On the left side of Fig. 3, the R of φ mesons shows a strong suppression for which the FB physical mechanism is not yet clear. On the right side of the figure, the R of muon from charm FB and bottom decays is consistent with shadowing. However the initial state kinematics (x, Q2) of heavyflavourarenotwelldefined,makingtheseresultsnoyetveryconclusive. In summary we may say that in p(d)−A collisions, there are striking results at RHIC, and severalresultsattheLHCshowingsuppressionofhadronproductioninprocessesthataresensitive tolow-xgluondensity,butallofthemarebasedinhadronicprobesthataresubjecttomanyother sources of influence other than the initial parton distribution. The natural alternative to this is to make use of electromagnetic probes, that can be sensitive to the gluon parton distribution and be freeofundesiredfinalstatedynamics. 1.3 ProbingSaturationwithDirectPhotons Dileptons from Drell-Yan (DY) processes can be used to probe the nPDFs in the very same way as in DIS, since they are equivalent processes, as shown by the Feynman diagrams on the left of Fig. 4, where the scattering electron in DIS corresponds to the outgoing (anti)lepton pair. Fromthoseonecanseethat,infact,DYissensitivetothegluondistributionsonlyatNLO,which decreases significantly the cross section of the desired processes in one hand and on the other the LOprocessguaranteesthatmostofthedileptonswillbebackground. Thecasefordirectphotonsismorepromising. TherightsideofFig. 4showsthe"Compton- like" diagram which is a LO process sensitive to the gluon parton distribution function. The ex- pectedluminosityofthefutureLHCp–PbrunsmaynotallowaDYmeasurement,whilethedirect photon,withitshighercrosssection,canbeapromisingprobe. 2. TheALICEexperimentandtheFoCalasanUpgrade Themeasurementofdirectphotonsatforwardrapidityinppandp–PbcollisionsatLHCisthe mainphysicsmotivationfortheproposedFoCalupgradeoftheALICEexperiment. Theproposal 3 ProbingnPDFandGluonSaturationwithForwardDirectPhotons MauroR.Cosentino Figure4: Feynmandiagramsfortheproductionofdifferentelectromagneticprobes. Left: Drell-Yanpro- cesses and its correspondence to DIS, showing their gluon sensitivity only at NLO. Right: Direct photon productionina"Comptonlike"diagramwhichissensitivetogluonsalreadyatLO. ispresentlyunderdiscussionwithintheCollaborationandwouldbetargetedforinstallationduring thethirdlongshutdownoftheLHCin2024. The current setup of ALICE [7] is shown schematically in Fig. 5. On the left is presented the overview of the experiment with labels showing the places of the approved upgrades[8], and the proposed position for the FoCal (in red). The right side of Fig.5 presents the side-view of the experiment with the possible location for the two parts of the FoCal: the electromagnetic and hadroniccalorimeters. Figure5: SchematicviewoftheALICEexperiment. Left: currentALICEconfigurationwiththeindication oftheupgrades. Right: longitudinalviewoftheALICEexperimentandtheplacementfortheFoCal. The FoCal project aims for a calorimeter for γ and π0 measurements with enough resolution to reconstruct π0s either by the invariant mass of the two γ showers reconstructed separately or through the shape of the reconstruct overlapped showers. To cover the largest rapidity possible, theFoCalisplacedat∼8mfromtheinteractionpoint,covering3.3<η<5.3,whereπ0senergyare high and their decays opening angle is small. Hence, the Molière radius (R ) should be as small M as possible, to enable very high spatial resolution. For that it also needs a very high granularity read-out. 4 ProbingnPDFandGluonSaturationwithForwardDirectPhotons MauroR.Cosentino Figure6: TheFoCalstrawmandesign. Left: thelongitudinalsegmentation, dividedinlayersofabsorber, low(LG)andhigh(HG)granularityreadout. Right: theperpendicularprofilesoftheLGandHGlayersand thedetailontherightendschematicallyshowsthegranularityofasingleHGcell. The current design to meet these requirements is of a sampling calorimeter with 24 layers of 3.5 mm thick tungsten (∼1 X ) as absorber and Si sensitive layers of two kinds: low granularity 0 (LG)SiPADs(∼1cm2)andhighgranularity(HG)pixel(∼1mm2). Theelectromagneticsection of the FoCal - depicted as the strawman design of Fig. 6 - is placed at ∼7 m of the interaction point,outsidethemagnet. 2.1 Performanceofdirectphotonmeasurement ThecurrentdesignhasbeensimulatedusingtheALICEanalysisframework-basedonROOT, PYTHIAandGEANT3[9]-toevaluateitsperformanceinthemeasurementofdirectphotons. The main challenge of this measurement is the extremely high background of decay photons, the vast majorityofthemcomingfromπ0 decays. Consequentlythesuccessofthismeasurementdepends ontheefficientπ0 identificationtoenabletherejectionoftheirdecayproducts. The π0 identification can be achieved either by their invariant mass reconstruction or by the shapeoftheirreconstructedelectromagneticshowers. Inthefirstcase,thetwophotonshaveenough spatialseparationtoallowtheirelectromagneticshowerstobereconstructedintwoseparatedclus- ters, from which an invariant mass can be calculated, and in the case of this being consistent with the π0 mass both clusters (photons) are rejected. The design with HG layers can provide a two- showerseparationdistanceofonlyafewmm. Thecaseofshowershapemethodisnecessarywhentheπ0energyishigherthanacertainlimit whichbooststhedecayphotonstobesoclosespatiallythattheirshowerscannotbereconstructed separately, even with the resolution of a few mm. In this case, an invariant mass calculation is not possible, however the overlapped shower shape is very different from that of a single electro- magneticshower. Thiseffectcanbeevaluatedgiventhatthecalorimeterhasenoughgranularityto revealthedetailsofthereconstructedcluster. ThedesignwithHGlayershasarejectionpowerofa factor∼5higherthantheoptionwithoutit. Therejectionpowerofthosemethodscanbeobtained from the left side of Fig. 7, where the ratio of photons to all clusters is presented after each cut. In some cases one of the decay photons cannot be reconstructed, and in such cases the other one cannot be reject using the previous methods. At these high energies, π0s are generally associated withjets,andthiskindofbackgroundcanonlyberemovedbymeansofisolationtechniques,since direct photons should be alone (isolated), while π0s in jets have some hadronic activity around them. For this same reason fragmentation photons can also be rejected with isolation techniques. 5 ProbingnPDFandGluonSaturationwithForwardDirectPhotons MauroR.Cosentino usters 4p.p0 <s η = < 1 53. 0TeV ALFIoCCEa sl iumpuglraatidoen RpPb 1 sNN = 8.8 TeV ALICE simulation all cl 1 7m position 0.8 4.0 < η < 5.0 FoCal upgrade /γdir Statistical Systematic (PYTHIA) 10−1 0.6 Systematic (JETPHOX) 0.4 10−2 dec rej + iso 0.2 dec rej (IM+SS) isolation R =0.4, pE+H < 3.0 GeV no selection iso T,iso 10−3 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 5 10 15 20 p (GeV/c) ALI−SIMUL−69835 p (GeV/c) ALI-SIMUL-69823 T T Figure7: Directphotonmeasurementperformance. Left: rejectionofbackgroundphotonsaftertheappli- cation of each analysis technique, decay rejection (Invariant Mass and Shower Shape), isolation and their combination. Right: modificationfactorofdirectphotonmeasurement(designwithHGlayers). These are the main motivations of the hadronic section of the FoCal, since the rejection power of theisolationisgreatlyimprovedwithit,asshownintheleftsideofFig. 7. Afterapplyingallrejectiontechniquesthefinalresultsoftheperformancesimulationsispre- sentedintherightsideofFig. 7,asthe p dependencyofthenuclearmodificationfactor3 (R ). T pPb With such experimental precision the future results should be precise enough to refute or confirm scenariossuchastheCGC. 2.2 R&Dandtestbeamresults Figure 8: Test beam results. Left: two-shower separations. Right: lateral shower profiles for a 50 GeV electronbeaminselecteddetectorlayers,eachcorrespondingto≈1X . 0 The FoCal collaboration is performing R&D for LG and HG technologies, the first is likely to adopt Si-pads, while the HG layers have the Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) as its 3Calculationanalogoustoequation1.3. 6 ProbingnPDFandGluonSaturationwithForwardDirectPhotons MauroR.Cosentino preferredoption,duetoitscapabilitytoallowveryhighpixeldensityaddinglittlematerialbudget. A prototype of electromagnetic calorimeter using high granularity MIMOSA23 sensors [10] has been built and tested. The prototype had a total number of 39 million pixels of 30 × 30 µm2 in a 4×4×11cm3 volumeandaMolièreradiusof∼11mm,althoughalargefractionoftheshower energyiscontainedonlyinafewmm. Theresults,presentedinFig. 8,showthattheprototypehas beensuccessfulinreconstructingelectromagneticshowerssmallenoughtoallowtheseparationof onlyafewmmdistancebetweenthem. 3. Conclusions In summary, the open question of the gluon saturation in the initial state hadrons and nuclei can be addressed by means of the direct photon measurement at forward rapidity, and the ALICE experiment, through the FoCal upgrade, with unprecedented spatial resolution, could provide the measurementwiththenecessaryprecisiontodiscriminateamongdifferenttheoreticalmodels. Acknowledgments ThespeakerwouldliketothanktheFoCalcolleaguesfortheopportunityandfortheirsupport, andalsotoacknowledgeCAPESandFAPESPforthefinancialsupport. References [1] A.D.Martin,inproceedingsofSchoolonQCD,lowxphysics,saturationanddiffraction,Acta PhysicaPolonicaB392025(2008)[he h/0802.0161]. 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