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DUDLEYKNOXLIBRARY NAVALPOSTGRADUATESCHOOI MONTEREY CA 93943-5101 — — Unclassified SECURITYCIjVSSIFTCATIONOFTHISPAGE REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE REPORTSECURITYCLASSIFICATION lb. RESTRICTIVEMARKINGS Unclassified —Unclassified U. SECURITYCLASSIFICATIONAUTHORITY T DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITYOKREPORT Approvedforpublicrelease;distributionisunlimited. lb. bECLASSII-ICATlON/DOWNCRAblNGScTTETJUTE r PERTORT3IftCORGANIZATIONREPORTNUMBERS T. MONITORINGORGANIZATIONREPORTNUMBHR(S) i«. NAMEOPPERFORMINGORGANIZATION 6b. OFFICESYMBOL 7a. NAMEOFMONITORINGORGANIZATION NavalPostgraduateSchool (IfApplicable) NavalPostgraduateSchool 38 5c! ADDRESS(city,stale,andZIPcode) lb~. ADDRESS(city,state,andZIPcode) Monterey,CA93943-5000 Monterev,CA93943-5000 la. NAMEOFFUNDING/SPONSORING 6b. OMCESYMBOL PROCUREMENTLNSTRUMENTIDENTIFICATIONNUMBER ORGANIZATION (IfApplicable) Sc. ADDRESS(city,state,andZIPcode) 10. SOURCEOP'FUNDING"NUMBERS PROGRAM PROJECT TOTT WORKUNIT ELEMENTNO. 1 NO. ACCESSIONNO. IT TITLE(IncludeSecurityC .; 'cation) 12. PPERROSBONAABLLAEUTTRHEONRD®SjpjTERRORISMINWESTERNEUROPE.(U) Heron,Charles M. 13a. TYPEOFREPORT 13b. TIMECOVERED 14. DATEOFREPORT(year,month,day)\ \5. PAGECOUNT Master'sThesis FROM TO December1992 139 16. SUPPLEMENTARYNOTATION TheviewsexpressedinthisthesisarethoseoftheauthoranddonotreflecttheofficialpolicyorpositionoftheDepartmentof DefenseortheU.S.Government. COSATICODES "W. SUBJECTTERMS(continueonreverseifnecessaryandidentifybyblocknumber) TTeTd- GTK5UP 1 SUBGROUP Terrorism,WesternEurope,National-Separatism,Semtex,nuclearterrorism, KGB,Interpol,Trevi,immigration,Islamicfundamentalism,SingleEuropeanAct, ETA,FLNC,MiddleEast,European cooperation. \y. ABSTRACT(Continueonreverseifnecessaryandidentifybyblocknumber) TerrorismisacontinuinginternationalconcernwhichhasparticularlyplaguedthesecurityofWesternEurope. Thisthesis analyzesprobabletrendsinterrorisminthe 1990sinthisregion. ThethesisexaminesthesourcesofterrorismaffecungWestern Europe: indigenousandforeignterroristorganizations. Semtexandnuclearmaterialsthatcouldcontributetofutureterroristic actsarediscussed,aswellascurrentnationalist-separatistmovementsinWesternEurope,withparticularemphasisontheETA andtheFLNC. ThepotentialsignificanceforterrorismofimmigrationandtheimplementationoftheSingleEuropeanActin 1993isconsidered. Finally,thethesisreviewscooperativeeffortstocombatterrorismwithinWesternEurope. Thecooperative sffortbyEuropeangovernmentstodeteranddealwithterrorismmustbeexpeditedtokeeppacewiththenewchallengesmatare boundtoarise. g§ DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY5TABSTRACT 11. ABSTRACTSECURITYCLASSIFICATION _XJ UNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED Unclassified *PT. J DTICUSERS 1*. NAMEOf"RESPONSIBLEINDIVIDUAL lib. TELEPHONE(IncludeArea 21c. oTFICESYMuoL DavidS.Yost Code) CodeNSYo (408)646-2579 )bFORMAT},84MaR S3APReditionmaybeusedunli!exhausted sECL'RITVCLaSsIHCATIONof'llirsTAGT Allothereditionsareobsolete Unclassified Approved for public release; distribution isunlimited. PROBABLE TRENDS IN TERRORISM IN WESTERN EUROPE by Charles M. Heron LieutenantCommander, UnitedStates Navy B.S., WestChesterState College, PA, 1978 Submitted in partial fulfillment ofthe requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS IN NATIONALSECURITY AFFAIRS from the ABSTRACT Terrorism is a continuing international concern which has particularly plagued the securityofWesternEurope. Thisthesisanalyzesprobabletrendsinterrorismin the 1990s in this region. The thesis examines the sources of terrorism affecting Western Europe: indigenousand foreign terrorist organizations. Semtex and nuclear materials that could contribute to future terroristic actsare discussed, as wellas current nationalist-separatist movementsin Western Europe, with particularemphasison the ETA and the FLNC. The potential significance for terrorism ofimmigration and the implementation of the Single European Act in 1993 is considered. Finally, the thesis reviews cooperative efforts to combat terrorism within Western Europe. The cooperative effort by European governments to deter and deal with terrorism must be expedited to keep pace with the new challenges that are bound to arise. //H TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I. 1 II. INDIGENOUS TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS 8 A. TERRORIST OBJECTIVES/INCIDENTS AGAINST NATO 8 B. TERRORIST GROUP COOPERATION 15 C. CURRENT TRENDS 18 III. FOREIGN TERRORISTS ON EUROPEAN SOIL 20 A. MIDDLE EASTERN TERRORISM IN WESTERN EUROPE 20 B. SOVIET (AND EASTERN BLOC) INVOLVEMENT 29 1. Historical Involvement/Soviet Motives 29 2. KGB Operations and Training 32 3. The KGB's Association with "Carlos" 38 4. The KGB's Future Ties to Terrorism 40 5. Eastern Europe's Contribution 41 IV. SEMTEX AND NUCLEAR TERRORISM 46 A. THE UNCONTROLLABLE THREAT OF SEMTEX 46 B. THE THREAT OFNUCLEAR TERRORISM 53 NAVALPOSTGRADUATESCHOOI MONTEREY CA 93943-5101 V. WESTERN EUROPEAN ETHNIC/SEPARATIST MOVEMENTS 63 A. THE NATIONALIST DILEMMA AND ITS DEFINITION 63 NATIONALIST-SEPARATIST CONNECTIONS TO B. TERRORISM 68 C. THE BASQUE FATHERLAND AND LIBERTY GROUP (ETA) 69 . . D. THE CORSICAN NATIONAL LIBERATION FRONT (FLNC) 73 . . E. PAST AND CURRENT ETA AND FLNC TERRORIST ACTIVITY 75 F. ETA AND FLNC GOALS AND AGENDA 80 G. TRENDS OF NATIONALIST-SEPARATIST MOVEMENTS 81 H. COMBATTINGNATIONALIST-SEPARATISTMOVEMENTSIN WESTERN EUROPE 85 VI. COOPERATIVE EFFORTS TO ELIMINATE EUROPEAN TERRORISM 90 A. EUROPE'S OPEN BORDERS/IMPLICATIONS FOR TERRORISM 90 B. INTELLIGENCE AND POLICE COOPERATION 97 C. TOWARDS FUTURE COOPERATION 103 VII. CONCLUSION 107 APPENDIX A 113 APPENDIX B 114 APPENDIX C 115 APPENDIX D 116 BIBLIOGRAPHY 117 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 127

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