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Thethreemainthemesofthisbook—probabilitytheory,differentialgeometry andthetheoryofintegrablesystems—reflectthebroadrangeofmathematical interests of Henry McKean, to whom it is dedicated. Writtenbyexpertsinprobability,geometry,integrablesystems,turbulence and percolation, the seventeen papers included here demonstrate a wide va- riety of techniques which have been developed to solve various mathematical problems in these areas. The topics are often combined in an unusual and interesting fashion to give solutions outside of the standard methods. The papers contain some exciting results and offer a guide to the contemporary literature on these subjects. Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications 55 Probability, Geometry and Integrable Systems Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications 1 Freed/Uhlenbeck:Instantons and Four-Manifolds,secondedition 2 Chern(ed.):Seminar on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 3 Lepowsky/Mandelstam/Singer(eds.):Vertex Operators in Mathematics and Physics 4 Kac(ed.):Infinite Dimensional Groups with Applications 5 Blackadar:K-Theory for Operator Algebras,secondedition 6 Moore(ed.):Group Representations, Ergodic Theory, Operator Algebras, and Mathematical Physics 7 Chorin/Majda(eds.):Wave Motion: Theory, Modelling, and Computation 8 Gersten(ed.):Essays in Group Theory 9 Moore/Schochet:Global Analysis on Foliated Spaces,secondedition 10–11 Drasin/Earle/Gehring/Kra/Marden(eds.):Holomorphic Functions and Moduli 12–13 Ni/Peletier/Serrin (eds.):Nonlinear Diffusion Equations and Their Equilibrium States 14 Goodman/delaHarpe/Jones:Coxeter Graphs and Towers of Algebras 15 Hochster/Huneke/Sally(eds.):Commutative Algebra 16 Ihara/Ribet/Serre(eds.):Galois Groups over Q 17 Concus/Finn/Hoffman(eds.):Geometric Analysis and Computer Graphics 18 Bryant/Chern/Gardner/Goldschmidt/Griffiths: Exterior Differential Systems 19 Alperin(ed.):Arboreal Group Theory 20 Dazord/Weinstein(eds.):Symplectic Geometry, Groupoids, and Integrable Systems 21 Moschovakis(ed.):Logic from Computer Science 22 Ratiu(ed.):The Geometry of Hamiltonian Systems 23 Baumslag/Miller(eds.):Algorithms and Classification in Combinatorial GroupTheory 24 Montgomery/Small(eds.):Noncommutative Rings 25 Akbulut/King:Topology of Real Algebraic Sets 26 Judah/Just/Woodin(eds.):Set Theory of the Continuum 27 Carlsson/Cohen/Hsiang/Jones(eds.):Algebraic Topology and Its Applications 28 Clemens/Kolla´r(eds.):Current Topics in Complex Algebraic Geometry 29 Nowakowski(ed.):Games of No Chance 30 Grove/Petersen(eds.):Comparison Geometry 31 Levy(ed.):Flavors of Geometry 32 Cecil/Chern(eds.):Tight and Taut Submanifolds 33 Axler/McCarthy/Sarason(eds.):Holomorphic Spaces 34 Ball/Milman(eds.):Convex Geometric Analysis 35 Levy(ed.):The Eightfold Way 36 Gavosto/Krantz/McCallum(eds.):Contemporary Issues in Mathematics Education 37 Schneider/Siu(eds.):Several Complex Variables 38 Billera/Bjo¨rner/Green/Simion/Stanley (eds.):New Perspectives in Geometric Combinatorics 39 Haskell/Pillay/Steinhorn(eds.):Model Theory, Algebra, and Geometry 40 Bleher/Its(eds.):Random Matrix Models and Their Applications 41 Schneps(ed.):Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups 42 Nowakowski(ed.):More Games of No Chance 43 Montgomery/Schneider(eds.):New Directions in Hopf Algebras 44 Buhler/Stevenhagen(eds.):Algorithmic Number Theory 45 Jensen/Ledet/Yui:Generic Polynomials: Constructive Aspects of the Inverse Galois Problem 46 Rockmore/Healy(eds.):Modern Signal Processing 47 Uhlmann(ed.):Inside Out: Inverse Problems and Applications 48 Gross/Kotiuga:Electromagnetic Theory and Computation: A Topological Approach 49 Darmon/Zhang(eds.):Heegner Points and Rankin L-Series 50 Bao/Bryant/Chern/Shen(eds.):A Sampler of Riemann–Finsler Geometry 51 Avramov/Green/Huneke/Smith/Sturmfels(eds.):Trends in Commutative Algebra 52 Goodman/Pach/Welzl(eds.):Combinatorial and Computational Geometry 53 Schoenfeld(ed.):Assessing Mathematical Proficiency 54 Hasselblatt(ed.):Dynamics, Ergodic Theory, and Geometry 55 Pinsky/Birnir(eds.):Probability, Geometry and Integrable Systems Volumes 1–4, 6–8 and 10–27 are published by Springer-Verlag Probability, Geometry and Integrable Systems For Henry McKean’s Seventy-Fifth Birthday Edited by Mark Pinsky Bjo¨rn Birnir Mark Pinsky Department of Mathematics Northwestern University Evanston, IL 60208 Bj¨orn Birnir Center for Complex and Nonlinear Science and Department of Mathematics University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106 Silvio Levy (Series Editor) Mathematical Sciences Research Institute 17 Gauss Way, Berkeley, CA 94720 [email protected] The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute wishes to acknowledge support by the National Science Foundation and the Pacific Journal of Mathematicsfor the publication of this series. cambridge university press Cambridge,NewYork,Melbourne,Madrid,CapeTown,Singapore,S˜aoPaulo,Delhi Cambridge University Press 32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-2473, USA www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521895279 (cid:13)c Mathematical Sciences Research Institute 2008 Thispublicationisincopyright.Subjecttostatutoryexception andtotheprovisionsofrelevantcollectivelicensingagreements, noreproductionofanypartmaytakeplacewithout thewrittenpermissionofCambridgeUniversityPress. First published 2008 Printed in the United States of America A catalog record for this book is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication data Probability,geometry,andintegrablesystems/editedbyMarkPinsky,Bj¨ornBirnir. p. cm. – (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute publications ; 55) “ForHenryMcKean’sSeventy-FifthBirthday.”Includesbibliographicalreferences and index. ISBN 978-0-521-89527-9 (hardback) 1.Probabilities.2.Geometry,Differential.3.Hamiltoniansystems.I.Pinsky,Mark A., 1940- II.Birnir, Bj¨orn. III.McKean, Henry P. QA273.P79536 2008 519.2–dc22 2007052192 ISBN 978-0-521-89527-9 hardcover CambridgeUniversityPresshasnoresponsibilityforthepersistenceoraccuracyofURLs forexternalorthird-partyInternetWebsitesreferredtointhispublicationanddoesnot guaranteethatanycontentonsuchWebsitesis,orwillremain,accurateorappropriate. Probability,GeometryandIntegrableSystems MSRIPublications Volume55,2007 Contents Preface ix TributetoHenryMcKean xv Directandinverseproblemsforsystemsofdifferentialequations 1 DAMIR AROV AND HARRY DYM Turbulenceofaunidirectionalflow 29 BJORN BIRNIR Riemann–HilbertproblemintheinversescatteringfortheCamassa–Holm equationontheline 53 ANNE BOUTET DEMONVEL ANDDMITRY SHEPELSKY TheRiccatimapinrandomSchro¨dingerandmatrixtheory 77 SANTIAGO CAMBRONERO, JOSE´ RAM´IREZ AND BRIAN RIDER SLE6 andCLE6 fromcriticalpercolation 103 FEDERICO CAMIA AND CHARLES M. NEWMAN Globaloptimization,theGaussianensembleanduniversalensembleequivalence 131 MARIUS COSTENIUC, RICHARD S. ELLIS, HUGO TOUCHETTE AND BRUCE TURKINGTON StochasticevolutionofinviscidBurgerfluid 167 ANA BELA CRUZEIRO AND PAUL MALLIAVIN Aquickderivationoftheloopequationsforrandommatrices 185 N. M. ERCOLANI ANDK. D. T-R MCLAUGHLIN SingularsolutionsforgeodesicflowsofVlasovmoments 199 J. GIBBONS, D. D. HOLM ANDC. TRONCI Realityproblemsinsolitontheory 221 PETR G. GRINEVICH AND SERGEI P. NOVIKOV Randomwalksandorthogonalpolynomials;somechallenges 241 F. ALBERTO GRU¨NBAUM IntegrationofpairflowsoftheCamassa–Holmhierarchy 261 ENRIQUE LOUBET Landensurvey 287 DANTE V. MANNA ANDVICTOR H. MOLL vii viii CONTENTS Linesonabelianvarieties 321 EMMA PREVIATO Integrablemodelsofwavesinshallowwater 345 HARVEY SEGUR NonintersectingBrownianmotions,integrablesystemsandorthogonal polynomials 373 PIERRE VAN MOERBEKE HomogenizationofrandomHamilton–Jacobi–Bellmanequations 397 S. R. SRINIVASA VARADHAN Probability,GeometryandIntegrableSystems MSRIPublications Volume55,2007 Preface This volume is dedicated to Henry McKean, on the occasion of his seventy- fifthbirthday. Hiswidespectrumofinterests withinmathematicsisreflectedin the variety of theory and applications in these papers, discussed in the Tribute on page xv. Here we comment briefly on the papers that make up this volume, grouping them by topic. (The papers appear in the book alphabetically by first author.) Sincetheearly1970s,thesubjectofcompletelyintegrablesystemshasgrown beyond all expectations. The discovery that the Kortweg – de Vries equation, whichgoverns shallow-water waves,hasacomplete systemofintegrals ofmo- tion has given rise to a search for other such evolution equations. Two of the papers in this volume, one by Boutet deMonvelandShepelsky and the other byLoubet, deal with the completely integrable system discovered byCamassa andHolm. Thisequationprovidesamodeldescribingtheshallow-waterapprox- imation in inviscid hydrodynamics. Theunknown function u.x;t/refers tothe horizontal fluid velocity along the x-direction at time t. The first authors show that the solution of the CH equation in the case of no breaking waves can be expressedinparametricformintermsofthesolutionofanassociatedRiemann– Hilbertproblem. Thisanalysisallowsonetoconcludethateachsolutionwithin this class develops asymptotically into a train of solitons. Loubet provides a technical tour de force, in extending previous results of McKeanontheCamassa–Holmequation. Morespecifically,hegivesanexplicit formula for the velocity profile in terms of its initial value, when the dynamics aredefinedbyaHamiltonian whichisthesumofthesquaresofthereciprocals ofapairofeigenvaluesofanassociatedacousticequation. Theproofdependson theanalysisofasimplersystem,whoseHamiltonianisdefinedbythereciprocal of a single eigenvalue of the acoustic equation. This tool can also solve more complex dynamics, associated to several eigenvalues, which eventually leads to a new proof of McKean’s formula for the Fredholm determinant. The paper concludeswithanasymptoticanalysis(inbothpastandfuturedirections),which allows partial confirmation of statements about soliton genesis and interaction which wereraised inanearlier CPAM paper. ix x PREFACE Meanwhile we have a contribution from Gibbons, Holm and Tronci of a more geometric nature. This deals with the Vlaslov equation, which describes the evolution of the single-particle probability density in the evolution of N pointparticles. Specifically,theystudytheevolutionofthep-thmomentswhen the dynamics is governed by a quadratic Hamiltonian. The resulting motion takes place on the manifold of symplectomorphisms, which are smooth invert- iblemapsactingonthephasespace. Thesingularsolutionsturnouttobeclosely related to integrable systems governing shallow-water wave theory. In fact, when these equations are “closed” at level p, one retrieves the peaked solitons of the integrable Camassa–Holm equation forshallow-water waves! Segur’s paper provides an excellent overview of the development of our understanding of integrable partial differential equations, from the Boussinesq equation (1871) to the Camassa–Holm equation (1993) and their relations to shallow-waterwavetheory. Inphysicalterms,anintegrablesystemisequivalent to the existence of action-angle variables, where the action variables are the integrals ofmotionandtheanglevariables evolveaccordingtosimpleordinary differentialequations. SinceeachofthesePDEsalsodescribeswavesinshallow water,itisnaturaltoaskthequestion: Doestheextramathematicalstructureof complete integrability provide useful information about the behavior of actual physicalwavesinshallowwater? Thebodyofthepapertakesupthisquestionin detail with many illustrations of real cases, including the tsunami of December 26,2004. A video link is provided, forfurther documentation. Previato’s paper contains a lucid account of the use of theta functions to characterize lines in abelian varieties. Strictly speaking, “line” is short for lin- ear flow, since an abelian variety cannot properly contain a (projective) line. More than twenty years ago Barsotti had proved that, on any abelian variety, thereexistsadirection suchthatthederivatives ofsufficiently highorderofthe logarithimofthethetafunctiongeneratesthefunctionfieldoftheabelianvariety. Thepurposeofthepresentpaperistousetheresultingdifferential equationsto characterizethetafunctions,ageneralizationoftheKPequations,introducedby KadomtsevandPetviashviliin1971,aswellastostudyspectraofcommutative rings of partial differential operators. ArovandDymsummarizetheirrecentworkoninverseproblemsformatrix- valuedordinarydifferentialequations. Thisisrelatedtothenotionofreproduc- ing kernel Hilbert spaces and the theory of J-inner matrix functions. A time- independentSchro¨dingerequationiswrittenasasystemoffirst-orderequations, which permits application of thebasic results. CruzeiroandMalliavinstudyafirst-orderBurgersequationinthecontextof flowsonthegroupofdiffeomorphismsofthecircle,aninfinite-dimensionalRie- 2 mannianmanifold. TheL normonthecircledefinestheRiemannianmetric,so

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