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Priscileo roskellyae sp. nov. (Thylacoleonidae, Marsupialia) from the Oligocene-Miocene of Riversleigh, northwestern Queensland PDF

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Preview Priscileo roskellyae sp. nov. (Thylacoleonidae, Marsupialia) from the Oligocene-Miocene of Riversleigh, northwestern Queensland

PRISCILEOROSKELLYAE SP. NOV. (THYLACOLEONIDAE, MARSUPIALIA) FROM THEOLIGOCENE-MIOCENE OFRIVERSLEIGH, NORTHWESTERN QUEENSLAND ANNAGILLESPIE Gillespie,A., 19970630.Priscileoroskellyaesp.nov.(Thylacoleonidae,Marsupialia)from the Oligocene-Miocene ofRiversleigh, northwestern Queensland Memoirsofthe Queens- landMuseum41{2): 321-327. Brisbane. ISSN0079-8835. UpperdentitionofthemarsupiallionPriscileoroskellyaesp.nov. fromtheUpperSiteLocal Fauna of Riversleigh provides the first detailed information about upper dentition of the genus. The upperadult dental formula is 11-3, CI, PI-3, Ml-4. This species is smallerthan P.pitikantensisandisthemostplesiomorphicthylacoleonid. Relativeto Wakaleo, P3 isless bowed and molars are square and have a metaconule at their posterior margin. \Z\Thylacoleonidae, Wakaleoninae. Priscileo, Riversleigh, Oligocene, Miocene. Anna Gillespie, SchoolofBiologicalScience, University ofNew South Wales, New South Wales2052, Australia; received 15 February J997. The marsupial lion genus Priscileo Rauscher, outline, with a posterolingual metaconule; ante- 1987 contains only P. pitikantensis Rauscher, rior root of the zygomatic arch projecting an- 1987, from the late Oligocene Ngapakaldi Local terolaterally dorsal toM2-3. Fauna, S. Austwhich is known only from amax- illary fragment, afewteeth, andanumberofpost Priscileo roskellyae sp. nov. cranial elements. Additional Priscileo material (Figs 1-3) hasbeenrecovered from theOligocene-Miocene of Riversleigh, northwestern Queensland. This MATERIAL. Holotype QMF23453. a skull with left material includes a nearcomplete skull from the and right P3, Ml-2, alveoli forleft and right 12-3,CI, Upper Site Local Fauna representing Priscileo Pl-2, M3-4, and partial alveoli fortheleft andright II roskellyae sp. nov. from early Miocene Upper Site, Godthelp Hill, Riversleigh. Dental terminology formolars andthe lastpre- molarfollowsLuckett(1993)whohasshownthat ETYMOLOGY. FortheformerAustralian Ministerof a molariform dP3 (Ml of Archer, 1978) in mar- Arts,Sport,theEnvironment,TourismandTerritories, supials is replaced by P3. Accordingly, the re- the Hon. Ros Kelly, who provided significant support maining molars represent Ml-4. However, forthe Riversleigh Project. homology oftheotherpremolars follows Flower (1867).Material ishousedin theCommonwealth DIAGNOSIS (by comparison with the type and Palaeontological Collection, Bureau of Mineral only other species). Smaller; P3 approximately Resources, Canberra (CPC), Northern Territory 2/3 as long; metaconule on Ml and M2; alveolus Museum (NTM), Queensland Museum (QMF), ofPI closer to the P2 alveolus than to the canine South Australian Museum (SAMP), Museum of alveolus; lingual root on Ml smaller, not intrud- Palaeontology, University ofCalifornia, Berke- ing as far medially into the palate. ley (UCMPB). DESCRIPTION. Upperdentition. Formula 11-3, SYSTEMATICS CI, PI-3, Ml-4. Alveoli for II large and incom- plete. Alveolus for 12 smallest ofincisoralveoli. SOurpdereorrDdeIrPMRAORTSOUDPOINATLIIAAOIwlleinge,r, 8186161 Alveolus for CI ovoid, larger than alveolus for Family THYLACOLEONIDAEGill,1 1872 1t3o,1s3maalllveerotlhuasntthhaatnfotroIPII.Caalnvienoeluasl.veTolwuoscslmoaslelr alveoli for two single-rooted pretnolars between PriscileoRauscher, 1987 thecanineandP3. CI andPI alveoli separatedby TYPE SPECIES. Priscileo pitikantensis Rauscher, anapproximately3mm.P2alveolusclosebehind 1987. that for PI, abutting the anteriorbase ofP3. DIAGNOSIS. Small; P3 length usually less than P3. As in Wakaleobut 25-66% smaller. Posterior 12mm; Ml and M2 relatively square in basal portion only slightly broader than the anterior 322 MEMOIRS OFTHEQUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG. 1. Priscileo roskellyae sp. nov.. holotype, QMF23453, partial skull, from Upper Site, Godthelp Hil Riversleigh. Ventral view slereopair, showingupperdentition. portion (unlike Wakaleo where the posterior is curving slightly anteriorly as it ascends and much broader). Longitudinal blade slightly in- merges with the base of the crown. Many T. wardly-curved in contrast to the distinctive in- carnifex and T. crassidentatiis also with lingual wardly-curved blade of most Wakaleo. blade in contrast to W. alcootaensis and W. Relativelyuniformwidthwithgentlycurvedlon- vanderleueriin whichitisabsent. Posteriortothe gitudinalbladegivingP3rectangularshape.Lon- lingual blade the lingual flank of P3 formiing a gitudinal blade running between 2 major cusps. sharp depression extending from the base to the In buccal view, the shearing blade of P3 W- crown. Lingual flank following the curve ofthe shaped, thelongitudinal blade foiming therisein posterior root, curving convexly to the posterior the middle, and the anterior and posterior blades border. Buccal bladeoftheanteriorcusp ascend- ascending from the majorcusps at each end. The ing in a slight posterior direction, merging with anteriorcusp is slightly higher than the posterior the crown midway up the tooth. Short buccal (as in W. alcootaensis). In W. vanderleueri the blade also ascending from the posterior cusp, cusps are approximately equal in height. Three mergingwiththecrown midwayupthetooth, not vertical blades,oneanterior,one lingual, andone asprominentastheanteriorbuccal blade. Similar buccal, ascending from the anterior cusp to the anterior and posterior buccal blades in Wakaleo. base of the crown. Anterior blade curving lin- Posteriorbladerunning posterolaterally from the gually as it ascends, bending slightly posteriorly posteriorcusptotheposteriormarginofthetooth, before merging with the base ofthe crown. Lin- anextensionofthelongitudinalblade,contiguous gualcurvatureofbladeproducingasmall vertical with the preparacrisla of Ml, in P3 of Wakaleo lip towards the base of the blade. Similar lip in but absent in Thyiacoleo. Short oblique blade at someRiversleigh Wakaleo.Posteriortothisblade termination of posterior blade at the posterior lingual face of the crown curving concavely margin of P3, ascending anterolaterally on the forming an anterolingual basin. Lingual blade buccal flank, merging midway with the base of PRISCILEO ROSKELLYAESP. NOV. FROM RIVERSLEIGH 323 TABLE 1. Dimensionsofuppercheekleeihofspecies trigon basin. VV. vanderleueri and Riversleigh of Priscileo and Wakaleo. Data from Clemens & Wakaleo with much straighter and longer blade aPlnadnMeu(r1r9a74y),&AMrecghierri&anR(i1c9h90()1.98M2e)a,sRuaruesmcehnetrs(1f9or87P). aprsocleoncdriisntga alriinsgiunagllfyrofmrothme tahnteerpiaorraecdognee.ofPrtch-e poiftiUkCaMniPe8ns8i4s4(8ex.ceap=ta!Pv3e)owleusremteaakseunrefmreonmtf.romacaste trigon basin medial to the paraconule, running postcromedially to the proiucone. From the pro- tocone a postprotocrista running posteriorly to a Length(mm) | metaconule. Postmetaconulecrista curving P3 Ml M2 M3 M4 P3/M1 1 posterolaterally from the metaconule. ascending P. roskellvae \\ to merge with the posterior margin of the QMF23453 8.2 5.8 4.3 3.3a 2.9a i.4. postmetacrista. Short crescent-shaped ridge as- P.pitikamensis \ cending lingual face of metacone, terminating UCMP88448 1 1.0a 6.5a 5.3 3.7a 3.5a 1.69 1 midway between metacone and metaconule. Ml U'. aicootaensis \\ ofVV. vanderleueriand Riversleigh Wakaleowhh NTMPI 23.3 14.7 7.2 1 - 1.58 1 sfiomrimlianrgrimdagreg.inBslaodfesa jdoeienpi,ngsqtuhaere4tmraijgoonrbcaussipns. VV. vanderleueri \\ Withinthebasin,fineenamelcrenulationsradiate CPC26604 17.9 11.2 7.0 5.0 - 1.59 1 outwards. Similarcrenulatcd trigon basins occur Riversleigh Wakaleo 1 in Wakaleo and T. crassidentatus. Buccal flank QQMMFF2234464860 1122..96a 89..96a 66..30 45..92a 4.-3a 11..3414 oafbMroIa,desbpaesceiaflolrytahnetesriiyolrairy.shsewlofl.lAensrteyslualrtibnagsiinn QMR3443 12.2 9.4 6.0 4.5 3.5a 1.30 running from the posterobuccal face of the paracone to the posterobuccal margin of the metacone, becoming shallower posteriorly. Lat- the crown, lacking in Thylacoleo and W. ai- eral wall of the basin lined with small vertical cootaensis. VV. vanderleueriwith asmall blade in ridges. a similar position, differing by commencing a short distance before the end of the posterior M2. M2 smallerthan M lacking the distinctive blade, more vertically oriented. On the buccal 1, broad siylar shelf and basin. Paracone highest afnlatnekrioofrP3a,nda bproosatderviaolrlebyurcucnanlinbglabdeetsw,eemnutchhe cusp,morelateral than inM1. Short,semicircular preparacrista running anteromedially from the broader, in Wakaleo. paracone. Small ridge buttressing lingual base of Molars. Left and right Ml and M2 relatively atrhiespianrga,cornuen.nMiendgiaplosttoctrhoismerdidigaellayprteoprotthoecrpirsot-a unworn. Alveoli for M3 and M4 indicating 3 tocone. Protocone prominent, more anteriorly rootsforeach;2equalanteriorroots,withslightly placed than in Ml. Protocone lingually bulbous larger posterior one. In Wakaleo vanderleueri as in P. pitikaniensis and Wakaleo. A narrow anteriorrootsofM3 larger. MolargradienMt steep, anterior shelf running from the base of the pre- similar to P. pitikaniensis and Wakaleo. 1 and paracrista to the protocone. Postprotocrista run- M2 square, unlike the triangular molars in ning posterobuccally to a gently-rounded, Wakaleo. Molarmorphology similarto Wakaleo. posterior metaconule, producing squaring ofthe Ml wider anterioriy than posterioriy. Paracone lingual outline. No metaconule on M2 of P. highest cusp. Small blade ascending anterioriy pitikaniensisbut could be lost by damage to rear from the paracone to the anterior edge, joining portion of the tooth. Short postmetaconulecrista siylar cusp B, contiguous with blade ascending runningposterolaterally, merging with theposte- from theposteriorcuspofP3. Postparacrislarun- rior margin of the tooth. Metacone rounded and M ning posteriorly, meeting the ascending pre- moreposteriorlysituatedthan in I,with lingual metacrisla, forming a notch midway along the blade running medially, connecting with a small straight centrocrista. Metacone well-developed. blade running laterally from the metaconule, Postmetacrista ascending posteriorly from the forming anterior borderofa small, oval, basin at M metaconetotheposteriormarginof 1.Buttress- the posterior. Postparacrisla running ing the steep lingual face ofthe paracone a short posterolaterally tothe buccal marginofthe stylar crescent-shaped preparaconulecrisia straighten- shelf, converging with anlerolaterally orientated ing medially, terminating at a paraconulc. Short premetacrista. Deep, square, trigon basin be- postparaconulccrista running posteriorly into the tween the majorcusps with fine enamel crenula- 324 MEMOIRS OFTHEQUEENSLANDMUSEUM 18.1 FIG.2.Prisciieoroskellyae sp.nov.,balo(>pe,QMF23453,measurements(mm)oflefttooihrow.P^onleft,M' andM^. lions concentrated on the lateral and posterior crenulate, anieroposieriorly broad trigon basin. walls.CrcnulatcdbasinsinM2ofP.paikantensi.s SomeofthenewRiversleigh Wakaleospecimens and Wakaleo. On the buccal margin of M2 a have these features. Two Wakaleo specimens small, elongate, stylar basin parallel to the have an M4(Table I ). and most havearelatively postparacnsla. terminating midway between the broad crenulaied basin on M2. All species of paracone and melacone. Similar basin in Wakaleohavc^P3/M\ ratiooflessthan 1.70.The Riversleigh WakaU'ty. dii'tlcull to discern in the valueforA roskellyae(1.41)fallsmidwaywilhin heavily worn M2 ofW. vanderleueri. this range. Rauscher (1987) distinguished Prisciieo from COMPARISON. P. roskellytje differs from all Wakaleo by the loss of PI or 2 and M4 in the speciesofWakaleoin: hein"smaller, the P3ofP. jailer, Although some new Riversleigh Wakaleo roskellyae is approximately 1/3 length of P3 of specimens have these teeth, Ihe plesiomorphic $V. akoQtaemis. Ml the length of P3 of W. features of P. roskellyae exhibits (signiUcanily vanderleueri, and 2/3 the length of P3s of smallersi/e,squaremolarshape, metaconuleand Riversleigh Wakaleo; having a lingual crest as- relatively straight cutting blade on P3) require cend from the anterior cusp of P3; having the generic distinction. P. pitikantensis and P. shearingbladeofP3slraighter: havingtheposte- roskellyae^harcgenericfeaturesofdenialdimen- riorroot ofP3 only slightly enlarged; having the sions, shape c»f M2 and position of the anterior posterior half of P3 relatively square in basal base of Ihe zygomatic arch. Spccillc distinction outline; having MI and M2 relatively square in of P. roskellyae is based on the si/e difference basal outline. P. roskellyae differs from Tfiy- between these two species.P. pitikantensis being lacoleo in: being smaller; P3 being approxi- 33% larger. mately 1/3 length ofP3 ofr. /?///( and 1/6 length ofP3ofT. carnife.w having M3-(4; having M1+2 INTRAFAMILIALRELATIONSHIPS relatively square in basal outline. Rauscher(1987) found no synapomorphies unit- DISCUSSION ing Prisciieo and Wakaleo, or uniting Prisciieo and Tbxiacoleo. Analysis ofPrisciieo and Thy- ThediagnosisofPrisciieois amended to include lacoleo included comparison ofpostcranial ma- P. roskellyae. Rauscher (1987) distinguished terial and for a number of character-slates, Prisciieo from other thylacoleonids by M4, a Thylacoleo exhibited the plesiomorphic condi- P3/MI length ratio less than 1.70, and M2 with a tion while Prisciieo was derived. Rauschercon- PRISCtLEO ROSKELLYAESP. NOV. FROM RIVERSLEIGH 325 prpac me mcl ac alb linb 5mm FIG. 3. Priscileoraskellyaesp.nov.. hokHype. QMP'23453. left cheekdentition. lb=longJtudinal blade: ab-an- leriorblade: pb=posierior blade; ac—anteriorcusp;pc=posienorcusp: abb^anieriorbuccal blade: linb=lingual blade; pbb=posieriar buccal blade; aIb=anterior lingual basin: pa=paracone; pacl=paraconulc; prpac=pre- paracrista; popuc=posiparacri&ia; prpaclc=preparaconulecris»la; popack-postparaconulecrisia; pr=proiocone: mcl=nielaconule; pomck-posttnetaconulecrista: rrie=metacone; ponic=posimelacrista; prmc=premetacrista: 5tB=siy!arcusp B: trb=trigone basin. eluded that Thylacoleo\ priniiiivc fcaiures were Thylacoleoninae which includes ThylacoleoiXJid secondarily derived and not a retained possibly Priscileo. Wakaleonines were regarded plesiomorphic condition. Because Wakaleo and to differ from ihylacoleonines in absence of PI Thylacoleo share the synapomorphy of loss of and formation of a tympanic wmg composed of M-i,Rauschcr( 1987)consideredthemtobesister alisphenoid and squamosal contributions. Fea- groups.Priscileo wasregardedasthesistergroup tures distinguishing Ihylacoleonines from ofa Wakaleo/Thylacoleoclade. wakaleonines include PI. squamosal contribu- Rauscher (1987) suggested that loss of the tion to the tympanic wing and frontal-squamosal melaconulc could he adiagnostic feature forthe contact on the lateral cranial wait. The new thy- Thylacolconidae basedon the irilubcrcularupper lacoleonid specimens from Riverslcigh indicate molars ofWakoleo andPriscileoand the second- that, in terms of dental morphology. Priscileo arily quadritubercular Ml of Thylacoleo. How- evhibits no features that prevent it from being ever, Ml and M2 of P. raskellyae have a ancestral to Wakaleo and Thylacoleo. The dental metaconulc and are basically square in outline. features of Priscileo, including small P3 and The metaconule on these molars, especially on molar si?e, square (nearly bunodont) molar M2, is posteriorly positioned and its seeming shape, metaconule. and lull premolar and molar absence from M2 of P, pirikantetisis may be a complement are almt)si certainly plesiomorphic result of damage which is evident at the rear features within the family. margin of this tooth. Consequently, loss of the However, these same features clarify some metaconule can no longer be considered a syn- questions about relationships ofthe family with apomorphy forthe family- the Order Diproiodontia. ll was oncecommonly Murray el al. (1987) placed Wakaleo and Thy- believed that ihylacoleonids evolved from a lacoleo in separate subfamilies: the Waka- phalangerid-like diprotodontian which had leoninac includes Wakaleo; and the quadritubercularuppermolarsincludingahyper- 326 MEMOIRSorTHEQUEENSLAND MUSEUM LrophicdmclacoTiulc(Krcll(, l872;Uroom. 1898; Bcavis,Martin Dickson> Sue&JimEavarackand Bcnslcy, 1903; Ride, 1964: Archer, 1976). Sue& DonScott-Orr. Invaluableassistanceinthe Archer ^ Rich (19821 hypoihcsised th;il ihe field has ci^mc from numerous volunteers, staff IriluhcrcularshapeofthemolarsofVV. nlaforneih and postgraduate students of Ihe University of jf'y wca' secondarily derived from an anee5.lral New South Wales. quadrituhcrcular shape through suppression of the niciaconule. Il has been suggesied ihal the LITERATURECITED iriani^ular moiurs of Wakalvo are plesiomorphic torihe family(Murrayeta!., 1987).Theprimitive ARC^III'.R, M. 1976. Phiiscolarclidorigins and ihc po- dental features of A* rnskellyae, especially Ihe Icnlial ofihc scleaodonlmularintlieevolutionof meiaconuleaudsquaremolarshape,providesup- di()a»icxiont marsupials. Memoirsofihc Queens- port forArcher i<c Rich Uy«2). land Museum 17: 367-371_ Priscileo and Wdkdh'o have been collected 1^>78 Thenatureofihcmolar-premolafbuundaiy(n from Riversleigh's System B sites indicating marsupials and a rcinrcrprclatiori of ihc lioniol- overkipping ol early Miocene thylacoleonid lin- oQ>u!;eyenosflamanrdsuMpuisaleucmhe1c8k:ic1c5i7h-16M4e,moirs of the eages. Temixirai overlapping of species of T/n^ ARCHER. M, & DAWSON. L. I9S2, Revision oi lacoleo (/". crassitietitattts <ind T. hilli) also mnrsupiul lions ofthe genus Thyfctcolco Gei-vais occurred in the early Pliocene {Archer Sl Daw- (Thylacoieonidac: Marsupiaha) and lh>- son, 1982). In each case there was a distinct si/c lacoleomd evolution in tlic late Caino/oic. Pp. difference inthelineagesinvolved. In tcrmsolPJ 477-494. In Archer.M. (cd.).Carnivorous rn;irsU' length. System B spt^^imens of Waktilcr^ arc ap- pialb. (Royal Zoological Society ol Ncsv South proximately 1.5 limes larger than P. roskcllyae. Wales: Sydney). Similarlv. P3 of */" crassiderttattis is iv^ice |he ARCHER, M., HANDJ.H. JtGODTHhLP. H. 1991. lengthofihauooih in T. //////(Pledge, 1977). It is Rivcrsicigh. tRccd Bcniks: Sydney). possible (hat si/e di|Terer)ces of this magnitude 19^.)4.PatternsiniliehistoryofAustralia'smammals amongsympatriclhylaci>lconidswerean iinporl- and inferencesahoui palacohabilats. Pp.80-103. InHill,R.(ed.).HistoryofAustralianvegetation. iint factorin reducing compeiuion. Morphologi- (Cambridge University Press- (^ambridge) cal studiesofthe limbsofP. pitikantensissuggest 1*1*95. Tertiary environmental and biotic change in ilwasarboreal (Rauscher, 19H7). Wakuleo. being Australia. Pp77-90. InVrba.E.S.Denton.G.H.. largerUiui nodouhi heavier, may havebeen n'lt^rc Partridge. T.C. & Burcklc, L.H (ed>^). Paloocli* terrestrial. Murray ^ Megirian (199G) also inti- mate and cvoluiion, with emphasis on human mated a icrresirial cxistchce fcir Wakaleo based origin.s. (Yale Utiiversily l*i'css: New Haveni. on the wrist joint ant! heavily-worn dentition ARCHER M. & RICH. T.fl. I98I Results ofttic Ray uhich they consider may indicate a .scavenging E Lemlcy Expeditions. \]'nkaleo alcnoiaemis n modeof life. psip,al(lTihoynlafcrooimeoInhiedaMci:ocMearnseupoifatlhiea)N.oannheewmmTacrns-ui-- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS tor>'. with IIconsiderationoftheearlyradiationof the family. Pp.495 502. In Archer, M. (ed.),Car- nivoriJUN marsupials. {Royal ZAXiIogieai Society 1 thank Michael ArcherandHcnkGodthclpfor ol New Siiulh Wales; Sydney.!. constructive comments and Siephan Williams, BFNSLEY.B A, 1*^)3 OnthecvoUui(moftheAustra- Karen Black and Jenni Brammall lor assistance lianMarsupialia; wiUirLMnajksonrelationshipsof with photography Support for research at the niaisupials in general. Transactions of Ihe Rivcrslcigh has coinc from the Australian Re- Linnaean Society ofLt^ndon (Zool) Ser. 29: 83- search Grant Scheme; liie National Csl;iie Grants 217 Scheme (Queensland); the University of New BROOM. R. 1898. On the alTiniOcs and habilsoff/fV- ^i>uth Wales; the Commonwealth I3epanmcnlof (acolvo . Proceedings of the Linnean Society ol' Environment. Sports, and Terrilones; the New South Wales 22: 57-74. Queensland National Pinksand WildlifeService; CLEMENS. W.A. & PLANE. M. 1074 Mid-TerrJyry theCommonwealth Heniage I'nit; Id Australia; Thylacoieonidac(Marsupialia. Mammjjliai lour- tlhaendAuMsutsrealuima;n tGheeoAgursatpNrhaSilciWanSoMciuestey;umt:hethQeueReonysal- I"I.0WcnJwe'tsl;sRoi,fonWPaolfIeI,ko*ncIt|.ohSlhoi7ngyiOh4no8:MIah6re5s2ud-pe6iv0ae.llioap.mPehnitloaNnOpdhiscuacl- Zoological Societyof the Ijnnean Society 'I'mnsaclitinsol ihcRoyalSocieiy ol London 157. ofNSW;Century Zinc, Mount Isa Mines.Surrey 631-641. Deaity *& Sons; the Riversleigh Society; and pri- GITTLEMAN, J L. 198'). Carnivore group living: vatessupporters including ElaineClark, Margaret oomparaiivc trends. Pp. 183-207. In Giiilemun. PRJSCILEO ROSKELLYAESP. NOV. FROM RIVERSLEIGH 327 J.L. (cd.).Carnivore behaviour,ecology andevo- MURRAY, P. & MEGIRiAN, D. 1990. Furtherobser- lution. (Cornell University Press: Ithaca). vations on the morphology of Wakaleo GUGGISBERCC.A.W. 1975. Wildcatsoftheworld. varulerleneri (Marsupialia: Thylacoleonidae) (David & Charles: London). from the mid-Miocene Camfield Beds, Northern KREFFT,G. 1872. ACuverian principle in palaeonto- Territory. The Beagle 7: 91-102. logy, tested by evidences of an extinct leonine PLEDGE, N, 1977. A new species of Thylacoleo marsupial [Thylacoleo carnifex) by Professor (Marsupialia,ITiylacoleonidae) with notesonthe Owenetc. Reviewedby Krefft. Annals and Mag- occurrence and the distribution of Thy- azineofNatural History4:169-182. lacoleonidae in South Australia. Records of the LUCKETT, W.P. 1993. An ontogenetic assessment of South Australian Museum 17: 277-283. dental homologies in therian mammals. Pp. 182- RAUSCHER, B. 1987. hiscileo pitikantensis, a new 204, In Szalay. F.. Novacek, M.J. & McKenna, genus and species of thylacoleonid marsupial M.C. (eds). Mammalian phylogeny. Mesozoic (Marsupialia:Ttiylacoleonidae)fromtheMiocene differentiation, multituberculates, monotremes. Eladunna Formation, South Australia. Pp. 423- early iherians, and marsupials. (Springer-Verlag: 432. In Archer, M. (ed.). Possums andopossums: New York). studies in evolution. (Surrey Beatty & Sons and MURRAY. P., WELLS. R. & PLANE, M. 1987. The the Royal Zoological Society o\ New South cranium ofihe Miocene thylacoleonid. Wakaleo Wales: Sydney). vamlerleueri click go the shears-a fresh bile at RIDE, W.D.L. 1964. A review of Australian fossil : thylacoleonid systemalics. Pp. 433-466. In marsupials.Journal and ProceedingsoftheRoyal Archer, M. (ed.). Possums and opossums: studies SocietyofWestern Australia47:97-131. inevolution. (SurreyBeatty&SonsandtheRoyal ZoologicalSocietyofNew SouthWales:Sydney).

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