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WIS ry (Mirankee, WH, RLECTRONIC POLILICAT, AND ISSUE ADVERTISING PUBLIC INSPECTION P+ CRCKERT exist mst be snipe dfn flea sae, ant ool plead or ede sats tae ras anit be pics inthe saron’s Pali Inspection bts soen at pole feria * amust be maintained in dae selon's PyblicInapection Iie fr 2 sas, Cone “Biceerus_ sk herd Fgh a i ae dr sed per uff. — toe cuidate, «Separate chew auc be emmpleted fos enc Digla} L Lxecuted Mofitionlsiue avtveatising ‘Agreennt WWPML-PS ne VaR PS-17) Origins contract showing meqwected ime (when svadlabley Dace 3 Updaica sontensts a once cooges, ates 4. nvbiee of vebedule 9s actly Lrostnaat nuvding aout of rebates geen tenner fate, si, lags ul tine aad soma feocnah fay tes ‘Checldist Completed: ors _ Alt a APMELP-§ Gece) AGREEMENT FORM FOR NON-CANDIDATE/ISSUE ADVERTISEMENTS ‘Station and Location: Date: boy 1, Mituineter lke fre 1,_Bfuuty Ketowrite Media dShereby request sation rime conversing eR Time of Day, Broadcast | Rotation or | Days | class | timesper | number Length Package Week | of Weaks ‘This broadcast time will be used by: Priorities USA Action Does the programming (in whole or in part} communicate “a message relating to any political matter of national importance?” Yes No up OT Eee mince He Rll en offices) being somght aud Uc date(s} of ee election(s) (if appRicatleys . 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