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Principles of operative surgery: viva practice for the MRCS PDF

229 Pages·2006·1.603 MB·English
by  MishraA.MokbelKefah M.AsburyS
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Principles of Operative Surgery Surgical skills and patient safety for the MRCS OSCE Third Edition S Asbury DepartmentofSurgery StGeorge’sHospital,London A Mishra NuffieldDepartmentofSurgery JohnRadcliffeHospital,Oxford and KM Mokbel DepartmentofSurgery StGeorge’sHospital,London Forewordby Jonathan MFishman Radcliffe Publishing Oxford.NewYork RadcliffePublishingLtd 18MarchamRoad Abingdon OxonOX141AA UnitedKingdom www.radcliffe-oxford.com Electroniccatalogueandworldwideonlineorderingfacility. _____________________________________ #2006SAsbury,AMishraandKMMokbel Reprinted2006,2010(withamendments) Firstedition1995(KluwerAcademicPublishers) Secondedition1999(LibraPharmLtd) Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystemortransmitted,inanyformorbyany means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise withoutthepriorpermissionofthecopyrightowner. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. ISBN-139781857757170 TypesetbyAdvanceTypesettingLtd,Oxford PrintedandboundbyTJInternationalLtd,Padstow,Cornwall Contents Forewordtothethirdedition vi Prefacetothethirdedition viii TipsforpassingtheViva x Acknowledgements xii Acutelimbischaemia 1 Airwaymanagement 5 Anastomoses 8 Aneurysms 12 Appendicitis 17 ATLS 21 Below-kneeamputation 23 Bowelobstruction 27 Breastdisease 31 Burns 34 Carpaltunnelsyndrome 38 Cholecystectomy 40 Circumcision 43 Colorectalcarcinoma 46 Colostomy 51 Compartmentsyndrome 54 Diathermy 57 Epistaxis 60 Femoralherniarepair 63 Fracturedneckoffemur 66 Haemorrhoids 69 Headinjury 72 iv Contents Hiatushernia 78 Hypertrophicpyloricstenosis 80 Incisionsandclosures 82 Informedconsent 84 Ingrowingtoenails 86 Inguinalherniarepair 88 Laparoscopicsurgery 92 Largeboweldisease 94 Malignantbreastdisease 99 Nephrectomy 106 Openfractures 108 Operatingtheatresandsterileprecautions 110 Paediatricinguinalhernia 114 Pancreatitis 116 Paraumbilicalandincisionalhernias 119 Parotidglandsurgery 122 Patientsafetyintheatre 125 Pepticulcerdisease 126 Perianalsepsis 130 Phaeochromocytoma 134 Replacementarthroplasty 136 Righthemicolectomy 138 Robot-assistedlaparoscopicsurgery 141 Screening 144 Skingrafts 148 Skinmalignancy 152 Spinalinjuries 156 Splenectomy 160 Suturesandneedles 163 Testicularcancer 166 Testiculartorsion 170 Thoracictrauma 172 Contents v Thyroiddisease 175 Tourniquets 179 Tracheostomy 181 Transplantation 183 Transurethralresectionoftheprostate 186 Urinarytractcalculi 189 Varicoseveinsurgery 193 Vasectomy 196 Woundhealing 198 Controlledclinicaltrials 200 Medicalstatistics 202 Surgicalaudit 205 Furtherreading 207 Index 209 Foreword to the third edition The MRCS examination has long been regarded as the gold standard,againstwhichallsurgeonsareassessed.Inrecentyears, therehasbeenachangeintheformatoftheexamfromvivavoce andclinicalelementsbeingtestedasseparateentities,tothecreation of a unified Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), which now forms the MRCS Part B examination. Success in the MRCSPartBexaminationconfersMembershipoftheRoyalCollege ofSurgeons,whichisanessentialpre-requisiteforentryintohigher surgicaltraining(ST3gradeandbeyond). The new OSCE exam includes stations that were previously tested in the old-style viva voce (including surgical anatomy, sur- gicalpathology,criticalcare,appliedsurgicalsciences)andclinical examinations (history taking, physical examination skills, com- municationsskills).However,thenewOSCEexamalsoplacesan increasingemphasisontwokeyareasthatwerepreviouslyuntested in the MRCS examination – namely patient safety and surgical skills – in line with the requirements set by the Postgraduate MedicalEducationandTrainingBoard(PMETB)andtheGeneral MedicalCouncil(GMC). The authors are to be congratulated on producing an updated versionofahighlysuccessfultext,whichhaslongbeenheldinhigh esteembymanypreviouscandidatestakingtheMRCSexam.This bookwillformaninvaluableaidforthosepreparingfortheOSCE exam, in particular preparing for the patient safety and surgical skillsstations,aswellastheappliedsurgicalsciences. Itshouldbeborneinmindthatassessmentofpatientsafetyand surgicalskillsrequiresmorethanjustatestofknowledgealone,but alsoanabilitytodemonstratesuchskillsinasimulatedorreal-life setting.Nonetheless,thisbookgoesalongwaytobridgingthegap betweentheoryandpractice. Foreword to thethird edition vii Patientsafetyandsurgicalskillspermeateallaspectsofsurgical care and practice and their relevance is not just confined to the MRCSexam.Thisbookwillformamostusefulguide,notjustin preparationfortheMRCSOSCEexam,butalsoforhighersurgical andfurthertrainingingeneral. JonathanMFishman BMBCh(Oxon),BA(Hons),MA(Cantab), MRCS(Eng),DOHNS(RCSEng) ENT,Oxford January2010 Preface to the third edition The MRCS Viva is, perhaps, the most feared component of the IntercollegiateMembershipexam.Thecandidatehastofacehisor herexaminers,knowingthattheycanspotabluff,pointoutafault, identify a weak point and single it out. The candidate faces all of thisandallagainsttheclock!Seenanotherway,however,itisan opportunitytointeractwiththosewhoareexamining,todemon- strate intelligence and ability, and to reflect your true working practiceinawaythatisnotpossibleinawrittenexam. In the Viva the examiners have the opportunity to assess the following: . the candidate’s ability to communicate with professional col- leagues . the candidate’s ability to comprehend the questions asked, analysethemandanswerthemlogically . thecandidate’sabilitytomakesafeclinicaldecisions . thecandidate’shonestyandprofessionalbearing. Itisworthrememberingthatnothavingreadthelatestpaperona condition will not fail a candidate, whereas describing an unsafe practice(orfailuretodescribesafepractice)will. This book provides an ideal revision guide for preparation for any oral examination in operative surgery. It covers common generalsurgicaloperationsandothertopicsmuchlovedbyexam- iners, such as screening, audit and medical statistics, as well as trauma management and life-saving procedures. Various laparo- scopic operations and other recent advances in surgery, such as robotics,havealsobeendescribed. Many of the topics in this book have been collected from can- didates who have sat the MRCS in the last three years, and some have been obtained from examiners who have set the questions. Preface to the third edition ix Many of the questions asked in this book are real questions, and others have been put in as teaching points about the various con- ditions.Thebookwillbe mosteffectiveifusedwiththehelpofa colleaguewhocanplaytheroleoftheexaminer. Although this book has been written primarily for the MRCS examinationintheUK,itwillundoubtedlybevaluableforcandi- dates preparing for undergraduate surgical finals, the certifying examinations of the American Board of General Surgery in the USA,theAustralianFellowshipandtheCanadianBoardexamin- ations. Goodluck! SAsbury AMishra KMMokbel December2005

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