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337 Pages·1988·31.92 MB·English
by  Lewis
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Preview Principles of Naval Architecture (Second Revision), Volume I - Stability and Strength

Principles of Naval Architecture Second Revision Volume I Stability and Strength Edward V. Lewis, Editor 1988 Published by The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers 601 Pavonia Avenue Jersey City, NJ Copyright @ 1988 by The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. It is understood and agreed that nothing expressed herein is intended or shall be construed to give any person, firm, or corporation any right, remedy, or claim against SNAME or any of its officers or members. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 8860829 ISBN NO. 0-939773-00-7 Printed in the United States of America First Printing, April, 1988 ii Introduction A Word From the President The original version of this book, Principles of Naval Architecture, was first published by the Society in 1939. Editors H. E. Rossell and L. B. Chapman stated that the purpose of the work was to “adequately cover the field of naval architecture in one text.” This they did, in two volumes, serving the Society’s students and members more than adequately for nearly 30 years. The First Revision was published in 1967, with John P. Comstock serving both as Chairman of the Control Committee and Editor. It consisted of one volume containing 11 chapters and an Appendix. Continuing changes in naval architecture, such as technical practices, new criteria and regulations regarding damage stability and ship strength, new knowledge about ocean waves and seakeeping, and the use of computers, prompted the Society to undertake the Second Revision in 1978. President Robert T. Young appointed John J. Nachtsheim as Chairman of the Control Committee, and Professor Edward V. Lewis was named Editor. Serving on the Control Committee, charged with the important tasks of choosing the authors and review of the chapters, were Thomas M. Buermann, William A. Cleary, Richard B. Couch, Jerome L. Goldman, Jacques B. Hadler, Ronald K. Kiss, Donald P. Roseman, Stanley G. Stiansen and Charles Zeien. This Second Revision of Principles of Naval Architecture (PNA) is the result of this Committee’s work. Even though the First Revision chapters on tonnage admeasurement, load line assign- ment and launching were removed from PNA to the 1980 edition of Ship Design and Construction, the remaining PNA chapters were so enlarged by new material that the decision was made to expand the Second Revision into three volumes. Only the authors and the editors can appreciate the time and difficulties involved in writing, reviewing and editing this mass of knowledge into suitable form for publication. The work of these people, who are esteemed in their respective fields, has been as selfless as it is priceless to our Society and its membership. The Society is deeply indebted to the authors and to the tireless reviewers of the Control Committee. To quote the late Matthew G. Forrest, a Past President of the Society, “The Society hopes that this First Revision of Principles of Naval Architecture will prove to be as useful, both to students and to those engaged in the practice of the profession, as the original edition proved to be.” I could not say it any better regarding the Second Revision. EDWARDJ. CAMPBELL President, SNAME ... 111 Preface The aim of this second revision (third edition) of the Society’s successful Principles of Naval Architecture was to bring the subject matter up-to-date through revising or rewriting areas of greatest recent technical advances, which meant that some chapters would require many more changes than others. The basic objective of the book, however, remained unchanged to provide a timely survey of the basic principles in the field of Naval Architecture for the use of both students and active professionals, making clear that research and engineering are continuing in almost all branches of the subject. References are to be included to available sources of additional details and to ongoing work to be followed in the future. The preparation of this third edition was simplified by an earlier decision to incorporate a number of sections into the companion SNAME publication, Ship Design and Construction, which was revised in 1980. The topics of Load Lines, Tonnage Admeasurement and Launching seemed to be more appropriate for the latter book, and so Chapters V, VI, and XI became IV, V and XVII respectively, in Ship Design and Construction. This left eight chapters, instead of 11, for the revised Principles of Naval Architecture. At the outset of work on the revision, the Control Committee decided that the increasing importance of high-speed computers demanded that their use be discussed in the individual chapters instead of in a separate Appendix as before. It was also decided that throughout the book more attention should be given to the rapidly developing advanced marine vehicles. In regard to units of measure, it was decided that the basic policy would be to use the International System of Units (S.I.). Since this is a transition period, conventional US. (or “English”) units would be given in parentheses throughout the book. This follows the practice adopted for the Society’s companion volume, Ship Design and Construction. The US. Metric Conversion Act of 1975 (P.L. 94-168) declared a national policy of increasing the use of metric systems of measurement and established the US. Metric Board to coordinate voluntary conversion to S I. The Maritime Admin- istration, assisted by a SNAME Ad Hoc Task Group, developed a Metric Practice Guide to “help obtain uniform metric practice in the marine industry,” and this guide was used here as a basic reference. Following this guide, ship displacement in metric tons (1000 kg) represents mass rather than weight. (In this book the familiar symbol, A, is reserved for the displacement mass). When forces are considered, the corresponding unit is the kilo-Newton (kN), which applies, for example, to resistance and to displacement weight (symbol W, where W = Ag) or to buoyancy forces. (See Chapter I.) When conventional or English units are used, displacement weight is in the familiar long ton unit (2240 lb), which numerically is 1.015 x metric ton. A conversion table also is included with the symbols and abbreviations or Nomenclature at the end of this volume. This first volume of the third edition of Principles of Naval Architecture, comprising Chapters I through IV, covers almost the same subject matter as the first four chapters of the preceding edition. Thus, it deals with the essentially static principles of naval architecture, leaving most dynamic aspects to the remaining volumes. Chapter I deals with the graphical and numerical description of hull forms and the calculations needed to deal with problems of flotation and stability that follow. Chapter I1 considers stability in normal intact conditions, while Chapter I11 discusses flotation and stability in damaged conditions. Finally, Chapter IV deals with principles of hull structural design, first under static calm water conditions, and then introducing the effect of waves which also is covered more fully in Volume 111, Chapter VII on Seakeeping. These first four chapters were found to require less revision than those dealing, for example, with maneuverability and motions in waves. The latter required more time than anticipated. Some of the principal changes may be noted: In Chapter I there is some rearrangement and change of emphasis. A few additions were made, such as developable lines and a containership, as well as a conventional cargo ship, as examples. (Continued) V PREFACE In Chapter I1 more attention is given to stability curves and to criteria for acceptable stability based on them. In Chapter I11 more space is allotted to standards of flooding and damage stability, with emphasis on new probability-based international regulations. Finally, Chapter IV has been extensively rewritten to cover new probabilistic techniques for dealing with loads and structural analysis methods concerned with ultimate strength. Several sections, including 3.3, Calculation of section modulus, and 3.14, Stress concentrations, were reproduced without change from the earlier edition. February 1988 EDWARDV. LEWIS Editor vi Table of Contents Volume I Pag..e. Page Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y Editor’s Preface. ........... . ... .. . .. ..... .. v Foreword.. .. ._.. . . .. ... .. . .. ... .. .. .. ...... IV Acknowledgments .......................... viii Chapter 1 SHIP GEOMETRY NORMANA . HAMLINP, rofessor, Webb Institute of Naval Architecture 1. Ships’ Lines. ..... ........ .... . .. .. . .. . . 1 5. Hydrostatic Curves and Calculations 31 2. Displacement and Weight 6. Bonjean Curves .... .. . .. .. . .... ...... .. 44 Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . 16 7. Wetted Surface ........................ 47 3. Coefficients of Form.. ....... .......... 18 8. Capacity ............................... 51 4. Integrating Rules and Methods. ...... 22 Chapter 2 INTACT STABILITY LAWRENCLE. GOLDBERG,U niversity of Maryland 1. Elementary Principles ... .. .. ..... ..... 63 8. Drafts Trim and Displacement ........ 115 2. The Weight Estimate .................. 69 9. The Inclinin Experiment .. . . . . . . . . . . . 122 3. Metacentric Hei ht ....... . .... .. .. .. . . 71 10. Submerged fkpilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 4. Curves of Stabihy . .. ... .... . .. ..... .. 78 11. The Trim Dive.. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 5. Effect of Free Liquids and Special 12. Methods of Improving Stability, Cargoes ....... .. ... .... ... ....... .. .. 93 Drafts and List ..................... 135 6. Effect of Changes in Weight on 13. Stabilit when Grounded .............. 136 Stability. ............................. 102 14. Intact &ability of Unusual Ship 7. Evaluation of Stability ... .... .... . .. .. 106 Forms.. . . .. ............ . . . . .. ... .. ... 138 Chapter 3 SUBDIVISION AND DAMAGE STABILITY GEORGE C. NICKUMP, resident, Nickum & Spaulding Associates 1. Introduction ............................ 111 5. Subdivision and Damage Stability 2. Fundamental Effects of Damage ...... 146 Calculation b Computer.. ...... ... . 176 3. Subdivision and Dama e 6. Definitions for %tegulations.. . . . . . . . . . . 178 Dama e Stability C8culations . . . . . . 149 7. Subdivision and Damage Stability 4. Manual tubdivision and Damage Criteria .. . ...... . ... . .. . .. . .... .. . ... 180 Stability Calculations.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 152 8. Alternate Equivalent Passenger Vessel Regulations . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Chapter 4 STRENGTH OF SHIPS J. RANDOLPHPA ULLINGP, rofessor, University of California, Berkeley 1. Introduction ...... . ... .. .. .. . .. .. ... .. .. 205 5. Reliability of Structures ............... 290 2. Ship Structural Loads ........ .... ..... 208 3. Analysis of Hull Girder Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 301 Girder Stress and Deflection ........ 233 Index ....................................... 305 4. Load Carryin Capability and . . . . Structural berformance Criteria 275 vii CHAPTER I I Ship Geometry Norman A. Hamlin Section 1 Ships’ lines 1.1 Delineation and Arrangement of lines Draw- on the profile, with the body plan’s centerplane midway ing. The exterior form of a ship’s hull is a curved between the ends of the ship in profile view. Planes surface defined by the lines drawing, or simply “the defining the body plan are known as body plan stations. lines.” Precise and unambiguous means are needed to They are usually spaced equally apart, such that there describe this surface, inasmuch as the ship’s form must are 10 spaces-or multiples thereof-in the length of be configured to accommodate all internals, must meet the ship, but with a few extra stations at the ends of constraints of buoyancy, stability, speed and power, the ship at one half or one quarter this spacing. and seakeeping, and must be “buildable.” Hence, the Most ships are symmetrical about the centerplane, lines consist of orthographic projections of the inter- and the lines drawing shows waterlines in the half- sections of the hull form with three mutually perpen- breadth plan on only one side of the centerline. Asym- dicular sets of planes, drawn to a suitable scale. metrical features on some ships, such as overhanging Fig. 1 shows a lines drawing for a single-screw flight decks on aircraft carriers, must be depicted sep- cargo-passenger ship. arately. Correspondingly, the body plan shows sections The profile or sheer plan shows the hull form in- on one side of the centerline only-those in the fore- tersected by the centerplane-a vertical plane on the body on the right hand side and those in the afterbody ship’s centerline-and by buttock planes which are on the left. By convention in the U.S., the bow of the parallel to it, spaced for convenient definition of the ship is shown to the right. With the arrangement of vessel’s shape and identified by their distance off the the lines as shown in Fig. 1, the drawing represents centerplane. The centerplane intersection shows the a case of first angle projection in descriptive geometry. profile of the bow and stern. Below the profile is the The lines in Fig. 1 represent the molded surface of half-breadth or waterlines plan, which shows the in- the ship, a surface formed by the outer edges of the tersection of the hull form with planes parallel to the frames, or inside of the “skin,” in the case of steel, horizontal baseplane, which is called the base line. All aluminum and wooden vessels. In the case of glass such parallel planes are called waterline planes, or reinforced plastic vessels, the molded surface is the waterplanes. It is convenient to space most water- outside of the hull. (The term molded surface undoubt- planes equally by an integral number of meters (or edly arose from the use of wooden “molds” set up to feet and inches), but a closer spacing is often used establish a surface in space to which frames could be near the baseline where the shape of hull form changes formed when wooden vessels were being built). rapidly. DWL represents the design waterline, near The shell plating of a steel or aluminum ship con- which the fully loaded ship is intended to float. All stitutes the outer covering of the molded surface. The waterlines are identified by their height above the base- shell plating is relatively thin and is formed of plates line. that are usually of varying thickness, causing some The body plan shows the shapes of sections deter- unevenness, although the molded surf ace is generally mined by the intersection of the hull form with planes smooth and continuous. perpendicular to the buttock and waterline planes. In The thickness of planking of a wooden boat is rel- Fig. 1 this is shown above the profile, but it might atively larger than the shell thickness of a steel vessel, otherwise be drawn to the right or left of the profile, and it is the usual practice to draw the lines of a using a single extended molded baseline, depending wooden boat to represent the surface formed by the upon the width and length of paper being used. Al- outside of the planking, since this gives the true ex- ternatively, the body plan is sometimes superimposed ternal form. However, for construction purposes it is 2 PRINCIPLES OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE necessary to deal with the molded form, and therefore hydrodynamic purposes, length on the prevailing it is not unusual to find the molded form of wooden waterline may be significant; alternatively, an “effec- vessels delineated on a separate lines drawing. tive length’’ of the underwater body for resistance In the sheer plan of Fig. 1, the base line, repre- considerations is sometimes required. senting the bottom of the vessel, is parallel to the One useful method of determining the after end of DWL, showing that the vessel is designed for an “even- effective length is to make use of a sectional area keel” condition. Some vessels-especially tugs and curve, whose ordinates represent the underwater cross fishing vessels-are often designed with the molded sectional area of the vessel up to the DWL at a series keel line raked downward aft, giving more draft at the of stations along its length. (See Section 1.7.) The ef- stern than the bow when floating at the DWL; such fective length is usually considered as the overall vessels are said to have a designed drag to the keel. length of the sectional area curve. However, if the 1.2 Perpendiculars; length Between PerpendicG- curve has a concave ending, a straight line from the Iars. A vertical line in the sheer plan of Fig. 1 is drawn midship-cross-sectional area can be drawn tangent to at the intersection of the DWL, which is often the the curve, as shown in Fig. 3. The intersection of this estimated summer load line (defined subsequently), straight line tangent with the baseline of the graph and the forward side of the stem. This is known as may then be considered to represent the after end of the forward perpendicular, abbreviated as FP. A the effective length. On many single-screw designs it slight inconsistency is introduced by this definition of has been found that the point so determined is close FP in that the forward side of the stem is generally to the location of the AP. Such an effective length in a surface exterior to the molded form by the thick- ending might then be used in calculating hull form ness of contiguous shell plating-or by the stem thick- coefficients, as discussed in Section 3. A similar defi- ness itself if the stem is of rolled plate. nition for the forward end of effective length might A corresponding vertical line is drawn at the stern, be adopted for ships with protruding bulbous bows designated the after perpendicular or AP. When extending forward of the FP. there is a rudder post the AP is located where the after It is important that in all calculations and measure- side of the rudder post intersects the DWL. In Fig. 1 ments relating to length, the method of determining the AP is drawn at the centerline of the rudder stock, the length used, and the location of its extremities be which is the customary location for merchant ships clearly defined. without a well defined sternpost or rudder post. In the 1.3 Midrhip Section; Parallel Middle Body. An im- case of naval ships, it is customary to define the AP portant matter for any ship is the location and shape at the after end of the vessel on the DWL. Such a of the midship cross section, generally designated by a, location is also sometimes chosen for merchant ves- the symbol which was originally used to indicate sels-especially vessels with a submerged stern profile the fullest cross section of the vessel. In some of the extending well abaft the rudder. Fig. 2 shows the var- early sailing ships this fullest section was forward of ious locations of the AP here described. the midlength, and in some high-speed ships and sailing An important characteristic of a ship is its length yachts, the fullest section under water is somewhat between perpendiculars, sometimes abbreviated LBP abaft the midlength. In any case, the usual practice in or Lpp. This represents the fore-and-aft distance be- modern commercial vessels of most types is to locate a tween the FP and AP, and is generally the same as halfway between the perpendiculars, while in naval the length L defined in the American Bureau of Ship- ships it is usually midway between the ends of the ping Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels DWL. (Annual)’. However, in the Rules there is included the In many modern vessels, particularly cargo vessels, proviso that L, for use in the Rules, is not to be less the form of cross section below the DWL amidships than 96 percent and need not be greater than 97 per- extends without change for some distance forward and cent of the length on the summer load line. The sum- aft, usually including the midship location. Such ves- mer load line is the deepest waterline to which a sels are said to have parallel middle body. The ship in merchant vessel may legally be loaded during the sum- Fig. 1 has no parallel middle body, but the form of mer months in certain specified geographical zones. section under water changes but slightly for small Methods for determining the summer load line are distances forward or abaft the fullest section, which covered in the discussion of freeboard in Ship Design is located amidships. and Construction (Taggart, 1980). 1.4 Body Plan Stations; Frame lines; Deck lines. In When comparing different designs, a consistent order to simplify the calculation of underwater form method of measuring ship lengths should be used. characteristics, it is customary to divide the LBP into Overall length is invariably available from the vessel’s 10-or 20, or 40-intervals by the body plan planes. plans and LBP is usually also recorded. However, for The locations of these planes are known as body plan stations, or simply stations, and are indicated by straight lines drawn in the profile and half-breadth plans at right angles to the vessel’s baseline and cen- * Complete references are listed at end of chapter. terline, respectively. The intersections of these planes ? I14 I" y -vI, V body plan 0 3 rn -4 W< --M 3 ha- - LENGTH BETWEEN PERF€NDICGRS--- 1% 9on 508.5 H - m P PROFILE OR SHEER PUN & ion I 4 PRINCIPLES OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE Body plan station planes are not to be confused with planes at which the vessel’s frames are located, al- DWL though frames are normally located in planes normal to the baseplane and longitudinal centerplane, which are therefore parallel to body plan station planes. Frames are normally spaced to suit the structure and arrangement of internals and their location is not de- pendent upon station plane locations. On some naval ships, frame spacing is an integral number of feet or AP AP one meter. Frame locations are usually chosen early in the design of a ship, and it is customary to show them on arrangement drawings and frequently also on final lines drawings. Therefore, frame locations, and their spacing, must be clearly stated. A body plan at frame locations is frequently drawn to assist the ship yard in fabricating the frames. Frames are generally numbered with integer num- I bers, either starting at the FP and increasing aft, or AP at the AP and increasing forward. The latter practice Fig. 2 Alternotivc locotions of ofter perpendiculor is customary in tankers. In some instances, particu- larly naval ships, frames have been identified by the distance of the frame plane in meters from the FP. with the molded form appear in their true shape in the A frame plane establishes a molded line, or surface, body plan. which will be coincident with the plane of either the Body plan stations are customarily numbered from forward or after edge of the frame. The location of the bow, with the FP designated as station 0. In Europe frames, either forward of or abaft the frame line, and Japan, however, station 0 is often located at the should be clearly stated on relevant drawings. AP, with station numbering from aft forward. For the The outline of the ship is completed in the sheer plan ship shown in Fig. 1, station No. 10 represents the by showing the line of the main deck at the side of stern extremity of the vessel for calculations relating the ship, and also at the longitudinal centerline plane to the underwater body. It will be noted that additional whenever, as is usual, the deck surface is crowned or stations are drawn midway between stations 0 and 1, cambered, i.e., curved in an athwartship direction with and 9 and 10, and sometimes between 1 and 2, and 8 convex surface upwards, or sloped by straight lines to and 9, as well. This is done to better define the vessel’s a low point at the deck edge. A ship’s deck is also form near the ends where it may change rapidly for usually given longitudinal sheer; i.e., it is curved u p small longitudinal distances. wards towards the ends, usually more at the bow than Additional stations are often also shown forward of at the stern. In case the sheer line of the deck at side the FP and abaft the AP. These may receive letter or curves downward at the ends, the ship is said to have distance designations from the perpendiculars, or a reverse sheer. continuation of the numbering system equivalent to Similarly, lines are shown for the forecastle, bridge, that used in the remainder of the ship, as negative and poop decks when these are fitted; sometimes decks numbers forward of the FP and numbers in excess of below the main deck are also shown. All such deck 10 (or 20, etc.) abaft the AP. lines generally designate the molded surface of the Ly- AFTERBODY ___ct)___ FOREBODY -pd k-- RUN MIDPAORLAELBLOEDL Y ENTRANCE 10 5 0 Fig. 3 Geometry of sectional ore0 curve

This resource rates as a necessity for any Naval Architect or engineer working in the marine industry. Although at times difficult to use, the mountains of useful information contained in this particular volume make it indispensable. It includes all the basic "hand” methods for calculating strengt
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