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Principles of Financial Engineering Principles of Financial Engineering Third Edition Robert L. Kosowski Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance Oxford University Salih N. Neftci Department of Finance Imperial College Business School Imperial College London, UK AMSTERDAM(cid:129)BOSTON(cid:129)HEIDELBERG(cid:129)LONDON NEWYORK(cid:129)OXFORD(cid:129)PARIS(cid:129)SANDIEGO SANFRANCISCO(cid:129)SINGAPORE(cid:129)SYDNEY(cid:129)TOKYO AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier 32JamestownRoad,LondonNW17BY,UK 525BStreet,Suite1800,SanDiego,CA92101-4495,USA 225WymanStreet,Waltham,MA02451,USA TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OxfordOX51GB,UK Firstpublished2004 Secondedition2008 Thirdedition2015 Copyrightr2015,2008and2004ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical, includingphotocopying,recording,oranyinformationstorageandretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwriting fromthepublisher.Detailsonhowtoseekpermission,furtherinformationaboutthePublisher’spermissionspolicies andourarrangementswithorganizationssuchastheCopyrightClearanceCenterandtheCopyrightLicensingAgency, canbefoundatourwebsite:www.elsevier.com/permissions. ThisbookandtheindividualcontributionscontainedinitareprotectedundercopyrightbythePublisher (otherthanasmaybenotedherein). Notices Knowledgeandbestpracticeinthisfieldareconstantlychanging.Asnewresearchandexperiencebroadenour understanding,changesinresearchmethods,professionalpractices,ormedicaltreatmentmaybecomenecessary. Practitionersandresearchersmustalwaysrelyontheirownexperienceandknowledgeinevaluatingandusing anyinformation,methods,compounds,orexperimentsdescribedherein.Inusingsuchinformationormethods theyshouldbemindfuloftheirownsafetyandthesafetyofothers,includingpartiesforwhomtheyhavea professionalresponsibility. Tothefullestextentofthelaw,neitherthePublishernortheauthors,contributors,oreditors,assumeanyliability foranyinjuryand/ordamagetopersonsorpropertyasamatterofproductsliability,negligenceorotherwise,or fromanyuseoroperationofanymethods,products,instructions,orideascontainedinthematerialherein. ISBN:978-0-12-386968-5 BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress ForinformationonallAcademicPresspublications visitourwebsiteathttp://store.elsevier.com TypesetbyMPSLimited,Chennai,India www.adi-mps.com PrintedandboundintheUnitedStates Dedicated to Salih Neftci and my family. Preface to the Third Edition This book is an introduction. It deals with a broad array of topics that fit together through a certain logic that we generally call Financial Engineering. The book is intended for beginning graduate students and practitioners in financial markets. The approach uses a combination of simple graphs, elementary mathematics, and real-world examples. The discussion concerning details of instru- ments, markets, and financial market practices is somewhat limited. The pricing issue is treated in an informal way, using simple examples. In contrast, the engineering dimension of the topics under consideration isemphasized. Like Salih, I learned a great deal from technically oriented market practitioners who, over the years, have taken my courses. The deep knowledge and the professionalism of these brilliant mar- ket professionals contributed significantly to putting this text together. I first met Salih at Hong Kong University of Technology in 2006 where I gave a research seminar. Salih struck me as a very knowledgable finance professional and charismatic teacher. It was with sadness that I learned of Salih’s passing in 2009. I was asked to teach his course at HEC Lausanne in Switzerland in 2009 and 2010. I based the course on his Principles of Financial Engineering book, since I could relate to the pedagogical approach in the book. I found the opportunity to revise the book for the third edition a humbling and enjoyable experience. The world of financial engineering and derivatives has changed significantly after the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008(cid:1)2009 with a bigger emphasis on simplicity, standardization, counterparty risk, central clearing, liquidity, and exchange trading. But only 5 years after the GFC, new complex products such as contingent convertibles (CoCos) have been sold by banks to investors and prices of risky assets are again at all time highs. Understanding the principles of financial engineering can help us not only to solve new problems butalso tounderstandhiddenrisks incertain products andidentifyrisky andinappropriate financial engineeringand market practices early enough to take action accordingly. My main objective was to update the book and keep it topical by discussing how existing mar- kets and market practices have changed and outline new financial engineering trends and products. In 2009 and 2010, I served as specialist advisor to the UK House of Lords as part of their inquiries intoEUlegislationrelated toalternative investmentfunds andOver-The-Counter (OTC)derivatives and I have continued to follow regulatory changes affecting derivatives markets and alternative investment funds with interest. I also benefitted greatly from my conversations with Marek Musiela and Damiano Brigo on various topics included in the book. Several colleagues and students read the original manuscript. I especially thank Damiano Brigo and Dimitris Karyampas and several anonymous referees who read the manuscript and provided comments. The book uses several real- life episodes as examples from market practices. I would like to thank Thomson Reuters International Financing Review (IFR), Derivatives Week (now part of GlobalCapital), Futuresmag, Efinancialnews, Bloomberg and Risk Magazine for their kind permission to use the material. I would like to thank Aman Kesarwani for excellent assistance with the creation of additional new end-of-chapter exercises. What isnew inthe thirdedition? Financial engineering principles can be applied in similar ways to different asset classes and therefore the third edition is structured in the form of different chapters on the application of financial engineering principles to interest rates, currencies, commodities, credit, and equities. xvii xviii Preface to the Third Edition The material has been reorganized and streamlined. Since duration and related concepts are referred to repeatedly in the book, a new section that introduces duration and other measures of interest rate risk has been added to Chapter 3. The new Chapter 7 (on commodities and alterna- tive investments) now contains a new expanded and updated section on the hedge fund industry which has grown in importance in recent years. The section on commodities introduces the spot- futures parity theorem and applications such as the cash and carry arbitrage. A section on callable bonds has been added to Chapter 16 (on option applications in fixed-income and mortgage mar- kets). Chapter 18 on credit default swaps now contains material on CDS pricing and recent devel- opments in sovereign CDS markets. In Chapter 19, the discussion of discounted cash flow approaches to equity valuation has been replaced by a financial engineering perspective in the form of the Merton model which views equity as an option on the firm’s assets. Reverse converti- bles were added to the list of equity structured products discussed in Chapter 20. We introduce securitization, ABS, CDOs in Chapter 21 and apply our financial engineering toolkit to the valua- tion and critical analysis of CoCos, a new post-GFC hybrid security. Chapter 22 discusses default correlation trading including hedging and risk management of such positions. Market participants and many academics were aware of the importance of counterparty risk before the GFC, but one of the biggest revolutions in financial engineering and derivatives practice has been how compre- hensively counterparty risk is now being incorporated into derivatives pricing. We no longer assume as before that the counterparties in a derivatives transaction will honor their payment obligations. Chapter 24 is one of the new chapters and deals with how counterparty risk adjust- ments such as CVA, DVA, and FVA affect the pricing of derivatives and the choice of the risk free rate proxy. All the remaining errors are, of course, mine. Solutions to the exercise and supplementary material for the book will be available on the companion website. A great deal of effort went into producing this book. Several more advanced issues that I could have treated had to be omitted, and I intend to include theseinthe future editions. Robert L. Kosowski July 31, 2014 London CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER OUTLINE 1.1 AUniqueInstrument..........................................................................................................................2 1.1.1 BuyingaDefault-FreeBond...........................................................................................3 1.1.2 BuyingStocks..............................................................................................................5 1.1.3 BuyingaDefaultableBond............................................................................................7 1.1.4 FirstConclusions........................................................................................................10 1.2 AMoneyMarketProblem...............................................................................................................10 1.2.1 TheProblem..............................................................................................................11 1.2.2 Solution.....................................................................................................................11 1.2.3 SomeImplications......................................................................................................13 1.3 ATaxationExample........................................................................................................................13 1.3.1 TheProblem..............................................................................................................14 Anotherstrategy.....................................................................................................15 1.3.2 Implications...............................................................................................................16 1.4 SomeCaveatsforWhatIstoFollow................................................................................................17 1.5 TradingVolatility...........................................................................................................................18 1.5.1 AVolatilityTrade........................................................................................................20 1.5.2 Recap........................................................................................................................21 1.6 Conclusions...................................................................................................................................22 SuggestedReading...............................................................................................................................22 Exercises.............................................................................................................................................22 Market professionals and investors take long and short positions on elementary assets such as stocks, default-free bonds, and debt instruments that carry a default risk. There is also a great deal of interest in trading currencies, commodities, and, recently, inflation, volatility, and correlation. Looking from the outside, an observer may think that these trades are done overwhelmingly by buying and selling the asset in question outright, for example, by paying “cash” and buying a US Treasury bond. This is wrong. It turns out that most of the financial objectives can be reached in a much more convenient fashion by going through a proper swap. There is an important logic behind this andwe choose thisas the first principle toillustrate inthis introductorychapter. PrinciplesofFinancialEngineering. 1 Copyright©2015ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. 2 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 A UNIQUE INSTRUMENT First, we would like to introduce the equivalent of the integer zero, in finance. Remember the prop- erty of zero in algebra. Adding (subtracting) zero to any other real number leaves this number the same. There is a unique financial instrument that has the same property with respect to market and credit risk. Consider the cash flow diagram in Figure 1.1. Here, the time is continuous and the t , 0 t , t represent some specific dates. Initially we place ourselves at time t . The following deal is 1 2 0 struck with a bank. At time t we borrow 100 US dollars (USD100), at the going interest rate of 1 time t , called the LIBOR and denoted by the symbol L .1 We pay the interest and the principal 1 t1 back at time t . The loan has no default risk and is for a period of δ units of time.2 Note that the 2 contract is written at time t , but starts at the future date t . Hence this is an example of forward 0 1 contracts. Theactual value ofL will also be determinedat the future date t . t1 1 Now, consider the time interval from t to t , expressed as tA[t , t ]. At any time during this 0 1 0 1 interval, whatcan we say about the valueof thisforward contractinitiated at t ? 0 It turns out that this contract will have a value identically equal to zero for all tA[t , t ] regard- 0 1 less of what happens in world financial markets. Perceptions of future interest rate movements may go from zero to infinity, but the value of the contract will still remain zero. In order to prove this assertion, we calculate the value of the contract at time t . Actually, the value is obvious in one 0 sense. Look at Figure 1.1. No cash changes hands at time t . So, the value of the contract at time t 0 0 mustbe zero. This may be obviousbut letus show it formally. To value the cash flows in Figure 1.1, we will calculate the time t value of the cash flows that 1 willbeexchangedattime t .This canbedonebydiscountingthem with theproper discount factor. 2 FIGURE1.1 Aforwardloan. 1The London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) is the average interest rate reported by a group of banks in London for borrowingfromotherbanks.TraditionallyLIBORplayedakeyroleinfinancialengineeringandderivativespricing.As we discuss in Chapter 4, during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) LIBOR rose significantly due to increased counter- partyrisk.ThisandrecentscandalssurroundingLIBORunderreportingandmanipulationhavechangeditsroleinderi- vativespricingasdiscussedinChapters3and24. 2Theδismeasuredinproportiontoayear.Forexample,assumingthata“year”is360daysanda“month”isalways30 days,a3-monthloanwillgiveδ51/4. 1.1 A UNIQUE INSTRUMENT 3 The best discounting is done using the L itself, although at time t the value of this LIBOR rate is t1 0 notknown. Still, the time t valueof the future cash flows are 1 L δ100 100 PV 5 t1 1 (1.1) t1 ð11L δÞ ð11L δÞ t1 t1 At first sight, it seems we would need an estimate of the random variable L to obtain a numerical t1 answer from this formula. In fact, some market practitioners may suggest using the corresponding forward rate that is observed at time t in lieu of L , for example. But a closer look suggests a 0 t1 much better alternative. Collecting the terms inthe numerator ð11L δÞ100 PV 5 t1 (1.2) t1 ð11L δÞ t1 the unknown terms cancel outand we obtain: PV 5100 (1.3) t1 This looks like a trivial result, but consider what it means. In order to calculate the value of the cash flows shown in Figure 1.1, we don’t need to know L . Regardless of what happens to interest t1 rate expectations and regardless of market volatility, the value of these cash flows, and hence the value of this contract, is always equal to zero for any tA[t , t ]. In other words, the price volatility 0 1 ofthisinstrument is identically equal tozero. This means that given any instrument at time t, we can add (or subtract) the LIBOR loan to it, and the value of the original instrument will not change for all tA[t , t ]. We now apply this simple 0 1 idea toa number ofbasicoperationsin financial markets. 1.1.1 BUYING A DEFAULT-FREE BOND For many of the operations they need, market practitioners do not “buy” or “sell” bonds. There is a much more convenient way ofdoing business. The cash flows of buying a default-free coupon bond with par value 100 forward are shown in Figure 1.2. The coupon rate, set at time t , is r . The price is USD100, hence this is a par bond 0 t0 and the maturity date is t . Note that this implies the following equality: 2 r δ100 100 1005 t0 1 (1.4) ð11r δÞ ð11r δÞ t0 t0 which is true, because at t , the buyer is paying USD100 for the cash flows shownin Figure 1.2. 0 Buying (selling) such a bond is inconvenient in many respects. First, one needs cash to do this. Practitioners call this funding, in case the bond is purchased.3 When the bond is sold short it will generate new cash and this must be managed.4 Hence, such outright sales and purchases require inconvenient and costly cash management. 3Following the GFC the issue of how to account for funding costs in valuing OTC derivatives has generated an intense controversy.Theargumentsforandagainsttheso-calledFVA(fundingvalueadjustment)willbediscussedinChapter24. 4Shortsellinginvolvesborrowingthebondandthensellingit.Hence,therewillbeacashmanagementissue. 4 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION FIGURE1.2 Buyingdefault-freebond. Second, the security in question may be a registered bond, instead of being a bearer bond, whereas the buyer may prefer tostayanonymous. Third, buying (selling) the bond will affect balance sheets, called books in the industry. Suppose the practitioner borrows USD100 and buys the bond. Both the asset and the liability sides of the balance sheet are now larger.This may have regulatory implications.5 Finally, by securing the funding, the practitioner is getting a loan. Loans involve credit risk. Theloan counterpartymay wanttofactor adefault riskpremiuminto the interest rate.6 Nowconsiderthefollowingoperation.Thebondinquestionisacontract.Tothiscontract“add” the forward LIBOR loan that we discussed in the previous section. This is shown in Figure 1.3a. As we already proved, for all tA[t , t ], the value of the LIBOR loan is identically equal to zero. 0 1 Hence,thisoperationis similartoaddingzerotoariskycontract.Thisadditiondoes notchange the market risk characteristics of the original position in any way. On the other hand, as Figures 1.3a andbshow,theresultingcashflowsaresignificantlymoreconvenientthantheoriginalbond. The cash flows require no upfront cash, they do not involve buying a registered security, and the balance sheet is not affected in any way.7 Yet, the cash flows shown in Figure 1.3 have exactly the samemarketriskcharacteristicsastheoriginalbond. Since the cash flows generated by the bond and the LIBOR loan in Figure 1.3 accomplish the same market risk objectives as the original bond transaction, then why not package them as a sepa- rate instrument and market them to clients under a different name? This is an interest rate swap (IRS). The party is paying a fixed rate and receiving a floating rate. The counterparty is doing the reverse.8 IRSs are among the mostliquid instruments infinancial markets. 5Forexample,ifthiswasanemergingmarketorcorporatebond;thebankwouldberequiredtoholdadditionalcapital againstthispurchase.Regulatorycapitalorcapitalrequirementistheamountofcapitalabankorotherfinancialinstitu- tionhastoholdasrequiredbyitsfinancialregulator. 6IftheTreasurysecuritybeingpurchasedisleftascollateral,thenthiscreditriskaspectmostlydisappears. 7Here,forsimplicity,weignorepotentialcashflowsrelatedtomarginrequirements,discussedinChapter2,andadjust- ments related to counter-party risk such as CVA (credit valuation adjustment) and DVA (debit valuation adjustment), discussedinChapter24. 8By market convention, the counterparty paying the fixed rate is called the “payer” (while receiving the floating rate), andthecounterpartyreceivingthefixedrateiscalledthe“receiver”(whilepayingthefloatingrate).Thefixedratepayer (floatingratepayer)isoftenreferredtoashavingbought(sold)theswaporhavingalong(short)position.

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