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Principles of Enzyme Kinetics ATHEL CORNISH-BOWDEN M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon) Lecturer in Biochemistry, University of Birmingham BUTTERWORTHS LONDON - BOSTON Sydney - Wellington - Durban - Toronto THE BUTTERWORTH GROUP ENGLAND NEW ZEALAND Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd Butterworths of New Zealand Ltd London: 88 Kingsway, WC2B 6AB Wellington: 26-28 Waring Taylor Street, 1 AUSTRALIA CANADA Butterworths Pty Ltd Butterworth & Co (Canada) Ltd Sydney: 586 Pacific Highway, NSW 2067 Toronto: 2265 Midland Avenue, Also at Melbourne, Brisbane Scarborough, Ontario, MIP 4SI Adelaide and Perth USA SOUTH AFRICA Butterworths (Publishers) Inc Butterworth & Co (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd 161 Ash Street, Durban: 152-154 Gale Street Reading, Boston, Mass. 01867 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, without the written permission of the copyright holder, application for which should be addressed to the publisher. Such written permission must also be obtained before any part of this publication is stored in a retrieval system of any nature. This book is sold subject to the Standard Conditions of Sale of Net Books and may not be re-sold in the UK below the net price given by the Publishers in their current price list. First published 1976 ISBN 0 408 70721 6 © Butterworth & Co 1976 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Cornish-Bowden, Athel. Principles of enzyme kinetics. Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Enzymes. I. Title. [DNLM: 1. Enzymes. 2. Kinetics. QU135 C818p] QP601.C757 574.Γ925 75-33717 ISBN 0-408-70721-6 Typeset in 10/1 lpt Monophoto Times New Roman Printed in England by Butler & Tanner Ltd London & Frome Foreword Kinetics is a subject of mystery and power. It is mysterious to a great many scientists, because at some point in their careers they acquired a fear and awe of mathematical techniques. It is powerful to many others because no other tool in all of science has such universality. Although this potential for mystery and power is present in many techniques, kinetics seems to be special in its capacity for polarizing individuals. Those who do not understand and fear mathematics tend either to have excessive admiration for kinetics ('It's too difficult for me') or excessive con- tempt ('Kinetics can never prove a mechanism; it can merely disprove one'). The latter statement, while true, applies to any scientific technique, so one might ask why kinetics is a special target for criticism. The answer would seem to lie in the twin pitfalls that (a) the explanations of kinetic procedures are frequently confusing and imprecise and (b) the power of kinetics is frequently over-stated and therefore leads to error. In this book, Athel Cornish-Bowden does an admirable job in steering between these Scylla and Charybdis of kinetics. Firstly, the core of enzyme kinetics is explained in a simple manner which the serious biologist, who may not be 'a mathematical type', can follow readily. Secondly, the limita- tions of the technique and the dangers of excessive extrapolation are clearly outlined. The reader is given a powerful weapon and warned that it can backfire if not handled properly. This is a well disciplined book. It does not contain everything that is known about kinetics; and that is one of its virtues. It has distilled some of the most important areas of kinetics, treating illus- trative sections with rigour and clarity, which should help to provide more enthusiasm for kinetics and more recognition of its power for applications in biology and enzymology. DANIEL E. KOSHLAND, JR. Preface This book is written primarily for first-year research students in enzyme kinetics, but I hope that it will also prove useful to more advanced research workers and to final-year undergraduates. For the student beginning re- search, particularly one with a first degree in chemistry or biology, it is often difficult to find a text that goes beyond an elementary and idealized account of enzyme kinetics, but does not assume a large amount of specialized back- ground knowledge and understanding. There are several topics in enzyme kinetics, such as the derivation of steady-state rate equations, the analysis of progress curves and the statistical treatment of results, that are important enough to be covered at an elementary level but are usually discussed inadequately or not at all. With a proper understanding of the principles of enzyme kinetics, the whole subject comes within reach. It becomes more complicated, although not more difficult, as it is developed. For this reason, it is important to cover the elementary aspects thoroughly. If I have erred, therefore, I hope that it is in the direction of over-explaining the simple, rather than omitting to explain the difficult. However, I have not tried to write an exhaustive treatise: there is little mention of three-substrate reactions, for example, not because they are not important, but because they can be studied within the framework developed for the study of simpler reactions. In short, they contribute complexity rather than understanding. Although I hope I have been consistent in important matters in this book, I have deliberately avoided any attempt to use a slavishly consistent system of nomenclature and symbolism. There are circumstances in which S is an appropriate symbol for substrate, for example, and others in which A, B . . ., are preferable; I have therefore used both. Similarly, it is an unfortu- nate fact that one of the two principal theories of co-operativity has been defined in terms of dissociation constants and the other in terms of associa- tion constants, but it would be a hindrance rather than a help to the student to re-define them in a consistent way, because this would confuse any attempt to read the original literature. The emphasis throughout this book is on understanding enzyme kinetics, and not on information about specific enzymes. It is in no sense a catalogue of the properties of enzymes. Not only are there already several books that fulfil that role admirably, but there also seems to be a real need for a book that discusses the principles of enzyme kinetics at an intermediate level. I hope that this book will help to fill that need. Many mathematically inclined books begin with a descriptive introduc- tion, designed, presumably, to lull the reader into a false sense of security. This book does not follow that format, because I believe that it should be made clear at the outset that enzyme kinetics is not a subject for anyone who is frightened of simple algebra or simple calculus. Chapter 1 is a resume of chemical kinetics, much of which should be familiar to the reader, but it is included in order to establish the knowledge that will be assumed in later chapters. It also includes a brief discussion of dimensional analysis, which I believe to be by far the most powerful simple method for detecting algebraic errors. Chapters 2, 4, 5 and 6 cover the essential characteristics of steady-state kinetics as taught in innumerable biochemistry courses, and require little special discussion here. I have deviated slightly from common practice by treating V\K as a parameter in its own right, at least as important as K , m m because many aspects of enzyme kinetics are far simpler to understand and classify in terms of Fand V\K rather than Fand K . Some may feel that the m m section in Chapter 6 on temperature dependence is rather short. This is because I feel that very few of the large number of studies on the temperature dependence of enzyme activity are of any value. It is rare for conditions to be sufficiently favourable that a temperature study can usefully be carried out. Chapter 3 sets out to explain as simply as possible the most useful methods for deriving steady-state rate equations: the student of complex mechanisms soon discovers that the method taught in the context of very simple mechan- isms is virtually useless because of the hopelessly complicated algebra that it engenders. Although the King-Altman method has been outlined in several textbooks, its principle is to be found only, as far as I know, in the original, difficult, paper. However, I believe that anyone who often uses such an important method ought to have some understanding of its theoretical basis, and so I have tried to explain this as simply as possible. The chapter also includes some important developments from the King-Altman method that have been made in recent years. The study of co-operativity (Chapter 7) has developed apart from the mainstream of enzyme kinetics, and it has often been neglected in textbooks. It has developed with its own conventions, such as the more common use of association constants than dissociation constants. In this chapter particu- larly, and to some extent throughout the book, the temptation to invent new symbols and terminology has been strong, but I have not consciously suc- cumbed to it anywhere, except for the use of h for the Hill coefficient. This exception seemed justified by the very strong objection to n, which is grossly misleading, and the typographically cumbersome nature of n (particularly H when used as an exponent). Chapter 8 concerns an aspect of enzyme kinetics that has been almost completely ignored by biochemists for 60 years, for reasons that have lost much of their original force. I believe that it is time for integrated rate equations to regain the respectability that they lost with the classic work of Michaelis and Menten. Chapter 9 is an introduction to the study of fast reactions, but it does not pretend to be a comprehensive account, which would require a separate book. Instead, I have tried to cover those aspects of fast reactions that ought to be familiar to anyone who is working mainly on studies in the steady state, but who feels that the need for transient-state studies may arise occasionally. Chapter 10 is an introduction to the statistical aspects of enzyme kinetics. Many biochemists apparently believe that it is unnecessary to understand this topic, but they deceive themselves. The continued widespread use of the Lineweaver-Burk plot is evidence of the laziness of the majority who cannot be bothered to discover the most basic information about data analysis. I am grateful to Dr. J. R. Knowles and to Dr. D. E. Koshland for stimulat- ing and developing my interest in enzyme kinetics, and to several colleagues, particularly Dr. R. Eisenthal, Mr. A. C. Storer, Dr. C. W. Wharton and Dr. E. A. Wren, for many helpful comments on the first draft of this book. It has gained much from their advice, and has lost numerous errors. Doubt- less some remain, as all books that contain many equations contain errors, and I shall greatly appreciate it if they can be brought to my attention. ATHEL CORNISH-BOWDEN 1 Basic Principles of Chemical Kinetics 1.1 Order of reaction A chemical reaction can be classified either according to its molecularity or according to its order. The molecularity is defined by the number of mole- cules that are altered in the reaction. Thus, a reaction A -> products is unimolecular or monomolecular, a reaction A + B -> products or 2A -> pro- ducts is bimolecular, and a reaction A + B + C -> products is trimolecular or termolecular. (The illogical variations in prefixes is a consequence of the un- fortunate propensity of scientists for inventing new words from what they imagine to be classical roots without first determining what the roots mean. In this book, I shall use the first of each of the above alternatives, albeit with misgivings.) The order is a description of the number of concentration terms multiplied together in the rate equation. Hence, in a first-order reaction, the rate is proportional to one concentration, in a second-order reaction it is proportional to two concentrations or to the square of one concentration, and so on. For a simple reaction that consists of a single step, or for each step in a complex reaction, the order is generally the same as the molecularity. How- ever, many reactions consist of a sequence of unimolecular and bimolecular steps, and the molecularity of the complete reaction need not be the same as its order. Reactions of molecularity greater than 2 are common, but reactions of order greater than 2 are very rare. It should also be noted that neither the molecularity nor the order of a reverse reaction need be the same as the corresponding molecularity or order of the forward reaction. This is an important consideration for metabolic reactions, which are often reversible and can be made to proceed in either direction by adjusting the concentra- tions of reactants. For a first-order reaction A -► P, the velocity, v, can be expressed as follows: v = ^ = ka = k(a -p) (1.1) 0 1 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CHEMICAL KINETICS where a and p are the concentrations of A and P, respectively, and are related by the equation a + p = a , t is time and k is a,first-order rate constant. 0 This equation can readily be integrated as follows: kdt JJ aaoo~~PP JJ Therefore, — ln(a — p) = fei + a 0 where a is a constant of integration, which can be evaluated by defining the time scale so that a = a , p = 0 when t = 0. Then, a = —ln(a ), and so 0 0 ln[(fl -p)/fl<>] = ~kt 0 which can be rearranged to give p = a [l-exp(-/ci)] (1.2) 0 It is important to note that the constant of integration, a, was included in this derivation, evaluated and found to be non-zero. Constants of integra- tion must always be included and calculated when kinetic equations are integrated; they are very rarely found to be zero. A simple bimolecular reaction, 2A -► P, is likely to be second order, with rate v given by = dp/dt = ka2 = k(a -2p)2 (1.3) v 0 where k is now a second-order rate constant. (Notice that conventional sym- bolism does not, unfortunately, indicate the order of a rate constant.) Then, kdt JJ ((aa--22pp)r2 JJ 00 Therefore, = /ci + a 2(a -2p) 0 and, putting p = 0 when t = 0, we have a = l/2a , so that 0 Reactions of this type are not unknown, but they are rare, and bimolecular reactions are much more commonly of the type A + B -* P, in which the two reacting molecules are different: v = dp/dt = kab = k(a -p)(b -p) (1.5) 0 0 In this instance, we have Jdp/[(fl -p)(ft -p)] = J/cdi 0 0 which can be integrated to give 2 ORDER OF REACTION 1 \η(^ϊ =* + « b -aoJ V*o-P, 0 and putting p = 0 when ί = 0 and rearranging, we obtain a (b -p)^ 0 0 In = (b -a )kt 0 0 PO(<*O-P\ or flo(fcp-p) = exp[(b -a )ki] (1.6) 0 0 The following special case of this result is of interest: if a P b , then p 0 0 must be insignificant compared with a at every stage in the reaction, and so 0 (a — p) can be written simply as a . In this case, equation 1.6 simplifies to 0 0 p = b [\-exp(-ka t)~\ 0 0 which is of exactly the same form as equation 1.2, the equation for a first - order reaction. This type of reaction is known as a pseudo-first-order reaction, and ka is a pseudo-first-order rate constant. The situation arises most often 0 when one of the reactants is the solvent, as in most hydrolysis reactions, but it is also advantageous to set up pseudo-first-order conditions deliberately, in order to simplify evaluation of the rate constant, as we shall discuss in Section 1.5. Trimolecular reactions, such as A + B + C -► P, do not usually consist of a single trimolecular step, and consequently they are not usually third order. Instead, the reaction usually consists of two or more elementary steps, such as A + B-+X X + C -P If one step in such a reaction is much slower than the others, the rate of the complete reaction is equal to the rate of the slow step, which is accordingly known as the rate-determining (or rate-limiting) step. If there is no clearly defined rate-determining step, the rate equation is likely to be complex and to have no constant order. Some trimolecular reactions do display third - order kinetics, with v = kabc, where k is now a third-order rate constant, but it is not necessary to assume a three-body collision (which is inherently very unlikely) in order to account for this. Instead, we can assume a two-step mechanism, as above but with the first step rapidly reversible, so that the concentration of X is given by x = Kab, where K is an equilibrium constant. The rate of the reaction is determined by that of the slow second step: v = k'xc = k'Kabc where k! is the rate constant for the second step. Hence the observed third - order rate constant is actually the product of a second-order rate constant and an equilibrium constant. Some reactions are observed to be zero order, i.e. the rate appears to be constant, independent of the concentration of reactant. If a reaction is zero order with respect to only one reactant, this may simply mean that the re- 3 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CHEMICAL KINETICS actant enters the reaction after the rate-determining step. However, some reactions are zero order overall, i.e. independent of all reactant concentra- tions. Such reactions are invariably catalysed reactions and occur if every reactant is present in such large excess that the full potential of the catalyst is realized. Examples of this behaviour will be seen when enzyme catalysis is discussed. 1.2 Determination of the order of a reaction The simplest means of determining the order of a reaction is to determine the rate at different concentrations of the reactants. Then a plot of log(rate) against log(concentration) gives a straight line with a slope equal to the order. If all of the reactant concentrations are altered in a constant ratio, the slope of the line is the overall order. It is usually useful to know the order with respect to each reactant, however, which can be found by altering the con- centration of each reactant separately, keeping the other concentrations constant. Then the slope of the line will be equal to the order with respect to the variable reactant. For example, if the rate is second order in A and first order in B, dp/dt = ka2b then log dp/dt = log /c + 2 log fl + log b Hence a plot of log dp/dt against log a (with b held constant) will have a slope of 2, and a plot of log dp/dt against log b (with a held constant) will have a slope of 1. Both plots should give the same intercept of log k on the log v axis, so they provide a useful check on one another. It is important to realize that if the rates are determined from the slopes of the progress curve (i.e. a plot of concentration against time), the concentrations of all of the reactants will change. Therefore, if valid results are to be obtained, either the initial concentrations of all the reactants must be in stoichiometric ratio, in which event the overall order will be found, or (more usually) the 'constant' reactants must be in large excess at the start of the reaction, so that the changes in their concentrations are insignificant. If neither of these alterna- tives is possible or convenient, the rates must be obtained from a set of measurements of the slope at zero time, i.e. of initial rates. This method is usually preferable for kinetic measurements of enzyme-catalysed reactions, because the progress curves of enzyme-catalysed reactions often do not rigorously obey the simple rate equations for extended periods of time. In practice, the progress curve for an enzyme-catalysed reaction often requires a more complicated equation than the integrated form of the rate equation derived for the initial rate. 1.3 Dimensions of rate constants Dimensional analysis is a technique that deserves to be used much more 4

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