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Principles of Colour and Appearance Measurement: Volume 2: Visual Measurement of Colour, Colour Comparison and Management PDF

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Preview Principles of Colour and Appearance Measurement: Volume 2: Visual Measurement of Colour, Colour Comparison and Management

1 Visual measures of colour A. K. ROY CHOUDHURY , G ovt. College of Engineering and Textile Technology, Serampore, India DOI : 10.1533/9781782423881.1 Abstract : Instrumental colour parameters are very useful for quality control and colour matching purposes. However, they have poor correlation with visual parameters of colour. Visual colour order systems, or colour notations, are very useful for effective communication, comparison, recording and formulation of colours. The chapter discusses how colours are assessed visually. Visual perception is a psychological phenomenon which is diffi cult to measure directly. Hence, various sets of visual colour parameters are proposed by colourists that are not mutually convertible. Key words : colour naming, colour order systems, visual colour attributes, colour atlas, Pantone, Colour Harmony Manual. 1.1 Introduction ‘ Artists can colour the sky red because they know it’s blue. Those of us who aren’t artists must colour things the way they really are or people might think we’re stupid.’ – Jules Feiffer. Colour is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories red, green, blue and others. Colour derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light power versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. Colour categories and physical specifi cations of colour are also associated with objects, materials, light sources, etc., based on their physical properties such as light absorp- tion, refl ection and emission spectra. By defi ning a colour space, colours can be identifi ed numerically by their coordinates. Colour is the element that is produced when light, striking an object, is refl ected back to the eye. B erlin and Kay (1 969) described a pattern in naming ‘basic’ colours (such as ‘red’, but not ‘red-orange’ or ‘dark red’ or ‘blood red’ which are ‘shades’ of red). The authors theorized that as languages evolve, they acquire new basic colour terms in a strict chronological sequence; if a basic colour term is found in a language, then the colours of all earlier stages should also be pres- ent. All languages that have two ‘basic’ colour names distinguish dark/cool 1 © 2015 Elsevier Ltd 2 Principles of colour appearance and measurement colours from bright/warm colours. The next colours to be distinguished are usually red and then yellow or green. All languages with six ‘basic’ colours include black, white, red, green, blue and yellow. The pattern holds up to a set of 12: black, grey, white, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown and azure (the colour of the sky on a bright, clear day – the hue halfway between blue and cyan). The work achieved widespread infl uence. However, the constraints in colour term ordering have been substantially loosened, both by Berlin and Kay in later publications, and by various crit- ics. Barbara Saunders (2000) questioned the methodologies of data collec- tion and the cultural assumptions underpinning the research. T he colour names always seem to appear in a specifi c order of impor- tance across cultures – black, white, red, green, yellow and blue. ‘If a popu- lation has a name for red, it also has a name for black and for white; or, if it has a name for green, it also has a name for red,’ said researcher Francesca Tria, a physicist at the ISI Foundation in Turin, Italy. But if a population has a name for black and white, that does not necessarily mean they have a name for red. To solve the puzzle of this colour name hierarchy, Tria and her colleagues devised a computer simulation with pairs of virtual people, or ‘agents’, who lacked the knowledge of names for colours. One agent, the speaker, is shown two or more objects, invents a name for a colour to describe one of the objects, and refers to the item by that colour. The other agent, the hearer, then has to guess which item, and thus colour, the speaker referred to. Scientists repeated this until all the agents came to a consensus on colour names. A key feature of this simulation was its adher- ence to the limits of human vision. Our eyes are more sensitive to some wavelengths of light, or colours, than others. The agents in the simulation were not required to distinguish between hues that a human eye could not tell apart. ‘Roughly speaking, human eyes can tell apart two colours only if their wavelengths differ at least by a certain amount – the ‘just noticeable difference’, Tria said. T he researchers found that the time agents needed to reach consensus on a colour name fell into a distinct hierarchy – red, magenta-red, violet, green-yellow, blue, orange and cyan, in that order. This hierarchy approxi- mately matches the colour name order seen in real cultures. This hierar- chy of colours also matches the limits of human vision, with the human eye being more sensitive to red wavelengths than those for blue, and so on. ‘ Our approach suggests a possible route to the emergence of hierarchi- cal colour categories’ Tria told Live Science. ‘Humans tend to react most saliently to certain parts of the spectrum, often selecting exemplars for them, and fi nally come the process of linguistic colour naming, which adheres to universal patterns resulting in a neat hierarchy.’ Tria and her colleagues detailed their fi ndings online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Choi, 2012). Visual measures of colour 3 Colour is subjective, since it is generated within the visual cortex. Unlike the sensations of taste, smell or feeling, colour is not a characteristic of objects, but of the light that enters our eyes from the objects. Objects are visible or seen coloured only when light reaches our eyes after interaction with them. The same object may be seen in different colours when observed under vary- ing lights. In the absence of light, all colours disappear. The common attribu- tion of colours as properties of objects is largely a matter of memory and in most cases those refer to some form of sunlight. Daylight is a mixture of direct sunlight and the scattered component or skylight. We say that snow is white, soot black, blood red, because under ordinary conditions of life, the objects appear to be of these hues. While specifying colour, it is, therefore, essential, to mention the specifi c nature of illumination and viewing. 1.2 Means of colour communication I t is not very clear how colour names developed historically. One of the two prevailing opinions is that people of all societies became aware of different colours or colour categories and then named them in the same sequence: white and black, red, green, yellow, blue, brown, purple, pink, orange, grey (Berlin and Kay, 1969). Others think that all colour names are group cultural achievements and there is little common thread. M any colour words are related to materials, such as orange, ultramarine, olive, malachite green, bottle-green, peanut-green, sea-green, etc. These common names refer to the colours of various common objects, which can be quickly recognized and memorized by most people. Some names refl ect poetic invention, such as Cuban Sand, Ashes of Rose, Blue Fox and so on. But such colour names are very approximate, unreliable and temporary. Their meaning also changes with observer, time, place, style, technology, language, culture, etc. It is common practice to describe colour in terms of hues, such as red, yel- low, etc., along with tone or secondary hue, such as greenish, bluish, etc., and the amount of light refl ected such as dark or pale. However, when we describe a colour as ‘dark greenish blue’, the description is very inadequate, as there may be many thousands of such colours. The problem was realized long ago. The accurate description of colour is essential for communication and for accurate reproduction of colours across a wide range of products. The colour of any object is commonly registered or recorded in two ways, namely: 1. Preserving coloured physical samples 2. Recording in terms of common colour names P hysical samples of paint panels, patches of printing inks, coloured papers, fabrics, yarns or fi bre, etc. are frequently used in the trade. Collections of 4 Principles of colour appearance and measurement such colour samples are very useful as examples of colour product if the number of colours required is fairly limited. A good example of such use is the dye-manufacturer’s ‘shade cards’. Shade cards carry numerous coloured objects on specifi c substrates (e.g. piece of paper or various textile materi- als) along with procedures and names of the colourants to be used. However, the exemplifi cations are very limited. They are restricted to the specifi c type of colourant or substrate, and cannot be used for general reference. I t is common practice to describe colour in terms of hues such as red, yellow, etc., along with tone or secondary hue such as greenish, bluish, etc., and the amount of light refl ected, such as dark or pale. However, when we describe a colour as ‘dark greenish blue’, the description is very inadequate, as there may be many thousands of such colours. The problem was realized long ago (Roy Choudhury, 2000). Colour dictionaries are created for several purposes: • Standardized colour names facilitate specifi cation, purchase and use of coloured goods, markers, etc. • Companies e.g. Pantone register colours (and names), providing formu- las for inks, plastics, toners and paints to guarantee uniformity and accu- racy of colour for their clients’ products. These colour designations are often just numbers and letters, requiring search through process guides to fi nd a particular shade. • The combinatorial colour dictionaries underlying the Munsell, OSA- UCS and GIA colour scales allow fi eld-workers to encode and com- municate colour from visual observation. These systems endeavour to partition their colour spaces into equally distinguishable regions with a named colour at the centre of each. • A set of colour names can be used to restrict selection when a spectrum of colours is not available. • O n computers, summoning colours by common names relieves the tedium of adjusting or mousing each colour used. C olour dictionaries for fi eld work must be small enough to make reasonably quick determinations. A couple of hundred names seems to be an upper bound. L arger dictionaries ranging into the thousands were created for identify- ing coloured textiles, paints and inks. Common colour names (such as ‘blue’) are not used alone, but they can be components of names. Such collections of names are meaningless without their charts or samples. These are referred to as ‘idiosyncratic’. Colour name dictionaries are three-dimensional datasets with names. Large dictionaries, ranging into thousands of colours, are created for identi- fying paints or inks. Common colour names (e.g. ‘blue’) are not used alone; Visual measures of colour 5 but they can be components of names. These are referred to as ‘idiosyncratic’. Large collections of idiosyncratic identifi ers convey little meaning with- out their charts or samples. The large colour dictionaries available online do not come with charts or sample cards. Aubrey Jaffer ( 2005 ) describes a method developed for creating usable colour catalogues. The ten-page charts described in the article are of the Resene paint colours (Resene Paints Limited, New Zealand). With over 1300 colours, Resene fi lls a large volume of the CIELAB space uniformly. The primaries (red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, white, black) are absent, as they should be for physi- cally realizable paints. The ‘Resene RGB Values List’ is an excellent source for surface colours. Plate I (see colour section between pages 146 and 147) shows one such sheet – page no. 5 (of the ten-page charts) partitioned and sorted by a Hilbert space-fi lling curve (Jaffer, 2005 ). It is a daunting task to arrange hundreds or thousands of patches onto fi xed size sheets. An alphabetic organization produces a visual jumble; suc- cessfully mapping colours from a three-dimensional colour space to two- dimensional sheets of paper while keeping similar colours close essentially reduces the dimension of that colour space. The straightforward method of 3-into-2 reduction is to slice the space in parallel layers, each holding the same number of colours. After the colours are partitioned into pages, they are sorted by a second criterion and laid out in a serpentine pattern on the sheet, going down the fi rst column, then up the second column, then down the third column, etc. These sheets may be sliced by the luminance (L of L*C*h), then sorted by hue (h of L*C*h). The colour patches do not transi- tion smoothly across the page, and the rightmost rows are hard to distinguish from each other. Statistical dimension reduction is synonymous with data clustering. Jaffer (2005) reduced dimension by a process which is not depen- dent on clustering of actual colour coordinates. A space-fi lling function is a parameterized function which maps a unit line segment to a curve in the unit square, cube, etc., which gets arbitrarily close to a given point in the unit cube as the parameter increases. Moon e t al . ( 2001 ) employed a Hilbert space- fi lling curve which performed well. 1.2.1 C olour notation W hile communicating or talking about colour, a language which is under- standable by both the parties must be followed. A logical scheme for order- ing and specifying colours on the basis of some clearly defi ned attributes is known as ‘colour notation system’. The attributes are generally three in number as our vision is trichromatic, and they constitute the coordinates of the resultant ‘colour space’. Colour notation systems also encompass ‘colour order systems’, which typically comprise material standards in the form of 6 Principles of colour appearance and measurement a colour atlas. Due to constraints of the colourant gamut, the atlases may depict only a physically realizable subset of a colour order system. Colour notations can be classifi ed into three categories (Rhodes, 2002 ): 1. Device dependent systems – the most common imaging devices used for reproducing colour are the computer controlled cathode ray tube (CRT) displays and the colour printers. The associated colour order system and colour spaces are hardware-oriented and they lack perceptually based attributes. 2. Mathematical systems – uniform colour spaces based on mathematical transformation of International Commission on Illumination (CIE) tris- timulus values such as CIE 1976 (L*, u*, v*) colour space (CIELUV) and CIE 1976 (L*, a*, b*) colour space (CIELAB) belong to this category. 3. Systems based on database of aim points – colour order systems existing principally in physical form, the colour samples of which can be measured to establish a database of aim points. Using interpolation techniques among limited available samples, many more colours can be defi ned. 1.2.2 History of visual colour ordering I t is a diffi cult task to deal with the millions of colours which our eyes can distinguish. We can feel the problem instantly if we try to describe a colour, particularly its variation from other colours, from memory, or when we try to describe a colour to a man at a distance via communication channels (Roy Choudhury, 1996). The problem was known from ancient days, and several people have tried to solve the problem in their own way. Nobel laureate W. Ostwald, American artist A. H. Munsell and many others studied the problem in greater detail. In colourant production and application industries, colours are to be communicated, compared, recorded and formulated on a regular basis. This necessitates systematic classifi cation of colours. The objects can be classifi ed in various ways in terms of colour. The classifi cation may be based on visually or instrumentally assessed colour parameters. Various colour order systems were developed, originally on the basis of visual attributes, but later supported and modifi ed by instrumental assessment. The main reasons for the widespread interest of colour order systems are for communication about colour over distance and time as well as for analysis and defi nition of the aesthetic relations between colours (H ä rd and Sivik, 1983–4). H umans with normal colour vision can distinguish some two million colours when viewed against a mid-grey background, and perhaps double when the background is widely varied (Kuehni, 2 005) . The orderly and meaningful arrangement has been a matter of concern for last 2000 years. A colour system which can meet all the requirements needs to be based on many years of physical and psychological research and experience. Visual measures of colour 7 T he history of colour order shows that the inter-relationship between the various colours is rather complex, and it took two millennia to unravel. Originally, colour order systems consisted of lists of colours, such as those by Aristotle or Alberti. The great Greek philosopher, Aristotle, was of the opinion that colour is generated from the interaction of darkness and light, and that there are seven simple colours out of which all others are obtained by mixture. Those are white (pure white), yellow, red, purple, green, blue and black (pure darkness). At the beginning of the seventeeth century Forsius fi rst represented the colours in graphical form. A different style of graphical representation of colour order was developed by the Belgian Jesuit and scholar Franç o is d’Aguilon (1567–1617). In his graphic representation d’Aguilon showed tonal mixtures of the three chromatic simple colours with white and black as well as intermediates between white and black (a grey scale), with arcs above the line of simples. Below the line he represented with other arcs the hue mixtures of the three chromatic simple colours (Kuehni, 2003 ). The modern concept of colour was founded by Isaac Newton (1704). Until then, all colour order systems were one dimensional or linear. Newton recog- nized three colour attributes and drew an incomplete (spectral colours only) chromatic diagram in the form of spectral colours on the circumference and white in the centre. The saturation lines were drawn as radial lines from the white centre to the spectral periphery. Newton was also an alchemist, believ- ing in universal harmony. In analogy to musical tones, he chose seven hues in the spectrum: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red (VIBGYOR). However, the choice of seven is always controversial – repeated tests have shown about 120 discernible colours in the spectrum (Kuehni, 2005 ). L eBlon (1756) fi rst described that the mixing of pigment colours and the mixing colours of light are different phenomena. He stated that all visible objects can be represented by three colours – yellow, red and blue – and mixtures of these three colours makes black or all other colours. He named those as material colours, or those used by painters. He further added that for a mixture of spectral colours, those proposed by Sir Isaac Newton cannot produce black but, on the contrary, white. Moreover, purple is perceivable in object colours only. The German mapmaker and astronomer Tobias Mayer in 1758 fi rst pro- posed a three-dimensional double tetrahedron colour order system. A French silk merchant, Gaspard Gré g oire proposed a three-dimensional object colour order system based on the perceptual attributes hue, (relative) chroma and lightness and an atlas with 1350 samples was introduced before 1813 (Kuehni, 2 008a) . Matthias Klotz (1748–1821), a German painter also proposed a three-dimensional colour order system based on independent perceptual colour attributes. He proposed a cylindrical colour order sys- tem that consisted of a well-defi ned lightness scale (Kuehni, 2 008b) . About 8 Principles of colour appearance and measurement 100 years later, a very similar colour order system was introduced by Albert Munsell, based on intensive scientifi c studies. Helmholtz proposed a four-dimensional Riemannian colour space with the help of a linear element, which is diffi cult to defi ne precisely and hence the conceptualization remained unclear. Recent studies (Leonev and Sokolov, 2008) showed that perceived colours can be represented on a spherical colour space of unit radius (hyper-sphere) in four-dimensional Riemannian space. The model devotes a dimension to the stimulus parameter ‘dark- ness’, recognizing the separate signals conveyed by light and dark neuronal channels. The advantage claimed that the model defi nes mathematically the relation between the perception of large colour differences and the physi- cal characteristics of luminous stimuli more consistently. However, a four- dimensional space is diffi cult to visualize. 1.3 Colour order systems A colour order system is a systematic and rational method of arranging all possible colours or subsets by means of material samples. Once the colours are arranged systematically they are named according to some descriptive terms and/or are numbered (Graham, 1985 ). A technical committee of the International Organisation for Standardisation, ISO/TC187 (Colour Notations), has defi ned a colour order system as a set of principles for the ordering and denotation of colours, usu- ally according to defi ned scales (Slideshare, 2013). A colour order system is usually exemplifi ed by a set of physical samples, sometimes known as a colour atlas. This facilitates the communication of colour, but is not a prerequisite for defi ning a colour order system. The colour order system determines the number of attributes that must be considered, each attribute defi ning one dimension of the system. For example, a one-dimensional system may be adequate in the design of light- ing systems, where it is sometimes suffi cient to consider only CIE luminance factor (Y), which is a function of the total refl ectance of each surface within the volume to be lit. A colour order system is primarily defi ned by a set of material colour standards, whereas a colour space is essentially a conceptual arrangement. Over the years, more than 400 colour order systems have been compiled. On record, the fi rst colour order was devised by Aristotle about 350 b c. It was vaguely three dimensional, and white was placed opposite black; red, however, was placed between black and white, red being the colour of the sky between the states of night and day. Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) is said to have painted sequences in which closely related colours were placed near each other. Newton (1642–1727), whose discovery of the nature of white light may be regarded as having begun the science of colour physics, Visual measures of colour 9 arranged all the hues in a circle, with complementary hues opposite and white at its centre. These arrangements were two dimensional, however, and could not therefore include all colours (Slideshare, 2013). A colour order system is a set of principles that defi nes: • An arrangement of colours according to attributes such that the more similar their attributes, the closer are the colours located in the arrange- ment; and • A method of denoting the locations in the arrangement, and hence of the colours at these locations. It is also desirable that the samples included in any colour order system are to be properly specifi ed in terms of any standard colorimetric specifi cation, the most common being CIE colorimetric system. The targets of colour order systems (Fairchild, 2006 ) are: • Continuous and orderly arrangement of colours • A logical system of denotation • Perceptually meaningful dimensions • Embodiment with stable, accurate and precise samples. Colour specifi ers or atlases are a convenient physical form of any colour order system. Colour order systems are three dimensional, but atlases are two dimensional so that they can be presented in the form of book or fl at form (Lewis and Park, 1989). They have multiple functions such as: • Stand-alone design tool for colour ideas. • Quick communication of colour ideas over distance. • The larger swatches provide master standards. • Basis for specifying colours during colour formulations and colour ideas. • Supporting role for instrumental response or visual perception of instru- mentally measured colours. An atlas should fulfi l certain criteria, such as: • T he ideal design should be based on colours uniformly distributed throughout the colour solid. • Selection of substrate for atlas is very important. Colours illustrated on cotton are readily matched on other substrates using an appropriate class of dyes (Park, 2008 ). To facilitate accurate assessments, however, some atlases have been prepared on multiple substrates. Moreover, dif- ferent applications require different colour ranges. Gamut requirements of the textiles, paint, plastics and ceramics are quite different. 10 Principles of colour appearance and measurement • The ideal atlas should be highly stable and should have good fastness properties, particularly to light. • I t should be simple and easily understandable. The samples are to be reproducible, and replacement pieces should be available. • It should be cheap, portable and globally used. However, no atlas is expected to represent visually millions of colours that can be detected by our eyes. There is no ideal colour order system, and hence no ideal atlas. I t is claimed that the RGB colour space atlas developed in 2011 by New York-based artist Tauba Auerbach (http://taubaauerbach.com/) is a massive tome (20.3 × 20.3 × 20.3 cm) containing digital offset prints of every varia- tion of RGB colour possible. It may be considered as a three-dimensional version of a Photoshop colour picker. 1.3.1 Selection of colour attributes It is impossible to make physical replica of millions of colours visible to us. When we have to cover the whole range of possible colours (a million or more) with a reasonable number of specimens, say a few thousands, the specimen must be selected according to a well-defi ned system or plan. It is of utmost necessity to arrange the colours in a systematic manner to inter- polate or extrapolate the enormous number of perceivable colours from that limited number of specimens. I t is well known that the colours are three dimensional. However, the dimensions of colour are expressed in various ways in different fi elds. For systematic arrangements, the dimensions should be independent of each other. The question is, therefore, what dimensions should be chosen to arrange colours in a three-dimensional space. T he most natural and logical approach was illustrated by Judd in his ‘Desert island’ experiment (Billmeyer and Saltzman, 1981). A person sit- ting idly in a desert island may decide to arrange systematically the large number of pebbles surrounding him according to colour. Firstly he sepa- rates coloured i.e. chromatic pebbles from colourless i.e. achromatic peb- bles. Then he arranges colourless pebbles in sequence of black, dark grey, medium grey, light grey and white (step 1). This classifi cation is based on a property called ‘Lightness’ or ‘Value’. T hen he classifi es chromatic pebbles according to their common colour names. All surface or object colours may be classifi ed broadly into fi ve prin- cipal colours or hues, namely red, yellow, green, blue and purple (step 2). While the fi rst four can be seen as spectral colours, purple is perceivable in object colours only. Furthermore, the variation of colour in the pebbles may

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