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Preview Principles and Practices (4th Edition) [John F. Wakerly].

ital Design and Practices th Edition John F. Wakerly DIGITAL DESIGN Principles and Practices Fourth Edition John F. Wakerly Cisco Systems, Inc. Stanford University Watery Jo F Dipl evgn: rnin and pracice Jo F. Wakely th ed ISBN 0-11863604 1 Digit interascute-Design an consti. Tile ‘Tre7465434 2008 lava Vice rset nd Eritrea, ECS: Marie Harton dora Asan Rchrd Pig Executive Managing Eto Vince O'Brien Minaing Etor Dovid George Proton Eder: So Dison Bistro Crete Secs Poul Bola ‘At Decor Kew Beck (Cover Desig: Brace Kenselaar Ar Ete: Nioohong 2 ‘Manufcring Manager Ales Med-Lone Manufctring Byer: Liaw NeDovell SesorMareting Manager Hol) Sark ‘Aout he Cover Orginal ove werk © 2001 Ken Bakeman, wow kena com {© 2006, 200.1994, 190 by Pearson Edson Ie Feaon Prentice Hall Pan Ect Upper Se River NJ O7HS6 ‘Person rie Hallie radar of Pearson Education ns. “The author and pubis of his ook have sd te et fos in raring this ook. Tex efor inde he develop ‘net ewarch nesting of he eres and porns to deen the <evtneyess: The suo an publisher stall [eto in any even force consequent damages ithe arsing Of he faishing performance, fe of these propa ‘Verge a wadema of Cadence Desin Systems Ine Sis ia wade of Simucad In. Synopsys, nd Foundation grenades of Smaps, Ine. Kili ested wader of Xin Corp, Als sauder fA. ISBN 0-13-186389-4 1098765432 Pearson Edson Led. Londo Pes Eduation Asai Py. Lt. Syeney Pearson Edneaton Singapore Pe: Lid Peart Edisaton North Ass i, Hong Kong Peano Eston Cann, Torn Pears Ediacin de Meio, S.A. de CY. Pearson Edtcaion Jaan Tyo Pear Edtstion Malye, Pe. Lid Pear Edition, ne, Upper Sale River, New Jesey To Joanne CONTENTS PREFACE wv 1 INTRODUCTION 1 ‘About Digital Design 1 ‘Analog versus Digtal 3 Digtl Devices 6 Electonic Aspects of Dig! Design 7 Software Aspecs of Digital Design 8 Integrated Creuts 11 Programmable Logic Devices, 14 ‘Aapleaton-SpectcCs 16 Prted-Crout Boards 17 1.10 DigtahDesign Levels 18 111 TheName ofthe Game 22 1.12 Going Forward 23 rit Prebiems 23 2 NUMBER SYSTEMS AND CODES 25 21 Postional Number Systoms 28 22 OctalansHexadecimal Numbers 27 23 Genera PosiionaNumberSysten Conversions 29 2.4 aden and Subtraction of Nondecmal Numbers 2 25 Representation of Negative Numbers 34 251 Signed Magnitude Representation 28.2 Complement Number Systems 25.3 Ratit-Complement Representation 1254 To's Complement Representation 1255 Diminished Radi Complement Representation 1256 Ones Complement Representation 237 Excet Representations 28 Two's Comploment Acton and Subtraction 39 261 Adon Rules 262 AGrophicel View 26.3 Overfow 26:4 Subwracion Rules 268 Two's Complement and Unsigned Binary Numbers 27 Ones'-Complement Adon and Subtraction 38 28 Binary Mutipleaion 45 vil Contents 29. BharyDWelon 47 210 Binary Codes for Decimal Numbers 48 211 Gray Code 81 212 CharactrCodes 53 213 Codes for Actions, Contons and States 53 214 Cubes and Distance 57 2.18 Codes or Detecting and Corectng rors 58 2ISI ror Detecting Codes 2152 Error Corecing and Maile Error Detecting Codes 2US3 Harming Codes” 2.134 CRC Codes 2155 Two-Dineninal Codes 2186 Checks Codes 2IS7 mourofn Codes £2.16 ‘Codes or Sel Data Transmission and Storage 69 21641 Parallel and Serial Data 2.162 Serial Line Codes Feforonces 73 Dri Probes 78 Exercises 78 3 DIGITALCIRCUTS 79 31 Logie Signals and Gates 80 32 Loge Famios | 64 33 CMOSLoge 86 BAL CMOS Logic Levels 3.22 MOS Trasnors 4323 Basie CMOS verter Circle 43.4 CMOS NANO and NOR Gates 335 Fann 338 Noninerting Gates “337 CMOS ANO-OR-AVERT and ORANDANVERT Gates 24 Elctcal ahavor of CMOS Grete 96 441 Overiew 242 Data Shes and Speifcatons 35 CMOS Stat Electrical Behavior 101 43.5) Lopic Levels and Nose Margins 13582 Greit Behavior wth Resistive Loads 1353 Cieit Behavior wih Noida! puss 254 Fonout 355 fects of Loading 356 Unsed Ips 1357 How to Destroy @ CMOS Device 38 CMOS Dynamic Electrical Behavior 114 361 Transition Tone 32 Propagation Delay 1363 Power Consumption 136.8 Current Spies ond Decoupling Copacors 36S Inducve Eee ‘366 Simalianeous Switching and Grownd Bounce 87 Other CMOS input and Ouput Structures 129 271 Transmision Gates 372 Schmit-Triger Inputs 373 TireesStave Outs 374 Open-Drain Oupus 1273 Driving LEDs 3.76 Multsource Buses 37.7 Wired Loge 378 Pull Resistors 38 CMOS Loge Famites 141 $81 HCandHCT 382 AHCand AHCT $243 HC HCT, AHC, ond AHCT Electra! Characterisies 384 ACondACT "385 FCTand FCTT 386 FCT Elecrical Charactriaics 389° Low-Votage CMOS Loge andintetacing 181 391 23-VLVITL end LVCMOS Logic 3.92 5.V Tolerant Inputs 39.3 $.VToleront Oupats 3944 TTLALVTTL inefacing Story 1393 Lope Level Less Than 33 V 310 BipoarLoge 158 LID] Diode Loic 3.102 Bipolar untion Transistors 3.10.3 TransiorTranisor Logie ‘310 TIL Logic Levels ond Nowe Morgins 3105 TTL Fonout 2108 TTL Familer 3.107 ATTL Data Shee 318 CHOSTTL merece 3.109 BninerCovpled Logie Reloronces 174 nl Probems 175 Erercises 179 ‘COMBINATIONAL LOGIC DESIGN PRINCIPLES 183 41 Switching Algebra 194 411 Avloms 41.2 Single-Varihle Theorems ‘4153 Two: and Thre-Varabe Theorems 414 nNeriable Theorems 4.1.8 Duality ‘415 Standard Representation f Lope Functions 42 CombinatonalCreut anayss 109 43. Combhnaonal Circuit Syethesis 205 ‘431 Chet Descriptions and Designs 43.2 Cire Manpations £33 Combinational Circuit Minimisation 434 Karnaugh Maps ‘£35 Mrnimiing Sums of Products 436 Other Minimization Topics ‘£37 Programmed Minimisation Methods 444 Timing Hazards 224 441 Static Hesards 442 Fin Sac Hasards Using Maps 4543 Dynamic Hazards 444 Designing Hasard-Free Cleats Reteroncas HARDWARE DESCRIPTION LANGUAGES 237 51 HOL-Based Digi Design 208 S11 Why HDLs? $1.2 HDL Too Suter ‘S13 HDL-Rased Design Flow 52 The ABEL Haraware Description Language 243, 521 ABEL Program Simezare 522 ABEL Compiler Operation ‘$23 AMEN Stoement and Equation Blocks 524 Trath Tables 15255 Ranges Sts and Relaons 52.6 Test Vecors, ‘527 Addtional ABEL Features Contents 53. The VHOL Hardware Description Language 258 531 Program Smactre 5.32 Types, Constants. and Arrays ‘53.3 Functions and Procedures S34 Libraries and Packages ‘S45 Siractural Design Elements 5.38 Datelow Design Elements ‘S37 Behavioral Design ements 18 The Tone Dimension ‘539 Simulation 5.3.10 Teat Benches ‘53.11 VHDL Features for Sequential Loge Design 5.3.12 Syhesis. ‘54 The Veriog Hardware Deserpton Language 290 S41 Program incre $42 Logie Sistem, Nets Variables, and Constams 1543 Vecwors and Operators Sd Arrant ‘S45 Logical Operators and Expressions $46 Compiler Directives ‘547 Sincturl Design Elenents 548 Dataow Design Elements ‘$49 Behavioral Design Elements (Procedural Code) S410 Functions and Tasks 5411 The Tone Dimension S412 Simulation 54.13 Tes Benches 5414 Venlog Features or Sequential Lape Design S18 Syhesis. COMBINATIONAL LOGIC DESIGN PRACTICES 341 61 Documentation Standards 342 6.11 Block Diagrams 6.12 Gate Symbols 46.13 Signal Names ond Active Levels 614 Active Levels for Pas {515 Babble Bubble Logie Devon {6116 Signal Naming in HDL Programs 61.7 Drawing Layout 618 Bases 619 Additional Schematic Iformation 62. Gieut Timing 362 621 Timing Diogroms 62.2 Propagation Delay 623 Timing Specicuions 624 Taming Anasis {625 Timing Analysis Tools 63. Combinaional PLDs | 370, 6.3. Programmable Logic Arrays 6.32 Programmable Array Logie Devices 63.3 Generic Aray Lape Deices 62:4 Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs) 63.5 CMOS PLD Ciruis 64 Desice Programming and Tsing 84 Decoders 364, 641 Binary Decoders ‘642 Lopc Symbol for Larger Scale Elements 4643 The 4138 40-8 Decoder 4d Cascading Binary Decoders (643 Decoders in ABEL ond PLDs 546 Decoder in VHDL. {647 Decoders in Vrlog 64.8 Sevn-Segment Decoders 85. Encoders 408 {651 Priority Encoders 62 The 7x148 Priority Buoder {65.3 Encoders mABEL and PLDs 654 Encadersin VHDL 655 Encoders in Verilog Contents 65 TwooState Devices 416 66.1 TireeState Buffers 652 Standard MSI Thre Sate Burs {56.3 Three State Outputs in ABEL and PLDs {5654 Tiree State Outputs in VHDL 66.5 Tree State Ouputs i Verilog 67 Mailers 432 421 Sundord MSI Muliplerers 67.2 Exponding Mulplesers ‘473 Mutiplesers Demuliplesers and Buses (674 Muliplsers mABEL and PLDs 67-5 Mliplevers in VADL. 678 Maliplesers in Verilog (68 Excusive-OR Gates and Party Creuts 447 81 Bxeushe-OR and Exeushe NOR Gates 6552 Party Circ 683 The 74280 9B Parity Generstor {58:4 Poriy-Checting Applicaions {543 ExcusneOR Gater ond Party Cir bx ABEL ond PLDs 686 Excushe OR Gater and Party Cru bn VHDL 687 Bxeushe OR Gates and Party Circus Verilog 89 Comparatos 458 9.1 Conpuraor Simctre 69.2 erative Cres 69.8 Anferave Compara Circuit {694 Stondord MSI Magritade Comparators {693 Conmpareorsin HDL 69 Comparators i ABEL and PLDs {69.7 Comparators in VHDL. 6938 Comparators in Verilog {610 Aare, Subvactors, and ALUS 474, (610 Half Adders nd Full Adders 6102 Ripple Adders {5103 Subiroctrs 6.104 Carr-Lovkahead Adders 6103 MSIAdders 6106 MSI Arete and Logi Units {610.7 Growp-Carry Lookahead 6.1058 Addersn ABEL and PLDs 109 Adder in VHDL 61010 Adders in Veriog 6.11 Combinatoral Mutipors 494 GILL Combinational Maier Sracures 112 Malipiation n ABEL and PLDs 6.11.3 Muiplicaion in VHDL. {6.114 Matplication in Verog etorences 508 Dri Proiems 500 Erercises tt SEQUENTIAL LOGIC DESIGN PRINCIPLES 521 71. Bible Elements 523, ZL) Dipl Anatyis 7.1.2 Analog Analysis: 71.3 Metastable Behavior 72 Latches and Flip-Flops 526 72) $Alaich 722 BA Lach 72.3 $A Latch with Enble 724 Dlatch 7.2.5 EigeTrigeredO Flip-Flop 726 Edge Trgpered 0 FlipFlop wih Enable 7.2.7 Sean Fli-Flop 728 MasterfSave S# FlipFlop 729 MasterSlee #X FlipFlop 10 Edge Trgnered 3X FlipFlop 7.2.11 T FlipFlop 73 4 70 at 732 73 ‘Gockas Synchronous Stale Machine Analysis 542 71 State Machine Srucure 7.42 Output Logie 73.3 Characteristic Equations 734 Anal of State Machines wih 0 Flip-Flops ‘Gcckad Syncwonous State Machine Design 553 74.1 Stae-Tabe Design Example 74.2 State Minimization 74.3 State Assignment 7-44 Syiheis Using D Flip-Flops 745 Syhesis Using 2K Flip-Flops 74 More Desig Examples Using Flip-Flops Designing State Machines Using State Diagrams _570 ‘State Machine Synthesis Using Traction Lists 577 741 Transition Equations 7.82 Evcaion Equations 763 Variations on the Scheme 74 Reaiing the State Machine ‘ArcnerState-Machine Design Example 580 72) The Guessing Gane 772 Unased Sates 7273 Oupu-Coded Stat Assignment 774 “Don'-Care” Sate Codings Decomposing Sate Machines 887 Feedback Sequenta-CrcutAnaiyss 550 791 Basi Antsis 792 Analcing Crs ith Malaple Feedback Loops 793 Races 7. Sate Tables ond Flow Table 293 CMOS D Flip-Flop Analysis Feedback Sequontia-Creut Design 601 710 Latches 7.102 Desiging Fundameral‘Moe Flow Table 7.103 Flow-Toble Minimisation 7.104 Race-Free State Assignment 7105 Exetation Eqaions 7.106 Essential Hazards 7107 Simenary [ABEL Sequonla-Crcut Design Featres 612 ZL Registered Outs 7.11.2 State Diograms 713 External State Memory 7114 Spectying Moore Opts ZL Spectiving Meny and Pipelined Ovurs with KITE 216 Test Vectors, Sequentia-Creut Design wth VHOL 625, ZURI Cloched Cress 7.12.2 Sate Machine Design wth VHDL 7123 A VHDL Stateachne Exmple 124 State Assignment VHDL. 7.125 Pipelined Outputs in VHDL. 7.126 Direct VHDL Coding Without Se Table 2127 More VHDL State-Machine Examples 7128 Specfing FipFopsin VHDL 7129 VHDL State-Machne Test Benches 712.10 Feedback Sequential Cireuts Sequenta-Creut Design wth Veriog 646 7431 Clocked Cieitr 7142 State Machine Design wih Verilog 7133 A Veron State-Machine Example 7134 Pipelined Oxptsin Verilog 7185 Direc Verilog Coding Withou a Sate Tobe 7135 More Verilog State Machine Examples

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