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Principles and Guidelines for Economic Appraisal of Transport Investment and Initiatives PDF

358 Pages·2017·5.81 MB·English
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Principles and Guidelines for Economic Appraisal of Transport Investment and Initiatives June 2018 Principles and Guidelines for Economic Appraisal of Transport Investment and Initiatives Transport Economic Appraisal Guidelines Evaluation and Assurance, Finance and Investment June 2018 VERSION CONTROL AND DOCUMENT HISTORY Version: 1.4 Version Release March 2013 Date: Status: Final Draft Document Principles and Guidelines for Economic Appraisal of Name: Transport Investments and Initiatives Version No: 1.5 Version Release 1 Nov. 13 Date: Amendment: Updated Appendix 4 for 2012/13 Version No: 1.6 Version Release March 15 Date: Amendment: 1. Updated Appendix 4 • Economic parameter values indexed for 2013/14 prices • Included infrastructure cost benchmarks • Reference to the Willingness to pay (WTP) approach in value of travel time (VTT) –flag NSW Stated Preference Study including for rail, bus, ferry, car drivers and car passengers 2. Incorporated new sections • Clearways CBA methodology and case study • Road safety advertising campaign CBA methodology and case study • ICT Investment benefits 3. Included Program Evaluation section 4. Expanded Benefit Realisation section 5. Expanded Post Completion Evaluation section Version No. 1.7 Version Release July 2016 Date: 1. Updated/indexed Appendix 4 economic parameter values for 2015/16 prices 2. Included estimating travel time reliability benefits of transport projects 3. Included Pro-Forma Brief to Economic Appraisal Consultants and CBA Summary Reporting Template (Appendix 5) 4. Included practice guide and worked examples in estimating de-congestion benefits 5. Expanded Technical Appendix 9 on consumer surplus by including a resource cost correction in using the public transport project model (PTPM) 6. More detailed guidance on probabilistic cost benefit analysis including @risk and a worked up example (Appendix 10) 7. More detailed guidance on estimation of wider economic benefits (Appendix 12) Version No. 1.8 Version Release June 2018 Date: 1. Appendix 4 updated/indexed economic parameter values for 2017/18 prices for all relevant parameters to reflect the latest ABS data releases (CPI/PPI for March 2018, and to AWE for November 2017)] 2. Modification to discount rate sensitivity 4% to 3% in line with NSW Government Guide to cost Benefit Analysis, Treasury ref TPP 17-03, March 2017 3. Appendix 4 – Inclusion of high level commentary on the Austroads approach to calculating vehicle operating costs (as recommended by Infrastructure Australia) 4. Appendix 4 – update, formatting of content and tables to ensure greater consistency throughout the document, and improve readability. 5. Updated references and minor correction to grammar and spelling. FOREWORD to Version 1.7 Transport for NSW is committed to achieving greater value for money from our significant investment in transport assets and to improving the efficiency and quality of transport services. An important cornerstone in achieving these is ensuring that programs, projects and new initiatives represent the best possible transport solutions. The conduct of economic appraisal provides evidence that aids sound decision making towards making these investments. The TfNSW Principles and Guidelines for Economic Appraisal of Transport Investment and Initiatives sits within the Transport Investment Policy Framework and aims to help managers across the Transport Cluster to plan and conduct economic appraisal based on a consistent framework. The use and application of the guidelines facilitate evaluation of economic efficiency of investment proposals and contributes in improved resource allocation by ensuring that the strategic alignment and value for money assessment have been consistently determined across the transport cluster. The Transport Economic Appraisal Guidelines set out the principles, concepts, methodology and procedures to be used in the evaluation of proposed investments and initiatives in the transport cluster. Analytical steps, illustrative calculations, practice guides and advice and references to reports and tools are provided. User friendly models and tools have been developed covering prototype transport projects to assist in cost benefit analysis of similar projects. The links to these calculation models are embedded in the document to make it accessible to users. Economic parameter values are provided for consistent use across the Transport Cluster. These are updated on an annual basis and are disseminated to the whole cluster for continued and consistent application. Both instructor-based and online training modules are provided including case studies and practice guides on the application of economic appraisal methods and models to particular projects, programs or activities in the work areas. The Transport Economic Appraisal Guidelines is a living document that is continuously being reviewed and updated to enhance its relevance and ensure adherence to best practice. New methodologies are included as they become relevant to ensure that Transport for NSW is at the leading edge of robust, transparent decision making. You can send any comments or feedback to [email protected] or [email protected] Tim Reardon Secretary Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 OBJECTIVE OF THIS DOCUMENT .................................................................................................. 1 1.2 OTHER ECONOMIC ANALYSIS GUIDELINES .................................................................................... 1 1.3 ECONOMIC APPRAISAL WITHIN THE INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTOR ASSURANCE FRAMEWORK .......... 2 1.4 PROCESS OF ECONOMIC APPRAISALS ......................................................................................... 4 1.5 FUNDING AND ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK OF GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ......................................... 5 2. ECONOMIC APPRAISAL FRAMEWORK, PROCESS AND DECISION CRITERIA .................... 8 2.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 8 2.1.1 Scope and Level of Economic Analysis .......................................................................... 8 2.1.2 Market Prices, Opportunity Costs and Willingness to Pay .............................................. 8 2.1.3 Discount rate ................................................................................................................... 9 2.1.4 Evaluation period........................................................................................................... 10 2.2 COMMON APPROACHES ........................................................................................................... 11 2.2.1 Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) ............................................................................... 11 2.2.2 Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) ......................................................................................... 11 2.2.3 CBA and Financial Analysis .......................................................................................... 11 2.3 MAJOR STEPS IN COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS ............................................................................... 12 2.4 SENSITIVITY AND RISK ANALYSIS ............................................................................................... 42 2.5 ECONOMIC VERSUS FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND SUSTAINABILITY ANALYSIS .................................. 46 2.6 OPTIMISATION OF ROAD MAINTENANCE .................................................................................... 47 2.6.1 Maintenance optimisation process ................................................................................ 48 2.6.2 Dealing with budget and other constraints .................................................................... 49 2.6.3 Approaches to road maintenance optimisation ............................................................. 50 2.6.4 Maintenance deferral .................................................................................................... 50 2.6.5 Optimising the investment – maintenance trade-off ...................................................... 51 2.6.6 Estimating the maintenance backlog ............................................................................ 51 2.6.7 Maintenance Optimisation Model .................................................................................. 51 2.6.8 Analytical framework for Maintenance Project Economic Analysis .............................. 52 2.6.9 Choosing the best option – project level analysis ......................................................... 53 2.7 ECONOMIC PARAMETERS – MEASUREMENT AND UPDATED VALUES ........................................... 55 3. SOCIO, ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS ............................................... 57 3.1 BROADER ASSESSMENT APPROACHES AND TOOLS ................................................................... 57 3.1.1 Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) ........................................................................................ 57 3.1.2 Goal Achievement Matrix (GAM) .................................................................................. 58 3.1.3 Strategic Merit Test (SMT) ............................................................................................ 59 3.1.4 Objective Impact Assessment (OIA) ............................................................................. 59 3.1.5 Appraisal Summary Technique (AST)........................................................................... 60 3.1.6 Economic Impacts Assessment (EIA) ........................................................................... 60 3.1.7 Wider Economic Benefits .............................................................................................. 60 3.2 SAFETY ................................................................................................................................... 66 3.2.1 Procedures for Road-based Countermeasures ............................................................ 66 3.2.2 Major Steps in the process ............................................................................................ 66 3.3 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................ 68 3.3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 68 3.3.2 Environmental Impact Assessment ............................................................................... 69 3.3.3 Measurement ................................................................................................................ 70 3.3.4 Valuation Methodologies ............................................................................................... 70 3.4 EXTERNALITIES ....................................................................................................................... 75 4. LAND USE INTEGRATION IN ECONOMIC APPRAISAL .......................................................... 87 4.1 SPATIAL ZONES ....................................................................................................................... 88 4.2 LAND USE VARIABLES REPRESENTED IN A SPATIAL ZONE ............................................................ 89 4.3 ACCESSIBILITY ........................................................................................................................ 89 4.4 IMPACTS OF TRANSPORT SYSTEM ON THE LAND USE SYSTEM ..................................................... 91 5. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF FREIGHT INITIATIVES .................................................................. 93 5.1 FREIGHT VERSUS PASSENGER .................................................................................................. 93 5.2 SCOPE AND LEVEL OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ............................................................................. 93 5.3 FREIGHT DEMAND FORECAST ................................................................................................... 96 5.4 IDENTIFICATION AND MEASUREMENT OF FREIGHT BENEFITS ........................................................ 97 5.5 EVALUATION TECHNIQUES ........................................................................................................ 98 5.6 MACRO AND INPUT OUTPUT APPROACH .................................................................................... 98 5.7 USE OF COMPUTABLE GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM (CGE) MODELS .................................................. 99 5.8 HYBRID MODELS .................................................................................................................... 100 6. PATRONAGE DEMAND MEASUREMENT: ESTIMATING TRIP MOVEMENT ....................... 102 6.1 LINKING DEMAND MODELS WITH ECONOMIC APPRAISALS .......................................................... 102 6.2 OUTPUTS .............................................................................................................................. 102 6.3 DEMAND FORECAST ............................................................................................................... 105 6.4 FOUR STEP TRANSPORT MODELS ............................................................................................ 105 6.5 BEHAVIOURAL TRAVEL DEMAND MODELS ................................................................................. 105 6.6 LINKED URBAN LAND USE AND TRANSPORT MODELS ................................................................. 106 6.7 INTEGRATED URBAN LAND USE AND TRANSPORT MODELS ......................................................... 106 6.8 GENERALISED COST SPECIFICATION ....................................................................................... 106 6.9 DEMAND MODELS USED IN THE TRANSPORT CLUSTER: STRATEGIC TRAVEL MODEL (STM) ........ 107 6.10 DEMAND MODELS USED IN THE TRANSPORT CLUSTER: STRATEGIC FREIGHT MODEL (SFM) ...... 108 6.11 DEMAND MODELS USED IN THE TRANSPORT CLUSTER: ROAD TRAFFIC MODELS ......................... 108 6.12 DEMAND MODELS USED IN THE TRANSPORT CLUSTER: RAIL PATRONAGE FORECASTS ............... 112 6.13 BUS PATRONAGE FORECAST .................................................................................................. 113 6.14 FIXED TRIP MATRIX AND VARIABLE TRIP MATRIX TECHNIQUES ................................................ 113 6.15 WHEN TO USE THE VARIABLE TRIP MATRIX ............................................................................... 114 6.16 VARIABLE TRIP MATRIX IN TRANSPORT MODELLING .................................................................. 114 6.17 BENEFIT ESTIMATE IN VARIABLE MATRIX TECHNIQUE ................................................................ 114 6.18 ECONOMIC PARAMETERS TO SUPPORT VARIABLE MATRIX TECHNIQUE ....................................... 115 7. ESTIMATING TRAVEL TIME RELIABILITY .............................................................................. 116 7.1 FRAMEWORK FOR ESTIMATING TRAVEL TIME RELIABILITY BENEFITS ........................................ 117 7.2 KEY STEPS IN ESTIMATING TRAVEL TIME RELIABILITY BENEFITS .............................................. 118 7.2.1 Estimate the expected travel time variability ............................................................... 118 7.2.2 Estimate the buffer time applied by drivers as a collective group ............................... 120 7.2.3 Estimate the economic benefit of travel time reliability ............................................... 121 7.3 OTHER MODELS FOR ESTIMATING TRAVEL TIME RELIABILITY BENEFITS ................................... 123 7.3.1 RMS-ISG Model .......................................................................................................... 123 7.3.2 UK Model ..................................................................................................................... 123 7.4 USING PUBLIC TRANSPORT INFORMATION AND PRIORITY SYSTEMS (PTIPS) AND OPAL DATA IN MEASURING TRAVEL TIME VARIABILITY ................................................................................................ 124 8. PRACTICE GUIDE – CASE STUDIES ....................................................................................... 126 8.1 ECONOMIC APPRAISAL OF ROAD UPGRADE AND MAINTENANCE ............................................... 126 8.1.1 HW10 Pacific Highway Devils Pulpit Upgrade: REVS Case Study ............................ 126 8.2 NORTH SYDNEY RAIL FREIGHT CORRIDOR PROGRAM ECONOMIC EVALUATION ........................ 130 8.3 ECONOMIC APPRAISAL OF GROWTH BUSES, INTERCHANGE AND PARKING FACILITIES, INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) ............................................................................................................. 132 8.3.1 Bus acquisition CBA tool ............................................................................................. 132 8.3.2 Interchanges - Assessment and Ranking ................................................................... 135 8.3.3 Intelligent Transport Systems – CCTV ........................................................................ 145 8.3.4 Intelligent Transport Systems – Variable Message Signs (VMS) ............................... 148 8.3.5 Bicycle facility CBA tool ............................................................................................... 151 8.3.6 High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes ....................................................................... 154 8.3.7 Strategic Bus Priority Measures .................................................................................. 157 8.3.8 Economic Appraisal of Clearways Proposals ............................................................. 163 8.3.9 Economic Evaluation of Road Safety Campaigns ...................................................... 170 8.4 ECONOMIC APPRAISAL OF POLICIES AND REGULATIONS .......................................................... 180 8.5 ECONOMIC APPRAISAL OF ICT PROJECTS .............................................................................. 182 8.6 MEASURING DE-CONGESTION BENEFITS IN ECONOMIC APPRAISAL ............................................ 186 8.6.1 Worked example - Light Rail Project ........................................................................... 187 8.6.2 Worked example – Upgrade of Rail Freight Corridor .................................................. 189 9. REPORTING AND PRESENTATION OF ECONOMIC APPRAISAL RESULT ........................ 191 10. PRIORITISATION OF INVESTMENT BASED ON ECONOMIC APPRAISAL RESULTS ........ 195 10.1 INVESTMENT NET STRATEGIC VALUE......................................................................................... 196 10.2 CALCULATED DECISION CRITERIA ............................................................................................. 196 10.3 RANKING PROJECTS ............................................................................................................... 197 10.4 CONSTRAINED OPTIMISATION ................................................................................................... 198 11. POST COMPLETION EVALUATION AND BENEFIT REALISATION ...................................... 199 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................................ 203 GLOSSARY OF TERMS .................................................................................................................... 206 Appendices APPENDIX 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 214 AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC APPRAISAL GUIDELINES APPENDIX 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 216 REVIEW OF DISCOUNT RATES FOR USE IN ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF TRANSPORT INVESTMENTS APPENDIX 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 221 COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS – DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW ANALYSIS (DCF) APPENDIX 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 225 ECONOMIC PARAMETER VALUES AND VALUATION METHODOLOGIES APPENDIX 5 ....................................................................................................................................... 311 CONSULTANCY BRIEFING ECONOMIC APPRAISAL SERVICES APPENDIX 6 ....................................................................................................................................... 321 CHECKLIST FOR THE CONDUCT OF ECONOMIC APPRAISAL APPENDIX 7 ....................................................................................................................................... 325 SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EXTERNALITY PARAMETERS & METHODOLOGY APPENDIX 8 ....................................................................................................................................... 328 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE APPENDIX 9 ....................................................................................................................................... 330 TECHNICAL APPENDIX – CONSUMER SURPLUS AND LOGSUM MEASURE APPENDIX 10 ..................................................................................................................................... 335 PROBABILISTIC COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS APPENDIX 11 ..................................................................................................................................... 341 SOCIAL INCLUSION INDEX APPENDIX 12 ..................................................................................................................................... 345 WIDER ECONOMIC BENEFITS List of Tables Table 1.1 Funding and Assessment Framework of Commonwealth and State Governments Table 2.1 List of Benefits and Costs Table 2.2 CBA Summary Results Table 2.3 CBA Benefit Components Table 2.4 Cost Variation in Estimates Table 2.5 Risk Register Template Table 2.6 Risk Evaluation Table Table 2.7 Incremental Benefit Cost Ratio Calculation Table 3.1 Elasticity of productivity with respect to employment density by industry Table 3.2 Wider economic impacts-Sydney Melbourne High Speed Rail Table 3.3 Wider Economic Benefits Summary Table 3.4 RMS Road Noise Level Criteria Table 3.5 Unit costs of road maintenance, by vehicle types Table 4.1 Land use impacts Table 5.1 Effects of Improved Freight Transport and Logistic Re-organisation Table 6.1 Levels of traffic modelling Table 7.1 Equation parameters for estimating travel time variability Table 7.2 Applicability ratios of buffer time for different trip purposes Table 7.3 Adjustment factors for variability calculation Table 7.4 Regression coefficients – ISG Model for Reliability Calculations Table 8.1(a) Traffic Forecast – Pacific Highway Upgrade REVS Study Table 8.1(b) Traffic Composition – Pacific Highway Upgrade REVS Study Table 8.1(c) Capital Cost – Pacific Highway Upgrade REVS Study Table 8.1(d) Summary of Results – Pacific Highway Upgrade REVS Study Table 8.2(a) North Sydney Freight Corridor Stage projects Table 8.2(b) Forecast demand (annual tonnage) Table 8.2(c) North Sydney Freight Corridor Summary of Economic Results Table 8.3(a) AST Application: Transport Objectives, Criteria and Suggested Scores Table 8.3(b) Points for Hybrid B-C Score Table 8.3(c) Assessment of Projects/Programs/Options Based on Qualitative Attributes Table 8.3(d) Appraisal Summary Table- Interchange Projects Scores Table 8.3(e) APT Scores and Costs Table 8.3(f) Capital, operational and maintenance costs Table 8.3(g) Travel Time and Average Speeds Table 8.3(h) Vehicle kilometres travelled Table 8.3(i) Emission rate and unit cost of emission Table 8.3(j) Economic evaluation results Table 8.3(k) Traffic models, evaluation tools and methodologies Table 8.3(l) Crash history Table 8.3(m) Cost of advertising campaigns Table 8.3(n) Base case crashes due to mobile phone use Table 8.3(o) Contribution of key factors in road safety campaigns Table 8.3(p) Fatalities, injuries and PDO crashes before and after safety campaigns Table 8.3(q) Economic parameters in estimating reduction benefits Table 8.3(r) Undiscounted costs and benefits is safety campaigns Table 8.3(s) Summary of CBA results – safety campaigns Table 8.4(a) ICT Project Treasury Requirements Table 8.4(b) ICT Reinvestment Pool Process and Schedule Table 8.4(c) ICT Investment Benefits Table 9.1 Transport NSW Economic Appraisal Summary Report Table 10.1 Core Functions, Optimisation Strategy and Methodologies Table 10.2: Decision Criteria Table 10.3: Ranking projects

options and to determine which option offers superior value for money. the best value for money option, best practical environmental option, best
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