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Principal hierarchies of infinite-dimensional Frobenius manifolds: the extended 2D Toda lattice PDF

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Preview Principal hierarchies of infinite-dimensional Frobenius manifolds: the extended 2D Toda lattice

PRINCIPAL HIERARCHIES OF INFINITE-DIMENSIONAL FROBENIUS MANIFOLDS: THE EXTENDED 2D TODA LATTICE 2 1 GUIDO CARLET AND LUCA PHILIPPE MERTENS 0 2 n Abstract. We define a dispersionless tau-symmetric bihamilto- a nianintegrablehierarchyonthespaceofpairsoffunctionsanalytic J inside/outsidetheunitcirclewithsimplepolesat0/∞respectively, 4 which extends the dispersionless 2D Toda hierarchy of Takasaki 2 and Takebe. Then we construct the deformed flat connection of ] the infinite-dimensional Frobenius manifold M0 introduced in [4] h and,byexplicitlysolvingthedeformedflatnessequations,weprove p that the extended 2D Toda hierarchy coincides with principal hi- - h erarchy of M0. t a m [ Contents 2 v Introduction 2 3 1. The extended dispersionless 2D Toda hierarchy 7 4 3 1.1. The dispersionless 2D Toda hierarchy 7 5 1.2. Analytic setting 8 . 9 1.3. The extended hierarchy: Lax formulation 11 0 1.4. The extended hierarchy: bi-Hamiltonian formulation 15 1 1.5. Tau symmetry 17 1 : 2. The principal hierarchy of M 18 v 0 i 2.1. The manifold M0 as a bundle on the space of parametrized X simple curves 18 r 2.2. The metric 19 a 2.3. The Levi-Civita connection 20 2.4. Flat coordinates 22 2.5. The associative product and the deformed flat connection 23 2.6. Deformed flat coordinates 26 2.7. Levelt basis, monodromy and orthogonality. 35 2.8. The principal hierarchy 40 Concluding remarks 43 References 46 Date: 24 January 2012. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53D45, 35Q58. Key words and phrases. 2D Toda, Frobenius manifold, principal hierarchy. 1 2 G. CARLET AND L.PH. MERTENS Introduction The theory of Frobeniusmanifolds [6], originating as a geometric for- mulation of the associativity equations of two-dimensional topological field theory [16, 5], has proven to be an important tool in the study and classification of bi-Hamiltonian tau-symmetric integrable hierarchies of PDEs with one spatial variable [9]. The possibility of extending the Frobenius manifolds techniques to the realm of integrable PDEs with two spatial variables has been re- cently proposed in [3] where, in collaboration with B. Dubrovin, we have constructed an infinite-dimensional Frobenius manifold naturally associated with the bi-Hamiltonian structure of the dispersionless 2D Toda hierarchy. In this work we further develop the program of [3]. First we show that the insights coming from the theory of Frobenius manifolds allow us to solve the problem of finding an extension of the dispersionless 2D Toda hierarchy. Such problem has been open since the introduction of the extended [4] and extended bigraded [2] Toda hierarchies, which are characterized by extra “logarithmic” flows, which are essential in the framework of [9] and for the description of Gromov-Witten poten- tials [10, 12], but cannot be obtained by reduction of the 2D Toda flows of [15, 14]. The usual Lax formulation of the dispersionless 2D Toda hierarchy is given in terms of two formal Laurent series, the Lax symbols λ(z) = z +u +..., λ¯(z) = u¯ z−1 +u¯ +..., 0 −1 0 and Lax equations (4) which define an infinite set of commuting vector fields on the loop space of formal Lax symbols. In order to define a larger set of flows on this loop space we need to impose some analyt- icity conditions. First we require that, instead of formal power series, ¯ ¯ λ(z), λ(z) are “holomorphic Lax symbols”, i.e. λ(z), resp. λ(z), is a holomorphic function on a neighborhood of closure of the exterior, resp. interior, part of the unit circle in Riemann sphere C∪{∞} ad- mitting a simple pole at ∞, resp. 0, with the normalization condition λ(z) = z + O(1) for |z| → ∞. Second we impose a “winding num- ¯ bers condition”, namely we require that the functions λ(z), λ(z) and ¯ w(z) := λ(z) +λ(z), when restricted to the unit circle |z| = 1, define analyticcurves inC× := C\{0}whichhavewindingnumber aroundthe origin respectively equal to 1, −1 and 1. We denote by M the space 1 of pairs of holomorphic Lax symbols satisfying the winding numbers condition. INFINITE-DIMENSIONAL PRINCIPAL HIERARCHIES 3 The dispersionless 2D Toda equations define evolutionary flows on pairs of holomorphic Lax symbols depending smoothly on the variable x, hence, in particular, on the loop space of M , 1 LM = C∞(S1,M ). 1 1 We define the extended dispersionless 2D Toda hierarchy as a set of commuting flows on LM which include the usual 2D Toda flows. We 1 summarize the first part of our results in the following theorem. Theorem. Let Q , for αˆ ∈ Zˆ = Z ∪{u,v} and p > 0, be functions αˆ,p ¯ of λ, λ defined by (λ+λ¯)α+1(λ¯ −λ)p Q = − for α 6= −1, α,p (α+1)(2p)!! (−λ)p λ¯ (λ¯ −λ)p Q = − log 1+ +c −1 − , −1,p p p! λ (2p)!! (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17) (−λ)p λ¯ λ¯p ¯ ¯ Q = − log 1+ +c −1 + log λ(λ+λ) −c −1 , v,p p p p! λ p! (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) λ¯p+1 (cid:0) (cid:1) Q = u,p (p+1)! where c = 1+···+ 1 are the harmonic numbers (with c = c = 0). p p 0 −1 The Lax equations ¯ ∂λ ∂λ ¯ = {−(Q ) ,λ}, = {(Q ) ,λ}, ∂tαˆ,p αˆ,p − ∂tαˆ,p αˆ,p + define a tau-symmetric hierarchy of commuting flows on the loop space of M . 1 These flows admit a bi-Hamiltonian formulation with respect to the dispersionless 2D Toda Poisson brackets {,} and {,} 1 2 ∂ · = {·,H } ∂tαˆ,p αˆ,p 1 with recursion relations {·,H } = (α+p+2){·,H } , α,p 2 α,p+1 1 {·,H } = (p+1){·,H } +2{·,H } , v,p 2 v,p+1 1 u,p 1 {·,H } = (p+2){·,H } u,p 2 u,p+1 1 for p > −1, and Hamiltonians 1 dz ¯ H = Q (λ(z),λ(z)) dx. αˆ,p αˆ,p+1 2πi z IS1 I|z|=1 4 G. CARLET AND L.PH. MERTENS The dispersionless 2D Toda flows are finite combinations of the flows defined above. The main motivation for the definition of this hierarchy comes from the construction of an infinite-dimensional semisimple Frobenius mani- foldM associatedwiththePoisson pencil ofthe2DTodahierarchy [3]. 0 The Frobenius manifold M is defined on the space of pairs of holo- 0 morphic Lax symbols with certain additional conditions (ensuring the invertibility of the metric η and the well-posedness of the Riemann- Hilbert problem defining the flat coordinates). In this article we will ¯ further assume that λ(z), λ(z) satisfy the winding numbers condition mentioned above, i.e. we assume that M is an open subset of M . 0 1 The main geometrical object associated with a Frobenius manifold is the deformed flat connection ∇˜, which is, roughly speaking, defined by deforming the Levi-Civita connection of the metric η using the product of the Frobenius manifold. The flatness of ∇˜ is a basic result of the theory of (finite-dimensional) Frobenius manifolds, which essentially encodes all the axioms of the Frobenius manifold itself. The deformed flat connection allows to associate with a Frobenius manifold a quasi- linear integrable hierarchy, called Principal hierarchy. This procedure is based on the construction of a system of deformed flat coordinates depending on the deformation parameter ζ. The choice of a certain normal form of the solution of the deformed flatness equations pro- vides the so-called Levelt system of deformed flat coordinates. The Hamiltonian densities of the Principal hierarchy are defined as the co- efficients in the ζ -expansion of the analytic part of the Levelt system of deformed flat coordinates. Here we will not review in detail these Frobenius manifold constructions but rather refer the reader to [7, 9]. In the second part of this article we construct the deformed flat connection ∇˜ of the Frobenius manifold M and we explicitly solve the 0 associateddeformedflatnessequations. Weshowthatthedeformedflat coordinates are indeed a Levelt system, thus we obtain the Principal hierarchy of M , which coincides with the extended dispersionless 2D 0 Toda hierarchy, when restricted to LM . 0 INFINITE-DIMENSIONAL PRINCIPAL HIERARCHIES 5 More precisely let us consider the following functions on M ×C×, 0 which are holomorphic in the parameter ζ in a neighborhood of ζ = 0 θα(ζ) = − 1 (λ+λ¯)α+1eλ¯−2λζ dz for α 6= −1, (2a) 2πi α+1 z I|z|=1 ¯ θ−1(ζ) = − 1 e−λζ log 1+ λ +Ein(−λζ)−1 +eλ¯−2λζ dz, 2πi λ z I|z|=1(cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:19) (cid:21) (2b) ¯ 1 λ θ (ζ) = −e−λζ log 1+ +Ein(−λζ)−1 + (2c) v 2πi λ I|z|=1h (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:19) dz +eλ¯ζ logλ¯(λ+λ¯)−Ein(λ¯ζ)−1 , (2d) z 1 eλ¯ζ(cid:0)−1 dz (cid:1)i θ (ζ) = (2e) u 2πi ζ z I|z|=1 and the functions yα(ζ) = ζα+21θα(ζ), (3a) yv(ζ) = ζ21 ζ−1θv(ζ)+2log(ζ)θu(ζ) , (3b) 1 yu(ζ) = ζ2θ(cid:0)u(ζ), (cid:1) (3c) which are multivalued in ζ on C× := C\{0}. Theorem. The sequence of functions {y (ζ)} on M ×C× forms a αˆ αˆ∈Z 0 Levelt basis of deformed flat coordinates for M . 0 The Principal hierarchy is given by the set of vector fields on LM 0 defined by the Poisson structure associated with the flat metric η on M and the Hamiltonians 0 H = θ dx, αˆ,p αˆ,p+1 IS1 where the Hamiltonian densities θ are obtained by expanding at αˆ,p ζ = 0 the analytic part of the Levelt basis of deformed flat coordinates θ (ζ) = θ ζp. αˆ αˆ,p p>0 X Since 1 dz θ = Q , αˆ,p αˆ,p 2πi z I|z|=1 the Hamiltonians of the Principal hierarchy are equal to those of the extended 2D Toda hierarchy defined before. 6 G. CARLET AND L.PH. MERTENS Theorem. The Principal hierarchy of the Frobenius manifold M co- 0 incides with the extended dispersionless 2D Toda hierarchy restricted on LM . 0 Recently other examples of infinite-dimensional Frobenius manifolds have appeared in the literature. In [13] Raimondo has constructed a Frobenius manifold structure on a vector subspace of the space of Schwartz functions S(R) on the real line which is associated with the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy (dKP). Wu and Xu [17] have defined a family of Frobenius manifolds on the space of pairs of certain even functions meromorphic in the interior/exterior of the unit disk in C, which are related to the dispersionless two- component BKPhierarchy. Inbothcasestheauthorsdefine, essentially by bihamiltonian recursion, dispersionless hierarchies which extend the original 2 + 1 systems. Note that the definition of such hierarchies is somehow simpler since it does not require the construction in terms of the Levelt normal form of the deformed flat connection, as presented here. The article is organized as follows. In the first section we define the extended dispersionless 2D Toda hierarchy on the loop space of holomorphic Lax symbols with certain conditions on the winding numbers. We first recall some basic facts on thedispersionless2DTodahierarchyandintroducetheanalyticsetting. Next we give the Lax and bi-Hamiltonian formulation of the extended flows and show that they indeed contain the usual dispersionless flows of the 2D Toda hierarchy. In the second section we study the deformed flat connection associ- atedwiththeinfinite-dimensional FrobeniusmanifoldM definedin[3]. 0 We obtain simple expressions for the metric and its Levi-Civita con- nection in a new set of “mixed” coordinates. Necessary background from the theory of the Frobenius manifold M is recalled when nec- 0 essary. We solve explicitly the deformed flatness equations and prove that our solution provides a Levelt system of deformed flat coordinates. Expanding in the deformation parameter we obtain the Hamiltonian densities of the Principal hierarchy of M which coincide with those of 0 theextended2DTodahierarchy. Finallyanalternative, thoughslightly morecomplicated, system of deformed flat coordinates satisfying anor- thogonality condition (cf. [9, Theorem 3.6.4]), and the corresponding Principal hierarchy are presented. INFINITE-DIMENSIONAL PRINCIPAL HIERARCHIES 7 1. The extended dispersionless 2D Toda hierarchy In this section we define an extension of the dispersionless 2D Toda hierarchy introduced by Takasaki and Takebe [14] as the small disper- sion limit of the 2D Toda hierarchy of Ueno and Takasaki [15]. To ¯ perform such extension we assume that Lax functions λ, λ are non- vanishing holomorphic functions on neighborhoods of z = ∞, 0 re- spectively, which contain the unit circle, and that they satisfy certain analytic assumptions. We begin by recalling the standard formulation of the dispersionless 2D Toda hierarchy. 1.1. The dispersionless 2D Toda hierarchy. The dispersionless 2D Toda hierarchy is an infinite set of commuting quasi-linear PDEs for two sets of variables u , u¯ depending on a “space” variable x and k l two series of independent “time” variables t = (t ) , t¯= (t¯ ) . Let k k>0 k k>0 the Lax symbols λ(z,x) = z + u (x)zk, λ¯(z,x) = u¯ (x)zl. k l k60 l>−1 X X betwoformalLaurentseriesinz. Thedispersionless2DTodahierarchy is defined by the Lax equations ¯ ∂λ ∂λ = {(λn) ,λ}, = {(λn) ,λ¯}, (4a) + + ∂t ∂t n n ¯ ∂λ ∂λ = {(λ¯n) ,λ}, = {(λ¯n) ,λ¯}. (4b) ∂t¯ − ∂t¯ − n n The bracket of two functions of the variables z,x is defined by ∂f ∂g ∂g ∂f {f(z,x),g(z,x)} = z −z , ∂z ∂x ∂z ∂x while the notations ( ) , ( ) represent projections taken with respect + − to the variable z: f zk = f zk, f zk = f zk. k k k k ! ! Xk + Xk>0 Xk − Xk<0 The equations (4) are formal Laurent series in z: each coefficient defines an evolutionary quasi-linear equation involving a finite number of dependent variables u , u¯ . Such equations have the remarkable k l property of defining commutative flows ∂ ∂ , = 0 ∂s ∂s (cid:20) n m(cid:21) for s equal to either t or t¯ . n n n 8 G. CARLET AND L.PH. MERTENS The flows (4) admit a bi-Hamiltonian formulation [1] ∂ · = {·,H } = −{·,H } , (5a) n 1 n−1 2 ∂t n ∂ · = {·,H¯ } = {·,H¯ } (5b) ∂t¯ n 1 n−1 2 n with Hamiltonians given by λn+1 dz λ¯n+1 dz ¯ H = − Res dx, H = − Res dx, n n n+1 z n+1 z Z Z where the residue of a formal series is Res f zkdz = f . The hy- k k z 0 drodynamic type Poisson brackets {,} and {,} are compatible, i.e. 1 2 P any their linear combination is still a Poisson bracket. These Poisson brackets have been defined in [1]. Their definition is recalled below in Proposition 1. 1.2. Analytic setting. DenoteD theclosedunitdiscintheRiemann 0 sphere C ∪ {∞}, D the closure of the complement of D and S1 = ∞ 0 D ∩ D the unit circle. For a compact subset K of the Riemann 0 ∞ sphere, denote by H(K) the space of holomorphic functions on K, i.e. functions which extend holomorphically to a neighbourhood of K. Foreachp ∈ Zthespaceofholomorphicfunctionsonaneighborhood of S1 splits in a direct sum H(S1) = zpH(D )⊕zp−1H(D ). 0 ∞ The projections ( ) : H(S1) → zpH(D ), ( ) : H(S1) → zp−1H(D ) >p 0 6p−1 ∞ are given by zp ζ−pf(ζ) (f) (z) = f zk = dζ, >p k 2πi ζ −z k>p I|z|<|ζ| X zp ζ−pf(ζ) (f) (z) = f zk = − dζ 6p−1 k 2πi ζ −z k6p−1 I|z|>|ζ| X for f(z) = f zk ∈ H(S1). As usual ( ) = ( ) and ( ) = ( ) . k∈Z k + >0 − 6−1 The symbol ( ) : H(S1) → C denotes the coefficient of zk in the k P Laurent series expansion, i.e. (f) = 1 f(z)z−kdz. k 2πi |z|=1 z Define the infinite-dimensional manifold M as the affine subspace H 1 ¯ M = (λ(z),λ(z)) ∈ zH(D )⊕ H(D ) λ(z) = z+O(1) for z → ∞ ∞ 0 z in the(cid:8)direct sum of the vector spaces zH(cid:12)(D ) and 1H(D ). We wi(cid:9)ll (cid:12) ∞ z 0 sometimes refer to M asthe spaceof pairsofholomorphic Laxsymbols. INFINITE-DIMENSIONAL PRINCIPAL HIERARCHIES 9 ¯ ¯ For (λ,λ) ∈ M, the functions λ(z), λ(z) have the following Laurent series expansions λ(z) = z + u zk, λ¯(z) = u¯ zk k k k60 k>−1 X X at ∞ and 0 respectively. ˆ ¯ The tangent space at a point λ = (λ(z),λ(z)) ∈ M will be identified with a space of pairs of functions 1 ∼ T M = H(D )⊕ H(D ) λˆ ∞ z 0 where a vector ∂ is associated with the pair X = (X(z),X¯(z)) given X by X(z) = ∂ λ(z) and X¯(z) = ∂ λ¯(z). X X ˆ The cotangent bundle at λ ∈ M will be given also by a space of pairs of functions T∗M ∼= H(D )⊕zH(D ) λˆ 0 ∞ by representing a covector α as the pair (α(z),α¯(z)) by the residue pairing 1 dz < α,X >= α(z)X(z)+α¯(z)X¯(z) . (6) 2πi z I|z|=1 (cid:2) (cid:3) Note that this residue pairing is slightly different from the pairing used in [3]. A point in the loop space LM of smooth maps from S1 to the M is given by a pair of functions (λ(z,x),λ¯(z,x)). Here S1 = R mod 2π, while the symbol S1 will denote the unit circle in C. ¯ A tangent vector at a point (λ(z,x),λ(z,x)) ∈ LM is clearly iden- tified with a map from S1 to H(D ) ⊕ 1H(D ) and a 1-form with ∞ z 0 a map from S1 to H(D ) ⊕ zH(D ). The pairing of a vector X = 0 ∞ (X(z,x),X¯(z,x)) and a 1-form α = (α(z,x),α¯(z,x)) is 1 dz < α,X >= α(z,x)X(z,x)+α¯(z,x)X¯(z,x) dx, 2πi z IS1I|z|=1 (cid:2) (cid:3) which is the natural extension of the pairing (6). The equations (4) defining the 2D Toda flows specify, for each n > 0, a vector field over LM. Indeed, note that equations (4) are of the form ¯ ¯ (∂ λ,∂ λ) = ({−Q ,λ},{Q ,λ}) t t − + where Q = λn or λ¯n. For (λ,λ¯) ∈ LM, at fixed x ∈ S1, we have Q(z) ∈ H(S1) and we can easily check that this implies that {Q ,λ} ∈ H(D ) − ∞ and {Q ,λ¯} ∈ 1H(D ). Hence ({−Q ,λ},{Q ,λ¯}) ∈ T LM. + z 0 − + λˆ 10 G. CARLET AND L.PH. MERTENS Recall that a Poisson bracket {,} of two local functionals F, G on i LM is written in terms of a Poisson operator P from the cotangent to i the tangent space of LM as follows {F,G} =< dF,P (dG) > . i i The bi-Hamiltonian structure of the 2D Toda hierarchy was defined in [1]. We recall here the formulas for the dispersionless limit of the Poisson brackets, in the analytic setting. Proposition 1. The maps P : T∗LM → TLM define compatible i Poisson brackets on LM. Such maps, given a 1-form ωˆ = (ω,ω¯) ∈ T∗LM at λˆ = (λ,λ¯) ∈ LM, are defined by λˆ ¯ P (ωˆ) = −{λ,(ω −ω¯) }+({λ,ω}+{λ,ω¯}) , 1 − 60 ¯ ¯ {λ,(ω −ω¯) }+({λ,ω}+{λ,ω¯}) (cid:0) + >0 P (ωˆ) = {λ,(λω +λ¯ω¯) }−λ({λ,ω}+{λ¯,ω¯}) +zλ′φ , 2 − (cid:1)60 x −{λ¯,(λω,+λ¯ω¯) }+λ¯({λ,ω}+{λ¯,ω¯}) +zλ¯′φ (cid:0) + >0 x where (cid:1) 1 dz ¯ φ = {λ,ω}+{λ,ω¯} . x 2πi z I|z|=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) The Hamiltonians 1 λn+1 dz 1 λ¯n+1 dz ¯ H = − dx, H = − dx n n 2πi n+1 z 2πi n+1 z ZS1I|z|=1 ZS1I|z|=1 define local functionals on LM and generate the Hamiltonian vector fields (4) according to (5). Summarizing well known facts in this ana- lytic setting: Proposition 2. The dispersionless 2D Toda hierarchy equations (4) define a set of bi-Hamiltonian commuting vector fields on LM, with respect to the Poisson brackets {,} and with recursion relations (5). i Note that we have chosen to represent 1-forms on M by elements of H(D ) ⊕ zH(D ) using the pairing (6). One can more generally 0 ∞ represent a 1-form by a pair of functions in H(S1) ⊕ H(S1): the 1- form does not change by adding to the representative an element in 1H(D )⊕z2H(D ) (recall that zpH(D ) and zpH(D ) are seen here z ∞ 0 ∞ 0 as subspaces of H(S1), for any p ∈ Z). The freedom of choosing the representative extends ofcoursetothe1-formsontheloopspace. Later we will need the following easy to check observation:

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