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INDEX TO VOLUME LVI (1994-1995) Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations Adams, Frederick B., Jr., Winter, 792 Book Collecting Contest, Autumn, 86-88 > Adler, Elmer, Winter, 191-193, 305-306, 192 Books for Our Time, by Marshall Lee et al Adler Book Collecting Contest, Autumn, Winter, 237 86-88 Bradley, Will, Winter, 305 A.I.G.A. (American Institute of Graphic Brokaw, R. Miriam, Winter, 199 Arts), Winter, 301-304 Burnett, Whit, Autumn, 9-14 Alberti, Leon Battista, Winter, 217-218, 279 American Institute of Graphic Arts “A Celebration of Contemporary Ameri- (A.1.G.A.), Winter, 301-304 can Poetry,” by A. Walton Litz, Winter, “American Publishing History at Prince- 310—-314 ton,” by Patricia H. Marks, Autumn, 9-14 Collotype, Winter, 193, 194, 196 Amulet, Iranian, Spring, 409 ConkwrightP,. J., Winter, 175-309, 331 ; Anderson, Bert, Winter, 799 “A History of American Printing Since Acquisitions, Spring, 341-343. See also “New 1850,” Winter, 259-30) 1 “Types and and Notable” Time,” Winter, 253-258;< brochure, Win- Argetsinger, Mark, “Cover Note,” Winter, ter, 308; business card, Winter, 306; 331-332; “Harmony Discovered: PJ. Christmas card, Winter, 309; photographs Conkwright in the Tradition of Classical of, Winter, 174, 178, 190, 192, 199 Typography,” Winter, 183-252 Coptic Gospel of St. Matthew, Spring, 424 Asia, Map of, Spring, 405 Cover Note, Autumn, 162-163; Winter, ) 331-332; Spring, 43! Bailey, Herbert S., Jr., and Datus C. Smith, Jr., “Some Personal Recollections of “Designed by P.J. Conkwright: Books Se- ‘P.J.’,” Winter, 175-182 lected for the A.I.G.A.’s Fifty Books of Ball, George W., “The Last Testament of the Year,” Winter, 301-304 a Vietnam Dissenter,” Spring, 347-369; “Dining Alone: Josephine Perry Morgan and “An Exercise in Diplomacy: The Acqui- the New Social Realities,” by Rosemary sition of George W. Ball’s Papers,” Spring, O’Brien, Spring, 371-399 341-343; “The Public Affairs Leadership Diirer, Albrecht, Winter, 276 of George W. Ball,” by Fred I. Greenstein, Dwiggins, W.A., Winter, 331-312 Spring, 344-345; photographs of, Spring, 340, 340, 351, 350 “An Exercise in Diplomacy: The Acquisi- Basmala, Spring, 431 tion of George W. Ball’s Papers,” Spring, Benserade, Isaac de, Metamorphoses d’Ovide, 341-343 Autumn, 99, /00 Eusebius, De evangelica praeparatione, Winter, Bentley, Gerald Eades, obituary, Winter, 223 0 318-32 Blaew, Willem Jansen, inventor of a print- Faghfoory, Mohammad H., and Karl R ing press, Winter, 209 Schaefer, “Cover Note,” Spring, 431 INDEX TO VOLUME LVI (1994-1995) Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations Adams, Frederick B., Jr., Winter, 792 Book Collecting Contest, Autumn, 86-88 > Adler, Elmer, Winter, 191-193, 305-306, 192 Books for Our Time, by Marshall Lee et al Adler Book Collecting Contest, Autumn, Winter, 237 86-88 Bradley, Will, Winter, 305 A.I.G.A. (American Institute of Graphic Brokaw, R. Miriam, Winter, 199 Arts), Winter, 301-304 Burnett, Whit, Autumn, 9-14 Alberti, Leon Battista, Winter, 217-218, 279 American Institute of Graphic Arts “A Celebration of Contemporary Ameri- (A.1.G.A.), Winter, 301-304 can Poetry,” by A. Walton Litz, Winter, “American Publishing History at Prince- 310—-314 ton,” by Patricia H. Marks, Autumn, 9-14 Collotype, Winter, 193, 194, 196 Amulet, Iranian, Spring, 409 ConkwrightP,. J., Winter, 175-309, 331 ; Anderson, Bert, Winter, 799 “A History of American Printing Since Acquisitions, Spring, 341-343. See also “New 1850,” Winter, 259-30) 1 “Types and and Notable” Time,” Winter, 253-258;< brochure, Win- Argetsinger, Mark, “Cover Note,” Winter, ter, 308; business card, Winter, 306; 331-332; “Harmony Discovered: PJ. Christmas card, Winter, 309; photographs Conkwright in the Tradition of Classical of, Winter, 174, 178, 190, 192, 199 Typography,” Winter, 183-252 Coptic Gospel of St. Matthew, Spring, 424 Asia, Map of, Spring, 405 Cover Note, Autumn, 162-163; Winter, ) 331-332; Spring, 43! Bailey, Herbert S., Jr., and Datus C. Smith, Jr., “Some Personal Recollections of “Designed by P.J. Conkwright: Books Se- ‘P.J.’,” Winter, 175-182 lected for the A.I.G.A.’s Fifty Books of Ball, George W., “The Last Testament of the Year,” Winter, 301-304 a Vietnam Dissenter,” Spring, 347-369; “Dining Alone: Josephine Perry Morgan and “An Exercise in Diplomacy: The Acqui- the New Social Realities,” by Rosemary sition of George W. Ball’s Papers,” Spring, O’Brien, Spring, 371-399 341-343; “The Public Affairs Leadership Diirer, Albrecht, Winter, 276 of George W. Ball,” by Fred I. Greenstein, Dwiggins, W.A., Winter, 331-312 Spring, 344-345; photographs of, Spring, 340, 340, 351, 350 “An Exercise in Diplomacy: The Acquisi- Basmala, Spring, 431 tion of George W. Ball’s Papers,” Spring, Benserade, Isaac de, Metamorphoses d’Ovide, 341-343 Autumn, 99, /00 Eusebius, De evangelica praeparatione, Winter, Bentley, Gerald Eades, obituary, Winter, 223 0 318-32 Blaew, Willem Jansen, inventor of a print- Faghfoory, Mohammad H., and Karl R ing press, Winter, 209 Schaefer, “Cover Note,” Spring, 431 Fellowships, Autumn, 158-159 f Mirth Ferguson, Stephen, “Arthur Cort Holden, 1890 1993,” Winter, >2<9 1-29>5“) ennade John F., Spring, 346 Foley, Martha, Autumn, 9-14 Knopf, Alfred A., Winter, 192 Fournier /e jeune, Winter, 183 184, 184 Kotwicki, Jennifer Lynn The World I Friends of the Library, Autumn, 158-161; Have Never Seen,” Autumn 86-88 Winter, 315-330 Friends’ Visiting Fellowships, Autumn, Lanham, General C.T Autumn, 39 158-159 ‘The Last Test ament of a Vietnam Dissent Frigge, Karli, Marbled Landscapes, Autumn, er,” by George W. Ball, Spring, 347 309 192 Lee, Marshall, Winter 237 ‘From Will Bradley P.J. Conkwright Levy, Brooks, “Small Wonders Greek Fra Twentieth-Century Typography in the inage Spring, 429 Princeton Graphic Arts Collection,” by Autumn, 86-88: Winter Dale Roylance, Winter, 305 309 14; Spring, 421 428 Jan, Winter, 177-19 Garrett, Robert, Spring, 420, 421-428 y Naturalainsd mth e ‘The Garrett Collection Revisited,” by Don Revisions of C. Skemer, Spring, 421~428 Ri hard A Kaye Gilbert, Ellen D., “William Sloane and the Art of Editing,” Autumn, 73-85 A. Walton, “A Celel Goldfeld, Mrs. Stephen M., Winter, 376 temperary American Poetry Goudy, Frederic, Winter, 188, 2098 310-314 Greenstein, Fred I., “The Public Affairs Ludwig, Richard M., Winter Leadership of George W. Ball,” Spring, 3447345 Manr, Th omas Autumn 113 Map of Asia 1500 opru ng 405 Halpern, Daniel, Winter, 317 Marbled Landscape by Karli Frigge “Harmony Discovered: P.J. Conkwright in 135 the Tradition of Classical Typography,” Marks, Patricia H., American Pu by Mark Argetsinger, Winter, 183-252 History at Pri nceton,’ Autumn Hass, Robert, Winter, 317 over Note Autumn, 162 163 Hemingway, Ernest, Autumn, 10, 11-12, Marshall, L yuise Scheide Winter 15-45, 24, 35, 37> 39, 39 Matthew, Gospel of, Spring, 424, “Hemingway: A Publisher’s Perspective, Milberg, Leonard L., Winter, 31 by Charles Scribner m1, Autumn, 15-23 Milberg, Mrs. LeonardL ., Winter Henry Holt & Co., Autumn, 74-79 Monnet, Jean, Spring, 346 “A History of American Printing Since Morgan, Josephine Perry, Spring 1850,” by P.J. Conkwright, Winter, 259-301 photographsof , Spring, 370, 373, Holden, Arthur Cort, obituary Winter, 290, 398 321-325 Mor3g8a5 n, 386 Junius Spencer, Spring Hollander, John, Winter, 372 photographosf , Spring, 380 The House of Mirth, by Edith Wharton, Au- 392, 390 tumn, 47 / Morgan Sarah Spencer Spring Hull Printing Company, Winter, after 292 Morris, William, Winter Moxon Je seph Winter 20090 Islamic printing (tarshes), Spring, 401-419 tion from Mechanick Exercises Murai, Masanari, “Square Johnson, Lyndon B., Spring, 347-369, 351, re)s R5e Q) New and Notable, Autumn, 89 _a sk, Jack, Winter, 199 429-430 Kaye, Richard A., “Literary Naturalism and Numismatics Autumn, 89-90 Spr I the P.a ssive Maie: Edith Wharton’s Re- $29 430 O’Brien, Rosemary, “Dining Alone: Scribner, Charles, m, “Hemingway: A Pub- Josephine Perry Morgan and the New lisher’s Perspective,” 15-23 Social Realities,” Spring, 371-399 Scribner Bookstore, Autumn, 17 Ovid, Autumn, 99, 100 Skemer, Don, C., “The Garrett Collection Revisited,” Spring, 421-428; quoted, Au- The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Winter, tumn, 13 197-200, 199 Sloane, William, Autumn, 12-13, 73-85, 83 Parker, Ann, Itinerant Images of Guatemala, “Small Wonders: Greek Fractional Silver Autumn, 109, 1/0 Coinage,” by Brooks Levy, Spring Poetry, contemporary American, Winter, $29~430 310-314 Smith, Datus C., Jr., Winter, 799 “The Posthumous Hemingway Puzzle,” by Smith, Datus C., Jr., and Herbert S. Bailey, Rose Marie Burwell, Autumn, 25-45 Jr., “Some Personal Recollections of Praxinoscope toy theater, Autumn, 129 ‘P J.’,” Winter, 175-182 “The Public Affairs Leadership of George “Some Personal Recollections of ‘P.J.’,” by W. Ball,” by Fred I. Greenstein, Spring, DatusC . Smith, Jr., and Herbert S. Bailey, 3447345 Jr., Winter, 175-182 Publishing history, Autumn, 9-14 The Stinehour Press, Winter, after 228 St. Matthew, Coptic Gospel of, Spring, 423 Qur’an, Spring, 4/0 Stoneman, William P., Winter, 376 Story Magazine, Autumn, 9-14, 8 Raynaud, Emile, Autumn, 729 Rice, Elmer, Autumn, 173 Tarshes (Islamic printing), Spring, Robertson, Mrs. David A., Jr., Winter, 376 {OI-419 Roche, Thomas P., Jr., “Gerald Eades Town Topics, masthead design, Winter, 307 Bentley, 1901-1994,” Winter, 318-321 “Types and Time,” by PJ. Conkwright, Roylance, Dale, “From Will Bradley to P.J Winter, 253-258 Conkwright: Twentieth-Century Typog- Typography, Winter, 175-309 raphy in the Princeton Graphic Arts Col- lection,” Winter, 305-309 Updike, Irving, Winter, 199 Rusk, Dean, Spring, 357 Ruskin, John, page from “Geological Jour- Van Zandt, Helen, Winter, 177-178, nal,” Winter, 194 Vietnam War, Spring, 341-369 Rutgers University Press, Autumn, Vitruvius, Winter, 212-217, 213 Schaefer, Karl R., “The Scheide Tarsh,” Weiss, Theodore and Renée, Winter, 373 Spring, 401-419 Wenzell, A.B., illustrator, Autumn, 46, 53, Schaefer, Karl R., and Mohammad H 59, 62, 66 Faghfoory, “Cover Note,” Spring, 431 WhJa. rton, Edith, Autumn, 12, 47-72 Scheide, William H., Winter, 315, 376 “William Sloane and the Art of Editing,” Scheide, Mrs. William H., Winter, 3/6 by Ellen D. Gilbert, Autumn, 73-85 “The Scheide Tarsh,” by Karl R. Schaefer ‘The World I Have Never Seen,” by Jen- Spring, 401-419 nifer Lynn Kotwicki, Autumn, 86-88 Scribner, CharlesJ,r ., “Ernest Hemingway: A Publisher’s Assessment,” Autumn, 18-22 Zuii Pueblo, man from, Autumn, 141

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