Description:Empress Damera Istanova has been gravely wounded and poisoned in battle against the forces of the Duke of Ashes. Despite the healing power of a beautiful angel, she is plagued by unnatural urges even as she tries to lead her battered army in a fight to save the empire.
The empress prepares to face the full brunt of the enemy's assault. She has been abandoned by her alliesa and her brother is more concerned with tormenting his housemaids in the capital city than offering her any assistance. The empress will stand alone and attempt to outwit her foes. Unbending in the face of the monster horde, fearless against the diabolical Red Witch, she is threatened by lust more insidious than any foe.
Darkness descends upon Istanov and the empress stands alone. In this 15,000+ word tale, she will either face her downfall at the hands of the monsters or triumph and save Istanov. Will she prevail? Or will she become just another slave to pleasure?