Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–11(XXXX) Printed30January2013 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Primordial triples and collisions of massive stars Nickolas Moeckel1(cid:63) and Ian A. Bonnell2† 1University Observatory Munich, Scheinerstrasse 1, D-81679 Munich, Germany 2SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, North Haugh, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9SS AcceptedXXX.ReceivedXXX;inoriginalformXXX 3 1 ABSTRACT 0 Massive stars are known to have a high multiplicity, with examples of higher order 2 multiples among the nearest and best studied objects. In this paper we study hierar- n chicalmultiplesystems(aninnerbinaryasacomponentofawiderbinary)ofmassive a stars in a clustered environment, in which a system with a size of 100–1000 au will J undergo many close encounters during the short lifetime of a massive star. Using two 9 types of N-body experiment we determine the post-formation collision probabilities 2 of these massive hierarchies. We find that, depending on the specifics of the environ- ment, the hierarchy, and the amount of time that is allowed to pass, tens of percent ] R of hierarchies will experience a collision, typically between the two stars of the inner S binary.Inadditiontocollisions,clustershostingahierarchicalmassivesystemproduce . high velocity runaways at an enhanced rate. The primordial multiplicity specifics of h massivestarsappeartoplayakeyroleinthegenerationoftheserelativelysmallnum- p ber events in cluster simulations, complicating their use as diagnostics of a cluster’s - o history. r t Key words: binaries: general – methods: n-body simulations – open clusters and s a associations: general – stellar dynamics [ 1 v 9 1 INTRODUCTION 2004). While most of these studies are purely gravitational 5 andinvolveonlybinariesandsingles,recentworkhaspushed 9 Collisions between stars is a topic that, depending on its into higher order multiples (Leigh & Geller 2012). Beyond 6 context,cancarrywithitawhiffofcontroversy.Severalau- gravity, other work examines the hydrodynamics of stellar . thorshavestudieditasamechanismforgeneralmassivestar 1 collisions (e.g. Davies et al. 1993; Sills et al. 1997, 2002; formation(e.g.Bonnelletal.1998;Bally&Zinnecker2005), 0 Lombardi et al. 2003; Laycock & Sills 2005; Gaburov et al. althoughtheprimemotivationforconsideringcollisionalfor- 3 2008, 2010). 1 mationhasweakenedasnumericalmodelsofstarformation Our focus here is on collisions involving massive stellar : have become more sophisticated. More recent work on col- v systems (with masses greater than 10 M(cid:12)) after their for- lisions in the formation phase of massive stars has tended i mation and during their brief main sequence lifetime, when X to focus on the most massive, exotic objects (Davis et al. they are gravitationally interacting with other stars in nor- 2010;Moeckel&Clarke2011;Baumgardt&Klessen2011). r mal1 environments.Ourmainmotivationistheobservation a This scenario bears many similarities to the runway colli- thatmassivestarsarehighlymultiple(Garc´ıa&Mermilliod sion product route to intermediate mass black holes in core 2001; Sana et al. 2008, 2009; Chini et al. 2012; Sana et al. collapsedmassiveclusters(e.g.PortegiesZwart&McMillan 2012); we lay the scenario we have in mind in more detail 2002;Gu¨rkanetal.2004;Freitagetal.2006;Gaburovetal. now. 2010). This latter scenario has its own controversies, but col- lisions of stars themselves in the purely gravitational N- 1.1 Encounter timescales body studies devoted to it is not one of them. Given suf- ficiently high stellar densities and enough time, collisions Consider first encounters between a binary system and a willoccur.Asanotherexample,collisionshavebeeninvoked passingstarwithamaximumclosestapproachbetweenthe in order to explain blue stragglers (e.g. Leonard 1989; Sig- intruder and the binary centre of mass renc. For something urdsson & Phinney 1993; Bacon et al. 1996; Fregeau et al. 1 By which we mean non-extreme, e.g. without invoking tem- (cid:63) [email protected]; @nickolas1 porarily high stellar densities at some stage of a star cluster’s † [email protected] earlyexistence. (cid:13)c XXXXRAS 2 Moeckel & Bonnell of mass M with velocity dispersion σ, i.e. 101 i (cid:12) (cid:12) 100 Mn =t o1t0a4l =pc -23,100 M5 pflc-3 (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)Gm20am1(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:46) 12Miσ2, (2) σ = 1 km s-1,10 km s-1 will be quickly disrupted without undergoing any complex Myr 10-1 s‘hmaardll’-Nbindayrnyambyicsco(nHteragsgti,ew1i9t7h5;biHnudting&eBnearhgcyalwl e1l9l8i3n).exA- / cess of the typical kinetic energy of it’s neighbours, is more nc10-2 M = 150 M likely to undergo chaotic and complex resonant encounters. e total t n = 104 pc-3,105 pc-fl3 Massive binaries are energetically hard out to large enough 10-3 σ = 1 km s-1,10 km s-1 separations to allow interesting encounters to take place on timescales small compared to the short lifetimes of O stars. However,withthewiderseparationrelativetothestel- 10-4 lar radius comes a decreasing chance of collisions (Fregeau 101 102 103 104 etal.2004),andtheincreasedencounterratedoesnotgen- erate a higher net collision frequency. Generally, for an en- r / au enc countertohaveahighprobabilityofcollisionsbetweenstars you need binaries that are so compact (R /a (cid:46) 10−3, or Figure 1. The encounter timescale versus encounter radius for (cid:63) representativemassivestellarsystems.Theredlineshowsanen- a (cid:46) 10 au for massive stars) that in a cluster with peak counterbetween20M(cid:12)ofstars,theblacklinesfor150M(cid:12).Thin numberdensitiesoforder104 pc−3 theencounterrateistoo linesareinanenvironmentwithstellarnumberdensityn=104 small to be significant over a few Myr. pc−3 andonedimensionalvelocitydispersionσ=1kms−1,and Whatifoneofthestarsinabinarythatislargeenough thethicklinesareforn=105 pc−3 andσ=10kms−1. tohavefrequentencountersisnotasingle,butitselfacom- pact binary? Generally referred to as a hierarchical system, this setup introduces the possibility of a two-stage collision interestingtohappen,r shouldbesomethinglikethebi- enc process: the wide (but still energetically hard) binary acts nary semi-major axis a. We can estimate the frequency of as a net to draw passing stars into encounters at a high these encounters as t ≈ (nσv)−1, with the number den- enc rate. The interaction with the wide binary shepherds in- sity of single stars n moving at velocity v relative to the trudersintocloseproximitywiththecompactbinarywitha binary with an encounter cross section σ. The cross section higher frequency than it would experience by itself, poten- must take into account the gravitational focussing of orbits tially leading to collisions. Leigh & Sills (2011) analytically (e.g.Leonard1989),sothatforabinaryofmassM andan b studiedthiseffectiveenhancementoftheinnerbinaryinter- intruder of mass M the cross section is i actionrateinthecontextofbluestragglerformation;Geller (cid:18) (cid:19) σ=πr2 1+ 2G(Mb+Mi) . (1) et al. (2013) numerically confirmed the predictions of that enc rencv2 work. The process is relevant to dynamically formed triples given the time and length scales of old open and globular Infigure1weshowthisencountertimescale2 asafunc- clusters, and here we investigate it in young clusters with tion of r for representative values of the system mass enc massive primordial triples. andclusterenvironment.Atsmallencounterseparationsthe gravitational focussing limit depends on the stellar masses; the large separation geometrical limit is set by the cluster 1.3 Observational and theoretical support for environment. Even very massive systems (encounter part- higher order massive multiples ners totalling over 100 M(cid:12)) have encounter timescales of Higher order multiples are found among nearby stars of order1Myrforencounterradiiof10au.At100sto1000sof approximately Solar mass (e.g. Duquennoy & Mayor 1991; au,anymassivesysteminatypicalclusterhasanencounter Raghavan et al. 2010), as well as the nearby massive stars timescale of a fraction of a Myr. Binaries in this separation in the Trapezium (Θ1 Ori A and B are a triple and at least range should have close encounters during the stars’ main quadruple;Preibischetal.1999;Schertletal.2003)andelse- sequence lifetimes. where in Orion; Θ2 Ori A (Preibisch et al. 2001) and σ Ori AB(Sanz-Forcadaetal.2004).Intheembeddedphasethere 1.2 The insufficiency of mere binaries are already hints of high order multiplicity among massive objects (e.g. W3 IRS 5; Megeath et al. 2005), suggesting a Encounterfrequencyisnotenoughtocausecollisions,how- primordial rather than than dynamic origin. ever; the multiple systems should also be resistant to quick On the theoretical side, perhaps the most likely forma- and outright destruction by the intruder and, furthermore, tionscenarioforprimordialmassivebinariesisdiscfragmen- likely to have individual stars pass closely enough together tation (Adams et al. 1989; Laughlin & Bodenheimer 1994; during the interaction to collide. A binary with component Bonnell 1994; Bonnell & Bate 1994a,b). In simulations of masses m and m and semi-major axis a that is energeti- 0 1 star formation, starting from a variety of initial conditions cally ‘soft’ relative to the energy of a typical intruder star and utilising different techniques, small-N multiples born outofdiscfragmentationarecommon(e.g.Krumholzetal. 2 WeactuallyplotthetimescaleaveragedoveraMaxwellianve- 2007,2009;Bate2009;Petersetal.2010;Stamatellosetal. locity distribution (Binney & Tremaine 2008), which introduces 2011;Greifetal.2011;Bate2012).Aroundmassivestarsin acorrectionoforderunitytothenσv estimate. particular fragmentation seems prevalent, perhaps because (cid:13)c XXXXRAS,MNRAS000,1–11 Primordial triples and collisions of massive stars 3 incontrasttoSolartypestarscontinuedhighaccretionrates bedded7thorderestimatorforerrorcontrol(Prince&Dor- onto the disc result in conditions more favourable to frag- mand 1981). During integration if a subsystem of the stars mentation into binaries of multiple systems (Kratter et al. becomes isolated (e.g. a temporary binary is on a looping 2008, 2010). Fragmentation in such massive discs tends to orbit far from the other stars) it is advanced analytically occuratthediscedge,atradiioforder102 to103 au,which until the tidal force on the subsystem from other stars ex- is the right separation for frequent encounters in a cluster. ceeds some fraction of the internal force of the subsystem; A possible scenario for the formation of a hierarchical we use 10−5 as the tolerance for direct integration. tripleisfragmentationfollowedbyaccretion-inducedorbital The hierarchical triple system consisted of an inner bi- shrinkage(Bonnell&Bate2005)ordiscmigration(Goldre- narywithsemi-majoraxisa whichwasinturnonemember 0 ich & Tremaine 1980) leading to a binary with separation of a wider binary with a (cid:29)a . Both binaries initially had 1 0 of order 10 au, surrounded by a circumbinary disc (Arty- zero eccentricity, with orbital planes randomly oriented rel- mowicz&Lubow1994,1996).Furtherfragmentationofthis ative to each other. We chose the mass of the primary star disc could lead to another companion at larger radii. Alter- m from a Salpeter-like mass function dN/dm∝m−2.3 be- 0 natively, early protostellar dynamics involving a disc that tween10 and 150M(cid:12),and theinnerbinary partner’smass fragments into multiple objects may settle into a hierar- m by randomly selecting a binary mass ratio q = m /m 1 1 0 chical arrangement (e.g. Sterzik & Durisen 1998), partic- in the range 0.1 to 1.0, with the mass ratio distributed ularly when dissipative tidal forces are included (Mardling as a power law with p(q) ∝ q−0.1. Recent observations of & Aarseth 2001). O-star binaries in six Galactic open clusters (Sana et al. Whilehydrodynamicsimulationsofstarformationcre- 2012)motivatedthischoice.Theouterbinarypartner’smass ate higher order multiples with some frequency, they are m was likewise drawn by picking a mass ratio relative to 2 seldomincludedininitialconditionswhenperforminggrav- the system’s primary star m . The inner binary thus had 0 itationalN-bodystudiesofstarclusters(althoughtheycer- mass M = m +m , and the hierarchy as a whole had b 0 1 tainlycanformduringthecourseofasimulation).Encoun- M =M +m .Theintrudingstar’smassM hadthesame t b 2 i ters involving triples have only recently seen some of the massfunctionastheprimary,butintherange1to150M(cid:12). attention given to binary-single and binary-binary encoun- Table 1 collects these symbols for reference. ters (Leigh & Geller 2012), and their focus was on stars During integrations, Fewbody detects collisions be- of roughly Solar mass. If massive hierarchies are included tween stars if their surfaces are detected to have touched. in the initial conditions, the timescale and energetics argu- Thesecollisionsaremassandmomentumconserving,anap- ments above are at least suggestive of resultant interesting proachsometimesreferredtoas‘stickyspheres’.Wetherefor encounters. neededaradiusforeachstar.Weusedasimpleparameteri- sationofmain-sequenceradii:withradiiandmassesherein Solar units, r =m0.9 for m<2.5, and r =2.50.9(m/2.5)0.6 1.4 The plan for m (cid:62) 2.5 (see e.g. figure 4 in Demircan & Kahraman Inthispaperwesetouttonumericallydeterminestellarcol- 1991). We make no claim that this choice was overly real- lisionratesinvolvingmassive,primordial,hierarchicaltriples istic. Since there is no stellar evolution included in Few- in a clustered environment. We make use of two types of body, we merely wanted plausible and non-extreme values. numericalexperiment.Insection2wedescribeidealiseden- The parameterisation is probably conservatively small for counters between isolated hierarchies and perturbing stars, very young stars that may be actively accreting (Hosokawa and in section 3 we describe those results, and in section 4 & Omukai 2009). webrieflydiscusstheirrestrictiontocoplanarhierarchies.In Weintroducedtheintruderatarandomorientationrel- sections 5 and 6 we describe more expensive and thus lim- ative to the hierarchy, with relative velocity at infinity v itedexperimentsinvolvingafullclustersimulationtoverify andtheimpactparameterdistributedproportionallytothe the small-N work. Given the history of massive star forma- probabilityoftheencounter(i.e.proportionaltothesquare tion theory, we would like to emphasise that the processes oftheimpactparameter)outtoamaximumvalue.Themax- we are studying here have very little to do directly with imum value varied according to the stellar masses and the the formation of individual massive stars; we are studying velocity of the encounter so that the maximum pericenter the relatively uncontroversial dynamics of star clusters us- between the intruder and the hierarchy was equal to 3a1. inginitialconditionsthatcanarguablybesupportedbythe If, at the end of an encounter, a stable triple still existed gamut of massive star formation theories. Our primary as- (according to the approximate triple stability criterion of sumptionsaretheexistenceofstarclustersandhigherorder Mardling&Aarseth2001)wesentanotherintruderin,ran- multiples. domlydrawninthesamewayasthefirstone.Thisprocess repeated until either the triple had been disrupted or else thesystemhadsurvived20intruders.Throughoutthepaper, if a hierarchy was reduced to singles and binaries we refer 2 SMALL-N EXPERIMENTAL SETUP to it as ‘resolved’. For this part of the paper we set up isolated hierarchical For semi-major axes we used stable combinations of triple systems of massive stars and bombarded them with a /au ∈ {10,30,100} and a /au ∈ {100,300,1000}. With 0 1 otherstars(called‘intruders’).WeusedthecodeFewbody v/km s−1 ∈ {1,5,20} we covered velocities appropriate to (Fregeau et al. 2004), an N-body integrator optimised for a wide range of cluster environments. For each set of hier- thistypeofsmall-Nexperiment.WhileFregeauetal.(2004) archy and encounter parameters we ran 16384 random re- shouldbeconsultedfordetails,briefly:thecodeusesavari- alisations, for a total of nearly 3×105 individual systems, able timestep 8th order Runge-Kutta method with an em- each undergoing up to 20 encounters. This limit was arbi- (cid:13)c XXXXRAS,MNRAS000,1–11 4 Moeckel & Bonnell a = 10 au a = 300 au 0 1 vv == 11 kkmm ss--11 vv == 55 kkmm ss--11 vv == 2200 kkmm ss--11 1.0 1.0 1.0 n o0.8 0.8 0.8 ti c a fr0.6 0.6 0.6 e v ati0.4 0.4 0.4 ul intruder inner binary m input colliders input colliders u0.2 0.2 0.2 c 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 M / M M / M M / M fl fl fl Figure2.Theintruderandinnerbinarymassfunctionsforallruns(thinlines)andrunswhereacollisionoccurred(thicklines)witha0 =10auanda1 =300au.Collisionsoccurmoreoftenwithmoremassiveintruders.Themassofthehierarchycomponentsonlybecomes afactorwhenthehierarchyisnolongerenergeticallyhardwithrespecttotheintruder. In figure 2 we show for one of the hierarchy setups Table 1.Symbolsdescribingthehierarchyandtheintruder. (a = 10 au, a = 300 au; this is representative of all the 0 1 sets) the intruder star M and inner binary M mass func- m0 Innerbinaryprimarymass i b m1 Innerbinarysecondarymass;m1<=m0 tions, showing both the input mass function and that for m2 Outerbinarysecondarymass;m2<=m0 systemsinvolvedincollisions.Atrelativelylowintruderve- Mb Innerbinarymass;Mb=m0+m1 locities (v = 1 and 5 km s−1) the mass function of inner Mt Triplemass;Mt=m0+m1+m2 binaries in colliding systems is nearly identical to the input Mi Intrudermass mass function. More massive intruders are more likely to a0 Innerbinarysemi-majoraxis result in collisions. At high relative velocities large values a1 Outerbinarysemi-majoraxis of M likewise begin to become more likely. This is due to v Relativevelocitybetweentheintruderandthetriple b the increased energy of the intruders. Taking the hierarchy for the moment as a binary consisting of M and m , most b 2 systems are energetically hard to most intruders at 5 km trary;thenumberofencountersahierarchymayexperience s−1 withthelargehierarchymasseswearedealingwith.At dependssensitivelyonitsenvironment.Thesimulationsde- 20 km s−1 a less massive hierarchy is not robust to ionisa- scribed in section 5 include the appropriate encounter rate tion,andmoremassivesystemsareneededtoremainintact for example clusters. for several collisions. When a collision does occur, the stars of the inner bi- naryaremostlikelytobeinvolved.Infigure3weshowthe 3 SMALL-N RESULTS fractionaldistributionofcollisionpartnersfortherunswith Table 3 summarises the collision frequency for each set of a1 = 10a0. Shades of blue are collisions involving at least runs. For each setup we show the percent of runs with var- one member of the inner binary, with the darkest shade in- ious collision partners for all of the runs as well as for only dicatingacollisionbetweenm0 andm1.Collisionsinvolving thoserunsinwhichtheoriginalhierarchyresolvedtoamix- the outer member of the hierarchy are quite rare. tureofsinglesandlonebinaries.Weregardthisquantityas In figure 4 we plot the collision fraction as a function morefundamentalthanthetotalpercentage;theoverallcol- of the outer to inner binary ratio, a /a . While we have 1 0 lision percentages can only rise as more and more intruders too few points to determine the functional form of this re- are simulated, while the resolved fraction is representative lationship, the general trend is clear and unsurprising; the oftheoverallpotentialforcollisions.Thenumberofintrud- bettertheinnerbinarycanbeapproximatedasasinglebody ers that might be expected in a real cluster depends on the thelowerthecollisionfraction.Theotherrelationshipmade timeframe of interest and the cluster properties. In section clear in this plot is the decreasing collision fraction as the 5 we consider a limited set of these runs in a cluster setup inner binary separation increases. This is analogous to the similartosomethingliketheOrionNebulaCluster.Wenow binary–singleandbinary–binarycollisionresultsofFregeau discusssomeofthetrendsapparentintheseresults;mostof et al. (2004), who show that the collision fraction increases these are consistent with results from binary-single scatter- roughly as a weak (sub-linear but not constant) power of ing work. R /a. (cid:63) (cid:13)c XXXXRAS,MNRAS000,1–11 Primordial triples and collisions of massive stars 5 collision partner distribution Table 2. Collision fractions for the isolated encounter simu- lations. 0:1 0:2 0:i 1:2 1:i 2:i triple a0 a1 v 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 percentofrunswithcolliders au au km s-1 a0 a1 v 0:1 0:2 0:i 1:2 1:i 2:i total 10 100 1 10 100 1 31.9 1.3 2.9 1.2 1.1 0.5 39.6 10 100 5 91%resolved 34.6 1.4 2.6 1.3 0.8 0.4 41.8 10 100 5 32.8 1.5 3.2 1.4 1.1 0.5 41.1 10 100 20 80%resolved 40.5 1.8 3.2 1.6 1.0 0.4 49.2 30 300 1 10 100 20 17.7 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.2 20.2 42%resolved 42.1 1.3 1.1 1.1 0.5 0.2 46.5 30 300 5 30 300 1 20.9 0.6 1.1 0.7 0.4 0.1 23.9 30 300 20 93%resolved 22.3 0.6 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.1 25.3 30 300 5 20.9 0.8 1.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 24.3 100 1000 1 70%resolved 29.8 1.1 1.4 0.9 0.4 0.2 34.0 100 1000 5 30 300 20 8.5 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 8.9 23%resolved 37.7 0.5 0.3 0.7 0.1 0.0 39.3 100 1000 20 100 1000 1 11.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 12.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 95%resolved 11.8 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.0 13.0 fraction of collisions 100 1000 5 10.6 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 11.2 48%resolved 22.0 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.0 23.1 Figure3.Forthoserunswithcollisions,thedistributionofcolli- 100 1000 20 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 sionpartners.Blueshadesaredoublecollisionsinvolvingamem- 10%resolved 33.2 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 33.6 ber of the inner binary. Red and green show the small number of collisions between the outer member of the hierarchy and the 10 300 1 23.5 0.7 2.1 0.5 0.8 0.4 28.2 intruderandtriplecollisions,respectively.Collisionsarepredom- 90%resolved 25.6 0.7 1.7 0.5 0.6 0.2 29.7 inantlybetweenthemembersoftheinnerbinary. 10 300 5 20.4 0.6 1.5 0.5 0.6 0.3 24.0 59%resolved 34.3 0.9 1.6 0.7 0.5 0.2 38.4 10 300 20 2.6 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 2.9 0.5 v = 1 km s-1 13%resolved 20.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.0 21.1 0.4 a0=10 au 30 1000 1 8.9 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 10.1 0.3 95%resolved 9.3 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.0 10.4 a0=30 au 30 1000 5 6.0 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 6.6 0.2 35%resolved 17.1 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.0 18.3 ns0.1 a0=100 au 30 1000 20 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 o si0.0 5%resolved 4.9 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 5.5 olli0.5101 v = 5 km s-1 102 10 1000 1 5.6 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.1 7.0 c h 0.4 94%resolved 5.8 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.1 7.1 wit0.3 10 1000 5 2.5 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 3.1 s 28%resolved 8.9 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.0 10.2 n0.2 u r 10 1000 20 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 of 0.1 4%resolved 2.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 3.0 n 0.0 o acti0.5101 v = 20 km s-1 102 sS−em1.i-Cmoalljiosrionaxpeasrtan0erasn‘d0’,a‘11’a,raendin‘2a’ua;revetlhoecitpyrimvairsy,ininnkemr fr0.4 resolved secondary, and outer secondary. Partner ‘i’ is the impactor. 0.3 runs Eachsetshowsthepercentageofcollisionsforallrunsaswell 0.2 all runs asonlyresolvedruns 0.1 0.0 11001 30 110020 Figure 5 shows the collision fractions as a function of a1 / a0 intrudervelocity,againfortherunswitha1 =10a0.Thede- cline in the overall fraction is, as mentioned above, mainly Figure 4. The fraction of runs that have a collision versus the due to the unresolved nature of an increasing percentage of ratio of the outer to inner binary semi-major axis. Thick lines runsasvelocityincreases.Thistendencyforhighervelocity showtheresultforallruns,thinlinesshowonlyresolvedruns. runstorequiremoreencounterstoresolvethehierarchycan be explained by appeal to the existing extensive work done onbinary-singlescattering(Hut&Bahcall1983;Hut1983). Treating the inner binary as its centre of mass particle (so thatthehierarchyisreducedtoasinglebinarywithcompo- nents M and m ), the critical energy at which the energy b 2 (cid:13)c XXXXRAS,MNRAS000,1–11 6 Moeckel & Bonnell s part in a collision). As v increases, the fraction of resolved ollision00..45 aa01==1100 0a uau resolved bbruiennrasersydo.rloTvpehdse,dmbuuoetstttohmcoaosslelsiistvihoeantssyasttrheeamnresbshyoalvdveiesdrluoawprteeiromnenoorcfeotulhniketeeolryuvtteeor- c runs with 0.3 aa01==3300 0a uau clooclliitsiieosnrefrlaactitvioent.oFothreexinanmeprleb,inaanryinnvce,ra3n0dauthbuisnaaryhiwghitehr ns 20M(cid:12)componentsencounteringa5M(cid:12)impactoratv=20 ction of ru00..21 aa01==110000 0a uau all runs k2ttohmMear(cid:12)sne−s,1eoanhlnvcaoedsduvvn/c/tovevlcrclis∼∼wioit2n0h..84f.ra.aAIcsfitsniwovgneleincfobhcrrianendaagisrffeeyestr(htethnehetebphiinrnieoanrbreaylrrecmmohniaereses)sd,esustacanterdost a fr0.0 to converge, seen in figure 5. 1010 5 101 20 These arguments are clearly approximate, treating the hierarchy as disconnected binaries, but the results seem to v / km s-1 fall in line with the extensive work done on cleaner binary– Figure5.Thefractionofrunsthathaveacollisionforalltheruns single and binary–binary encounters. The details of triple– witha1=10a0asafunctionofthevelocityoftheintruder.Thick single encounters have only recently begun to be explored lines show the result for all runs, thin lines show only resolved in the same way (Leigh & Geller 2012), and more idealised runs. experimentsthanthosewehaveperformedhere(e.g.amore controlledmassfunction)areneededtoteaseoutthefunda- mental details. The more naturalistic setup we have chosen of the binary plus intruder is zero: gives some hints about the trends that might be expected M m (M +m +M ) 1 v2 =G b 2 b 2 i . (3) for the specific case of massive hierarchies in a young clus- c Mi(Mb+m2) a1 ter. The question then becomes, how many hierarchies will Forroughlyequalmassstars,thisiswithinafactoroforder be resolved in a realistic cluster, rather then the arbitrary unity of equation 2. For intruder velocities v < v encoun- 20 encounters that we have performed? c tersarelikelytobemorecomplex.Asv getshigherrelative to v the most likely non-flyby outcome is ionisation of the c binary, but its cross section becomes increasingly small, as 4 THE COPLANAR SPECIAL CASE v−2 (Hut&Bahcall1983).Asthetimescaleoverwhicheach individualencountertakesplaceshrinks,sodoesthechance The work we discussed above used hierarchies with ran- ofcloseinteractionsbetweentheintruderandabinarycom- domly oriented orbital planes. While this is the most gen- ponent,andmoreencountersareflybysthatleavethebinary eralcaseandappropriatetodynamicallyformedhierarchies, relatively unscathed. in a disc formation scenario nearly coplanar orbits might Thedecreaseintheresolvedfractionitselfwithincreas- be expected. This special case caries with it two important ing velocity makes sense in this approximation. The expla- physicaleffects.First,coplanarorbitsmaximisethenetan- nation for the increased collision fraction of resolved runs gular momentum of a hierarchy. Previous scattering work withincreasingv hasitsrootsinthesameidea.Inorderfor hasshownthattheangularmomentumofasystemisakey the hierarchy to be resolved by our definition, the possible parameter in determining the scattering outcome (Mikkola outcomesareionisationoftheouterbinaryfromtheinnerbi- & Valtonen 1986). Specific to the situation at hand, Leigh nary,morecomplicatedreorganisationofthefourstarsinto & Geller (2012) showed that in triple–single encounters in- binaries and singles, or a collision. As mentioned above the creasingthetotalangularmomentumdecreasesthecollision ionisationcrosssectiondecreasesasv−2,whileFregeauetal. probability. (2004)showedthatforbinary–singleandbinary–binaryen- Second,coplanarorbitssuppresstheKozai-Lidovmech- counters the collision cross section drops to a constant but anism (Kozai 1962; Lidov 1962; Naoz et al. 2011) in which small valueconsistentwith the physical crosssection of the secularperturbationscanleadtoextremeoscillationsinthe individual binary components. inner eccentricity of a inclined hierarchical systems like we Inthishighvlimit,theionisationcrosssectioncanthen study here. The timescale over which the oscillations take drop below the collision cross section, particularly in a hi- place is of order (Kiseleva et al. 1998) erarchy when one member is a binary. The problem is then 2P2 m +m +m+2 effectively a binary–single scattering problem with the bi- τ = 1 (1−e2) 0 1 , (4) KL 3πP2 1 m narybeingtheinnercomponentofthehierarchy.Thatis,at 0 2 high encounter velocities relative to the outer binary criti- with P and e the period and eccentricity of the inner bi- 0 0 cal velocity, the increased cross section of the hierarchy no nary,andsubscript1theouterbinary.Forthesystemmasses longerhelpstolowertheinnerbinary’sencountertimescale. andsizesweused,τ canbeoforder105yr.Ingeneral,the KL Switching focus now to the inner binary and its critical ve- cumulativeintegrationtimeofthesmall-Nexperimentswas locity, with more massive stars it will have a lower value of shorterthanthis,andthemechanismwasalreadysomewhat v/v , and thus higher collision rates (Fregeau et al. 2004) suppressed.Overthe2Myrlarge-Nrunsthatwediscussbe- c Thisisseeninfigure6,showingthefractionofcolliding low, some of the systems would be able to go through one systems as a function of M +M for the a = 10a runs or more Kozai cycles, and potentially become tidally inter- b i 1 0 forallthreevelocities(weplotthesemassesratherthanthe acting or merge. system total since the outer hierarchy member seldom took As a topic of future work, the interplay between tidal (cid:13)c XXXXRAS,MNRAS000,1–11 Primordial triples and collisions of massive stars 7 aa == 1100 aauu,, aa == 110000 aauu aa == 3300 aauu,, aa == 330000 aauu aa == 110000 aauu,, aa == 11000000 aauu 00 11 00 11 00 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 aa00 == 1100 aauu,, aa11 == 110000 aauu aa00 == 3300 aauu,, aa11 == 330000 aauu aa00 == 110000 aauu,, aa11 == 11000000 aauu vv == 11 kkmm ss--11 vv == 11 kkmm ss--11 vv == 11 kkmm ss--11 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 vv == 11 kkmm ss--11 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 101 102 101 102 101 102 1.0 1.0 1.0 aa00 == 1100 aauu,, aa11 == 110000 aauu aa00 == 3300 aauu,, aa11 == 330000 aauu aa00 == 110000 aauu,, aa11 == 11000000 aauu vv == 55 kkmm ss--11 vv == 55 kkmm ss--11 vv == 55 kkmm ss--11 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 vv == 55 kkmm ss--11 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 101 102 101 102 101 102 1.0 1.0 1.0 aa00 == 1100 aauu,, aa11 == 110000 aauu aa00 == 3300 aauu,, aa11 == 330000 aauu aa00 == 110000 aauu,, aa11 == 11000000 aauu otal0.8 vvr ==e 22s00 okkmml ssv--11ed 0.8 vv == 2200 kkmm ss--11 0.8 vv == 2200 kkmm ss--11 Nt runs 0.6 0.6 0.6 / vv == 2200 kkmm ss--11 e d0.4 0.4 0.4 olli Nc0.2 0.2 0.2 all runs 0.0 0.0 0.0 101 102 101 102 101 102 (M + M) / M b i fl Figure 6. The fraction of runs with collisions versus the mass of the inner binary plus intruder for all the runs with a1 =10a0. The shadedregionsshowtheuncertaintyintheestimateassumingPoissoncountingstatistics.Thefractionsareshownforalltherunsdone (blacklines)andonlyresolvedrunswithnoremainingtriplesystems(bluelines).Meanvaluesoverallbinsareshownasthepointsat 10M(cid:12). dissipationandtheseculardynamicsofhierarchicalsystems wise identical to the previous scattering results, these ones maybeinterestinginthecaseofmassiveprimordialtriples. used coplanar hierarchies with v = 3. We performed 8096 The Kozai cycle with tidal friction (KCTF) mechanism has runs each of the following semi-major axis pairs: [a ,a ] = 0 1 been extensively studied in lower-mass stars and planetary [30,300],[30,1000],[10,100],[10,300] and [10,1000] au. Ta- systems (e.g. Mazeh & Shaham 1979; Kiseleva et al. 1998; ble 4 shows the results of these runs; the collision rate is Eggleton & Kiseleva-Eggleton 2001; Fabrycky & Tremaine about one half that of the general case, and the general 2007;Perets&Naoz2009).TheshortKozaiperiods(relative trends with semi-major axes are similar. to the main sequence lifetime of a massive star) and large radiiofmassivestarssuggeststhattheprocesscouldbeim- portantforproducingmassiveshortperiodbinaries.Thisis notthepointofourworkhere,however.Inordertoremove 5 LARGE-N EXPERIMENTAL SETUP the possibility of merging inner binaries due solely to the Thesmall-Nexperimentsweranwerenecessarilyhighlyide- internal dynamics of the hierarchy, we used co-planar hier- alised (a clustered environment was approximated by re- archiesintheclusterexperimentstoremovetheinclination– peatedlysendinginsingleintruders).Thiswasnecessaryin eccentricity exchange. order to run a large number of experiments in a reasonable Inordertomakeadirectcomparisonbetweentheclus- amount of time, and desirable in order to control the pa- ter runs and the scattering results, we ran a limited set rameters of the encounters. In order to verify the results in of scattering experiments directly tailored to the cluster a more ‘realistic’ setting, we ran a limited set of full clus- characteristics that we describe fully below. While other- ter experiments using the N-body code nbody6 (Aarseth (cid:13)c XXXXRAS,MNRAS000,1–11 8 Moeckel & Bonnell althoughtheexactvaluewasnotfixed.WeusedKing(1966) Table 3. Collision fractions for the coplanar isolated en- countersimulations. models with W0 = 6 and a central mass density of 2×104 M(cid:12)pc−3.Thistranslatedtohalf-massradiiof∼0.4pc,and percentofrunswithcolliders onedimensionalvelocitydispersionsof∼1.5kms−1.These a0 a1 v 0:1 0:2 0:i 1:2 1:i 2:i total characteristics were chosen to be broadly match the core properties of a young massive star forming region such as 10 100 3 11.7 1.1 3.7 1.4 1.5 0.7 20.4 the Orion Nebula Cluster (Hillenbrand & Hartmann 1998). 80%resolved 14.5 1.3 3.2 1.7 1.3 0.5 22.9 Since the encounter velocities should have been expected 10 300 3 8.2 0.6 2.2 0.5 1.0 0.5 13.1 to be distributed roughly as a Maxwellian with dispersion 69%resolved 11.7 0.7 1.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 16.0 √ 2σ ≈2kms−1andmode∼3kms−1,theseresultsshould 10 1000 3 2.8 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.1 4.2 1 be directly comparable to the v = 3 coplanar small-N re- 56%resolved 4.8 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.0 6.0 sults. 30 300 3 6.8 0.5 1.5 0.9 0.6 0.2 10.5 We initialised the hierarchical systems in the follow- 77%resolved 8.7 0.5 1.4 1.1 0.6 0.2 12.6 ingmanner:afterrandomlyselectingastarfromthosethat 30 1000 3 2.6 0.1 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.1 4.0 59%resolved 4.1 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.1 5.9 were moremassivethan 10 M(cid:12) andinside roughly thehalf mass radius, we chose a binary mass ratio from the same Semi-major axes a0 and a1 are in au; velocity v is in km power law as the small-N experiments, p(q) ∝ q−0.1. We s−1. Collision partners ‘0’, ‘1’, and ‘2’ are the primary, inner thenadjustedthemassofthestarthatmostcloselymatched secondary, and outer secondary. Partner ‘i’ is the impactor. this target mass to match it exactly, and moved it into Eachsetshowsthepercentageofcollisionsforallrunsaswell orbit around the primary. We chose the third star’s mass asonlyresolvedruns in the same way and placed it in a circular coplanar orbit aroundtheinnerbinary’scentreofmass.Thehierarchysep- coplanar, v = 3 km s-1 arations we used were the same as the coplanar scattering 0.3 results: [a ,a ] = [30,300],[30,1000],[10,100],[10,300] and 0 1 [10,1000] au. 0.2 We ran 512 of these cluster simulations for each set s n of hierarchy separations, each for 2 Myr, and checked for o si0.1 collisions involving the hierarchy members. As controls we olli all runs resolved runs also ran 512 realisations each of identical setups but with c h 0.0 only a 10, 30, 300 or 1000 au binary included. wit 110020 300 1100030 ns a1 / au u n of r0.3 a0=10 au 6AsfLorAtRheGsEm-aNll-NReExSpUerLimTeSnts,foreachrunwecheckedfor o0.2 cti collisions involving members of the original hierarchy. If no a collisionsoccurredwealsocheckedifthehierarchicalsystem r f0.1 wasstillintactbysearchingforhierarchiesincludingatleast a0=30 au one of the original inner binary members. This allowed us 0.0 todeterminebothacollisionfractionforthespecificcluster 11001 30 110020 setup that we simulated as well as an approximation to the a1 / a0 ‘resolved only’ results presented earlier. Table 4 shows the results for both the hierarchy runs and the control runs. In Figure 7.Symbolsshowthefractionofclusterrunsthathavea figure7weplotthecollisionfractionsontopofthecoplanar collisionversustheoutersemi-majoraxisa1 (top),andtheratio v=3kms−1 scatteringresults.Thefilledsymbolsshowthe of the hierarchy’s outer to inner binary semi-major axis (bot- fraction of collisions for all the cluster simulations, and the tom),plottedoverthecoplanarsmall-Nscatteringresultsshown open symbols are the results for just the resolved runs. aslines.Theresultsata1=300auhavebeenoffsethorizontally Across the full range of hierarchies we simulated, both forclarity. the total and resolved collision fractions in the cluster runs are remarkably constant, with little evidence of the trends 2000,2003).Thecodeusesthe4thorderHermitealgorithm with semi-major axes seen in the scattering results. While (Makino&Aarseth1992)tointegratethestars,augmented there may be a hint of a lower collision fraction among re- by algorithmic regularisation of close encounters and bina- solvedrunsasa increasesfrom300to1000au,thea =10, 1 0 ries (Kustaanheimo & Stiefel 1965). Stellar evolution is in- a = 100 au runs had fewer collisions than their a = 300 1 1 cludedvialookuptables(Hurleyetal.2000),providingthe au counterparts. We suspect the reason for this disagree- radii of the stars used in collision detection. ment lies in the breakdown of the small-N assumptions in Wesetupclustersof2048starsusingthemassfunction the(simulated)realityofaclusterenvironment.Withinter- described in Maschberger (2012) between 0.1 and 150 M(cid:12). action radii of order 1000 au, the mean interstellar separa- This mass function is effectively the same as e.g. a Kroupa tion in the cores of the clusters were only a factor of a few (2001)orChabrier(2003)massfunction;wechoseitmainly largerthantheencounterradius.Theextremelyshortinter- for computational ease. The mean mass of this mass func- action times there increased the number of stars that could tion is ∼ 0.65 M(cid:12), giving a cluster mass of ∼ 1300 M(cid:12), betakingpartinaninteraction,andtheencounterswereno (cid:13)c XXXXRAS,MNRAS000,1–11 Primordial triples and collisions of massive stars 9 longer well approximated as a four-body interaction. In the toppaneloffigure7,notethattherelativedisagreementbe- 100 a0=10 au, a1=1000 au tweenthescatteringresultsandtheclusterresultsincreases er a1=300 au with a1, with only the smallest hierarchy (a1 = 100 au) ust a1=100 au deniscpoluanytinergs.agreement between the clusters and the isolated er cl 10-1 a0=30 au, aa11==1300000 aauu p This situation is reminiscent of the work of Tanikawa v) < ebtinaalr.i(e2s0i1n2)a,cwohreocsohlolawpesdedthcaltusttheerainctvuoalvlefsormmaantyiosntaorfshaanrdd v esc 10-2 a0=1300 aauu bears little resemblance to the three-body approximation N( 300 au thatisfrequentlyused.Furthermore,withtheverymassive 1000 au systems and low velocities we considered gravitational fo- 101 102 cussingisdominant,andtheimpactparametersusedinthe v / km s-1 scattering experiments were of the order of the size of the cluster core. It is not clear that the encounter geometries Figure 8. The mean number of stars per cluster with mass andcharacteristicsintheclusterwerewell-describedbythe greater than 1 M(cid:12) that escape velocity vesc greater than some idealised scattering runs. value. Runs with initial binaries only are the lower curves in shadesofgray. Forallofthesetups,justoverone-halfofthehierarchies resolved down to binaries and singles over the 2 Myr inte- gration.Ifwehadincreasedtheintegrationtimeoftheruns Table 4.Collisionfractionsforthefullclustersimulations. we expect that the collision fraction would have converge to the resolved-only result. In practice stellar evolution be- percentofrunswithcolliders gins to complicate the interpretation of the runs past a few a0 a1 0:1 0:2 0:i 1:2 1:i 2:i total Myr,oneofthereasonsforourchoiceofa2Myrcutoff.The 10 100 3.7 0.6 0.4 3.3 1.0 1.0 10.0 overall collision rates for all but the a =10, a =1000 au 0 1 49%resolved 7.5 1.2 0.8 6.7 2.0 2.0 20.2 runs were roughly 2–3 times those of the binary-only runs. 10 300 6.4 0.8 0.0 2.7 0.8 1.0 11.7 For the clusters (and integration times) that we simulated, 50%resolved 12.8 1.6 0.0 5.4 1.6 1.9 23.3 theenhancementtocollisionscausedbythehierarchieswas 10 1000 4.1 0.2 0.2 1.8 1.0 0.4 7.6 significant, but was a factor of order unity rather than an 57%resolved 7.2 0.3 0.3 3.1 1.7 0.7 13.4 order of magnitude. 30 300 7.0 1.2 1.4 3.5 0.2 0.4 13.7 58%resolved 12.2 2.0 2.4 6.1 0.3 0.7 23.6 Besides collisions, the heightened interaction that the inner binaries experience relative to their non-hierarchical 30 1000 5.7 1.2 0.0 2.0 2.5 0.4 11.7 61%resolved 9.3 1.9 0.0 3.2 4.2 0.6 19.2 counterpartsshouldresultinahigherfrequencyofstarses- caping the cluster. In figure 8 we plot the number of stars 10 none 2.3 – 2.1 – 0.4 – 4.9 ejectedperclusterwith velocitygreater thanagivenvalue, 30 none 1.4 – 1.8 – 1.0 – 4.1 forescaperswithmassgreaterthan1M(cid:12) only.Ourescaper 300 none 1.4 – 2.9 – 0.6 – 4.9 selectionwassimple;starsatradiigreaterthan5initialhalf 1000 none 0.8 – 1.8 – 0.4 – 2.9 mass radii and velocities v >10 km s−1 were chosen (10 km s−1 is about 5 times thesecescape velocity at 5 half mass Semi-major axes a0 and a1 are in au; velocity v is in km s−1. Collision partners ‘0’, ‘1’, and ‘2’ are the primary, inner radii, and safely outside the bulk of the cluster’s velocity secondary, and outer secondary. Partner ‘i’ is the impactor. distribution;astaratthatvelocitywouldbeunambiguously Eachsetshowsthepercentageofcollisionsforallrunsaswell identifiedasahighvelocityescaper).Asexpectedthemax- asonlyresolvedruns imum escape velocity increases with the binding energy of the binary for the binary-only runs, and with the binding 7 CONCLUSIONS energy of the inner binary for the hierarchies. Notably, the clusters hosting hierarchical systems eject high velocity es- After their formation wide, massive binaries, in typical capers at a rate 2 – 3 times greater than the binary-only young open clusters with modest velocity dispersions, will clusters. survive many encounters during their main sequence life- time. If the binary is instead a hierarchical triple, colli- While this result is limited (a single cluster configu- sionsmayoccurwithinterestinglyhighfrequencyovershort ration hosting a single hierarchy with two different archi- timescales of only a few Myr. We carried out two series of tectures), the issue may be worthy of more detailed study numerical experiments to determine the collision rates of elsewhere.Itsuggeststhatdetailedexaminationsofescaper massive hierarchical star systems in young clusters. quantities may be more sensitive to the initial conditions Our small-N scattering experiments suggest that if a of massive stellar systems than has been appreciated. This hierarchicalsystemiscontinuouslybombardedbyintruding issue is beginning to become more important as models of stars until it resolves into binaries and singles, then tens of individual clusters grow more sophisticated, and variations percent of the hierarchies will experience a collision. The inthesequantitiesbyfactorsoforderunityareusedtodis- original spacing of the hierarchy and the velocity of the in- criminate between different formation scenarios (e.g Fujii truders determine the precise value. 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